Cranberry juice for kidneys. Treatment of pyelonephritis with cranberries. Healing juice of cranberries and potatoes for the complex treatment of kidney pathologies

Once upon a time, cranberry was a cure for many diseases: stomach diseases, colds, rheumatism. It was even used as a sputum remover. Cranberry helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, restores metabolism, and prevents the formation of blood clots. Cranberry fruits contain a substance called pectin, which helps remove harmful substances and reduces cholesterol in the blood. Cranberry juice also removes heavy metals and various unnecessary waste from the human body. In addition to all this, cranberries contain phenol. Cuts, burns, various wounds treated with cranberries heal very quickly. Cranberry juice treats sore gums, improves the functioning of the pancreas, the fruit is very useful for diabetics. That is why in ancient Rus' these berries were called “rejuvenating” berries.

Beneficial properties of cranberries for kidneys

Cranberries and juice made from them have long been known to everyone as medicines against kidney diseases.

The juice of these berries prevents the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys. It acts like bactericidal agent, restores metabolism, protects the urinary system from various microbes entering it. The antibacterial properties of these berries contain a very large amount of organic acids.

Cranberry for kidneys and Bladder needed, it contains a huge amount of vitamins B, P, C. The fruits have a lot of citric acid (it adds alkali to the urine), this is very useful for urate-oxalate kidney stones. Cranberries are used for different types kidney stones, due to the content in it various types acids Cranberry juice is recommended to drink for urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis.

A medicine such as Monurel is made based on cranberry extract, which helps in the treatment and prevention of cystitis. But people with kidney stones should know that the composition contains a considerable amount of vitamin C, and this can enhance the process of stone formation.

If you drink cranberry juice, then know that when prepared at home, it is much healthier than store-bought. How to make cranberry juice?

Recipes for making cranberry juice at home

  1. A glass of cranberries is washed and ground in a container convenient for you. Pass the crumpled cranberries through a sieve and squeeze out using gauze. We remove the resulting juice in the other direction, and pour about 4-5 tbsp into the porridge-like mass. l. water and put on gas for 5-6 minutes. Strain the resulting mass, add the remaining juice and a couple of tablespoons of honey to the already cold broth.
  2. We wipe the same amount of berries and pour about a liter of boiling water, put it on gas for a couple of minutes, then add sugar and honey to taste. The cooled fruit drink is filtered.
  3. The washed cranberries are filled with water and cooked for 10-15 minutes. Initially, cook over high heat, then, when the berries begin to burst, reduce the heat, gradually reducing it to low. After 8-10 minutes, add honey, strain and cool. Next, add sugar and freeze. If desired, cut off and dilute with boiling water.
  4. Fruit juice is prepared using a slow cooker; it retains all the vitamins. Wash the berries thoroughly, wipe them, pour them into the slow cooker required quantity sugar, pour in the juice and the resulting mushy mass. Pour boiling water over the entire contents, mix well and close. Leave for 3.5-4 hours, then strain. Morse is ready.

Cranberry juice is beneficial for both adults and children; everyone drinks it. It tones and lifts your mood. Drink fruit drink 2-3 times a day, a glass, during or after meals.

Cranberry for cystitis

Many means traditional medicine effective against cystitis. Cranberry for cystitis gently and quickly copes with many pathogenic microorganisms penetrating into the bladder cavity. Cranberry juice is also good for cystitis, giving no less effective results. The reason for this is healing properties of these berries, allowing you to quickly remove painful symptoms pathology. How does cranberry help against cystitis?

Cranberry for cystitis effectively copes with the onset of the inflammatory process. It can be consumed either fresh or in the form of juice. This berry from the northern latitudes of Russia is indispensable for inflammation of bladder cells, since it contains a large percentage of acid inside. Cranberry drinks, penetrating into the bladder, have a detrimental effect on many types of pathogenic organisms that enter here. Besides, medicinal properties of this berry complements high content there are vitamins inside it.

