Memory impairment what to do. What to do if you have poor memory and absent-mindedness

Unlike films where the hero is hit on the head and instantly loses his memory completely, in real life Most often, memory deterioration occurs gradually. Therefore, it is very important to notice it in time and take the necessary measures. We will talk about the causes and symptoms of memory impairment in this article.

Causes of memory impairment

Memory deterioration can manifest itself as both periodic forgetfulness and loss of short term memory, which significantly worsens daily life. In any case, many reasons can lead to this.

Taking medications. Some medications may cause memory impairment. Possible culprits could be: antidepressants, antihistamines, sedatives, muscle relaxants, tranquilizers, sleeping pills and painkillers.

Alcohol, smoking and drug use. It has long been proven that overuse alcohol leads to deterioration and memory loss. Smoking affects memory by reducing the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain. Studies have shown that smokers have a harder time remembering names. strangers than non-smokers. And illicit drugs can affect chemical processes brain, which leads to memory impairment.

Lack of sleep. The quality and quantity of sleep at night are important for memory. Frequent waking at night or constant lack of sleep leads to fatigue, which interferes with the ability to process information normally. The article “” will tell you how much and how to sleep.

Depression and stress. A depressed state reduces attention, which can also affect memory. Stress and anxiety can also reduce concentration. When you're stressed and your mind is distracted or overstimulated by unnecessary worries, your ability to remember information can suffer. Stress caused by emotional trauma can also lead to memory loss at any age. In the next article, we will tell you.

Poor nutrition. Good, nutritious nutrition, including high-quality proteins and fats, is essential for normal brain function. In particular, a lack of vitamins B1 and B12 in the body negatively affects memory. Read more about proper nutrition we will talk .

Head injuries. Severe blow to the head resulting from a fall or car accident may damage the brain and cause short- and long-term memory loss. Sometimes memory can gradually improve over time.

Stroke. A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is cut off due to a blockage blood vessels brain. This often causes short-term memory loss. A person who has had a stroke may have vivid memories of childhood but be unable to remember what they ate for lunch that day. By the way, everyone should know.

Other reasons. The causes of memory impairment may be an overactive thyroid gland, as well as infections that affect the brain - tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV.

Note! For many, memory loss is associated with old age, senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease. But memory problems can also occur in young people.

For what reasons this can happen and what to pay attention to, read below.

Memory loss at a young age

Research by scientists has shown that young people aged 18 to 35 are more susceptible to everyday episodes of forgetfulness than older people. Young people often forget what day it is or where they put their keys. Almost always, such memory problems arise due to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Most serious reasons memory disorders in at a young age– already mentioned above, drunkenness and drug use. Young boys and girls often drink alcoholic drinks to the point where they have memory lapses. And the morning after the “stormy” party, they cannot remember what happened to them last evening.

Also increased level stress, stress poor nutrition and insufficient sleep contribute to memory problems. But the most great danger represent all kinds of gadgets to which we are attached. Firstly, the brain needs multitasking, which many now trust their electronic devices. Without switching attention between various types activity, short-term memory impairment occurs.

Secondly, most young people are accustomed to sleeping with their cell phones under their pillow, which exposes their brains to the damaging effects of electromagnetic fields. Radiation from smartphones can cause significant impairment not only in memory, but also lead to learning difficulties and impair emotional and stress resistance.

Temporary memory loss at a young age can occur with dehydration, prolonged stress, and low blood sugar. Typically, when these causes are eliminated, the memory can be restored over time.

Important! If you are worried about minor memory problems or slight forgetfulness, then it’s time to pay attention to your lifestyle and identify what factor affects memory. Absence physical activity, insufficient brain stimulation, bad dream and poor nutrition can all lead to deterioration of brain function.

According to scientific research, there are more than 350 diseases that can lead to memory impairment. Among them are serious mental illness – schizophrenia, bipolar disorder personality, depression and anxiety. These diseases also include cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, problems with thyroid gland, tuberculosis and Lyme disease, as well as various brain infections.

To exclude these diseases, you should consult a doctor at the first alarming symptoms , especially if memory impairment progress and do not disappear During a long time.

Elderly people often complain about excessive forgetfulness. Someone can't remember the name of the movie they watched yesterday. Someone forgets the way home or doesn’t remember why they went to another room. And these problems are usually associated with the onset of senile dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Fortunately, this is not always the case, and age-related changes memories are not always a symptom serious illnesses.

