Useful properties of mulberry leaves. Useful properties of mulberry leaves. Tincture of roots and bark as a general tonic

Mulberry berry, leaves - properties calorie content

Everyone knows the mulberry, called the sweet beauty. Since ancient times, people have used the great variety of healing properties of its berries, leaves and bark. Mulberry is the queen of beneficial properties. The berries are unusually tasty and very nutritious; their area of ​​application is cooking and ethnoscience.

The leaves of the tree feed on the silkworm caterpillar, whose cocoons are used to obtain natural silk. No less useful is the bark of this wonderful tree, from which wooden parts for musical instruments.

About mulberry as a plant

The tree belongs to the mulberry family. It grows quickly at first, then its growth slows down. Life expectancy is up to 500 years. The height does not exceed 10-15 meters. The fruits have a pleasant smell, fleshy, drupe-shaped, and ripen in stages.

The mulberry, called mulberry, has 16 varieties. In the European region, two types of trees grow - white, its homeland is China, and black (dark purple) mulberry, presumably its homeland is considered Southwest Asia. I came to Russia after Peter the Great’s visit abroad.

About the beneficial properties of mulberries

The tree is so unique that all its parts are used in a certain way, calling mulberry a panacea for all diseases. Dark-colored berries increase hemoglobin levels, while white berries soothe nervous system.


Tender and aromatic with a sweet and sour taste, they cannot be long-term storage, they are eaten not only fresh, but also dried, boiled, and made into wine. What are the benefits of fruits:

High water content, rich in fats and food proteins, carbohydrates,
vitamins and microelements;
juice and tincture of berries are taken for colds, vitamin deficiency and feeling unwell, impotence;
rinse the mouth and throat with juice for ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane and tumors;
berries are used to treat diseases associated with gastrointestinal tract(laxative), nervous (sedative), cardiac and genitourinary systems(diuretic) and inflammatory processes(antiseptic) of various nature;
Thanks to the stimulating and regenerating properties of fresh berries, they treat anemia, boost immunity, and restore eye tissue and skin.

The berries have practically no contraindications, only individual intolerance and diarrhea from overuse. Black mulberry will replace coffee for hypotensive patients and will reduce appetite in case of obesity.

Interesting fact: Unripe fruits have a fastening effect, and ripe ones relax the stomach.


According to the legends of some peoples, with the help of mulberry leaves, the sight of the blind can be restored. According to traditional medicine recipes, decoctions are prepared from them, infusions and syrups are prepared. Syrup from the leaves treats heart and vascular diseases and diabetes. They gargle with the decoction, drink to cough up mucus, and get rid of excess liquid in the body, disinfect wounds. The tincture lowers blood glucose levels and high blood pressure, fight cough and inflammation. An extract from the leaves will relieve the symptoms of rheumatism and skin diseases.

Calorie content

The nutritional value of mulberry berries is guaranteed by the substances in its composition:

Zola and alimentary fiber;
water (80%) and organic acids;
a set of B vitamins, vitamins A, C and PP, beta-carotene;
ruler minerals and microelements consisting of potassium and magnesium, calcium and sodium, selenium, zinc, iron, etc.;
row organic acids, mono- and disaccharides.

Despite the fact that mulberries are so rich in nutrients, they are considered a low-calorie product - 100 grams healing berries will add only 50.4 Kcal, which allows their use in dietary nutrition and for weight loss because they gently cleanse the intestines, removing toxins.

Additional Information

Bark and wood

The bark is interesting not only for traditional medicine (cardiac, diuretic, healing wounds and burns), but also from the point of view of cultural progress. At home mulberry tree, in China, paper was made from it. Musical instruments were made from wood with high hardness, and strings were made from silk threads (twisted), believing in the inexplicable harmony between the parts of the tree. Amazing boxes, souvenirs and dishes made from mulberry wood.

Another one useful feature mulberries as plants - due to the density of the beautiful crown, the tree is included in the complex for landscaping residential areas; it is planted for protection along roads, but in this case it is better not to eat the berries.


In Chinese folk medicine, a decoction of the roots is recommended in case of renal failure, and even impotence (especially with honey), the infusion will help with heart pain. For women during menopause, mulberry berries, ground with honey, will help stabilize hormonal levels.


We talked about the goodness of mulberries, mulberry leaves, medicinal properties, the calorie content of its fruits was described. Not everyone, of course, will be able to appreciate the excellent healing properties mulberries due to their growth in warm or relatively warm regions, and the berries cannot withstand transportation. However, those who live in areas where the mulberry grows can fully appreciate this medicinal tree, since there are a great many recipes for using its various parts, not only for medicinal purposes, but also for culinary purposes.

Mulberry is actively distributed throughout the world. Its most popular species is a tree with black and white fruits. All parts of the plant can benefit the human body: fruits, buds, roots, leaves, bark. Various decoctions, ointments, and infusions are usually made from these components. The berries can be eaten raw.

The mulberry tree is presented in a huge variety of varieties, of which there are approximately 400 species. Based on berry color, the plant is divided into 3 groups: white, red, black. Breeders also developed decorative varieties that are distinguished by their modest height and bush-like structure.

From the southern regions you can most often find hybrid varieties that are characterized by large fruits. However, sometimes there are also ordinary plants that are in no way inferior in taste to their hybrid counterparts, and even superior to them in medicinal qualities. In regions subject to frequent frosts, “White Honey”, “Smuglyanka”, “Black Baroness”, “Ukrainskaya-6” grow. However, when choosing mulberry raw materials for treatment, you should not give preference to plants with large fruits, since hybrid varieties have less active medicinal properties.

The berries of this plant contain sugars, organic acids, pectin, sterols, vitamins A, B, C, PP, tannins, flavonoids, and a large number of field microelements. The leaves of the tree are endowed with flavonoids, coumarins, resins, tannins, organic acids, essential oils, and sterols.

Thanks to this composition herbal ingredients have antiseptic, diuretic, diaphoretic, sedative, astringent, expectorant, antioxidant effects.

However, you should not immediately rush to this tree and consume large quantities his gifts. This is due to the fact that their excessive consumption contributes to the development of digestive disorders. People suffering from diabetes and hypertension should also use mulberries with caution. The best option There will be a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

White berry juice is an excellent medicine to fight colds. To do this, you need to drink 100 milliliters every 3 hours. This technique allows you to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, lower the temperature, and strengthen the immune system.

Black mulberry is recommended for food poisoning. In the body it has a disinfecting effect. Unripe black berries can be used as a remedy for heartburn, and overripe ones can be used instead of laxatives.
You can normalize sleep, strengthen the nervous system, and overcome insomnia by consuming a glass of ripe fruits with a spoonful of your favorite honey a couple of hours before bedtime. When suffering from iron deficiency anemia patients should eat 100 grams of fruit, grated and mixed with honey and 200 grams of fresh applesauce.

You can overcome stomatitis, periodontal disease, ulcers and throat pathologies with the help of mulberry infusion. To do this, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of ground berries with 200 grams of boiling water.

Mulberry fruits also have a beneficial effect on the body when:

  1. heart disease;
  2. tachycardia;
  3. disruptions in metabolic function;
  4. ischemia;
  5. obesity;
  6. atherosclerosis;
  7. dystrophic process in the heart.

This video talks about the beneficial properties of mulberries.

The leaves of the plant also have many beneficial properties. Dried raw materials are usually used for treatment, as they are much easier to store. Mulberry leaf decoctions are used:

  1. if necessary, rinsing open wounds;
  2. for sore throat, the decoction is used as a rinse solution;
  3. to block swelling processes, you need to drink the product a couple of hours before bedtime;
  4. as an expectorant to help cope with bronchitis and pneumonia - you need to take the drug 50 milliliters 3 times a day before meals.

This one is being prepared healing decoction quick and easy, just follow the 3-step technology:
A dinner spoon of chopped mulberry leaves is immersed in a clean container.
The raw material is filled with half a liter of water and then put on fire.
After the liquid reaches a boil, close the container and let the drink brew for half an hour. After this, the liquid must be filtered.

You can prepare a decoction from the root of the mulberry tree, which helps to normalize arterial pressure, as well as the function circulatory system. A healing decoction is prepared using the following technology:

  1. 50 grams of raw materials are crushed using a coffee grinder or blender.
  2. The resulting slurry is poured with 1 liter of hot water.
  3. The liquid is infused for 60 minutes, and then the container is placed on low heat.
  4. The drink is brewed for a quarter of an hour, and then cooled to room temperature, filter through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

You can drink the resulting drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day. To improve the taste, you can dissolve a dessert spoon of any honey in the broth.

This decoction can also reduce blood sugar levels in people suffering from type 2 diabetes. White mulberry raw materials will be especially effective in this case. And by mixing the crushed bark of tree roots with vegetable oil available excellent remedy for the treatment of ulcers in diabetes mellitus.

Mulberry is a unique plant that has a beneficial effect on human body, however, before using it in medical purposes It is better to consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that mulberry raw material is a strong allergen, which can only be consumed in small quantities for those people who do not have individual intolerance to this plant.

This video describes cases of eating mulberries for diabetes. Don't forget to leave your wishes and

Few people can believe that such tender leaves, which can be collected free of charge and in abundance, have such usefulness for humans. Moreover, they give all this “for free”. And mulberry leaves (mulberry) contain a rare complex of useful things, which makes them no less valuable as a medicine than the berries themselves. For example, dry raw material of mulberry leaves can be ground into powder and seasoned with it ready meals half a teaspoon twice throughout the day. But the leaves also have their own medicinal properties.

Mulberry leaves in the fight against joint diseases - compress

Take mulberry leaves in such quantity that they are enough to cover the entire diseased joint in several layers. Steam the collected leaves (fresh or dry) and let them brew for a while.

- apply the prepared leaves to the arm or leg while still hot, wrap the compress, hold on the sore spot until they cool (but not completely cold, but remain warm).

- such simple procedure will significantly help reduce swelling and pain in inflamed joints.

- the same portion of mulberry leaves can be used three to four times, but when repeated use, it is better to put the leaves in a cloth bag (stocking), then heat them well in a water bath and apply them hot to the sore spots and wrap them up. It is best to carry out such procedures at night, and in the morning, after the compress is removed, put the leaves in a cool place until using them in the next procedure.

Baths with mulberries

To use mulberry leaves in the bathroom, you should take two large handfuls of leaves - put them in a gauze bag, into which you add one pebble for weight - tie it up. Pour boiling water into a bucket and put in the prepared bag with leaves, let it brew for an hour, it is advisable to wrap the bucket, this will make the infusion better and stronger. After the time has passed, remove the bag from the bucket, pour the finished infusion into a bathtub with collected water, the temperature of which should be 36 - 37 degrees.


- the duration of the procedure itself (bath) should be up to twenty minutes;

— as the water cools, it can be renewed with hot water.

— store the bag with mulberry leaves in a cool place until next use;

- before next application the leaves in the bag must be boiled in a bucket of water for five minutes over low heat, and then everything is as in the first procedure.

- after taking such a bath with mulberry leaves, vigor and freshness of body and spirit are guaranteed to every person.

Mulberry leaves for spasms of cerebral vessels, high blood pressure

To “defeat” such ailments, you need to break young mulberry branches with leaves two to three centimeters long, pour a handful of raw materials with one liter of water. Place the prepared mixture on the fire in a saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for ten minutes. After boiling, remove from heat, wrap and let steep for one hour.

- drink half a glass of infusion three times throughout the day.

A course of treatment:
- depends on how you feel - from one to three months.

- after the full course of treatment with mulberry leaves, the diseases will disappear.

Such “innocent”, but beautiful and medicinal mulberry leaves are always ready to help a person and his health, and in a natural, pure, fresh and healthy way.

Mulberries are called differently among people and scientific world: mulberry tree, mulberry tree. What are the benefits of mulberries? Are there any special instructions about its use? Let's look for answers to these questions.


Before we talk about the benefits of mulberry, let's take a look at its history. The ancient Persians were the first to appreciate the taste of this plant. Subsequently, from Ancient Persia, the liquid berry spread far beyond the borders of its homeland. It was used as a dessert, as a component of various dishes, and also for the preparation of healing potions for various types of ailments. The plant loves it very much southern countries and long summers, although it now grows in temperate, tropical and subtropical climates where winter temperatures can drop below -30°C. It produces good yields in the European part of Russia, distributed from the Krasnodar Territory to the Sakhalin Peninsula, throughout Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, European countries, for example in Romania, Asian and African countries.

The ancient Persian philosopher, naturalist and doctor Avicenna devoted a separate section to this berry in his work telling about the healing knowledge of the ancient Persians.

Of course, the ancient connection of this tree with China is known, where the foliage of young mulberry trees is a favorite delicacy of silkworm larvae. Even the name of the insect includes the name - mulberry. It turns out we've heard about this versatile tree many times. In China, predominantly white mulberry is cultivated, from where it has spread throughout the world and reached orchards in our country. The history of growing white mulberry in the provinces of China goes back about four centuries. Black mulberry originally grew in the southwestern part of Asia, from there it spread and feels good in our latitudes.

The mulberry is mentioned in the Bible - Jesus Christ hid from the scorching rays of the sun under the branches of the Palestinian mulberry tree. The lifespan of a mulberry tree is about two centuries; the sacred tree in Palestine is about two thousand years old.

Mulberry. Botanical description of the plant

The mulberry tree is a heat-loving and light-loving crop, although with the expansion of its habitat, the ability to be frost-resistant and able to withstand cold temperatures down to -30 ° C was revealed. Thanks to this, the plant has spread far beyond the natural boundaries of existence; now it can be found from its place of origin - the warm countries of Asia - to the Russian north on Sakhalin and even in distant Australia.

The mulberry tree is a long-liver; the age of individual representatives can reach 200-300 years.

The tree is quite tall, adult plants reach 15-20 meters in height, the crown is spreading, mostly spherical.

The fruit of the tree, a polydrupe or false drupe, is actually an infructescence. Outwardly similar to the blackberry we know. The fruits are small in size - 1-4 centimeters in size. There are many varieties of mulberries: black, dark purple, red, pink, white, yellow, they are named after the color of the fruit, which can be very diverse. The shape of the berry can be in the form of a cylinder, cone, or ball. The taste depends on the variety, it can be from pronounced sugar to sweet and sour. The berries have a subtle pleasant aroma. The tree is very productive; in a favorable year, one can get up to 200 kg of ripe berries. Fruiting has different time frames depending on the place of cultivation; in our latitudes, individual fruits can be harvested in July, the bulk of the harvest occurs in August.

Not only fruits and foliage are used; mulberry wood is also used on the farm. Woodworkers appreciated the strength, elasticity and rigidity of mulberry. It is used in construction, crafts, and in the manufacture of musical instruments.

What nutrients are mulberries rich in?

What are the benefits of mulberries? Berries are an essential source of vitamins and minerals. Delicious fruits contain ascorbic acid, vitamins A, K, tocopherol, B vitamins, organic acids, including malic acid, microelements: zinc, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, selenium, iron, potassium, manganese, optimal concentration of phosphoric acid, beneficial for the intestines pectin substances. Mulberries are especially rich in potassium, which is essential for strengthening the heart muscle.

A quarter of the mass comes from easily digestible sugars - fructose and glucose.

The leaves, loved by the silkworm, contain carotene, tannins, vitamin C, volatile essential oil, natural sugary substances.

The calorie content of mulberry fruits is only 50 kilocalories; it is recommended to include it in the diet of people who monitor energy value nutrition.

What are the benefits of mulberries for the body?

How is mulberry beneficial for the body? The rich composition provided the possibility of using berries and preparations made on the basis different parts mulberry tree, in various industries medical science, folk medicine, Food Industry, everyday life

Application of berries

The berries are consumed fresh, juiced, dried, made into infusions, frozen, canned, compotes and jams are made, and confectionery products are made.

What are the benefits of mulberries? Fresh Juice used as a soft antiseptic, for colds, inflammation of the larynx, nasopharynx, oral cavity. Also recommended for use in diseases of the lower respiratory tract: bronchitis, pneumonia, prolonged painful cough, which are accompanied by worsening general condition, increase in body temperature. Instead of the usual pharmaceutical powder preparations and overseas citrus fruits, you can use fresh mulberry fruits with a sufficient content of ascorbic acid.

How is mulberry beneficial for the body? Infusions and decoctions based on berries help sputum leave the bronchi more easily and promote normalization water balance, removing excess fluid from the body. During colds, decoctions and fresh berries, which have a diaphoretic effect, which leads to a decrease in body temperature and the removal of metabolic products from the sick body. Mulberry is indicated for use in cases of renal failure and the presence of edema.

Mulberries as a prophylactic used by asthmatics; with regular use, inflammatory processes are reduced. In case of mucus accumulation, its outflow is improved.

Different degrees of hearth ripeness when consumed have the opposite effect on digestive system. It is better to use for diarrhea unripe fruits, and in case of constipation - overripe.

Healing properties of white mulberry

Why is it useful? white mulberry? It has many healing properties:

  • Particularly useful for reducing blood hemoglobin.
  • Restores the body's strength during colds. White mulberry fruits and leaves are a popular antipyretic in Asian countries.
  • Helps normalize the flow of bile.
  • Normalizes balance beneficial microflora intestines, improves digestion, is used for peptic ulcer, ailments of the stomach and duodenum.
  • The fruits of white mulberry have a beneficial effect on maintaining male strength.
  • Dried and crushed leaves, bark, and roots of white mulberry are used as a remedy for healing wounds and cuts, an antipyretic, and a medicine for normalizing blood pressure.

Healing properties of black mulberry

What are the benefits of black mulberry? It, like white, has many healing properties:

  • Very effective for all diseases of the digestive tract, such as heartburn.
  • Due to the high concentration of potassium ions, the use of black mulberry berries and preparations based on them is indicated for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Including mulberry in the diet reduces heart pain, reduces shortness of breath, strengthens the heart muscle, and restores normal heart function. Recommended after heart valve surgery.
  • Due to its high iron content, it is used for disorders of the hematopoietic organs.
  • Indicated for patients diagnosed with diabetes; the main thing is to take into account the glycemic index, then after consumption only the benefits will remain.
  • Black mulberry fruits and decoctions are an excellent diuretic.

What are the benefits of black mulberry for weight loss?

  • Due to its low calorie content it is dietary product, at the same time, you should not get carried away with mulberry-based sweets, consume it fresh.
  • Some nutritionists recommend it as an alternative to sugar.
  • Thanks to its diuretic effect, it will be effective for normalizing weight; when consuming fresh berries and decoctions, the weight will decrease.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the digestive glands and maintains the balance of bacteria in the intestines, which is very important for people who limit their food intake.
  • Vitamins and minerals will support the body during active periods physical activity and colds, your weight loss program will work flawlessly.

How is mulberry beneficial for pregnant women?

  • Combats a common scourge of women expecting a child - anemia of pregnant women.
  • Helps normalize the outflow of bile; in pregnant women, complications associated with the gallbladder are in second place after appendicitis.
  • Supports all organs and systems, including the heart, immune, and digestive systems; they bear heavy loads during pregnancy.
  • Helps prevent edema and has a mild diuretic effect.

Mulberry consumption by children

How are mulberries beneficial for children? It has a number of useful properties:

  • It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, children get sick less often and more easily.
  • The content of natural sugars provides energy for the development of the child's body.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system and is used for intestinal disorders and dysbacteriosis - common childhood diseases.
  • Many children like the taste of the fruit, and mulberries are also used to make jams, jellies, compotes that children love, fruit fillings, oriental bekmes, and candied mulberries.

Contraindications to the use of berries

What are the benefits of mulberries? Black and white berries have many beneficial properties, but there are also some contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance due to the presence of anthocyanin quercetin.
  • Avoid eating sour and unripe fruits to avoid digestive problems.
  • Use with caution in patients diabetes mellitus, consider glycemic index.
  • Do not eat fruits from trees that grow along highways and in areas with high radioactive radiation.
  • Do not use in combination with other fruits; there may be a strong fermentation reaction.

The mulberry, also known as the mulberry, is a deciduous tree that is fruit-bearing, succulent, and has fleshy berries. The tree got its name because silkworms love its leaves, which, by the way, are their main food. Well, the wood of this tree is used in the production of musical instruments and wine barrels.

However, the most popular product of the tree are these same berries. They have a lot of useful properties and can help cope with many ailments, ranging from mild cold and ending with heart defects. Read below to learn how to take advantage of all the beneficial properties of the plant.

Chemical composition

Mulberries are 85 percent water. They contain ash, fats, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber. The caloric value of the plant's berries is 50 calories per 100 grams.

These berries are unusually rich in all kinds of beneficial substances. Thus, the fruit contains vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K and the incredibly rare vitamin PP. As for useful minerals and trace elements, then in the berry you can find potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, zinc and other substances.

Berries different types mulberries differ somewhat in composition. So, in black mulberry more iron and organic acids, while white has more carbohydrates.

Medicinal properties of mulberry

Due to its composition, mulberry has a number of beneficial properties. Yes, due to high content iron and B vitamins, it stimulates hemoglobin production and general hematopoietic function of the body. The berry also helps strengthening the heart and blood vessels, and it is often used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, tachycardia and heart defects.

Do not forget about the choleretic, diuretic and mild laxative effects of the fruit. Moreover, if you use unripe berries, due to the abundance tannins, contained in them, you can achieve the opposite effect, which will undoubtedly be useful for diarrhea. In addition, mulberries stimulate the activity of the pancreas and stimulate digestion. Mulberries can also be used for bronchitis, acute respiratory infections and asthma. Fruits are also beneficial For brain activity and help with nervous overstrain, depression and insomnia.

In addition to berries, the bark of roots and leaves of the tree are used. The leaves of the tree are often used to combat diabetes, as well as prostatitis. In turn, the bark can lower blood pressure and speed up the recovery of damaged tissue.

Use in folk medicine

Considering unique composition mulberry and all its beneficial properties, traditional medicine simply could not ignore mulberry berries. Juices, syrups, decoctions, infusions, tinctures and even healing ointments. Moreover, not only berries are used, but also bark and even tree leaves. Below are several recipes from each part of the tree.

Fruit juice and syrup

Mulberry syrup or mulberry doshab is a national Caucasian dish. Tasty and incredibly healthy, this dish is an excellent immunomodulator, helps with bronchitis and others. inflammatory diseases respiratory tract. In addition, this syrup stimulates the production of blood and red cells, and also helps with stress and nervous tension.

Preparation of syrup:

  1. We sort and wash the mulberries under running water;
  2. Pour the fruits into a saucepan and mash them so that they release juice and do not burn;
  3. Place the pan on low heat and cook the berries for half an hour;
  4. After thirty minutes, remove the pan from the heat and strain the juice through cheesecloth or a sieve;
  5. If you wanted to extract mulberry juice, you can stop at this step;
  6. In order to obtain the syrup, cook it over low heat until it has reduced to one third of its volume.

The classic version of this recipe does not involve the use of sugar, since the berries are quite sweet on their own. However, if you want to speed up the process, you can add a little sugar. With sugar, the resulting syrup does not have to be boiled for a long time. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of sugar, otherwise the syrup will turn out very cloying. You should never add more than half a kilogram of sugar per kilogram of mulberries.

Leaf decoction

A decoction of mulberry leaves is an effective expectorant and diuretic. In addition, it can be used to disinfect wounds and cuts, as well as to relieve swelling. You can prepare the decoction according to the following recipe:

  1. We collect, wash and thoroughly chop the mulberry leaves;
  2. Dry the leaves, then take a dessert spoon of the raw material and fill it with half a liter of water;
  3. Bring the water to a boil, then let the broth brew for half an hour;
  4. Strain the broth and consume it in the amount of fifty grams before meals;
  5. For disinfection and scarring of wounds, we use the decoction externally.

Bark decoction

A decoction of mulberry bark is traditional Chinese recipe. This medicine is used to treat diabetes, kidney failure and hypertension. In addition, it is useful for potency and increases sexual attraction. The decoction is prepared as follows:

  1. Take three grams of dry and crushed mulberry roots;
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over them and boil for twenty minutes over low heat;
  3. Next, you should let the broth brew for an hour and add the evaporated water;
  4. We take the decoction one-third of a glass three times a day.

Fruit infusion

The mulberry infusion is delicious and incredible useful tool. It is often used to treat acute respiratory diseases and makes an excellent laxative. In addition, the infusion of the fruit is valued for its mild sedative effect. Recipe:

  1. Take four hundred grams of berries, wash them thoroughly and sort them
  2. Grind the fruits into a paste
  3. Add two cups of crushed mulberry leaves to the pulp and mix thoroughly
  4. Pour the mixture into a glass of boiling water
  5. Let the mixture sit for five hours.
  6. We take two to three spoons before meals.

Leaf infusion

An infusion of mulberry leaves has powerful expectorant and mucolytic properties and is indispensable in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases such as sore throat, bronchitis and even asthma. The remedy from the leaves also has antipyretic properties and a mild calming effect. To prepare the infusion, follow the following recipe:

  • Take a bunch of mulberry leaves, wash, chop and dry them;
  • Pour two tablespoons of dried and crushed raw materials into a liter of boiling water;
  • Cover the drink with a lid and let it brew for an hour;
  • We drink one glass of infusion, three times a day, half an hour before meals.

In addition, an infusion of leaves can be used as drops for conjunctivitis and as a rejuvenating compress for the skin around the eyes. You can also use this product to rinse your hair after washing or as a facial tonic.

Infusion of bark

Medicine from mulberry bark has a lot of beneficial properties and is incredibly effective remedy to thin the blood. In addition, the infusion helps with bronchitis, bronchial asthma and acute respiratory diseases. Below is a recipe for such an infusion:

  • Take 50 grams of dried bark;
  • Fill it with a liter cold water and insist for an hour;
  • After an hour, put the product on low heat and heat for fifteen minutes, without bringing to a boil;
  • Let the infusion cool, then strain;
  • We take one glass, three times a day, for five days. We repeat the course three times, with a break of three days.

Mulberry tincture is truly universal remedy and can cure many ailments. Thus, it normalizes metabolism, helps with intestinal diseases, and also cleanses the liver and kidneys of sand and toxins. In addition, tincture from mulberry fruits will help normalize sugar levels in diabetes, strengthen cardiovascular system and even help improve vision. It helps a lot with sore throats and can even remove worms. You can prepare this truly miraculous remedy by following the recipe:

  1. We take four hundred grams of berries, wash them thoroughly and sort them;
  2. Grind the fruits into a paste;
  3. Take a glass of water and add two hundred grams of sugar into it;
  4. Cooking sweet water until all the sugar has dissolved;
  5. Cool the resulting syrup and mix it with crushed berries;
  6. Add half a liter of vodka to the mixture and mix thoroughly;
  7. Pour into a suitable glass container and seal it tightly;
  8. Place the bottle with the future tincture in a dark, cool place. Once every few days you should shake the contents of the bottle so that the beneficial substances are more evenly distributed in the mixture;
  9. In a month the tincture will be ready for use.

The resulting tincture has a spicy aroma and taste and is not very strong, about 30 degrees. This drink can be stored for three years.


Mulberry ointment is an excellent remedy for treating all kinds of diseases and skin damage. She can handle not too much severe burns and suppuration, and also significantly increases the rate of regeneration from cuts. As for skin diseases, such an ointment is often used for dermatitis and eczema.

You can prepare mulberry ointment according to the following recipe:

  1. Take dried mulberry roots and grind them in a coffee grinder;
  2. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting raw material with vegetable oil in an amount of 100 milliliters;
  3. Mix the mixture thoroughly until it becomes homogeneous;
  4. Let the mixture sit in the refrigerator overnight;
  5. We treat the affected areas of the skin 4-5 times a day.

Use during pregnancy

Mulberries are an excellent source useful substances for pregnant women. Moreover, due to its composition, mulberry has a very beneficial effect on the growth and development of the fetus. However, despite all their beneficial properties, you should not overuse berries. This is primarily due to the diuretic properties of the plant. And increased urination, as is known, puts a strain on the kidneys, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy. Daily norm of this berry is about 300 grams.

It is also important to note that the fruits must be well processed before consumption to avoid infection. It is best to pour boiling water over them before eating. Also, it is advisable to consume only fresh berries raw. If they sit in the refrigerator for at least one day, they will lose most of their beneficial properties. It would be best to cook compote from them, or use one of the recipes indicated in this article.

Pregnant women should never eat unripe fruits. This can lead to upset, bloating, constipation and even poisoning.


Fortunately, mulberry and preparations based on it have almost no contraindications. Only people with individual intolerance to the components of the berry and a tendency to allergies should beware of it. The berry is a fairly powerful allergen. However, this does not mean that you can just sit down and eat a bucket of berries. The sweet and juicy berries are a natural laxative and can lead to serious disorder stomach. Especially if you take them on an empty stomach or drink them cold water.

Diabetics and hypertensive patients need to monitor the amount of berries consumed. When you overeat mulberries, your blood sugar rises very sharply and your blood pressure increases. A preliminary consultation with a doctor is encouraged before consuming the berry and preparations based on it.