Cranberries contain a lot of:

  • acids of organic origin;
  • fructose fiber;
  • phenol carbonic acids;
  • sorbitol carbohydrates;
  • glucose molecules with sucrose;
  • potassium salts;
  • iodine complex;
  • flavonoid compounds;
  • tanning substances.

Thanks to this composition, fruit drinks and the berries themselves are valuable products for cystitis. Cranberry treats cystitis and affects pathogenic microflora benzoic, quinic, malic, and citric acids contained in it.

The medicinal properties of cranberries have recently been used in the manufacture of special tablets. Cranberry tablets can relieve the body of the symptoms of cystitis over a short course of treatment. Therapeutic effects when using them, it is possible to achieve only when taking them as prescribed by the attending physician.

Cranberry juice, as well as the berries themselves, are rich in some active compounds that are resistant to enzymes and of hydrochloric acid stomach. Thanks to this, they are not digested digestive organs and convey their healing properties to the organs of the excretory system. The antibacterial activity of cranberry juice and its berries easily copes with a large number of pathogenic particles that have penetrated the bladder.

Cranberry juice contributes to the death of even coli, easily coping with it inside the body. In addition, cranberry juice manages to paralyze many microbes that subsequently leave the human body with urine.

Among large quantity medicinal products from cranberries it is impossible not to mention healing composition cranberry-based fruit drink. The recipe for making it is very simple! If a woman regularly drinks this drink during the course of treatment, then her health status with cystitis always improves.

This drink has the following advantages:

  • excellent taste;
  • vitamin composition;
  • ease of preparation;
  • high impact efficiency.

Today, there are several recipes for making cranberry juice.

Let's look at the most effective of them:

  1. Half a kilogram of fresh cranberry berries needs to be mashed well, and then the juice is extracted from them by squeezing. The resulting juice should be diluted with two liters of pre-boiled but cooled water and sweetened a little. Take this medicine as prescribed by the doctor and in the dosages indicated by him.
  2. Frozen cranberries are also a great help for cystitis. They should be drunk in the form of fruit drink or compote. After defrosting half a kilogram of such berries, they should be mashed well, followed by squeezing the juice. The resulting juice should be diluted with two liters of cooled boiling water and sweetened a little. After this, it is recommended to boil the drink and after cooling it can be used for medicinal purposes.

All those taking cranberry juice noted an improvement in the bacterial background in the bladder.

“Is cranberry effective for cystitis, how to take these berries, what are the contraindications to them?” – these and related questions are often asked by patients.

Before using these berries and drinks made from them, the recipes for which are very varied, you should make sure that the patient has no contraindications to taking them.

  • gout;
  • diseases of urolithiasis;
  • ulcerative manifestations;
  • gastritis;
  • allergies.

Patients with cystitis can eat four tablespoons of fresh cranberries every day. This amount can be taken either at one time or by dividing it into equal portions. With absence fresh berries You can also use frozen fruits, but you should eat them after preliminary defrosting.

Cranberries are useful even during pregnancy, but you should not eat them in excessive quantities. At elevated background stomach acidity Berries should be eaten in small portions.

The pharmacy chain also has cranberry tablets. The recipe for their preparation includes a large amount of cranberry extract, which contains everything necessary for the treatment of cystitis. To purchase such tablets, you do not need a prescription from a doctor, but you should have a preliminary consultation with him.

How to take cranberries correctly for cystitis

Cranberries are widely used in folk medicine as an excellent healing and strengthening agent. This berry contains many substances beneficial to the human body.

Cranberry for cystitis is good as an adjunct to the main drug treatment. Often, it does not easily speed up the healing process and increase the effectiveness of therapy, but it also prevents the return of the disease.

Cystitis is infectious disease, and often his treatment is delayed. Accordingly, you have to take a lot of medications, which in most cases give side effects. Therefore, sometimes the use of traditional medicine methods becomes a way out of the situation.