Occurs with age physiological changes, which can cause disruptions in brain function. It takes longer than before to remember or remember any information. It's not actually memory loss, which is often considered an inevitable part of the aging process. The brain is capable of producing new cells at any age, but if they are not used, they can atrophy, like muscles.

Three physiological reasons age-related memory decline:

  • With age, the condition of the hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain responsible for memories, often deteriorates;
  • the level of proteins and hormones in the body that protect, restore brain cells and stimulate the formation of neural connections also decreases;
  • blood flow to the brain decreases, which negatively affects memory and other cognitive skills.
It is very important to distinguish normal age-related forgetfulness from serious diseases that occur in old age. It's normal to forget from time to time where you left things you use frequently, like your glasses or keys. Also, don't worry if you forget the names of your friends or call them by other names. With age, people are more easily distractible and have trouble remembering information.

What should you be wary of in old age when memory deteriorates?

The most important difference between normal age-related memory changes and the onset of dementia or other serious illnesses is that temporary memory lapses have little impact on daily functioning. The main feature is persistent and progressive deterioration at the same time minimum two intellectual abilities– memory, speech, abstract thinking and the ability to think logically.

Important! If memory loss becomes so severe that it interferes with work, hobbies, family relationships or social activities, then this is a reason to devote more close attention this problem and consult a doctor.

With normal age-related changes, older people are able to usual activities, despite cases of memory impairment. With the onset of dementia, difficulties appear in performing simple tasks, which have been repeated many times before (paying bills, washing dishes, etc.).

A serious signal can also be a complete loss of orientation even in familiar places, constant distortion of words or phrases, and socially inappropriate behavior. A visit to the doctor is required if memory loss becomes noticeable enough to seriously affect your life or your family members. Even if the symptoms do not coincide with signs of dementia, it is better to undergo a thorough medical checkup, and prevent in advance possible problems in future.

A neurologist can evaluate your personal risk factors, eliminate reversible causes of memory problems, and prescribe appropriate treatment. Early diagnosis can completely relieve reversible impairments of memory and attention, improve the quality of life in incipient Alzheimer's disease or other types of dementia.

During the examination, the doctor will ask the following questions:

  • how long have you or your loved ones been experiencing memory problems;
  • what exactly is difficult to remember;
  • memory impairment was gradual or sudden;
  • Do problems arise in your usual activities?
The doctor will also want to know what medications you take, how you eat and sleep, and whether you have been in Lately stress or depression. Most likely, he will ask you or your loved ones to observe the symptoms for several months. After which, depending on all these factors, the necessary medication and physiotherapeutic treatment will be prescribed.

What you can do on your own if you have memory problems

Reduce stress and anxiety in daily life. If a disturbing thought comes to your mind during the day, do not be distracted from your activities, but briefly write down this thought. Remind yourself that you will definitely think about it when it appears. free time, and there's no need to worry about it right now.

Lead an active social life. People who rarely interact with family members and friends have a higher risk of memory decline. Spending quality time with other people will be a powerful memory medicine, so make plans to hang out with friends from time to time. During the meeting itself, be sure to put your phone away to maximize the quality of communication.

No smoking. Smoking increases the risk of vascular diseases, which can cause a stroke or narrowing of the arteries that carry oxygen to the brain. Read more about the dangers of smoking -.

Get enough sleep. Sleep is necessary to restore the processes of formation and storage of memories. Lack of sleep reduces the growth of new neural connections in the hippocampus and causes problems with memory, concentration and decision-making processes.

Watch your diet. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink green tea - these foods are rich in antioxidants that protect brain cells from premature aging. Also good for memory are foods rich in omega-3 fats (tuna, salmon, trout, walnuts and flaxseed).

Exercise your brain and memory. As well as physical exercise indispensable for body health, mental activity makes the brain work better and reduces the risk of various deteriorations thought processes. Choose memory exercises that you enjoy. If you exercise forcefully, it will not bring the desired effect. Here are some ideas for training your memory and brain:

  • Logic games and puzzles - chess, crosswords, Sudoku, various word games.
  • Reading books, magazines and newspapers that make you think about something.
  • Learning new things is a game of musical instrument, foreign language, cooking according to new recipes, driving along previously unknown routes.
  • The easiest way to combat memory loss is walking. This option is suitable even for elderly or frail people. According to the American Academy of Neurology, older adults who walked 10-15 km per week had better health outcomes 9 years after the start of the study. better memory and a healthier brain than the rest.

