Why palms sweat: causes and methods of treatment. Palms sweat a lot - all possible causes, treatment and what causes wet palms

In a man's world, shaking hands is a mandatory ritual. Sometimes the impression that remains after this is projected onto further relationships, business and personal. Sweaty hands are always an impression with a negative connotation. Therefore, when palms sweat, although men have different reasons, their attitude towards the phenomenon is always the same.

Causes of increased sweating

Every person at any age sweats, without this process it is impossible normal operation body, thermoregulation, ensuring water-salt balance and cleansing from waste products. The norms of sweat secretion may differ depending on factors - for example, a woman sweats less intensely than a man, in the heat and humid air a person sweats more, and the feet, palms and armpits produce greatest number liquids. Small child sweats a lot due to the fact that his thermoregulation is still imperfect. But such a phenomenon as hyperhidrosis in men has its own etiology.

Important! Hyperhidrosis can be general and local - for example, sweaty palms. Sometimes the problem areas itch.

Sweating can be physiological or pathological, this also applies to the hands. Physiological reasons that your palms become wet:

  • adrenaline rush;
  • overheat;
  • high humidity and air temperature;
  • increased body temperature due to infectious diseases;
  • taking some medicines.

The adrenal glands produce a large number of adrenaline in stressful situations. This substance not only makes the heart beat faster, but also stimulates sweating. No one will be surprised by students sweating with excitement during an exam or patients sitting in line outside the dentist’s door. It’s normal for a guy’s palms to sweat a lot when he’s nervous around the girl he loves. Usually the hands are wet during nervous overload, but in people with hyperhidrosis in such a situation they are simply wet.

Certain types of food (too spicy or hot), alcohol, caffeinated drinks and medications with caffeine (headache pills, etc.) can cause increased sweating. At the same time, not only your hands but also your feet sweat a lot.

At high physical activity Metabolism accelerates sharply and sweating increases. Especially heavy sweating in these cases it is observed in people unaccustomed to physical labor.

Sweaty palms in men at a certain age are also physiologically determined, when hormonal changes in the body occur. This problem affects boys in puberty, When puberty teenager is accompanied by nine-point hormonal storms, he constantly has wet palms. After 45 years, an adult man experiences andropause, which is also called male menopause. The essence of this age-related phenomenon is similar to female menopause, but the symptoms are not so clearly expressed. In this case, periodic hyperhidrosis of the palms is observed, and the feet also sweat.

Pathological causes of increased sweating are various diseases:

Sweating is one of the symptoms of diabetes. The patient is constantly thirsty and drinks a lot of liquid. At the same time, the palms become sticky from sweat, and backside The brush is very dry and the skin on it may peel. Graves' disease, which occurs with hyperfunction thyroid gland, may be the reason why your palms become wet. At endocrine diseases sweat can acquire bad smell, and in diabetes, sweating is observed on the upper body.

If the conduction of nerve impulses is disrupted, hemihyperhidrosis can occur when, for example, left hand wet from sweat, and the right one is dry, or vice versa. This is often found in cerebral palsy and hemiparesis after cerebral hemorrhage.

Seasonal infections and serious illnesses(AIDS, tuberculosis, etc.) cause hyperhidrosis.

If a man always has sweaty palms, regardless of health, psycho-emotional status and other circumstances, there is a high probability that the cause should be sought in genetic predisposition.

When to see a doctor

The sooner a patient with hyperhidrosis consults a doctor, the more successful the treatment will be. You need to contact the person at the moment when a person notices that their palms begin to sweat more. At a doctor’s appointment, a special test is done using iodine and starch: the palms are thoroughly washed and dried to remove sweat, after which they are lubricated with an iodine solution and allowed to dry. Then they are powdered with starch, which turns blue when interacting with liquid iodine. When your palms become moist with sweat, it stains the starch. Depending on the size of the colored area, the degree of hyperhidrosis can be judged.

After an examination by a therapist, a consultation with a specialized specialist may be scheduled, depending on the expected diagnosis. This could be a dermatologist, infectious disease specialist, endocrinologist, neurologist, etc. When the main cause of increased sweating of the palms is determined, appropriate therapy is prescribed.

