Useful properties and contraindications of mulberry tree. Mulberry tree: types of mulberry, beneficial properties of mulberry

In the article we will consider beneficial features mulberry (mulberry) and contraindications for use. You will learn about unique composition product. Find the answer to the question of how mulberries are used in traditional medicine and cosmetology.

Mulberry is a berry that grows on the perennial mulberry tree. Mulberry fruits are fleshy, white or black. They are used in cooking and folk medicine.

Chemical composition

IN medicinal purposes All parts of the tree are used: root, seeds, leaves and berries. Chemical composition berries includes:

  • Vitamins of group B, as well as A, C;
  • Organic acids,
  • Fructose and sucrose;
  • Beta carotene;
  • Macroelements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium;
  • Essential oils.

Mulberry leaves contain: tannins, flavonoids, coumarins, resins, essential oil.

Health Benefits of Mulberries

  • The components in the composition have a beneficial effect on the human body.
  • Eating mulberry berries helps prevent various viral diseases.
  • Active elements normalize metabolic processes in the body, improve functioning gastrointestinal tract. Black fruits help with food poisoning.
  • Mulberry juice lowers blood pressure.
  • Berries prevent the growth of tumors.
  • Mulberry removes harmful radicals from the body.
  • Unripe berries relieve heartburn.
  • The fruits of the tree are used to treat stomatitis and other diseases. oral cavity.
  • Calms the nervous system.
  • Eating mulberries in the evening promotes sleep.

Benefits of berries for men

For the first time, the beneficial properties of the mulberry tree were learned in Asia Minor. The berry contains zinc, which affects the prostate and promotes the production of male hormones.

Eating mulberries helps prevent male reproductive system disorders. Mulberry fruits ground with honey will help restore potency. Proportions: for 1 kg of berries you will need 250 g of honey. Eat delicious medicine a teaspoon 3 times a day, after lunch.

Benefits for children

Mulberry is useful for both adults and children. The berries do not cause an allergic reaction, although individual intolerance to the product is possible. Despite positive traits mulberries, do not feed the fruits to children under 2 years of age.

The small seeds contained in the berries irritate the gastric mucosa of a still fragile organism.

Consult your doctor who will tell you whether this product can be given to your child and in what quantities.

The benefits and harms of mulberries during pregnancy

Mulberry is useful for pregnant women, as the fruit contains vitamins that replenish the deficiency important elements in organism. In addition, mulberry strengthens the immune system, which is important for a woman carrying a child.

It is beneficial for pregnant women to eat exclusively ripe berries. Unripe mulberries cause stomach upset and, in some cases, poisoning.

Pregnant women should not exceed permissible norm berries per day (300 g). Since the product has a diuretic effect, do not overuse it. This increases the load on the kidneys, which causes severe swelling.

Women with breastfeeding You can include mulberries in your diet. Fruits increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, increase milk flow, and affect its taste.

Introduce a new product into the menu gradually, monitor your child’s reaction to the food you eat. Stop using the product if your baby has bloating, an allergic reaction, colic, etc.

Benefits for weight loss

The product is used for weight loss due to its low calorie content. 100 g of product contains 43 kcal. Mulberry fruits normalize metabolic processes in the body and prevent the development of hypovitaminosis.

In three days, the mulberry diet eliminates 2-3 kilograms excess weight. IN fasting days Eat low-fat diet foods and drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

Mulberry diet

Breakfast consists of: a piece of boiled lean meat, half a glass of mulberries.

Lunch: 3 boiled eggs (less possible) and half a glass of mulberries.

Afternoon snack: 120 g mulberry fruits.

Dinner: 500 ml kefir (low fat content).

Health problems, chronic diseases– a reason to refuse to follow the proposed diet.


In mulberry, acids occupy (0.027 g/100 g), which means that the fruits are useful for people with increased acidity gastric juice. All parts of the tree are used in the treatment of diseases of various spectrum.

Mulberry for diabetes

Riboflavin, contained in large quantities in mulberries, helps in the treatment of diabetes. The vitamin normalizes blood sugar levels. Mulberry is effective in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, which is not dependent on insulin production.

To make medicine, the following are used: flowers, buds, mulberry leaves, tree bark and roots, berry juice, and fruits. Fresh and dried mulberries are useful.