Why memory deteriorates and how to train it (video)

The reasons for memory deterioration, as well as tips for training it, will be explained in this video by therapist Alexey Bezymyanny.

Carrying out these not very complex rules, you can improve brain function and prevent memory problems caused by poor lifestyle choices. We remind you that for any alarming symptoms, it is best to consult a therapist or neurologist.

Next article.

The causes of memory impairment can be divided into five groups.

1. Brain lesions

Everyone knows that memory “lives” in the brain. But where exactly?
It depends what we are looking for. If there is long-term memory, then the cortex is responsible for it. But in the hippocampus, located deep in the temporal regions, there are mechanisms for transferring information from short-term to long-term memory. In general, there are a lot of memory centers in the brain, so any damage to this organ can lead to memory impairment. Therefore, the most common causes in this group are:
a) traumatic brain injury. Everything is simple here: wherever the blow lands, the probability of it negative influence on any of the memory centers is very large.
b) stroke (violation cerebral circulation ). Blood does not flow, memory centers cease to function fully. Moreover, a study by Dutch scientists from medical center St Radboud showed that memory can deteriorate even if it is the area that is usually temporal lobe, – was not damaged.
c) oncology. A formed neoplasm (even a benign one) puts pressure on the areas of the brain adjacent to it. In addition, cases of metastasis to other parts of the organ are not uncommon.
G) infectious diseases (encephalitis, meningitis). Inflammatory processes, occurring in the brain, negatively affect both individual memory centers and the entire brain as a whole.

2. Diseases of other organs

Memory can also deteriorate as a result of diseases of other organs:
a) Heart diseases and of cardio-vascular system overall (even if it's "just" an increase blood pressure). The blood supply to the brain deteriorates, and consequently, it ceases to fully perform its functions.
b) Diseases internal organs (kidneys, liver, lungs, etc.) We won’t dwell on all the organs, let’s just talk about the kidneys. Scientists from the USA have discovered that kidney disease is a cause of cognitive decline, incl. deterioration of verbal memory.
The study was conducted based on measurements of glomerular filtration rate ( GFR - determines the cleansing ability of the kidneys) and creatinine level ( end product of protein metabolism) in blood. After five years of observation, a pattern was noted: the volunteers’ memory deteriorated in direct proportion to the increase in the level of creatinine in the blood and the decrease in glomerular filtration rate, i.e. with the progression of renal diseases.
c) Metabolic disorders. For the brain to function well, it is necessary that it receives all the necessary substances. As soon as the metabolism of the entire body is disrupted, the brain begins to experience a shortage of them and redistribute its “resources”, and memory centers are far from being at the beginning of the “queue”.

3. Adverse environmental factors

These factors include:
a) information overload. Each person has his own “limit,” and as soon as the brain receives more information than it can process, it “freezes.” Moreover, the information may not be purposefully received, but “chaotically bombarding”: environment is now completely permeated with information flows.
b) lack of vitamins. Of course, many vitamins are important for excellent brain function, but group B dominates. These vitamins:
support the functioning of the central nervous system;
protect brain cells from stress, overload and premature aging;
participate in oxygen exchange;
reduce blood clotting rates;
participate in the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters that trigger nerve impulses between neurons.
And if all this ensures the functioning of the brain as a whole, then the latter is directly related to memory: no impulse, no brain function, no memory.
V) stressful situations . The universities of Calgary and Exeter have proven that stress ( but not easy, but extreme) blocks physiological processes related to memory. Despite the fact that the study was conducted on the snails Lymnaea stagnalis, the result is quite indicative: after enduring a huge number of irritating factors, the experimental subjects forgot absolutely everything that they had been taught earlier. In addition, if one stressful moment only reduces the quality of memory, then a “massive” stress attack creates a cumulative effect, and information generally ceases to be retained in memory.
d) lack of sleep. In a dream, the body, incl. the brain is restored: new cells grow to replace the dead ones. Accordingly, the better and longer the sleep, the longer and more effective the recovery. Otherwise, the brain does not have time to “rest” and loses the ability to both memorize and recall.
d) unhealthy food . Many foods are stored and prepared in aluminum containers. Food coloring also contains aluminum. As a result, by consuming products of the “aluminized” industry, a person provides his body with excess aluminum, which, by the way, is excreted extremely slowly and difficultly. As a result, headaches appear, thinking becomes sluggish, and memory deteriorates.
“Stimulants” such as energy drinks and tonic drinks also contribute. Stimulation, of course, gives a short-term effect, but with regular use the brain becomes “lazy”.

4. Chronic intoxication

The reasons for this group include:
a) smoking. It practically “decomposes” the brain, impairs the ability to reason, learn, and impairs memory. Moreover, not only active, but also passive smoking. Scientists from Northumbria University, who conducted a study on three groups of volunteers ( smokers who constantly breathe smoke and rarely come into contact with smoke), proved that normal memory characteristics were observed only in the healthiest group, while in smokers this indicator was reduced by 30% , and for passive smokers – by 25% .
b) alcohol abuse or complete abstinence from it. Experts from University College London have proven that drinking more than 36 g of pure alcohol per day leads to early memory impairment, but drinking up to 20 g of alcohol per day does not provoke such changes. It is also interesting that complete abstinence from alcohol is harmful to memory. Thus, the optimal “schedule” for drinking alcohol is 2-4 glasses of wine per week.
c) drug addiction. Even with a single dose, drugs can cause irreparable damage to the brain. For example, after a single dose of “harmless” ecstasy - the most neurotoxic synthetic drug - the serotonin system of the brain is so damaged that it can never fully recover. Some drugs continue to work after you stop using them. In any case, these substances disrupt the impulse transmission system itself, interfering with the order in which nerve cells receive, send and process information.
d) intoxication with heavy metals (lead, mercury, thallium, copper, manganese).
Lead occupies a leading position among the causes industrial poisonings, because there are a lot of places where it is used: lead smelters, battery production, printing houses, production of lead paints, leaded gasoline, ceramic products, crystal glass, etc. In addition, there is a threat of lead damage near major highways.

Mercury has three main sources:
Amalgam ( in dental fillings). An average sized filling contains 750,000 mcg of mercury, of which 10 mcg is released daily. Plus, mercury is released faster if the amalgam is heated to the temperature of hot tea.
Vaccines. Merthiolate – organic compound mercury - found in vaccines against influenza, hepatitis B, DTP and is more dangerous than its vapor.
Fish. The mercury contained in it has already reacted with protective molecules and does not pose a significant health hazard. But still, you shouldn’t overeat tuna.
Additionally, thermometers, thermostats, mercury switches, and barometers are potential sources of mercury in the home.
e) drug abuse. Memory impairment is side effect many drugs. If these drugs are abused, a cumulative effect will be created, which is especially pronounced after taking tranquilizers and sedatives.
The list of such pharmaceutical groups also includes antipsychotics, anticholinergics, “heart” drops, barbiturates, anticholinergics, antidepressants, and antihistamines.

5. Age-related changes in the body

The main changes that influence memory deterioration in old age are sclerotic: the walls of blood vessels in the brain, other tissues and organs gradually lose their elasticity and become rigid. In addition, the lumen of the vessel narrows, microstrokes develop (hemorrhages, albeit small, in different lobes of the brain). Additional reason is a change in the brain that disrupts the quality of sleep: the prefrontal cortex loses its volume. If we add to this the many brain diseases called “senile” ( Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease), memory deterioration becomes obvious with age.

Hello everyone, friends! Are you satisfied with the state of your memory and concentration? Maybe you've been seeing them getting worse lately? If so, do not be upset and do not rush to the pharmacy to buy medicine. First you need to understand the reasons for the deterioration brain activity. Today I propose to talk about this sensitive topic, and at the same time find out what treatment methods to take note of if memory and attention have deteriorated. What to do in this case?

In fact, deterioration (sharp decline) of memory, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness indicate a violation of one of the functions of the brain. General medical name of these diseases - asthenic syndrome.

Of course, when sharp decline If you have problems with concentration and really poor memory, you should immediately go to your doctor. Even if you avoid drug treatment, a trip to the clinic is necessary at least for an accurate diagnosis of the disease. Don't neglect this.

It happens, on the contrary, that a person is too worried about his well-being and about poor memory as well. In this case, it is advisable to pause, calm down emotionally and think carefully about whether the object of memorization is of interest. After all, in essence, the problem of “bad” memory can be caused precisely by a lack of interest. Then it’s worth testing your memory on something more interesting.

An effective technique for improving memory and attention

Among effective practices For natural recovery Brain activity distinguishes between correct repetition of information, associations and development of various impressions from it, and competent retrieval of information from memory. All methods can be roughly divided into levels - from simple to complex. The main thing is that it is possible to train your own memory; each of us can do it.

That's it, friends. Learn to manage your memory and share your experience on this topic in the comments. I look forward to your opinions on already tested drugs and various practices for the brain.

Also, for memory deterioration, it is recommended to take a course of vitamins. In the absence of contraindications, preparations with iodine concentration and these natural vitamin and mineral complexes will really help prevent the development of this or that disease nervous system.

Denis Statsenko was with you. See you

Memory problems are thought to occur in older people. But in fact, every 4 inhabitants of the planet have this problem. Don't worry if you forgot the address or name of someone you don't know. Such forgetfulness refers to selectivity of memory. The brain doesn't remember what you don't try to remember.

But when you are unable to remember the events of yesterday or cannot remember what is happening right now, this is a serious problem. With such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Memory problems modern man can occur at any age. The reasons are varied, ranging from lack of regular exercise to serious health problems.

The most obvious reasons for deterioration or even total loss memory are: brain injury, stroke (when blood circulation in the brain is impaired), brain tumor, metastases, infectious diseases (meningitis, encephalitis).

Also, memory deterioration can be a “warning” from the body about approaching multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease. Be that as it may, it is best to contact a specialist to clarify the situation.

The next reason for memory impairment can be associated with certain diseases of internal organs. Such diseases include:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system when proper blood supply is disrupted.
  • Some kidney diseases (scientists have proven the relationship between kidney problems and verbal memory).
  • Metabolic disease.

Adverse environmental factors also negatively affect memory:

  • a lack of necessary vitamins. For high-quality brain and memory function it is necessary useful material, including vital B vitamins.
  • Enormous information overload. IN modern world our brain is bombarded with chaotic and often unnecessary information.
  • Stress blocks processes related directly to memory.
  • Lack of quality sleep. During sleep, the entire body and the brain are restored.
  • Unhealthy food, including tonic drinks.

Another reason scientists call is constant intoxication of the body. Here's what can poison our brain:

  • Smoking. The substances that enter our body with smoke practically “corrode” the brain, and as a result, memory is significantly reduced.
  • Alcohol and drug use greatly damage the serotonin system in the brain.
  • Poisoning with heavy metals such as lead, mercury.
  • Use of certain groups of medications: antidepressants, antihistamines, anticholinergics.

The last reason is age-related changes in the centers of the brain. The walls of blood vessels in the brain lose their elasticity with age and can “crack,” causing pinpoint hemorrhages in different parts of the brain. Also, “age-related diseases,” such as multiple sclerosis, also provoke memory loss.

Prevention of memory impairment, attention training

How can you protect yourself from such a “trouble” as memory loss? If the deterioration in memory quality is not associated with any serious health problems, then you can try several working ways to “get your memory back.” Quality sleep, healthy food and giving up bad habits will be the first step to memory restoration.

Complaints about memory are not always associated with any disorders. Large flows of information received by a person are not taken seriously and are remembered fleetingly. As they say, “one listens with half an ear.” The brain considers such information unimportant and discards it as unnecessary. Therefore, in this case there is no need to worry.

As for inattention, its manifestations are characteristic of older people, but nowadays they also occur in fairly young people. When fighting inattention syndrome, you need to work on yourself, focus on important details, learn to count in your head, write down events in a diary.

Daily training in the form of mastering new information, analyzing the material studied and the surrounding world will force the brain to work, just as an athlete forces his muscles to work through constant training.

Studying foreign languages, learning new songs, “cramming” poems and works of literature, studying the cultures of the peoples of the world and much more will restore tone to the brain. Everything new and interesting, if you show persistence and patience, will certainly begin to gradually be stored in memory, and over time, the “trained” brain will begin to remember more and more information.