Depending on the stage of the disease, the treatment method is selected. For mild sweating of the palms, you can use the following methods: traditional medicine. If a person has been sick for a long time, he will need drug treatment. In particularly severe cases it is used surgery: the innervation of the sweat glands is blocked.

What to do with hyperhidrosis:

  1. Pay due attention to personal hygiene. You need to wash under running warm water, in the summer at least 2 times a day. From the bath hot water, baths, sweating increases.
  2. Do not eat foods that cause sweating.

Important! For hyperhidrosis, antiperspirants are used only as a temporary remedy to help with unpleasant odor.

If the cause of sweaty palms is a certain disease, it is prescribed drug therapy: hormonal drugs for endocrine disorders, sedatives for increased excitability, etc.

To prevent palms from sweating, external agents are used - ointments, sprays, gels, pastes. The most famous is Teymurov's pasta. The zinc oxide it contains dries the skin, and glycerin prevents it from drying out. The product eliminates unpleasant odors thanks to essential oils. It can be used for more than just your palms.

Important! Any anti-sweating products should be used after consulting a doctor, as some of them contain formaldehyde, which can cause dermatitis.

A very effective remedy is iontophoresis. With the help of weak electrical discharges, sweating of hands immersed in an electrolytic bath is normalized. The procedure lasts 30 minutes and is done every other day. A second course of treatment is carried out after 6 months. The very expensive Botox injection therapy is based on blocking nerve impulses to the sweat glands. This drug works for about six months, after which you need to re-inject.

Folk remedies

Most often, traditional medicine uses herbal remedies containing tannin, as well as skin softening substances to combat sweating of the palms:

  1. Oak bark and milk. 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of hot milk over the bark and leave for at least half an hour. Keep your palms in this hand bath until the liquid cools down. Carry out the procedure in the morning and evening.
  2. Glycerin and lemon. Take glycerin, lemon and alcohol in a ratio of 2:1:1. Apply to washed hands.
  3. Tea. It contains tannin, so if you have hyperhidrosis, it is useful to periodically wipe your palms with used tea bags, as you would with wet wipes.
  4. Sage and nettle. Fresh or dry herbal remedy pour 500 ml of boiling water (2 tablespoons each), after cooling, lower the brushes for 5 minutes.

Excessive sweating of the palms causes a lot of trouble, but this phenomenon can be combated. The main thing here is hygiene and healthy image life.

Cold and wet palms- a phenomenon that is often found in the female half of humanity. Remember how your palms became sticky and disgustingly wet immediately after you got nervous or scared? And it’s good if this feeling goes away immediately after you use wet wipe or visit the powder room.

But what to do if wet palms have become your constant and rather unpleasant companions? What in this case is considered normal and what is pathology?

What is hyperhidrosis?

In the process of life, a person definitely sweats. This is considered the body's natural thermoregulation and its response to anxiety, fear or stress.

But, if in Everyday life This brings minimal inconvenience, but during the performance of work duties it provokes noticeable discomfort.

Drivers, stenographers and another 1-2% of our planet's population suffer increased secretion sweat in the palms and soles.

Given such a scale, this phenomenon received its own, separate name - hyperhidrosis. What provokes and cures it will be discussed in this article. In the case when a person goes to the clinic with a question about why he often has wet palms and sweaty feet, the doctor will most likely diagnose hyperhidrosis.

This disease can occur in two forms:

  • General, when the palms begin to become covered with sweat at the time of nervous overstrain or severe stress, malaise, severe physical or psychological stress;
  • Localized, in which the feet also become wet.

The cause of hyperhidrosis can be very different, ranging from vegetative-vascular dystonia, and ending with thyroid dysfunction and increased concentrations of the hormone testosterone in the blood.

The most common causes of the disease are as follows:

  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • genetic failures;
  • chronic stress or nervous shock;
  • mental overload.

Which specialist should I contact?

If you constantly observe wet palms on yourself or your child, spend some free time visiting a neurologist and endocrinologist. Only these specialists can conduct the necessary research and make accurate diagnoses. Most likely, hyperhidrosis will have a genetic origin, which is determined through a thorough interview and collection of information about the parents and their pathologies.