Beneficial properties of cranberries

This berry is a source of a large amount of vitamins, and if consumed correctly, it is possible not only to recover from bladder inflammation, but also to have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Cranberry contains:

  • citric acid, malic, oleic (help eliminate inflammation);
  • various microelements (magnesium, copper, manganese, etc.);
  • benzoic acid, which has a detrimental effect on fungi and pathogens;
  • B vitamins;
  • glucose;
  • organic acids;
  • pectin;
  • tannins, which help remove toxins from the body.

Because cystitis is infectious nature, then for effective treatment it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its development. Cranberry is useful for cystitis because it contains a substance called proanthocyanidin, which enters the urinary system unchanged. This substance helps destroy pathogenic bacteria in the bladder.

This berry also restores the body’s protective functions very well. After all, in the complex therapeutic measures, aimed against cystitis, strengthening the immune system is not the least important.

How to use for cystitis

Numerous reviews confirm that cranberries have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and diuretic effects. Many experts call it a natural antibiotic. But to increase its medicinal properties, you need to know in what form and how to take cranberries for cystitis. This is important, since the use of this berry also has some contraindications, for example, peptic ulcer or gastritis. Therefore, it is recommended to discuss any treatment methods from traditional medicine with your doctor in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

If you drink properly prepared cranberry juice for cystitis, then within a few hours the patient will feel relief, since this juice effectively suppresses pathogenic flora in the urinary system.

Cranberry juice for cystitis, berry compote, juice, jelly, various desserts, etc. are also very useful.

To prepare fruit juice, you need to soak 500 g of berries in water room temperature within twenty minutes. Then, using a blender, grind them, add a little sugar or honey to soften sour taste cranberries and pour boiled water. The resulting substance must be brought to a boil and cooled. You can drink the resulting delicious drink several times a day.

You also need to know how to prepare correct and healthy cranberry juice for people suffering from cystitis. If fresh berries are used for this, then they need to be crushed and heated slightly so that the juice from this mass is better released. But in the case of frozen berries, the heating process is not necessary.

Chopped cranberries must be placed in cheesecloth and squeezed thoroughly. You can add a little sugar to the resulting liquid. And it is better to take the juice immediately after preparation, since experts recommend drinking only a fresh drink.

Doctors advise preparing and drinking it regularly, since a patient who takes a cranberry drink has a better chance of avoiding exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the urinary system.

You can also make a compote or decoction from this berry, which is no less effective than fruit drink or juice.

It is noteworthy that cranberry fruits are stored in the refrigerator for a very long time without losing their healing properties. They can also be frozen or preserved in alcohol, without worrying at all that the berries will lose their medicinal effect.

We must never forget that cranberries are just aid, and it is unable to completely cure the patient of cystitis. But it can be used as the most effective preventive method against exacerbation of the disease.


There are several limitations in the use of this healthy berries. These restrictions must be taken into account to avoid any undesirable consequences:

  • For any disease gastrointestinal tract the use of cranberries is unacceptable.
  • An allergic reaction may occur to this berry.
  • Pregnancy and lactation are a contraindication.
  • This berry is not allowed for small children.

According to most dentists, frequent consumption of cranberry drinks can damage tooth enamel. In this regard, it is recommended to rinse your mouth after each intake of juice or fruit drink.

Even absolutely healthy man You should not drink cranberry drinks on an empty stomach, as the berry is very acidic and can have an irritating effect on the digestive system.

Impact on the body as a whole

To quickly and effectively cure cystitis, you must take care of the normal functioning of the whole body, internal organs should work as expected. The beneficial substances contained in cranberries contribute to this by having the following effects:

  • cleanse the body of toxic substances;
  • increase the strength of blood vessels;
  • struggling with bad cholesterol, helping to lower its level in the blood;
  • effectively strengthen immune system body;
  • prevent the formation and spread of cancer cells.

