Treatment with birch bark and leaves. Birch bark - medicinal properties and contraindications, application. Traditional medicine recipes

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From time immemorial birch was rightfully considered the tree of life, as it helped maintain and improve health. Today, traditional medicine widely uses effective recipes various components of this plant. Next, the beneficial properties of birch as a whole, and each of its components separately, will be considered. The following recipes will help you cope with many ailments and their symptoms.

Treatment using birch

The following birch raw materials are used for medicinal purposes:
  • kidneys;
  • leaves;
  • tar;
  • birch bark (bark);
  • chaga (so-called birch mushroom);
  • Activated carbon;
  • catkins (inflorescences).
The buds are collected from the beginning of February until the end of April, when they are distinguished by their resinous content. At the same time, it is important to have time to prepare raw materials before they bloom. After drying the raw materials, which is carried out in a dark place at temperatures up to 30 degrees, the buds should be threshed. Properly collected and prepared birch buds have a tart, resinous taste and a balsamic smell, which intensifies when rubbed.

Birch leaves are collected in May (at this time the birch tree blooms, so the leaves have a sticky structure and emit a fragrant aroma). The leaves are dried in the open air, but in the shade. Both buds and leaves are stored in sealed glass or cardboard containers (necessarily in a dry room) for two years.

Birch sap should be collected and stored during the period of sap flow. To prevent the death of the tree and not cause irreparable harm to it, the sap is collected only in places where birch trees are planned to be cut down. In addition, it is not recommended to collect sap from young trees.

Benefits of birch

Birch contains an organic dye, betulin, containing a large number of silver ions, due to which medications from it have excellent antimicrobial effect.

Betulin, penetrating through the skin into the blood, affects the body as follows:

  • eliminates joint pain;
  • relieves heaviness in the legs;
  • increases resistance to development oncological diseases;
  • significantly improves liver function.
From time immemorial, fresh birch sap has been used to treat colds and skin diseases. Decoctions, infusions and drinks from birch strengthen the immune system.

Scientists have long proven the influence of birch on human health. In the course of research, it was found that people living near birch groves almost do not suffer from colds, since volatile phytoncides have antiviral, antimicrobial, and immunomodulatory effects.

Lovers will appreciate the properties of birch bath procedures. The fact is that under the influence of hot air, its leaves secrete healing phytoncides, which perfectly sterilize the air and fill it with antiseptics.

Properties of birch

Traditional medicine effectively uses various parts of birch to treat various diseases.

Birch leaves and buds

Infusions and decoctions of buds and leaves have the following properties:
  • choleretic;
  • general strengthening;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • bactericidal;
  • disinfectant;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiscorbutic.
Birch buds and leaves are used to treat the following diseases:
  • dysfunction Bladder;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • edema of cardiac etiology;
  • eczema;
  • kidney inflammation ;
  • bronchitis;
  • bedsores;
  • skin diseases;
  • anemia;
  • neurosis;
  • dysentery;

Birch juice

Berezovitsa (or birch sap) has the following properties:
  • anthelmintic;
  • diuretic;
  • antitumor;
  • restorative;
  • stimulating.
Drinking birch sap will help reduce the manifestations of the following conditions and diseases:
  • general weakness;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • avitaminosis;
  • blood diseases;
  • pneumonia;
  • ulcer;
  • low acidity;
  • rheumatism;
  • arthritis;
  • eczema;
  • gout;

In addition, birch sap:
1. Increases the body's resistance to various colds, infectious and allergic diseases.
2. Regulates metabolism.

Birch bark

Birch bark has wound-healing and disinfectant properties.

Also, when taken orally, tar:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • regulates metabolic processes;
  • strengthens the heart muscle.

Activated carbon

The drug carbolene is made from birch charcoal, which is used for the following conditions:
  • atherosclerosis;
  • poisoning accompanied by intoxication;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergies;
  • increased acidity.
Activated carbon removes excess cholesterol and is used in the prevention of cancer and diseases of cardio-vascular system.

Birch catkins

There are "men's" and "women's" earrings. The first ones are located two or three pieces side by side, while the second ones grow separately and have a fine structure. Only men's earrings are used for medicinal purposes.

Birch inflorescences are used in the treatment of:

  • tuberculosis;
  • eczema;
  • boils;
  • anemia.
The use of tinctures from birch catkins helps eliminate:
  • fatigue;
  • low hemoglobin level.

Application of birch

In folk medicine, birch is used as decoctions, infusions, tinctures, extracts and oils.


A decoction of birch buds is taken orally as a diuretic and choleretic agent, while externally as a lotion to help heal abscesses and cuts. Hot bath from a decoction of birch buds is indicated for patients with acute and chronic eczema.

A decoction of birch leaves is used to strengthen and improve hair growth.

Tea with the addition of birch buds is an excellent expectorant and disinfectant, indicated in the treatment of influenza, bronchitis and ARVI.


An infusion of birch buds, as well as leaves, affects the body as follows:
  • increases urine output up to 2.5 liters per day;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • reduces shortness of breath;
  • reduces the protein content in the urine.
Infusion of birch buds is mainly used for the following pathologies:
  • inflammatory process localized in the liver;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • skin diseases;
  • acute rheumatism.

In addition, baths and tampons made from a 20 percent infusion of birch buds or leaves are used to treat cervical erosion.


Birch bud tincture, which has an antimicrobial effect, is used in the treatment of:
  • furunculosis;
  • abscesses;
Tincture of birch buds, aged in 90 percent alcohol (the ratio of buds to alcohol is 1:5, respectively), is used externally as a rub and compress for the following diseases:
  • arthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • poorly healing ulcers;
  • postoperative purulent wounds;
  • abrasions;
  • bedsores.

Birch extract

It is obtained from the buds, bark, and leaves of white birch. An extract from buds and birch leaves has phytoncidal properties, and therefore is used as an anti-inflammatory and fortifying agent.

Birch bark extract also contains the following important trace elements:

  • betulin (promotes rapid burning of calories);
  • mineral salts;
  • various binders;
  • useful resins.
Birch extract is widely used in cosmetology, included in care products skin and hair.

Birch oil

Essential birch oil, obtained from leaves and buds, is rich in the following elements:
  • resins;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • various saponins;
  • tannins.
Berezovoe essential oil has the following properties:
  • antiseptic;
  • painkillers;
  • blood purifying;
  • diuretic;
  • astringent;
  • tonic;
  • choleretic;
  • disinfectant.
It should be mentioned that birch essential oil calms the nervous system, improving well-being and uplifting mood.

But we should not forget that birch essential oil is a potent agent that can cause irritation. sensitive skin, so it must be used with extreme caution.

Birch pollen

Birch pollen is a ready-made concentrate of natural vitamins, microelements, as well as phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on the human body, ensuring its full functioning.

Birch pollen is especially useful for patients with cancer, as it normalizes all body functions, stimulating them. Pollen also has a positive effect on the blood.

