Plantain its uses. Medicinal properties and contraindications of plantain leaves

Plantain is very healing herbaceous plant, for its medicinal qualities, people also call it seven-leaf grass, boil grass or roadside grass, as it often grows near the road and on well-trodden paths. This perennial plant grows up to 60 cm in height, the roots grow in a short, but dense and thick bunch, and the basal rosette contains wide elliptical leaves with pronounced veins. In the upper part of the flowering stem there are small, inconspicuous flowers, collected in a cylindrical spikelet; they do not smell of anything, and the taste of the plant itself is bitter and astringent. The grass spreads by seeds.

Plantain seeds, leaves and juice are used for treatment. For absolutely correct application plantain, you must first become familiar with the medicinal properties of the plant and its contraindications.

Plantain leaves contain many mucous substances, glucosides, polysaccharides, tannins, flavonoids, phytoncides, mannitol carbohydrates, as well as sorbitol, organic acids, alkaloids, carotenoids, chlorophyll, vitamins C and K, and also contains a very important for accelerating blood clotting factor T. Plantain leaf contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, calcium, boron and barium, copper and bromine. The seeds of the plant contain 44% mucilage, which contains starch, mannitol, fatty oil, saponins, carbohydrates, protein and tannins.

Plantain – 18 medicinal properties

  1. Treats sunburn

    Great plantain has many medicinal properties. Freshly squeezed plantain juice extract can even treat sunburn. The juice from plantain leaves should be applied to the burn-affected areas or a poultice should be made by diluting it with cold water. Natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties will soothe burning and rashes and prevent itching.

  2. Treats insect bites

    Plantain leaf extract contains certain elements that relieve itching, inflammation, and pain associated with insect bites, including bees. Thus, it soothes the skin and promotes rapid healing of wounds.

  3. Allantoin is a very important ingredient contained in plantain leaf, which has bactericidal and antibacterial properties. Thus, when local application This herb helps kill all harmful microorganisms. This causes rapid healing and triggers skin cellular synthesis.

    The hemostatic property of this herb allows its use in cases of minor bleeding. In case of injury, you should simply chew a plantain leaf and make a paste from it, which should be applied to the bleeding area.

    Cayenne mixture, comfrey and plantain leaf extract are known to activate the skin regeneration process. This, in turn, reduces the likelihood of scarring on the skin when injured, stimulating fast healing and regeneration of skin cells.

  4. Removes spots on the skin

    As mentioned above, plantain herb has anti-scar properties. Research shows that you can use it regularly as a remedy for skin rashes and acne. The juice of the plant will cleanse the face of age spots and maintain a healthy skin color.

  5. Improves hair health

    Plantain - very good remedy for hair care. An infusion of plantain leaves diluted with water will serve as a good rinse. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of the plant will help in the treatment of flaking of the scalp and eliminate dandruff.

  6. Eliminates diaper rash in children

    Plantain has medicinal properties for young children. If you mix plantain leaf extract with a small amount almond oil And beeswax, you will get a mixture that can be used as effective remedy for diaper rash, as well as mosquito bites for babies. An ice cube wrapped in a plantain leaf can be used to massage baby's skin. This procedure will ensure that the child's skin is protected from rashes and inflammation. It also improves skin elasticity and smoothness.

  7. Clears the airways

    Research shows that the herb's natural anti-inflammatory properties help calm inflammation respiratory tract and alleviate the symptoms of bronchial asthma, as well as the effects of colds, bronchitis and flu. The ideal dose is 1 teaspoon of extract per glass of boiling water, taken three times a day. A cup of plantain tea is known to soothe irritated mucous membranes, relieve colds and relieve coughs.

  8. Blood purification

    Plantain is an effective blood cleanser. You can either use it externally as a poultice or drink it as a tea.

  9. As a diuretic

    Plantain is a natural remedy for inflammatory diseases Bladder and kidneys. Being a natural diuretic, it increases the frequency of urination, thereby removing toxins from the kidneys and bladder. It is also effective in eliminating swelling and other health problems. The grass is used as effective treatment for bedwetting in children.

  10. The healing properties of plantain for women

    Plantain has many beneficial properties, including for treating women. It is an effective antispasmodic agent, which allows it to be used during painful menstruation to relieve menstrual cramps. It can be used even when heavy bleeding during menstruation.

    Research shows that plantain has many medicinal properties, due to which it is even successfully used in gynecology. It is used for rapid postpartum recovery. The herb helps control bleeding and aids in the removal of the placenta, while reducing cramps associated with postpartum recovery and toning the uterus after the birth of the baby.

  11. Improves digestion

    Drinking a cup of tea with plantain or eating salads that contain it will relieve inflammation of the stomach and help improve functioning digestive tract and even prevent constipation. Tincture of plantain leaves is an effective remedy for treating diarrhea. Plantain herb is widely used in treatment peptic ulcer stomach, intestinal ulcers, dyspepsia and dysentery.

  12. Anti cancer agent

    The anti-inflammatory nature of this herb is widely known. This makes it an effective anticancer and antitumor agent. It slows down and suppresses growth cancer cells and tumors, therefore, is very effective in alleviating and preventing the spread of this dangerous disease.

