What foods are based on blood type? Diet according to blood type: what is good for a hunter is harmful for a nomad

Every person's blood belongs to one of 4 groups. Not everyone knows that belonging to one of them determines a person’s predisposition to certain diseases and affects the absorption of food. Products that are contraindicated for some people will benefit others. The blood type diet for weight loss was developed on the basis of information about the historical origin and initial predisposition of a person to better assimilate a particular food.

The method has no contraindications and allows you to effectively lose weight. About food that is best to eat when available certain group blood, the benefits and harms of foods, and the speed of weight loss with the help of a diet, we’ll talk further. The first connection between blood type and food absorption was discovered by the American doctor Peter D'Adamo. The man was treating patients and noticed that some products have a beneficial effect on the health of some people, while others are absorbed much worse. Continuing the study, the doctor discovered that patients with different predispositions to food have different blood. The man turned to history and managed to connect the differences in ancient people’s living conditions and diet with their blood type.

Scientists have found that at first the inhabitants primitive world had one blood group - 1. It is still widespread on Earth. Ancient man ate exclusively meat, and his body was adapted to digest only this product.

With the development of civilization, other groups of people began to appear on Earth:

  • pastoralists,
  • nomads,
  • farmers.

The human diet has undergone significant changes. The body has managed to adapt to digesting other types of food. Vitamins contained in plant foods began to strengthen the human immune system. Disease resistance has increased. However, the predisposition to certain foods remained.

Note! Dr. D'Adamo divides food according to blood type into 3 types: healthy foods that do not affect the digestive system and harmful ones. The diet takes into account the characteristics of the owners different types blood and prescribes the consumption of foods that have a positive effect on the immune system.

According to D'Adamo's theory, to lose weight and maintain health, you need to eat the food of your ancestors. It is better absorbed and brings more benefits. Based on the scientist’s findings, a diet was developed that took into account the characteristics of the digestive system of different people.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

Home negative trait diet is its slow effect on the body. If a person wants to try losing weight based on blood type in practice, then he must remember in advance that the diet will not give quick results. Using this method you cannot lose weight in 1-3 months. Eating foods that are beneficial for blood type cannot continue for a certain period of time. It won't do any good. For the effect to become noticeable, you must follow the diet constantly.

Note! If a girl begins to constantly eat foods that match her blood type, she will notice an improvement general condition body. Stomach problems will disappear and metabolism will improve. The diet will help normalize the functioning of the immune system.

Nutrition according to blood type has a healing effect on the human body. The diet will not only help you lose weight, but also strengthen your immune and digestive systems.

Diet for blood type 1

Having thought about how to choose a diet based on blood type, a woman must find out exactly which category she belongs to. Otherwise, the diet will have no effect. Owners 1 negative or positive group blood, according to Dr. D'Adamo, were hunters in ancient times and were the first people to appear on Earth. The basis of the group's diet was meat.

Note! Descendants of hunters must adhere to the diet of their ancestors. Eating foods high in animal protein will benefit their health. They will improve the functioning of the immune system.

Owners of blood type 1 have a strong digestive system. However, this does not save them from a predisposition to gastritis. The disease is caused by increased acidity gastric juice. Hunters have difficulty digesting food that goes beyond their usual diet. In order for the blood type diet to bring results, the consumption of healthy foods should be combined with exercise.

Owners of blood group 1 who decide to follow a diet should give preference in nutrition to:

  • red meat,
  • fish,
  • liver,
  • leafy greens,
  • olive oil.

A protein mono diet can harm the body if it does not receive the necessary microelements and vitamins that are required to strengthen the immune system. Hunters can make up for the lack of required substances by eating sprouted grains, figs and prunes. The blood type diet, although it takes into account the eating habits of ancestors, presupposes a balanced diet.

According to the ancestral diet, hunters should not consume:

  • food containing gluten
  • milk and products made from it with high fat content,
  • legumes

The foods slow down your metabolism, don't benefit your immune system, and can lead to weight gain. Hunters should avoid eating foods that are too salty or fermentable. According to the diet of our ancestors from apple juice should also be abandoned. Owners of 1 blood will benefit from tea made from rose hips or mint. The drink will strengthen the immune system, protect against viruses and help normalize stomach function.

Detailed table for owners of blood type 1:

Name Allowed Neutral Prohibited
Meat and fish Mutton,


Sea fish Som,



Milk products None Oil,
Vegetables Greenery, Cabbage,




Fruits Figs,




Beverages Herbal drinks Wine Black tea,

Diet for blood type 2

Blood type appeared when people began to engage in agriculture and began to eat plant foods. 38% of the world's inhabitants are blood group 2.

According to the diet of the ancestors, the basis of the diet of farmers is:

Consumption of the products will have positive influence on the body and normalizes metabolism. The digestive system of farmers is hardy and not prone to disease if fed properly. New foods are well absorbed.

Note! According to the diet, it is better for farmers to completely exclude meat from the diet.

Consumption should be reduced to a minimum:

  • milk,
  • mango,
  • citrus fruits,
  • potatoes,
  • melon,
  • bananas

Foods prohibited by diet slow down metabolism and lead to weight gain. Excessive consumption of meat and milk can lead to diabetes mellitus. To avoid problems, you should carefully monitor your diet and stick to a diet.

Detailed table for owners of blood type 2:

Name Allowed Neutral Prohibited
Meat and fish None Chicken All other types of meat


Fish that is not prohibited for consumption Herring,


Milk products None Yogurt,

Goat milk

All other products that are not neutral
Vegetables Carrot, Vegetables not included in the list of prohibited consumption Tomato
Fruits A pineapple, Fruits that are not included in the prohibited section Melon,


Beverages Coffee,

Red wine,

Herbal drinks

Black tea,


Diet for blood group 3

Owners of blood group 3 are descendants of nomadic tribes. They are able to eat and assimilate any food, the nomads’ body is unpretentious, the immune system resists diseases well, and the stomach is easily able to digest unusual food. However, owners of blood type 3 may suffer from individual lactose intolerance.

Note! Although the body of nomads has endurance and the ability to effectively digest unusual foods, the immune system of those with a blood type is less resistant than others to the effects of rare, unstable viruses. Following a diet will help protect the human body from diseases.

Nomads will benefit from:

  • meat,
  • fish,
  • cereals,
  • vegetables,
  • fruits.

The body of nomads reacts neutrally to alcohol, chicken, nuts and pork, but you should not abuse them.

Nomads who stick to a diet should avoid:

  • wheat,
  • buckwheat,
  • tomatoes,
  • corn.

Nomads are rarely prone to obesity. If blood type owners do not need to lose weight, the diet will be useful for promoting health and maintaining immunity.

Detailed table for representatives of 3 blood groups:

Name Allowed Neutral Prohibited
Meat and fish Mutton, All types of meat except those that are prohibited for consumption Chicken,
Sturgeon, All other fish that are not prohibited for consumption shellfish,


Milk products Yogurt, Dairy products that are not prohibited Ice cream
Vegetables Leafy greens All vegetables not on the prohibited list Corn,
Fruits Banana, Fruits that are not included in the prohibited section Persimmon,
Beverages Drinks not classified as prohibited Drinks containing alcohol


Diet for blood group 4

People belonging to group 4 have the most rare blood. Only 7% of humankind are carriers of this mysterious type. The group appeared as a result of mixing 1 and 2 types of blood. Scientists conventionally call the owners of species 4 citizens.

Those with blood type 4 according to their ancestral diet should consume:

  • fish,
  • milk and products made from it,
  • fruits,
  • greenery,
  • dry red wine.

The diet of city residents must be balanced. It must contain vitamins and minerals. To avoid diseases, you must adhere to a diet.

To strengthen the immune system, the following should be removed from the diet of city residents:

  • red meat,
  • buckwheat,
  • mushrooms,
  • mango,
  • beans,
  • wheat,
  • corn.

City dwellers have weak digestive and immune systems. They get sick often. For this reason, they should carefully monitor their diet and follow a diet. However, blood type owners easily adapt to rapidly changing conditions and know how to adapt to new things.

Detailed table for owners of blood group 4:

Name Allowed Neutral Prohibited
Meat and fish Mutton, Meat that is not prohibited for consumption Pork,


Pike, All other fish that are not prohibited for consumption Halibut,


Milk products Yogurt, Products not classified as prohibited Ice cream
Vegetables Beet,



All vegetables that are not prohibited for consumption Olives,
Fruits Kiwi, Fruits that are not prohibited for consumption Mango,


Beverages Drink made with herbs Not related to the prohibited section Black tea,


The dietary menu for those with blood group B is considered universal. The diet includes all types of foods without any special restrictions. The Rh factor has virtually no effect on the creation of a daily diet. A diet for a week has been developed. During this time, excess weight is lost and metabolic processes are stabilized.

Effect on metabolic processes in the body

Representatives rare group blood are considered omnivores. The daily menu is based on the presence of any food of animal and plant origin. The exception is certain types of products.

Owners of 3 blood groups are different good health. The digestive system rarely malfunctions. Metabolism may be disrupted due to the consumption of certain types of legumes and grains. Fried foods and too fatty meats negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas. The result is a slowdown metabolic processes, which can cause diseases.

  • We prepare meat dishes. We give preference to rabbit, venison, and lamb. Beef is considered neutral, but eating it is not prohibited.
  • We choose low-fat dairy products.
  • The egg can be consumed daily - up to 6 times a day.
  • We eat more vegetables. Meat goes well with vegetable side dish. We give preference to all types of cabbage, beets, carrots, parsnips, bell peppers, eggplants, and herbs.
  • From the list of seafood, black caviar and some types of fish are allowed, such as salmon, pike, flounder, mackerel.
  • It is better to cook food with olive or flax oil.
  • We eat more fruits, mainly citrus fruits, cherries, bananas, pineapple, cranberries.
  • Traditionally, we choose green tea varieties. It has a tonic effect and acts as an antioxidant. In addition, we drink juices from permitted fruits, water with lemon, black tea, and coffee.
  • As for alcoholic beverages, you are allowed to drink a little beer or wine.

If you are new to the diet for blood type 3, carefully read the list of permitted and prohibited foods.

The impact of the Rh factor on menu planning

The Rh factor of B-blood owners has virtually no effect on their diet. Carriers of blood group B(-) are more likely to suffer from possible diseases than representatives of blood group B (+). Therefore, the first thing you need to do is completely abandon foods that inhibit the functioning of the pancreas, namely:

The latter can afford relaxations in their diet, but they still shouldn’t abuse it.

By adhering to dietary nutrition, owners of any Rh factor can balance their daily diet. This will improve the metabolic process and reduce the risk of serious illnesses.

To maintain the pancreas, representatives of blood group 3 need to have snacks between main meals. The stomach should not feel hungry for a long period of time.

Dividing products into groups

Diet food developer D-Adam divided products into 3 groups according to criteria of value for the body:

1.Healthy foods, which do not interfere with the food processing process. Due to them, the functioning of the digestive system is stabilized and metabolism is normalized:

  • meat from the permitted list;
  • maritime and River fish;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • olive oil;
  • soya beans;
  • greens, mainly parsley;
  • vegetable crops;
  • fruits;
  • green tea, coffee, juices, decoctions.

2.Neutral products, which do not affect the functioning of the body in any way:

  • meat products:
    • ground meat;
    • liver;
    • salo.
  • River fish:
    • carp;
    • perch;
  • whole milk;
  • butter;
  • almonds and walnuts;
  • legumes;
  • bakery products;
  • seasonings;
  • winter preparations;
  • mushrooms;
  • fruit:
    • blackberry;
    • gooseberry;
    • blueberry;
    • raspberries;
    • currant.

3.Negative Products, which are difficult to process, releasing toxic substances. Undigested food remains in the body in the form of fat deposits:

  • meat products:
    • pork;
    • duck;
    • ham;
    • sausages.
  • fish products:
    • seaweed;
    • crustaceans;
    • acne.
  • ice cream;
  • peanut, corn, sunflower oil;
  • hazelnuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds;
  • cereals:
    • pearl barley;
    • buckwheat;
    • barley
  • corn and rye flour;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise, cinnamon;
  • potatoes, radishes, tomatoes;
  • fruit:
    • avocado;
    • barberry;
    • olives.

To products that promote rapid decline weights include: young red meat, licorice, vegetables, boiled liver, egg.

Products, especially increasing body weight: buckwheat, corn, soft wheat, peanuts and lentils.

Refusal of products of categories 2 and 3 will allow you to cleanse the intestines and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Seven-day diet for weight control

The diet for blood group 3 is considered especially useful. Representatives of blood group B will be able to diversify their diet. The optimal ratio of animal and plant food saturates the body essential vitamins and microelements.

The digestive tract of owners of this blood type equally copes with proteins and carbohydrates of any origin. Unlike their predecessors, they are allowed sweets and flour products. In this case, it is necessary to correctly compare the products so that the body receives more benefits.

We will develop the menu as desired, taking into account the list of permitted products. Representatives of blood type B who are overweight need to focus on vegetables and fruits. If dietary nutrition is used to cleanse and maintain the body, you can include a wide variety of foods within reasonable limits.

During the period of weekly weight loss, a person does not experience an urgent need for favorite foods and no discomfort. Balanced diet saturates the body with energy reserves for the coming day.

Consider sample menu for a day


  • on the first day, boil a couple of eggs;
  • the egg can be combined with a sandwich flavored with butter;
  • Next we prepare breakfast, alternating dishes:
  • Green tea or pineapple juice is recommended as drinks.

It is allowed to alternate dishes in any order. The main breakfast product should not exceed 300 grams.


  • the second meal may consist of one fruit or berries, for example, we eat to choose from green apple, orange, a handful of cherries or banana;
  • alternative option there will be a glass of juice from permitted fruits;
  • Instead of a sweet snack, you can prepare a small portion of a light vegetable salad.


  • First, let's prepare your choice:
    • champignon cream soup;
    • soup based on turkey by-products;
    • cream soup with asparagus cabbage;
    • mushroom soup.
  • for the second course, boil a piece of permitted meat or liver;
  • as a side dish we will prepare any vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil;
  • We finish the meal with rosehip infusion or green tea.

Be sure to follow the norm. The total volume of lunch food should not exceed 600 grams, in addition to drinks.

Afternoon snack:

  • The consumption of products based on fermented milk is allowed - up to 200 grams:
  • if you cannot tolerate milk, you can eat a few walnuts or drink a glass of apple juice with pulp.


Last appointment food will be based on fish or meat dishes. It is better to boil or stew the products. Total dinner serving – 400 grams:

  • You are allowed to eat up to 200 grams of meat or fish (it is better to alternate);
  • Serve a vegetable side dish: a portion of light salad. We give preference to Brussels sprouts;
  • We finish dinner with a glass carrot juice or herbal decoction.

As for alcohol, those with blood type 3 tolerate it well. But you still shouldn’t abuse it. Alcohol-containing products in large quantities will not bring any benefit! A glass of beer or a glass of natural wine with dinner is sometimes allowed.

Over a seven-day period, 1.5-3 kg of excess weight is lost. In a month of eating this way, you can lose 5-7 kilograms. The diet is considered completely safe.

There are no contraindications for dietary nutrition. It is possible to exclude from the diet foods that are not permitted for health reasons. Before you start losing weight, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Strengthening your diet. Frequency of dietary meals

Those with B-blood are, for the most part, energetic and active people due to their natural characteristics. They do not need to exert themselves physically while dieting. You can get mental relief by doing yoga.

If a representative of blood group 3 is obese, which is extremely rare, then during the period of “abstinence” from food it is necessary to engage in sports: light jogging, fitness, swimming, breathing exercises.

There are no restrictions on the frequency of the diet. This kind of nutrition is a lifestyle based on the consumption of proper food. Energetic representatives of this blood group may forget about food in the hustle and bustle. The seven-day diet can be used as a schedule for starting a meal. Lovers of fatty and fried foods need to have a fasting week at least once a month to stay in shape.

The body of representatives of blood group 3 absorbs almost all food. If you follow dietary nutrition In addition to losing excess weight, the body gains lightness and comfort. Additional energy appears. Those with blood type 3 are surprised to realize that you can lose weight by eating your favorite foods.

About a fifth of people on the planet (20%) have a third blood group. It appeared at a time when immigration was at its peak and when people began to domesticate animals en masse. It was then that they began to eat animal products, as well as meat.

Due to the fact that this blood group appeared in this way, almost any diet is suitable for it, and the Rh factor does not play a role here.

Despite the fact that in special diet There are some strict restrictions, but there are still fewer of them than in other groups. This is due to the fact that those with blood type III can easily adapt to changes in diet. Such people boast a strong immune and digestive system.

Healthy foods for people with blood group 3

The diet for the third blood group includes the consumption of the following foods:

  • meat: lamb, venison, lamb and rabbit meat;
  • seafood: sardine, flounder, salmon, monkfish, mackerel, sea bass, cod, pike and black caviar;
  • dairy and dairy products: goat milk, kefir, yoghurts, homemade cheese and cottage cheese, goat and sheep cheese;
  • olive oil;
  • baked goods made from rice flour;
  • cereals and cereals: millet, rice, oats and spelled;
  • legumes: dark beans, green beans, red soybeans and lima beans;
  • vegetables: eggplant, beets, cauliflower, yams, Brussels sprouts, yellow and green peppers;
  • fruits and berries: bananas, grapes, cranberries, plums, papaya and pineapple;
  • spices: horseradish, curry, ginger, parsley and cayenne pepper;
  • beverages: green tea, juices from grapes, cranberries and cabbage, as well as from pineapple and papaya;
  • herbal teas with the addition of rose hips, ginger, licorice, sage and ginseng.

These products are not only beneficial for people with blood type 3, but also help burn fat cells. By eating them constantly, you can forget about them forever. overweight and fat hanging from the sides.

Harmful foods for people with blood type 3

Meat: pigeon, goose, horse meat, partridge, chicken, quail, offal, hazel grouse, grouse, pork, bacon, ham, beef heart, duck, guinea fowl.

Fish and seafood: Arctic char, barracuda, beluga, gastropods, bivalves, rockfish, crab, lobster, octopus, striped bass, pollock, eel, snail, oysters, rainbow trout, brook trout, anchovy.

Dairy: cheese, ice cream, processed cheese, Swiss cheese.

Eggs: goose, quail, duck.

Legumes: cowpeas, chickpeas, chickpea shoots, soy milk, soy cheese, tempeh, tofu, spotted beans, black beans, green lentils, red lentils.

Nuts and seeds: peanuts and peanut paste, pine nuts, cashews and cashew paste, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, sunflower seed paste, pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed paste, tahini, pistachios, hazelnuts.

Cereals(cereals, flour, bread, pasta): amaranth, buckwheat and flakes, buckwheat flour, kamut, crushed wheat (couscous), corn, cornflakes, artichoke and Jerusalem artichoke flour and pasta, popcorn, wheat cereals and flakes, wheat flour and products made from it, wheat bran, rye flour, wild rice, sorghum, toffee.

Vegetables, greens, vegetable juices: aloe and aloe juice, artichoke, Greek and Spanish olives, green olives, black olives, radish shoots, tomatoes and tomato juice, rhubarb, radish, radish, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin.

Fruits and fruit juices: avocado, pomegranates, melon, coconut, coconut milk, prickly pear fruits, persimmon.

Vegetable oil: peanut butter, Castor oil, Coconut oil, corn oil, sesame oil, borage seed oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil.

Herbs and spices: allspice, cinnamon, juniper, ground pepper.

Seasonings, sauces, culinary additives: guarana, gelatin, carrageenan, ketchup, tomato sauce, corn starch, miso, soy sauce.

Sample diet menu for blood type 3

Breakfast: Rice porridge with apples - 250 g, Herb tea(St. John's wort, mint).

Lunch: Cream of mushroom soup (carrots, potatoes, mushrooms) - serving (250); salad of eggs, sardines, cheese, seasoned with olive oil or low-fat methane.

Dinner: Boiled beef with peppers and eggplants - 250 g.

Snacks: Vegetables (1 cucumber/1 carrot) or fruits (your choice) - 1-3 pieces.

Breakfast: Oatmeal- 250 g.

Lunch: Cream of broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower soup; fruit salad.

Dinner: Hare stew + side dish (rice with vegetables); green tea.

Snacks: Fruits (apricots, plums) - 1-5 pcs., prunes/dried apricots - 50 g.

Breakfast: Low-fat yogurt, 1 apple, berry juice.

Dinner: Mushroom soup with lightly fried vegetables; salad (beef, Chinese cabbage, cucumber, cilantro).

Dinner: Baked fish with boiled green beans - 250-300 g.

Snacks: Fruits.

☀ When planning your diet, be sure to leave time for exercise. You are recommended to engage in sports walking and running, swimming, tennis and, of course, yoga. Yoga is preferable in your case.

☀ Don’t be afraid to eat meat (mutton, venison, lamb, rabbit meat) and eggs. Thanks to the characteristics of the 3rd positive blood group, these products will not become a burden for you when forming a diet.

☀ Drink vitamins. Given your ban on buckwheat, corn and wheat, you will need additional sources of vitamins.

☀ Eat more greens. You can add it generously to soups and salads.

☀ Avoid carbonated drinks. Carbonated drinks can disrupt gastrointestinal processes

☀ But you shouldn’t give up beer or wine. Drinking these alcoholic beverages in small doses will have a beneficial effect on your diet.

Beware of the corn, buckwheat porridge and peanuts. These foods cause the greatest weight gain in people with the third blood group. Only in people with the third blood group, these products reduce the production of insulin and worsen the metabolism in the body. Which results in body fatigue, water retention and weight gain.

If you want to have healthy body and maintain optimal weight, then remove foods that need to be excluded from your diet. Namely corn, lentils, peanuts, buckwheat, wheat, tomatoes and pork. Exercise physical exercise, limit your fat intake and you will live a long and healthy life.

Physical activity for people with blood group 3

Psychological harmony and correct physical activity- the key to success for people, solving the problem for weight loss. Basically, sports that combine relaxing techniques and intense exercise are suitable for this blood type:

  • Elliptical trainer
  • Tennis

The fact that each person has his own blood type, there are exactly four of them, each group has a positive and Rh negative, heard everything. But not everyone knows that immunity, susceptibility to specific diseases, the functioning of the digestive tract, that is, our blooming appearance and slender silhouette may depend on this.

Are those losing weight interested? Then a little theory.

For the first time, the connection between blood composition and nutrition was established by American doctor Peter D’Adamo. Observing patients, he noticed beneficial or harmful effects on health, as well as the metabolism of various foods for people with different blood types. And I guessed to connect this with the living conditions of man in the process of evolution. Initially, everyone had the same blood type - first. And the food ancient man didn't offer much variety.

There is logic in this, but this diet has no scientific evidence base. However, it is a fairly balanced diet and can be followed on a long-term basis.

Primitive hunters ate mainly meat, their body did not know other food (milk, grains), and was adapted to digest meat. Later, farmers and cattle breeders appeared, whose diet was completely different. The second, third, and fourth groups appeared successively. For carriers of each of them, a different diet (vegetable, dairy) became optimal.

According to Dr. D'Adamo's theory modern people With a certain blood composition, it is most correct to eat food that was relevant for the ancestors at the time of the appearance of this particular group. As a result, the same products were divided into useful, harmful or neutral for representatives different groups. More about them below, but for now let’s look at the advantages or disadvantages of the proposed approach to nutrition. For it is difficult to call Dr. D’Adamo’s belief system a diet in the classical sense.


We hasten to please you - there are practically no contraindications! Perhaps individual intolerance to certain foods. But they can always be replaced with others - the choice is quite wide. In many “hard” diets (you will be interested in reading about them -), the list of substitutes is much shorter.

For some diseases, eating certain foods (recommended for you) can be harmful, and the absence of others ("harmful" for you) does not contribute to recovery. nutrients. For example, with hypertension or heart disease, the amount of meat should be limited even for people in group 1, where meat is the basis of the diet. On the contrary, in case of anemia or protein deficiency, meat cannot be excluded, even if dairy or plant foods are recommended to you.

In addition, a person’s condition changes with age. For example, osteoporosis develops, in which calcium is needed. Therefore, even “meat eaters” should not remove dairy dishes from the menu. Hence the conclusion - in case of illness, age-related changes following any diet - only after consulting a doctor! It is especially important for those with kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, and coronary artery disease.

There is also no data on the benefits of any diet for children or adolescents. To be fair, it should be noted that a set of well-known healthy dietary products is recommended for representatives of each group.

Diet according to blood group 1 (I)

I (or O by international classification) according to Dr. D’Adamo’s theory, belonged to hunters - the first people on Earth. It was formed about 30 thousand years ago. The basis of the hunters' diet was meat. It is assumed that the representatives of the others descended from the first as a result of natural selection. Nowadays, about a third of the world's population has the former.

According to the concept of blood nutrition, all “descendants of hunters” are prescribed a high-protein diet with a predominance of animal protein. This is red lean meat (lamb or beef), seafood, sea fish (especially fatty varieties), liver, and other offal. Red meat is a source of protein, iron, vitamin B, and many seafood are also excellent sources of iodine, which regulates thyroid function.

Vegetables should be leafy, as well as broccoli and artichokes. Oil is best olive oil. The source of microelements important for a protein diet will be sprouted grains, walnuts, prunes, and figs. Dark red, blue and purple fruits tend to cause an alkaline reaction in the gastrointestinal tract, therefore neutralizing high acidity. They are allowed. Products with gluten (rye, oats, wheat), dairy (especially fatty foods), eggs, cabbage/cauliflower, legumes, and corn are contraindicated for hunters. All of them slow down metabolism and lead to weight gain.

Pickles are also not suitable, fermentative(for example, cabbage or apples), including juices from them. The best drinks for hunters are rosehip infusion or mint tea. In general, representatives of group I, as a rule, have a strong digestive tract, although they sometimes have gastritis due to increased acidity gastric juice.

But being conservative in nutrition, it is difficult to tolerate unusual food. They definitely need to combine proper diet with physical activity - without this, the diet will not bring results. A more complete list (allowed, neutral, prohibited) can be found in the table.

Table of products for diet group 1

Allowed Neutral Prohibited
Beef, lamb, veal, venisonAny meat except prohibited typesBacon, ham, goose, pork
Cod, herring, mackerelAny fish or seafood, except those prohibitedPickled herring, catfish, smoked salmon, caviar, octopus, scallops
Olive and linseed oilButter, Feta cheese, Mozzarella cheese, goat or soy milk cheeseAll other dairy products and yoghurts
Pumpkin seeds and walnutsRapeseed oil, sesame oilCorn, peanut, cottonseed and safflower oil
Spotted beanBarley, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, buckwheat flour, rye breadBrazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, pistachios, poppy seeds
Kale, greens, romaine lettuce, broccoli, spinachGrapefruit, most berriesLentils red and green
Artichoke, chicory, dandelion, garlic, horseradish, cabbage, leek, parsley, parsnip, red pepper, sweet, pumpkin, seaweed, turnipChocolate, honey, cocoaCorn, wheat (bulgur, durum, sprouted, white and other wheat, germ and bran), starch, oatmeal. Any foods such as flour, bread and noodles
Plums, prunes, figsWineCabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens
Kelp and seasonings based on it, iodized salt Alfalfa sprouts, shitake mushrooms, fermented olives
Parsley, curry, cayenne pepper Nightshades: eggplant, potatoes
Water and teas, including herbal ones Corn
Oranges, tangerines and strawberries, blackberries, rhubarb, melons
White and black pepper, vinegar, capers, cinnamon, cornstarch, corn syrup, nutmeg, vanilla
Ketchup, pickles, mayonnaise
Beer, coffee, black tea

Diet for blood group 2 (II)

II (or A) was formed about 20 thousand years ago among our ancestors with the development of agriculture. The food of farmers was mainly plant-based, so their “descendants” are more suitable for vegetarianism than others; about 38% of those on earth are.

The basis of their diet should be cereals, vegetable oils, cereals (gluten-containing - limit!), fruits (apricots, lemons, plums, figs, pineapples). It is better to exclude meat (especially red) completely, but fish and seafood will be beneficial. Vegetables are vital for people of group 2, providing minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants. They can be eaten raw, steamed or stewed.

Health problems and excess weight among “farmers” are expected due to dairy foods, which are poorly digestible and slow down metabolism, products made from wheat flour (gluten protein, which is abundant in wheat, reduces the effect of insulin), beans (difficult to digest due to for its high protein content). Tomatoes, potatoes, mushrooms, eggplants, and fruits such as melon, bananas, oranges and mangoes are not recommended. It is better to refrain from orange juice, as well as black tea and any carbonated drinks.

In general, the digestive system of “farmers” is quite hardy - provided proper nutrition. If you abuse meat and dairy products, there is a high risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. The right combination spices will be a powerful helper for the immune system. The exception is those whose acids cause irritation of the gastric mucosa: vinegar, pepper. Condiments such as ketchup and mayonnaise should be avoided, since representatives of the 2nd group have increased level Gastric acid.

A more complete list of foods (allowed, neutral, prohibited) for the diet can be found in the table.

Table of foods for blood group 2

Useful Neutral Prohibited
Carp, cod, sea bass, mackerel, red snapper, rainbow trout, salmon, sardines, sea trout, silver perch, whitefish, yellow perchChicken meatBeef, pork, lamb, veal, venison, duck, goose
Flaxseed oil, olive oilYogurt, Mozzarella and Feta cheeses, goat cheese, goat milk, kefir, ricottaAnchovies, beluga, catfish, caviar, shells, crabs, crayfish, eel, flounder, hake, halibut, herring, lobster, mussels, octopus, oysters, scallops, shrimp, squid
Peanuts, pumpkin seedsCod liver oilAll cheeses and milk, except neutral ones
Spotted beanWhite beans, green beansCorn, cottonseed, peanut, sunflower and sesame oil
Buckwheat, ryePearl barley, barley, rice, barley, oat and corn flakesBrazil nuts, cashews, pistachios
Soy and rye breads, rice cakes, flours (oat, rice, rye), noodles and pasta and rice or ryeCoriander, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla, bay leafBlack beans
Garlic, onion, broccoli, carrots, greens, pumpkin, spinach Semolina, corn, rye
Artichokes, chicory, greens, dandelion, horseradish, leeks, romaine, parsley, alfalfa sprouts, tofu, turnips Products made from semolina flour or durum wheat, muesli, grain bread, wheat flakes
Berries (blackberries, blueberries, cranberries), plums, prunes, figs, grapefruit, lemon Peppers, olives, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, all types of cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants, mushrooms
Pineapples, cherries, apricots Acidic vegetables, especially tomatoes
Soy sauce, garlic, ginger Melons, honeydew, mango, papaya, bananas, coconuts
Hawthorn, aloe, burdock, echinacea, green tea, red wine (1 glass/day) Orange, rhubarb, tangerines
Ginger tea, coffee (1 cup/day) Vinegar, pepper (black, cayenne, white), capers, gelatin
Ketchup, mayonnaise, pickles
Beer, sparkling water, black tea

Diet for group 3 (III)

Representatives of III (or B) are descendants of nomads who appeared about 10 thousand years ago with the beginning of mass migration of peoples.

Nomads are practically omnivores, their bodies are hardy and unpretentious. Although some may be intolerant to the lactose contained in milk. The diet for carriers of this group is the most balanced of all - meat, fish (especially sea fish), cereals (except wheat and buckwheat), and dairy products are suitable for “nomads”. And also almost any fruits and vegetables (except tomatoes, corn, melons).

Most nuts and seeds are not recommended, almost all legumes are prohibited or can be consumed in small quantity. Many grains are not recommended, for example rye contains lectin, which settles in vascular system, causing blood diseases, increases the likelihood of strokes. These foods contribute to a sluggish metabolism, fluid retention and fatigue.

Spices should be used with caution. It is better not to use pepper, cinnamon and gelatin, but ginger and curry have a warming effect.

Representatives of this type rarely need to lose weight; they most often need a diet to improve health and maintain immunity. Despite their flexibility and amazing endurance, modern “nomads” are not resistant to rare viruses and are susceptible to autoimmune diseases and often suffer from the syndrome chronic fatigue. A more complete list (allowed, neutral, prohibited) for the diet can be found in the table.

Products for blood group 3

useful Neutral Prohibited
Lamb, venison, rabbitBeef, ground beef, turkey, liver, vealChicken, duck, goose, partridge, quail, pork
Cod, salmon, flounder, halibut, trout, mackerel, sturgeonFlaxseed, cod liver oil, butterShellfish (crabs, shrimp, lobster, mussels, oysters, crayfish, clams, etc.), anchovy, beluga, eel, octopus, sea bass, snails, seaweed
Cottage cheese, Feta and Mozzarella cheese, yoghurts, milk, sour cream, curd cheeseAlmonds, walnutsIce cream
Olive oilPeas, green peas, white beans, green beansRapeseed, corn, cottonseed, peanut, safflower, sesame, sunflower oil
Millet, oatmeal (bran, flour), puffed rice, rice (bran, flour) Cashews, hazelnuts, pine, pistachios, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds
Wheat bread, rice cakes and waffles Black beans, spotted beans, lentils
Green leafy vegetables Wheat (bran, germ, bulgur, white and durum), semolina or any products such as flour, bread and noodles made from this grain
Pineapples Rye and any products made from this grain
Bananas, cranberries, grapes, papaya, plums Buckwheat, corn (corn flakes, corn flour) and products made from this grain
Ginger, horseradish, curry, cayenne pepper Barley, wild rice, couscous
Ginger, peppermint, raspberry leaf, rose hips, sage, green tea Bagels, baked goods, grain bread, rye bread
Ginseng Artichoke, avocado, corn, olives, pumpkin, radish, cabbage, tofu, tomato
Liquorice Coconuts, persimmons, pomegranates, prickly pear, rhubarb, carom
Barley malt sweeteners, corn syrup, corn starch, cinnamon
Allspice, almond extract, gelatin, pepper (black and white)
Ketchup, mayonnaise
Aloe, corn silk, fenugreek, gentian, hops, linden, mullein, red clover, rhubarb, shepherd's purse
Alcoholic drinks, sparkling water

Diet for blood group 4 (IV)

IV (or AB) is the youngest and most mysterious. It arose less than a thousand years ago as a result of a mixture of the first two groups, it is found in only 7% of the world's population, they can conditionally be called “city dwellers”. Both recommendations and prohibitions for “city dwellers” can be quite unexpected.

They are shown caviar, fish, all types of soybeans (especially tofu cheese), dry red wine, rice, dairy products, green fruits, and vegetables. Type 4 usually suffers from problems with gallbladder, so nuts should be eaten with caution. But permitted varieties of nuts will strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to eat lentils as they contain anti-cancer antioxidants.

You should abstain from red meat and meat products, mushrooms, buckwheat, beans, wheat, and corn. Tropical fruits are difficult to digest, but pineapple is a good helper stomach. Fruits rich in vitamin C can help fight stomach cancer.

Representatives of this group usually have a weak digestive tract, prone to cancer and nervous disorders. At the same time, they adapt well to constantly changing conditions. modern world. To maintain health, vitamins and microelements are vital for them.

If you want to lose weight, eat more rice instead of pasta. And fresh vegetables will be an important source of elements that fight cancer and prevent heart disease. Herbal teas are very useful for “city dwellers” - they increase immunity, prevent cardiovascular diseases and anemia. A little coffee won't hurt, but... alcoholic drinks have a negative impact. Full list can be seen in the table.

Table of foods for 4 blood groups

Useful Neutral Prohibited
Lamb, rabbit, turkeyPistachios, pine nutsBeef, chicken, duck, geese, pork, veal, venison, ham
Tuna, cod, sea bass, hake, mackerel, sea bass, pike, trout, sardines, sturgeon, caviar, salmon, pike perch, trout, pikePeas in any form, white beans, green beansAll shellfish, halibut, crustaceans, herring, eel and hake
Yogurt, kefir, low-fat sour cream, egg, mozzarella, goat cheese and milk, ricotta Blue cheese, brie, buttermilk, camembert, ice cream, parmesan, whole milk
Olive oil Oils: corn, cottonseed, safflower, sesame, sunflower
Peanuts, walnuts, poppy seeds Hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds
Lentils Black beans
Soybeans, spotted beans, lentils Buckwheat, corn (any products such as flour, bread and noodles made from them)
Millet, oat bran, oat flour, rice bran, puffed rice, rye, sprouted wheat and any products such as flour, bread and noodles made from them Artichoke, avocado, black olives, all types of peppers
All types of rice and any products such as flour, bread and noodles made from it Mango, guava, coconuts, bananas, oranges
Broccoli, beets, cabbage, celery, green leafy vegetables, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, parsley, parsnips, sweet potatoes Allspice, almond extract, anise, barley malt, capers, corn starch, corn syrup, gelatin, tapioca
All types of grapes and plums, berries (cranberries, gooseberries), cherries Vinegar, pepper (white, black, cayenne, red flakes) These vegetables are a powerful tonic and natural antibiotic for group 4 Garlic, horseradish, parsley
Pineapples, grapefruits, lemons Alcohol, carbonated drinks, black tea
Kelp, curry
Garlic, horseradish, parsley
Alfalfa, burdock, chamomile, echinacea, green tea
Hawthorn, licorice root, red wine (1 glass/day)
Dandelion, burdock root, strawberry leaves
Coffee or decaffeinated coffee (1 cup/day), green tea

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The main disadvantage of this diet is that it is not suitable for rapid weight loss. For those who want to lose weight in a month or three, it is better to choose another diet (for example,). This system is designed for long-term (preferably lifelong) use and brings health improvement to the body, strengthening the immune system, normalizing digestion, and as a result, weight loss.

Another argument of critics of this approach to nutrition is the lack of serious scientific research. Nevertheless, the diet has a sufficient number of fans around the world, and the number of positive reviews about it is growing.

Discussion of diet in the program Malakhov+

The modern world is rich in various kinds of diets and other techniques that promote weight loss. Some of them really bring results, while others are absolutely ineffective and harmful to health. Today one of the most interesting ways One that has an extremely positive effect on the body is the blood type diet. Its main feature is not a reduction in the calorie content of dishes, but the complete exclusion of a certain list of foods from one’s diet. This approach makes it possible not to experience a lack of energy and promotes weight loss naturally.

Blood type diet: its concept and division of foods into groups

The basis of the blood type diet is the assertion that foods of the same composition and structure have different effects on the body. Their digestion and absorption occurs at different speeds and depends on the person’s blood type. The author of such a theory, which has gained enormous popularity, is the American doctor Peter D’Adamo. The reason for this conclusion was long-term observations and numerous experiments, as a result of which three main groups of products were identified:

  • Harmful or negative, which during the process of breakdown release toxic substances that have a negative effect on the structure of cells and contribute to disruption of the functioning of the entire organism.
  • Neutral do not affect the speed and intensity of metabolic processes, but also do not bring any particular benefit to the body.
  • Useful have a positive effect on the body, supplying it with energy and helping to normalize metabolism.

These categories include various products, and their list depends on the person’s blood type. At the same time, people in the first group have good immune system, have a strong stomach and excellent health, which allows them to significantly expand the useful part of the list. This type of nutrition is based on the use of large quantity protein products that have an extremely positive effect on their body. The list of negative foods for such people is not particularly long, but it still exists. Based on this, the nutrition table for blood group 1 is as follows:

Food table for blood type 1

Recommended food groups for diet Prohibited food groups for the diet Diet food groups in limited quantities
Meat products: lamb, turkey. Offal (liver, heart), beef Pork, ham, lard, bacon, goose Eggs, duck, rabbit meat
Flaxseed and olive oil Cottonseed, corn, peanut, soybean oil Cod oil, margarine, butter, soybean, sunflower
Soy products Navy beans, lentils Black beans, white beans, green peas, asparagus, snap peas
Pike, sturgeon, hake, cod, trout. Sea kale Pickled, salted or smoked fish, catfish, caviar, catfish Tuna, pike perch, smelt, eel, perch, squid, carp, crayfish.
Walnuts, pumpkin seeds Poppy seeds, pistachios, peanuts Sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, almonds
Products containing wheat flour, pasta, semolina, corn flakes, oat and corn flour, muesli, oat crackers or cookies Millet, rye flour, buckwheat, barley, pearl barley porridge, rice waffles
Goat or cow's whole milk, ice cream, kefir, casein, cheese, cream, whey, processed cheese Homemade cottage cheese, sheep and cottage cheese
Curry pepper, parsley Spices (cinnamon, black pepper), ketchup, any vinegar, pickles, marinades Jelly or jam, honey, mustard, sugar, chocolate, mayonnaise, dill
Watercress, chicory, spinach, parsnip, broccoli, turnip, kohlrabi, pumpkin, sweet potato, chard, onion Red and white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, rhubarb, champignons Asparagus, oyster mushrooms, peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, rutabaga, bell pepper, radishes, onions, cucumbers, salad
Plum, prunes, cherry plum, fig, cherry, apple Strawberry, orange, tangerine, avocado, coconut, blackberry, olives Grapes, watermelon, grapefruit, pineapple, blueberry, banana, kiwi, barberry, pear, grapes, lemon, lingonberry, gooseberry, currant, cranberry, nectarine, raisin, blueberry, persimmon
Juice of cherry, pineapple, plum, cherry plum Juice of apple, orange, coconut. Apple cider Juice of cranberries, grapefruit, apricot, lemon, grapes, celery, carrots, tomato, pomegranate, cucumber
Teas with parsley, linden, dandelion, rosehip Teas with burdock, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves, coltsfoot Teas with raspberry, ginseng, chamomile, mint, hawthorn, licorice, valerian, thyme, echinacea
Drinking products "Energy Diet" Sweet carbonated drinks, cognac, black tea, coffee, vodka, alcohol tinctures Green tea, red or white wine, beer

Nutrition according to blood group 1: healthy and harmful foods

Due to its properties, blood group 1 food products, for which they are quite varied, have some advantages over the others. It is not without reason that there is an opinion that all other groups originated from it and serve as its offshoot. Based on this, the nutritional principles of such people are based on eating large amounts of protein foods, in particular cape.

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Healthy foods

In general, the list of useful products looks like this:

  • Most types of greens and vegetables in appropriate shades, which help saturate the body with vitamins and fiber, and also optimize digestive and metabolic processes.
  • Lean red meat such as beef, lamb or veal. Its consumption makes it possible to saturate the body not only with excellent protein, but also with iron and vitamin B12.
  • Almost all types of fresh seafood are allowed, but fatty red fish, shrimp, oysters and mussels, which are an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, are especially well digestible. fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-9.
  • Olive oil can be a great alternative oily fish, since it also helps saturate the body with Omega-3, which is not able to be produced independently in the body.
  • Of the variety of cereals, people with group 1 should pay attention to buckwheat, rice or barley porridge, which provide exceptional positive effect for digestion.
  • You can't deny yourself dried fruits. walnuts, figs and prunes.

Harmful products

Nutrition according to blood type 1 The table of products is quite varied, and also contains some harmful ingredients that are best completely excluded from the diet. At the same time, their use has Negative influence on the body, slowing down metabolism and promoting the development of adipose tissue. Their list is as follows:

  • Wheat, oatmeal, barley and rye cereals, as well as all dishes prepared on their basis. The consumption of such cereals should be limited due to their high gluten content, which slows down metabolism and has a negative effect on digestion in general.
  • Legumes such as corn, lentils and beans reduce the amount of insulin, slowing down metabolic processes and reducing metabolic efficiency.
  • Citrus fruits, strawberries, melon and other heavy fruits have a negative impact on digestion.
  • Fatty dairy products should be completely eliminated or replaced with fermented milk analogues with low fat content.
  • As for meat products, you should avoid pork and store-bought chicken, which are rich in various hormones and artificial fillers.

Both of these categories are in the best possible shape describe all the specifics of the diet for the first blood group and emphasize its features. At the same time, completely eliminating prohibited foods and forming a complete diet from the remaining permitted portion will not be difficult.

Diet for blood type 1: Rh factor and additional recommendations

Such a diet is based only on one indicator, which is a person’s blood type, and no other factors can influence its components or the list of products. The same applies to the Rh factor, which can be negative or positive in people with the same group. Such an indicator does not have any effect on the course and structure of the diet, and focusing on it is only a convention. Based on this, we can conclude that the diet for blood type 1 negative is indistinguishable from the principles used for a positive Rh factor.

In general, the weight loss diet for blood group 1, positive and negative, is based on the following principles:

  • The maximum effect of the diet can be achieved by consuming more seafood and various seaweed The most common option for such products is seaweed, and its introduction into the diet makes it possible to compensate for iodine deficiency and optimize many different processes in the body.
  • During the diet, it is best to use green vegetables, eliminating all other colors from the diet. Broccoli, cucumbers, spinach, green onions have a positive effect, and their consumption has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body, making it stronger and healthier
  • During the diet, you need to be careful with the use of various nutritional complexes, especially those containing vitamins E and A. Their use is advisable only in the winter-spring period, when there are practically no fresh vegetables and the body suffers from a deficiency minerals and vitamins.
  • It is necessary to completely eliminate all heavy and dangerous dishes that can negatively affect the digestive system and the body as a whole. These include anything fried or spicy foods, smoked meats, semi-finished products, canned food, alcohol. Natural products, steamed, boiled or stewed, will help replace them.
  • Any diet will not be effective without changing your usual lifestyle. Therefore, you should replace the usual sitting near the TV and drinking harmful products for more intense entertainment. Physical exercise They will not only speed up the process of burning extra pounds, but will also make the body more resilient and stronger, which will have a beneficial effect on the well-being and health of a person with the first blood group.

Based on such recommendations, achieve positive result won't be a big deal. At the same time, blood type 1 itself is an auxiliary factor, since it promotes the rapid burning of calories and their conversion into useful energy.

Video about the diet for the first blood group


Nutrition according to blood type has its own clear rules and is based on the implementation certain rules. It is not based on a person’s restriction of food, but only on the reorientation of his diet to a more healthy range of products, which creates optimal conditions for the functioning of the body. At the same time, preparing tasty and nutritious dishes based on them will not be difficult, even though you will have to give up some products. However, such a diet for blood type 1 will be most effective only when a person moves away from his usual way of life and decides to make changes in his life, otherwise any adjustments to the diet will be in vain.

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