What is the name of the child's illness? Children's diseases: list with names, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features. Anti-tuberculosis vaccination and revaccination with BCG

Childhood diseases

group of diseases occurring predominantly or exclusively in childhood and related to developmental features child's body. The intensive growth and development of a child is determined by the anatomical and physiological characteristics of his body and the uniqueness of the pathology. Even diseases that occur predominantly in adults have a unique course in children, which also depends on the age of the child. In the development of a child in medical practice distinguish two periods - intrauterine and extrauterine, which, in turn, is conventionally divided into following periods: newborns (first 18-24 days), infancy(up to 1 year), early childhood (from 1 to 3 years), preschool (from 3 to 7 years), junior school (from 7 to 12 years), senior school (from 12 to 17 years) and teenage (15- 17 years). Each age period is characterized by certain groups diseases.

During the neonatal period (see Newborn baby), the body adapts to new living conditions. Functional systems his body is in a state unstable equilibrium which is easily broken. During this period, changes are detected in the child’s body associated with developmental disorders of the fetus in the prenatal period (intrauterine asphyxia of the fetus; maternal illness: Listeriosis, Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Influenza, etc.; the effect on her body of certain chemical substances, for example alcohol, radiant energy, etc.). From the first days after birth, malformations, prematurity, and the consequences of birth trauma appear ( intracranial hemorrhages etc.), Hemolytic disease of newborns, as well as some Hereditary diseases. High sensitivity newborns to coccal and viral infections causes frequent occurrence they have purulent-septic diseases skin and navel, acute viral and bacterial diseases of the respiratory system.

The rapid increase in body weight of a child in infancy (see Infant) and intensive metabolism determine the child’s significant need for food (by 1 kg A child’s body weight is 2-2.5 times more caloric than an adult’s). Thus, the load on the child’s functionally imperfect digestive system is sharply increased, which causes frequent development in children of this age gastrointestinal diseases(Dyspepsia), as well as diseases gastrointestinal tract caused by bacteria and viruses (Dysentery, colienteritis, viral diarrhea), and chronic nutritional disorders (Childhood dystrophy), especially when the diet is violated. Improper feeding, insufficient use of air and sun can lead to the development of Rickets. Due to the child’s great need for oxygen, the functional load on his respiratory organs is increased (the number of breaths per minute and the amount of air passed through is relatively greater than that of an adult), the tenderness and vulnerability of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs determine their frequent illnesses. At this age, pneumonia (See Pneumonia) of bacterial and viral origin is not uncommon. In early childhood and preschool age the incidence of acute childhood infections increases: Measles, Whooping cough, chickenpox (See Chicken pox), scarlet fever (See Scarlet fever), diphtheria (See Diphtheria), and tuberculosis. This is explained by a decrease in the titer of antibodies (see Immunity) received by the child from the mother, as well as by the increasing contact of children with peers and others. Diseases in the development of which Allergies play a major role are becoming more frequent ( bronchial asthma, rheumatism, eczema, nephritis, etc.). In younger children school age Along with acute infectious diseases, internal secretion disorders are observed, and the incidence of rheumatism, heart disease and nervous system diseases is increasing. In high school and adolescence, during puberty, internal secretion disorders and abnormalities of the genital area may be detected. Psychoneuroses, rheumatism, disorders are more common of cardio-vascular system, in particular vascular dystonia; exacerbations of tuberculosis are possible.

Prevention of D. b.: Antenatal protection of the fetus, prevention of birth injuries, careful care of newborns, correct mode nutrition and hardening, combating infectious diseases ( preventive vaccinations against tuberculosis, smallpox, diphtheria, measles, etc.); ensuring normal physical development(physical education, sports, hardening the body from the very early age).

Lit.: Belousov V. A., Textbook of childhood diseases, M., 1963; Tur A.F., Propaedeutics of childhood diseases, 5th ed., Leningrad, 1967.

R. N. Ryleeva, M. Ya. Studenikin.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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Infectious diseases are quite diverse, can be acute and chronic, harmless and dangerous, and there are those that only affect children. Pathogens - viruses or bacteria - enter the favorable environment, begin their “subversive activities”. And here it is important to promptly identify the disease and begin treatment. Having suffered from certain infections in childhood, immunity to them remains for life.

