What to do with tangerine peels. Tangerine peels: use of peels in the garden and at home. Preparing and drying tangerine peels

for treatment:

The peel of this orange fruit contains vitamin C, essential oils, pectins, carotene, antioxidants and other beneficial substances.

When coughing, a decoction of dry tangerine peel separates mucus from the bronchi and upper respiratory tract.

Tangerine peel is also useful, as it contains essential oils, vitamins C and P, and provitamin A.

For diabetes, a decoction of tangerine peel reduces blood sugar levels. You need to boil the peels of three tangerines in 1 liter of water, cool and drink daily without straining. Store the decoction in the refrigerator.

Tangerine peel is included in the mixture medicinal plants to obtain a bitter tincture, which is used in medicine to increase appetite and improve digestion, take 10-20 drops 15-30 minutes before meals.

Fresh tangerine peel helps with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. You can simply chew it like gum.

The peel has antitumor properties and also helps suppress platelet aggregation (sticking together), thereby preventing the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. It also contains synephrine, a substance that has a pronounced anti-edematous property and reduces the likelihood of bronchospasm. Therefore, the fruits are indicated for people suffering from bronchial asthma.

For colds and bronchitis, you need to brew 3 tablespoons of dry tangerine peels with two glasses of boiling water. It is necessary to infuse the decoction for 2 hours. Strain and add 2 tablespoons of honey. It is recommended to use half a glass 4 times a day. This infusion also has an expectorant effect.

If you want to strengthen your immune system, then pour 2 tablespoons of tangerine peels with a glass of vodka and leave for a week or a week and a half. Take the resulting tincture 3 times a day, 20 drops before meals.

With the help of tangerine peels you can get rid of flatulence, abdominal pain, diseases skin and nails. They are an excellent sedative and relieve nervous tension and help with insomnia.

Wellness infusion of zest

1 tsp. crushed zest, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, take 30 minutes before meals. Can be mixed with other herbs. Additive to tea: not only improves the taste of this drink, but also has a calming effect on the nervous system. Place dried and crushed tangerine peel in a teapot when brewing tea: 1 tsp. for 300 - 400 ml of boiling water. How depressant You can take an infusion of orange peels. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over two teaspoons of crushed peel, close the lid tightly and leave for 10 minutes. Strain and take immediately before bed and in situations that cause emotional stress.

In cooking

Tincture on tangerine peels

Ingredients: for 10 servings: 0.5 liters of vodka, 150 g of tangerine peels, 2 coffee beans.

Method of preparation: Cut tangerine peels into small pieces, pour over boiling water and place on the bottom of the bottle.

Pour vodka into a saucepan, carefully heat to 60 degrees and pour it into the same bottle. Place freshly roasted coffee beans into the bottle and cap tightly. Let it brew for 30 days, then strain.

The main secret of the tincture is good vodka as a base. Don't skimp on the price!

Tangerine tincture

6 tbsp. l. crushed dried tangerine peel, pour 0.75 liters of vodka. Leave for a week. It has a very beautiful, sunny color and excellent taste.

Candied tangerine peels

Cut the peels into small rectangular pieces and pour cold water with soda (for 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. soda). Leave for 12 hours, then rinse. Boil thick sugar syrup (300 g of sugar per 1 liter of water) and cook until tender, 40 - 60 minutes. After this, remove the candied fruits, place them on a baking sheet and dry them in the slightly open oven. Sprinkle finished candied fruits with powdered sugar

Candied tangerine peels

Collect peels from one kilogram of citrus fruits. Fill them with water, boil them, then fill them with new cold water and boil them again. Repeat this 3 times.

Then the crusts must be cooled and cut as desired, but not very finely. Place in an aluminum bowl, add water so that it barely covers the crusts. Add 2 cups of sugar, cook over high heat, stirring constantly until the water completely disappears, then remove from the stove and stir in the cold until it cools completely, the crusts easily separate from each other.

Using this recipe, you can make jam. In this case, the crusts must be boiled until the syrup thickens. To check the readiness of the jam, you should drop a drop of syrup onto a saucer; if it hardens, the jam is ready.

Grind dried citrus peels in a mortar and can be used in making sweet pies and pastries.

Chicken with tangerine peels

1 chicken. 1 onion, 1 tablespoon starch, 20 ml cognac, anise, ground ginger.