In its properties, birch pollen is similar to adaptogenic plants (for example, ginseng, which increases the body's resistance to various adverse environmental factors and tones it).

The daily dose of pollen is 3 g, and is consumed in 2 to 3 doses, while the course of treatment is 2 months, after which a two-week break is taken.

Birch pollen allergen

Despite its unique medicinal properties, birch pollen can trigger hay fever in people with allergies. For this reason, the use of pollen should be approached with extreme caution, having first consulted with a doctor regarding doses, course duration and diet features.

Thus, in many people who are sensitive to birch pollen, the allergy is accompanied not only by sneezing and nasal congestion, but also by food intolerance to certain vegetables and fruits containing proteins classified as related to the “main birch allergen.”

Such allergens include:

  • cherry;
  • potato.
Therefore, in order to avoid allergic reactions, it is not recommended to consume such products raw - they should be subjected to heat treatment, which will help modify the structure of allergen proteins.

Contraindications for medicinal preparations from birch

1. Decoctions and alcohol tinctures from both birch buds and leaves are contraindicated in cases of diagnosed functional renal failure due to possible irritation of the parenchyma.

2. In acute as well as chronic glomerulonephritis, preparations containing birch buds cannot be used.

3. Birch sap should not be consumed by people who are allergic to birch pollen.

4. Chaga is contraindicated for patients suffering from chronic colitis, as well as dysentery, since chaga in some cases retains fluid in the body.

In addition, it is not advisable to combine the use of chaga with the consumption of the following products:

  • vitamins A and B;
  • smoked meats;
  • spicy dishes;
  • seasonings;
  • sugar;
  • confectionery;
  • canned products;
  • animal fats;
  • meat products;
  • alcohol.
Along with chaga, you should not receive intravenous glucose, nor should you give injections of penicillin, which is an antagonist of this drug.

5. Tar should not be taken for the following diseases and conditions:

  • spicy and chronic inflammation skin;
  • acute eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • exudative psoriasis;
  • furunculosis;
  • acne;
  • kidney diseases;
Important! Treating children under two years of age with any herbal preparations is dangerous. Therefore, before using any medicinal plant, you should consult a doctor.

Recipes with birch

Recipes with birch buds

Tincture for stomach ulcers
Birch buds (50 g) are poured with 500 ml of alcohol, infused in a dark place for three weeks, while the tincture is shaken periodically. After the specified time, the composition is filtered and 20 drops are taken three times a day, approximately 20 minutes before meals.

Tincture for colds (flu)
Raw materials in the amount of 5 tbsp. knead and pour 500 ml of vodka, after which it is infused in a dark place for 40 days (the tincture is shaken periodically). Next, the composition is filtered, 2 tbsp is added to it. honey The tincture is thoroughly mixed and taken 1 tbsp. twice a day, 40 minutes before meals.

Tincture for bronchitis, migraines, insomnia
Dry crushed birch buds (20 g) are poured with 100 ml of alcohol, after which they are infused in a dark place for three weeks, while shaking occasionally. The tincture is filtered, the remainder is squeezed out. The product is taken 30 drops, which are diluted in a tablespoon of boiled water, three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Decoction for liver diseases
10 g of birch buds are poured into a glass of water and boiled for 15 minutes, after which the broth is removed from the heat, cooled and filtered through cheesecloth. Take 1 tbsp. four times a day.

Recipes with birch leaves

Infusion for nephritis, neuroses, diathesis
Birch leaves are crushed and washed with cold boiled water. Next, the raw material is filled with boiled water, the temperature of which should be 40 - 50 degrees. Leaves and water are taken in a ratio of 1:10, respectively. It is infused for 4 hours, after which the water is drained, the leaves are squeezed out, and the infusion itself is infused for another 6 hours, after which the sediment should be removed. Take half a glass three times a day.

Infusion for vitamin deficiency and long-term non-healing wounds
Birch leaves (2 tbsp) are poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 4 days, after which they are wrung out and filtered. The decoction is taken 100 ml three times a day before meals.

Tincture for heart disease, bedsores and burns
Fresh birch leaves (2 tbsp) are poured with 200 ml of 70 percent alcohol, infused for a week and filtered. Use tincture 30 drops twice a day. The tincture can also be used externally, as compresses on joints.

Recipes with birch sap

During the treatment and prevention of diseases, birch sap must be consumed fresh, and it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Take 250 ml three times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is three weeks.

For skin diseases, as well as conditions accompanied by a rise in temperature, it is recommended to drink 3 glasses of juice per day.

Infusion for sore throat
Birch bark (300 g) is crushed and poured with 500 ml of boiling water, left to infuse for an hour, after which the infusion is filtered and taken 150 - 200 ml three times a day.

Decoction for high blood pressure
Chopped chaga (1 tsp) is mixed with 1 tsp. mistletoe herbs, then brewed in 250 ml of boiling water and brought to a boil. Then the broth is removed from the heat and infused for 3 hours, squeezed out and drunk 90 ml three times a day. The course of treatment is 2 – 3 weeks.

Recipes with tar

Ointment for psoriasis
To prepare this remedy you will need the following ingredients:
  • birch tar – 1 part;
  • fish oil – 1 part;
  • butter – 1 part;
  • copper sulfate - 0.5 part.
The ingredients are mixed until a viscous mixture (ointment) is obtained. The components are combined over low heat (the ointment is boiled for 5 minutes). Stored in a cool and dark place. The ointment is applied to the affected areas once a day.

Infusion for atherosclerosis
Tar (1 tsp) is mixed in 250 ml of warm natural milk. Take one glass three times a day, 60 minutes before meals, for one and a half months. There are 4 courses of treatment per year, with a break of one month between them.

Recipe with birch catkins

Tincture for heart disease
The glass container is filled two-thirds with birch inflorescences, after which vodka is poured into the vessel to the brim. Infuse for 21 days (necessarily in a dark place and at room temperature). The tincture does not need to be strained. The product tastes pleasant and has the aroma of tree resin. The dose is determined individually and can vary from 20 drops to 1 tsp. It is taken diluted with a small amount of water three times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3–4 weeks (sometimes two months). Frequency – no more than twice a year. The shelf life of the tincture is one year.