  13. Helps get rid of excess weight

    Plantain is known to have diuretic and detoxifying properties. It is able to suppress appetite, which helps in the fight against hunger. Those wishing to lose weight should simply take 3 grams of this herb with 250 ml of water half an hour before each meal, a maximum of three times a day.

  14. A remedy for the treatment of tuberculosis and syphilis

    Plantain herb can be used both externally and internally to treat tuberculosis and syphilis. But treatment is prescribed exclusively by your attending physician.

  15. Treats cardiovascular diseases

    Research has shown that this herb has the potential to reduce triglyceride levels and maintain normal levels. This helps patients with cardiovascular diseases and prevents the development of such dangerous diseases like heart attack and stroke.

Plantain - contraindications

Plantain is very rich in its beneficial properties, but still has some contraindications.

  • The use of plantain or preparations containing it is strictly contraindicated for people with an allergy to this plant and with individual intolerance to it.
  • It is not recommended to use plantain if you have high stomach acidity.
  • For people with increased blood clotting or thrombophlebitis, plantain is strictly contraindicated.
  • Before taking plantain treatment, you should, of course, consult your doctor in advance.

Not all patients adhere to the methods of official medicine; many are supporters traditional treatment. For example, for abrasions they will be useful beneficial features plantain, and rosehip decoction will help with high blood pressure. Most medicinal plants differ soft action, while productively eliminating foci of pathology.

What are the benefits of plantain?

Even children know about this folk antiseptic, especially if their knees are broken, and it’s a shame to run to complain to their mother. In this case, fresh plantain leaves are used, which not only disinfect the open wound, but also contribute to the accelerated process of tissue regeneration. In this way, the healing process of the dermis is accelerated, and the appearance of scars in the once injured area is completely excluded. Otherhealing properties plantainare detailed below:

  • improvement of intestinal motility, normalization of appetite;
  • eliminating obvious symptoms of stress;
  • mild analgesic effect;
  • stimulation of gastric secretory function;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antiseptic properties for soft tissue injury;
  • participation in complex therapy of neurasthenia, neurosis;
  • comprehensive strengthening of the immune system;
  • blood purifying effect.

Plantain seeds - medicinal properties and contraindications

If the fresh leaves of this medicinal plant When used externally, they heal wounds productively, but the seeds are intended for ingestion as prepared decoctions and infusions. The main thing is to choose the right recipe, while not violating the daily dosage.Medicinal properties and contraindications of plantain seedsare detailed below:

  1. Relieves inflammation in recurrent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as an option - exacerbation of ulcers, gastritis.
  2. Plantaginaceae can be used for pathologies of the respiratory system, for example, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, whooping cough, as an expectorant.
  3. The medicinal decoction has a diuretic effect and helps remove stones and sand from the kidneys and gall bladder.
  4. For women, this is an effective remedy for diagnosed infertility, inflammation of the appendages, and for men, it is an effective assistant in the fight against chronic prostatitis.
  5. Substances in natural composition seeds help strengthen the immune system, cope with pathogenic infections, and ensure positive dynamics of vascular diseases.

In the presence of blood clots, increased acidity of the stomach juice and excessive sensitivity of the body, the use of plantain treatment is strictly contraindicated. It is better to choose another alternative recipe that has a gentle effect. During a progressing pregnancy, it is also advisable to refrain from such alternative methods intensive care


Some people perceive this medicinal plant as an unnecessary weed on the side of the road. However, even professional specialists are confident that without his participation it is impossible to overcome a number of dangerous diseases. It is important to find out in advancemedicinal properties and contraindications of plantain leavesin order to use it in medicine and cosmetology if necessary. So, a medicinal plant:

  • demonstrates healing properties for colitis, flatulence, ulcers, gastritis with low acidity gastric juice;
  • promotes the separation of sputum during bronchitis, pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma;
  • effectively relieves pain, helps fight migraine attacks, and is approved for use even by children;
  • successfully treats trophic ulcers, effectively fights aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms;
  • heals wounds, accelerates the recovery process of affected areas of the dermis, eliminates wrinkles and relieves swelling of the upper layer of the epidermis.

If the damaged skin is hypersensitive, or an obvious purulent process, it is better not to use this medicinal plant. It is advisable to choose others pharmaceutical products, also known to patients in practice, which act without side effects, complications in a specific clinical picture.


Not only inflorescences and leaves are useful; roots also have indications in alternative medicine. Flea and large (Plantago major) plantain are the most popular in practice, but other varieties of this medicinal plant can be used as an alternative - Plantago coronopus (staghorn), Plantago lanceolata (lanceolate), Plantago media (medium), Plantago asiatica (Asian). According to the description, such herbs are no less effective for medical reasons; in terms of use, they are also available.Medicinal properties and contraindications of plantain root are:

  • cleans up toothache;
  • can treat pathologies of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland;
  • fights the bites of blood-sucking insects.

It is well known what this grass looks like, but the roots are invisible. First, they need to be dug up, then dried and used to prepare medicines. The source of the pathology will stop hurting if you do not violate the contraindications. In this case we are talking about hypersensitivity body, periods of pregnancy and lactation. Give a child a decoction of rhizomes with great caution.