50 ml peanut butter. 0.5 cups tangerines

For the nut filling:

1 cup flour, 0.5 cup shelled peanuts, 0.5 cup shelled peanuts walnuts. 0.5 cups shelled apricot kernels, 0.5 cups shelled pumpkin seeds, 0.5 cup

hulled hazelnuts, 1 cup peanut butter. 600 g sugar.

Prepare the nut filling:

Fry the flour. Hull the nuts, chop them, mix with flour and sugar, add peanut butter and grind thoroughly.

Prepare the chicken:

Gut, wash. Place the whole carcass in cold water and cook until half cooked. Then add salt, add tangerine peels, anise, onion, ginger, cognac, a little broth and steam until tender. Remove the finished chicken and stuff with sweet nut filling.

secure the seam. fry in peanut oil until golden brown. But the meat should remain white inside. Serve peanuts with chicken.

Thus, tangerine zest is used as a flavoring for various sweet dishes (curd creams, babkas, pancakes, pancakes, etc.)

Peel liqueur

Tangerine zest (2 tablespoons each), sugar (3 tablespoons) pour 1 liter of vodka. Leave for two weeks. Strain and serve as an aperitif. It is believed that the zest perfectly adsorbs fusel oils and other harmful substances.

You can make excellent jam from tangerine peels, which can be enjoyed and treated for colds all year round.

Mandarin peels make excellent tea: add some dried peels to the tea leaves in a teapot and pour boiling water over them. In a quarter of an hour you will be able to enjoy a fragrant and healthy drink.

The use of tangerine peels in cosmetology

Tangerine peels are also widely used in cosmetology. Due to their beneficial properties, they can be used in the fight against stretch marks, cellulite, and for skin care.

Refreshes the skin water tincture on tangerine peel. To prepare this citrus tincture, add 2 tsp. a mixture of orange and tangerine peels taken in equal parts in a glass of cold boiled water. Let it brew for a day and strain.

For oily skin You can prepare a citrus lotion for your face. To do this, grate the tangerine, add half a glass of vodka to the pulp and leave in a dark place for a week, then strain. If your facial skin is of normal type, then 2-3 tbsp should be added to the lotion. l. water and 1 tsp. glycerin.

You can make a refreshing facial toner. Fill in tangerine peel cold boiled water and let it brew for a day. Rubbing the skin soaked in natural tonic

With a cotton pad in the morning and evening, you will get rid of blackheads and give your skin a radiant look.

Toning face mask. Grind the tangerine peels in a blender to form a powder. Mix 1 teaspoon of the resulting powder with egg yolk and a spoonful of sour cream. Mix and apply to face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse with warm water and wipe skin with toner. The mask perfectly tones the skin and gives it a healthy look.

Using tangerine peels in everyday life


Tangerine peels are an excellent remedy against moths. You can grind tangerine peels and make sachet out of them. Place these sachets on shelves or hang them in a closet. So, you will not only get rid of annoying moths, but also give a pleasant citrus aroma to your things.

For decorating gifts. You can cut out various figures from fresh peels, dry them and use them for decoration;

As an air freshener and for interior decoration. You can give your room a bright citrus scent with tangerine peels. Fill glass vases with pebbles, shells and tangerine peels. It will always be in your room pleasant aroma New Year;

You can decorate a wooden photo frame, vase, floor lamp leg or album with tangerine peels.

If you are making soap at home, you can use tangerine peels to decorate the pieces. natural soap. Orange crusts will give the soap not only a festive look, but also a pleasant aroma.

You can use not only tangerine peels, but also the peels of other citrus fruits.

Exists a large number of types of citrus fruits: orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, lime, kumquat, citron, and pomelo.

Always wash the peel thoroughly before using it. If possible, buy and use (especially for food) organic fruits; if you cannot find any, be sure to wash the peel well to remove chemicals from its surface.

Lemon peels

Lemon zest in Everyday life is used so widely that entire books are devoted to it.

Add crushed lemon zest to the bath - it will not only wash your skin and hair, but also give it a pleasant fresh smell.

Throw lemon peel into your tea for a rich, lemony flavor.

Prepare candied fruits.

Prepare cognac.

Add a few lemon peels when you fry the chicken - the meat will acquire a piquant taste and a pleasant smell.

Use lemon to garnish cocktails.

Orange peels

Place a few orange peels in a jar of brown sugar to help preserve it.

Prepare candied fruits.

Make jam.

Garnish salads, cocktails and drinks with orange zest.

grapefruit peel

Cut out figures from the peel and decorate the salad with them - the salad will get a beautiful design and will smell pleasant.

Make marmalade, candies or other sweets from grapefruit zest.