In addition, cold and constantly sweaty palms in a teenager can be a phenomenon that accompanies puberty, and it can be combated by using specific sprays.

In men, the cause of wet and cold palms may be hidden in a latent form of tuberculosis, pneumonia, malaria, or diseases of endocrine and nervous origin. Sick kidneys, which have lost the ability to fully filter and remove urine, ridding the body of excess fluid, may also be involved in this disease.

Wet palms are often caused by taking specific medications or overdosing them. In particular, this applies to drugs with antipyretic, analgesic and analgesic effects.

What and how to treat?

The main problem of how to save a child or yourself from hyperhidrosis is the need to simultaneously treat a good half of the body. You can do this even with your grandmother’s spells, even if official medicine, since both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

If you do not get rid of the problem, it will invariably begin to bring its own inconveniences: it becomes necessary to avoid shaking hands, the girl you love does not want to hold your hand, it becomes difficult to drive the car, and so on.

In addition, the sweat glands on the legs begin to secrete sweat with a not entirely pleasant odor, which becomes noticeable to the environment.

Despite the fact that wet palms in an adult or baby can be temporarily “cured” by using special sprays, lotions or antiperspirants based on hydrocartisone, you should get rid of not only the signs of the disease, but also its sources. This opinion is shared by psychotherapists and neurologists, who are confident that the causes of hyperhidrosis in an infant or an accomplished person are hidden in mental imbalance. It turns out that such a pathology requires long-term and complex therapy, which will require a lot of time and money.

Medicinal treatment options

So that the problem of why you or your baby regularly have wet palms stops bothering you, you can try Botox injections. Yes, yes, it has long been used not only to smooth out wrinkles, but also to eliminate the symptoms of hyperhidrosis. In this case, Botox simply blocks the signal to the sweat gland, and it does not produce sweat.

In some situations, the problem can be solved by using lotions and compresses containing aluminum hexachloride, theanine or glutaraldehyde. Again, such medications often cause severe allergies, and doing lotions every 3-4 hours is not entirely appropriate or comfortable.

Hyperhidrosis of the palms is the unpleasant name for a disease that causes excessive sweating of the palms. Wet palms make it impossible to live full life– it is necessary to constantly keep them dry, wash your hands regularly in order to get rid of the unpleasant odor. In addition, a person with wet hands becomes unpleasant to society - it is always nice to greet and shake a dry, warm hand, rather than a wet and cold one. However, hyperhidrosis of the palms can bring not only moral discomfort, but also provoke the development of numerous microbial diseases, since a humid environment is the best for the reproduction and habitat of microbes.

Why do my hands sweat?

Such a symptom as excessive sweating of the palms is familiar to many, but not everyone knows the real reason the appearance of this disease. In normal healthy body, sweating is a normal and even beneficial function. Together with then through skin a large number of toxins are eliminated, harmful substances and other unnecessary connections. This is also necessary to maintain optimal temperature body - during sweating, the temperature regime is regulated, which allows all organs to work in an optimal environment. Increased sweating, in best case scenario, occurs in stressful situations, at worst, indicates the onset of some disease.

There are a large number of diseases where excessive sweating of the palms is a mandatory symptom. Here are just some of the most common diseases:

  1. Diabetes. During this unpleasant illness Water is quickly removed from the body, due to this, not only the moisture of the palms, but also the whole body is noted.
  2. Deviations in the functioning of the adrenal glands. Such human organ, like the adrenal glands, is responsible for the secretion of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine. If for some reason their dysfunction occurs, a person develops dry mouth and palms begin to sweat heavily.
  3. Pituitary gland diseases. Since all processes in our body occur under the direct control of the brain, in case of any health problems it is necessary to pay attention to the pituitary gland. It has been noticed that in case of malfunctions of this body deviations of the whole body occur, including excessive sweating of the palms.
  4. Constant stress, neuroses. During stressful situations There is an increased release of the hormone adrenaline, the excess of which in the body leads to dry mouth and sweaty palms.
  5. Thyroid diseases. When there is a lack or excess of iodine in the body, an imbalance occurs metabolic processes, which provoke sweating of the hands.