Recipes with birch leaves - video

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Birch bark. Folk use
Birch bark is the bark of a female birch tree, light in color with black horizontal stripes along the trunk. Harvested in early spring, when sap flow through the tree is slow. Far from the city and roads, in an ecologically clean area, a tree is filled with strength. Such raw materials will give true health.
Birch bark letters as witnesses of the ancient patrimonial history of Rus'. Previously, when there was no paper, people wrote on it. The birch bark letters of Novgorod are well known throughout the world. They are over 700 years old. Private correspondence, receipts, petitions. Spells, alphabet, and recipes for potions were written on birch bark.
Medicinal properties. In contact with the hand, birch bark healed wounds, cuts and insect bites, as it has an antibacterial effect. When the joints of your legs and arms hurt, you can steam birch bark and sit and steam in this decoction. If your hands become chapped in the wind, people call this disease chicks, you can use some birch bark.
Infusion of vodka or alcohol 70%. Apply to sore feet for rheumatism. Lubricate feet for fungal diseases.
Ointment: birch bark powder plus resin. Ointment base: petroleum jelly, lanolin, fat, oil. A back disease (duck) is being treated.
Birch bark powders. Grind the medicinal material in a mortar to a powdery mass. Finely ground powder is used to apply to wounds and ulcers.
Birch bark salt. This is already an active product. Birch bark calcined to white ash acquires its healing properties, heals wounds. This process is called calcination. Calcined salt is used orally in limited doses. Treats the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).
Birch substance We all know birch camphor as a rub; it is part of many warming ointments and balms. This is wonderful active substance– betulin, biostimulant, antiseptic. Not only boots can do without this substance. Betulin is the enemy of foot fungus. Vishnevsky's ointment was created on the basis of betulin, the general - Major of Medicine Vishnevsky. An ointment with a medicinal odor draws out pus from the wound, and the infection quickly passes.
Activated carbon is a tablet made from birch bark that has absorbent properties. Poisoning, diarrhea, removes excess weight. Tablets of activated birch charcoal, "Carbolen" are used as an adsorbent for poisoning with poisons and bacterial toxins, and for flatulence. This incomplete list medicinal properties of birch charcoal.
Products made from birch bark affect the nervous system, calming it, which is why our ancestors wore bast shoes and jewelry, wove baskets, and toys for children. Essential oils and resins that have a gentle effect on the nerves act against stress and depression. It is useful to have unprocessed birch bark in the house, let children play and do crafts with them. Birch bark was used in belts, in women's hats, and in shoes.
Birch bark bracelets were used to regulate blood pressure, worn during high blood pressure, calm the nervous system, balance the energy of the hands during menopause.
Bandages (cords) made of woven birch bark eliminate headaches, regulate the upper chakras, and are useful for minor concussions.
Birch bark bast shoes. They still say “bastard Russia”. Our ancestors walked in bast shoes all their lives and took care of their feet. In the village, for haymaking, around the house or for other work, they used natural shoes. Fungus and rheumatism did not know such diseases. Centenarians knew the secrets of the health of their ancestors.
Birch bark canopies were made on the bed or on the stove, then a feather bed with fragrant hay was placed. This is instead of an orthopedic mattress. It was good to align the vertebrae on such canopies. All active points massages.
Paintings on birch bark – new age of contemporary art. Natural material pacifies and creates a home in a traditional Slavic style.
All jewelry and works made from birch bark are protective. Protect from spells, the evil eye and evil spirits. Keep a birch bark doll in the corner of the house as a talisman.
Birch bark dishes, beautifully decorated, are a household item of the ancient Slavs. Food was stored there: cereals, bread, butter. They collected mushrooms, berries, and salted fish in birch boxes. Went for pine nuts only with birch boxes. The Slavs were skilled sailors and traded with their neighbors. Products that remained fresh were carried in birch bark boxes. For a long time the products were not subject to rotting.
Birch bark is a good gift for a wedding. Birch bark items were prepared for the bride as a dowry. Such products were kept in family chests and passed down from generation to generation as a keepsake.
Attention! Take care of the tree - it is a national treasure.
This beautiful tree grows everywhere throughout Russia and is its symbol. If you want to take part of it from a tree, you need to ask the tree for permission. Take it and use it. Birch bark is the tree’s clothing; you can’t take it all off, the tree will hurt. You need to take a little from one tree. Or from those trees that are ready to be cut down.
©author 01/31/12

An elegant, modest white-trunked beauty with carved foliage on thin drooping branches, ancient symbol Rus' - all these epithets undoubtedly rightfully belong to the birch tree. Botanists call this tree Betula, the roots of this name are Latin, “beatus”, i.e. "happy". Other sources claim that the word has Celtic roots "betu".

The word “birch”, having an Indo-European origin, can rival both the Celtic name and the Latin one in terms of antiquity. At first it sounded like “bersa” (light, white) and only after the 8th century it acquired a more euphonious sound for us.

A little history

The Druids began to associate this tree with renewal, purity and femininity, decorating their homes with birch branches for the New Year, and the ancient Romans used them to mark the election of a new consul.

Our ancestors believed that deities lived in the branches of birch trees. Therefore, in May, they cut down the largest tree in the birch grove and solemnly transported it to their villages with songs and dances. Then they placed a birch tree in the middle of the square, sacrificed bright scarves to the deities, decorating the branches of the tree with them. They led merry round dances around him and asked the gods to fulfill their wishes.

In Pinsk district there was a custom to decorate the most beautiful girl and carry it throughout the village. Pagan roots have a custom of decorating huts with birch trees on Thursday before Trinity. But the Komi and Latvians believed that it could settle in some birches evil spirit, who only thinks about how to spoil people. To appease the evil spirit, sacrifices had to be made to it, and the stump of a freshly cut down tree had to be “fed.”

In the old days, among the peasant people they used to say that this tree has “four jobs”: “the first job is to illuminate the world, the second job is to calm the cry, the third job is to heal the sick, the fourth job is to maintain cleanliness.”

From time immemorial, a birch ray illuminated the hut, our ancestors learned to read and write on birch bark, birch tar served as a lubricant for wheeled horse-drawn transport that creaked in every way. To this day, medicines based on the leaves and buds of this tree have been used to cure many ailments. Not to mention the healing birch sap! And the birch broom has no equal in our traditional Russian bathhouse! It will cleanse both body and soul, and relieve illnesses. Here are the “four things” for you. But that's not all.

Nowadays, birch is an integral element of landscaping in our cities and villages. This tree is widely used in the manufacture of furniture, plywood, and household items. Its wood is used to distill industrial alcohols, vinegar and acetone. Thanks to modern impregnations, trusses made of birch are in no way inferior in strength to steel structures. Moreover, they are 10 times lighter than steel and at the same time resistant to rotting, fire and temperature changes.

Collection of raw materials

But most of all, birch has succeeded in healing. Moreover, for the production medicinal drugs Based on birch, almost all its parts are used - buds, young foliage, catkins, chaga (false tinder fungus that lives off the tree on its trunks), sapwood (cambium layer of wood), sap.

  • Birch buds are harvested in March - April, during swelling,
  • foliage - during the flowering period of the tree,
  • birch sap - during the period of sap flow in March-April, depends on the region,
  • bark and wood can be taken at any time.

You can read more about the collection, preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials in our previous articles.

Birch composition

Birch buds contain 3-5.5% essential oils, resinous substances, flavonoids, saponins, sesquiterpene lactones, phytoncides, and vitamins.

Birch foliage is rich in essential oils (0.05-0.8%), saponins (3.2%), ascorbic acid(2.8%), resinous substances, carotene, flavonoids, nicotinic acid, tannins, glycosides.