Squeeze the oil out of the peel and use it to make perfume.

Put a piece of peel in your mouth and chew it (it is advisable to use lemon or orange zest) - this will significantly freshen your breath. You can easily replace mint candies and chewing gum with zest.

Use the peel of any citrus fruit to make sweets that are tasty and healthy.

Make marmalade, jam or aromatic sauce from the zest.

To prevent brown sugar from starting to clump, throw a few peels of any citrus fruit into the jar.

To kill bad odor, throw the zest of any citrus fruit into a trash bag.

The dried peel will help you quickly start a fire in the fireplace.

Place some dried peels in your clothes closet and... unpleasant smell you can forget for a long time.

Make compost from citrus peels. Cut the zest into small pieces, and then it will rot faster. You can use the zest of any citrus fruit. If you mix citrus peels with other ingredients, keep in mind that some people claim that orange oil (due to its antibacterial properties) slows down decomposition, but this claim has its critics. Experiment and decide for yourself what you do.

Protect your flower beds from cats using the zest. Simply place citrus peels in a few places, and local cats will no longer have any desire to dig into your flower beds.

Rub the zest on the leaves of plants, and cats will not go near them.

Use the zest as a freshener.

Boil water in a saucepan and throw in a few citrus peels - a pleasant aroma will spread not only through the kitchen, but throughout the house.

Use the peel to remove resin from shoes.

Use the zest to make smoothies - the drink will become not only tastier, but also more healthy.

Rub your skin before going to bed orange peel, and insects will not bother you.

Fill the anthill with the following cocktail: mix the peels of two or three oranges with a glass of warm water in a blender.

Sew a few pieces of dried orange peel into a clean sock and use it as a sachet.

Use half a lemon to sanitize cutting boards.

Prepare a skin scrub by mixing lemon juice with sugar.

Try cleaning your sink with lemon zest.

Grind in a meat grinder (you can also use a food processor, you even need to) and add 1 to 1 sugar - and put it in the refrigerator. It turns out to be something like jam, or maybe a filling for a roll - buns - it will be very unusual.

An evergreen species of citrus trees brought to Europe in the 19th century from China. At good conditions can reach a height of 4 meters, producing up to 6 thousand bright orange fruits from one tree. The tangerine peel is easily peeled from the fruit and used for medicinal purposes.

Tangerine peel - 10 beneficial properties

  1. Help for cancer

    Research published in the journal Bio Med Center Dermatology claims that people who drink black tea with dried tangerine peels reduce their risk of skin cancer by up to 70%. The thing is that tangerine tea containing alvestrols has a detrimental effect on cancer cells, provoking neoplasms of the mammary glands, ovaries and prostate.

    The peel of the fruit contains significantly higher levels of antioxidants than the squeezed juice. This quality allows you to prevent cell mutation processes, protecting the body from a terrible disease.

  2. Reduces cholesterol levels

    Tea with tangerine peel prevents the risk of heart disease vascular diseases. It contains polymethoxylated flavones, which can reduce cholesterol by up to 40%. This fact was recorded in the laboratory during research on experimental animals.

    By lowering blood sugar levels, a decoction of dry zest is perfect for people suffering from diabetes.

    Read also: What are the benefits of apples?
    The article presents the 20 most beneficial properties for human health. For what diseases is it especially recommended to consume these fruits? The benefits of apples for weight loss. What are the contraindications for use?

  3. Help the liver

    Cleansing detox diets actively include tangerine zest, which helps remove toxins from the liver. The zest, stimulating digestion, allows you to get rid of increased metabolism, strengthens immune functions, protecting the body from premature aging.

  4. Improves digestion

    Fragrant tea with tangerine zest will help with disorders intestinal tract, relieving nausea and vomiting.

  5. For stress

    Essential oils of the orange fruit have been used since ancient times to relieve nervous disorders. A warm cup of tangerine tea will have a relaxing effect and calm your nerves.

  6. For colds

    Tea made from the peel has the presence high readings antioxidants that promote rapid recovery during seasonal diseases accompanied by cough and runny nose. It quickly removes mucus from the respiratory tract, preventing it from accumulating in the lungs.

  7. For stomach ulcers

    The benefit of tangerine peel also lies in the fact that it can suppress Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which cause stomach ulcers.

  8. For obesity

    The white veins of tangerine peels are used to treat obesity. In their chemical composition includes the substance nobiletin, which helps remove accumulated fat deposits not only in the muscles, but also in the blood vessels.

    Prepared gruel from fruit zest, which is applied to problem areas of the skin, will help in the fight against cellulite.

  9. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties

    In folk Chinese medicine The anti-inflammatory properties of the peel are used in the treatment of colds and diarrhea. With their help, they detoxify the liver, reducing blood sugar levels. Tangerine peel oil, having antibacterial properties, is an excellent antimicrobial and antifungal agent. traditional medicine. If you rub the fungus-affected areas with the peel 2 times a day, you can forget about the fungus. The substance gemperidin, which is part of the peel, helps cope with arthritis, relieving swelling and pain.

  10. Help for women's health

    Tangerine peel essential oil helps in treating acne problems. Cosmetologists actively use it to maintain the health of women's hair and skin. The oil has a relaxing and soothing effect on female body during a massage, and frozen cubes from a decoction of zest will return a radiant appearance to the skin.

    During pregnancy, infusions from the zest will help cope with the manifestations of vitamin deficiency.

Tangerine peels - contraindications

Tangerine peel can be harmful to people if:

IMPORTANT! Young children should be careful when introducing fruit and infusions from it into their diet. Excessive use it can be caused by diathesis.

In feudal China, "mandarins" were the name given to members of the highest nobility.

Among citrus trees, the tangerine tree is the most cold-resistant.

Due to the high concentration of essential oils, tangerine peel is used to flavor confectionery baked goods and alcoholic beverages.

In Southern California, the most popular spa treatments are those using tangerine peel.

In the 70s, the symbol of the New Year was fragrant, bright tangerine balls. Everyone associated their aroma with the New Year holidays. Green Christmas trees were decorated with orange fruits, delighting the children.

Various unexpected foods can add flavor to different dishes. But many housewives often do not know about their culinary properties and sometimes even throw them away. Just such products include the zest of various citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, kumquats, etc. Such plant materials also help to cope with many health disorders. Let's talk in a little more detail about what tangerine zest is, the benefits and harms of it, discuss its use, and also give proven recipes with tangerine zest.

Not the entire tangerine peel is considered the zest itself, but its very upper layer– painted in bright color. It is orange in color and has a sweet and sour taste with a slight pleasant bitterness.

When will tangerine zest be useful? What is its use?

Most often, the zest is recommended to be used in cooking - fresh or dried. In most cases, it is used as a natural flavoring; this product can also replace salt, ketchup, and mayonnaise. Using this supplement helps reduce calorie intake.

The aromatic and healing qualities of tangerine peel allow it to be used in the preparation of salads, baked goods, and various drinks, including lemonades. In addition, amazingly tasty candied fruits are prepared with it.

Tangerine zest is used to prepare essential oils, and various medicines are already prepared on their basis.

This product also has many medicinal qualities, it is widely used in folk medicine, and also as an excellent source of vitamin C and potassium.

Benefits of tangerine peel

Fresh tangerine zest can activate the production of digestive juice and stimulate the digestion and absorption of food. There is evidence that it helps cope with vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and bronchitis. As for the dried peel, it effectively calms the nervous system and prolongs the effect of painkillers quite well.

Traditional medicine specialists advise preparing a tincture based on the zest that thins phlegm and helps eliminate diseases of the upper respiratory tract. And infusions and decoctions of the peel of this fruit have antiemetic, antipyretic and astringent qualities.

Dried tangerine peel has a calming effect, while fresh peel reduces fever. In addition, such plant raw materials remarkably improve the immune system and activate the body’s defenses. The zest has toning qualities and aphrodisiac properties.

There is evidence that consuming tangerine peel helps cope with increased swelling due to its ability to optimize the water-salt balance in the body. Also this natural medicine perfectly removes excess “bad” cholesterol from the body.

Is tangerine zest dangerous? What harm does it cause?

Tangerine zest can cause allergic reactions. In addition, such a product active use may harm those patients who suffer from excessive acidity of digestive juice and inflammatory lesions of the digestive tract.

What dishes can be decorated with tangerine zest? What interesting recipes are there with it?

Tea with tangerine zest

Using tangerine zest, you can prepare a surprisingly tasty drink - tea. Brew one teaspoon of crushed dry peels with a glass of boiling water. Leave for ten minutes, then strain. Take this drink several times a day, sweeten it with sugar or honey.

To prepare tea with tangerine peels, you can add crushed raw materials to your favorite tea leaves. This supplement is especially interesting when combined with bergamot tea.

Mandarin zest jam

To prepare tasty and aromatic jam, you need to prepare three hundred and fifty grams of fresh tangerine skins, a couple of glasses of sugar, fifty milliliters of tangerine juice (it needs to be squeezed out of a medium fruit). In addition, use one and a half teaspoons of salt, a couple of liters of water and half a teaspoon of citric acid.

Grind the peels into small pieces. Fill them with water and leave for ten minutes. Then drain the water. Fill the prepared crusts with a liter of water, add salt and simmer over low heat for an hour. Next, drain the water and rinse the crusts with cold water. To prepare the syrup, heat a liter of water over medium heat, add sugar to a saucepan and bring the liquid to a boil. Pour tangerine skins into boiling syrup. Once boiling, reduce heat to low and simmer for two hours, stirring occasionally. Turn off the heat and cool the future jam.

Heat the cold mass over low heat, squeeze the juice of one tangerine into it, boil for another fifteen minutes, remembering to stir. Pour citric acid into the container, stir and boil for another ten minutes. Watch carefully so that the jam does not burn. The finished sweet can be rolled into jars or eaten fresh.

Cake with tangerine peels

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare a glass of dried crushed tangerine peels, a glass of sugar, a glass of milk, two hundred grams of soft butter, four chicken eggs and a glass of flour. Also use a teaspoon of baking soda and a little vinegar to extinguish. To prepare the cream, you will need five hundred grams of sour cream and a glass of sugar.

Combine tangerine peels with sugar, pour a glass of boiling water, stir and leave until cool. Stir in soft mixture butter. After cooling completely, beat four eggs into a container and add flour and soda slaked with vinegar. Mix well and bake as one or two layers. If you baked one cord, cut it in the middle into two equal parts.

Mix sugar with sour cream, place two thirds of the cream in the refrigerator. Brush the remaining portion onto the hot cakes. And after the cake has cooled, apply the rest of the cream on it. Insist ready dish All night in the refrigerator, so it will be truly delicious.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine experts claim that tangerine peel perfectly treats a variety of health problems. So it can be used for mastitis therapy, including purulent. To prepare such a medicine, you need to combine one hundred grams of licorice zest and twenty grams of licorice root. Grind thoroughly, add four hundred milliliters of water and cook over low heat for half an hour. Strain the finished medicine and drink it in two doses a day. It is also worth using this decoction to apply lotions to a hardened area of ​​the chest.
For cleaning joints Traditional medicine experts recommend preparing a special tea: combine a teaspoon of finely chopped tangerine peel with the same amount of currant leaves. Brew a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take the prepared drink half an hour before your meal. Take it three times a day, and prepare the tea again for each drink. The duration of such therapy is one to three months.
For inflammation of the bronchi healers recommend brewing three tablespoons of crushed dried zest with four hundred milliliters of boiling water. After two hours, strain the finished medicine, sweeten it with high-quality honey in the amount of two tablespoons. Take the prepared drink one hundred milliliters four times a day, warming it up a little before taking it.
To strengthen the immune system and prevent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections you need to combine a couple of tablespoons of chopped fresh zest with two hundred milliliters of vodka. Leave for a week, then strain. Take twenty drops three times a day, dissolving in small quantity water. It is best to take it twenty minutes before a meal.

Tangerines - the benefits and harms of exotic fruits

An amazing exotic fruit - tangerine. Bright orange, sweet and sour, with a wonderful refreshing aroma. It is not only tasty, but also very beneficial for our body. The pulp, juice, veins and even the skin have a number of healing properties.

Tangerine chemistry

The benefits of tangerines are due to the presence in them of a whole “bouquet” of vitamins, macro- and microelements, phytoncides, acids, pectins, essential oils and other biologically active substances.

There is a lot of vitamin C in these fruits. To satisfy daily requirement For the body to contain ascorbic acid, it is enough to eat 2 medium-sized tangerines a day.

Vitamins of group B, as well as PP, K, E, D, and carotene are available. The fruit is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Its pectins have a delicate effect on the intestines, improving peristalsis and peripheral circulation.

The phytoncides of the southern fruit perfectly restore natural immunity, protecting the body from pathogenic microbes.

Tangerines are a very juicy fruit. They consist of 85% water, which is easily absorbed by the body, so these citrus fruits are an excellent thirst quencher.

Tangerine benefits

What effect do these sunny fruits have on the body? The benefits of tangerines lie in their ability to:

This fruit belongs to the category of citrus fruits. There are tangerines on almost every New Year's table. The benefits and harms of a fruit depend on the quality and quantity of fruit consumed.

Of course, since childhood, everyone is accustomed to celebrating New Year with the smell of Christmas tree and tangerines. This has become a tradition for Russian people. And in everyday life we ​​often use this sweet and healthy fruit. Children especially love it, as it is easy to peel and is not so sour compared to other representatives of citrus crops (orange, lemon, grapefruit, etc.). Also very often, the pulp of the fruit is used to prepare various confectionery dishes. These are juices, cocktails, pies, sweet desserts, ice cream and others. This is due to the affordability and high quality characteristics of the product.

A large number of ascorbic acid, which tangerines are rich in, is undoubtedly beneficial. And harm from this property can only be caused if the quantity is abused, since there is an excess of vitamin C in the body. In addition, tangerines contain various biologically active substances: magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin P and others .

It should be noted that tangerines are good and bad for human body. But unique properties possesses not only the pulp of the fruit, but also the peel. For example, the benefits of tangerine peels help in the treatment various diseases. The most common recipe using the rind is to grind the dried rind and add it to any dish. Effectively helps in the treatment of flatulence and dysbacteriosis. For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, brew 1 tablespoon of tangerine powder in 1 glass of boiling water and take half a glass 2-3 times daily, about 30-40 minutes before eating.

To normalize work nervous system tea with the addition of tangerine peel or juice is used. Ideal for treating coughs, removing phlegm, improving digestion, and increasing appetite in children.

Many people wonder: what are the benefits of tangerines? Try cooking alcohol tincture from crushed peel. To do this, take 2 teaspoons of crushed peel and pour a glass of vodka or 40% alcohol. The exposure time is at least 1 week, after which strain the tincture and take 20 drops, after dissolving them in half a glass of water. The recipe is used for dry cough that does not respond to drug treatment.

It is also advisable to lubricate the nail plates and the skin around them with fresh tangerine peel if they are infected with a fungus.

Of course, we should note all the qualities that tangerines have. Benefit and harm are relative concepts. For example, the harm lies in the fact that if a person is prone to allergic reactions, a rash and skin irritation may appear. This is especially true for children who are sensitive to allergenic products nutrition. Consume tangerines in moderation.

It is also recommended to exclude from the diet or significantly reduce the consumption of fruit for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, increased acidity gastric juice, gastritis). This is due to the fact that tangerines contain a large amount of citric acid, which has an irritating effect on the walls of the digestive tract.

When consuming the peel, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of the area in which the fruit was grown, since it is often in the peel that harmful nitrates and various chemical substances. Therefore, tangerines are beneficial and harmful in equal proportions; when consuming, take into account the structural features of the body and others external factors that directly affect health. Also pay great attention to the choice of fruit: inspect it appearance, condition and color of the peel, fruit density.

Benefits of tangerine peels

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Don't throw away tangerine peels!

Historically, we have associated tangerines with the wonderful New Year holiday since childhood. They are beautiful, tasty, aromatic, and also very healthy. Small Orange sun lifts the mood with its appearance, color, and aroma - cheerful, warm, sweet. A healing properties tangerine essential oils are incredibly extensive. The oil has an antiseptic, calming and tonic effect, softens irritability, has a mild hypnotic effect, lowers blood pressure in hypertension, optimizes blood circulation in tissues, promotes complete digestion, and prevents accumulation excess weight, increases resistance and protective properties body, eliminates the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. When inhaling the aroma, the body's energy reserves are restored, weakness and fatigue are eliminated as if by hand, metabolism and digestion are improved. To have a healing aroma hover around the house, you can periodically add a few drops to the aroma lamp or plant a tangerine tree. Three to five tangerines a day - excellent prevention intestinal infections, food poisoning and indigestion. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by diarrhea, fresh tangerines and juice are very useful. 10 - 20 drops of bitter tincture from tangerine peel 15 - 30 minutes before meals increase appetite and improve digestion. Tangerines do not contain nitrates, but they are filled with vitamins C, D and vitamin K, which is responsible for elasticity blood vessels. Tangerines improve metabolism, remove excess liquid, make you burn fat, while they themselves are low-calorie products: 100 g of pulp contains on average 42 kcal - no more than a cucumber! 3-4 tangerines a day will become a barrier against colds and flu. They are rich in bioflavonoids, which promote the absorption of ascorbic acid. Render expectorant effect for bronchitis and tracheitis infusions and decoctions of dry peel in water (1:10). To cleanse the lungs of mucus, it is recommended to drink a glass of tangerine juice every morning. Tangerine juice is a good thirst quencher high temperature. 3 tbsp. spoons of dry tangerine peels, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Drink half a glass warm 4 times a day for colds, bronchitis. Grind 100 g of tangerine peel and 20 g of licorice root thoroughly, add 2 glasses of water, simmer for 30 minutes over low heat, strain, divide the liquid into 2 parts and drink morning and evening. The decoction has an anti-inflammatory effect, helping, in particular, for mastitis. Decoction of tangerine peels helps reduce blood sugar levels. The peels of 3 fruits are boiled for 10 minutes. in 1 liter of water. The decoction should be kept unstrained in the refrigerator and taken daily. Fresh Juice kills some fungi– You should repeatedly rub the juice from the slice or peel into the affected areas.