Plantain - application

The medicinal properties of this herb are known in all areas of medicine, and are additionally used in modern cosmetology. In urology medicinal herb solves the problem of prostatitis, in gynecology - helps to cope with the inflammatory process, infertility. If you infuse the decoction and take it orally, stones and sand come out of the kidneys. If you apply the leaf to the wound, the skin will begin to tighten. This is not a complete description of those medical areas where I found myuse of plantain– medicinal properties of a unique plant.

Plantain tincture - application

This representative of the plantain family has earned an impeccable reputation among the masses for its medicinal properties. For example,using plantain tinctureappropriate in the following clinical situations:

  • colitis, ulcer, gastritis;
  • dysentery, constipation, flatulence;
  • boils, trophic ulcers, acne, pimples on the skin;
  • bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma;
  • arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis.

Plantain tea

Even a child can drink this drink, and its preparation takes only a few minutes. Predominant at the core organic acids provide a tonic effect, strengthen a weakened immune response, successfully fight colds and viral diseases stage of relapse.Plantain teareplaces another drink. In case of illness, it should become an important component for adults and children. treatment menu. The pediatrician will tell you in detail what plantain treats at your appointment.


Herbal medicine provides safe treatment conservative methods, limits the list of side effects.Plantain preparationssold in pharmacies, available without a prescription, with instructions detailed description medical indications and medicinal properties. Such representatives of the specified pharmacological group:

  • Herbion for cough;
  • expectorant syrup from Evalar;
  • Dr. Theis expectorant syrup;
  • Plantaglucide;
  • gel of the same name
  • plantain extract;
  • balm of the same name for open wounds.

Plantain for the stomach

Gastroenterologists know firsthand about the medicinal properties of this plant. When wondering what plantain helps with, the answer is obvious - everything. However, it is especially worth highlighting enveloping effect on the affected mucous membrane.Plantain for the stomachremoves severe attack pain, reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process, normalizes the production of pancreatic juice. It is more of an auxiliary treatment agent, complements official intensive care methods, and prolongs the period of remission.

When coughing

From the husk you can prepare a decoction against the cough reflex. In addition, there are many syrups on sale, the natural composition of which is dominated by this plant. Its medicinal properties reduce the viscosity of sputum, cleanse the bronchi and lungs, promote the removal of accumulated mucus, facilitate mouth breathing, and promote restful sleep.Plantain for coughChildren are allowed to take it, but first read the instructions and consult with your local pediatrician. The variety of this medicinal plant, where it grows - near the road or on the coast, for example, also matters.


No traditional medicine contains as many healing properties as plantain; it is an inexhaustible source of the most useful substances. The topic “Plantain - medicinal properties and contraindications” has been well studied. It’s easier to list what a plant doesn’t help with, it’s so universal remedy. At the same time, it is accessible for use, unpretentious, and grows almost everywhere.

Types of plantain

An inconspicuous-looking plant grows on the side of the road. Its name is associated with the word plantago, which means “foot”, “to lead”. It accompanies a person everywhere: in almost any life situations and for most diseases, it has a minimum of contraindications. It is also called the “seven-veined travel companion”: the seeds on the leaves, after ripening, stick to clothing, offering themselves as travel companions. The plant has small correct form flower, comes in different heights - from 10 to 70 cm. There are about 200 species of plantain in the world, but three are considered the main medicinal ones:

  1. Large (another name is ordinary) - for the treatment of wounds, bruises, boils, and for low blood pressure.
  2. Lanceolate - with long leaves. Instances of plantain lanceolata are used to heal the bronchi and whooping cough.
  3. Medium (also called flea) - rarely grows in secluded places, used as a laxative.

What are the benefits of plantain?

The medicinal beneficial properties of plantain are reflected in a vivid legend. Once two snakes warmed themselves in the sun. Suddenly a cart came out unexpectedly. One snake crawled to the side, and the second fell under the wheels. The surviving reptile returned with some kind of leaf and healed the victim. People noticed this and began to use this wonderful plant themselves. medicinal purposes.

People have long understood the benefits of plantain. The plant is widely known for its medicinal antibacterial and wound-healing properties, with a minimum number of contraindications. Contains vitamins C and K, flavonoids, and is notable for the presence of tannins. Stimulates appetite, lowers cholesterol. The healing properties of plantain will be described in detail below. For now, let’s say that, in addition to medicine, there are two more industries for using the plant:

  1. Cosmetology – fresh juice cleanses women's oily skin, dry skin, relieves inflammation, eliminates acne. Ice cubes frozen in molds are used to wipe the face, the juice is the basis for homemade soap with moisturizing properties. Using a hot compress first and then a cold compress will revitalize your skin. If you crush the plant and apply it to your heels, calluses and cracks will heal faster. And the infusion mixed with honey and butter, can be used as a cream.
  2. Cooking - for example, in Japan, the processing of plants for food has acquired an industrial scale. If you add plantain to canned tomatoes or cucumbers, you will feel fresh notes. Like nettles, delicious cabbage soup is made from the plant. It is used both as fresh herbs and as a specific seasoning.