The most healing thing in birch is birch sap, which contains a unique set of useful components - sugar (1-4%), minerals(sodium, magnesium, aluminum, iron, strontium, silicon, titanium, barium, manganese, nickel, calcium, copper, zirconium, potassium, phosphorus).

We have written in detail about the benefits of birch sap and recipes for birch tree preparations in other articles.

The healing properties of birch

Birch buds

The most effective infusions and decoctions of birch buds are as a diuretic, choleretic and antiseptic. In some cases, the kidneys can relieve swelling by increasing urine output when other diuretics and heart medications do not help. But such procedures, in order to avoid irritation of the kidneys by the resinous components of birch preparations, should be carried out only after consultation with a specialist and with regular urine tests.

Birch buds also find their use in the treatment of atherosclerosis, cardiac edema, anemia, giardiasis, tracheitis and other diseases. As an antiseptic, tinctures of birch buds are used to treat purulent inflammation skin, eczema, external erosions, bedsores, peritonitis, mastitis, staphylococcal damage, phlegmon.

Tampons containing 20% ​​bud infusion promote the healing of cervical erosion. Hot baths in a decoction of birch buds - excellent remedy with advanced eczema. Tea brewed with birch buds perfectly helps remove mucus from bronchitis, has an anti-inflammatory effect for colds, viral diseases.

Wide Application raw materials from birch buds were found in cosmetology. The oil distilled from the buds is used by herbalists to treat gonorrhea. By the way, do you know what this oil smells like? Good quality leather!

Recipe for tincture from birch buds, healing skin

Fill a 0.5 liter dark glass bottle 3/5 full with freshly picked birch buds. Then fill to the very top with vodka or diluted alcohol, close the bottle with a tight stopper and leave in a place protected from light for 14 to 21 days. After this, the tincture can be used to treat difficult-to-heal wounds and inflammatory processes on the skin. In this case, the buds are not removed from the tincture. This tincture will not lose its healing properties for 2-3 years.

Tincture recipe for stomach ulcers

Take 50 grams of birch buds and fill them with 0.5 liters of alcohol, infuse the buds, shaking occasionally, for 3 weeks in a dark place. Afterwards, strain the tincture and take 20 drops three times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

  • Read also: Cabbage juice for stomach ulcers

Birch leaves

The leaves of this tree can also be used to prepare diuretics. In this case, urine output may increase from 400 g to 2.4 l, which leads to the removal of edema and a decrease in shortness of breath.

Birch foliage is used as a stimulant in case of disorders nervous system, for the treatment of jaundice, removal renal colic and inflammation, with vitamin deficiency. Bulgarians have developed diuretic drugs for the treatment of atherosclerosis, rheumatism, and kidney inflammation based on birch leaves.

In order to relieve inflammation during rheumatism, apply compresses of crushed fresh young leaves to sore joints, or baths with the addition of a decoction.

Birch leaves can be used in therapeutic cosmetology. Everyone knows our love for the Russian bathhouse with a birch broom. But not everyone knows that this is not only a spiritual tradition, but also treatment. After all, the components included in the leaves soaked in boiling water have a phytoncidal effect on steamed skin, promoting the healing of acne, eczema, dermatitis, reducing cellulite deposits and swelling. In addition, if you regularly rinse your hair with a decoction of birch leaves, you will get a healthy, dandruff-free scalp and gorgeous, strong curls.

Recipe for decoction of birch leaves

For the decoction, take 8 g of crushed leaves and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil the broth for 20 minutes, strain, squeezing thoroughly, through a gauze cloth or a thick metal sieve, drink throughout the day.

Birch leaf tincture recipe

For infusion, take 1 tbsp. finely chopped leaves, pour a glass of boiling water. Next, leave it in a thermos for 5-6 hours, then strain and take half a glass twice a day.

Infusion recipe for nephritis, diathesis, neurosis

Rinse birch leaves with cold water and chop. For one part of raw material, take 10 parts of warm temperature 50 degrees boiled water, leave the leaves in water for 4 hours, then drain the liquid, strain the leaves and squeeze into the infusion. Let the infusion stand for another 6 hours, then carefully pour it into another container, leaving the sediment in the old one. This infusion is taken three times a day, half a glass.

Birch bark and wood

Birch raw materials are used in the production of activated carbon "Carbolena", which effectively absorbs bacterial toxins and poisons, is used for dysentery, flatulence, spasms, dyspepsia, increased acidity, allergies, atherosclerosis.

Dry distillation of birch bark allows you to obtain the famous birch tar, which has excellent antiseptic properties. It is the main component of Vishnevsky’s wound-healing ointment and Wilkinson’s ointment, which are effective in the treatment of lichen and scabies. In folk medicine, birch tar is used for leprosy, gout, pneumonia, malaria, cystitis, colds and intestinal diseases.

Interestingly, the Swedes have learned to brew beer that contains a second layer of birch wood.

Recipe for birch bark ointment for dermatitis

Grind the bark into powder, take 1 tbsp. raw materials and mix with 2 t.l. lemon juice. Lubricate the affected areas. The ointment can also be used as an antiperspirant.

Recipe for birch bark infusion for sore throat

Take a glass of powdered birch bark and pour two glasses of boiling water. Infuse the birch bark for an hour, then strain through a gauze cloth and drink 0.5 cups three times a day.

Recipe for infusion with birch tar for atherosclerosis

In a glass of warm milk, dilute 1 tsp. tar, drink 1.5 months three times a day, a glass one hour before meals. Then take a break for a month and repeat the course of treatment. There should be four such courses per year.

  • Atherosclerosis: a new diagnostic technique for the “killer of the young”

Birch catkins

Tincture of birch catkins is effective for heart diseases, tuberculosis, anemia, skin and gastrointestinal diseases. But only men's earrings are suitable for her, which differ from women's in that they do not grow individually and have a coarser structure.

Recipe for tincture of earrings for heart disease

Fill a glass bottle or container 2/3 full with the prepared raw materials and fill it to the neck with vodka. Let the product brew in a dark, warm place for three weeks. Do not strain the raw material from the bottle, take it three times a day diluted in small quantity water 0.5 hours before meals. The dose is selected individually and can vary from 20 drops to a teaspoon. The period of admission can also last from a month to two. As a rule, the course of treatment is carried out twice a year. This tincture retains its medicinal qualities throughout the year.

Birch pollen

This is a real gift of nature, concentrating an extraordinary set of useful microelements and phytoncides. Pollen is especially recommended for cancer patients, because it helps restore the body’s full functioning, normalizing and stimulating all its organs, including optimizing the blood formula. In terms of its beneficial effects on the human body, birch pollen is in no way inferior to ginseng.

Pollen should be taken 3 g per day in several doses for 60 days. Afterwards, you should take a break for 2 weeks and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

It is important to know! Like any other natural potent drug, birch pollen can cause exacerbation of allergic diseases. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult a specialist. Ingestion of pollen may also cause intolerance to foods such as potatoes, celery, apples, carrots, cherries, apricots and pears.