It is worth noting that these are only the most “terrible” diseases in which excessive sweating of the hands is noticed. However, your palms may also be wet if you are not dressed for the weather - this is how your body struggles to maintain the desired body temperature. Another case in which sweaty palms is normal phenomenon– anxiety or any minor stress.

It should also be added that sweating of the hands can manifest itself as by-effect when taking medications such as aspirin, insulin, or other pills that delay urination. Remember, you can stop the course of treatment because of this only after consulting with your doctor.

Note! If sweaty palms have been bothering you periodically for several days, seek help from a specialist. Perhaps this is the first sign of a more complex disease that needs to be cured as soon as possible.

Traditional methods to help cope with sweaty palms

If you don’t have time to see a doctor yet, but have a big meeting with work colleagues or a meeting with old friends coming up, you can use emergency methods– turn to traditional medicine.

It is noteworthy that everything folk recipes consist of the simplest ingredients that cost very little, and some can be found in your home. Another advantage of traditional medicine is that all the methods that have survived to this day have been tested over several generations, so you will definitely get the most effective medicine from sweating palms, which also has no side effects.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. In order to reduce the work of the sweat glands and prevent the development of bacteria that cause unpleasant odor, it is recommended to dilute hydrogen peroxide in a glass boiled water and periodically wipe your hands with this solution.
  2. Ammonia. This method, like the previous one, is aimed at destroying bacteria and normalizing the functions of the sweat glands. To do this, you need to mix equal amounts of ammonia and boiled water. Wipe your hands with cotton pads throughout the day.
  3. Oak bark. It is known that oak bark has tanning properties - it does a good job of destroying bacteria and reducing the production of sweat in the treated area of ​​​​the skin. In order to completely forget about your problem for several hours, you need to pour two tablespoons of crushed oak bark with boiling water. Let it brew. Then pour into a large basin, add cool water and lower your hands to the most comfortable level. Keep your hands in this position for 30-40 minutes. It is recommended to carry out such baths once a week.
  4. Laundry soap. This ancient hygiene item will never lose its popularity. Laundry soap perfectly tightens pores and dries out the skin; because of this effect, sweating will occur in moderate amounts or stop altogether. It is recommended to replace regular soap (especially liquid soap!) with a piece of regular laundry soap.
  5. Herbal decoctions. Sage, calendula, medicinal chamomile and dandelion root have pig-constricting effects. In order to get rid of excessive sweating, you need to prepare a decoction. Take two tablespoons of one herb or mixture and pour boiling water over it. Cover with a lid and let it brew for a while. Wipe your hands with cotton pads 3-4 times during the day.
  6. Walnut leaves. If your hands started to sweat in the summer, but you are afraid that the same situation will happen in the winter, prepare in advance. There is one very good method helps to get rid of excessive sweating - alcohol tincture on the leaves hazelnut. Pour the leaves of this shrub with alcohol in an amount of 1:10 and let it brew for 2 months in a dark, cool place. After the tincture is ready, wipe your palms with a cotton pad every day in the morning and evening.
  7. Skumpia. This southern plant is also effective in helping to combat sweaty hands. Boil the bark of the bush, about 50 grams, in one liter of water, then reduce the heat and leave to simmer for another 10 minutes. Cool the resulting solution and use it to wipe the palms of your hands, feet and other heavily sweating areas.
  8. Vinegar. You can try using the following improvised remedy: dissolve 2 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar in one glass of water. Rinse your hands with this solution several times a day.
  9. Alunite crystal. Very beneficial features exhibits the mineral alunite, found naturally in natural state. Many attribute to it the properties of an antiperspirant, as it effectively copes with sweaty hands, narrowing the pores and reducing the activity of the sweat glands. To use this product, you just need to moisten the stone and wipe the problem areas on the skin - the effect will exceed all your expectations. Alunite is odorless, does not cause allergies, unlike chemical antiperspirants, and is 100% natural product. It has been noticed more than once positive properties with excessive sweating of the feet and armpits, so it can handle the palms of the hands without problems.
  10. Baby powder or talcum powder. If you have an important meeting in a few minutes and you are concerned about sweaty palms, use regular body talc. It quickly dehydrates the palms of your hands and makes them dry. This procedure can be done several times a day.
  11. Absorbent wipes. This cosmetic item can be used not only to mattify facial skin, but also to dry sweaty palms. You must use one napkin per hand; you cannot reuse it, as this will cause the proliferation of harmful microbes.