Plantain seeds are almost half composed of mucus and, thanks to its enveloping properties, have anti-inflammatory medicinal properties. The seeds are used for inflammation and for healing cracks. Seed powder is used for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, both for temporary disorders (diarrhea) and for serious illnesses (stomach ulcers). They will save you from hemorrhoids and dangerous diabetes. The seeds will help men to increase potency, and women – to treat infertility in gynecology. The seed husk is used to cleanse the body.


Having hemostatic properties and providing a therapeutic bactericidal effect, the leaves will cope with burns and boils. They are capable of healing any wound, everyone knows this from childhood. They relieve headaches: crushed leaves are applied to the forehead. It’s good to stock up on leaves in advance: it’s best to collect them in late August-early September, after flowering, collect the leaves, cutting off up to 3 cm from the bottom in dry weather, dry on paper, and place in cloth bags. The leaves are washed, applied to the sore spot, and fixed with a bandage or plaster.


The roots of flea and large plantain contain many substances that have an analgesic effect. For toothache, it is recommended to chew the root until it subsides. discomfort, in the ears - put it on the side where there is discomfort. The roots as part of the plantain have antimicrobial properties, which is why in ancient herbalists There are tinctures based on red wine for herpes. The roots are useful for kidney diseases, fever, tuberculosis. They are effective against insect bites (such as bees), even snake bites.

Medicinal properties of plantain

The plantain treatment is known as effective method almost without contraindications since time immemorial. Raw materials from the plant are included in the active composition large quantity drugs, it is the basis of many recipes of traditional folk medicine. Some countries practice growing this plant as a separate medicinal crop. The most important medicinal properties are listed below.

  1. Influence at malignant tumors– plantains are used externally (compresses) and internally.
  2. Reducing blood loss - during external and internal bleeding, including uterine bleeding.
  3. Destroying microbes and fighting inflammation inhibits the growth of staphylococcus and helps get rid of it.
  4. Expectorant properties.
  5. Regulating tone – have hypotensive properties, reduce blood pressure.
  6. Improved digestion.
  7. Anti-edematous properties.
  8. The fight against depression, nervousness, insomnia - can provide sedative effect.
  9. Diuretic effect.
  10. Stimulation of sweating.
  11. Action against allergies.
  12. Regulation of gastric secretion, influence on the intestinal muscles.


Preparations based on plantain are used in pharmacology and the perfume industry. The widespread distribution of the plant, the minimum of contraindications and side effects for medications are an undeniable advantage. In perfumery, the creams “Alyonushka”, “Dreams”, “Tulip”, the cosmetic set “Balm”, and the biolotion “Flora” are known. These are available for sale pharmaceutical drugs, How:

  1. "Plantaglucid" (for the treatment of gastritis, ulcers, duodenum).
  2. “Gerbion syrup with plantain” (syrups are used for dry coughs, thin mucus, and speed up the clearing of it from the bronchi).
  3. "Mucoplant from Doctor Taissa" (for expectoration).
  4. Cough syrup Natur Product with plantain.
  5. Plantain juice (against infections) respiratory organs, with complex therapy gastrointestinal tract).
  6. Mucofalk granules (for intestinal pathologies, for healing anal fissures).
  7. Fibralax powder (for the treatment of intestinal disorders, anal fissures, recovery after surgery).


Despite the apparent simplicity of preparation, plantain decoctions are incredibly therapeutic effectiveness, strengthen the immune system, help with dangerous illnesses. They can soothe the gastric mucosa, cleanse the intestines, alleviate diabetes, and cure hormonal infertility in women. Decoctions in cosmetology prevent hair dullness. Contraindications for internal use: individual intolerance, increased blood clotting.


Infusions are prepared at home or purchased in pharmacies. The remedy cures bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, whooping cough. Infusions with water are characterized by a healing effect (therapy for wounds, abscesses, skin ulcers, boils), with vodka they alleviate gastrointestinal ailments, alcohol tinctures– assistants in the treatment of wounds and abrasions. The remedies are effective against constipation, which occurs when chronic inflammation colon. Restrictions for use - allergies, ulcers. Drink the infusion carefully; excessive consumption can cause blood clots.


The syrup is healing for ulcers, gastritis, flatulence, diarrhea, and blood loss. And in winter, at the height of colds and viruses, you can’t do without it. The syrup is made at home and honey is added. Preparation requires patience: medicinal extract secreted for months, the product is kept in the refrigerator and drained. Although the herb is harmless, children are prescribed cough syrup by doctor's prescription. Pharmacies even have products for infants. Allergy sufferers and asthmatics will have to monitor the body’s reaction and start taking it with small doses.


The main property of the plant juice is hemostatic; upon contact with blood, it acts with lightning speed. In addition to fighting viruses, bacteria, and inflammation, the product is used for other purposes: to activate the immune system, relieve pain, and relieve spasms. At increased nervousness the juice soothes, and in case of relative lethargy, it tones up. It also improves metabolism. The juice is used externally (in lotions) and internally, stored for no more than a week, and preferably fresh - 2-3 days. Do not use by hypertensive patients, pregnant women, or during lactation.