Birch extract is made from the leaves, buds and bark of this tree. It is usually used as a vitaminizing and anti-inflammatory drug, as well as cosmetic product skin and hair care.

Contraindications for the use of birch preparations

Decoctions and tinctures of leaves and buds should not be taken with severe renal failure and glomerulonephritis.

Tar is not taken when acute eczema, acute skin inflammation and dermatitis, folliculitis, acne, kidney diseases, exudative psoriasis, pregnancy.

Treatment of children under 2 years of age can only be carried out under medical supervision.

Everything related to birch sap, its beneficial properties, how to prepare it and in what form to take it is described in detail in our following articles. A separate article is devoted to the extremely valuable birch companion - chaga. Read and be healthy!

Birch: medicinal properties and contraindications, recipes for use

Birch is a tree that can be found quite often. It grows in parks, on summer cottages and in the gardens. In addition to its beautiful appearance, it has medicinal properties. In our article we will tell you how birch leaves are used in folk medicine.

Chemical composition

Birch leaves are a treasure trove useful substances for the human body. Let's consider their composition.

  • Butyl alcohol. Thanks to its special composition, it is capable of affecting organs positive influence.
  • Phytoncides. Necessary for oppression harmful bacteria and viruses.
  • Essential oil. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, and is very soothing.
  • Tannins. They can stop bleeding and diarrhea, relieve inflammation and speed up healing.
  • Bitterness. Helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract and improve appetite.
  • Flavonoids. They have antispasmodic, cardiotonic and bactericidal effects.
  • Saponins. Substances that have expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Ascorbic acid. Strengthens blood vessels and eliminates bleeding.
  • A nicotinic acid. Has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.

Medicinal properties

Birch leaves and its buds have unique medicinal properties, but do not forget about contraindications, which we will consider a little later.

Did you know? The height of the smallest birch tree - a dwarf variety - does not exceed 1.5 meters.

It is worth noting special benefit birch sap, which should be collected in early spring - it helps strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses daily three times a day for 1-2 months. Birch buds are rich in essential oils and contain flavonoids, resins, and phytoncides.
Used as diaphoretic, diuretic, choleretic, expectorant, antiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antifungal agents. The kidneys help overcome rheumatism, relieve pain in the joints, fight acne and rashes, and bedsores. The infusion is often prescribed for gastrointestinal disorders and spasmodic conditions.

Traditional medicine recipes

Birch bark and other parts of it have medicinal properties and are often used in therapeutic purposes, despite some contraindications. Let's look at some popular recipes.

  • Decoction of leaves. 30 g of leaves are poured into 400 ml of water and cooked over low heat for 15 minutes. After this, it is filtered and ¼ of a teaspoon of soda is added. The decoction is used as a choleretic and diuretic, for lotions, as baths for eczema. Take 100 ml orally three times a day.

Important! When drying any parts of the wood, do not allow them to come into contact with sun rays.

  • Infusion of leaves. You will need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried leaves and 1 glass of just boiled water. The ingredients are mixed and infused for 20-30 minutes. After this, the infusion is filtered and used as a diuretic and diaphoretic drug.
  • Infusion to cleanse the body. 8-10 g of dried or 10-15 g of fresh leaves must be brewed in 200 ml of water in a thermos. After the infusion has stood for 5 hours, take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. It will help get rid of waste and toxins.

Plants that can also be used in folk medicine: quince, acacia, hellebore, fir, loosestrife, yew, hazel, willow, rose, rowan and linden.

Birch buds are especially popular because they have medicinal properties and have few contraindications.

  • A decoction of birch buds. To prepare the decoction, you need to mix 200 ml of boiling water with 10 g of dry buds. Boil the mixture over low heat and cook for half an hour. After removing from the stove, the broth should sit for 10 minutes, at the next stage it is filtered. Consume 3-4 tablespoons daily. It is good as a diuretic and expectorant, and can be used as a disinfectant.

Important! Treatment with birch is not compatible with the use of penicillin and intravenous administration of glucose-based drugs!

  • Alcohol tincture. For the tincture you need 15 g of buds, which are poured with 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol. The solution is infused in a dark place for about a month. It is recommended to shake the container every day. After a month, it is worth filtering, after which the tincture is poured into dark glass bottles and left in a cool place.

The tincture is used if the kidneys, bladder are not working well, if there is peptic ulcer. To combat worms, you should drink 25 drops, dissolving them in water. The solution is wiped over the skin and used to treat acne and boils.

Home cosmetology recipes

Wood is also actively used in cosmetology. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular recipes.

  • Birch leaves have healing properties for hair. To strengthen your hair and eliminate its fragility, after you wash your hair, you need to rinse it with a decoction of the leaves. Thanks to the action of special substances it will strengthen hair follicle and the hair structure will improve. However, if the hair loss does not stop, it is necessary to look deeper for the cause - perhaps alopecia is the result of a disease of the internal organs.
  • Skin care. If you have dry skin, a leaf mask is perfect. They need to be crushed, and 2 tablespoons of the gruel mixed with 1 tablespoon of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of honey. Once you have thoroughly mixed the mixture, it can be applied to the skin. Wait 20 minutes and wash off the mask with warm water.
  • In cosmetology they also use: nasturtium, dogwood, evening primrose, radish, periwinkle, peony, bird cherry and parsnip.

    • General improvement in skin condition. Ice cubes will help improve your skin condition. To do this, you need to freeze the leaf decoction and wipe the skin with ice cubes. As a result, the pores will be cleaned and blood flow will improve.

    Important! Alcohol tincture should not be used to wipe dry skin.

    Collection, preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

    The preparation of each part of the plant has its own characteristics.

    Birch buds. Best time for collection - January and March, before the period of their blossoming begins. After cutting, the branches must be tied and dried for 3-4 weeks. They can be laid out on loggias or on the street, the main thing is to ensure ventilation. After drying, it is necessary to thresh the buds, separate them from impurities and dry them again. The finished dried buds smell pleasant, have a brown color, a slight shine and a bitter taste. They can be stored for no more than 2 years.

    Birch juice. Harvesting occurs during the period of sap flow, in March - before the leaves begin to bloom. Choose trees that are planned to be cut down in 2-3 years. The incision is made 2 cm. When the collection of juice is completed, it is necessary to seal the holes with wooden pegs and cover them with garden varnish. The juice must be stored closed and in a cool place.

    Also, very healthy and tasty juices can be prepared from apricots, peaches, dogwoods, apples, spinach, carrots, Chinese lemongrass, milkweed and Kalanchoe.

    Birch leaves. It is best to collect in May; an attic or shed is suitable for drying. The foliage must be thoroughly dried, as if an under-dried leaf remains, mold may develop. They can be stored for up to 2 years. Blank bath brooms It is better to carry out in the third ten days of June, when all the foliage has bloomed.