Which infectious diseases are childhood diseases?


Measles is a highly contagious disease, the virus of which, moving with air flow, spreads quickly. Incubation period can last from a week to 20 days. At first they look like colds. Fever, dry cough, runny nose, severe headache, redness of the eyes. Around the 4th day of illness, the child becomes covered with a rash, which, starting behind the ears, instantly spreads throughout the body.

There are small gray dots even in the oral cavity. The temperature will remain until the rash stops appearing. As the temperature drops, the rash loses color and the child feels better. This disease creates a “gap” in the child’s immunity, increasing the risk of other infections such as pneumonia, bronchitis, stomatitis, and otitis media.


Very similar to measles. The incubation period is two to three weeks. The same red rashes, temperature up to 38 degrees, cough, stuffy nose. But with rubella they become inflamed and enlarged. The lymph nodes in the neck and nape area. A child tolerates rubella more easily than measles. After three days, the rash disappears without a trace. There are no complications after rubella.

Viral mumps (mumps)

The infection enters through the respiratory tract. The incubation period is from a week to 20 days. Signs: temperature 38-39 degrees and headache. Places of “attack” of mumps – central nervous system, salivary glands, pancreas, and in boys the testicles also suffer (in severe cases it can lead to further infertility).

The child has difficulty chewing reflexes. Meningitis can be a serious complication of mumps. It is important not to refuse vaccination against viral mumps.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever - streptococcal infection. Contagious from the first day of illness. The incubation period is short, up to one week. Vomiting, sore throat, fever - occur suddenly. A rash appears, localized on the cheeks, abdomen and groin area, armpits. Complications are possible - otitis media, lymphadenitis, nephritis.


The cause of the disease is infection with diphtheria bacillus, which penetrates through the tonsils. It takes up to 10 days from infection to the appearance of symptoms of the disease. It differs from tonsillitis in the appearance of tonsils: with diphtheria, they are covered with a gray film.

initial stage The disease is characterized by a temperature of 40 degrees. The child suffers from pain in the throat, head, and abdomen. The disease is very dangerous, threatening the child’s life! Combined DTP vaccination classified this disease as a rare disease.


A viral infection transmitted through dirt and air. The incubation period can last a whole month, but generally 10-12 days. The symptoms are similar to any other infectious disease, but main feature– pain in the limbs. Paralysis of the legs or arms, and even the torso may occur. To prevent this serious illness children are vaccinated.

Chicken pox

The first manifestation of the disease is a rash that looks like small blisters. It is easy to get infected, as is treatment. There is practically no person who has not suffered from it. The incubation period is two to three weeks. The course of the disease is mild, without complications.

Infectious diseases also include acute intestinal infections, such as dysentery, salmonellosis, caused by pathogenic microflora. The big picture the disease looks like this: heat, pain in the intestines, foamy stool.

Intestinal infections

Viral intestinal infections are diseases of early age. These include rotavirus, with signs of inflammation respiratory tract and enteroviral (meningitis, myocarditis) infections. Treatment intestinal infections First of all, it involves the restoration of microflora.

Respiratory diseases

Acute respiratory viral infections( , ) hit respiratory system child, contributing to intoxication of the body with the possible addition of complications of bacterial etiology. Children often get sick from ARVI; there is no stable immunity to such diseases. But with age respiratory diseases become less common. Against the background of ARVI, any chronic disease available to the child.

Infectious diseases in children can occur against a background of weakened immunity. Therefore, it is recommended to support the child’s body useful vitamins And proper nutrition. If any of the symptoms of any disease are detected, treatment must begin.

Scarlet fever is an acute bacterial disease that occurs only among humans. The course of the disease is extremely severe, infectious pathology requires timely treatment. The causative agent of scarlet fever is group A β-hemolytic streptococcus, Streptococcus pyogenes....

Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease manifested by a small cell rash. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets In children, this pathology is also transmitted through contact and household contact through contamination of household items. Signs of scarlet fever in children...

In fact, there is no vaccine against scarlet fever. After suffering from the disease, the victim develops immunity to the disease, however, there is a possibility of relapse. The scarlet fever vaccination is carried out in the maternity hospital, it is not specifically against this pathology, but a vaccine that...