Cranberry tablets

Pharmacies sell preparations containing juice from this berry. These drugs are not drugs, but rather food additives. Since not every patient likes the taste of cranberries, these pharmaceutical products can become an alternative to a natural product.

But do not forget to consult with your doctor, who may not recommend these tablets, although they have the same effect on the body as a regular cranberry drink. This can be confirmed by numerous positive reviews about these products, among which are Uroprofit, Cystivit, Urinal, etc.

The listed drugs, like cranberry itself, do not cure cystitis, but can only be prescribed as an additional remedy to antibiotics. After all, it is known that only antimicrobial medications can relieve the patient from the inflammatory process in the bladder.

Regular consumption of cranberries normalizes metabolism, strengthens blood vessels, increases the body's resistance to viral and bacterial respiratory diseases. But most widely delicious berry used in the treatment of pathologies of the urinary system due to its pronounced diuretic effect. Mors and freshly squeezed cranberry juice have antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic activity. Therefore, the use of berries is relevant for pathologies caused by pathogenic bacteria. Cranberries are especially indispensable for the kidneys - traditional healers recommend drinking sour juice to dissolve stones and remove sand.

Useful properties of berry culture for cleansing the kidneys

Under the influence of external or internal factors The functional activity of the kidneys decreases markedly over time. Poor nutrition, low physical activity, and untreated pathologies cause the accumulation of insoluble salts in the pelvis, tubules and glomeruli. Gradually, the crystals are attracted to each other, enlarge and form a kidney stone.

To remove sand and small stones, drugs with a diuretic effect are used. Freshly squeezed cranberry juice has similar activity. To cleanse the kidneys, you should take 0.3 glasses of the drink 3-4 times a day after meals for 10-14 days. Cranberries contain a large number of organic acids, but benzoic acid is important for dissolving oxalates, urates, phosphates and carbonates.
The accumulation of kidney stones provokes a violation of the concentration, filtration and excretion of urine. Congestion occurs in the organs of the urinary system - favorable environment for active reproduction of staphylococci, Proteus and Escherichia coli. Under the influence of toxic compounds released by them, inflammatory foci are formed in the kidneys, urethra, bladder and serious diseases develop:

  • acute and chronic renal failure;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Phytoncides and organic acids from cranberry juice acidify urine, slowing down the growth of pathogenic microbes and viruses. And increased urination quickly and effectively removes infectious pathogens from the human body.

Treatment of urolithiasis

Before clearing crystals and stones from your kidneys and bladder using cranberry juice, you should undergo a thorough instrumental diagnostics. This is necessary to determine the size and shape of the stone. The fact is that under the influence of cranberry juice, kidney stones will begin to pass away. If they are too large, then there is a high probability of integrity violation blood vessel or ureter. But for removal mineral salts The diuretic properties of cranberries will be very useful.

This is interesting: On chemical composition stones and their shape are influenced by a person’s diet. A lack of proteins and carbohydrates leads to the formation of strong urates, and the predominance of acidic foods in the daily menu causes the accumulation of gray dense oxalates in the kidneys.

Almost everything is biological active substances from the composition of sour berries have healing effect on the kidneys and bladder, in which stones have accumulated. Cranberry at urolithiasis exhibits multifaceted therapeutic effectiveness:

  • a high concentration of malic, oxalic, and benzoic acid serves as an obstacle to the processes of crystallization and deposition of mineral compounds in the pelvis, glomeruli, kidney tubules and bladder;
  • The pectin content in cranberries ensures high-quality cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract from various toxins and toxic compounds. This ability prevents digestive disorders and, as a consequence, the accumulation of mineral compounds in the systemic bloodstream and renal anatomical structures, bladder, urethra;
  • presence in cranberries ascorbic acid serves as an obstacle to the formation of inflammatory foci in all organs of the urinary system. Vitamin C takes part in redox processes, accelerating metabolism and regeneration of damaged tissues.

