Why does the upper eyelid twitch and what to do? Why the lower eyelid twitches: causes and treatment of nervous eye tics. Why does the eyelid twitch or tremble?

Sometimes the upper or lower eyelid twitches. This temporary phenomenon does not pose a health threat. But what to do if eyelid twitching does not go away? First of all, give the body the necessary rest and sleep, adjust your eating habits so as not to cause disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

Why do eyelids twitch?

Visual fatigue. One of the most common causes of eyelid twitching is eye fatigue. Many hours spent doing uninteresting but necessary work in front of a computer monitor, the habit of reading on public transport, and lack of night rest overstrain the muscles around the eyelids.

Nervous overload. The eyelids twitch during nervous overload, when the psyche long time tense, experiencing. A nervous tic near the eyes provokes the receipt of unpleasant news.

Neurosis- the reason why the lower or upper eyelid eye. What to do in this case? Try to find what is traumatic - internal conflict or circumstances that cause stress, a source of emotional or intellectual overstrain of the psyche.

Helps you think carefully, rethink the situation, draw the right conclusions, and be ready to eliminate the factor of unexpected recurrence in the future. Be sure to relax, calm down, and give your body rest.

Conjunctivitis. Eye twitching is associated with irritation or inflammation of the mucous membrane - the conjunctiva. From prolonged overstrain of the organ, for other reasons, it seems as if sand has gotten into the eyes. You want to blink or squint to relieve discomfort and see better.

In this case, an ophthalmologist will help and prescribe treatment for conjunctivitis. Otherwise, getting rid of blurred vision by twitching the eyelids, frequent blinking, squinting will become a habit, which will make it difficult to get rid of nervous tic, will worsen visual acuity.

Eye diseases. If the conjunctiva is in order - there is no itching under the eyelids, the color of the mucous membrane is pink, but the vision is blurred, especially in the evening - all the more so, consult an ophthalmologist to find out the cause of eye strain and twitching, and deterioration of vision.

Hereditary factor. Sometimes twitching of the lower or upper eyelids is inherited by parents if they themselves suffered in childhood.

Weakening of the immune system. Nervous tic, twitching near the eyes causes weakness, recently suffered infectious diseases– acute respiratory viral infection(ARVI), acute respiratory disease(ORZ).

Nervous disorders. IN serious cases the lower or upper eyelid twitches due to a disorder of the nervous system. Increased neuro-reflex excitability, muscle cramps. Against the background of these disorders, twitching appears near the eyes.

Violation cerebral circulation . Twitching of the eyelids may indicate cerebral circulation disorders, increased arterial pressure. In this case, consult a neurologist and undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

If you experience prolonged nervous tics of the eyelids or eye twitching, be sure to consult a doctor.

What to do if your eyelids twitch

To remove accumulated muscle tension around the organ of vision, as well as relax the psyche, you need to reduce the stress load, give the body periodic rest by palming:

  • Sit on a chair so that your back and back of your head form a straight line - this position maintains optimal blood supply to the brain.
  • Shake your wrists several times to ease mental tension through relaxation.
  • Rub your palms together to make them warm.
  • Place the elbows of both hands on the table. Place your palms and closed fingers in the shape of a handful.
  • Place your palms on your eye sockets so that your closed eyes are opposite the indentations in your palms.
  • Cross the phalanges of the little fingers closest to the palm on the bridge of the nose like the temples of glasses.
  • Place the remaining fingers, with the exception of the thumbs, on the forehead. Thumbs press to the hands.
  • Place the bases of the palms near the wrists on the cheekbones.

The palms should not fit too tightly; the eyelids should be able to blink freely. But no light should pass through the places where the palms touch the eye sockets. The hands are not tense, they just maintain the necessary tone.

WITH eyes closed imagine something pleasant that is not related to the current production task or painful problem. Imagine something that gives you pleasure or makes you smile.

An exercise to relax the psyche and rest the organ of vision should be performed whenever signs of fatigue appear or begin to eyelids twitch eye. The duration and frequency of execution depend on the availability of free time and the level mental relaxation what you want to achieve.

Treating eye twitching with proper nutrition

Magnesium. The trace element affects enzymes necessary for carbohydrate metabolism, reduces nervous excitement, relaxes the heart muscle, and is necessary for optimal muscle contraction, including eliminating twitching near the eyes.