Infusion for the treatment of diabetes


  • Dried fruits - 2 tablespoons;
  • Water – 1 glass.

How to cook: Grind the fruits. Boil the water. Pour boiling water over the crushed fruits and leave for 4 hours. Fold the gauze several times and strain the infusion through it.

How to use: Drink a glass of infusion in small portions throughout the day. Do not drink tea containing tannin during treatment. The substance negatively affects beneficial properties, reducing their effect to a minimum.

Result: This remedy is effective if taken in combination with traditional and traditional medicine.

For pancreatitis

Organic mulberry acids improve digestion and eliminate stool problems. Use the product with caution when frequent diarrhea. The fact is that it is a mild laxative, so do not drink it with water, so as not to worsen the condition.

Chronic pancreatitis requires following a diet. Mulberry fruits have a minimal amount of calories, which means they can be included in the list dietary products. It is useful to cook compotes with mulberry fruits and make jam.

Mulberry for the heart

  • Mulberry trees are used to treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The medicinal properties lie in the composition of the fruit.
  • Iron and folic acid have a positive effect on blood purification.
  • Vitamin C and flavonoids strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Potassium improves heart rhythm.
  • Active substances remove cholesterol from the body.
  • Dried roots of the tree are used in treatment.
  • Doctors recommend eating 2 cups of mulberry per day, unless there are contraindications.

Mulberry in cosmetics

Mulberry has found application in cosmetology. The plant extract is used in anti-aging products. Cosmetic products containing mulberry extract eliminate skin pigmentation, even out the epidermis, and have rejuvenating properties.

The extract is also used in the creation of hair cosmetics. Silk polypeptides strengthen hair follicles, add shine and volume. Mulberry plant extract is combined with other cosmetic ingredients.

Contraindications and harm of mulberry

White mulberries contain more sugar than black ones, so diabetics and obese people should avoid eating them. Children under 1 year old should not be fed mulberry fruits for the same reason.

Mulberries, eaten in large quantities, negatively affect the functioning of the stomach, often causing heartburn and bloating.

Restrictions on the consumption of mulberry fruits apply to:

  • Diabetics. It is allowed to use mulberry leaves and seeds to prepare decoctions that reduce blood sugar levels;
  • Overweight people;
  • People with an allergic reaction to the product.

What to remember

  1. In production medicinal products All parts of the mulberry (mulberry) are used.
  2. Eating mulberry fruits prevents viral diseases.
  3. Mulberry helps to lose weight.
  4. Mulberry extract is used in the preparation of cosmetics.
  5. The product rarely causes an allergic reaction.

Harvesting mulberries for treatment:

The bark should be harvested in the spring, the fruits in July - August, the roots in the fall. The raw materials should be dried in the sun for 2 - 3 days, then dried in a well-ventilated area, stirring from time to time. The bark is usually stored in fabric bags for 2 - 3 years, the buds - 1 year, the leaves and fruits are stored for 1.5 - 2 years.

Treatment with mulberry juice:

The juice of the fruit has an expectorant, diaphoretic and diuretic effect, regulates the activity of the intestines and the cardiovascular system. When used topically, it exhibits wound-healing and bactericidal effects. Leaves and buds regulate fat and carbohydrate metabolism. The fruits, juice and their infusion are indicated for diarrhea, acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and as a means of enhancing the separation and dilution of sputum. The fruits have a positive effect in the treatment of obesity and heart defects.

Preparation of mulberry infusion:

To prepare the infusion, 2 tablespoons of crushed dry or fresh fruits pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours and filter through 3-4 layers of gauze. Take 1/3 - 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

The juice is prepared in the usual way and diluted with water 1:2. The juice of fresh leaves is used to treat toothache. The bark is thoroughly ground into powder and mixed with vegetable oil (1:30) - olive, corn or sunflower - and used to treat wounds, bruises, ulcers, cuts, scratches.