    Birch bark. Harvesting is carried out from trees that have recently been cut down. A sharp knife is used to cut the white layer of bark. Birch bark must be thoroughly dried.

    They also have medicinal properties birch catkins, but it is very important to know when and how to collect them. They appear in late May - early June, following the leaves. It is necessary to distinguish male (staminate) catkins from female (pistillate) catkins. Males are larger and grow in groups of two to four; female ones are smaller, growing one at a time.

    Did you know? The fruits of the tree are small nuts, 1 gram of which contains about 5,000 seeds.

    Contraindications and harm

    The main contraindication is individual intolerance. In addition, it is not recommended to use tree buds for people suffering from kidney disease, as the resins can cause organ irritation. It is better to use leaf decoctions. You should use kidney infusions only after talking to your doctor. It is not recommended to use these medications for too long.
    It is also prohibited for women to use such medicinal products during pregnancy and lactation.

    Birch is not only a very beautiful tree, but also a source of useful substances. At correct use decoctions and infusions can achieve good results in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

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    Useful properties of birch

    Welcome everyone to my women's site! Today we’ll talk about the beneficial properties of birch for human health.

    In terms of energy, birch belongs to the plants of the Zodiac sign Sagittarius. You can follow the link to read about these plants.

    Birch is one of the the most useful trees in folk medicine. Absolutely all parts of the plant are widely used: leaves, buds, bark, juice.

    Let's talk about each one separately.

    Birch leaves medicinal properties

    Birch leaves are widely used in folk medicine, both fresh and dry: decoctions, tinctures and compresses are prepared from them.

    I will teach you how to work on the financial exchange! I am WebMasterMaxim, I give advice on working on Forex! I will lead you to a big income! I'll teach the dumbest blonde!! Birch leaves have immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties.

    They are used to treat:

    • gallbladder and
    • duodenum.
    In its pure form it is used for tuberculosis, and in combination with sedative herbs for neuroses and stress.

    The leaves are collected immediately after collecting birch sap, in May-June: then the leaves are still young and sticky.

    They are picked directly from tree branches and then dried in a thin layer in a well-ventilated area.

    Store the resulting raw materials in dry glass jars for no more than 2 years.

    • Fresh crushed leaves are applied as compresses to sore joints, limbs and back to treat rheumatism and radiculitis.
    • Take a bath with a decoction of the leaves, which helps remove waste and toxins from the body.
    Preparing the decoction is very simple: 4 tablespoons of finely chopped leaves are poured with 2 liters of just boiled water and boiled for 20 minutes, after which the raw materials are squeezed out and the decoction is filtered.

    To increase the beneficial properties, you can add herbs to birch leaves. Thus, a decoction of birch leaves with horsetail has diuretic properties.

    At urolithiasis juniper fruits, celandine, cinquefoil and steelweed root are added to the leaves.

    To strengthen blood vessels, add chokeberry and valerian.

    Birch leaves are even included in laxatives. Follow the link if interested.

    After washing, rinse your hair with a decoction of birch leaves in case of hair loss.

    People with individual intolerance, as well as those suffering from chronic kidney disease and glomerulonephritis, should avoid ingesting birch leaves.

    Birch buds medicinal properties

    Birch buds are used as a diuretic, choleretic agent and analgesic for painful menstruation.

    The buds are collected in April-May, when they have not yet opened, during the period of collecting juice.

    At this time they are full of useful substances:

    Dry the buds at a temperature of 25-30 degrees, in a well-ventilated area.

    Birch buds have found various uses:

    1. A healing decoction is prepared from birch buds: for this, pour 2 tablespoons of birch buds with a glass of boiling water and cook on fire for 15-20 minutes, filter, and then add warm water to 200 ml. Drink one tablespoon of infusion 3-4 times a day.

    2. From birch buds you can prepare oil, which has a number of healing properties from constant pain in the lower back, back, shoulder blades and shoulders.

    3. To prepare the ointment, you need to take 800 grams of unsalted, fresh cow butter, which is placed in a pot in layers (1-2 cm), alternating with birch buds laid out in the same layer.

    When the pot is full, close it with a lid, tightly cover it with dough around the lid and place it in a hot place for 21 hours. Then the oil with the buds is squeezed out and 8 grams of crushed camphor are added. Keep the ointment closed in a cool place.

    4. For dropsy and swelling, you can drink an infusion of birch buds and leaves: 2 tablespoons of leaves and one spoon of buds are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for 1 hour. Take the infusion 4 times a day before meals, half a glass.

    Birch buds contraindications:

    An interesting use of leaves and buds in folk medicine is a “dry bath” for the treatment of rheumatism with swelling and pain in the joints.

    If a person suffers from rheumatism in the legs, then you need to sew bags that follow the shape of the legs and torso to the lower back. Fill these bags with fresh birch leaves (so that a fairly thick and dense layer of leaves covers the legs) and place the patient’s legs there in the evening. Will come profuse sweating, and if the leaves become wet, replace them with fresh ones. After several sessions, complete recovery occurs.

    Birch juice

    In terms of the presence of useful substances, birch sap is superior to many vitamin complexes. It contains:

    Birch leaves. Beneficial features. Application

    Latin name- Betula pendula Official name – Silver Birch

    We often see birch trees in parks, forests, gardens, and near our homes. Birch is a widespread plant in our latitudes. But who would have thought that birch is a real healer, capable of curing dozens of ailments. Almost everything in this tree, from its roots, bark, sap to its buds, resin and leaves, is used in the preparation of infusions, decoctions and various medicines. Few people know, but bees make the well-known propolis from a resinous liquid that appears on birch buds in the spring. Birch leaves have antibacterial properties.

    It should be remembered that birch sap can only be harvested from birch trees that are subject to felling, since even small holes in the bark cause great harm to the trees and lead to their premature death.

    Birch leaves. Contraindications

    In early spring, many people collect birch sap. However, not everyone is suitable for birch sap. Those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases need to be especially careful. Any medications using birch should be used with caution by pregnant women.

    Beneficial properties of birch leaves

    Birch contains the following substances: resin, tar, methyl salicylate, saponins, phytoncides, carotene. Birch sap contains: enzymes, calcium, sodium, glucose, fructose, copper, iron, vitamin C, organic acids and etc.

    Treatment using birch

    Application of birch leaves

    Decoctions of young birch leaves are used for atherosclerosis, women's diseases, kidney diseases and edema, with anemia, with vitamin deficiencies, with liver diseases. Birch leaves are a good diuretic. The leaves are used as an antiscorbutic remedy for dysentery, bruises and burns. Birch leaves treat rheumatism, and are used externally to treat skin diseases. Birch leaves for hair are used in the form of decoctions, which need to be rinsed after washing. Birch sap is indicated for respiratory diseases, urolithiasis, and also to increase the body's defenses. Birch tar is part of the well-known, miraculous Vishnevsky ointment. Activated carbon is also made from birch.