Most people believe that memory impairment is characteristic of older people. Over the years it gets worse, and by old age a person has difficulty assimilating various information. In our modern world, memory problems very often arise in young people. The reasons are stress, overexertion at work, high pace of life. How to behave if you notice that you are beginning to remember basic things worse? What is our memory? Let's take a closer look.


Memory problems in young people have a variety of causes. If no measures are taken, the situation can only get worse. Having been born, a person is already able to remember some moments of life. According to researchers, memory improves in the first twenty-five years; in young years, our brain is able to receive and easily remember a huge flow of information. Having approached the border of this age and not having certain diseases that affect the quality of thought processes, a person retains his memory unchanged. It gets worse in most people due to aging. Brain activity becomes less active, the brain no longer perceives large flows of information. These processes occur normally after 50-55 years. Unfortunately, residents of modern megacities begin to complain about the quality of memory much earlier than this age. Experts are concerned that such phenomena have become common in children and adolescents. Naturally, any schoolchild or student with poor memory will be slower to assimilate information, and this will affect the quality of education. You have to spend more time memorizing the material.

Short-term and long-term memory

What is considered normal in memory deterioration and loss? There is no specific threshold; each person has his own. Everyone knows that memory has no limits. There is such a thing as super memory. Those who own it are able to remember the smallest details of events heard or seen that happened sometime in the past. Many official directories and serious publications call this process not just a physiological phenomenon, but also a way to accumulate cultural and life experience. Experts divide memory into long-term and short-term. The ratio may vary for each person. Memory problems in young people may have different causes, but in any case, its development and training are of great importance. If you have developed long-term memory, then the material will most likely not be easy to assimilate, but years later the information will remain in your head. Those with trained short-term memory instantly remember material, but literally after a week they cannot reproduce what they once knew well - the information is not saved.

Types of memory

If memory problems arise in young people, the reasons should be sought in what factors contributed to this. A person has many types of memory: auditory, motor, visual. Some people remember material well visually, some perceive it better by ear, and others better imagine (imagine). The human brain is divided into zones, each of which is responsible for a specific function. For example, the temporal regions control speech and hearing, the occipito-parietal regions are responsible for spatial perception and vision, and the inferior parietal regions are responsible for the speech apparatus and hand movements. When the lower parietal zone is affected, a disease called astereognosia occurs. A person in this state does not feel objects.

Scientific research has confirmed the theory that hormones play an important role in the development of memory and thinking. Testosterone and estrogen improve brain processes, but oxytocin has the opposite effect.

Memory problems in young people: causes of deterioration

Frequent stress and prolonged depression can negatively affect brain function.

Memory problems in young people (main causes):

  • Presence of insomnia, chronic fatigue.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle, bad habits: alcohol, smoking.
  • Frequent use of antidepressants and painkillers. For example, treatment by many pharmaceuticals It has side effects in the form of memory impairment.
  • Avitaminosis. Lack of amino acids, vitamins A and B.
  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Diseases of internal organs: kidney and liver failure, cirrhosis of the liver, pulmonary tuberculosis are often accompanied by disturbances in brain activity and further - memory impairment.
  • Various brain pathologies: pituitary adenoma, malignant neoplasms and others.

If young people have problems with poor memory, the reasons should be determined by a specialist. Depending on the presence of a particular disease this symptom accompanied by lack of appetite, general depression, irritability, headache, insomnia, low-grade fever, and the like. These signs may indicate possible overwork of the body or the presence of inflammatory processes.

As a result of information overload in the brain, memory impairment can also occur. For example, every student is familiar with the state during a session when, after cramming, it seems that there is nothing left in the head. This memory impairment is temporary and is not required. specific treatment. In this case, it is enough to concentrate, calm down, the functions will return to normal, and everything learned will be restored in the brain.

Pathologies. Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is a complex disease of the central nervous system. Accompanied by a decrease in mental abilities. Elderly people over 65 years of age are at risk, but exceptions are possible. Scientists still cannot establish the real reason occurrence of the disease. Factors predisposing to this: previous traumatic brain injuries, hypothyroidism, brain tumors. In addition to memory deterioration, the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms: spatial disorientation, apathy, frequent seizures, hallucinations, decreased intelligence.

Most often, this disease is inherited. At the first stages it may not be noticeable. But at the first sign of memory impairment, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. A person suffering from this disease begins to forget recent events, and over time becomes selfish, difficult to communicate, and ceases to navigate time and space. The disease is incurable, but if you provide proper care and treatment, the process proceeds smoothly, quietly, without complications and terrible consequences.

Multiple sclerosis

If memory problems appear in young people, the causes and first symptoms may indicate a complex disease of the central nervous system - multiple sclerosis. During the course of the disease, the constituent structures of the spinal cord and brain are destroyed. The cause of the disease has not yet been determined; it is believed that it is of autoimmune origin (a certain virus enters the body). Multiple sclerosis is increasingly affecting young people. The disease progresses quite slowly, and certain symptoms may not manifest themselves for a long period of time.

Parkinson's disease

Based on certain symptoms, you can determine whether young people have memory problems. The doctor will tell you the reasons for what to do in this case. Parkinson's disease predominantly affects older people, but recently there have been cases of 40-year-old patients diagnosed with this pathology. This chronic illness accompanied by impaired memory and thinking functions, trembling of the limbs, stooping, decreased motor activity and paralysis.

Traumatic brain injuries

Doctors say that traumatic brain injuries and memory problems in young people are very closely linked. The causes of the disease in such cases can be different. The more serious the injury, the more severe the consequences may be. Traumatic brain injuries often lead to retrograde or anterograde amnesia. The victims do not even remember how they received the injury or what preceded it. It also happens that memories become false, that is, the brain draws imaginary pictures that did not actually exist. The patient can say that he was at the cinema, walking with friends, but at the same time he was in the hospital. Hallucinations reproduce non-existent images.

Cerebral circulatory disorders

One of the main reasons for memory loss is poor blood circulation in the brain. Vascular atherosclerosis contributes to this. There is less blood flow to the parts of the brain, and therefore problems arise. Any stroke that greatly alters brain function has a negative impact on brain activity.

At diabetes mellitus Memory impairment may also occur. A complication of the disease is that the vessels are affected, hardened and closed. These lesions can lead not only to disruption of the brain, but also to other important organs.

Memory problems in young people. Causes, treatment

Before taking any measures to treat memory, it is worth understanding what the cause of the disease is and what disease provoked the symptoms. When identifying memory problems in young people, the causes and symptoms will be determined by a knowledgeable specialist. Medications It should be used only on his recommendation. Your doctor may prescribe physical therapy with glutamic acid administered through your nasal passage. Memory impairment is successfully treated by educational psychologists. They re-teach the patient to memorize the material, using only healthy parts of the brain.

If memory has deteriorated sharply, this is not a disease, but only a symptom. It warns of more serious illnesses that need to be identified and treated. Memory loss disrupts full life, separates a person from society, the adaptive functions and properties of the body decrease.

If memory impairment is detected, the doctor will most likely prescribe nootropics. The drug "Noopet" belongs to this group. It contains amino acids - dipeptides. They affect the cerebral cortex, and help restore memory and concentrate attention.

Which doctor should I contact?

When memory problems occur in young people, the cause and treatment should be determined by a doctor. If you notice any of the symptoms listed above in yourself or your loved ones, be sure to consult a therapist, neurologist or neuropsychologist. They will prescribe a special examination, identify the causes and make a diagnosis. Timely diagnosis lets start correct treatment and will protect you from serious consequences.

Prevention. Exercises

There are different reasons why young people have memory problems. Prevention will help counteract the problem. In order to overcome this syndrome, you need to train your own memory, focus on details, keep a diary, write down events, calculations. American professor Katz has developed a technique that activates all parts of the brain. At the same time, attention, memory, and creativity develop. Here are just a few exercises:

  • Try to do all your usual things with your eyes closed, rather than open.
  • Let right-handers try to do household chores with their left hand, and left-handers, on the contrary, with their right. You will immediately feel the results.
  • Learn and master sign language.
  • On the keyboard, try to type with all your fingers.
  • Master some handicraft - embroidery, knitting.
  • Learn foreign languages.
  • Learn to distinguish coins by touch and determine their value.
  • Read books about things that have never interested you before.
  • Communicate more, visit new places: theaters, parks, meet new people.

By adhering to the recommendations listed, you will notice how, after some time, your thinking and memory will begin to change in better side. Small details and ongoing events will fit more clearly into your brain, and your memory will become more voluminous.