Recipes for decoction of mulberry leaves:

To prepare a decoction, pour 1 tablespoon of raw material into 1 glass hot water, boil in a water bath for 10 - 15 minutes, cool, filter, bring the volume to the original volume. Take 1/4 - 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

  • A decoction of the leaves is used to treat diabetes. It has been noticed that the infusion of fruits has positive action in mild forms of diabetes mellitus. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to consume dry or fresh mulberries 250 - 300 g per day. For the same purpose, you can add dry crushed leaves to food.
  • For diabetes, take 200 ml of mulberry juice with a tablespoon of honey 3 times a day before meals.
  • When coughing, drink a decoction of the bark of the white mulberry trunk. Single dose 5-10 g per 200 ml of boiling water.
  • The fruits and fruit juice are recommended for swelling in the mouth and throat, for dysentery and as a diuretic.
  • The pulp and juice from fresh mulberry fruits are used as an anti-dandruff remedy that promotes hair growth. To this end, at scalp On the head at night, apply a cloth bandage with gruel or juice for 3 - 8 hours.
  • For senile constipation and hemorrhoids, folk healers recommend taking fresh mulberry fruits every day before breakfast and subsequently 3 to 4 times a day before meals.
  • Tea and aqueous extracts from the leaves of seedless white mulberry are widely used in Tajik folk medicine for treatment. hypertension, diabetes mellitus, some mental illness and epilepsy, and also as a diuretic. Infuse 1 - 2 tablespoons of mulberries in 1 liter of boiling water, add honey to taste and drink 100 - 130 ml 2-3 times a day before meals as an antipyretic.
  • If you lose strength, take 300 ml of mulberry juice, squeezed from ripe white and black mulberries, equally, with a tablespoon of honey three times a day before meals.

Preparation of fruit infusion and recipes:

2 tablespoons of crushed fresh or dry raw materials per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1/3-1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals for diarrhea. This infusion should be taken 1/2 - 1/4 cup 3 - 4 times a day before meals for acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia as a means of increasing the separation and dilution of sputum.

Dilute the fruit juice with water (1:2), take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day before meals for diarrhea and as an expectorant for pneumonia. Traditional medicine uses mulberry bark as a wound healing agent.

Mulberry healing ointment:

A liquid ointment (1:30) is prepared from trunk bark powder in vegetable oil, which is used to lubricate scratches, cuts, ulcers and wounds.

Oriental medicine recipes:

  • In Korea, mulberry buds are collected in winter and an infusion of them is drunk for illnesses. of cardio-vascular system, as well as in obesity.
  • In China, a decoction of mulberry roots is used to treat diabetes. renal failure, impotence. Decoction recipe: 3 g of crushed dry roots per 1 glass of water. Boil for 20 minutes. over low heat, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • Chinese traditional medicine also uses a decoction of mulberry root to treat hypertension. Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed bark into 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 40 minutes. over low heat, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink throughout the day instead of water.
  • To lower blood sugar levels, mulberries are also used in the Balkans, but they take leaves rather than bark. In Japan, mulberry flowers are used to make a cream to remove freckles, blemishes and pimples on the skin.

Contraindications to treatment and precautions for consuming mulberries:

After eating fresh mulberry fruits, you should not drink cold water. Otherwise, rumbling, bloating, and often diarrhea occur. Diabetics and hypertensives should not use a large number of sweet varieties of mulberries. In diabetics, blood sugar levels increase; in hypertensive patients, especially in hot weather, blood pressure may increase.

Mulberry belongs to the mulberry family. There are about 160 species of this tree, but official science only 16 of them are recognized. The most common are black (place of origin - South-West Asia) and white mulberry (eastern China). Although color scheme the fruits are also dark purple, red, pink and yellow.

Now the tree is common in both temperate climates and tropical areas. globe. Can live up to 300 years.

In Ukraine, mulberries have been grown since the 16th century. Among decorative species, (there are more than 20 names), white weeping mulberry is popular. It is compact, with a beautiful crown. It is convenient to collect fruits from such a tree. It looks very beautiful in winter next to a pond.

Composition and calorie content of berries

The main part of the composition of mulberries is occupied by various vitamins. The concentration of macronutrients in it is slightly lower, while minerals are in last, third place in quantity.

Nutritional value of mulberries very large, because delicious berry is extremely useful and healing for the whole body. Most of the berries contain water and carbohydrates. Mulberries even contain small amounts of dietary fiber, fat and ash.

It's interesting to know that 40% of all vitamins contained in mulberries are water soluble vitamin WITH. 10% of minerals are iron, and 8% general composition macroelements - takes up potassium. Mulberries contain only 1% sodium, selenium and zinc.