Athletes, bodybuilders, and professional dancers often suffer from its deficiency, since many foods rich in fat are high in calories and therefore do not fit into the recommended diets.

The microelement leaves with sweat during intense exercise. physical activity or when visiting a sauna, in case of chronic stress. In addition, the body removes magnesium through bile and urine.

Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of seizures, diseases of cardio-vascular system, hypertension. Its deficiency is manifested by increased fatigue, sleep and heart problems, constipation, and the eyes may begin to twitch.

Magnesium deficiency causes a predominance of animal products in the diet. First of all, canned foods, which are low in micronutrients, insufficient consumption of nuts, seeds, and grains. The deficiency is caused by impaired absorption of food in the intestines, the use of diuretics, and alcohol.

So that the lower or upper eyelid of the eyes stops twitching, and also for prevention, include in the diet wheat, pumpkin, sunflower, flax, sesame, walnuts or chocolate, sprouted wheat seeds, beans, rich in magnesium, increases nervous excitability.

To stop eyelids from twitching, as well as to prevent spasms and convulsions, include foods rich in calcium in your diet: cheeses, dairy products, sesame seeds, almonds, dried apricots, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, walnuts, peanuts.

Aluminum. The microelement is part of digestive enzymes and is involved in the construction of epithelium and connective tissue.

Excessive intake negatively affects metabolic processes, disrupts phosphorus-calcium metabolism and the activity of the nervous system. Causes memory impairment muscle cramps, your eyes may begin to twitch.

Excess aluminum affects the central nervous system, disrupts hematopoietic function. Negatively affects the kidneys, uterus, and mammary glands. Causes deficiency of magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus.

It enters the body with water, when taking medications, using deodorants, aluminum cookware, as part of the design of dentures, and as part of ceramic teeth.

IN environment aluminum penetrates as a result of unfavorable environmental conditions associated with the industrial activities of textile, paint and varnish, pulp and paper and other enterprises, then enters the body.

Modified: 06/26/2019

Probably every person has experienced something that happens involuntarily at least once in their life. Stressful situations immediately come to mind, nervous work and a number of other reasons that can cause this phenomenon. And this is true - quite often it is nervous tension and emotional stress that can trigger the appearance of twitching. Sometimes they occur one-time, but in some cases the eyelid of the right eye twitches for a long time. What to do in this situation and how to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom?

What it is?

Eyelid twitching is called myokymia or blepharospasm. This is a rapid involuntary contraction of one of the muscles of the eye - the circular muscle. Doctors call this phenomenon hyperkinesis, and ordinary people They gave it the name “nervous tic.”

There are many reasons why a person may experience this unpleasant sensation, but most often people believe that myokymia occurs due to nervous tension or stress, and they are right. This phenomenon in itself does not pose a danger, but it does cause noticeable discomfort.

On a note! Although extremely rare, eyelid twitching can cause pain. However, in most cases, myokymia is painless and only causes psychological discomfort. Pain may appear if twitching has become a fairly common occurrence. This is due to overstrain of the eye muscles.

It's interesting that someone's eye twitching strangers they practically don’t see – there’s no reason for the patient to worry that he looks strange. Only he himself feels the tick, and those who are near him will be able to see the twitching only if the person notices this phenomenon and talks about it.

Usually the twitching lasts only a few seconds, although in some cases a person experiences this phenomenon for hours. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to get rid of myokymia through simple willpower—self-control won’t be much of a help here.

However, myokymia does not always occur only against the background of stress. In some cases, it can signal the development of a number of pathologies of the nervous system and even infectious diseases. A nervous tic also appears when multiple sclerosis, and with inflammation facial nerve.

Table. Types of nervous tics.

In addition to eyelid twitching, a person may complain of the following symptoms:

  • coughing or making strange barking sounds;
  • contraction of other facial muscles;
  • performance involuntary movements hands, fingers;
  • gnashing of teeth.

On a note! It is interesting that most often a person notices twitching of the upper eyelid, and not the lower.

Main reasons

Listed below are a number of reasons that can cause the appearance of a nervous tic or myokymia of the eyelid in a person.