    Collection and drying of birch leaves

    In early spring, birch buds are collected. Young buds must be immediately separated from the branches and dried. Buds should be collected from areas where trees are cut down. Birch buds can be stored for a long time - up to two years.

    Birch blooms leaves in April. During flowering, birch leaves are collected (in May). At this time, they can be collected for spring tea from young fresh leaves or dried in reserve. Birch leaves can be harvested in summer and autumn, but at this time the composition of nutrients in the leaves differs from the composition of spring leaves.

    Treatment with birch leaves. Recipes

    Method of preparing birch leaves in infusions and decoctions

    How to brew Birch leaves: 2 tbsp. pour 0.5 l of leaves. water and boil for 20 minutes. Take the resulting decoction in small sips throughout the day.

    If you have difficulty urinating, prepare an infusion of birch leaves: 2 tablespoons of birch leaves per 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Take half a glass of infusion 4 times a day, before meals.

    To boost immunity and cleanse the body, prepare an infusion: 10 g of dry leaves per 1 cup of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 4 hours. Take 1 tbsp. before eating.

    For stomach ulcers, gastritis, heart disease and anemia, make a tincture of birch catkins: 2 tablespoons of birch catkins per 300 grams of boiling water. Brew, steep and take throughout the day.

    For rheumatism: Steam birch leaves, apply to the sore spot, wrap and hold for at least an hour.

    Useful properties, application, charcoal and silver birch buds

    Botanical characteristics birch trees

    White birch is a deciduous tree with smooth, parchment-white bark, the surface has characteristic dark lines, grows up to 25 m in height. The stems of young branches are red-brown in color with warts. The leaves are alternate, diamond-shaped or triangular-ovate, slightly leathery. The plant blooms from April to May. The flowers are collected in inflorescences - male and female catkins. The fruits ripen from August to mid-winter. Can reproduce vegetatively and by seeds.

    Birch is widespread in Siberia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, and Western Tien Shan. Birch forms pure stands, the so-called birch forests, and grows in areas of clearings, burnt pine forests, spruce forests, and oak forests.

    Birch is incredibly different beneficial properties: relieves pain in bones; since ancient times, using a birch broom, they took a steam bath, washed their hair with infusions to strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff. They used birch products for burns and sweating feet.

    The leaves, flowers and bark contain flavonoids and phytoncides, which neutralize various emerging microbes within three hours.

    Leaves and bark contain tannins, phenols, triterpene alcohol, beulenic acid, vitamin C.

    Birch mushroom It is brewed as tea to restore strength, increase appetite and relieve headaches, and is used as a remedy against internal tumors. Store chaga mushroom in a cool place.

    Application of birch

    Birch is an excellent remedy with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic effects. Decoctions and infusions of birch leaves are effective for vitamin deficiency, cough, stomach ulcers, their amazing properties help heal fresh wounds and trophic ulcers.

    Fresh birch bark draws pus from difficult-to-heal wounds and is used for abscesses and boils. Birch perfectly relieves fatigue, increases vascular tone, gives vigor and energy.

    Activated birch charcoal

    The drug carbolene is obtained from birch charcoal, which is used for flatulence and colic, as well as for high acidity. It removes excess cholesterol and is used to prevent cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Activated birch charcoal is especially excellent in the treatment of atherosclerosis and poisoning; it is produced by pharmacists in the form of a powder that is mixed with water, also used in the form of a suspension, tablets and capsules, and is easily absorbed by the body. Coal granules are used for water purification. Its application is very extensive; it is used in many areas of human activity.

    Birch leaves

    The leaves are rich in essential oils and ascorbic acid, anthocyanins, tannins, saponins, coumarins. Components such as carotene, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, barium, manganese and zinc are also included in the beneficial substances of birch leaves. IN unique leaves silver was discovered, they perfectly purify the air.

    Birch buds

    Birch buds, due to their diuretic, choleretic and expectorant properties, are used for edema, bronchitis and diseases of the biliary tract. Selenium and zinc accumulate in birch buds. Contains grape sugar, essential aromatic oil, resins, ascorbic acid, tannins.

    Fatty acids, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron are found in the beneficial substances of the kidneys. The tree has “spare buds”, in the summer they release droplets of liquid with very strong bioactive substances that kill putrefactive and pathogenic microbes. Bees collect “birch tears” to make propolis.

    Silver birch

    Silver birch has a dense crown. Young trees have yellowish-white bark; as the plant grows, it becomes white and smooth. This birch tree has drooping branches, young shoots are bare, flexible, strewn with resinous warts. At the bottom of the trunk of old birch trees, the bark is black and cracked. The buds are sticky. The leaves of silver birch are triangular or rhombic-ovate. The flowers are collected in inflorescences - earrings. The birch fruit is a nut with wide wings.

    Silver birch reproduces vegetatively or by self-sowing. Grows in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, the Urals, Kazakhstan, Western Tien Shan, and the Caucasus. Birch leaves are used externally for warming compresses for arthritis, rheumatism; they effectively treat eczema and lichen. There are known recipes for remedies used for difficulty urinating, to get rid of pinworms and roundworms.

    Decoction of birch leaves

    Young birch leaves are used in alternative medicine. They are used to make a decoction for baths for sciatica (radiculitis). For eczema, use a hot decoction of birch branches with leaves, into which you immerse your hands for 20–30 minutes, the procedure is performed 2–3 times during the day.

    A decoction of the leaves is used for swelling associated with cardiovascular failure, kidney diseases, it helps well with vitamin deficiencies. To prepare a decoction, pour 200 ml of boiling water into 10 g of buds, boil for 12–15 minutes over low heat, filter, bring the volume to 200 ml by adding warm boiled water. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

    Infusion of birch leaves

    An infusion of silver birch leaves is used for many health problems.

    To strengthen the body and remove toxins, 8–10 g of dry crushed raw materials or 10–15 g of fresh are infused in 1 glass of boiling water in a thermos for four to five hours, then filtered and taken 1 tablespoon 4–5 times a day.

    At cholelithiasis use an infusion of 1 tablespoon of birch leaves and 1 cup of boiling water. 1/2 cup of the resulting product should be drunk before meals 4 times a day.

    For prostate hypertrophy, it is useful to drink an infusion of two tablespoons of leaves, soaked in 0.5 liters of boiling water for two hours. Drink it 0.5 cups 3-5 times a day.

    Birch tincture

    An alcohol tincture of birch buds is prepared as follows: take 15 g of buds, pour in 500 g of alcohol (70%). Take the remedy 3 times a day, 20–25 drops diluted in a spoonful of water, for kidney diseases, stomach ulcers, bladder diseases, and for helminthic infestations. This medicine is also indicated for dropsy of renal origin.

    With help alcohol tincture You can treat bedsores, problem skin, pyodermatitis, acne, boils, rub sore joints with rheumatism.

    You can also prepare a tincture from young leaves by infusing them in a dark place in a glass container with water for a month.

    Contraindications to the use of birch

    Birch chaga mushroom is contraindicated in patients with chronic colitis and chronic infectious diseases– such as, for example, dysentery. Medicines from birch should not be taken simultaneously with treatment with penicillin and intravenous glucose.

    Infusions and decoctions prepared from birch buds are contraindicated in case of insufficiency of kidney function. The infusion of birch buds contains an increased concentration of resinous substances; they can irritate the kidney tissue, so their long-term use is not recommended.

    The most common are two species: silver birch (lat. Bétula péndula) and downy birch (lat. Bétula pubéscens). In the European part of Russia and Siberia it is very widespread and is one of the main forest-forming species.

    Everyone knows what a birch looks like: it is a tree reaching 20-30 meters in height, with a sparse pyramidal crown, small diamond-shaped leaves, jagged along the front edge, and a powerful root system.

    The trunk is protected by bark that ranges in color from white-yellow to brown and even black. Upper layer bark – white, usually peels off well and is called birch bark. This color is given to birch bark by a white organic pigment - betulin. The buds are alternate, sessile, with sticky scales. Reproductive organs in the form of earrings are located on the tops of elongated shoots (male earrings) or on shortened shoots on the sides of branches (female ones). The fruit is a nut surrounded by a membranous wing.

    For medical purposes in accordance withmedicinal plant collection calendarThey prepare buds, leaves, collect sap, as well as white birch bark, from which tar is obtained by dry distillation. Activated carbon - carbolene - is prepared from wood.

    Chemical composition of birch

    The buds contain flavonoids, essential oil, resins, tannins, alkaloids, fatty acids, ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The leaves contain the same substances in lower concentrations. Betulin, phytosterol, glycosides (betuloside, wintergreen), bitter and resinous substances, tannins, saponins, and essential oil are found in the bark. The composition of birch sap includes carbohydrates (from 0.5 to 5-7%), tannins, potassium and iron salts.

    Useful properties of birch

    Phytotherapeutic effect: diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic, antiseptic effect.

    Birch leaves and buds - properties

    Since ancient times, drugs from birch leaves and buds have been used as an antiscorbutic agent (vitaminosis C), for edema, cystitis, atherosclerosis, chronic kidney diseases, as a choleretic and expectorant. An infusion of birch leaves is effective for neuroses during menopause and weeping eczema. In folk medicine, remedies prepared from birch leaves and buds are used for bronchitis, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gallstones and urolithiasis, gout.

    Steaming with a birch broom in a bathhouse is effective for colds (at the first signs of the disease and during the recovery period), muscle and joint pain, and gout.

    Birch bark - medicinal properties

    Use with caution in case of allergic predisposition. Prolonged use causes skin irritation. Included in tar soap, Vishnevsky and Wilkinson ointments. IN ancient times Birch bark was used as an antimalarial agent.

    The benefits of birch sap

    Birch sap perfectly quenches thirst, has a restorative, antiscorbutic and diuretic effect, it is used for bronchitis, urolithiasis, gout, and rheumatism. Externally – for eczema, acne. Collect the sap before the leaves appear in early spring. In order not to harm the tree, the cut is subsequently covered with varnish, wax or clay.

    Application of medicinal forms of birch

    • 1 tablespoon of birch buds per 250 ml per 250 ml of hot boiled water, kept in a water bath for 20 minutes, after cooling, filter. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, edema of cardiac and renal origin, and skin diseases
    • 50 g of fresh birch leaves are poured into 1/2 liter of boiling water, left in a warm place for 6 hours, filtered. Take 150 ml 3 times a day as a diuretic.
    • tincture of birch buds: 100 g of birch buds per 0.5 liter of 70% medical alcohol (ratio 1:5), infuse for 2 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times a day as a diuretic and choleretic.
    • infusion of birch buds: 10 g of buds are infused for 30 minutes in 200 ml of boiling water. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals as a diuretic and choleretic agent, as well as for mycoses.

    Relative contraindicationsto the use of decoction and infusion of birch leaves and buds - severe diseases of the liver and kidneys, occurring with symptoms of insufficiency, with caution when

    Using natural medicines, which birch provides in abundance, modern man feels confident that this is not a tribute to tradition, but effective remedy healing. And there is plenty of evidence of this. Everyday observations, facts that everyone can check, indicate that birch has unique properties. A Scientific research conducted over many centuries confirm this.

    The latest research in the field of pharmacology and organic chemistry confirm and develop the discoveries of previous years. Substances isolated from birch bark offer promising possibilities for curing many diseases. The most relevant are the discovery of compounds that have anti-cancer properties and also help get rid of HIV.

    All properties of the bark

    The valuable properties of birch bark were noticed centuries earlier and were successfully used by many “researchers” - traditional healers.

    Birch bark, and various preparations made from it, were an effective salvation from serious ailments:

    • it was used to treat purulent wounds, boils, and fungal skin lesions;
    • used as an antipyretic;
    • used to improve performance digestive system;
    • used for gynecological problems, diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • the bark helped get rid of neoplasms, often malignant.

    This is an excellent remedy for the treatment of psoriasis, various eczemas, and scaly lichen. Coal is a recognized adsorbent, which is indispensable for intoxication, flatulence, and increased gastric acidity.

    Birch bark: contraindications for use

    Like any medicine, birch bark requires careful attention. Its use may be harmful if you have a predisposition to allergies. Dermatological treatment should be dosed so as not to lead to skin irritation.

    • pregnant women;
    • patients with dysentery or colitis;
    • people diagnosed with kidney disease;
    • in parallel with taking antibiotics (penicillin group) and glucose preparations.

    The effectiveness of using birch bark confirms its high ability to affect the body. Therefore, under no circumstances should you engage in treatment without consulting a doctor.

    Cough remedy

    Betulin, as an anti-inflammatory agent and immunomodulator, can be used to treat inflammatory processes in the body. Colds, throat or oral diseases “cannot resist” such medicines.

    Finely chop the bark (60 g). 1.2 l hot water mix with crushed bark and simmer over low heat. When 0.8 liters of liquid remains, filter the broth. Drink half a glass several times a day.

    Birch bark for diarrhea

    Treatment of diseases of the digestive system with decoctions of birch bark is effective, which confirms the use of drugs in scientific medicine.

    Betulin has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa, prevents excess acid production, and has hepatoprotective capabilities. This is the reason for its use in the treatment of even very severe liver diseases. “Birch” medicine helps with colitis and diarrhea.

    Finely chop a teaspoon of raw materials, pour boiling water (one glass), hold for a while on low heat, leave and strain.

    Birch bark for hair

    Dermatologists use the properties of birch bark to solve many skin and hair problems. Creams, ointments and shampoos containing birch bark preparations in the form of additives or main products are effective against fungal infections of the skin and hair. For example, in the case of seborrhea.

    You can make a hair rinse at home. Boil one tablespoon of crushed bark in half a liter of water, leave for 30 minutes and rinse your hair.

    These are the unique properties that birch bark has, take advantage of all the gifts of nature!