How to treat ovarian wasting syndrome. Ovarian wasting syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment. Genetic causes of premature ovarian failure

Female infertility is currently very actual problem because it is becoming more and more common. The reason for the inability to conceive may be inflammatory and endocrine disease, or adhesive process in the pelvis. Often the cause is the lack of ovulation, despite reproductive age women.

Ovarian wasting syndrome is a condition in which the sex glands stop producing eggs. The disease has a second name - early menopause. This condition is not normal, it requires mandatory consultation with a doctor. Let's look at what symptoms accompany ovarian wasting syndrome, why it occurs and how to treat it.

Every girl from birth has a reserve of eggs inside the ovaries, which with age begin to mature and ovulate, building the menstrual cycle. A healthy woman has enough eggs to ensure healthy ovulation from an average period of puberty of 12-14 years until menopause, that is, up to 50 years.

If a woman under 45 years of age does not ovulate, then they speak of ovarian exhaustion syndrome or early menopause. This condition can occur for several reasons:

  • due to exposure to radiation, chemicals that had a detrimental effect on the supply of eggs;
  • complications after rubella, mumps;
  • autoimmune pathology;
  • removal of part of the ovary along with the tumor;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • congenital chromosomal mutations;
  • treating cancer with chemotherapy;
  • starvation, anorexia;
  • too frequent ovarian stimulation;
  • hereditary predisposition.

It is worth noting that most often the cause of ovarian wasting syndrome is heredity. If a woman has grandmothers with this disorder in her family, then the likelihood of her ovarian exhaustion is quite higher. It is better for such patients to plan pregnancy in at a young age up to 30 years old, otherwise difficulties may arise later.


The main symptom of ovarian wasting syndrome is a violation menstrual cycle. If ovulation does not occur, then menstruation is also absent. Sometimes periods disappear immediately, in other cases there are delays and scanty discharge for several months.

In any case, menstrual irregularities are a reason to consult a gynecologist. It is worth noting that such a symptom is not decisive. Lack of menstruation may be due to pregnancy, inflammatory process, hormonal imbalance, tumor of the genital organs and many other reasons. Therefore, the diagnosis must be made by a doctor.

Ovarian wasting syndrome is often accompanied by signs characteristic of menopause in older women:

  • lack of sexual desire;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • hot flashes;
  • sudden mood changes;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • decreased performance.

If a woman under 45 years of age develops all these signs, she should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment.


Despite the obvious symptoms, the doctor cannot immediately make a diagnosis, because bad feeling and the absence of menstruation can be signs of a number of pathologies. To confirm ovarian wasting syndrome, the following tests are prescribed:

  • ultrasound examination of the genital organs;
  • hormone tests;
  • chromosome analysis or karyotyping;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • laparoscopy.

In women with exhausted ovarian syndrome, there is a lack of eggs inside the glands, as well as a decrease in the size of the uterus and thinning of the endometrium of the uterus.

IN mandatory the doctor examines a woman on a gynecological chair, assesses the external condition of the genital organs. You also need to tell the doctor about all your feelings.


Many women are concerned about the question of whether it is necessary to treat ovarian wasting syndrome if the woman does not plan to become pregnant in principle. The negative effects that early menopause provokes will help answer this question:

  • Rapid aging of the body, due to which the skin becomes wrinkled, hair becomes dull, and diseases occur more often internal organs. This is due to severe hormonal imbalance.
  • Absence sexual desire, because of which a woman does not want to have sex at all.
  • Osteoporosis. It has been proven that early menopause provokes a decrease in bone density.

Many women associate early menopause with old age, so patients become depressed and feel unattractive. Ovarian wasting syndrome greatly affects the quality of life, so it must be treated without fail.


Treatment of ovarian wasting syndrome in women is carried out by one the only way by taking hormonal medications. Substitute hormone therapy prescribed to the patient until she reaches the age of 50 years. At this age, menopause is already physiological, so you can refuse medications.

The doctor selects the medications, depending on the situation of the individual woman. In this case, you cannot self-medicate, because hormones have serious contraindications; you need to take them in strictly observed dosages, otherwise you can provoke complications.