If no methods bring you positive result and your palms continue to sweat a lot, the doctor may suggest surgery to remove sweat glands - curretage or endoscopic sympathectomy.

It is worth adding that the effect of this procedure does not last long; after some time, your palms will begin to sweat again.

If you care about your health, but are worried about excessive sweating of your hands, you need to be examined by a doctor in order to avoid complications. The doctor will also help you find out the cause of sweating, since traditional medicine recipes only relieve you of external symptoms, keeping the disease at the same level. Never hesitate or be afraid to seek advice from doctors! Remember, counseling patients is their responsibility, for which they receive money. Take care of yourself and your precious health!

Video: treatment of palm hyperhidrosis

“Palms sweat to wealth” - this is folk sign. But there is another side to the coin. Wet palms may indicate serious abnormalities in the functioning of the body. Why the palms of the hands sweat, the causes and treatment of the pathology will be discussed below.

For normal thermoregulation human body sweating - stable physiological process, therefore, in some cases, wetness of the palms is more the norm than a pathology. But there are exceptions, when a sticky, unpleasant liquid covers the skin of the palms much more often than we would like. Why does hyperhidrosis of the palms occur, and what diseases this symptom may indicate. Are the reasons the same for men, women and children?

What is considered normal, and where does hyperhidrosis begin?

The palms, like the armpits, and other parts of our body take part in regulating the temperature of the body. May cause wet palms emotional states, such as:

  • stress;
  • excitability;
  • excitement;
  • fear.

In addition to internal emotional “regulators,” the answer to the question of why the palms of the hands often sweat can be:

  • increased loads;
  • hot stuffy weather;
  • eating large quantities of spicy and hot foods;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • increased body temperature;
  • Tight (unsuitable for the weather) clothing;
  • improper drinking regime.

Hyperhidrosis is associated with pathogenic disorders of body functions. Statistics show that about 2% of the world's population are susceptible to this pathology.

Hyperhidrosis of the palms, what are the reasons for its development

Wet palms can result from the following disorders of the human body:

  1. Deviation in the functioning of the pituitary gland. This spherical gland, connected to the brain, “controls” the excretory functions of all glands of the body, including sweat glands.
  2. Malfunctions of the endocrine system, leading to hormonal imbalance and changes in the internal secretions of the glands.
  3. Problems with the thyroid gland, which is responsible for metabolic processes.
  4. Problems with the adrenal glands. Since they regulate the body's response to stress by releasing adrenaline into the blood, an imbalance in their work causes all systems to function with increased stress, which leads to increased sweating.
  5. Failure of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the growth, development and actions of internal organs, to perform its functions.

Why do the palms of your hands sweat? We understand individual characteristics

Science has proven that you can sweat in different ways. Depending on age, individual characteristics and gender, the secretion of sweat glands changes. Let's look at the differences in causes and factors that affect sweating.

Why can men's palms sing?

Many representatives of the stronger half of humanity complain that their palms sweat. The reasons for men can be different: from completely harmless ( individual feature body) to serious problems with health. In combination with characteristic symptoms Certain pathologies may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • malaria;
  • pneumonia;
  • endocrine disruptions;
  • nervous diseases.

Quite often, diseased kidneys lead to sweaty hands, since they are the ones that regenerate urine and filter its excretion. When this organ is dysfunctional, the fluid is not completely excreted in the urine, which forces the body to “come up” with ways to get rid of excess moisture. Also, severe sweating can result from taking certain medications.

If women's palms sweat

The fair half of humanity – women – often encounters increased hand humidity. This is due to a more unstable hormonal system, which changes throughout life according to various reasons. If a woman's palms sweat, the reasons are usually related to hormonal imbalance. The following factors can be identified:

  • puberty in adolescence;
  • pregnancy;
  • menses;
  • menopause

The impetus for the appearance of excessive sweating in women can also be stressful and emotional situations, to which women are more susceptible than men.