On a note! Most people believe that a tic occurs only due to overstrain of one eye muscle. But this is far from true. Several eye muscles can become overstrained at once, and the tic itself appears not only due to fatigue.

Sometimes blepharospasm of the right eye appears against the background of diseases such as HIV, otitis media, tuberculosis, malaria, etc. In some cases, the phenomenon is observed in people who have undergone ear surgery or tonsil removal.

Where to look for answers to the question about the causes of blepharospasm?

In most cases, the answer lies precisely in the person’s daily routine and emotional environment. So, sometimes it is enough to take a vacation and rest a little in a calm environment for the phenomenon of myokymia to disappear completely. But, unfortunately, if blepharospasm appeared for a reason other than fatigue and stress, then a vacation will not help, and you will need to continue to look for answers further.

First, in some cases, you still need to give up trying to self-medicate and go to see a specialist. Since it is not always clear who you need to make an appointment with, it is best to first visit a therapist, and then get referrals from him to other specialists. So, the therapist can refer the patient to an ophthalmologist, who will conduct a complete examination of the visual organs using various instruments. Also, the patient may have to visit a neurologist, who, in turn, will refer the patient for an MRI of the brain. This study will show all problems in the organ, if any.

On a note! Sometimes the body simply lacks some substances, which is why a tic appears. So it’s still worth donating blood for biochemistry to determine the level of elements such as magnesium and calcium. Calcium deficiency can occur due to poor diet or excessive consumption diuretics. A lack of magnesium often provokes seizures, muscle spasms, etc. It is often observed in athletes and pregnant women.

How to treat and what to do?

The treatment of such a condition as blepharospasm of the right or left eyelid should be chosen by the doctor. On your own, you can only try to normalize the emotional level around you and think about a gentle daily routine, maybe take a vacation. You can also try taking the course simple exercises at home.

On a note! As a rule, a one-time occurrence of myokymia does not require treatment. But if it is repeated often and regularly, it is worthy close attention and correctly selected and effective therapy.

If blepharospasm is a constant phenomenon, then in any case you need to go to all the doctors first. You can only take herbal medicines based on natural herbs without permission. All other medications should be prescribed only by specialists, depending on the cause of blepharospasm. The fact is that eyelid twitching can occur as a result of serious neurological diseases or injuries. Sometimes doctors may prescribe strong or weak sedatives. You can only take valerian on your own.

Normalization of diet can also be used as therapy. In some cases, the cause of tic is a lack of certain elements or vitamins, that is, banal vitamin deficiency. In this case, it is important to stop drinking alcohol and coffee, but to include peas, bananas, dates, rye bread, and beans in the menu. These foods contain magnesium. And the lack of calcium will be filled with milk and dairy products, nuts, fish, etc. You can also take complex vitamin preparations and, in some cases, dietary supplements. These may be Complivit, Magnelis B6, Calcium D3 Nycomed and others.

If the cause of the tic is any infectious disease eyeballs, then the person will be recommended:

  • in case of development - washing the eyelids with furatsilin, using an ointment containing antibiotics, etc.
  • for phlegmon and - use drops with antibiotics.
  • in case of uveitis - the use of antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

For certain indications, doctors advise taking courses of physiotherapy. This can be UHF, laser therapy, electrophoresis, etc. Acupuncture has proven itself well.

On a note! If blepharospasm is severe, a person may be prescribed injections of Botox, a botulinum toxin. This is a poison that is used in small doses in medical practice. The toxin affects muscle tissue and will not allow the eye muscles to contract for a long time without human will.

You also need to go for regular walks. fresh air, moreover, walks should be calm and measured, away from the bustle and noise. You can choose a route that runs through the park.

Simple exercises

You can try to calm down a nervous tic at home by doing a few simple exercises. For example, blink your eyelids quickly for 30 seconds and then let your eyes relax, covering them with your palms for 10-15 minutes. Thanks to this “charging”, the eyes will have time to restore their tone a little and relax. It is also recommended to close your eyes tightly once and then open them. This exercise should be performed about 5-6 times.

You can also just lie down for a while and close your eyes. The main thing is to find a quiet place where no one will disturb or distract you.

Attention! Such exercises will only help if myokymia was caused by eye strain and fatigue.