Treatment with plantain

The ancient Romans and Greeks treated the intestines and stomach with plantain. Hippocrates appreciated the miraculous properties of the plant. Avicenna recognized that it had antiseptic qualities and took the leaves to stop bleeding and heal wounds. All parts of the plant are used: seeds, leaves, roots. Products based on it are prepared at home or bought in pharmacies. This is an assistant for all occasions, with virtually no contraindications, when answering the question “What does plantain treat?” we can safely say: almost everything.

Against cough

The plant has a healing effect in the treatment of bronchitis or pneumonia. It can counteract wet cough(stimulate coughing) and dry cough (separation of bronchial mucus, due to which the sputum is liquefied and removed from the lungs). Plantain for coughs and to eliminate pulmonary ailments is not used prophylactically, but exclusively for therapy. For example, decoctions and infusions of leaves and roots help fight bronchitis; water extracts help fight tracheitis. For recipes, it is very important to maintain proportions:

  1. To facilitate coughing and accelerate the removal of sputum: 4 tablespoons are poured into 2 cups of boiling water. The resulting mixture is brewed for 60 to 90 minutes and then strained. The product is drunk before meals four times a day, two tablespoons.
  2. To speed up relief from cough, the leaves are sprinkled with sugar in a deep bowl, kept for several months until the juice thickens, and syrup is obtained. Another recipe: take equal parts of crushed leaves with honey, boil them for 30 minutes over low heat, filter the melted liquid.

For stomach diseases

Plantain is truly a magical herb for the stomach. It is effective when different forms gastritis, enterocolitis, ulcers (with the exception of the period when the ulcer worsened). The plant normalizes microflora. The main thing is to determine the acidity of the stomach: treatment is only suitable if its level is low. There are the following useful folk remedies:

  1. To increase the acidity level, pour a tablespoon of seeds into a glass of water, and drink the resulting mixture on an empty stomach for a month.
  2. For pain, chew a few leaves for a couple of minutes.
  3. For acute gastritis, when gastric juice is characterized by low acidity: take a tablespoon of herbal juice three times a day before meals. In winter, fresh juice and vodka are taken in equal quantities for the tincture.

For stomach ulcers

For ulcers, treatment with folk remedies will complement well traditional medicine. The plant helps to naturally heal all defects and eliminate any inflammation. Phytoactive substances in the composition prevent irritation of the mucous membrane, corrosion hydrochloric acid, gently enveloping, accelerating recovery. Plantain juice can normalize the level of gastrin, an enzyme responsible for the production of gastric juice and the absorption of minerals and vitamins. The progression of the ulcer will be eased by:

  1. Squeezing juice from fresh leaves - everything is filtered through a filter or paper gauze, infused in the dark for 2 hours.
  2. Infusion of seeds (relieves pain, prevents inflammation) - take 2 tablespoons of seeds, pour 1.5 cups boiled water, infuse for at least one and a half hours in a dark place.

For skin inflammation

To relieve inflammation in case of problems with the skin or mucous membranes, prepare a poultice: allow the seeds to swell in hot water and crushed. For elimination erysipelas Wash the leaves with boiling water, crush them (must be pounded), apply to the affected areas. Treating sore spots with an infusion of leaves is also suitable for this purpose. The following recipes have an anti-inflammatory effect:

  1. Ointment for skin inflammation, cracked heels, palms, elbows, wounds with pus: powder from dry leaves is mixed with animal fat, petroleum jelly or butter in a ratio of 1:9.
  2. Plantain oil for inflammation, burns, abscesses, boils, dermatitis: mix the juice in equal quantities with any oil (preferably olive), pour into a bottle, and leave in the refrigerator for ten days.

For the treatment of asthma

If a person has an acute narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, convulsions of the laryngeal fissure begin, and an attack of suffocation occurs. Asthma delivers severe discomfort, worries, often at night, the face takes on a bluish tint, tears appear. IN serious cases You can’t do without a doctor, and home remedies are useful for prevention and initial therapy:

  1. Take equal amounts of plantain and forest pine buds - 4 teaspoons, pour everything with 1 glass of boiled water, infuse for 2 hours, heat over low heat for 3-5 minutes, strain, use 3-4 times a day.
  2. 30 grams of pine buds, plantain leaves, coltsfoot are mixed, everything is crushed. Take a glass for 4 teaspoons of the mixture cold water. Everything is infused for 2 hours and boiled. The remedy must be divided into three doses.

For wound healing

Here the plant is the real “king”, this is its main purpose. Easily stops bleeding, helps with poorly healing wounds, abscesses, suppurations. It’s as easy as shelling pears to wash the leaves and apply in several layers. It is advisable to secure it with a bandage and replace it after a few hours. For purulent wounds, treatment is as follows:

  1. Fresh leaves are crushed until juice is formed, wrapped in cloth, secured to the wound, and left overnight.
  2. Plantain tincture with vodka: a jar is filled with young leaves, vodka is poured into it, everything is infused for 10 days, it can be stored until the summer of next year.

For toothache

Painful sensations in their teeth they are ready to force anyone to climb the wall. If you don’t have a painkiller on hand, before visiting the dentist, you can make a decoction: pour boiling water over several plants, let everything cool, strain and ready for rinsing. You can rinse your mouth with this decoction almost every day; it will strengthen your gums. You can squeeze out plantain juice and rub it on your gums and teeth that hurt.

For pulmonary tuberculosis

Effect of drug therapy for lung diseases, including tuberculosis, can be enhanced by drinking 1 tablespoon of plantain juice three times a day. Freezing in ice bags is encouraged. Second folk remedy make it more difficult. 4 tablespoons of the root are poured into 800 ml of boiling water, cooked for 20 minutes over low heat, 4 tablespoons of leaves are added and boiling continues for another 5 minutes. The resulting contents are cooled, filtered, and half a kilogram of honey is added to it. The product is drunk three times a day, 50 grams after meals.

For constipation

The plant is unanimously recognized as one of the best means natural origin to combat constipation. It is found in almost every supplement designed to get rid of a delicate problem. It is worth not losing sight of two fundamental points: if you drink a herbal remedy more than necessary and too often, there is a risk of aggravating the situation. The second rule: drink plenty of water, because the husk swells to a size that exceeds its weight. Among the popular decoctions, infusions and gruels, there are two simple remedies:

  1. On an empty stomach in the morning and towards night, drink the seeds and wash them down with plenty of water (the norm per day is 20 grams of seeds).
  2. 50 grams of seeds are boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, the decoction is infused for 2 hours, consumed once a day.

Plantain contraindications

There are few contraindications for the use of the plant, but they exist: gastric or intestinal ulcers during an exacerbation, hypersecretion of gastric juice, a tendency to develop blood clots, increased blood clotting, allergic reactions. Asthmatics should definitely consult a specialist before taking it. In any case, start with small dosages, guided by the principle “Do no harm.”


Unremarkable in appearance, but so useful due to its properties, plantain has been familiar to everyone since early childhood. Bruises on the knee, abrasions and wounds have always been treated with the help of its leaves. However, that's the benefit medicinal herb does not end: find out what other ways to use the plant are, how to use plantain correctly - medicinal properties and contraindications.

Types of plantain

Chiryeva grass, triputeni, seven-zilla, porisnik, babka - all these are names of the same plantain plant (lat. plantago). It is easy to find in places with sandy and slightly clay soil. Naturalists count more than 200 species of this famous plant. In the vast expanses of Russia you can more often find large poriznik, and a little less often other varieties:

  • Lanceolate. The peculiarity of this species is oblong leaves with pointed tips, hairy at the bottom.
  • Regular or average. It has small serrated leaves that grow very close to the ground. The flower can reach up to 50 cm in height.
  • Flea, Indian or sandy is an annual branched plantain, with pubescent leaves and a stem up to 40 cm long.

What are the benefits of plantain?

Modern scientists from Sweden have only confirmed the correctness of our ancestors, who initially knew that plantain heals not only wounds and abrasions. This herb can be used to treat patients with chronic colitis and acute gastrointestinal diseases. Masks and lotions will help prevent hair loss and brittleness. In a number European countries A vitamin salad is prepared from it. Moreover, if dishes are prepared mainly from leaves, then other parts are also suitable for preparing tinctures, decoctions and ointments: seeds, rhizomes.


The grains are valued for high content mucus, starch, saponins, steroid tannins, oleic acid, essential oils. Uses the seeds as a diuretic or laxative, to cleanse the body, for spastic or atonic constipation, as an enveloping agent - if diagnosed chronic colitis", ulcer or gastritis. The husk of the seeds is used in gynecology for chronic inflammation of the appendages, and in urology for the treatment of recurrent prostatitis.


Rich in flavonoids, polysaccharides, glycosides, tannins. Plantain leaves contain vitamins C, B4, K and T, which affect blood clotting. To get the maximum benefit, in the south they need to be collected at the beginning of the plantain flowering and two months before the onset of frost. In the non-chernozem zone, it is better not to delay the collection and cut off the leaves in the middle of summer, because by autumn they will be covered powdery mildew.

Decoctions, teas, water extracts and alcohol tinctures are prepared from the leaves. To do this, fresh raw materials are dried in the shade or in a dryer at 40-50 degrees. Such drinks have hemostatic, antibacterial and analgesic properties. They should be taken when the following pathologies:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • lung diseases;
  • dry cough (to remove bronchial mucus from the bronchi);
  • kidney diseases;
  • stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems.


If you want to obtain the healing properties of plantain from the root of the plant, it is carefully dug up and pulled out of the soil along with the stems and leaves. Then the rhizome is washed, finely chopped and dried. It is best to do this in the fall, when the plant has already bloomed. Plantain roots contain stigmasterol, linoleic amino acid, sitosterol. These substances have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, so root products are often used as follows:

  • make mouth rinses,
  • treat toothaches,
  • drink for herpes infection.
  • used externally to treat open wounds, relieve swelling, heal cracks, and relieve itching from insect bites.

Medicinal properties of plantain

The benefits of the seven-core plant have been known since ancient times. Today it is used not only in the preparation of traditional medicine recipes, but also to create some medical supplies. It has antiseptic, wound-healing properties, produces a bactericidal effect, but this is not all that plantain is useful for. Scientists have proven that the herb:

  • has antihypertensive properties - reduces blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and has a sedative effect;
  • has a good effect on digestion, stimulates appetite, helps with stomach ulcers, gastritis, and increased intestinal gas formation;
  • has antimicrobial effect, treats herpes, furunculosis, oily skin;
  • effective for complex treatment external or internal tumors;
  • seeds are recommended for use when diabetes mellitus, they help eliminate cholesterol;
  • at female infertility, for men – to increase potency;
  • has regenerating properties - used to treat wounds, cracks, skin ulcers.


The beneficial properties of plantain have found their place in official medicine. At the pharmacy you can buy many different syrups, tablets and ointments with this plant, and homeopathic medicines have a minimum of contraindications and side effects. The following have proven themselves well in the treatment of various diseases:

  • Gerbion syrup, Evalar expectorant, Dr. Theis tablets;
  • for hemorrhoids, chronic constipation and anal fissures doctors prescribe Fibralax seed powder;
  • Plantaglucid aqueous extract is recommended for gastritis with low acidity, stomach ulcers, and to relieve spasms or pain.


Such a medicinal drink will be useful even for a child as a prevention of infectious viral diseases. A decoction is made mainly from plantain seeds, but is sometimes used dried leaves. The organic acids contained in the composition have a sedative effect, calm nervous system, while strengthening weakened immunity. A decoction of the inflorescences quickly relieves intestinal cramps, treats colic, stomach pain.


Tinctures are made from plantain root. They have anti-inflammatory, expectorant and analgesic properties, so it is advisable to use them for constipation, flatulence, colitis, atherosclerosis, and in the treatment of bronchitis and headaches. As an antiseptic, tinctures from the rhizome are used to treat oily skin, acne, boils or trophic ulcers.


It has an enveloping, softening and expectorant effect, helps to liquefy and remove mucus from the bronchi. Syrups prepared according to folk recipes, it is recommended to take during exacerbation of bronchial asthma, pneumonia, whooping cough, bronchitis. A natural solution is prepared from fresh or frozen nettle leaves or shoots.


When used externally, the wound-healing and bactericidal properties of plantain appear. Plant sap inhibits growth pathogenic staphylococcus, hemolytic streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A drink made from seven veins is recommended for use for enterocolitis, enteritis, gastritis, and diabetes. Healers use a combination of juice and egg yolk as a soothing and wound healing agent for burns.

Treatment with plantain

Adherents of traditional medicine methods claim that with the help of the seven-strand plant it is possible to cure almost all diseases and carry out prevention. Cough decoctions, tinctures for the treatment of infertility, ointments for furunculosis and other diseases are prepared from the leaves, husks of seeds and roots. In order not to harm your health, the main thing is to adhere to the recommendations given in the recipe and take into account contraindications.

Against cough

You can make a tea from the husk of the seeds, which will help get rid of a painful dry cough and suppress the cough reflex. The leaves thin mucus, facilitate breathing, and cleanse the bronchi. Try some popular recipes:

  1. Grind the root and fresh leaves and place in a clean glass container. Sprinkle with sugar, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator. Leave the syrup for at least 2 months. When coughing, plantain should be taken 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Mix leaves, seeds and roots. Separate 3 tablespoons from the total mass. Add the same number of spoons of honey and boiling water to them. Heat the mixture in a water bath. Let the syrup sit for 30 minutes. Take 1 tsp. 4 times a day before meals.

For stomach diseases

There are many recipes that help get rid of stomach problems, but before starting treatment it is better to consult a doctor. To use plantain for the stomach, prepare a drink and decoction according to the following recipes:

  • For the treatment of gastritis and purulent inflammatory processes take fresh leaves with roots. Grind in a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Take the drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals for 1 month.
  • To increase the acidity of gastric juice, take 25 grams of seeds, pour 1 glass of boiling water. Mix the drug thoroughly, let it brew, and then strain. Take a tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

For stomach ulcers

Chronic diseases stomach problems can cause a lot of problems. They cause heartburn, acid belching, and provoke pain. To get rid of such symptoms, prepare the following medications:

  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take the drug ¼ tbsp. before eating.
  • Mix the seeds with dill grains in proportions of 1 to 1. Separate 1 tbsp from the total mass. l., pour 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse the drink for 40 minutes. After pumping, take the liquid three times a day, one tablespoon before each meal.

For skin inflammation

Plantain is good for furunculosis, herpes, urticaria, skin ulcers, erysipelas and acne. They treat open wounds and make compresses for inflammation. This herb is used extremely simply:

  • Pour 3-4 tbsp. l. prefabricated plantain raw materials 1 tbsp. boiling water Let it brew. Apply a cold compress to the affected areas of the skin before going to bed.
  • For acne, make a mask. To do this, mix potato starch and juice to a mushy consistency. Apply the mixture to your face, leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.