The main quality indicators and composition characteristics of mulberries may vary depending on the type of fruit. For example, the concentration of sugar (glucose and fructose) in different varieties of berries can range from 9 to 25%.

Mulberry contains several types organic acids: phosphoric, lemon and apple. The latter content of the berries is approximately 4%.

Due to their rich and rich composition, mulberries are often used in medicine and are used for folk methods treatment. The main reason is the presence in the composition of a downright priceless and irreplaceable element for human body- Morina. It is a type of flavonoid that has high rate antioxidant activity.

Mulberries also contain several types fatty oil. Depending on the variety and concentration, mulberries can contain from 22 to 33%.

It can also be considered unique composition of mulberry leaves. Since they contain a certain amount of essential oils, the composition of which is even similar to essential oils tea trees. Also, mulberry contains a lot of organic acids, rubber, tannins and sterols.

All components of the mulberry tree are useful and in demand: leaves and bark, mulberry fruits and their seeds, young buds, roots and wood.

Due to their high taste, mulberry fruits are often used to prepare various dishes and desserts. Mulberry jam and syrup are very tasty and healthy. You can eat both raw berries and boiled or dried ones.

Calorie content per 100 g of berries- 50.4 kcal;

Nutritional value of mulberry: carbohydrates – 12.7 g; proteins – 0.7 g.

Mulberries also contain: organic acids, mono- and disaccharides, alimentary fiber, ash.

Vitamins : A (RE) – 3.3333 mcg, B1 (0.004 mg), B2 (0.002 mg), beta-carotene (20 mcg), C (10 mg), PP (niacin equivalent) – 0.9162 mg, PP (0 .8 mg).

Minerals : magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium.

Mulberries are 82.7% water.

The leaves are enriched with: vitamins – riboflavin, nicotinic acid, thiamine, pyridoxineamine, pyridoxine; sterols – capesterol, β-sitosterol; acids - ribonucleic, folic, fumaric, pantothenic, palmitic; oxycoumarin.

Mulberries also contain the following substances: phenol, methyl salicylate, eugenol, guaiacol. Dried mulberries replaces sugar.

1 glass (250 ml) – 195 g (98.3 kcal).

Interesting fact: fresh stains on clothes left by black mulberry can be easily removed with the help of unripe green berries, if you mash them well and rub the contaminated areas. A piece of lemon or a solution of citric acid also helps.

Beneficial and healing properties for health

The fruits, leaves, and roots of mulberry have medicinal properties.

Healing properties of mulberry:

  • Boosts immunity and is good prophylactic against colds and various infectious diseases.
  • Normalizes metabolism. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, has therapeutic effect for enterocolitis, gastritis with low acidity, dysbacteriosis, dysentery. Black ripe fruits help with poisoning.
  • Relieves the condition of heart defects.

  • Stops the growth of tumors.
  • Cleanses the blood.
  • Removes toxins from the body.
  • Infusions, decoctions and ointments from this plant treat rheumatism.
  • Unripe berries help relieve heartburn.
  • Mulberry is useful for diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis) and throat.
  • It is a mild diuretic, which helps with kidney diseases.
  • Mulberry fruits are recommended to be consumed for constipation.
  • Mulberry bark (decoction) normalizes blood pressure.
  • Calms the nervous system, helps with depression and stressful situations.
  • Prevents the development of anemia. In this case, fresh fruits are of particular value (frozen ones can be used in winter). It is recommended to eat a glass of them per day.
  • If you eat a few mulberries before bed, it will strengthen your sleep and act as a mild sleeping pill.

Berries useful for people with diabetes. The substances included in its composition are able to regulate blood sugar levels. An infusion of the leaves works well for this, or you can sprinkle the porridge with small pieces of dried leaves (half a teaspoon per day). Diabetics can also consume a thick concentrated compote of canned berries without added sugar.

During pregnancy you should eat no more than 200 - 300 grams per day. You can only use fresh, well-washed fruits (you cannot eat yesterday’s berries, even if they were in the refrigerator). If a woman is not prone to allergies, then the berry will saturate the body with a large amount of useful substances.

The following is popular in folk medicine ointment made from tree bark.

Mix 2 tablespoons of pre-dried and ground mulberry bark with 750 ml vegetable oil. This mixture must be stirred thoroughly. The resulting ointment heals wounds and bruises well.