Why can a child's palms be wet?

Quite often, mothers notice wet palms in children and adolescents; what does such an alarming symptom mean?

In a child, the problem of wet palms may indicate the presence of:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • rickets (lack of vitamin D in the body);
  • worms.

If a teenager’s palms sweat a lot, then in most cases we can talk about puberty, during which disruption of certain body functions is considered normal.

You shouldn’t “discount” heredity; if one of the parents sweats a lot, then congenital sweating of the palms can be quite natural.

The palms of the hands are sweating - we are looking for adequate treatment

Having found out why the palms of your hands sweat, you need to begin treatment. It could be conservative therapy based on medications, surgery or traditional medicine methods.

How to get rid of palm hyperhidrosis

This mixture has good efficiency: 20% alcohol solution aluminum hexachloride + talc + starch powder. Such “powders” help reduce moisture on the palms. Warm herbal baths (oak bark, horsetail, sage, etc.) are also used.

If the cause of hyperhidrosis is emotional states, then psychotherapy cannot be avoided. In advanced cases ( nervous breakdowns, phobias) resort to sedative medications.

Treatment with a cosmetologist using Botox (botulinum toxin) injections has become quite common. The drug is injected into areas with increased sweating. The result of this procedure is the blockade of postganglionic sympathetic nerves that regulate the functioning of sebaceous glands. The effect of this procedure lasts up to 8 months. But do not forget that 100% relief from hyperhidrosis can occur after stopping the main pathogenic disorder that caused excessive sweating.

Modern medicine has taken a step further and offers to treat palmar hyperhidrosis through endoscopic sympathectomy. This surgical intervention involves removing the sympathetic ganglion. Doctors advise carrying out such an operation in cases where conservative therapy has not given a positive result. Sympathectomy completely eliminates the negative physical sensations of wet hands forever.

Proven folk recipes for excessive sweating

Traditional medicine approaches the problem of hyperhidrosis more “loyally” and offers recipes that are time-tested. We present some of them to your attention:

  1. Oak bark decoction. You can buy bark at a pharmacy. Three tablespoons of oak bark, pour a liter of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. Wipe your palms with the resulting decoction.
  2. Baths with ammonia. It is mixed with warm boiled water in proportion: 1 tablespoon per liter of water. The brushes are dipped into the resulting solution for 20 minutes. Such procedures should be carried out in the morning and evening throughout the week.
  3. Egg mixture. To prepare the composition, you need to prepare one egg. Beat the whites until foamy, and grind the yolk. Gently mix the two ingredients. Apply the foamy mixture onto your palms, and after drying completely, rinse off the egg mixture with water. This procedure, done in the morning, will help keep your hands dry throughout the day.

The problem of sweaty palms can be solved. It is only necessary to select adequate treatment aimed at eliminating the “provocateur” this symptom. You should also avoid stressful situations that provoke active work of the sweat glands. As a preventive measure, you can wash your hands with mild soap, use a special powder that absorbs moisture, and, if necessary, wipe your hands with special napkins.

Sweating of the palms (palmar hyperhidrosis) is a huge discomfort for people who have this problem. This can interfere with everyday life: working at a computer, writing on paper, playing certain sports, and even things that seem obvious at first glance, like opening a door with a smooth, round handle.

People avoid shaking hands and close contact, which can negatively impact their careers and personal lives.

Sweaty palms have three degrees of severity depending on the severity of the problem:

  • mild - manifests itself with constantly wet hands, which causes slight discomfort;
  • medium – severe sweating, which in some cases is very unpleasant and causes inconvenience;
  • heavy - very strong, when sweat literally drips down in drops.

What does palmar hyperhidrosis mean?

Sweating can be observed independently (primary form) or be a symptom (secondary). Only a doctor can figure this out.

Why do your palms sweat?

  • in most cases this happens when nervous tension and fear;
  • for diseases of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemic conditions, obesity, neoplasms;
  • this can be observed during puberty, menopause and andropause, i.e. when a change occurs in the body hormonal levels and metabolic processes;
  • when taking certain medications, for example, acetylsalicylic acid or cortisone.

