Is it possible for a nursing mother to poppy? Poppy seeds: benefits and harm Products with poppy seeds during breastfeeding

Poppy contains morphine and codeine, which are very harmful to an infant. Such substances have a negative effect on nervous system and disrupt sleep. In addition, the poppy itself sometimes causes allergies and disturbances in the functioning of the still fragile digestion of a newborn child.

Poppy, which is used in food and for preparing various bakery products, contains codeine and morphine in minimal dosage. But in this case, not every bun or pie can be eaten by a nursing mother.

However, other baked goods are gradually being added to the menu. While breastfeeding, poppy seeds can be eaten in limited quantities and not earlier than three months after birth! The optimal solution for a nursing mother would be drying with poppy seeds.

Useful properties of poppy

  • Eliminates pain;
  • Restores sleep;
  • Improves digestion and relieves constipation;
  • Relieves fatigue and relaxes;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Tones.


Elements Effect on the body Contents per 100 g of product
Vitamin E (tocopherol) Regenerates tissue and heals wounds, normalizes hematopoiesis, stabilizes hormonal levels, slows down aging and prevents the appearance of wrinkles 2.1 mg
Vitamin PP Produces energy and controls heart function, normalizes blood circulation, prevents migraines and relieves headaches 2.9 mg
Calcium Forms the bone skeleton and tooth enamel, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases the body's resistance to infections 1667 mg
Potassium Stimulates brain function, normalizes arterial pressure, saturates the body with energy 587 mg
Sodium Regulates water-salt metabolism, regulates blood pressure and strengthens muscles, maintains normal heartbeat 19 mg
Magnesium Ensures normal blood clotting, regulates carbohydrate metabolism, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps with stress 442 mg
Phosphorus Increases the strength of bone tissue, strengthens teeth, improves memory, normalizes kidney function 903 mg
Sulfur Helps improve hair and nail growth, maintains the necessary water balance 640 mg
Iron Provides tissue respiration, body growth and nerve cells, normalizes material metabolism, improves blood condition 10 mg
Zinc Improves memory and attention, improves mood and relieves stress, normalizes hormonal balance 7 mcg
Copper Lowers temperature, improves blood quality, improves immunity, relieves painful sensations and stimulate metabolic processes 1.8 mg
Cobalt Normalizes liver function, is responsible for hematopoiesis and the functioning of nerve cells 18 mcg

Applications of poppy

Poppy is used not only in cooking, but also in medicinal purposes. So the plant is used to treat the throat, as it has expectorant properties. Poppy helps with insomnia, stops bleeding, relieves pain and spasms. And when combined with alcohol, the plant exhibits antitumor properties and becomes an analgesic.

At severe cough A decoction of poppy heads will help a lot. To prepare, pour 500 ml of boiling water over one teaspoon of heads and boil for 10 minutes. The broth is filtered and drunk four times a day, a quarter glass. The drink also relieves stomach pain.

You can also brew poppy petals. It perfectly relieves fatigue and irritation, restores strength and sleep. To prepare the infusion, pour one tablespoon of petals into 600 ml of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes and filter. The product is also drunk four times a day, a quarter glass.

But poppy seeds as a facial care product are perfect for a nursing mother. Grind the seeds and get a milk that can be applied to the skin of the face and neck. This remedy relieves inflammation of the eyelids, eliminates bruises and circles under the eyes.

Consumption of poppy while breastfeeding

As for baked goods and other products with poppy seeds, a nursing mother can eat such products in small portions. It is safe in minimal quantities.

You should try products with poppy seeds no earlier than three months after giving birth, and preferably after half a year. For the first time, try a small portion of seeds and watch your baby's reaction. If negative reaction no, poppy seeds can sometimes be eaten. However, do not overuse! If your child has allergies or digestive disorders, avoid these foods.

When it comes to poppy, most of us think of a plant with large red flowers. But this is only one of hundreds of representatives of this family. The flowers of the Papaver plant range from crystal white to deep red or even purple. The same applies to seeds, the color of which, depending on the plant variety, can range from cream to blue-black. But the most interesting thing lies not in the spectacular appearance of this bright flower, but in its chemical composition. Poppy can simultaneously cause the most dangerous disease– drug addiction, and can cure many other diseases. It all depends on how to use this product.

general characteristics

Poppy is a one- or two-year-old herbaceous plant height from 50 to 150 cm, with a bare bluish stem and large serrated leaves. Flowers can consist of 4-8 petals, the color and size of which is determined by the plant variety. The seeds, which are shaped like buds, are contained in the poppy head (usually small: 3-4 cm in diameter), which is formed in place of the flower. They can be from light gray to dark gray, black or bluish (depending on the variety). And they are widely used in cooking.

The most commonly mentioned species of the poppy family is Papaver somniferum, or “sleeping poppy.” This is the same plant that can sometimes be seen in gardens, the seeds of which are known to all culinary experts in the world. And people have been cultivating this plant for several thousand years. During this time, many new hybrids were developed. New varieties are classified according to seed characteristics, morphine content and oil content.

The poppy is native to the Eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor. Today, this crop is grown in many tropical, subtropical regions, as well as in countries with temperate climates. In Japan and Australia it is cultivated mainly for medicinal purposes.

Poppy was used for medicinal purposes by the ancient Sumerians, who called this flower “the plant of joy.” The Egyptians learned about this culture from Arab traders. Opium poppy was used by the inhabitants of Persia and India, its analgesic and hypnotic properties were valued by the ancient Greeks, and the narcotic properties of opium were described by Arab doctors about 900 years ago. Due to its widespread use, the opium poppy was used by almost all ancient civilizations.

Chemical characteristics

The chemical characteristics of plants of the genus Papaver have been studied quite well. Probably everyone has seen how, after damage to a green poppy head, a liquid is released, the so-called jelly of the poppy. This substance is known as opium, which contains more than 30 alkaloids. The most important of them:

  • morphine (20%);
  • noxapine (5%);
  • codeine (2%);
  • papaverine (2%);
  • thebaine (1%).

In 1803, the alkaloid morphine was obtained from raw opium, and in 1874, heroin was obtained by treating morphine with acetic anhydride. At one time, some pharmaceutical companies used morphine in drugs for coughs, chest pain and pneumonia. This practice was then abandoned as it became known that such drugs were addictive.

Today, the most widely used opium alkaloid is codeine. This substance is obtained in several ways: from natural sources, as a result of methylation of morphine, or in the process of synthetic transformation of thebaine.

But besides these substances, the poppy plant contains fiber, protein, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, and some other useful components.

The nutritional value poppy seeds (per 100 g)
Calorie content 525 kcal
28.13 g
17.99 g
41.56 g
19.5 g
0.854 mg
0.1 mg
0.89 mcg
0.324 mg
0.247 mg
82 mcg
1 mg
1.77 mg
26 mg
719 mg
1438 mg
1.63 mg
9.76 mg
347 mg
6.7 mg
870 mg
13.5 mg
7.9 mg

Due to the narcotic properties of the green plant, many are concerned about whether poppy seeds are dangerous. But this is a groundless worry. Ripe seeds contain only so-called traces of alkaloids, which do not lead to drug addiction.

Someone calculated that 1 gram of poppy contains from 1000 to 10,000 seeds. And these seeds are not only edible, but also contain important nutrients and unique minerals. These small seeds are used in baking, added to sauces and salad dressings as a healthy product. But what exactly are the benefits for human body carries a poppy seed?


This ability of the poppy has been studied, perhaps, better than others. Morphine, which is one of the main components of the plant, has a powerful analgesic effect. There is an assumption that poppy seeds can also soothe mild headaches.

Improves vision

Over the years, visual acuity weakens. Biologists say it's natural process. But, contained in poppy, they can slow it down, reduce the manifestation of macular degeneration and maintain visual acuity.

Anemia protection

One of the key minerals contained in poppy seeds is iron, which is an essential component for the formation of red blood cells.

By increasing your iron intake, you can improve your body's oxygen supply. This will help reduce the symptoms of anemia and increase energy reserves in the body.

Improves digestion

People with digestive problems desperately need foods high in fiber. Poppy seeds contain surprisingly high amounts of dietary fiber (100 g of seeds contains almost half daily norm fiber), which, getting into digestive system, absorb moisture, swell and promote intestinal motility. Also, these miniature seeds will relieve pain and signs of inflammation in the digestive organs.

Benefits for the Nervous System

Many people don't understand what important role Calcium plays a role in maintaining neurological health. And this mineral, also found in poppy seeds, prevents nervous disorders and supports the healthy functionality of the system's cells. The seeds also contain B vitamins, which are essential for the nervous system.

Strengthens immunity

Zinc is found in poppy seeds, and this mineral is known to strengthen the immune system. Zinc also stimulates the production of leukocytes (white blood cells), which protect the body from antibodies and foreign elements.

Meaning for bones

Density bone tissue directly depends on the intake of calcium in the body. Poppy seeds containing this chemical element, will help maintain bone strength, prevent osteoporosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. By the way, 1 teaspoon of seeds contains 4% of the daily requirement of phosphorus and calcium, which are also responsible for dental health.

Role for vessels

The anesthetic properties of poppy seeds are also useful for heart pain. And potassium, which is included in chemical composition product, affects how vasodilator, relieving tension in the arteries and facilitating blood flow. Also, these grains can prevent atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes caused by it.

Poppy seeds are an excellent source of oleic acid, which helps lower blood pressure and. Well, don’t forget about magnesium, which is also present in the plant and is extremely important for the health of blood vessels and the heart.

Cancer Prevention

Dr. M. Javier from the University of Chicago conducted an experiment, the results of which convinced the researcher that oleic acid blocks the functioning of a gene that could potentially increase the risk of developing cancer. And since poppy contains this acid, we can assume that this product can reduce the risk of cancer.

Prevents stone formation

Kidney stones are a hard substance that is formed from urates, oxalates and phosphates. Poppy seeds contain a high concentration of potassium, which prevents the formation of stones.

In the 19th century, poppy seed oil was used as a “raw material” for lamps, a food product, and also a raw material for the manufacture of paints. Today this product is also widely used in food and pharmaceutical industry, in the production of varnishes and paints. It is one of the components for treatment malignant tumors, hepatocellular carcinoma. As food product added to sauces, as a healthy fat, to make salad dressings. The advantages of this product include the fact that it is practically incapable of going rancid, and the content of opiates in it is even lower than in ripe seeds.

Potential Side Effects

Poppy seeds rarely cause allergies, although such reactions are possible in some people. But the main danger to humans is opium. Poisoning with this substance causes excessive relaxation, lethargy and even anaphylaxis. And in any case, treatment with drugs containing poppy extract is allowed only under the supervision of a doctor.

Use in pharmacology

In modern pharmacology, derivatives of opium alkaloids continue to be used in the manufacture of analgesics, drugs against cough or diarrhea. Medicines containing poppy extract are used to relieve severe pain, as stimulants that cause euphoria and relieve anxiety. Medicines of this type are effective in treating stomach cramps and spasms in organs respiratory system. Codeine and morphine are components of sedative and analgesic drugs that often have antispasmodic properties. Codeine is also used as a cough suppressant. Papaverine relaxes muscles and improves cerebral blood flow.

Other painful conditions for which drugs with poppy plant extract help: colds, fever, inflammation, colic, colic, enterocolitis, dispersion, nausea, hypertension, migraine and other types of headaches, hysteria, insomnia, mania, ulcers, warts, malaria, cancer, bites , caries. But abuse of such drugs can become addictive.

IN different times different peoples poppy was used as an analgesic, analgesic, antitussive, stimulant, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, sedative, expectorant, hemostatic, hypotensive, diaphoretic and tonic. This plant was remembered when treating asthma, diseases Bladder, bruises, snake bites, dysentery, diarrhea, malaria, rheumatism, toothache, polyps and warts.

They say that if you boil the poppy plant in oil, you will get a remedy that was used to treat the liver in ancient times. A tincture of flowers was used to get rid of ulcers in the mouth. The seeds were also used against helminths, and steamed leaves or green poppy heads were applied to sore joints.

The ancient Egyptians believed that opium made people more talkative and hardworking. They believed that a poppy potion taken in the evening would give pleasant dreams. The Lebanese used opium more reservedly. They treated them for dental and headache, boils, cough, dysentery and itching, and also gave this substance to overly aggressive people. In Algeria, poppy was also used to treat teeth, and in Iran, a remedy made from poppy seeds stopped bleeding. In Ayurveda, poppy is an aphrodisiac, a bowel medicine, and a skin rejuvenator. In medicine, Unani poppy was used for anemia, chest pain, dysentery, and typhoid. But they used this plant with extreme caution, as they were aware of its narcotic properties.

Researchers suggest that Roman soldiers gave green poppy juice mixed with sour wine to prisoners nailed to the cross. This substance immersed those sentenced to death in deep dream, during which they became insensitive to pain.

For the Slavs, poppy was a respected ritual food. The red flower of this plant symbolized beauty, and in mythology it was a symbol of procreation. The ancients also believed in magical power poppy seeds, which were supposed to protect against any evil. Therefore, poppy seeds were added to kutia, Easter cakes, and wedding pies. The love of our ancestors for this culture was preserved in the traditions of celebrating the Maccabee, Christmas and many other holidays.

Use in cosmetology

Red flower seeds are also beneficial for skin health. Thanks to linoleic acid, this product is important for the treatment of eczema, itching, burning and inflammation of the skin. To do this, use poppy seeds, previously soaked in or and ground into a paste. To enhance therapeutic effect some add lime juice. This product moisturizes well, smoothes the skin, and makes it soft. By mixing poppy seeds with, you can prepare an excellent facial scrub.

These small grains are also useful for hair. In particular, for getting rid of dandruff, treating split ends and thinning hair. A mixture of cottage cheese, soaked seeds and white pepper, applied to the scalp and left for half an hour, will help against dandruff. A mixture of poppy seeds and water (the seeds are infused in it) is a means of stimulating hair growth.

Use in cooking

Poppy seeds are tasteless, but when heated they acquire a nutty, spicy-sweet flavor. Roasting or baking gives them a mild, sweet flavor. Before using, poppy seeds are usually soaked in water or milk for at least 2 hours. They are used in cooking either alone or in combination with other spices. Fry the seeds in a dry frying pan for 2-3 minutes. In this form, the product is especially often used by Turkish chefs. In India, poppy seeds are usually mixed with coconut and added to food in this form. And in West Bengal and Bangladesh, where white poppy seeds are predominantly used, it is added to purees to improve the creamy texture. In Austria and Hungary, poppy seeds are an essential ingredient in traditional strudels.

Other uses of poppy

  • the cake from the plant is used as feed for livestock;
  • poppy seed oil is used in the production of varnishes, paints, and soaps;
  • ornamental plant;
  • red petals are used to create dyes;
  • the seeds serve as food for birds.

Poppy belongs to plants with a controversial reputation. But if you understand what properties this plant actually has and when it becomes dangerous, it will be easier to adequately assess its benefits.

Poppy seeds have been used in cooking for a long time, and the plant itself can be used to prepare various medicinal potions. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the composition of the plant and its beneficial properties for the health of women and men.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Poppy is a high-calorie product, 100 g of which accounts for 556 kcal. The BJU ratio in this case is as follows:

  • proteins - 17.5 g;
  • fats - 47.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 14.5 g.

Alimentary fiber occupy 6 g, saturated fatty acids - 4.6 g, mono- and disaccharides - 1.1 g, fiber - 19.5 g. In addition, the composition contains a lot useful vitamins and minerals, which are represented by the following substances:

  • B vitamins (B1, B3, B5, B6, B9), vitamins C and E;
  • - and: calcium, potassium, sodium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc.
All beneficial features poppy seeds are explained by their contents, so any component plays a very important role for the human body.

Did you know? Poppy is one of the oldest spices, used by people since Neolithic times. According to preliminary estimates of historical excavations, its homeland is the Mediterranean region.

If you don’t delve into the specifics of the plant’s impact on representatives of different sexes, then the general “abilities” of poppy seeds include:

  • analgesic effect (explained by the presence of morphine grains);
  • regenerative abilities (helps restore skin covering and stabilize various processes in the body);
  • strengthening the body's defenses;
  • pressure stabilization;
  • improved vision;
  • prevention of diabetes mellitus;
  • strengthening skeletal system body;
  • stimulation of digestive processes;
  • strengthening the nervous system.

With regard to the specific effects on male and female female organisms, then lists positive properties confectionery poppy seeds will be slightly smaller, although their importance does not decrease from this.

For women

The benefits of poppy for the fairer sex are, first of all, expressed in normalization hormonal levels and reducing nervousness.

It is also worth remembering the powder of plant seeds for regular insomnia and constant migraines, which are characteristic of the female sex.
Given its regenerative abilities, it is not surprising that in the old days poppy was prescribed to women for recovery period after a difficult birth (the health benefits of the plant in this case also lie in its hemostatic ability).

Important! Confectionery poppy seeds are practically harmless to the human body, which cannot be said about milk (often used in cosmetology). Along with its beneficial properties, it has many toxic characteristics, which should definitely be taken into account when preparing medicinal potions.

For men

In relation to the male body, poppy seeds will not be as useful as other parts of this plant. Eg, medicinal compositions with crushed poppy leaves help reduce sweating and promote fast healing wound surfaces, and the milk provides a surge of energy.
However, this does not mean that edible poppy seeds cannot serve for the benefit of male body. At a minimum, they normalize sleep and calm the nervous system, and when proper preparation one can hope for an increase in potency.

Is it possible to eat poppy seeds?

Not all, not even very much healthy foods, can be consumed every day, because an excess of specific substances in the body will not benefit it.

Did you know? In the northern part of Russia, yellow poppies grow, capable of growing and developing even under a layer of ice.

Women should be especially attentive during such special periods as carrying a child and breastfeeding, because both the benefits and harms of substances ingested from food are shared between the mother’s and child’s bodies.

During pregnancy

The influence of edible poppy on a pregnant woman cannot be called unambiguous: on the one hand, phosphorus and calcium in the seeds of the plant have a positive effect on strengthening the skeleton and support the health of the hair, teeth and nails of the expectant mother, and on the other hand, they still contain Not a large number of narcotic components that require moderate consumption of poppy products.
For the same reason, you should not use it before taking tests at the antenatal clinic, because there will be no confidence in the reliability of the results obtained.

In addition, poppy seeds can reduce swelling, which will also have a positive effect on the well-being of the pregnant woman and help improve emotional condition and stabilize blood pressure, of course, when consumed in moderation.

When breastfeeding

Everything that a woman includes in her menu when breastfeeding will undoubtedly reach her newborn baby, but it’s difficult to predict what the impact of the food eaten will be on him.
To rule out possible bad influence confectionery poppy seed (it is often included in a wide variety of baked goods and confectionery products), it is important to make sure of the following:

  • in the absence of a tendency to allergic reactions in the child (not only the poppy itself, but also the dough of a bun or other confectionery product can serve as an allergen);
  • V normal behavior a baby after breastfeeding, before which a poppy product was eaten (if the child sleeps longer than usual and becomes unusually calm, it is better to avoid eating the seeds of the plant);
  • in the absence of colic, the cause of which may be not so much poppy seeds, but baked goods with its addition.

Simply put, making a final decision regarding the possibility of using the described product during lactation is based on the health of the woman herself and her baby, although a small piece of poppy seed cake or the same small bun sprinkled with it should not cause harm.

For pancreatitis

The consumption of poppy seeds for pancreatitis is not only allowed, but is often recommended, since it significantly improves digestive processes and eases the burden on the gastrointestinal tract resulting from decreased acidity.
In the absence of individual intolerance or other contraindications to the use of poppy seeds, there are no restrictions on the use of such drinks.

Important! It is most beneficial to consume poppy seeds in the form of infusions and decoctions, since in liquid form they have a much better effect on intestinal motility and weaken pancreatic syndrome, while simultaneously acting as an analgesic.

For gastritis

At acute form gastritis or ulcers, the consumption of confectionery products with solid particles of sugar crumbs or poppy seeds is strictly prohibited, since they can adversely affect the condition of the already damaged gastric mucosa.
At the same time, if you mix ground poppy seeds and honey in equal proportions, then it is likely that just one tablespoon of such a mixture will significantly reduce pain syndrome and improve the general well-being of the patient.

Contraindications and harm

With moderate consumption of poppy by a healthy person, its negative effects on the body are minimized, but this does not apply to those who suffer from:

  • excess weight (the seeds of the mentioned plant are very high in calories);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • emphysema;
  • liver ailments;
  • chronic constipation.

In addition, it is not advisable for elderly people and young children (under two years of age) to consume poppy seeds, especially if they are suspected of having one of the listed ailments. Otherwise, this is an excellent product that can be an excellent addition to almost any confectionery or simply baked goods.

For some time now, when most people hear the word poppy, they have negative associations. We categorically disagree with such a biased attitude. Now the merits of this charming plant are undeservedly forgotten. But our grandmothers also knew recipes that helped against many diseases.

So, today the topic of our article is: poppy seeds - benefits and harm. Let's not delve into Chekhov's medical notes. We will only talk about seeds.

Benefits of poppy seeds

Fully ripe poppy seeds have many beneficial properties. The most famous of them is its strong hypnotic effect. We will not give exact recipes and dosages here, we will simply tell you what has been known for a long time folk medicine. So, poppy seeds:

  1. Used as sleeping pill. By the way, poppy broth was given drop by drop even to very young children. At the same time, be sure to follow the norm so as not to cause harm.
  2. They are good at calming a frayed nervous system during times of severe shock or anxiety.
  3. Quickly relieve attacks of uncontrollable coughing in various bronchopulmonary diseases. This is especially true before bedtime, when cough symptoms increase sharply.
  4. It has been scientifically proven that regular consumption of ripe poppy seeds significantly contributes to the body's resistance cancer cells of various etiologies. By the way, it has been scientifically proven that regular consumption of poppy seeds in food significantly slows down the growth of metastases and existing tumors.
  5. Small black grains contain a huge amount of easily digestible calcium. This helps strengthen the skeleton. Therefore, in the past, children suffering from rickets were often pampered with poppy seed buns. Or even just mixed the seeds with good honey and gave me something to eat. By the way, a treat.
  6. They quickly stop attacks of diarrhea and significantly speed up the recovery process from dysentery.
  7. Raises the level of hemoglobin in the blood. In this case, it is enough to eat only 45 g of seeds once a day to maintain normal hemoglobin.
  8. Used in the form of a decoction as a pain reliever. It helps especially well if you have otitis media or a severe toothache.

As you can see, the benefits of poppy seeds are simply invaluable. Naturally, you don’t have to immediately run to the pharmacy or confectionery store for the treasured bag. We recommend that you consult your family doctor first. Because overusing seeds can backfire. So, let’s move smoothly to the topic.

In general, any treat can become poison. Especially if you use it without measure. Likewise, poppy seeds can cause irreparable damage to the body because:

  1. For people suffering from chronic constipation, the situation can become much worse.
  2. No one has canceled allergic reactions.
  3. There are a certain number of contraindications. These include liver diseases, bronchial asthma, cholelithiasis, emphysema.
  4. Pastes and decoctions based on poppy seeds are absolutely incompatible with alcohol.
  5. Elderly people and very young children (over 50 and under 3 years old) should not get carried away with a decoction of poppy seeds as a sleeping pill.
  6. For pregnant women and nursing mothers, any poppy-based preparations are strictly contraindicated.
  7. Poppy seeds contain a large amount of fat (about 40-60%). That's why overuse Eating them can indirectly affect excess weight gain.

By the way, you shouldn’t hope for folk recipes, passed down from generation to generation. After all, everyone’s body is different, so is their state of health, age and weight category. Therefore, we strongly do not recommend that you self-medicate thoughtlessly, just because “a neighbor’s grandmother did this during the war, it helped her.” Be sure to consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional first.

Interesting fact. Due to their high fat content, poppy seeds have a very short shelf life. And they go rancid very quickly when exposed to high temperatures and sunlight. Therefore, for personal needs, we recommend purchasing grains only in opaque packaging. And be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. At home, put the bag away in some cool, dark place. Otherwise, you risk getting sticky bitter lumps.

More useful things

Poppy seeds have properties that some people are not even aware of. For example, if there are little fidgets in your house, then probably broken knees, abrasions and cuts on the delicate baby skin are not uncommon for you. Did you know that finely crushed powder from ripe poppy seeds stops bleeding much faster than plantain juice and the legendary iodine? In addition, such poppy dust has a slight analgesic effect, unlike iodine, which stings mercilessly.

Interesting fact. If you have been diagnosed with a lack of copper, calcium and magnesium in your body, then feel free to eat poppy seeds. Naturally, without fanaticism. It’s just that the content of these elements in them is indecently high.

To people suffering long-term disorder sleep, doctors prescribe medications based on poppy seed extract. Of course, in dosage, not addictive. But uncontrolled self-administration of the decoction as a sleeping pill can cause some dependence. So don't even think about it! Naturally, if you yourself are not a certified specialist.

Milk of the poppy has also long been used in for cosmetic purposes. No, not that green stem milk that a certain category of people are after. Another, which is prepared by grinding ripe grains in a mortar with the addition of the most common clean water. The resulting mass is applied to the inflamed eyelids. You know, it helps a lot.

By the way, this same milk very quickly and practically without a trace removes swelling and bags under the eyes.

Interesting fact. If you are in a bad mood, apathy, or suddenly tired, then simply eat a bun or roll filled with poppy seeds. Surprisingly, the method works! The mood quickly rises, fatigue passes, and not a trace of apathy remains. And if the baked goods are still covered with a thin layer of chocolate glaze, then you will definitely feel in seventh heaven.

Another category of people really appreciates milk of poppy seeds and paste made from ripe seeds. These are vegetarians and vegans. The fact is that the protein and vitamin content of poppy seeds is very high. From here nutritional value, which is so necessary for people who limit themselves in food.

By the way, now not every home has a special vessel for grinding poppy seeds. It is called makitra. But don't worry about such a trifle. In our age of high technology, the simplest electric coffee grinder copes with this task perfectly. Just don’t forget to wash it of grease after the process, so as not to get a rancid smell from the bowl after a while.

So we understand the topic: poppy seeds - benefits and harm. After all, the main thing in this matter is moderation and caution. Do not be ill!

Video: the benefits and harms of poppy

Mac is amazing beautiful flower, which has earned a controversial reputation due to its controversial properties. Also in Ancient Greece people loved and revered this plant for its ability to calm the mind and heal illnesses. The benefits and harms of poppy have been studied for centuries, which is why today so much information has been collected about it. Our distant ancestors also resorted to the help of these mysterious flowers. Unfortunately, today few people know about healing effects effects that this plant has on the human body. People who abuse opium have created a terrifying image of a beautiful flower. Because of this, poppy is used mainly for confectionery purposes, although many pharmaceutical companies include some of its substances in their preparations.

Features of poppy

Poppy grows throughout the CIS, where there are more than 70 species. In total, more than 100 varieties of this beautiful flower can be found on our planet. Its stems are usually straight, and the leaves can be very diverse: from narrow and covered with many small hairs, to wider and smooth varieties. There is a poppy different colors and shades. The most common are the familiar red flowers, but you can also find other options - pink, purple, white, yellow.

After flowering ends, seed pods are formed in place of the flowers, having a characteristic appearance that is difficult to confuse with something else. As they ripen, they produce a fair amount of small black seeds, which are known to all lovers of poppy seed buns. It is important to remember that only fully ripened seeds are edible.


About half the mass of the seed is fat. They are also rich in protein and sugars, making poppy seeds a nutritious food. In addition, it contains useful microelements: potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, copper and vitamins E, PP. The petals contain alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, organic acids, anthocyanins, as well as a fair amount fatty oil and even vitamin C. In milk of the poppy you can find alkaloids such as papaverine, codeine, morphine, narcein. In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used: from roots to flowers. Exactly unique composition endows poppy with healing properties.

Useful properties of poppy

Contrary to popular belief, this mysterious flower can be used for more than just food or drugs. The medicinal properties of poppy have been known to mankind for a long time. Back then, people preferred to treat ailments with plants rather than with the suspicious inventions of chemists. Poppy seeds can normalize digestion, relieve diarrhea and dysentery. They can treat a disease that has become a real scourge of our time - insomnia. This natural remedy can also eliminate some respiratory diseases.

Oncological diseases are another problem that poppy can counter. The benefits and harms of this plant are due to the same substances. They can either lift your spirits and restore the joy of life, or take everything away from a person who has become dependent on poppy seeds.


Despite the fact that the benefits and harms of poppy depend only on the wisdom of the person using this remedy, many of its species are prohibited for cultivation. It is this beautiful flower that serves as the basis for the preparation of the most dangerous opiates of our time. Those who are unfortunate enough to become dependent on the poppy are doomed to a hard life filled with suffering and pain. How longer person is under the influence of opium, the more important a place it occupies in his life. Over time, the addict ceases to value anything other than the treasured potion. Relatives and friends no longer matter; the main goal in life becomes the extraction and consumption of poppy seeds.

In the absence of a drug dependent person experiencing flu-like symptoms. Chills and weakness begin, the body becomes full painful sensations, bringing terrible torment to the drug addict. At the same time, the same thing happens in a person’s mind, which seriously aggravates the situation. In order to stop the torment, people are ready to commit any crime. Unfortunately, the benefits and harms of poppy are assessed precisely by these unpleasant individuals. Thus, medicinal properties This flower is often ignored.

Edible poppy. Benefits and harms

The use of poppy seeds in cooking has a rich history. It is used to make pastries, buns, bread, all kinds of sweets and cookies. At the same time, it does not lose its beneficial properties and supplies the human body with treasured calories. 100 g of poppy seeds contain about 500 kcal. In addition, all beneficial properties are retained in the seed. Of course, drying with poppy seeds should not be taken as a medicine. The benefits and harms of such a delicacy are incommensurable, since the amount of seed in it is usually small. However, even a small amount of poppy seeds can have beneficial effects on the body.

The poppy seed used for food must be completely ripe and dried so that there is no residue left in it. narcotic substances. Unfortunately, confectionery poppy seed manufacturers do not always follow this principle in an effort to maximize profits. Therefore, opium is found in some batches of edible poppy. Fortunately, this happens infrequently, and the content of narcotic substances is so low that it is unlikely to harm anyone's health. Don’t be afraid because it is certainly healthier than most substances used in the food industry. The leaves, roots and stems of the plant are suitable only for medicinal purposes and are not eaten. For these purposes, only poppy seeds are used. The benefits and harms of this delicious delicacy are known to everyone, as is its wonderful taste.


Poppy, like any other plant, has contraindications. It should not be used if you have heart failure, asthma or a drinking problem. Also, given the astringent properties of poppy seeds, you should not take products with them if you are constipated. The beautiful flower is used to make many sleeping pills. They can become addictive if taken regularly or harm your health. Therefore, you should not use such medications without consulting your doctor.

The benefits and harms of poppy are actively discussed in Lately. New laws are being introduced to protect people from this terrible drug. This useful plant often mentioned only in a negative way. But his healing properties could help a lot of people. We can only hope that in the future people will learn to use this medicinal plant as intended.