Orange beauty

Tangerine mania has begun, hurray!)

This year the feeling of the New Year came much earlier than usual. Probably because the first snow fell early in St. Petersburg and for the first time in many years it did not melt, but lies and makes us happy ❄ I really love tangerines and always look forward to the tangerine season.By the way, a quick question - what do you do with tangerine peels?

No, no, don’t tell me you’re throwing tangerine “skins” into the trash! Do not do that! They have so many uses around the house!

Let's count how you can use tangerine peel:

✔ Dried and ground crusts are used as a flavoring for baked goods and drinks. To do this, you need to collect the tangerine peels and dry them thoroughly in a dehydrator. After which the crusts must be ground in a coffee grinder into powder. That's all. Now tasty and healthy tangerine powder can be added to your favorite drinks (for example, when you brew tea or compote baby), and also added to muffins and cookies. They acquire a delightful tangerine smell - the smell of the New Year.

✔The dried crusts can be put in a jar of tea - after a while it will acquire a wonderful smell and you will have a strong feeling that you are drinking tea with tangerines.

✔Very tasty candied fruits are made from tangerine peels. To do this, the tangerine peel must be cut into small slices about 3-4 cm in size. And dry the slices in a dehydrator. They can also be added to baked goods. When the crusts dry, they will become much smaller in size, keep this in mind.

✔Tangerine peel tincture improves digestion and increases appetite. In order to prepare a tincture of tangerine peel, you need to pour hot boiled water into the peel in a decanter and leave it overnight. You can take the tincture in the morning. Take it 1/2 glass before meals.

✔A decoction and infusion of tangerine peels is used for colds, it acts as an expectorant for tracheitis and bronchitis, and helps reduce blood sugar levels.

✔ “Japanese trick”: dried tangerine peels, placed in a plastic mesh, are steamed in a hot bath and washed with them on the body. Triple benefits - massage, aroma and vitamins for the skin. Japanese women know what they are doing 😉

✔Dried tangerine peels are used in linen closets to prevent moths. Just lay out the peels of tangerines in the closet and in addition to the delicious New Year's smell, you will also receive the benefit of being moth-free.

I really like this way of using tangerine peels - I dry the peels in a dehydrator and then add the peels to Herb tea. The tea smells delicious afterwards.

Since we are talking about tangerine peel today, let's talk about the benefits of tangerines themselves.

What are the benefits of tangerines?

  1. This is one of the richest vitamin A citrus fruits (681 IU/100 g). In terms of this parameter, oranges (247 IU/100 g), lemon (22 IU/100 g) or pomelo (8 IU/100 g) cannot keep up with it. In terms of the content of this substance, tangerines are second only to grapefruits in their benefits (1150 IU/100 g).
  2. The benefit of tangerine for the human body lies in its phytoncidal effect. Tangerine juice can kill germs in the human body, such as chlamydia.
  3. The benefits of tangerines for the beauty, facial skin and hair of not only women, but children and men are also undeniable. By eating tangerines, you will soon notice how your skin will acquire a fresh shine, become smooth and elastic. This is due to the fact that citrus fruit contains a large amount of antioxidants that protect against the effects of ultraviolet rays and free radicals. Wrinkles may also be reduced, especially if you consume tangerine fruit not only as food, but also as an ingredient in nourishing masks.
  4. Include tangerines in your diet. There are benefits for the heart and kidneys, since the fruit is an additional immunostimulant, citrus fruits have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension. Stones and sand are expelled from the kidneys.
  5. Sweet tangerines will also benefit your intestines. When eating fruits, the digestive process is normalized, and thereby inflammation of the intestinal tract is reduced and dysbacteriosis is cured.
  6. There are benefits of tangerines for diabetes mellitus. The fruit lowers blood sugar levels: it contains valuable components.