The proposed mechanisms of primary hyperhidrosis are as follows:

  • congenital increased sensitivity sweat glands to adrenaline released during stressful situations;
  • hereditary disorder of the autonomic brain centers.

One of the most common reasons is a feature of the functioning of the vegetative nervous system, namely its sympathetic department!

It has two anatomical divisions:

  • central – vegetative nuclei located in the spinal cord;
  • peripheral - fibers, ganglia (nodes) and nerve plexuses of internal organs coming from the nuclei.

Wet palms - a fine line between normal and pathological

The reason why an adult's hands and feet sweat healthy person is that these places contain the most eccrine sweat glands. On 1 square centimeter inner surface There are about 500 thousand of them on the palm of your hand, and from 1.6 to 5 million on the whole body.

Sweating is a physiological process that a person cannot control with his mind. The sympathetic department of the nervous system is responsible for this. Everyone knows that when body temperature rises, the secretion of sweat glands is activated. This is important for the thermoregulatory function.

Also, the activity of the sympathetic nervous system increases under stress. And it affects the entire body as a whole, mobilizing it in emergency situations.

Many people have probably experienced what it means to “ cold sweat" Feelings of fear, danger, strong excitement - all this leads to instant sweating, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and tone muscular system. And this is quite physiological, since in this way the body comes into a state of readiness.

People with low stress tolerance, suspicious, suffering neurotic disorders react by sweating to the slightest surge of adrenaline!

Over time, even the very possibility of sweating causes a feeling of fear. The person begins to get nervous and immediately a treacherous humidity appears. A vicious circle arises, which cannot always be broken. There is even a separate term - emotional hyperhidrosis.

How can medicine help?

Having understood the main reasons why hands and feet sweat a lot, I would like to talk about possible methods treatment.

In most cases, doctors can only offer symptomatic therapy:

  • the use of antiperspirants, ointments, creams and pastes with anti-sweat action;
  • iontophoresis;
  • Botox injections;
  • sympathectomy.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages and differs in its effectiveness and cost.

They take a separate position traditional methods which often help very well in cases of hyperhidrosis mild degree.

Antiperspirants – can they help with sweaty palms?

The first stage of treatment is the use of special medical antiperspirants. They differ from ordinary ones in that they contain higher concentrations of aluminum salts.

This component temporarily blocks the ducts of the sweat glands due to the formation of complexes with skin proteins, which, in fact, act as a kind of plugs.

The range of drugs is small, but everything can be purchased without problems:

  • "Dry Dry";
  • "Dry Control" - Forte, Extra Forte;
  • "Odaban";
  • "Algel."

They help with moderate and severe hyperhidrosis not only of the hands, but also of the armpits, legs and other parts of the body. They should be used strictly according to the instructions, observing safety precautions.

Despite the availability of strong antiperspirants in pharmacies, it is better to use them after consulting a doctor. Only a specialist can tell why your palms sweat a lot specifically in your case and recommend a treatment regimen!

For mild hyperhidrosis, milder remedies may help:

  • "SyNeo" is a deodorizing hand cream with a low aluminum content (3%) and a hypoallergenic base. It can be used by people with sensitive skin. The product not only regulates sweating, but also has softening, anti-inflammatory and healing properties;
  • “Pure Stop Deo” is a cream containing natural extracts and oils.

It is possible to use ointments and pastes with an anti-sweat effect:

  • Teymurov pasta;
  • masta Lassara;
  • salicylic-zinc ointment, etc.

Iontophoresis is a safe and effective way to get rid of hyperhidrosis

Iontophoresis is a physiotherapeutic procedure that involves placing the hands in a container of water through which a low-intensity galvanic current is passed. As a result of such exposure, the ion channels of the sweat glands gradually close, and the production of their secretion decreases.

What are the advantages of the method:

  • low likelihood of side effects;
  • the therapy is fast, non-invasive and safe;
  • The treatment effect is long-lasting and lasts for several months.