The antioxidant effect of cranberry juice is also important in the treatment of kidney and bladder diseases. Biologically active substances from its composition are capable of destroying free radicals, preventing premature aging and cell necrosis.

Warning: Cranberry is used only for the treatment of chronic urolithiasis. The berry has proven itself excellent as a prophylactic from relapses of this pathology of the kidneys and bladder. But in case of exacerbation of urolithiasis, you cannot avoid taking pharmacological drugs and even surgery.

Proper use of medicinal berries in treatment

One thing to consider before starting treatment important feature cranberries - biologically active compounds from its composition can prolong and enhance the effect antibacterial drugs from any row. And this does not always have a positive effect on the human body. Antibiotics have serious side effects, so urologists and nephrologists always carefully calculate the daily allowance and single doses, as well as the duration of the therapeutic course. Drinking cranberry juice while on antibiotic therapy will cause an overdose. Use healing berries is possible only after the main treatment.


Damage to the glomerular capillaries during glomerulonephritis causes stagnation of urine and the development of severe swelling of the soft tissues. Drinking cranberry juice leads to:

  • to increased urination;
  • to remove excess fluid from the body;
  • to stop the inflammatory process.

The undoubted advantage of this berry crop is its mild diuretic effect. Despite frequent urge to empty the bladder, the cells and tissues retain the necessary supply of micro- and macroelements.

To treat chronic glomerulonephritis, freshly squeezed cranberry juice is used, which is released from the berries after they are rubbed through a sieve. It is not recommended to sweeten the drink with sugar or honey, as this will reduce the therapeutic effectiveness. Cranberry juice should be taken 0.5 glasses three times a day after meals for 2-3 months.


With pyelonephritis, the kidney tubules become inflamed after the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms - enterococci, staphylococci, and E. coli. In the treatment of this pathology, not only the diuretic properties of cranberries are used, but also antiseptic and antimicrobial ones. The use of berry juice allows you to quickly achieve positive therapeutic results:

  • destroy pathogenic bacteria;
  • remove microbes and toxic products of their vital activity from inflammatory foci;
  • prevent the processes of crystallization of mineral salts;
  • prevent the spread of inflammation to other organs of the urinary system.

Cranberry quickly and effectively eliminates pyelonephritis painful sensations lower abdomen and symptoms of general intoxication of the body. Prepare healing drink can be done as follows:

  1. Pour two glasses of fresh berries into a liter of water and bring to a boil.
  2. Simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes, and then leave covered for about an hour.

When treating pyelonephritis, thick honey can be added to the drink to improve the taste. Traditional healers It is recommended to take half a glass of cranberry juice 3 times a day after meals. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and ranges from three weeks to 2-3 months.

Recommendation: It is not advisable to use berries together with infusions and decoctions of plants that exhibit diuretic activity - bear's ears, woolly erva, staminate orthosiphon. The combined diuretic effect will provoke a dangerous state of dehydration.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

But also medicines of natural origin. Cranberry is very useful for kidney stones as it blocks the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder. Cranberry juice is a strong antibacterial agent that protects the urine excretion system from harmful microorganisms.

Cranberries have unique beneficial and medicinal properties that can be used in the treatment of kidney diseases.

What attracts the berry: composition and beneficial properties

Cranberries contain elements such as iodine, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and silver. These elements have a positive effect on the human body and help with many diseases. The berry contains more vitamin C than lemons, and is also enriched with vitamins B, E, tannins, tannin, carotene and fructose. The fruits are used in the treatment of many diseases, including diseases of the urinary system and kidneys. Cranberry has the following effects on kidneys:

  • has a diuretic effect;
  • exhibits anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect;
  • eliminates kidney stones and prevents their formation.

Proper kidney treatment with cranberries

Morse for pyelonephritis

Cranberry juice has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare fruit juice, steam the berries and then boil them in water (1 liter). After the drink has cooled, you need to add and dissolve honey (3 tbsp.). The fruit drink must steep, so it is left in a cool place for 10 hours. The product is taken 2 glasses per day.