Mulberry juice has wide range action and is very beneficial for the body. But it deteriorates very quickly, so it is more convenient to use syrup for medicinal purposes (intended for more long-term storage, can last in the refrigerator for several months). The secret of preparation is simple: mulberry juice is boiled until it thickens to the consistency of kefir, as a result of which it loses a third of its original volume. The resulting syrup is very tasty and retains as much as possible all the beneficial properties of fresh fruits.

Harm and contraindications

Although the fruits of the mulberry tree are indeed very useful for both adults and children, but there are also a number of contradictions that are a signal to refuse tasty and nutritious fruits. For example, it is known that mulberry has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, strengthening and toning it. But we should not forget that it can increase arterial pressure. So if a person has problems with pressure changes, it is better to refuse mulberries. This also applies to hypertensive patients and those who suffer from diseases such as diabetes 1 or 2 types. After all, mulberries contain a lot of glucose, which can worsen the condition of a diabetic.

If there are any allergic reactions It is also better to stop eating mulberries in any form. Signs of an allergy can be redness, small rashes or itching that seem normal at first glance. If you have such symptoms, it is best not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor immediately.

Individual intolerance– another negative factor, due to which it is better not to eat dishes with mulberry fruits.

Regardless of the color and variety of berries, in large quantities they can cause acute diarrhea.

Contraindications to mulberry consumption:

  • a large number of berries in the heat can increase blood pressure;
  • If you have diabetes, you should also eat mulberries in small quantities;
  • may cause diarrhea;
  • individual intolerance.

Mulberry is an ancient plant of the mulberry family. Otherwise it is called mulberry. The mulberry appeared long before the Bible was written.

The homeland of the mulberry is considered to be the South- Western Asia. Currently, the mulberry tree grows in Asia, the southern regions of Russia, North America. The beneficial properties of dried mulberries have been known for a long time, but contraindications and harm have become known only recently.

Types of plants and fruits

Mulberries come in two common types: black and white. Mulberry or mulberry is a deciduous tree, very thermophilic. In Russia it does not grow north of the Volgograd region.

Mulberry can be cultivated or wild, which grows in forest belts and does not require any agricultural technology. But these berries are also tasty and healthy.

White mulberry comes from China. The leaves of the tree serve as food for silkworm larvae, from whose cocoons natural silk is produced. Black mulberry grows in Central Asia, where it is grown in every yard.

Beneficial features

Mulberry wood is used to make musical instruments. It was also used to make the first paper in China.
It is known that young mulberry twigs and leaves serve as a means of lowering blood glucose levels if they are slightly dried and brewed with boiling water and kept in a thermos overnight. Then drink 2-3 times a day before meals.

The calorie content of 100 grams of mulberries is 43 kcal, which is absolutely not much. The dried fruits of the plant have the following chemical composition:

  • Water: 85 gr.
  • Proteins: 1.44 g.
  • Fats: 0.4 gr.
  • Carbohydrates: 8.1 g.
  • Dietary fiber: 1.7 g.
  • Ash: 0.7 gr.

The berries are the most valuable component in mulberries, as well as drupes with a pleasant sweet and tart taste.

The presence of B vitamins responsible for work nervous system, makes mulberry infusion and juice useful for nervous overload, insomnia, and fatigue. Iron salts, copper and zinc have a hematopoietic effect, actively combat iron deficiency anemia, useful for pregnant women and people with low hemoglobin blood.

Mulberry juice and infusion contains a lot of fiber and is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. Ripe mulberry fruits have a mild laxative effect. which leads to weight loss. Mulberry extract is included in dietary supplements for weight loss.

Mulberries have antiseptic effect. Infusions of them have a beneficial effect on the microflora of the oral cavity, are used for stomatitis, and they are also a wonderful expectorant and analgesic for bronchitis and inflammation respiratory tract, bronchial asthma. The presence of potassium and magnesium in fruits makes them useful for people with cardiovascular diseases.

Mulberry in cosmetology

The presence of vitamin E (tocopherol) in mulberries - the vitamin of beauty and youth gives the skin healthy looking and color, elasticity of nails, shine of hair.