Scarlet fever is a contagious disease that is quickly transmitted through household contact and airborne droplets. Infectious pathology quickly affects a large number of people who show signs of intoxication and other symptoms characteristic of this disease. Previously...

Chickenpox - dermatological disease, manifested in the form small rash on the skin. Every child suffers from this disease once in his life. Chicken pox goes away without complications if the pimples are not scratched. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. Besides pimples, maybe...

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Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 5.1k. Published 06/14/2018

No matter how hard parents try to protect their baby, various childhood diseases are common and plague almost all children. Almost any child can get sick adult disease, some pathologies occur only in children, there are rare or congenital problems, but today we will talk about the most common childhood diseases.

Features of the development of immunity: why it “misses” diseases

The child’s immunity begins to develop in utero, the process continues until adolescence. At different stages of immune system development, children are more susceptible to certain diseases.

Periods of development of the immune system:

  1. From birth to the 28th day of life, the baby’s body is reliably protected by maternal antibodies. But him the immune system is located initial stage formation, therefore, even in the maternity hospital, babies often pick up viral and bacterial diseases.
  2. 3-6 months - maternal antibodies are gradually destroyed, primary immunity prevails. Frequent colds, respiratory diseases, inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, viral and intestinal infections are the main problem of this period; diseases are often severe and can be repeated many times, since the immune memory has not yet been formed. At this age, the first allergic reactions begin to appear.
  3. 2-3 years – primary immunity still prevails in the body, the production of antibodies is in an immature state. Viral infections are replaced by bacterial diseases, and helminthic infestations often occur.
  4. 6-7 years – a sufficient number of antibodies accumulate in the memory of the immune system, flu and colds bother the child less often. But the risk of developing allergies, problems with the gastrointestinal tract increases, and the first signs of obesity may appear.
  5. Puberty – hormonal changes, active growth, reduction of lymphoid organs leads to frequent exacerbation chronic pathologies. The most common problems arise with the digestive and cardiac systems; many adolescents begin to develop bad habits, which negatively affects the immune system.

Stronger immunity is observed in children who are put to the breast immediately after birth; artificial babies always get sick more often than breastfed babies.

Infectious pathologies

At the age of 1-5 months various viral diseases They are rarely diagnosed in children, since during this period they essentially live off their mother’s immunity. But after six months, the risk of infectious diseases increases sharply, and teething aggravates the situation.

List of the most common bacterial and viral infections:

  1. Chickenpox, measles, mumps, rubella, scarlet fever, diphtheria - few people managed to raise a child without encountering at least one of these pathologies, since these viral diseases transmitted by airborne droplets. The only plus is that children get sick with these diseases once in a lifetime, reinfection It happens extremely rarely, and only in adults.
  2. Influenza, ARVI - these diseases are diagnosed in children most often; on average, a child experiences them 4-8 times a year. The main pathogens are parainfluenza, adenoviruses, enteroviruses; they constantly mutate, and the body does not have time to develop stable immunity.
  3. Intestinal infections - among childhood diseases they occupy the second place after colds, they are caused by rotaviruses, enteroviruses, salmonella, E. coli and dysentery bacilli, and amoebas.
  4. Whooping cough is a bacterial disease, infection occurs through close contact with a sick person. The disease occurs infrequently, since children are vaccinated with DTP, but immunity after vaccination lasts only 5-10 years.
  5. Scarlet fever - streptococcal bacterial infection, is accompanied by various severe complications, but after recovery, stable immunity is formed.
  6. Meningococcal infection is caused by bacteria. The disease is severe and affects the respiratory system, brain, heart, joints, and eyes.
  7. Pneumococcal infection - can provoke the development of colds, sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media, endocarditis. This problem is one of common reasons deaths in children under 2 years of age.
  8. Acute otitis - most often inflammatory process affects the middle ear, the pathology develops due to anatomical features structure of the hearing organ in children. The disease is recurrent and can cause hearing and speech impairment.

Popular diagnostic methods - scraping and stool analysis - can identify a small number of types of worms. If you suspect that your child has helminths, you need to do a PCR diagnosis.