Juice for glomerulonephritis

Glomerulonephritis is characterized by inflammation of the renal glomeruli, heat, blood content in urine. With this disease, the berry relieves inflammation and normalizes the functioning of the organ. For the treatment of the disease, it is best to take Fresh Juice, which can be done using a juicer or squeezing out the juice using a colander.

Kvass for jade

When treating nephritis (kidney inflammation), you need to use cranberry kvass. To prepare you will need half a kilogram of berries, sugar (600 g), water (2 l) and yeast (50 g). The fruits are boiled in water along with sugar, after which yeast is added to the mixture. The mixture must be stirred well. In order for kvass to ferment, it should be placed in a warm place. When preparing kvass, strain it and store it in a cool place. The drink is taken in 2 glasses per day.

For cleaning

If you eat a glass of cranberries for two weeks, you can clear your kidneys of stones and sand.

The berry has the ability to cleanse and normalize kidney activity during various diseases. To do this, you should purchase 3 kilograms of fruits (fresh or frozen). Treatment lasts 14 days, 1 glass of berries should be consumed every day. Since cranberry has a diuretic effect, the kidneys will be cleared of salts, sand and stones.

Before you start a kidney cleanse with cranberries. You should consult a specialist to check whether there are large stones in the kidneys, as they can block the ducts.

With emphysematous pyelonephritis

This disease is very serious; it occurs when an organ becomes infected with bacteria. These microorganisms provoke the formation of gas in the kidneys. This disease often affects people with diabetes mellitus. For therapy, a potato-cranberry mixture is prepared. Squeeze juice from the products (200 g each), mix and dilute with water, and then take.

For renal failure

Berries enhance the effect of medications and cleanse the organ in case of this ailment. Treatment of the disease with cranberries is based on the fact that you need to drink fresh cranberry juice. An infusion is also made from cranberries. To prepare it, you need to pour boiled water (1 glass) over the berries (2 liters). The liquid must be infused for 6 hours using a thermos. Then strain and divide into 6 servings, which should be taken throughout the day.

The targeted effect of cranberries on the kidneys is to relieve inflammatory processes, clear microbes and use them as a diuretic.

In addition to the fact that cranberry has the ability to cure many diseases, it has preventive properties. Studies have proven that regular consumption of cranberry juice prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Beneficial features

Regardless of the form in which you take cranberries, nutrients while being preserved. You should drink cranberry juice if you have pyelonephritis, inflammatory processes, salts and stones in the kidney glands.

This healing fruit drink consists of a number of useful substances, helping to eliminate bacteria, germs, speed up and improve metabolism. This effect works due to organic acids contained in large quantities in berries.

The composition and benefits of cranberries for the kidneys are very interesting. First of all, this is vitamin complex, citric acid, which helps fight bacteria.

Morse is also useful for cystitis and other inflammatory processes.

Cranberry extract is used in pharmaceuticals and is in great demand. This component is used to remove kidney stones.

It should be noted that, despite beneficial features of this berry – you should consult your doctor before taking it. In some diseases, vitamin C contained in the berry can negatively affect the course of the disease.

Preparing fruit juice

To prepare a cranberry drink, you will need 1 tbsp. berries, which should be mashed well until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Next, place it in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Leave for several hours, then pour clean water(5 tbsp.) The resulting composition should be cooked for no more than five minutes.

After these steps, strain and add the squeezed juice. If desired, you can add a spoonful of honey. This way, the acid will be eliminated, but the pleasant taste and aroma will remain.

You should take at least one glass of fruit drink per day. Drinking the drink helps treat the underlying disease and is used as a preventive measure.

For noticeable positive result It is worth increasing the amount of drink to three glasses.