You need to know that the use of hormonal drugs is strictly prohibited if a woman begins to develop cancer tumor. Therefore, patients, especially those who have had cancer in their family, need to undergo a preliminary examination. If you start taking hormones, the tumor will begin to develop quickly, this is very dangerous.

Hormone replacement therapy involves taking medications that contain estrogen. Now they prescribe natural remedies in minimal dosages, which significantly reduces the occurrence side effects. Examples of such drugs are:

  • Divigel;
  • Proginova;
  • Femoston;
  • Klimen et al.

You should not choose the drug yourself; the doctor should select the drug.

Except drug treatment, the woman is prescribed to follow the following recommendations:

  • Eat right, eat more vegetables and dairy products, less fatty and junk food.
  • Therapeutic exercise to strengthen the whole body.
  • Herbal medicine, homeopathic remedies.

Complex treatment helps restore hormonal balance, remove menopause symptoms and prevent premature aging.


Treatment folk remedies Ovarian wasting syndrome is chosen by many women. It's no secret that properly selected herbal medicine can gently restore hormonal background women with the help of phytoestrogens. But it is worth noting that this method is not a panacea, and it should be used under the supervision of a doctor, preferably together with medications.

When choosing folk remedies for early menopause, you need to pay attention to these herbs:

  • red brush;
  • hog uterus;
  • sage.

To reduce the risk of osteoporosis in ovarian wasting syndrome, it is recommended to prepare an infusion of eggshells. The shells of 5 eggs are washed and dried, then crushed in a coffee grinder. 5 small lemons are ground in a blender into puree. The components are mixed and infused until the shell dissolves.

You need to take this remedy for a month, 60 grams per day, divided into 3 doses. It contains loading dose calcium, which is easily absorbed. This helps prevent a decrease in bone density.

If a woman suffers from nervous overstrain, sleeps poorly, it is recommended to drink chamomile tea, Mint tea. At the same time, the amount of coffee and black tea should be reduced, or better yet excluded from the diet altogether.

It will also be useful to drink beet juice with honey, rose hip decoction, viburnum and blackberry jam without sugar. These remedies help to calm down and saturate the body. useful vitamins and improve your mood.


Many women are interested in whether pregnancy is possible with ovarian wasting syndrome. Here the answer depends on the cause of early menopause and on whether eggs remain in the ovaries, at least in small quantities.

If at least some ovarian reserve is present, then there is little chance of conception. To do this, ovulation is stimulated, with the further use of assisted reproductive technologies - IVF and intrauterine insemination.

If a woman has no eggs at all, she will not be able to get pregnant and give birth to a biological child. But menopause is not an obstacle to pregnancy and the birth of a child; a woman can become pregnant with the help of a donor egg in the IVF protocol. Thus, ovarian wasting syndrome is not a death sentence. In most cases, the woman remains capable of conceiving a child.

If a woman in her family has problems with conception, infertility, and she is afraid that she will not be able to get pregnant in the future. Doctors recommend taking care of your future at a young age and subjecting your eggs to cryopreservation. If after 5 years the quality of oocytes deteriorates significantly and you can conceive naturally will not succeed, it will be possible to carry out IVF with frozen high-quality eggs. This question is also very relevant before chemotherapy if a woman plans to give birth in the future.


It is impossible to predict ovarian wasting syndrome, since the pathology most often occurs through no fault of the woman. Some patients experience the disorder even at a very young age, up to 25 years.

Of course, pathology secondary nature can develop against the background of various negative factors and diseases, which are best excluded:

  • It is necessary to avoid exposure to radiation and chemicals on the body.
  • It is better to freeze your eggs before chemotherapy.
  • You should not take medications uncontrollably.
  • If menstruation is irregular, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • It is recommended to keep healthy image life.
  • It is forbidden to starve or go on strict diets.

A woman’s health largely depends on her lifestyle, so first of all you need to review your daily routine, diet, and regularly check in at the antenatal clinic.

Primary ovarian hypofunction of the ovaries includes the so-called exhausted ovarian syndrome. To characterize this pathological condition Many terms have been proposed: “premature menopause”, “premature menopause”, “premature ovarian failure”, etc. According to V.P. Smetnik, the term “exhausted ovarian syndrome” is the most acceptable, as it indicates the ovarian genesis of the disease and the irreversibility of the process.


Fatigue ovarian syndrome is a complex pathological symptoms(amenorrhea, infertility, hot flashes to the head, increased sweating, etc.). Is pretty rare disease, its exact frequency has not yet been established. Occurs in women under 37-38 years of age who have had normal menstrual and generative functions in the past.

Causes of exhausted ovarian syndrome

It has been established that many factors, both environmental and hereditary, play a role in the occurrence of this disease. More than 80% of patients showed an effect unfavorable factors even during the period of intrauterine development, in pre- and puberty: toxicosis of pregnancy and extragenital pathology in the mother, high infectious index in childhood. Analysis of genealogical data showed that in 46% of cases, relatives of the 1st and 2nd degrees of kinship had menstrual dysfunction and relatively often early menopause (38-42 years). Apparently, against the background of a defective genome, any exogenous influences (infections, intoxications, stress, etc.) can contribute to atresia of the ovarian follicular apparatus.

Sex chromatin ranges from 14 to 25%. Most patients have a normal female karyotype 46/XX; a mosaic set of chromosomes is rarely detected. One of the reasons for early depletion of ovarian function may be gene mutations that are inherited or arise de novo. The possibility cannot be ruled out autoimmune disorders. Ultimately, the pathogenesis of the disease is associated with pre- and postpubertal destruction of ovarian germ cells.

Pathological anatomy of exhausted ovarian syndrome

Fatigue ovarian syndrome is characterized by hypoplastic ovaries. They are small in size (1.5-2x0.5x1-1.5 cm), weighing no more than 1-2 g each. Such ovaries are correctly formed, the cortical or medulla layers are clearly distinguishable in them, but the number of primordial follicles in the first layer is sharply reduced. These follicles usually last for 5-15 years reproductive life. The existing primordial follicles undergo normal growth and development.

They reach the stage of a mature Graafian vesicle and ovulate, forming mostly full-fledged yellow bodies and then white bodies. Follicles that have not reached the stage of mature graafian vesicles undergo, as in physiological conditions, cystic and then fibrous atresia. By the completion period reproductive function ovaries, they contain a sterile cortex with atrophic interstitial tissue, since the fates of its cells and follicles are connected. The disappearance of the latter is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the number of cells in the interstitial tissue.

Symptoms of exhausted ovarian syndrome

As a rule, menarche in patients with exhausted ovarian syndrome occurs in a timely manner, menstrual and generative functions are not impaired for 12-20 years. The disease begins with either amenorrhea or oligo-opsomenorrhea, lasting from 6 months to 3 years. 1-2 months after the cessation of menstruation, “hot flashes” of heat appear in the head, then weakness, headaches, fast fatiguability, heart pain, decreased performance. Violations fat metabolism, as a rule, is not observed. All patients with exhausted ovarian syndrome have the correct physique. Anthropometry reveals a female phenotype. Hypoplasia of the mammary glands is not observed. A gynecological examination reveals severe hypoplasia of the uterus, a decrease in the estrogenic reaction of the mucous membranes, and the absence of the “pupil” symptom.

Diagnosis of exhausted ovarian syndrome

When studying the function of the ovaries, it is revealed a sharp decline: the “pupil” symptom is always negative, colpocytological examination (CI) is within 0-10%, mucus examination (IS) shows basal and parabasal cells of the vaginal epithelium. Rectal temperature monophasic.

With pneumopelvigraphy or ultrasound scanning The uterus and ovaries are revealed to be sharply reduced in size. These data can also be confirmed using laparoscopy, which reveals small wrinkled ovaries yellowish color, yellow bodies absent, follicles are not visible. At histological examination No follicles are found in ovarian biopsies.

Hormonal testing shows low (usually lower than in the early follicular phase) estrogen levels. When determining gonadotropic hormones, a noticeable increase in FSH was noted, the content of which was 3 times higher than the ovulatory and 15 times the basal level of this hormone in healthy women the same age. The LH content in patients with exhausted ovarian syndrome approaches its level during the ovulatory peak and is 4 times higher than the level of basal secretion of luteinizing hormone. The level of prolactin is reduced by 2 times compared to its content in healthy women. The progesterone test is negative in all patients, which reflects insufficient estrogen stimulation of the endometrium. Against the background of the estrogen-gestagen test, all patients noted an improvement in their well-being and the appearance of a menstrual-like reaction 3-5 days after its completion. These data indicate severe ovarian hypofunction and preservation of the sensitivity and functional activity of the endometrium.

A test with clomiphene (100 mg for 5 days) does not stimulate ovarian function. When administering MCG (menopausal human gonadotropin) or hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) activation is also not observed.

To determine the reserve capabilities of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, a test with LH-RH (100 mcg IV) is performed. With the introduction of LH-RH there is an increase in the initial elevated levels FSH and LH, which indicates the preservation of the reserve capabilities of the hypothalamic-pituitary system in case of exhausted ovarian syndrome.

During the study of the nature of the electrical activity of the brain in patients with exhausted ovarian syndrome, a reduction in the alpha rhythm was noted. Some of them show EEG abnormalities characteristic of the pathology of the hypothalamic nuclei. When analyzing radiographs, no pronounced changes in the skull and sella turcica are detected.

A test with estrogens makes it possible to clarify the pathogenetic mechanisms of impaired secretion of gonadotropic hormones. Its results indicate the safety and functioning of the feedback mechanisms between the hypothalamic-pituitary structures and sex steroids, since after the administration of estrogens a natural decrease in the level of gonadotropins was noted. With the introduction of estrogens, a restoration of the nature of the electrical activity of the brain is observed, even with a fairly long course of the disease. In some patients, according to the same authors, depletion of ovarian function may be a consequence of increased neurohormonal activity of hypothalamic structures producing LH-RH. Its cause, obviously, is the insensitivity of receptor mechanisms to estrogens, on the one hand, and to gonadotropic hormones, on the other.

According to G.P. Korneva, in patients with primary ovarian failure, along with an increase in gonadotropic hormones, a decreased level of dopamine (DA) in the blood and a slightly increased level of serotonin (ST) were detected. The YES/ST coefficient is equal to 1.

Thus, the diagnosis of exhausted ovarian syndrome is based on the appearance of amenorrhea in women of reproductive age, infertility, hot flashes to the head, increased sweating. One of the main diagnostic criteria for exhausted ovarian syndrome is a significant increase in the level of gonadotropins, especially FSH, a sharp decrease in estrogen levels, a decrease in the size of the uterus and ovaries and the absence of follicles in them. Progesterone and ovarian function-stimulating tests with clomiphene, MCG and hCG are negative. Distinctive feature disease is an improvement in the general condition of patients during therapy with estrogen drugs.

Differential diagnosis

Exhausted ovarian syndrome should be differentiated from diseases that have similar symptoms. To exclude a pituitary tumor, the main methods are craniography, as well as ophthalmological and neurological examination.

Unlike women with exhausted ovarian syndrome, patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism have low level gonadotropins, absence of vasomotor disorders. When using drugs that stimulate ovarian function (gonadotropins, clomiphene), its activation is noted, which is not observed in patients with exhausted ovarian syndrome. During laparoscopy, the ovaries are small, but the follicles are visible; they are also detected during histological examination of ovarian biopsies.

Exhausted ovarian syndrome should be differentiated from resistant or refractory ovarian syndrome, which is also characterized by primary or secondary amenorrhea, infertility, normal development of secondary sexual characteristics, hypergonadotropic state, and moderate hypoestrogenism. The syndrome is rare. Morphologically, in this syndrome, the ovaries are hypoplastic, although correctly formed: the cortex and medulla are clearly distinguishable; in the cortex there is a sufficient number of primordial follicles and single small maturing follicles with 1-2 rows of granulosa cells. Cavity and atretic follicles, yellow and white bodies are practically not found. The interstitial tissue contains more cells than, for example, with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.

Syndrome premature exhaustion ovarian syndrome (SPIA) is a pathology caused by the cessation of normal operation ovaries in women even before menopause, when they could still have children. With this syndrome, the follicles in the ovaries stop maturing (either completely or mature in small quantities), and disruptions occur in the menstrual cycle. In general, the symptoms of SPIA are similar to those experienced during menopause. Today we will talk about what premature ovarian failure is, the causes, symptoms and treatment of this pathology will be discussed in detail.

Causes of ovarian failure prematurely

The exact reasons for the development of this syndrome have not been thoroughly studied, but doctors have come to the conclusion that the following conditions can provoke it.

1. Autoimmune diseases(when the body perceives ovarian tissue as foreign and produces antibodies to it).
2. Birth defects development, heredity.
3. Some dangerous diseases and maternal anomalies during pregnancy (preeclampsia, etc.).
4. Bad habits mother during pregnancy.
5. Intoxication of the mother’s body during pregnancy, chemical poisoning or radioactive exposure.
6. Disorders of the hypothalamus.
7. Infectious diseases suffered by a woman - rubella, mumps, etc.
8. Previous operations on the female organs can lead to early exhaustion ovaries.
9. Abuse of diets, general exhaustion of the body, vitamin deficiencies.

Symptoms of ovarian failure

If you suspect ovarian depletion, the symptoms you need to pay attention to are:

The first sign of SPIA may be the sudden cessation of menstruation. However, this does not always happen abruptly. At first, the cycle may be disrupted and its duration may increase, which is called oligomenorrhea. In this condition, the interval between periods can increase to 40 days, and sometimes more.

Often, SPIA is accompanied by the same symptoms as the onset of menopause - frequent changes mood, the woman feels hot and then cold, often suffers from migraines, and has sleep disturbances. In addition, libido decreases, and dry mucous membranes are felt in the genitals, which interferes with normal sexual intercourse. In women, performance decreases, and memory deterioration is often observed. Due to the similarity of the symptoms of this pathology with menopause, premature ovarian failure syndrome is often called early menopause.

Methods for diagnosing SPIA

To diagnose a woman with premature ovarian failure, it is necessary to first conduct some research. First, the doctor collects information about the patient - her medical history. The doctor is interested in the woman’s complaints, as well as the diseases she currently has and those she suffered previously. Next, laboratory and other tests are carried out. What is checked if you suspect SPIA?

Hormonal status – anti-Müllerian hormone levels must be assessed. If it has low values, and gonadotropic hormones, on the contrary, are increased three times the norm, one can judge the presence of premature depletion syndrome of female ovaries. But that’s not all - they also examine the biochemistry of the blood and evaluate the patient’s metabolism. Ultrasound is very revealing female organs. With its help, the doctor will determine the size of the uterus and ovaries (they are reduced in SPIA), and will also see whether the follicles in them are maturing. If they are absent, then a conclusion can be drawn regarding the pathology - premature ovarian failure.

Treatment of ovarian exhaustion

Taking hormones is the only way to date effective method treatment of SPIA. The doctor will prescribe the patient to take female sex hormones - estrogens and gestagens, which are lacking in her body. In addition to hormone replacement therapy, women with this pathology are recommended general strengthening procedures - therapeutic exercises, massage, health baths with the addition of pine needles, prescribed sedatives. Hormone replacement therapy helps restore women's health, thanks to which the patient's reproductive function returns and is maintained until the onset of menopause.

Prevention measures

To prevent a woman from experiencing ovarian depletion and nerve-wracking treatment, it is best to take preventive measures in advance. How to avoid developing premature ovarian failure syndrome? Exist general recommendations which a young woman must observe, especially if there is a risk of developing this pathology due to a hereditary factor.

1. Give up exhausting diets, eat nutritiously, take vitamin complexes Twice a year.
2. Monitor the level of anti-Mullerian hormone.
3. Treat any viral infections during.
4. Do not stimulate ovulation without doctor's instructions.
5. Regularly visit a gynecologist and have an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Of course, such measures will help to some extent reduce the risk of premature depletion of female ovaries, but they cannot provide a 100% guarantee of protection if the cause of such pathology lies in a disruption of the central nervous system or there are congenital defects.

If you experience irregularities in your menstrual cycle or are experiencing signs of menopause, although this should not be the case at your age, seek help from a gynecologist. Perhaps the cause is premature ovarian failure. Timely treatment will help you cope with the problem, and you may still be able to get pregnant.

A woman's reproductive age lasts up to 45 years, and sometimes more. This is due to the number of follicles in the gonads, the supply of which is designed for approximately this age. But if a woman under 40 years old has run out of follicles, then we are talking about exhausted ovarian syndrome, or their premature depletion. In this case, infertility develops, since menopause occurs prematurely and conception is impossible under these conditions.

Normal at birth female body there is a huge supply of gametes - sex cells - about half a million. About five hundred of them undergo maturation and ovulation in the process of life, while the rest atrophy and go through a stage of degeneration. Menopause occurs when there are no follicles left in the ovaries, a woman experiences menopause - the end of generative function. This happens after 45 years.

But in some cases, this period begins earlier than 40 years, when the number of follicles is depleted and ovarian function sharply decreases.

Exhausted ovarian syndrome is a pathology characterized by secondary amenorrhea (meaning that a woman has previously had reproductive system everything was fine), pronounced hyperestrogenism with its characteristic symptoms (hot flashes, fever), an increase in the level of gonadotropins - LH and FSH in women under 40 years of age.

In 1-3% of patients, amenorrhea and associated infertility are caused precisely by ovarian depletion. A synonym for the nosology is primary ovarian failure and has an ICD code of 10 – 28.3.


It is impossible to name the exact cause of ovarian depletion, but the main role in this process belongs to a chromosomal abnormality, for example, the presence of a third X chromosome. Such women are extremely susceptible to stress, which leads to the replacement of functional units of the ovaries with stroma. Factors capable of inducing this process include:

  • radiation exposure;
  • chemical and teratogenic substances and drugs;
  • various viruses, for example, influenza, rubella, mumps;
  • infectious diseases of both genital and systemic organs;
  • intoxication of any nature;
  • stress and overwork.

These mechanisms, when a gene mutation occurs, trigger the process of damage to the ovaries, while women without altered chromosomes are less susceptible to the effects of these factors.

Iatrogenic causes of the development of ovarian depletion syndrome are also possible:

  • resection for cystic formations;
  • surgeries for ovarian endometriosis;
  • removal of pipes when purulent processes or ectopic pregnancy;
  • with subtotal resection for cisadenoma;
  • conservative myomectomy operations;
  • any interventions on ovarian tissue;
  • carrying out large quantity artificial stimulation of ovulation.

To prevent the development of consequences in the form of infertility from depletion of the ovarian reserve, the doctor performing the operation must preserve the cortex of the organ, where the primordial follicles are located, as much as possible.

It is very important to warn a woman who is going through an IVF procedure about possible complications a large number of stimulations of superovulation, when many eggs mature in the ovary at once. Several such procedures and reproductive age can be reduced by ten years.


Genetic disorders, together with stress factors, deplete the reserve of follicles, which are replaced by a connective tissue capsule. Such tissue cannot perform a generative function, so infertility develops.

After the ovarian tissue is replaced by stroma, the hormonal levels change dramatically, which leads to the release of large amounts of GnRH and gonadotropins according to the principle of negative feedback. As a result, amenorrhea has a hypergonadotropic character.

It is very difficult to get pregnant when the ovaries are depleted on your own, so you need to seek the help of a gynecologist for recovery hormonal balance and the likelihood of conception.


A woman with the development of exhausted ovarian syndrome is concerned about symptoms characteristic of menopause. Even before the age of 40, she encounters the following symptoms:

  • pronounced vegetative reactions in the form of hot flashes, heat, sweating;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • horse racing blood pressure;
  • there is a disruption in the menstrual cycle;
  • development of amenorrhea - cessation of menstruation;
  • a woman cannot become pregnant;
  • various infectious lesions genitourinary area.

Autonomic reactions come to the fore when a woman may lose her ability to work. The second thing she focuses on is infertility. Against the background of a disrupted menstrual cycle, ovulation may not occur at all, making conception impossible.


In some young women, the ovaries may remain a small amount of unaffected follicles. Sometimes they allow you to conceive a child. As the syndrome progresses, not a single egg remains.


In the history of a woman with exhausted ovarian syndrome, the doctor will not notice any peculiarities, since before the development of symptoms her reproductive functions did not suffer and hormonal disorders did not have.

An examination on a gynecological chair allows you to determine the small size of the ovaries and the small uterus. In women with long-term symptoms, the doctor notes atrophic processes in the mammary glands and genitals. When measuring blood pressure, both high and low values ​​may be observed.

When diagnosing hormonal status, the following results are typical:

  • increased LH and especially FSH;
  • decreased estradiol;
  • low AMH;
  • tests with gestagen, estrogens and gestagens, Clomiphene are negative.

Ultrasound examination shows:

  • small ovaries without follicles;
  • the uterus is smaller than the age norm;
  • linear atrophic endometrium.

To distinguish exhausted ovarian syndrome from premature menopause or resistant ovarian syndrome, it should be remembered that menstrual and hormonal function stops abruptly, without preceding oligomenorrhea.


Treatment is aimed at replacing the missing estrogen hormones. This is how the symptoms of menopause are eliminated:

  • the tides stop;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • ability to work is restored.

The main estrogen-containing drugs for replacement therapy:

  • Praginova;
  • Estriol and Ovestin;
  • Regulon;
  • Diana is 35;
  • Logest;
  • Klymen;
  • Klimonorm;
  • Estrofen and others.

Can also be used for ovarian wasting syndrome traditional medicine and herbal medicine with natural phytoestrogens.

How to get pregnant and give birth with exhausted ovarian syndrome

To give birth to a child with this syndrome, in vitro fertilization, or IVF, methods are used. In order for conception to take place when the follicle reserve is depleted, it is necessary to use a donor egg, and sperm can be used from both the husband and the donor.

Stimulation of ovulation during IVF in case of exhausted ovarian syndrome is ineffective, since there is no point of application of Clomiphene - the follicular reserve is exhausted.

In cases where the doctor determines a certain supply of antral follicles using ultrasound, then minimal stimulation of ovulation and collection of one’s own eggs is possible. In this case, they also resort to banking - the accumulation and freezing of a sufficient number of eggs over several cycles. After collection required material IVF is carried out in a natural cycle.

The influence of several negative factors leads to irreversible changes in the female body. Being the cause of early menopause, infertility, and hormonal disorders, premature ovarian failure syndrome has an adverse effect in general. Most women with this pathology are 35-40 years old, but there are also earlier cases of the disorder.

This syndrome causes infertility, provokes early menopause, disrupts health and reproductive function, work endocrine system, nervous and vegetative-vascular. The disease may be due to a genetic predisposition and may be difficult to treat.

Premature ovarian failure: what are the causes?

The pathology develops unnoticed, characterized by an asymptomatic course. early stages. In some cases, minor general malaise and menstrual irregularities may occur.

Predisposing factors are:

  • Transferred inflammatory diseases– rheumatism, rubella, measles, gestosis, streptococcal infection, toxoplasmosis;
  • Genetic predisposition. That is, the disorder is inherited from mother to daughter. This is due to mutation of some genes, transmitted by autosomal dominant inheritance;
  • Metabolic failures. In this case, the causes of premature ovarian depletion are hidden in galactosemia - carbohydrate fractions or galactase have a destructive effect on the ovaries;
  • Hypovitaminosis, poor nutrition(eg constant diets, hunger strikes, complete abstinence from fat);
  • Autoimmune reactions. The patient has laboratory research antibodies to the tissues of the ovaries and, possibly, other organs are detected in the blood;
  • The reasons may lie in the experience of regular stress, as well as in neuropsychiatric diseases;
  • Damage to hypothalamic regulatory centers in the brain;
  • Intrauterine exposure to negative factors, for example, pregnant women smoking, radiation, taking terratogenic drugs. In this case, the tissues are damaged during the period of intrauterine development. As a result, the number of egg precursor cells decreases, after about 15 years their supply is exhausted, and menopause occurs at an early age.

Symptoms of ovarian wasting syndrome

Notice developing pathology almost impossible, since its first manifestations do not cause concern in almost all women. For example, the aforementioned fatigue and irritability are perceived as common, especially during complex work.

This also applies to headaches, as well as decreased libido. More serious symptom is a violation of the menstrual cycle: periods are absent for 10 days or more, irregular, alternate long delays and too short periods between them.

If you experience excessive sweating and hot flashes in the upper body, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible, as these symptoms indicate an early onset of menopause. As the disease progresses, when pathological changes in a woman’s body are already irreversible, the figure changes, memory and concentration deteriorate.

It is impossible to diagnose the disease based on the listed symptoms alone, especially on your own. To make a conclusion, it is necessary to pass a series of tests and undergo some research procedures that will allow you to determine whether there is in the body hormonal imbalance, as well as assess the condition and functional abilities ovaries.

Treatment with folk remedies for ovarian wasting syndrome

The choice of course of therapy largely depends on the stage of the disease. Almost always, treatment is hormonal and is aimed at supporting ovarian function before the onset of menopause. The doctor prescribes female sex hormones - estrogens and gestagens. Preparations based on them prevent the development of osteoporosis, myocardial infarction, and premature aging of the body.

However, many women use alternative folk remedies. Various recipes used as an addition to the main course of treatment hormonal drugs. In addition, they can be a good preventive measure and prevent the development of the disease.

Treatment of ovarian wasting syndrome with vitamin E

An intensive course of tocopherol acetate is an important component of therapy. It is taken both in synthetic form ( pharmaceutical drugs), and in natural (food).

Lecithin treatment

Women with ovarian wasting syndrome have a deficiency of this substance, so the course of therapy includes replenishing its reserves. As a rule, preference is given natural products, rich in lecithin, for example, a lot of it is found in caviar, lentils, beans, cauliflower.

Treatment for early menopause

In this case, egg-lemon infusion is used. To prepare it you need 5-7 citrus fruits and the shells of 5 eggs. Lemons, peel and eggs are crushed and mixed. Infuse the product until the shell is completely dissolved. Take it for a month, 20 g three times a day.

Soothing infusions and preparations

  • Peppermint has a beneficial effect on nervous system. Treatment with drugs based on it alleviates nervous conditions, which are the first symptoms of a developing disease;
  • Viburnum and blackberries, mixed together, will help overcome irritability caused by the onset of early menopause and will have a positive effect on overall well-being;
  • Fresh beet juice with honey. It is enough to drink 1 glass of this remedy diluted with water to get rid of many unpleasant conditions.

Preservation women's health and reproductive function is a process that needs to be controlled at any age. Various hunger strikes, strict diets, and anorexic states disrupt the course of physiological processes.

Is pregnancy possible after treatment for ovarian wasting syndrome?

When performing an ultrasound, the follicles are completely absent, and the ovaries are reduced in size. When progesterone is administered to induce a menstrual-like reaction, there are no results. Attempts to stimulate ovulation are also ineffective.

The results of blood tests show a high concentration of gonadotropic hormones - LH, FSH. An increase in the level of the latter is a secondary disorder caused by a decrease in the production of hormones by the ovaries.

A menstrual-like reaction occurs only after taking oral contraceptives. Also improving general state, which is a manifestation of ovarian hypofunction.

Estrogen replacement therapy has been used quite successfully. Sometimes for successful conception Individually selected treatment for 3-4 months and stimulation of superovulation is sufficient high doses recombinant FSH.

This method increases the chances of the appearance and growth of single follicles. With the use of the IVF (in vitro fertilization) program, conception and birth are possible healthy baby. But this, as a rule, is effective only for initial stages development of the disease.