Digestive system diseases

Non-compliance with diet, hobby junk food, fast food, carbonated drinks - all this leads to the fact that gastrointestinal diseases are rapidly becoming younger, and they are increasingly being diagnosed in children.

Main gastrointestinal diseases in children

  • Reflux - inflammation of the esophagus is manifested by frequent abdominal pain, belching with an unpleasant odor;
  • gastritis – the disease almost always becomes chronic, and if left untreated, an ulcer develops;
  • biliary dyskinesia – often causes the formation of stones;
  • diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, bloating - all these problems can be signs various diseases organs digestive system, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis.

Against the backdrop of poor nutrition, obesity also occurs - this problem is quite dangerous. You must understand that everyone extra kilos increases the load on the heart, blood vessels, and organs of the musculoskeletal system, all of which negatively affects the child’s health.

If you find it difficult to adjust your diet on your own, consult a nutritionist. Sometimes excess weight appears in the background incorrect exchange substances, in such cases consultation with a pediatric endocrinologist is required.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Sprains, bruises, chips, fractures - all these problems in children are common due to inattention, increased activity and curiosity. But the treatment of such problems is simple and straightforward; it is more difficult to deal with congenital or severe pathologies.

Most common diseases

  1. Hip dysplasia - the disease is diagnosed in every fifth newborn and develops against the background of underdevelopment bone tissue. The main symptoms are asymmetrical folds on the legs, incomplete separation of the limbs in hip joint, a characteristic click when spreading the legs. At the initial stage, the disease is well treated with massage and physiotherapeutic methods; in advanced forms, the child has to wear uncomfortable spacers, splints, splints for several months, and sometimes surgery is required.
  2. Scoliosis is a congenital or acquired lateral curvature of the spine, most often occurring in primary schoolchildren and adolescents.
  3. Rickets - against the background of metabolic disorders in the body, vitamin D deficiency occurs, which leads to deformation of the limbs, changes in the shape of the skull and chest, problems arise with tooth growth.
  4. Flat feet are diagnosed in 40% of preschool children. The disease develops against the background of rickets, due to increased stress on the spine and legs, with prolonged wearing of incorrect shoes.
  5. Torticollis - the disease occurs in infants; against the background of pathology, changes occur in the skeleton, muscles, and nerves cervical spine spine, one shoulder blade rises, the head tilts to the side.
  6. cerebral palsy – serious illness, develops when intrauterine development of the fetus is disrupted, against the background of birth injuries, or when the brain is damaged under the age of one year.

Most problems with the musculoskeletal system are difficult to treat; the later therapy is started, the longer it will take to restore all functions.

To promptly identify pathology, visit a pediatric orthopedist at least three times during the first year of life, and then every six months.

Other diseases in children

All kinds of pathological processes can occur in any organ of a child’s body, only regular preventive examination specialists will help to identify violations in a timely manner.

List of childhood diseases

  • diseases of the urinary system - cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis;
  • diseases of the respiratory system - laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis;
  • dental problems – caries, stomatitis;
  • diseases of the ENT organs - otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoids;
  • allergies – children most often develop individual intolerance to certain foods, allergies to pollen, animals, dust, medications; strong reactions can occur after insect bites.

Most of these problems arise due to hypothermia, weakened immunity, improper treatment colds.


All children, unfortunately, get sick: some less often, some more often. The main danger of childhood diseases is that they often become chronic and occur with complications. The only way reduce the risk of serious illnesses by regularly strengthening your immune system.

Chicken pox is a disease acute course, which is expressed feverish state and other symptoms of poisoning and the appearance of a rash on skin. Only at the end of the 18th century did pathology take on an independent form, since previously it was just a type of smallpox.

The disease manifests itself when there is a conflict between the antibodies in the blood of the baby and the mother. As a rule, with HDN, this happens due to a mismatch of the Rh factor, but other antigen mismatches can also be observed. Despite the fact that medicine has made great strides these days, the mortality rate in this case is still present and reaches 2.5%.

Totality infectious pathologies of different origins, which affect the gastrointestinal tract and have a toxic effect on the body has a name - intestinal infection in a child. Rotovirus infection in the intestines is expressed by hyperthermia, lack of desire to eat, dyspeptic disorders, pain, weakness, etc. In terms of prevalence, intestinal infections in children statistically rank second after respiratory viral infections. Children under 3 years of age are most susceptible to these diseases.

Conjunctivitis in children is a very popular disease that is accompanied by inflammation. Any pathological process It is much easier to prevent than to fight it. As a rule, this disease is caused by hypothermia, allergies or colds.

Rubella in children is a disease that occupies a special place among acute infectious pathologies. The pathogen can cause serious damage protective system body. Special attention is given to vaccination, which is carried out according to national calendar. Those children who have not previously been vaccinated get sick, mainly in the age period from two to nine years. Rubella during pregnancy is dangerous because it can cause severe congenital anomalies in the fetus.

Paratrophy is a disease that is expressed by excess body weight in a child. This happens with intensive feeding of infants. Paratrophy in children is caused by poor nutrition, in which most of the menu consists of dairy and flour products. The diagnosis is made for children under three years of age.

Rickets is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin D and disorders metabolic processes. The disease is diagnosed in children under one year of age. Among them most of all are those born ahead of schedule and is on artificial nutrition. The pathology does not pose any danger to life, but in the absence effective therapy may cause serious damage to health.

Rotavirus infection in children - this is a common disease that affects all children over three years of age. Despite the popularity of the disease, adults have insufficient information about it. Only certified doctors know how to treat correctly.

For a child's body, salmonellosis is not accompanied by any serious complications. But if an infant or a child with a weak immune system gets sick, then the disease can seriously harm health. Is an acute pathology infectious process, provoked by Salmonella pathogens.

Tuberculosis in children is a serious disease transmitted by the pathogen Koch bacillus. The disease usually affects the lungs, but other organs may also be involved in the pathological process. Today they apply effective techniques therapy through special medicines, which should be drunk strictly according to the instructions. Treatment of tuberculosis in children is long, taking on average from three to 9 months.

Childhood diseases

Children's diseases in pediatrics are distinguished according to certain age periods. Diseases of newborn children appear in the first month of life. Pathologies in infants are reported between the ages of 1 and 12 months. Early childhood diseases manifest themselves in the period from 1 to 3 years, the preschool period affects the life span from 3 to 7 years, 7-11 years are primary schoolchildren, and from 12 to 18 years are teenagers.

Diseases of infants are caused by intrauterine development, difficult labor, excessive sensitivity to viruses and infections, etc.

The causes of childhood illnesses in infancy lie in functional disorders respiratory organs and gastrointestinal tract. Errors in the nutrition of a newborn can lead to the development of rickets.

Pediatric infectious diseases are common among preschoolers and early childhood patients. This is all due to the baby’s immature immune system and his constant interaction with peers. It is at this stage of life that the number of various pathologies infectious nature: childhood skin diseases, throat diseases are very popular among children: eczema, sore throat, etc.

Patients of primary school age “get acquainted” with acute infections and endocrine disorders. Diseases of the nervous system in children are common. In addition, heart disease in children often makes itself felt.

Adolescents experience disorders of the endocrine glands and puberty. Blood diseases in older children are common.

The symptoms of these pathologies are quite varied. Pediatricians often deal with childhood diseases with rashes, convulsions, fever, abdominal pain, and changes in behavior. For example, dental diseases in children are often expressed by hyperthermia, moodiness, and severe pain.

Kidney disease in children is indicated by such signs as complaints of lumbar pain, swelling in the face and limbs, changes in the color and smell of urine, increased blood pressure, etc.

Eye diseases in children are expressed by tearing, squinting, redness, photophobia and many other factors.

If the listed symptoms or any other complaints about deterioration of health appear, you should consult a doctor.

Today, pediatrics is progressively developing, and new diagnostic and treatment methods are being found. Thanks to the merits and achievements of modern pediatrics, it has become possible to timely identify severe rare childhood diseases, including fatal ones. New treatment methods are being used that overcome the most unfavorable prognoses. Effective vaccines are being created, special mixtures are being developed for artificial feeding, effective antibiotics appear, the quality of examination and therapy improves.

Despite all the advantages modern medicine, the incidence rate today remains very high. This is due to the fact that many diagnoses are getting younger, tumor processes are becoming more common among children, endocrine disorders, heart problems, etc.

However, most childhood diseases from the list of this article have a favorable prognosis. The capabilities of a young body are colossal, and many pathologies are successfully treated without becoming chronic.

Great attention is paid to the prevention of childhood diseases, which involves the elimination of trauma during childbirth, careful care of the baby, vaccinations according to the calendar, detection of genetic pathologies, dispensary care and much more.

Infectious diseases are quite diverse, they can be acute and chronic, harmless and dangerous, and there are those that only affect children. Pathogens - viruses or bacteria, entering a favorable environment, begin their “subversive activities”. And here it is important to promptly identify the disease and begin treatment. Having suffered from certain infections in childhood, immunity to them remains for life.

Which infectious diseases are childhood diseases?


Measles is a highly contagious disease, the virus of which, moving with air flow, spreads quickly. The incubation period can last from a week to 20 days. At first they look like colds. Fever, dry cough, runny nose, severe headache, red eyes. Around the 4th day of illness, the child becomes covered with a rash, which, starting behind the ears, instantly spreads throughout the body.

There are small gray dots even in the oral cavity. The temperature will remain until the rash stops appearing. As the temperature drops, the rash loses color and the child feels better. This disease creates a “gap” in the child’s immunity, increasing the risk of other infections such as pneumonia, bronchitis, stomatitis, and otitis media.


Very similar to measles. The incubation period is two to three weeks. The same red rashes, temperature up to 38 degrees, cough, stuffy nose. But with rubella, the lymph nodes in the neck and back of the head become inflamed and enlarged. A child tolerates rubella more easily than measles. After three days, the rash disappears without a trace. There are no complications after rubella.

Viral mumps (mumps)

The infection enters through the respiratory tract. The incubation period is from a week to 20 days. Signs: temperature 38-39 degrees and headache. The places where mumps “attacks” are the central nervous system, salivary glands, pancreas, and in boys the testicles are also affected (in severe cases it can lead to further infertility).

The child has difficulty chewing reflexes. Meningitis can be a serious complication of mumps. It is important not to refuse vaccination against viral mumps.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is a streptococcal infection. Contagious from the first day of illness. The incubation period is short, up to one week. Vomiting, sore throat, fever - occur suddenly. A rash appears, localized on the cheeks, abdomen, groin area, and armpits. Complications are possible - otitis media, lymphadenitis, nephritis.


The cause of the disease is infection with diphtheria bacillus, which penetrates through the tonsils. It takes up to 10 days from infection to the appearance of symptoms of the disease. It differs from tonsillitis in the appearance of tonsils: with diphtheria, they are covered with a gray film.

The initial stage of the disease is characterized by a temperature of 40 degrees. The child suffers from pain in the throat, head, and abdomen. The disease is very dangerous, threatening the child’s life! Combined vaccination DTP has classified this disease as a rare disease.


A viral infection transmitted through dirt and air. The incubation period can last a whole month, but generally 10-12 days. The symptoms are similar to any other infectious disease, but the main symptom is pain in the limbs. Paralysis of the legs or arms, and even the torso may occur. To prevent this serious disease, children are vaccinated.

Chicken pox

The first manifestation of the disease is a rash that looks like small blisters. It is easy to get infected, as is treatment. There is practically no person who has not suffered from it. The incubation period is two to three weeks. The course of the disease is mild, without complications.

Infectious diseases also include acute intestinal infections, such as dysentery and salmonellosis, caused by pathogenic microflora. The general picture of the disease looks like this: high fever, pain in the intestines, foamy stools.

Intestinal infections

Viral intestinal infections are diseases of early age. These include rotavirus, with signs of inflammation of the respiratory tract, and enterovirus (meningitis, myocarditis) infections. Treatment of intestinal infections primarily involves restoring the microflora.

Respiratory diseases

Acute respiratory viral infections (,) affect the child’s respiratory system, promoting intoxication of the body with the possible addition of complications of bacterial etiology. Children often get sick from ARVI; there is no stable immunity to such diseases. But with age, respiratory diseases become less common. Against the background of ARVI, any chronic disease present in the child is more severe.

Infectious diseases in children can occur against a background of weakened immunity. Therefore, it is recommended to support the child’s body with healthy vitamins and proper nutrition. If any of the symptoms of any disease are detected, treatment must begin.