In general, both the tangerines themselves and their peel are total benefit for the body. Don't miss the season!

Friends, health to you! Another selection useful information wellness plan for you. The overseas fruit tangerine, which is present in abundance on our shelves just as winter approaches, is very useful both in slices and in peels. Therefore, I recommend washing and drying the crusts, and then, throughout the year, using them for various problems.

Please note that we only take Abkhazian tangerines for harvesting, which have not undergone any processing! Not glossy ones from Morocco and other countries where cultivation is on stream, but only seasonal ones from Abkhazia, grown in natural conditions.

Preparing and drying tangerine peels

There is no science here, everything is extremely simple - before peeling the tangerine, we rinse it in warm water, rather to remove dust and sweet streaks, if any.

As you eat the purchased tangerines, put the peels on the windowsill or any other convenient dry place. Dried tangerine peels are hard and do not bend. These can already be collected in a fabric bag and stored in a dry place. If you are concerned about pests, you can store it in the refrigerator.

Tangerine peels for the prevention of ARVI

It was not for nothing that nature gave us tangerines late autumn. At this time, things get worse viral infections, which the peel of this fruit will help protect against. The crusts contain essential oil, which is what we will extract for the benefit of the body. Active ingredients in the crusts there are terpene hydrocarbons, there are many of them and they all affect our body to one degree or another. I see no point in describing them in detail.

Most the best option- adding peels to your tea. Terpenes are released in hot water, the crust swells, the walls of the capsules burst and essential oils easily escape into the water. Tea can be black or green, there is no difference, the main thing is that it is hot.

By inhaling the aroma of essential oils you will perform mini inhalations of the respiratory system, plus by introducing terpenes with tea you will get an effect from the inside on the body. However, you must understand that brewed tangerine peels are not as effective as powdered ones.

Infusion of tangerine peels with vodka- also a very common practice. Terpenes are excellent in alcohol-containing liquids, dissolving in them and adding valuable qualities to them. Helps strengthen the immune system. I usually grind dry peels in a coffee grinder and take 5 tablespoons of powder per 500 ml of vodka. I insist for two weeks and you can use it.

Take a teaspoon per 50 ml of water before meals. If the stomach reacts, then during a meal, or immediately after. I highly recommend this therapy! I also know that they make moonshine with tangerine peels, but it is important to understand the dosage and not drink it, but take it in portions.

Olive oil maceratetangerine oil dissolves perfectly in vegetable oils and here, of course, the favorite is refined olive oil for frying. Why exactly this? I have already written more than once that refined olive oil has no value in itself, but it very well absorbs minerals and substances from the herbs and products that are infused in it. Thus, we have already filled oil with incredible benefits. Plain extra virgin olive oil cannot do this.

So, for 500 ml of olive oil we also take 5 tablespoons of tangerine peels crushed into powder. Let it sit for two weeks and season our dishes with this oil; I like to add this oil to my morning porridge. You can dress salads. There are a lot of benefits, the effect is cumulative. What is important here is regularity and intention, a healing mindset.

In what other cases can you take tangerine peel?

In addition to prevention colds tangerine peel can also be taken for the treatment of mastitis. Mix 5 tablespoons of crushed powder with one tablespoon of powdered licorice root, add olive oil for frying, leave for two weeks, and then apply compresses to the chest area where mastitis is found.

At the same time, drink a decoction of water inside in the same proportions, with the same ingredients. Bring to a boil, simmer for 15 minutes, then remove from heat, wait until it cools and drink during the day between meals.

Joint cleansing drink: good action The condition of the joints is affected by taking an infusion of a teaspoon of tangerine peel powder and a teaspoon of currant leaf powder. The volumes are indicated for a glass of boiling water, pour in and let it brew, drink the entire volume warm at once. The course of administration is 28 days, drink a glass at a time, between meals, in addition to this, do not drink any teas or coffee. You can use plain water.

During use, the condition of the joints will improve significantly. Courses can be conducted on a regular basis, especially for those over 40.

For a lazy stomach: tangerine peel powder activates digestion processes, so its use is recommended for those who have a problem with low acidity. You can simply sprinkle powder on your food, for example, porridge or a main dish. The optimal portion is half a teaspoon per meal.

Observe your feelings, listen to yourself. It is likely that within a couple of days you will notice an improvement in your stomach function.


Tangerine peels containing essential oils have a beneficial effect on general state body, stimulate metabolic processes in tissues, improve stomach function. Store the peel of Abkhazian tangerines in autumn and winter and use throughout the year.