It has long been noted that mulberry juice well moisturizes the skin of the face, protects it from ultraviolet rays, due to the inclusion of citric, malic and other organic acids in its composition, perfectly whitens and has a positive effect on skin pigmentation. Mulberry extract is included in many whitening, moisturizing and protective creams and lotions.

Mulberries in cooking

Generally, mulberry is famous good harvest. The fruits of the tree ripen in early July. To collect berries, large plastic tablecloths are spread on the ground, where the berries themselves fall off. They do not even last long in the refrigerator and need immediate processing.

Mulberries make a good filling for pies; they can be preserved in the form of compote for the winter. Mulberry jam is also delicious. I would especially like to draw attention to this medicinal product like bekmes - Armenian mulberry honey. In winter, for colds, it is of great help.

Making mulberry honey is very simple. To do this, wash the berries, pour 10 kilograms of berries with a liter of water, bring to a boil and pass through a grape press. Then the juice is boiled three times.

Mulberries are also good frozen. So, in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, mashed berries can be stored in small containers quite for a long time. Mulberry wine produces good taste and quality, as well as Caucasian vodka - mulberry.

Contraindications and harm

Mulberries contain large amounts of sugars and fructose. Given this circumstance, it should be consumed in moderation by people suffering from hypertension. Some doctors include the fruits of the plant in the list of contraindications for those suffering from diabetes.

The benefits and harms of berries and mulberry leaves are unequal. The benefits of products based on them will bring much more harm than harm. Of course, only if you listen to contraindications.

Excessive consumption of mulberries can lead to stomach upsets and diarrhea. Everything is good in moderation. But in the end, mulberries are undeniably beneficial. Even if you do not live in the south, you can use it in the form of biological additives, creams, desserts that are produced in the food industry.

Few people can believe that such tender leaves, which can be collected free of charge and in abundance, have such usefulness for humans. Moreover, they give all this “for free”. And mulberry leaves (mulberry) contain a rare complex of useful things, which makes them no less valuable medicine than the berries themselves. For example, dry raw material of mulberry leaves can be ground into powder and seasoned with it ready meals half a teaspoon twice throughout the day. But the leaves also have their own medicinal properties.

Mulberry leaves in the fight against joint diseases - compress

Take mulberry leaves in such quantity that they are enough to cover the entire diseased joint in several layers. Steam the collected leaves (fresh or dry) and let them brew for a while.

- apply the prepared leaves to the arm or leg while still hot, wrap the compress, hold on the sore spot until they cool (but not completely cold, but remain warm).

- such simple procedure will significantly help reduce swelling and pain in inflamed joints.

- the same portion of mulberry leaves can be used three to four times, but when repeated use, it is better to put the leaves in a cloth bag (stocking), then heat them well in a water bath and apply them hot to the sore spots and wrap them up. It is best to carry out such procedures at night, and in the morning, after the compress is removed, put the leaves in a cool place until using them in the next procedure.

Baths with mulberries

To use mulberry leaves in the bathroom, you should take two large handfuls of leaves - put them in a gauze bag, into which you add one pebble for weight - tie it up. Pour boiling water into a bucket and put in the prepared bag with leaves, let it brew for an hour, it is advisable to wrap the bucket, this will make the infusion better and stronger. After the time has passed, remove the bag from the bucket, pour the finished infusion into a bathtub with collected water, the temperature of which should be 36 - 37 degrees.


- the duration of the procedure itself (bath) should be up to twenty minutes;

— as the water cools, it can be renewed with hot water.

— store the bag with mulberry leaves in a cool place until next use;

- before next application the leaves in the bag must be boiled in a bucket of water for five minutes over low heat, and then everything is as in the first procedure.

- after taking such a bath with mulberry leaves, vigor and freshness of body and spirit are guaranteed to every person.

Mulberry leaves for spasms of cerebral vessels, high blood pressure

To “defeat” such ailments, you need to break young mulberry branches with leaves two to three centimeters long, pour a handful of raw materials with one liter of water. Place the prepared mixture on the fire in a saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for ten minutes. After boiling, remove from heat, wrap and let steep for one hour.

- drink half a glass of infusion three times throughout the day.

A course of treatment:
- depends on how you feel - from one to three months.

- after the full course of treatment with mulberry leaves, the diseases will disappear.

Such “innocent”, but beautiful and medicinal mulberry leaves are always ready to help a person and his health, and in a natural, pure, fresh and healthy way.