Cranberry infusion for kidney failure No. 1

To prepare the infusion, take 4 tbsp. washed berries, pour them into a colander and pour boiling water over them. Mash the cranberries using a wooden mallet; no metal is used in this case. Then transfer the resulting mixture into a thermos. Fill to the brim hot water. Infuse the decoction for 6 hours.

You should take half a glass five times a day or more. Individually, you can add honey or sugar in small quantities.

Infusion No. 2

There is another cranberry-based recipe for the prevention of kidney diseases. Take 2 cups of fruits, wash them and add boiled water. Then add half a glass of sugar and stir until smooth. After this, strain to remove the pulp and dilute with water. This infusion fully replaces tea, but at the same time has a beneficial effect on overall well-being.

Cranberry kvass for the treatment of nephritis

For kvass, you need to prepare half a kilogram of berries, rinse with water, pour 2 liters cold water, add sugar. Then add 50 g of yeast. Kvass is infused in a warm place for a day or more, then it should be strained and placed in a cold place. The optimal amount to take is 2 tbsp. every day.

Cranberry for kidneys

Cranberries help prevent new stones from forming in the kidneys and are also used as a diuretic. Thanks to the latter effect, sand formation is reduced and inflammatory effects are prevented. Another positive point is that excess salts are removed from the body along with the fluid.


Before use, you should consult a specialist. Due to the large amount of vitamin C contained in the berry, people with ulcers, gastritis or liver disease should avoid taking it.


It is worth noting that cranberries are an excellent ally in the fight against many diseases. Daily use of its fruits has a positive effect on general state the body, and also helps cleanse the kidneys of stones. In addition to medicinal purposes, cranberry drinks can also be used for preventive purposes.

Cranberry juice is a powerful natural antioxidant and has pronounced antibacterial properties. The berries contain many components that provide diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and other effects when consumed regularly.

Cranberries are especially beneficial for the kidneys. There are several recipes that correct use, can significantly speed up the human recovery process.

Beneficial properties of cranberries

Cranberries contain a unique combination of vitamins and useful elements. Thanks to this nuance, berries are able to restore performance internal systems body and create powerful prevention of various diseases.

Cranberry has a complex effect and has a number of beneficial properties.

Berries are good addition to the main course of therapy sore throat, flu, illness respiratory system, liver and kidneys, diseases of infectious and bacterial nature. The benefits of berries include the following properties:

  • improvement protective functions body;
  • increasing efficiency drug therapy and accelerating the trend towards recovery;
  • improving the mental and physical performance of the body;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving heart function;
  • excretion bad cholesterol from blood;
  • normalization of the digestive process;
  • prevention of heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis;
  • accelerating the process of tissue regeneration (including internal organs);
  • removal of poisons, toxins and other harmful substances from the body;
  • antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • beneficial effects on the nervous system;
  • improving the structure and activity of the gallbladder;
  • normalization of metabolism (including prevention of abnormalities);
  • reduction of body intoxication;
  • prevention of infectious diseases;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • recovery metabolic processes in organism;
  • removal of excess water from the body without loss of nutrients;
  • replenishment of vitamins, nutrients and prevention of vitamin deficiency.

How will it help the kidneys?

Cranberry has a pronounced therapeutic effect in the treatment of kidney diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature.

The berries are used as a complement to therapy, renal failure, glomerulonephritis, pyonephrosis and other pathologies. Cranberries have particular benefits for the prevention and. The berry is capable of dissolving small formations on initial stages their formation.

Beneficial properties of berries for the kidneys:

  • diuretic effect (calcium is not washed out of the body);
  • removal of protein breakdown products from the body;
  • prevention education;
  • improving the kidney filtration process;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • restoration of nitrogen metabolism;
  • removal of heavy metal salts from the body;
  • protection of the urinary system from pathogenic microorganisms;
  • prevention of relapses of infectious kidney diseases;
  • mild diuretic effect;
  • therapeutic effect on damaged tissues;
  • leaching from the kidneys and preventing its formation;
  • enhancing the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs;
  • creating kidney protection from the oxidative process;
  • increasing the solubility of oxalates;
  • normalization of water-salt balance in the body;
  • elimination of pathogenic microorganisms.

