Is it possible to take kestin and tavegil at the same time? Kestin - methods of use and dosage, how effective the treatment is, reviews. Cetrin, Suprastin or Kestin - which is better?

Kestin is able to influence the type of competitive inhibition on histamine receptors type H1.

Ebastine does not displace histamine from connections with receptors, but binds to free receptors.

This contributes to stopping development allergic reaction.

The drug is effective as prophylactic from allergic reactions.

As a result of a decrease in the influence of histamine on receptors, a decrease in the intensity of bronchospasm, a decrease in pathological capillary permeability and tissue swelling are observed.

Kestin has an antiallergic, antihistamine effect and may have a sedative effect on the patient.

Indications and dosage:

Kestin is indicated for:

    Seasonal allergic rhinitis

    Renitis associated with household allergens, pollen, drugs

    Food allergies

    Allergies to epidermal particles

    Hives caused by any type of allergen

    Conditions caused by increased histamine production

For adults and children over 15 years of age, the drug is prescribed 10-20 mg (1/2-1 tablet) 1 time/day.

Children aged 12 to 15 years - 10 mg (1/2 tablet) 1 time / day.

In patients with impaired liver function, the daily dose should not exceed 10 mg.

The drug is taken regardless of meals.

In pediatrics and in cases of difficulty swallowing tablets, it is preferable to use Kestin syrup.

If you have an individual reaction to the drug with the appearance of drowsiness, you should stop driving and postpone the lesson. dangerous species activities.


Exceeding the dosage of ebastine may be accompanied by increased unwanted side effects.

There is no specific antidote.

Adsorbents are prescribed, gastric lavage is performed, and the patient is placed in medical institution to monitor the condition and provide symptomatic therapy.

Side effects:

Taking Kestin may be accompanied by:


    Dry mouth




    Asthenic syndrome


    Epigastric pain



Kestin is not prescribed for:


    Hypersensitivity to ebastine, tablet components


    Indications for children under 6 years of age

At renal failure, prolongation of the QT interval, disorders of hepatic metabolism, hypokalemia, Kestin should be prescribed with caution.

There are no reliable data on the safety of clinical use of Kestin and its analogues during pregnancy.

Preparations containing ebastine are not prescribed to pregnant women.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol:

The drug Kestin is incompatible with antifungal agents containing ketoconazole, as well as with erythromycin antibiotics.

No significant pharmacological interactions have been recorded with other drugs.

Composition and properties:

1 tablet of Kestin contains:

    Ebastine micronized 0.01 g

    Auxiliary components: MCC, starch, lactose, sodium CMC, magnesium stearate, HPMC, PEG-6000, titanium dioxide

5 ml of Kestin syrup contains:

    Ebastine 0.005 g

    Auxiliary components: α-hydroxypropionic acid, glycerin, glycerol oxystearate, sodium propylparaben, sodium methylparaben, sorbitol, neohesperidin dihydrochalcone, dimethylpolysiloxane, anethole, sodium hydroxide, prepared water

Release form:

Kestin is produced in tablet form and syrup form. The packaging is as follows:

    5 tablets/1 blister/packaging

    10 tablets/1 blister/packaging

    Syrup 60 ml/glass bottle with dispenser syringe included/packaging

    Syrup 120 ml / glass bottle with dispenser syringe included / packaging

Storage conditions:

The storage temperature for Kestin syrup is 15-25 degrees Celsius, for tablets – up to 30 degrees Celsius.

The drug Kestin should be kept dry during storage, protected from sun rays place.

Children's access to both tablets and syrup should be limited.

The shelf life of syrup is 2 years, Kestin tablets are 3 years.

general information

    Sales form:

    Many people ask the question: claritin and alcohol - is compatibility of these drugs possible or not? The opinions of experts in this case differ. Doctors say that the influence of alcohol on taking the drug is associated with the development of serious side effects. They negatively affect the central nervous system, brain function and other internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys or heart. There is also an opposing opinion, according to which you can drink alcohol while taking Claritin. Whether to combine them or not, let’s try to figure it out in this article.

    Mechanism of action of the drug

    Claritin is an effective second generation antihistamine. The main indication for its use is hypersensitivity caused by allergic reactions.

    The drug is prescribed when diagnosing the following pathological processes in a patient:

    • allergic rhinitis;
    • seasonal allergic manifestations;
    • chronic urticaria or other allergic reactions;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • atopy caused by insect bites.

    The active substance of the drug, loratadine, blocks H1-histamine receptors and ganglia. Thanks to him already as soon as possible allergy symptoms are eliminated. In this case, the substance itself does not penetrate the bloodstream.

    In case of individual intolerance, the antihistamine drug Claritin can provoke the development of the following side effects:

    • fatigue;
    • skin rashes on the body;
    • headaches;
    • rapid heartbeat;
    • nervous excitement;
    • malfunction of the liver and stomach;
    • nausea.

    Compatibility of Claritin and alcohol

    Most antihistamines do not combine well with alcoholic drinks. This interaction may cause side effects such as drowsiness, severe headache or dizziness.

    An exception is modern antiallergic medications. latest generation. These include the drug Telfast, Claritin, as well as their analogues (Zodak, Loratadine, Loridin, Kestin and some others).

    Thus, the instructions for use of Claritin indicate that it does not affect the central nervous system, brain function, or the speed of psychomotor reactions. In accordance with this, people taking the drug are allowed to drive vehicles, as well as work with mechanisms that represent potential danger. It is believed that it is possible to combine the drug with alcoholic drinks, because it does not enter the bloodstream. It is noted that it does not contribute to negative effects on the central nervous system.

    Despite this, it is not recommended to use both drugs at the same time. Each organism is individual, and no specialist can guarantee the absence of side effects and complications caused by such a combination.

    Even the most modern medications When used with alcohol, they can develop a number of unpleasant manifestations:

    • dizziness;
    • drowsiness;
    • headache.

    Compatibility Options

    Depending on the gender of the person, as well as the time period, you can take an antihistamine and alcohol in the following cases:

    1. For men - 24 hours before the planned use of alcohol.
    2. For women - 48 hours before drinking alcohol.
    3. After 20 hours or more after drinking alcohol (for men).
    4. After 24 hours or more after drinking alcohol (for women).
    5. During a course of Claritin therapy, men and women can drink alcohol 30 days after the end of treatment.

    It is highly undesirable to combine alcohol and medication in cases where:

    1. Course in progress drug therapy(using Claritin).
    2. There are chronic diseases, as well as pathologies of the liver, heart, and blood vessels.
    3. An allergic woman is pregnant (this is especially true in the 1st trimester of pregnancy).

    Alcoholic drinks that can negatively affect the human body include beer, champagne, wine, vodka, brandy, etc.

    Even one dose of alcohol contributes to the development of side effects.

    Depending on the drink, the dosage is calculated as follows (in ml.):

    • beer – 350;
    • malt drink – 250;
    • table wine – 150;
    • port wine – 100;
    • brandy – 45;
    • vodka – 45.

    The above calculations use average. It is characterized average degree alcohol intoxication, and is calculated based on a body weight of 65 kg.

    Consequences for the body

    The use of Claritin and alcohol affects not only the course of allergic pathology, but also work internal systems and organs.

    The drug has a negative effect on liver function, just like alcohol. The simultaneous use of these substances significantly increases the load on the organ. This combination can cause serious disruptions in its functioning. This is especially important to remember for people suffering from liver failure.

    When combining Claritin with alcohol, the molecules medicinal substance interact closely with the alcohol derivative ethanol. Such a tandem entails intoxication of the body, the manifestations of which can be severe headaches, redness skin, tachycardia, increased blood pressure.

    If a person still abuses alcohol while using Claritin, experts recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

    1. Stop further alcohol consumption.
    2. Follow the recommendations specified in the instructions for use of the medication (in the contraindications section).
    3. Drink as much as possible more water over the next 4 hours.

    With one-time alcohol abuse, the risk of complications is negligible. The body can be affected by both topical and systemic medications.

    Regarding the consequences of alcohol consumption for allergic disease, then a significant deterioration of the patient’s condition is possible. Alcohol causes blood vessels to dilate, causing tissue swelling. All this leads to a sharp increase in the body’s allergic reaction.

    Only a person can decide whether it is possible or not to combine such incompatible things. In order to maintain health, it is still not recommended to take Claritin and alcohol.

    Histamine is an essential substance that is predominantly found in mast cells connective tissue and blood basophils. Released from these cells under the influence of various factors, it binds to the H1 and H2 receptors:

    • H1 receptors, when interacting with histamine, cause bronchospasm, contraction of smooth muscles, dilate capillaries and increase their permeability.
    • H 2 receptors stimulate an increase in acidity in the stomach and affect heart rate.

    Active ingredient medication Kestine is ebastine. Contents in dosage forms:

    • 1 film-coated tablet may contain 10 mg or 20 mg of ebastine;
    • 1 lyophilized tablet contains 20 mg of ebastine;
    • 1 ml of syrup contains 1 mg of ebastine.

    Auxiliary components of film-coated tablets:

    • magnesium stearate;
    • lactose monohydrate;
    • hydroxypropyl methylcellulose;
    • corn starch;
    • microcrystalline cellulose;
    • structured sodium carboxymethylcellulose;
    • polyethylene glycol 6000.

    Auxiliary elements of lyophilized tablets:

    • mannitol;
    • gelatin;
    • mint flavor;
    • aspartame.

    Additional substances in syrup:

    • distilled water;
    • glycerol oxystearate;
    • 70% sorbitol solution;
    • glycerol;
    • 85% lactic acid;
    • dihydrochalcone neohesperidin;
    • sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
    • sodium hydroxide;
    • dimethylpolysiloxane;
    • anethole

    Kestin - composition of the drug and mechanism of action

    Kestine is available in two forms - tablets and syrup.

    The tablet form of the drug is intended for patients over 12 years of age.

    The syrup can be used to eliminate allergy symptoms in children starting from the age of six.

    Tablets are available in two types, that is, they can be film-coated or lyophilized.

    Lyophilized tablets quickly develop their healing properties and begin to work when exposed to moisture.

    The main active ingredient of the drug is ebastine, which is a histamine H1 receptor blocker; there is a drug with the same name Ebastine, which is a complete analogue of Kestin.

    Any allergic reaction in the body occurs with the formation of inflammatory mediators, which primarily include histamine.

    Additional information about the drug: review of analogues, use in children, pregnant women, etc.

    For treatment allergic manifestations In children, antihistamines of all three generations are used.

    1st generation antihistamines are distinguished by the fact that they quickly manifest their effect medicinal property and are excreted from the body. They are in demand for the treatment of acute manifestations of allergic reactions. They are prescribed in short courses. The most effective of this group are Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin, Fenkarol.

    A significant percentage of side effects leads to a reduction in the use of these medications for childhood allergies.

    2nd generation antihistamines do not cause a sedative effect, act for a longer time and are usually used once a day. Few side effects. Among the drugs in this group, Ketitofen, Fenistil, Cetrin, Erius are used to treat manifestations of childhood allergies.

    The 3rd generation of antihistamines for children includes Gismanal, Terfen and others. They are used for chronic allergic processes because they are capable of for a long time be in the body. There are no side effects.

    1st generation: headache, constipation, tachycardia, drowsiness, dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention and lack of appetite; 2nd generation: Negative influence on the heart and liver; 3rd generation: none, recommended for use from 3 years of age.

    Antihistamines are produced for children in the form of ointments (allergic skin reactions), drops, syrups and tablets for oral administration.

    Analogue drugs
    • Fenistil;
    • Diazolin;
    • Diphenhydramine;
    • Suprastin;
    • Tavegil;
    • Zodak;
    • Cetrin;
    • Loratadine.
    Analogues in homeopathy
    • Tablets, Luffel spray;
    • Drops Edas-131 "Rinitol";
    • Drops Edas-130 "Allergopent".
    Analogues in folk medicine A decoction of string, bay leaf, burdock, dandelion, chamomile.
    Infusions of peony and celandine.
    Use during pregnancy and lactation Contraindicated.
    Use of the drug in childhood
    • From 6 to 12 years old, 5 mg syrup per day is recommended;
    • 12 – 15 years – 10 mg tablets – 1/2 tablet once a day.
    Use of the drug in old age As prescribed by a doctor.
    Is it possible to drink alcohol? Concomitant use only possible with lyophilized tablets.
    Can I drive after the appointment? Can.
    Expected improvement 1 hour after administration.
    If the drug doesn't help After 5 days of taking it, if there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor.

    "Kestin" is a new generation antihistamine. His distinctive features are the absence of a sedative effect on the body and the addictive effect. Kestin not only has a quick effect on allergens, but also an attractive price.

    Dosage form

    But 2nd generation antihistamines have a cardiotoxic effect varying degrees Therefore, when taking them, cardiac activity is monitored. They are contraindicated in elderly patients and patients suffering from work disorders of cardio-vascular system.

    These substances are prodrugs, which means that when they enter the body, they are converted from their original form into pharmacologically active metabolites.

    All 3rd generation antihistamines do not have cardiotoxic or sedative effects, so they can be used by people whose activities involve high concentration.

    These drugs block H1 receptors and also have an additional effect on allergic manifestations. They are highly selective, do not cross the blood-brain barrier, and therefore are not characterized by Negative consequences from the central nervous system, absent side effect on the heart.

    The presence of additional effects promotes the use of 3rd generation antihistamines for long-term treatment most allergic manifestations.

    Gismanal is prescribed as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for hay fever, allergic skin reactions, including urticaria, allergic rhinitis. The effect of the drug develops over 24 hours and reaches its maximum after 9-12 days. Its duration depends on previous therapy.

    Advantages: the drug has virtually no sedative effect, does not enhance the effect of taking sleeping pills or alcohol. It also does not affect the ability to drive or mental activity.

    Cons: Gismanal can cause increased appetite, dry mucous membranes, tachycardia, drowsiness, arrhythmia, prolongation of the QT interval, palpitations, collapse.

    Mebhydrolin (diazolin)

    Most experts classify Diazolin as a first-generation antihistamine, while others, due to its minimally expressed sedative effect, classify this remedy to the second.

    Be that as it may, diazolin is widely used not only in adults, but also in pediatric practice, being considered one of the most inexpensive and accessible medicines.

    Desloratadine (Eden, Erius)

    It is most often classified as a third generation antihistamine because it is an active metabolite of loratadine.

    Cetirizine (Zodak, Cetrin, Parlazine)

    Most researchers consider this medicine to the second generation of antihistamines, although some confidently classify it as the third, because it is an active metabolite of hydroxyzine.

    Zodak is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects. Available in the form of drops, tablets and syrup for oral administration. With a single dose of the drug, it has therapeutic effect throughout the day, so it can be taken only once a day.

    Cetirizine relieves allergy symptoms, does not cause sedation, and prevents the development of smooth muscle spasm and swelling of surrounding tissues. Effective for hay fever, allergic conjunctivitis, urticaria, eczema, and relieves itching well.

    Features of application. If the drug is prescribed in large doses, then you should refrain from driving vehicles, as well as work that requires quick reaction. When used together with alcohol, cetirizine can enhance its negative effects.

    The duration of treatment with this drug can be from 1 to 6 weeks.

    Fexofenadine (Telfast)

    Most researchers also consider it to be a third generation of antihistamines, because it is an active metabolite of terfenadine. It can be used by those whose activities involve driving, as well as those suffering from heart disease.

    1st generation antihistamines

    Based on their chemical structure, these drugs are divided into the following groups:

    Kestin should not be used together with Erythromycin and active Ketoconazole because there is a certain likelihood of prolongation of the QT interval.

    Ebastine does not interact with the following drugs:

    • Diazepam;
    • medications that contain ethanol;
    • indirect anticoagulants;
    • Cimetidine;
    • Theophylline.

    Currently, many different drugs are produced aimed at eliminating allergies or preventing them.

    It is quite difficult to select the most effective one and this can only be done correctly under the guidance of a doctor after completing all the studies.

    The antihistamine drug Kestin, produced in the form of film tablets, is incompatible:

    • With antifungal medications such as Fluconazole, Ketoconazole;
    • Antibiotics from the Macrolide group;
    • With a drug used in the treatment of asthma – Theophylline;
    • Indirect anticoagulants;
    • With the antiulcer drug Cimetidine;
    • With the drug Diazepam;
    • With medications manufactured using ethanol.

    Lyophilized tablets are not prescribed simultaneously with Ketoconazole and Erythromycin, but can be used with those medications for which the use of film-coated tablets is contraindicated.

    Lyophilized Kestin can also be consumed with moderate doses of alcohol.

    When prescribing medication, the allergist must know what else his patient is being treated with. This will avoid adverse reactions and will increase the likelihood of the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy.

    The drug is available for free sale in pharmacies; it can be stored at normal conditions when the room temperature does not exceed 25 degrees.

    IMPORTANT TO KNOW: How allergies to antibiotics manifest.

    Kestin is available in the following dosage forms:

    • Round, film-coated tablets white with markings on one side indicating the dosage of the active ingredient. Packaged in blisters of 5 or 10 units. In each cardboard box There may be 1 or 2 blisters.
    • Lyophilized tablets round shape, almost white. A cardboard box contains 1 blister containing 10 tablets.
    • Transparent, slightly yellowish syrup with a distinct anise odor. Packaged in dark glass bottles of 60 or 120 ml. The kit includes a measuring syringe.

    Due to the high likelihood of developing a prolongation of the QT interval, the use of Kestin should not be combined with the use of erythromycin and/or ketoconazole.

    The medication does not interact with cimetidine, theophylline, diazepam, indirect anticoagulants, ethyl alcohol and products containing ethanol.

    Applications and dosages

    Kestin should be taken once a day the right time without any connection to food. The exact use depends on the type of tablet:

    • tablets in a package of 10 mg can be taken from the age of twelve, 1-2 pieces per day;
    • tablets weighing 20 mg are taken from the age of 15, half or a whole tablet, and from the age of 12 to 15 you can drink only half a tablet a day.

    Use Kestin in medicinal purposes can be taken regardless of food intake; the medicine does not need to be taken with water.

    When opening the package, you must be careful, as the tablets are quite fragile and easily break under pressure.

    Treatment begins with a dose of 10 mg; if the desired effect is not observed, then the dosage is increased to 20 mg per day.

    Children from 12 to 15 years of age are treated only with a dose of 10 mg per day. The same dosage should be observed in patients with severe liver dysfunction.

    In other cases, the drug is taken according to the usual regimen. It should also be taken into account that the use of Kestin is contraindicated in some cases.

    The medicine is not prescribed:

    • Pregnant women and women breastfeeding. Clinical trials this group of patients were not carried out, and therefore doctors cannot say for sure how ebastine will affect the development of the fetus;
    • The drug in tablets is not used until the child reaches the age of twelve.

    In rare cases, patients experience headache, slight dizziness, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, drowsiness, or, conversely, insomnia.

    If these changes are very disturbing and do not go away within a few days, the doctor may reduce the daily dose.

    An overdose of the drug is reflected in changes in the functioning of the central nervous system; severe symptoms of poisoning occur when using Kestin in a dose of 300 mg, which exceeds single dose almost 15 times.

    There is no antidote for the drug, so in case of overdose, symptomatic therapy is used.

    If you accidentally take several antihistamine tablets at once, you must rinse your stomach as quickly as possible.

    The active ingredient of the drug is ebastine.

    The pronounced antiallergic effect of Kestin begins 1 hour after administration and continues for 48 hours. After a 5-day course of treatment with the drug, antihistamine activity persists for 72 hours due to the action of active metabolites.

    Therefore, when long-term use You can use a convenient treatment regimen - 5 days on, 2 days off. Kestin is compatible with alcohol.

    The high effectiveness and safety of Kestin has been confirmed by numerous foreign and Russian post-registration clinical studies.

    Antiallergic drug Kestin Rapid Dissolution is indicated for allergic rhinitis of various etiologies(seasonal and/or year-round); urticaria of various etiologies, including chronic idiopathic.

    The drug Kestin Rapid Dissolution is intended for resorption in the oral cavity, regardless of food intake.

    Adults, children and adolescents over 15 years of age are prescribed 20 mg (1 lyophilized tablet) 1 time per day. The course of treatment is determined by the disappearance of symptoms of the disease.

    In elderly patients, no dose adjustment is required.

    In patients with impaired renal function, no dose adjustment is required.

    With slight and moderate liver failure the drug can be used in the usual dose. In case of severe liver dysfunction, the daily dose of ebastine should not exceed 10 mg.

    To avoid damaging the tablets, do not remove the tablet from the blister by pressing. Open the package by carefully lifting the free edge of the protective film.

    Remove the protective film.

    Carefully squeeze out the drug without touching it.

    Carefully remove the tablet and place it on the tongue, where it will quickly dissolve. There is no need to drink water or other liquid. Eating does not affect the effect of the drug.

    From the outside nervous system: from 1% to 3.7% - headache, drowsiness; less than 1% - insomnia,

    From the outside digestive system: from 1% to 3.7% - dryness of the oral mucosa; less than 1% - dyspepsia, nausea, abdominal pain.

    From the outside respiratory system: less than 1% - sinusitis, rhinitis.

    Other: less than 1% - asthenic syndrome; Allergic reactions are possible.

    Contraindications to the use of the drug Kestin Rapid Dissolution are: phenylketonuria; pregnancy; lactation period ( breastfeeding); childhood up to 15 years; increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

    Use with caution in patients with prolonged QT interval, hypokalemia, and renal and/or liver failure.

    The use of Kestin Rapid Dissolution is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

    Kestin lyophilized tablets 20 mg does not interact with theophylline, indirect anticoagulants, cimetidine, diazepam, ethanol and ethanol-containing drugs.

    Kestin is prescribed to patients suffering from allergic pathologies of various etiologies. Before use, you should consult your doctor to determine any prohibitions on use.

    for adults

    The main conditions for which it is necessary to take Kestin are:

    • urticaria;
    • allergic rhinitis of a seasonal or year-round nature;
    • rhinitis caused by pollen, household allergens or medications;
    • allergic manifestations caused by particles of the epidermis;
    • pathologies associated with increased secretion histamine.

    for children

    Children under 6 years of age are prohibited from taking any form of Kestin. For children over 6 years of age, the drug is prescribed for the same indications as adult group patients.

    for pregnant women and during lactation

    During lactation and pregnancy, the use of Kestin is contraindicated due to the lack of information about the safety of use. For use during lactation, the patient must stop breastfeeding.

    The method of use and dosage of the drug Kestin directly depend on its release form. Before starting use, you should consult an experienced physician.

    Take 1–2 tablets (dosage 10 mg) and 0.5–1 tablet (dosage 20 mg) 1 time per day. Reception is not tied to the time of day and does not depend on meals.

    Take 1 tablet 1 time per day. The product must be kept in oral cavity until completely dissolved. You should not take the tablets with water.

    Take 10–20 ml once a day.

    • 10 mg – children over 12 years old, 1–2 tablets 1 time per day;
    • 20 mg – for children from 12 to 15 years old, half a tablet and for children over 15 years old, from 0.5 to 1 tablet 1 time per day.

    Children over 15 years old: 1 unit of product 1 time per day.

    • children from 6 to 12 years old, 5 ml per day;
    • from 12 to 15 years, 10 ml per day;
    • over 15 years old: 10 to 20 ml per day.

    Pregnant patients and nursing women are prohibited from taking Kestin in any of the available forms of release.

    If there is a special need for use during the lactation period, the woman should refuse to breastfeed the baby. breast milk.

    Indications for use

    Kestin is prescribed to patients suffering from allergies. different shapes manifestations. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor to determine possible contraindications.

    • urticaria symptoms;
    • rhinitis caused by various factors;
    • allergies to pollen, household chemicals, medications;
    • allergies provoked by fragments of the epidermis;
    • diseases caused by increased concentrations of histamine in the blood.

    The medicine has several absolute contraindications for use or prohibitions due to the specific form of release of the medicine.

    Consider the list of absolute contraindications:

    • lactation period;
    • poor tolerance or increased sensitivity of the body to the effects of the active components of the substance.

    You should not take Kestin in tablet form:

    • children under 12 years old;
    • when there is not enough lactose in the body;
    • with poor digestibility of lactose;
    • slight absorption of glucose-galactose.

    You cannot drink lyophilized tablets:

    • children and adolescents under 15 years of age;
    • with phenylketonuria.
    • hypokalemia;
    • kidney and liver problems;
    • increased QT interval.

    Contraindications for the drug include:

    • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • problems with metabolic process;
    • The medication should be given with special care to children under six years of age.

    The drug Kestin has a number of both absolute contraindications for use and prohibitions related directly to dosage form release of the drug.

    Absolute contraindications:

    • lactation period;
    • intolerance or hypersensitivity of the patient to the action of the active component or auxiliary elements.

    Film-coated tablets:

    • children under 12 years of age;
    • lactase deficiency;
    • lactose intolerance;
    • malabsorption of glucose-galactose.


    • hypokalemia;
    • renal and/or liver failure;
    • increased QT interval;
    • children up to 6 years of age (for Kestin in the form of syrup).
    Pharmacological group Antiallergic agent.
    Basics active substance Ebastine
    Release form
    • Syrup;
    • Tablets: film-coated and lyophilized..
    Main indications for use
    • Allergic rhinitis;
    • Hives.
    Mode of application Inside, regardless of food intake.
    Lyophilized tablets must be dissolved until completely dissolved.
    Dosage for treatment
    • Tablets: 10–20 mg 1 time per day;
    • Syrup: 10–20 ml once a day.
    Main contraindications Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, phenylketonuria.
    Precautionary measures With caution if available the following diseases:
    • Kidney or liver failure;
    • Hypokalemia;
    • Increased QT interval.
    Incompatible medications and foods
    • Antifungal drugs;
    • Erythromycin, clarithromycin;
    • Theophylline;
    • Cimetidine;
    • Diazepam.
    Basic side effects Headaches, dry mouth.
    Storage conditions and periods Temperature no more than 30 0 C, dark place, 3 years

    Allergy is a disease that cannot be ignored. Negative reaction The body's response to certain stimuli can be truly unpredictable. Allergy sufferers should always have a high-quality antihistamine with them. The drug "Kestin" shows excellent results. Instructions for use make it possible to understand how to use the medication correctly.

    Description and main components of the medicine

    The drug "Kestin" will help you quickly cope with an allergic reaction. Instructions for use indicate that in the role active ingredient ebastine appears. This substance blocks histamine receptors in a matter of minutes. Thereby unpleasant symptoms allergies go away.

    The drug "Kestin" is available in two forms. These are syrup and tablets. Additionally, the medication may contain substances such as aspartame, mannitol, flavorings, and gelatin.

    Ebastine on long time stops the functioning of histamine receptors. Therefore, all drugs based on it are considered effective. Kestin is no exception. Instructions for use show that a strong antihistamine effect occurs within half an hour after consuming the tablets or syrup. The medicine keeps on giving good results within 72 hours.


    Before using Kestin, you must read the instructions for use. Tablets for adults are suitable for almost all cases of allergies. After use, the drug is quickly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract, is almost completely metabolized in the liver. In the blood plasma, the highest concentration of the active ingredient is observed after a few hours.

    A specialist may prescribe a course of the drug "Kestin". Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues - this information must be carefully read before starting treatment. At daily intake within three days the highest concentration in the blood plasma reaches 150 ng/ml. Ebastine is 95% bound to blood proteins. Most of the tablets are excreted by the kidneys.

    When to prescribe the drug

    Kestin tablets can be prescribed to patients over 15 years of age with allergic rhinitis. The drug is also used for skin reactions - urticaria, small rash. For allergic laryngitis, the medication does not show good results. In pediatric practice, the medicine can be used in the form of syrup. At the same time, patients preschool age the drug is prescribed with caution.

    It is strictly forbidden to use the medication in any form for phenylketonuria. Prescribe the drug with caution to patients with renal or liver failure. Contraindications also include the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    In rare cases, hypersensitivity to elements of the drug may develop. If the allergic reaction worsens, it is recommended to stop taking the medication. A specialist will be able to prescribe a high-quality substitute.

    special instructions

    It is worth considering that the active ingredient may affect allergy tests. Therefore, during the examination period, the use of the medicine should be discontinued. About what you have to accept antihistamine tablets You should definitely tell your doctor. Allergy tests are recommended to be carried out no earlier than a week after discontinuation of the medication.

    During therapy with ebastine-based drugs, performance may decrease. The patient will feel slightly tired in the afternoon. It is not recommended to drive cars or other machinery that require increased attention during this period.

    In almost any pharmacy you can find the drug "Kestin". The instructions for use indicate that the medicine can be dispensed without a prescription.

    Features of application

    Both syrup and tablets can be used regardless of diet. Adult patients, as well as patients over 15 years of age, are prescribed one capsule for resorption under the tongue. It is enough to take the drug once every 24 hours. The course of therapy depends on the symptoms. There is no need for dosage adjustment in patients over 65 years of age. For liver failure, it is recommended to take no more than 10 mg (half a tablet) per day.

    The dosage of syrup is selected according to the age of the patient. For children under 6 years old, it is enough to take 5 ml once every 24 hours. Teenagers take 10 ml of the drug per day. Patients over 15 years of age can take up to 20 ml per day, provided there are no contraindications. None adverse reactions will not occur if the drug “Kestin” is used correctly. Instructions for use, price, reviews - this information should be carefully read. Daily norm The medication should not exceed 20 mg for tablets or 20 ml for liquid form.

    Side effects

    Improper use of any medication can lead to serious side effects. No troubles will arise if you have previously studied the instructions for use for the drug “Kestin”. Reviews from doctors show that unpleasant reactions of the body most often develop if the patient exceeds the dosage. In the most difficult cases, a rapid decrease in pressure is possible, and hypotension develops. The problem is that there is no special antidote for ebastine. In case of overdose, the patient must rinse the stomach. Then symptomatic therapy is carried out.

    Side effects can also develop if the drug is taken correctly. At the beginning of therapy, many patients complain of increased fatigue, headache, nausea. You may suffer from insomnia for several days. In rare cases they appear side effects from the respiratory system. Allergic rhinitis begins to intensify, shortness of breath appears.

    Almost all patients at the beginning of treatment note increased dryness of the oral mucosa. The unpleasant phenomenon goes away within a few days.

    Drug interactions

    Can Kestin be used with all medications? The instructions for use of the tablets say that simultaneous use is not recommended antihistamine with antibiotics based on ketoconazole or erythromycin. This interaction may reduce the effectiveness of the antiallergy drug.

    Unpleasant side effects may develop when simultaneous administration ethanol-based solutions. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol during the treatment period.

    What product should I use if I couldn’t find the drug “Kestin” in the pharmacy? Instructions for use, analogues - your doctor will be able to tell you about all this. A specialist will always select a high-quality substitute. Most popular means will be described below.


    The medication is available in tablet form. It can be used if you were unable to purchase the drug Kestin. Ebastine also plays the role of the active component here. 90% of the medicine is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Positive effect occurs within half an hour after taking the medicine orally. The advantage is that the tablets do not have a pronounced sedative effect. However, it is still recommended to refrain from driving a car during the treatment period.

    As in the case of Kestin, the instructions for use should be carefully studied. The price of analogues is practically the same. For a box of medicine you will have to pay about 250 rubles.

    The drug "Espa-Bastin" is prescribed with caution to patients with impaired liver and kidney function. People with such pathologies require dose adjustment. The medicine is not used during pregnancy and lactation. Children are also not prescribed medication in tablet form.


    What else can replace the drug "Kestin"? Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues - all this information should be carefully studied by those who want to forget about allergies forever. A good histamine receptor blocker is the substance sehifenadine. It was on its basis that the Gistafeng tablets were created. This drug copes well with many allergic reactions. The advantage is that the active component not only blocks histamine receptors, but also reduces the content harmful substances in body tissues. Sehifenadine is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Maximum effect is achieved within 40 minutes after taking the drug orally.

    The drug "Histafen" has a long list of indications. It can be used not only for allergic rhinitis or urticaria. The product also shows good results for itchy dermatoses and conjunctivitis. The medication can be used to prevent seasonal allergic manifestations.


    Those who want to save money should pay attention to this drug. For one package of the product you will have to pay no more than 150 rubles. Before starting therapy, the instructions for use should be studied qualitatively, as in the case of the drug “Kestin”. Although analogues are available without a prescription, they can cause harm to the body if used incorrectly.

    The active ingredient is: Additionally, the tablets contain substances such as lactose monohydrate, stearic acid, potato starch, and talc.

    The drug "Suprastin" shows good results for seasonal or allergic rhinitis, urticaria, eczema, contact dermatitis etc. The medication can be prescribed to children over 3 years of age.

    Kestin is medicine the latest generation and is designed to relieve allergy symptoms. Its second name is Ebastine. It actively blocks antihistamine receptors, relieving swelling, itching, skin rashes and other symptoms of the disease.

    The manufacturer of the antihistamine is the Japanese pharmaceutical company Takeda. The use of Kestin helps block histamines. This property is associated with the activation of the main active ingredient - Ebastine, which neutralizes the development of allergies.

    Ebastine is not able to exhibit anticholinergic activity and penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Application of the indicated dosage (0.01 g) active substance remains effective for two days.

    Indications for use

    Ebastine can be prescribed in the following cases:

    • the development of seasonal as well as year-round runny nose and conjunctivitis, which occurs in response to the action of an allergen;
    • Ebastine is prescribed for urticaria, hay fever;

    • in addition, the drug helps relieve allergic symptoms caused by physical exposure (solar radiation, overheating, cold, etc.).

    Kestin relieves symptoms of urticaria well. If allergic symptoms increase and Kestin is ineffective, its analogues may be prescribed.


    The drug is not prescribed if the following symptoms develop:

    • individual sensitivity to Kestin and its constituent components;
    • during pregnancy of a woman and breastfeeding of children;

    • Kestin tablets are prescribed with caution to children under 12 years of age;
    • dosage adjustment is necessary when chronic diseases liver and kidneys, hypokalemia and cardiovascular manifestations.

    U certain group In people, Ebastine can cause inhibited reactions and drowsiness, so the use of the drug in some patients limits driving.

    Side effects

    The composition of the drug, as a rule, is quite well accepted by patients and rarely causes by-effect in the treatment of allergies.

    However, sometimes negative manifestations can still appear:

    • weakness, increased fatigue;
    • headaches, sleep disturbances;
    • hyperactivity is possible;
    • reduced performance;
    • nausea, pain in the abdominal area;
    • increased dry mouth, accompanied by severe thirst;
    • rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis.


    The drug has 3 forms:

    1. Film-coated tablets. Dosage - 10 mg and 20 mg;
    2. Lyophilized tablets 20 mg;
    3. Syrup (many patients think these are drops).


    Indications for the use of tablets:

    • it is forbidden to take Kestin tablets during the patient’s pregnancy;
    • in case of presence of liver diseases, the instructions do not recommend taking daily dose more than 10 mg. Minor manifestations allow the usual dosage;
    • children 12 years old and adults - (10-20 mg) (1-2 tablets) once.

    Tablets can be taken regardless of diet.

    Lyophilized tablets

    A lyophytilized (absorbable) tablet, just like a simple one, relieves allergy symptoms.

    • Adults, children and adolescents over 15 years of age - 20 mg (1 tablet) 1 time per day;
    • The course of treatment for allergies depends on the severity of symptoms.

    The tablet must be removed very carefully as it is quite fragile. Next, it is placed on the tongue until completely dissolved.


    • for children 6 - 12 years old - 5 mg (5 ml). The syrup is prescribed once a day;
    • children 12-15 years old - syrup 10 mg (10 ml) once every 24 hours;
    • adults and children over 15 years old - 10-20 mg (10-20 ml) once per 24 hours;
    • a daily dosage of 20 mg (tablets and syrup) can only be prescribed by your doctor.


    If the dosage is violated or misuse, the active substance can cause an overdose. Vomiting, retardation of movements, confusion, etc. may occur. In this case, there are direct indications for emergency gastric lavage and removal of toxins using enterosorbents.

    Drug interactions

    Ebastine tablets are incompatible with antifungal agents. Kestin with a dosage of 10 or 20 mg is not recommended for use in conjunction with theophylline, used to relieve an asthmatic attack, and indirect anticoagulants. This can lead to cardiac problems.

    Special monitoring is required when interacting with cimetidine prescribed for treatment peptic ulcer. This may lead to exacerbations gastrointestinal diseases and possible bleeding.

    The instructions warn that there are contraindications that exclude simultaneous use lyophilized (coated) drugs, which include Erythromycin and Ketonazole.


    • The medicine is used once within 24 hours, its therapeutic effect lasts two days;
    • the antihistamine must be taken every day in the prescribed dosage for 5-6 days, followed by a break for 2 days;
    • the composition of the drug, when used for a long time, can accumulate and provide the body with an antihistamine effect for three days;
    • The lyophilized tablet does not need to be washed down; it quickly interacts with saliva and dissolves. Therefore, Ebastine is convenient to carry with you.

    When choosing antihistamine When treating allergies, it is permissible to prescribe analogues, select the necessary composition and treatment regimen. These steps can only be performed by a doctor.


    In cases where there are certain contraindications for prescribing Kestin or when unforeseen manifestations arose during its use, there are substitutes for them - analogues with the same pharmacological effect.

    The most common include:

    • Fenistil, Diazolin;
    • Loratadine, Diprazine;

    • Zodak, Semprex;
    • Astelong, Supradin;

    In addition, there are substitutes such as Sodium Nedocromil, Lecrolin and Intal. These medicinal analogues prevent histamine release and other mediators of allergic disease from these cells.

    Kestin should be prescribed only by a highly qualified specialist. Indications for replacing the drug depend on the severity of the allergic reaction and the pathologies present in the patient’s medical history.