A special device is used. The patient only needs to place his palms in the water compartment and press the button. The flow of current causes deactivation of the receptors. The intensity of the current gradually increases until a tingling sensation occurs.

The procedure lasts 15 minutes. The course of treatment is determined individually and consists of 10-12 procedures performed every other day. The effect lasts 1-2 years.

Botulinum therapy - sweat injections

This is a non-surgical treatment for hyperhidrosis. It is very suitable for the palms and is often preferred by both patients and doctors.

Injections are carried out intradermally. Several drugs containing botulinum toxin are used and have a similar effect:

  • "Botox";
  • "Dysport";
  • "Azzalure."

After the injection, the toxin blocks the transmission of nerve impulses that travel to the sweat glands, as a result of which their secretion stops.

The blockade lasts from 6 to 12 months until new nerve endings appear. This means that the effect lasts for several months, after which sweating is restored!

According to statistics, up to 20% of patients who underwent botulinum therapy did not receive any effect at all, or it turned out to be weak. In such cases, you have to resort to other methods.

How is the procedure carried out?

The procedure is performed in outpatient setting. For the patient's comfort, local anesthesia is performed, because... The skin on the palms is quite sensitive.

Everything lasts no more than 30-40 minutes:

  • First, the doctor needs to clearly limit the area increased sweating. In most cases, this zone is visible through droplets of sweat, but it is still difficult to accurately determine it based on these signs. For these purposes, the so-called Minor iodine-starch test is used. It is done very simply. The skin is covered with an iodine solution and then sprinkled with potato starch. After a few seconds, wet areas begin to become more and more colored;
  • then the doctor draws 1.5ˣ1.5 cm squares using, for example, gentian violet;
  • An injection is made intradermally into each square and a small amount of botulinum toxin is injected.

After the procedure, the patient can return to their usual daily activities.

The effect develops over several days and lasts for several months. Then the injections must be repeated.

Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy is a major operation recommended in extreme cases

If no methods can treat hyperhidrosis, your doctor may recommend surgery.

The goal is to block the passage of nerve impulses from the sympathetic trunk to the sweat glands!

There are two options to do this:

  • exposure to electric current nerve fibers– in this case, they are damaged irreversibly and it will no longer be possible to restore innervation if necessary;
  • clipping - using a special clamp, the nerves are only pinched.

This achieves a deeper impact on why your fingers sweat.

The operation lasts about one and a half hours. The use of modern endoscopic equipment allows manipulations to be performed through small incisions in the armpit area.

Hospitalization is necessary, but only for 1-4 days. The patient is then allowed to go home. It is recommended to adhere to a gentle regime for a month, i.e. do not expose yourself to heavy physical activity.

Traditional methods - simple and accessible

Traditional treatment methods available in modern traditional medicine, can have side effects. In some cases, they are even more difficult to tolerate than increased sweating.

There are safe home remedies for mild hyperhidrosis. They are simple and accessible, the only condition is regularity:

  • basil – rub the leaves or powdered herb into your palms 2-3 times a week, then wash your hands with soap and apply moisturizer;
  • tea baths – pour boiling water over 2 bags of black tea and brew for 15 minutes. Keep your hands in this infusion for 10-20 minutes. After the bath, dry your hands well and apply cream. Repeat the procedures 2-3 times a week;
  • ginger – finely chop a piece of peeled fresh root and rub into the skin. Do this every other day;
  • sage – 1 tbsp. Pour boiling water over dry leaves and leave for about an hour, or keep in a water bath for 10-15 minutes and cool. Take 1 glass of drink daily. You can buy ready-made bags and make tea.;
  • lavender, mint - as you know, the reason why hands constantly sweat may be nervousness and self-doubt. These herbs exhibit mild sedative property. Decoctions can not only be drunk, but also used for rubbing and baths;
  • oak bark - due to its pronounced tanning properties, it is indispensable for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. 5 tbsp. crushed bark, pour a liter of boiling water and place on water bath for 15 minutes. Then leave to cool. Dilute half a liter of the prepared infusion with warm water and make hand baths every day;
  • soda – 2 tbsp. pour purified soda a small amount warm water. Take baths for 10 minutes, then dry your hands with a towel and apply cream.