How to stop a nervous tic?

In some cases, to eliminate this phenomenon, it is enough to follow the instructions below.

Step 1. To begin with, you should close your eyes tightly or squint very hard. After this, you need to open your eyes as wide as possible. You need to blink so hard that tears flow from your eyes.

Step 2. You can massage your eyelids with your fingers. It is recommended to perform light circular movements. Do not put too much pressure on your eyes so as not to injure them.

Step 3. Blink quickly with both eyes at once for 30 seconds. This usually helps relieve the spasm.

Step 5. Some exercises can be performed with your eyes closed. For example, you can try to squint your eyelids without opening your eyes at all, and then relax them.

Step 8 You need to normalize your diet and stop drinking caffeine and alcohol, but at the same time balance your food.

Step 9 You should get the proper amount of sleep good rest time, that is, at least 7-8 hours a day.

Video - Three tests if your eye twitches

If a person notices twitching of his eyelids, it doesn’t matter whether it’s on his right or left eye, he shouldn’t panic and look for the most terrible diseases. It is advisable to try to deal with this problem yourself using the instructions above. But if blepharospasm haunts a person every day, then a visit to a specialist is inevitable. Timely treatment will help avoid a number of serious problems.

Almost everyone has experienced slight twitching of the upper eyelid. The inconvenience that this symptom brings can be eliminated by understanding the reason for its occurrence. Most often, this kind of tic occurs due to problems associated with the nervous system and is benign in nature, that is, it does not signal a serious illness. But this does not apply to all cases. This article will help you figure out when to contact a specialist.




What is this?

Twitching upper eyelid – spasm of various etiologies. Typically, a nervous tic does not pose a serious threat, but it causes discomfort and affects performance. Visually, this symptom is difficult to track. The patient simply feels involuntary muscle contractions. The outer eyelid suffers more often than the lower one: in it a large number of nerve endings.

Such a state does not pose a threat to life and health, but it signals problems in the body. In order not to aggravate them, it is worth resorting to elimination in a timely manner.

The disease manifests itself as an uncontrolled systematic reduction orbicularis muscle eyes. This may look like rapid blinking or persistent closing of one or both eyelids. The manifestation affects the quality of life.

The first alarm bell is a sharp involuntary increase in the number of blinks in one or both eyes, as well as difficulty in maintaining the eye open form. The reaction occurs when exposed to bright light, strong wind or polluted air.

As the disease progresses, spasms become more frequent and gradually become constant. Sensitivity to light, blurred vision, and facial spasms may also develop.

The disease most often attacks people over 50 years of age. Women suffer from this disease three times more often.

May increase in frequency and duration, and the patient begins to suffer from functional blindness. Intense spasms affect speech and make it difficult to eat. The patient has problems driving, and it is more difficult for him to cope with daily tasks.

Hemifacial spasm is a unilateral spastic contraction of the facial muscles, caused by various irritating effects on the central intracranial portion of the facial nerve.

The etiology of origin is determined using magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and cerebral vessels.

The disease affects half of the face and develops due to irritation of the facial nerve root. The disease has a classification depending on its symptoms. Contraction of the muscles around the eye, resulting in twitching of the upper eyelid, is characteristic of the classic (typical) version of hemifacial spasm.

The attack is provoked by psycho-emotional stress and overwork.

Hemifacial spasm is a serious cause of upper eyelid twitching and the disease has a chronic course. The symptoms do not disappear during sleep.

Nervous tic

Nervous tics in medicine are referred to as hyperkinesis.

The disease is caused by the fact that many sensitive nerve endings are concentrated in the eye area, which actively react to stimuli in the form of nerve impulses.

The attack affects the upper or lower eyelid and is sudden and short-term in nature.

The twitching spreads to both eyelids and lasts up to three to four weeks. This indicates that the body is suffering from an ophthalmological or neurological disease.

An alarming symptom is the appearance of small flashing “flies” against the background of a twitching eye.

Important! During their lifetime, almost 90% of people have encountered the problem of a twitching upper eyelid. For some, this pathological manifestation lasts a few seconds, for others it lasts a lifetime.

Why does the eyelid twitch or tremble?

The causes of a twitching eyelid are different:

The eyelids have thin, weakly controlled muscles designed for exactly one short function– blinking. Thus, it is quite difficult to control the circular muscle. Simply relaxing your face will not stop the tic.

Important! Short-term nervous tics are often found in children, since their psyche is less resistant to stress.


For each etiology of a twitching eyelid, there are nuances in symptoms, but the disease manifests itself as a rapid contraction of the eyelid, similar to intense trembling. The right eye is most often affected. Symptoms occur in adults and children.

This kind of tic can be primary and secondary.

Primary does not pose any danger to health, passes quickly due to slight adjustments in diet or daily routine, or simply without any effort.

Secondary is associated with serious disturbances of processes in the brain or is a consequence of serious diseases.

The following accompanying symptoms are observed:

  • uncontrolled contraction of facial muscles;
  • involuntary movements (clenching fists, reflexively snapping fingers, grinding teeth, wrinkling the nose, opening the mouth);
  • coughing or uncontrolled pronunciation of sounds, vocal tics.

Useful video

Why does the eye twitch - upper or lower eyelid?

What to do with nervous twitching?

You need to stop worrying about this very spasm. Fear of an unknown disease causes even greater mental stress.
Which doctor should I contact?

Before treatment, they are examined by an ophthalmologist and a neurologist.

Most often, eyelid twitching does not entail any serious consequences and goes away quickly, but you should consult a specialist to exclude possible concomitant pathologies, in particular, if you have the following symptoms:

  • spasms last continuously for a week or longer.
  • the eyelid twitches so hard that it closes.
  • Spasms of other facial muscles also appear.
  • there is redness, swelling or discharge from the eyes.


Depending on the causes of the pathology, the doctor prescribes the following types of drug therapy.

  • Oral muscle relaxants- relax all muscles in the body. But the disadvantage of the method is that it is not possible to relax only the orbicularis oculi muscles.
  • Anticholinergics. They are aimed at blocking acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter of the nervous system. Side effects such as dry mouth and urinary retention
  • Benzodiazepines– help cope with anxiety and extinguish painful spasms. However, they have a number side effects, one of which is a pronounced sedative effect.
  • Injection of botulinum toxin into the muscles around the eyes. Such injections allow you to relax the muscles to partially or completely stop the spasmodic movement. The effect of this treatment lasts three months.
  • Antispasmodics- clonozepam, phenazipam, phenibut and baclofen, stronger parkopan and cyclodol.
  • Tick ​​due to dry eyes Treated with drugs such as artificial tears.
  • Injections nicotinic acid, are able to get back on their feet after stress in 10 days. They strengthen capillaries and normalize blood circulation.
  • An excellent treatment for mild to moderate eyelid twitching is to take multivitamin supplements.

Folk recipes

For mild or moderate spasms, therapy is effective folk remedies. These treatment methods are used individually and in combination:

  • Applying cold water compresses.
  • Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of cool water and mix thoroughly. Soak a clean cloth in the solution and apply to the eyelids for twenty minutes.
  • Take orally tinctures of various healing and soothing herbs (mint, chamomile).
  • Take peony tincture.

TO alternative methods treatments include acupuncture, manual therapy, diet therapy, hypnosis.


Replenish the body with reserves essential vitamins and microelements can be achieved by consuming certain foods. This diet will help restore the functioning of the nervous system and eliminate twitching of the upper eyelid.

Those who are faced with the problem of nervous tics of the upper eyelid should include hazelnuts, peanuts and other types of nuts, soy, strawberries, cherries, dill, parsley, milk, cheese and dairy products, tuna, pork, poultry and rabbit, bran bread, cocoa, raisins and dried apricots, buckwheat.

Exercises to relieve eye fatigue

Exercises will not help directly cure a twitching eyelid, but will indirectly affect the process and speed up recovery.

  1. First you need to blink your eyelids intensively several times. After this, close your eyes as hard as possible, and then also open them as wide as possible. Perform the exercise until tears appear in your eyes.
  2. Gently wipe away tears with a tissue and pillow index finger Gently massage closed eyelids in a circular motion.
  3. Perform intense blinking again, only this time repeat them several dozen times.

Exercise “Palm palming”

  1. Hands need to be warmed by rubbing against each other.
  2. Place one palm on top of the other and put it over your eyes like a mask.
  3. When performing the exercise, you need to breathe deeply through your nose.
  4. Keep your palms in this position for several minutes until the feeling that light spots are flashing before your eyes passes and pure blackness is visible. This is a sign that the eye muscles have relaxed.

Exercise "Rotations"

  1. Keep your head motionless.
  2. Draw various shapes with your gaze. Place special emphasis on the torsion of small spirals.
  3. Perform the exercise until the movements acquire a single rhythm - smooth and continuous.
  4. The signal to end the exercise is fatigue of the eye muscles.

Exercise "Focus"

You need to sit near the window and alternately focus your gaze on the glass and on objects in the distance. Do this for at least a minute for each eye.

Exercise "Trataka"

This is a yogic practice aimed at clearing vision.

  1. Light a candle and look at its flame, blinking often.
  2. You need to continue looking at the flame until tears appear. If they still do not perform, due to the tendency of the eyes to be dry, you need to perform the exercise for no more than 10 minutes.
  3. Finish Trataka with palming.

Important! Exercises are useful for all forms of nervous fatigue, except acute neurosis. You need to do them every day in the morning or at any convenient time when you want to distract yourself and relax.

Surely some have encountered a rather unpleasant sensation when it starts twitch upper eyelid, usually the right one. As a result, a person becomes irritable, concentration is dissipated and fatigue increases.

If you do not pay due attention to this problem, further progression of the pathology, and even involuntary drooping of the eyelid in the future, is possible.

Therefore, it is important to understand what causes such a phenomenon as involuntary twitching of the eyelid of the right eye, and what methods and methods exist for treating such a pathology.

How to recognize a nervous tic: main symptoms

Involuntary movement caused by contraction certain group muscles, called hyperkinesis, or nervous tic, which is often a disorder affecting facial muscles faces.

Nervous tic affects the facial muscles

It can be primary or secondary. Primary nervous tic develops and manifests itself even in children and may subsequently disappear on its own. Secondary hyperkinesis is associated with serious disorders occurring in the brain.

A symptom of a nervous tic is often a sensation when the eyelid of the right eye twitches. Causes, The treatment of such a disease should be determined by a neurologist. And we will voice its main manifestations. So, p With a nervous tic the following may be observed:

  • Involuntary contraction of facial muscles;
  • Involuntary movements (clenching fists, snapping fingers, grinding teeth, spitting, wrinkling the nose, opening the mouth, etc.);
  • Shouting obscenities, coughing, or making peculiar sounds similar to a dog barking - the so-called vocal tic.

Note! If you try to suppress the tic, the tension may become more intense.

Why the eye twitches: identifying the reasons for elimination

A nervous tic is not independent disease , but only a manifestation of others, more serious pathologies. People facing this problem are interested in why the upper eyelid of the right eye twitches. Indeed, it is very important to understand the reasons for this phenomenon, as well as to have an idea of ​​the upcoming treatment.

A similar sensation occurs with certain deviations in the functioning of the brain centers that are responsible for the functioning of the circular muscles of the eye.

Usually this unobtrusive movement is preceded by overexcitation of neurons, which send impulses to the brain. The upper eyelid is more susceptible to such manifestations. This is caused by a large number of nerve endings compared to the innervation of the lower eyelid.

Similar pathologies may be associated with emotional and nervous exhaustion which usually occurs due to strenuous work, chronic lack of sleep, frequently recurring stressful situations.

Besides, reasons may be:

When the upper eyelid of the right or left eye twitches, you need to try to analyze and identify possible reasons If you try to eliminate them, you should contact a specialist to prescribe qualified treatment.

Daily routine affects tic in the right eye

On one's own, Without consulting a doctor, the following can help cope with this problem:

  • Healthy lifestyle (no bad habits, physical education);
  • Optimistic attitude and minimizing stressful situations;
  • Ensuring proper rest;
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • Reducing time spent working at the computer;
  • Balanced diet;
  • Taking additional vitamin complexes.

Important to remember! When choosing vitamin-containing preparations, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Therapeutic drugs

It happens that all of the above methods and methods of getting rid of the disease have already been taken, but the eyelid of the right eye still twitches. The causes and treatment in this case should only be determined by a doctor. If necessary, he will refer you for additional examination to identify the cause of the pathology.

The doctor may prescribe drops

The most harmless treatment for the most common cause of eyelid twitching, neuroses, may consist of prescribing sedatives and restorative drugs.

For other, more serious diseases of a neuralgic nature, the doctor will prescribe complex long-term treatment.

Means and methods of traditional medicine

In addition to medicinal medications, you can use the means traditional medicine. Tincture or decoction of herbs that have sedative actions: motherwort, valerian, peony, geranium.

Many people use chamomile tea before bed, which has a strengthening effect on immune system the body, helps to cope with chronic fatigue and restore lost strength during mental and physical stress.

Cold compresses applied to the eyelids, which need to be changed as they warm up, as well as honey lotions will help.

Relaxation and exercises for the eyes

Acupuncture or massage can help with such neuralgic syndrome.
You can use the following relaxation therapy: turn on quiet, melodic music, close your eyes, lie down, and imagine a pleasant landscape.

Massage that helps with nervous tics

Such relaxation will have positive action for partial elimination of the tic symptom, whatever its causes.

To prevent twitching of the upper eyelid of both the right and left eye, as well as to treat this pathology It is recommended to perform simple exercises:

  • Eye movements to the right - left;
  • Movements of the pupils up and down;
  • Circular movements alternately in one direction and the other, frequent

Correction of wakefulness and work patterns

To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, it is important to be able to properly manage time, always leaving it for rest, during which It is useful to do sports - swimming, running, skating, skiing. You should also establish and follow a daily routine.

Note! Staying awake at night has a negative impact on mental health person.

Essential oils

Help cope with nervous tension, tic-inducing, plants that have a calming effect will help, as well as aromatherapy using essential oils.

Essential oil will help in dealing with the problem
  • Lavender, which helps with muscle spasms and relieves stress;
  • Orange, calming and relieving stress;
  • Ylang – ylang that helps to relax;
  • Geranium, which has a tonic and invigorating effect;
  • Bergamot, reducing anxiety and depression;
  • Mandarin, uplifting;
  • Mint, which acts like an antidepressant.

Features of eyelid twitching in pregnant women, children, and the elderly

In each individual case, an individual approach is required to eliminate the problem when the eyelid of the right eye twitches. The causes and treatment of this disease are determined taking into account the age and condition of the patient.

In pregnant women, such a manifestation may be caused by a change hormonal levels body, characteristic of such a period, as well as some necessary adjustments to the usual lifestyle.

IN childhood this can happen when the body is weakened, poor nutrition And stressful situations, due to the immaturity of the immune and nervous systems.

IN last years Cases of eyelid twitching in children associated with eye strain have become more frequent.

For older people, the phenomenon of eye twitching can be a consequence of ophthalmological problems due to dry eye, as well as serious age-related changes nervous system, for example Parkinson's disease.

What foods can calm the body and relieve nervous tics?

To eliminate eyelid twitching caused by nervous tics, it is recommended to consume foods rich in vitamins, micro and macroelements. It is especially necessary that the products contained elements such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium.

You should include foods with magnesium in your diet

It is better to completely exclude alcoholic drinks, strong black tea and coffee from your menu..

Thus, following simple recommendations, adhering to proper nutrition And healthy image life, as well as giving your body time for rest and relaxation, you can minimize the problem of eyelid twitching in your right eye.

Learn about the causes of nervous tics from this video:

The following video will tell you why the eyelid twitches and how to deal with it:

The following video will tell you what tests should be done to find out the cause of the tic in the right eye:

There is probably no person in the world who has not been bothered by this at least once. unpleasant condition like a twitch of the eyelid. More often this is a twitching of the lower eyelid, less often - the upper. Both the first and second cases have the same name - myokymia. The twitching begins suddenly and does not stop immediately, but rather quickly. It occurs as a result of spasm of the orbicularis muscle, which is located in the eyelid. This is a fairly common occurrence and can cause discomfort, but this condition in itself is not dangerous to human health. Myokymia should not be confused with another disease - essential blepharospasm, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Twitching of the eyelid is not a nervous tic, as they say in everyday life. Nervous tic - serious illness, a severe neurological illness that is visible to everyone. Myokymia is not visible to others. Only you know about her.

This is not dangerous, but you should not completely turn a blind eye to this condition. Our body is created incredibly harmonious. Everything in it has been thought out! Something can hurt on its own, and something echoes. Twitching of the eyelid is the second thing that tells you that there is a problem somewhere. Pay attention to this. Something went wrong. Of course, there are many reasons. Let's talk about them.


It is not always possible to identify the real reason twitching of the upper eyelid. Sometimes this reason may be carefully hidden, so we cannot find it. And there are some things we just don’t know yet. But still, what could be the reason?


It often arises due to the nature of a person’s activity, in connection with his profession. Nowadays, the eyes suffer greatly from monitors, television screens, and gadgets. And this is not always justified. The cause of tension may be contact lenses for vision correction.

Tired eyes, tiredness.

Eye fatigue is somewhat different from eye strain. It can be caused by lack of sleep, erratic or poor sleep.


When the body is depleted at all levels: physical, molecular, nervous, mental.

Eating disorder.

Serious errors in nutrition when a person does not comply with even basic standards. You should monitor not so much the quantity as the quality of food. Eating disorders, extremes (hunger, gluttony) can lead to exhaustion.

Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium in a certain amount is necessary for the body; it is involved in nervous processes. Its deficiency occurs due to improper nutrition.

Deficiency of B vitamins.

There are many reasons for this deficiency: stress, nutrition, etc.

Abuse of coffee and energy drinks.

It should be remembered that caffeine, having many useful properties, destroys vitamin C.

Alcohol abuse.


Itching and friction during allergies contribute to the release of histamine, which, in turn, can cause eyelid twitching.

Dry eyes

Very often the cause of twitching of the upper eyelid. Dry eyes are very often a symptom of age, but can also occur in at a young age for eye strain and fatigue.


Being the cause of many diseases, it may be the cause in this case. “Nerves are to blame for everything!” How true this is! Most often, myokymia occurs from “nerves”. In our world there is always a reason. But not only you experience stress when life is to blame, your body also experiences stress when there is no one to blame.

Alarm signal

Myokymia is a signal. If it happened only once, everything is fine. It happens to everyone? Myokymia becomes alarm signal when it goes on and on. So much so that it’s starting to get boring. She starts to annoy you. Don't be annoyed, don't be nervous - this is a reason to think. You are given the opportunity to take a little look at yourself, what you are doing wrong: you abuse the harmful, neglect the right, do not know how to rest (this is sometimes difficult to learn, but necessary) or... maybe you do not know how to forgive?

If the twitching becomes obvious, visible, if the spasm intensifies and spreads to the upper part of the face, you should consult a doctor. This may be a manifestation of essential blepharospasm, a progressive disease. It begins with a slight twitching, but almost always bilateral. This twitching may progress to spasms of the upper facial muscles. People over 50 years of age are susceptible to the disease.

If the reason for the feeling of twitching in the upper eyelid is obvious to you, then there is no need to worry.

Treatment: wedge by wedge

When eyelid twitching really bothers you, you can see a doctor and get a Botox injection. This is very effective method, which eliminates twitching by blocking the passage of nerve signals. This injection will remove muscle spasm. But it will not eliminate the root cause. Good specialist will give you, among other things, recommendations that you cannot do without.

First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause for the treatment of eyelid twitching. Having identified the cause, eliminate it:

  • If the reason is overexertion, use computer glasses while working, reduce “rest” on the Internet, on TV. This is especially harmful for children
  • Adequate sleep is necessary. If you can't sleep, drink Herb tea before bed with honey,
  • Don't overuse coffee
  • Do not abuse alcohol
  • Include in your daily diet healthy foods, which are rich in vitamins, microelements, and fiber.
  • Take vitamin supplements, especially B vitamins,
  • Take a course of magnesium,
  • Drink healing teas that relieve nervous tension: valerian, peony, motherwort, hops, mint (wild, peppermint), azure blue. Honey and bran strengthen the nervous system well. Chamomile is healing in all respects, especially when combined with dill seeds.

Cheer up

Under no circumstances! And don't be afraid of anything. Take good care of yourself and those you love. Be glad that you have something to work on. After all, work is always a consolation.

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