For the treatment of asthma

Attacks of suffocation can occur from the presence of an allergen in the room, during severe anxiety or stress. Doctors recommend relieving such symptoms of bronchial asthma with adrenaline or using special sprays. Ease your condition long time you can use boil grass:

  • Mix in equal parts tricolor violet, plantain leaves, wild rosemary, elecampane root, licorice, coltsfoot, mint, calendula, chamomile and anise. Separate 2 tablespoons of raw materials, pour 1 tbsp. water. Heat the mixture in a steam bath for about 15 minutes, then cool. Drink 50 ml infusion 3-4 times a day.
  • Mix 30 g of dry leaves of seven veins, 20 g of fennel berries, 30 g of coltsfoot, 40 g of pine buds. Pour 1 tbsp. l. collection 1 tbsp. boiling water Leave for about an hour. Take 70 grams 3-4 times a day after meals.

For wound healing

To abrasion or open wound it took longer, you can use different additional funds. The following compounds have proven themselves well in this area of ​​medicine:

  • 1 tbsp. l. crushed leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiling water Leave to infuse for a few minutes, strain. Rinse wounds with infusion morning and evening.
  • Infuse for 3 days 1 tbsp. l. leaves and 1 tbsp. alcohol Using a cotton pad, treat damaged skin 2-3 times a day. Treat with plantain until the wound is completely healed.

For toothache

The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect is achieved due to the fact that the plant contains tannins. Totally problems oral cavity won’t solve it, but the following tips will help relieve the pain:

  • In the ear, on the side where the diseased tooth is located, place the root of the seven-stranded tooth. Hold it there for 10-15 minutes, the pain should begin to subside and soon go away completely.
  • Squeeze the liquid from fresh leaves. Treat the oral mucosa with fresh juice in the morning and evening.

For pulmonary tuberculosis

Due to its antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, this plant is widely used in the treatment of tuberculosis. The following recipes are especially effective:

  • Pour 4 tbsp. l. crushed root 800 ml boiling water. Boil the mixture over low heat for 20 minutes. Then add another 4 tbsp. l. raw materials, bring to a boil again. Cool the broth completely and strain. Take 50 grams with honey three times a day.
  • Extract the juice from fresh leaves. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. To ensure that the finished medicine retains its beneficial properties, it is better not to store it in the refrigerator, but to prepare it fresh.

For constipation

To solve this delicate problem, grass seeds are often used. They are used to prepare decoctions, tinctures, or make edible gruel. For constipation, try:

  • Grind 20 g of seeds, pour a liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 3 hours. Strain the drink. Take 50 grams morning and evening.
  • 1 tbsp. l. mix seeds with 10 g of dill, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water Leave the mixture for 3-4 hours. Drink the drink once before bed.


Very useful plant may not benefit every patient. Even if a recipe has been proven for centuries, you should consult your doctor before using it. The plant is absolutely contraindicated for:

  • individual intolerance or allergies;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • increased blood clotting (due to the risk of blood clots);
  • diarrhea;
  • Do not apply lotions to dry skin;
  • gastritis with increased acidity stomach.


Many of us have known about the property of plantain to heal wounds since childhood. But the medicinal properties of roadside grass are not limited to this. In traditional and folk medicine The medicinal properties of plantain leaves, roots and seeds are used.

Plantain: medicinal properties

This herb is a component of natural extracts and essential oils that are used for skin damage, diarrhea, and dyspepsia. The healing properties of plantain are used for irritability, mild forms of neuroses, and insomnia.

Decoctions and syrups from plantain help to activate the functioning of the bronchi, increase the secretion of mucus in the bronchi, helping to thin the mucus. Preparations containing plantain are used in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the uterus, ovaries, parametritis, uterine bleeding among women.

The medicinal properties of plantain are used for gastritis, stomach ulcers with high acidity, inflammation of the duodenum, and hemorrhoids. Plantain is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Treatment of wounds with plantain

Thanks to your antimicrobial properties plantain leaves have found application in the treatment of wounds, including poorly healing wounds, suppuration, and abscesses. Plantain helps to quickly stop bleeding.

To take advantage of the healing properties of plantain leaves, apply the washed leaves of the plant to the damaged area in several layers. It is advisable to secure it with a bandage. After 2-3 hours, the leaves need to be replaced.

To treat bruises and inflammation of the skin, chop plantain leaves, wrap in gauze and secure to the affected area. If the leaves are dried, soak them in warm water.

Poultices are made from plantain seeds to relieve skin inflammation.

The healing properties of plantain for coughs

An infusion of plantain leaves helps remove mucus from the bronchi. It helps reduce cough. The medicinal properties of an infusion of plantain leaves are used in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, sore throat, and bronchitis.

To prepare the infusion, take 1 tbsp. l. crushed leaves of roadside grass, brew a glass of boiling water and leave to brew for 1 hour (or simmer for 30 minutes in a water bath), strain. You can gargle with this infusion, and for better separation of mucus during bronchitis, take half a glass 3-4 times a day. But before using these or other recipes, consult your doctor.

Plantain: contraindications

The medicinal properties of plantain are not suitable for people with increased blood clotting.

Plantain-based recipes are not suitable for treating stomach diseases in people with high acidity. You should also be careful when using plantain as a medicine for those who are allergic to any