Contraindications to its use

Despite its many beneficial properties, uncontrolled consumption of cranberries can cause negative reaction some body systems.

Berries increase acidity gastric juice and in some cases can cause heartburn. If you have pathologies that fall into the category of contraindications or suspect their development, you should be examined by a specialist and clarify the possibility of using cranberries as an addition to the main course of therapy.

You can't treat your kidneys with cranberries in the presence of the following conditions:

  1. hyperacid gastritis (cranberries will increase the acidity of gastric juice);
  2. some pathologies of the bladder and urinary tract(urine acidity increases);
  3. peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  4. increased acidity of gastric juice;
  5. hepatitis in the acute stage or in chronic form;
  6. cholecystitis or pancreatitis in chronic form (heartburn may occur);
  7. inflammatory processes of the digestive system in the acute stage;
  8. and lactation period (due to hypersensitivity organisms of women and newborns).

Common Recipes

Fruit drinks, kvass, infusions, decoctions and other cranberry-based drinks belong to the category universal remedies in the treatment of kidney diseases.

Some recipes have increased efficiency in the presence of specific pathologies. When using cranberries to prevent or eliminate kidney disease, it is important to follow the rules of dosage and duration of use of such drugs.

The average course of daily consumption of berries in any form is from two to four months.

Fresh berries for kidney cleansing

Every day you should eat 150-200 g of fresh berries (or frozen). The kidney cleansing course is two weeks.


Extract the juice from fresh berries (through cheesecloth, using a juicer or other methods). To prepare juice, you can use not only fresh, but also frozen fruits. You should use the product one-fourth of a glass. maximum four times a day.

After drinking cranberry juice, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with water (the acids contained in cranberries can have a negative effect on tooth enamel). You can take the drug to prevent kidney pathologies or during their treatment.


Bring one and a half liters of water to a boil. Add 200 g of berries and a few tablespoons of sugar. Bring the mixture back to a boil and cool. You can supplement the compote with apples and a small amount lemon juice(the healing properties of the drink will increase).

You should drink the drink several times a day, half a glass. Allowed to consume per day no more than two glasses such compote.


Combine two liters of water, 500 g of cranberries and 300 g of sugar in one container. Bring the preparation to a boil. Add 50 g of dry yeast to the contents of the pan. Place the workpiece in a warm place for a day. After infusion, strain the resulting mass and put it in the refrigerator.

You should take kvass in small portions (at least three glasses a day). It is better to consume kvass before meals or in between meals. The recipe is particularly effective.


Blanch two tablespoons of cranberries. Pour 300 ml of boiling water (in a thermos) into the mushy mass. The preparation must be left to steep for several hours. You can add a small amount of sugar or honey to the cranberry mass.

Take small portions throughout the day. The product has good effectiveness.


Mash 300 g of berries thoroughly. Pour the resulting juice into a separate container. Pour the pulp into a liter of water and bring to a boil over low heat. Add the juice remaining after mashing the berries to the resulting broth. You can supplement the fruit drink with a small amount of honey.

Honey-cranberry mixture for prevention

Combine honey and cranberries in equal proportions. Before going to bed, you need to consume two tablespoons of the mixture.

The duration of the preventive course is one month.
The product can be used as a supplement to drug therapy if kidney pathologies are diagnosed.

Cranberries contain a record amount useful acids, vitamins and microelements, but replace medications berries can't.

In the presence of serious pathologies kidney is needed complex therapy, which involves taking medications of various categories.

Cranberries can be used as an auxiliary and prophylactic agent. Regular consumption of berries of this variety will help avoid abnormalities in kidney function and improve the general condition of the body.

They will tell us how to choose, store and prepare cranberries correctly in the program “Live Healthy!”: