Cold feet means. What to do if you feel cold in your feet, but your feet are warm. Frostbitten toes

Freezing of the feet in the cold season or in the warm season, but under the influence of cold - all this is understandable from a physiological point of view.

The heat generated by organs and muscles is transferred to the surface of the skin by blood vessels and retained in the body by fatty tissue. If the fat layer is small, then at low ambient temperatures there is intense heat loss, which happens in the extremities (arms and legs) - there is almost no fat layer there.

Heat loss also occurs during the movement of blood through the vessels - the distance to the lower extremities is greater than to other organs.

In addition, blood vessels narrow under the influence of cold, blood flow to the legs decreases, and accordingly, the amount of heat brought by the blood decreases, and the legs begin to freeze.

But why do your feet get cold in a warm room? Is this normal or shouldn't this happen? Of course, this indicates some violations. What is the reason, and what to do if such problems arise.

Let's try to answer these questions.

A healthy person's feet get cold when warm

There are reasons why feet get cold even when warm, not related to illness:

  1. The habit of warming your feet (socks, slippers). Limbs accustomed to a certain temperature freeze without the usual “insulation” even in the room.
  2. The habit of tucking your legs under you when sitting, crossing them, throwing one leg over the other and staying in this position for a long time. A feeling of numbness and coldness appears due to impaired blood flow and insufficient blood supply to the extremities.
  3. Wearing uncomfortable, tight tights and synthetic socks (feet either sweat or freeze).
  4. Prolonged exposure of the feet to lower temperatures than the rest of the body: walking in wet shoes, on cold ground or water.
  5. in people with physical characteristics: tall, thin.
  6. Violations hormonal levels in women during menopause: after profuse sweating The body begins to cool down (feet and hands get cold).
  7. Pregnancy affects heat exchange in the extremities (temperature maintenance reproductive organs in certain figures occurs due to a decrease in blood supply to the capillaries of the legs).
  8. Excessive emotionality: in a stressful situation, blood vessels spasm and blood circulation is impaired.
  9. Old age is often the cause of impaired blood supply to the extremities.
  10. Child infancy: thermoregulation mechanisms are still imperfect.

All of the above points may be the answer to the question of why it is warm. Many of these reasons can be easily eliminated: hardening, correct sitting posture, comfortable shoes and, necessarily according to the weather, improvement of condition nervous system.

Feet get cold when warm - pathological reasons

It is not always possible to explain the reasons why your feet are cold even in a warm home, by physiological conditions, weather, or some temporary situation. A feeling of coldness in the extremities may indicate problems in the functioning of organs. This condition may be associated with disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, nervous system, and metabolic disorders.

  • With diabetes, blood vessels become thinner, blood clots often form, and the limbs are insufficiently supplied with blood.
  • Intermittent claudication is the result of atherosclerosis, when the lumen of blood vessels is disrupted due to plaques, and the blood supply to the extremities is reduced.
  • Hypertension, hypotension. Hypertension (pressure above normal) - due to vasospasm, blood supply is disrupted. Hypotension (low pressure) - blood moves through dilated vessels at insufficient speed. It comes slowly, the temperature drops.
  • Varicose veins cause blood stagnation, which leads to disruption of blood flow through the vessels.
  • vascular tone and blood circulation in tissues and organs change.
  • Raynaud's syndrome: a circulatory disorder occurs in the vessels of the extremities as a result of exposure to cold and emotional arousal.

Vascular problems may be accompanied by:

  • swelling of the limbs;
  • painful sensations;
  • weakness, fatigue even with low loads;
  • convulsions.

Neurological problems

The reason why your feet and hands get cold when warm can be the following neurological problems:

  • intervertebral hernia lumbar region spine (pinched nerve endings, impaired blood supply to the lower extremities);
  • violation cerebral circulation(one of the accompanying conditions is cold extremities);
  • some diseases peripheral part nervous system are accompanied by impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the legs.

Problems of different nature

Why do men and women's feet get cold when warm? different ages? The reasons can be very diverse:

Children's feet get cold when warm

Why do children's feet get very cold even when they are warm? The cause may be the same body conditions as in adults:

  • circulatory disorders as a result of illness;
  • physical condition of the body (low weight, thinness);
  • psychosomatic problems;
  • avitaminosis;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • poor posture leading to impaired blood supply to the extremities;
  • metabolic disease;
  • allergy;
  • incorrectly selected shoes, clothes.

It must be borne in mind that the physiological characteristics of the child’s body play a large role in heat exchange processes:

  • the thermoregulation of a newborn is not yet perfect, so he can freeze at a temperature that is comfortable for an adult;
  • There is almost no fat layer in the child’s limbs, and the muscle mass is small.

The task of parents is to analyze situations when a child’s leg temperature is significantly lower than body temperature in a warm place, try to understand what they are connected with, and, if they have not found the answer to this question on their own, consult a pediatrician.

What will help get rid of the symptom of “cold feet”

If cold feet cause discomfort and interfere with the normal functioning of the body, you need to try to get rid of the factors that provoke this condition:

  • any types of alcohol (affects vascular tone);
  • smoking (the lumen of blood vessels narrows, heat exchange is disrupted);
  • low physical activity;
  • increased body weight;
  • improper and excessive nutrition;
  • wearing tight clothes and shoes;
  • incorrect postures when walking and sitting.

Traditional medicine to help “cold feet”

Why do my feet get cold when it's warm? What to do? Traditional methods contain many recommendations on what to do in such cases, because the problem is not new, people have been familiar with it for a long time. Let's consider methods based on influencing biologically active points of the feet.

  • Rubbing the feet with apple cider vinegar (6%), vodka, triple cologne. This method helps dilate blood vessels and improves blood flow. First you need to massage your feet (until a feeling of warmth appears), rub your ankles and toes. Then rub in the chosen product well and put on socks.
  • Add mustard (powder) to hot water and warm your feet until the water cools. After putting it on (the fibers act on the points of the sole).
  • Pour dry mustard or red pepper into cotton socks, put them on (wipe your feet dry), and put another pair of socks on top. It is good to carry out the procedure at night.
  • Prepare a tincture of 200 ml of vodka and 2 teaspoons of red pepper (keep in a dark place for 10 days), rub into your feet overnight. Be sure to wear socks.
  • Use a warming cream to warm your feet: add to any neutral cream fir oil, rub into feet until absorbed, put on warm socks.
  • Warming your feet over hot boiled potatoes: put a board on the pan, put your feet on it, wrap it up and sit for half an hour.
  • Foot baths. Prepare a decoction of spruce or pine needles, warm your feet for half an hour, then keep them warm.

Prepare a hot infusion from 3 or 4 green tea bags in 1-2 liters of water (10 minutes), warm your feet until the infusion cools. Wrap up.

Recipes for decoctions and teas

A variety of teas will help improve blood circulation.

Ginger tea: stir half a teaspoon of ground ginger in 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Drink hot, adding a slice of lemon, in the morning (on an empty stomach) and in the evening (an hour before bedtime).

Tea with ginger: when brewing black tea, add fresh ginger (grated) or powder - half a teaspoon - to the cup. You can add ground nutmeg along with ginger (to taste).

Dandelion drink: leave fresh or dried dandelion flowers (1 teaspoon) in a glass of boiling water for 5 minutes. Drink two glasses a day (morning and afternoon, regardless of meals).

Hawthorn drink: leave a teaspoon of dry (crushed) hawthorn fruit in a glass of boiling water for 5 minutes, add honey and drink as tea.

Exercises to improve blood circulation in the legs

We've figured out why your feet get cold at home when it's warm. Something definitely needs to be done about this problem. Among the many exercises to improve blood circulation in the legs, you can always choose the ones that are suitable specifically for yourself and perform them, which is very important, systematically (morning and evening). When performing, concentrate on the leg muscles.

Exercise 1(to restore blood circulation in the capillaries): lying on your back (on the floor), place a cushion under your neck, lift your legs and arms up at a right angle. Perform vibrating movements with your arms and legs (shake), without bending them, for one to three minutes.

Exercise 2. While standing, roll from toe to heel with both feet (20-30 times).

Exercise 3. Sitting on a chair, extend your straight leg forward and move your toes up and down (10-20 times).

Exercise 4. It is performed similarly to the previous one, only the movement is done with the foot.

Exercise 5. Lying on your back (on the floor), stretch your arms along your body. Pull your toes towards you one at a time (10-15 times with each leg).

Exercise 6. Perform half squats, tensing the leg muscles (10-15 times).

Exercise 7. Walking on the outside of the foot (1-2 minutes).

Exercise 8. Goose-stepping.

Exercise 9. Lying on your stomach (on the floor), put your hands under your head, bend your legs at the knees. Perform rocking movements from side to side (1-2 minutes).

Exercise 10. Lying on your back, raise your legs straight and lean them against the wall, bringing your buttocks as close to the wall as possible. Stay in this position for 5 minutes.

Exercise 11. Sitting on a chair (your back rests against the back of the chair), raise your legs straight, parallel to the floor, and move your legs as if swimming.

Exercise 11. Pick up small objects lying on the floor with your toes.

Exercise 12. Standing on your toes, stretch your arms straight up, trying to stretch your spine as much as possible (count from 30 to 60).

The execution order can be chosen arbitrarily. With systematic exercise, you will feel a feeling of lightness in your legs, and the feeling of cold in your feet will gradually go away.


In order not to encounter the problem of your feet getting cold in a warm place, you should practice prevention from childhood:

  • walk barefoot on the ground, on pebbles, stones, sand, grass;
  • at home, walk more often without slippers;
  • perform a foot massage using massage mat, a special massager;
  • do not insulate your feet unless necessary (dress according to the weather);
  • be physically active in any weather;
  • carry out hardening procedures: contrast showers, contrast foot baths;
  • support correct position body when walking, in a sitting position (the legs should have support);
  • cycling, swimming, skiing, walking;
  • include in your diet foods containing fatty acid(fatty fish, flax-seed And linseed oil, nuts, seeds).

These measures, if carried out in a system, will help both children and adults feel comfortable in any weather.

Hello dear readers. Legs are a part of the body that is often underestimated. And it’s not just about their most important function—movement. If you delve deeper into physiology, you will find out that the feet, for example, are the place where the nerve endings of almost every internal organ are concentrated; in them (in the legs) there are many large and small blood vessels. The physical health and psychological well-being of a person largely depends on the condition of the lower extremities. Why are my feet cold - what to do? This question is often asked by those who periodically, and sometimes constantly, experience this condition. Because they contain a lot of biological active points, hypothermia can have an extremely negative impact on health. But there is another side to the coin: chronically cold extremities may indicate problems in the body. We'll look into this.

Why your feet get cold - possible reasons

Naturally, this state of affairs can bring significant discomfort to life and cause concern for one’s health. Therefore, it is very important to know about the reasons that can provoke this condition when your feet are cold. First, let's look at those that occur even if a person is absolutely healthy:

Strict diets or unbalanced nutrition can provoke the development of this problem. The lack affects nutrients and energy resources in the body, which, in particular, affects the legs.

The body is adapted to temperatures higher than those that affect it this moment. That is, if you are in a room in which the temperature is quite comfortable for most people (about 20 degrees Celsius), but your body is adapted, accustomed, to a temperature of 26 degrees, then your limbs, and lower ones - including may get cold.

Hypothermia, as a result of exposure of the feet to cool water, damp earth, and so on. Naturally, in this case, heat exchange between the body and the external environment acting on it will be very intense and, unfortunately, not in favor of the former.

Impaired blood circulation due to the influence of external mechanical factors on the limbs: legs that have been pressed in for a long time, excessively tight shoes, and so on. In this case, the legs become numb, cold, and numb.

Frostbite on the feet, even decades ago. And although its external signs may not be observed for a long time, the consequences remain, in many cases, for life. Yes, temperature external environment, in which a “normal” limb will be quite comfortable and warm, for a once frostbitten limb it can be very unpleasant.

Cold feet - physiological disorders:

These reasons should be addressed Special attention, since, if in the above cases, chilliness of the lower extremities, as a rule, goes away very quickly when the external cause that led to it is eliminated, then with those factors that will be named now, in order to normalize your condition, correction of the body’s functioning may be required , that is, his treatment!

So, the reasons why feet may be chronically cold:

Blood pressure problems

Moreover, not only with increased, but also with decreased. Thus, hypertension is often accompanied by strong spasm vessels, leads to their narrowing in the extremities, which significantly reduces the volume of blood supplied to them. A decrease in their temperature is a natural result. Hypotension has similar consequences, it’s just that the mechanism is slightly different. The lumen of the vessels may not be narrowed, but the blood pressure is not enough for optimal circulation.

Anemia (anemia)

Chronic chilliness of the feet may also indicate this. At a very low level, oxygen is transported very poorly. Because of this, energy production and metabolic processes between cells are very sluggish, which does not allow the feet to warm up.


With this disease, all blood vessels (large and small) become increasingly fragile, blood clots form in them, and over time, the lumens of these vital “transport arteries” can even close. Naturally, the blood flow is disrupted and the legs suffer. If measures are not taken urgently, “ diabetic foot».

Disruption of the nervous system

Raynaud's syndrome, in which, against the background of a nervous disorder, blood vessels spasm, also often leads to cold feet. They become especially sensitive to the effects of water.

Obliterating endarteritis

In the vast majority of cases, it affects heavy smokers, whose constant inhalation of the poison leads to its accumulation in large concentrations in large vessels - arteries. They narrow due to the chronic inflammatory processes present in them. The condition is aggravated by the formation of blood clots. My legs suffer greatly from this, including getting very cold. This also includes phlebitis, as well as thrombophlebitis.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

In this context, it can affect the intensity of blood flow in the lower extremities by the inability of the vessels to quickly respond to changes in environmental conditions.

All these are reasons hidden in pathological disorders peripheral vessels, due to which the blood flow cannot satisfy the needs for it that the body has. To finally make sure that this is the cause of cold feet, read the next section.

Symptoms of poor blood flow:

  • Swelling of the lower extremities.
  • Prominently prominent vessels (veins) that appear to be filled with blood.
  • Chronic leg fatigue, or rapid fatigue during even minimal physical activity.
  • Cramps of the legs and feet, even at rest.
  • Itching, numbness of the limbs.
  • A specific shade of the skin of the legs (dark bluish) and its sagging.

What to do if your feet are cold even when warm

If this is so, then most likely there is really something wrong with the body. But you shouldn’t worry too much about this, much less panic. After all, firstly, it is not yet known for sure that this is exactly the case, and secondly, almost any health problem, with the right approach to it, can be solved, and even without any negative consequences after that!

The first thing you need to do if you do this on your own is to try to eliminate as much as possible any factors that can provoke a feeling of coldness in the lower extremities, or their actual chilliness! These include:

Bad habits, in the first place among which are drinking alcohol (in any dose) and smoking.

Excess weight, mainly due to a large volume of adipose tissue.

Constant physical inactivity, that is, a predominantly “passive” lifestyle.

Poor nutrition and the like.

Thus, minimizing these factors is already a big step forward! Stop smoking and go in for sports, try to eat right, or at least eliminate the most important ones from your diet. harmful products, think about what else could be negatively affecting you in this regard, and you will be able to notice positive changes in your health and the health of your legs.

What else can you do:

Choose the right shoes for yourself; under no circumstances should they be tight.

Do not overuse caffeinated drinks.

Always choose outfits according to weather conditions, especially temperature.

Make it a habit to do exercises every morning, and if you start running, this is generally ideal (however, this kind of physical exercise may be contraindicated for you: consult your doctor).

Try to remove stressful situations from your life. They, with their long-term influence, main reason the vast majority of illnesses.

Resort to traditional methods of treatment. They are capable of performing miracles.

Constantly cold feet - traditional methods of treatment

There are many effective and, at the same time, simple recipes that will help you cope with this situation. My grandmother used these recipes when her feet were cold. Well, gymnastics, this is an addition to the main procedures, you should also pay attention to this.

Alcohol compress

To prepare it, you can use both ethyl alcohol and homemade strong moonshine. If they are not available, store-bought vodka and even classic triple cologne will do. Prepare warm water, pour it into a large bowl or basin, and lower your feet there. The feet should be completely covered with liquid. Wait five minutes. At the same time, dip clean socks, preferably warm ones (thick and made of natural fabric), into warm alcohol (moonshine, cologne, etc.).

After removing your feet from the water, immediately put on these socks, after wringing them lightly to release excess liquid. On top of them are woolen socks, and under the blanket. Your feet will immediately warm up, because the alcohol will act on the skin accordingly. soft fabrics and dilated blood vessels with the help of a warm bath. You can apply compresses irregularly, depending on the situation.

Baths with pine oil

They need to be prepared as follows: for one and a half to two liters of water - 22 drops of pine needle or eucalyptus oil. The water must first be heated to 38-39 degrees. The essential oils needed for a bath can be purchased without any problems at many pharmacies or specialized retail outlets.

The procedure time (its duration) is up to 10 minutes. Can be used: in medicinal purposes- daily 1 time per day, for 10-14 days, in maintenance and preventive - 1 time every 3-4 days on an ongoing basis.

Foot massage

For constantly freezing feet, it is recommended several times a week, more often if necessary, up to daily practice. It consists of stages: stroking, kneading, squeezing, sharp massage, patting and back - stroking.

All movements should lead to relaxation and pleasant sensations. Discomfort and pain during such a massage may indicate that you are doing something wrong. Therefore, along with self-massage, you should also consider the option of using professional high-quality services of a massage therapist.

Gymnastics - as one of the effective means

It can be performed along with morning exercises, but later in time: during the day.

Shaking legs. You need to lie on the floor, face up. You can raise your legs and possibly your arms up so that they create an angle of approximately 90 degrees with your torso. Start shaking them, creating peculiar vibration movements.

This is very good exercise, which helps eliminate swelling, tonize blood vessels, strengthen muscles and increase skin elasticity. And this alone, if performed regularly, may be enough to completely or partially eliminate the problem of cold feet. And if such gymnastics is not enough, look at another exercise.

Reed in the wind. You need to lie on the floor, but now on your stomach. Bend your legs at the knees, forming an angle of about 90 degrees between your shins and thighs. Next, imagine that your legs are light reeds, smoothly swaying in a refreshing, pleasant wind.

Perform appropriate movements with them. It is also important that your feet, at least sometimes, hit your butt. Exercise time is 1.5-3 minutes, depending on how you feel.

Contrast foot baths before bed

They will help strengthen blood vessels and quickly warm your feet. You need to prepare two bowls. One - with water, the temperature of which is about 39-40 degrees, and natural sea salt (about 2 tablespoons per 2 liters of water). The other - with water, average temperature 30-33 degrees and a teaspoon of rosemary oil (per 2 liters of water, approximately).

Dip your feet in the first bowl for 5 minutes, then for 2-3 minutes in the second and again for 4-5 minutes in the first (you need to keep it warm, for this it is better to heat it on the stove).

As has already been noted, but it will not be superfluous to repeat: do not forget about exclusively healthy way life and an optimal diet, including more easily digestible protein foods, fruits and vegetables (minerals and vitamins).

3 ways to get warm very quickly

Sometimes, it's simply necessary. For example, with severe hypothermia. What can help: self-massage, physical exercise (the first and second were already mentioned above), rubbing the feet (including cologne or vodka, followed by obligatory wrapping).

These simple methods really help improve blood circulation and warm up faster.

Constantly cold feet are not just a discomfort or a feature of the body. Ice-cold feet are often a symptom of disease. When women's feet are cold, a qualified therapist will help find out the reasons for women. Often this problem is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the vascular system, but there are other sources that can be determined after examining the patient and a series of examinations.

Why do women's feet get cold?

Compared to men, women get colder and more often. This is due to the structural features of the female body and the functioning of the hormonal system. The female body produces heat less well and has a harder time warming up by shivering. In women, heating is aimed at the pelvic organs and brain, and the arms and legs are heated last. The small diameter of female vessels also interferes with the full heating of the limbs.

If a woman’s feet are cold, the reasons may be hidden in the following problems:

  1. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. Underneath this disease lies a complex of vascular problems that lead to deterioration of capillary circulation. With this disease, cold feet are combined with increased moisture in the extremities, which in the cold increases the strength of freezing.
  2. Anemia. Lack of hemoglobin causes deterioration in blood quality and blood supply. This leads to a deterioration in organ nutrition and a feeling of chilliness.
  3. Unnatural shoes and synthetic tights. Artificial fabrics trap air, leading to wet feet and freezing feet.
  4. Horse racing blood pressure. On this problem the body may react with temperature fluctuations, which increases the risk of freezing of the extremities.
  5. Hypotension. Low blood pressure almost always leads to an increased tendency to freeze.
  6. Hormonal disorders. Control of body temperature and heating of the body is carried out using the hormonal system. Disturbances in the activity of this system can cause a feeling of chilliness, fever, and cold extremities.
  7. Diabetes. This disease affects the condition of blood vessels, making them more brittle and inelastic.
  8. Tobacco smoking. Smoking cigarettes leads to narrowing of blood vessels and worsening of their condition. The consequence of this is a deterioration in blood circulation in peripheral vessels.
  9. Unbalanced diet, especially on low-calorie diets.

Why do my feet get cold even when it’s warm?

When your feet and hands are cold outside in the cool season, this can be called the norm, but how can you understand why your feet are cold even at home wearing socks? The main reason for this discomfort is poor circulation and a problem with blood vessels.

According to their structure, our limbs already have all the prerequisites for freezing:

  • the legs and arms have the thinnest vessels;
  • blood flows worst to the extremities;
  • there is almost no adipose tissue in the limbs.

These structural features lead to the fact that the limbs freeze more than other parts of the body. Therefore, even when a person is in a warm environment and has socks on his feet, his feet will quickly feel the lack of heat in the body. The thermoregulation system tries to warm the vital organs first, and it can begin heating the legs when the body does not feel a lack of heat. If a person has problems with blood vessels and blood circulation, these features of thermoregulation will be even more pronounced, which will lead to a feeling of coldness in the legs.

Feet sweat and get cold

A person may notice that their feet are cold after they have sweated. The main reason for sweaty feet is poor quality shoes or tights. Synthetic fabric shoes, artificial insoles, tights and socks impair air circulation and lead to fluid accumulation in shoes. Incorrectly chosen shoes can also lead to sweating and chilly feet. Narrow shoes in the foot or a narrow boot cause deterioration of blood circulation, which leads to weakening of the heating of the extremities.

Toes are freezing

When a person’s toes become cold, the reason always lies in impaired blood flow and deterioration of the blood vessels. If your feet are cold, the reasons for women may be related to the following factors:

  • smoking, alcohol;
  • sedentary work;
  • excess weight;
  • pregnancy.

Cold toes can be symptoms of the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • diabetes mellitus;

Left foot is freezing

There are several reasons why feet become cold, so an accurate diagnosis requires a thorough examination by several specialists. If your left leg gets cold, it is better to immediately contact a vascular surgeon. A common cause of chilliness in one leg is. If an aneurysm forms in the leg, the person will feel cold, tingling, and numbness. Sometimes the presence of intermittent claudication syndrome is noted. An aneurysm that is not removed in time can cause vessel rupture and stroke.

Right foot is freezing

If a person’s right leg feels cold, he should seek advice from a vascular surgeon and neurologist. Coldness in one leg may indicate blockage of blood vessels in the leg, thrombophlebitis, or problems with the spine. If your feet are cold, the causes of discomfort in women may be related to and intervertebral hernias leading to pinching of nerve endings, painful sensations in the legs, impaired heat exchange, tingling and numbness.

Feet get cold at night - reasons

At night, blood circulation changes due to changes in the sleeping position, and with it, the heating of body parts also changes. For this reason, some people feel coldness in their limbs during sleep. Among the main reasons why legs get cold at night is a problem with blood vessels. With vascular diseases, it can be difficult for a person to sleep due to cold feet that do not warm up even in socks and under a blanket. Such discomfort is often experienced by hypotensive people and people with VSD. Atherosclerosis also leads to the fact that at night a person feels cold in the legs.

Feet are constantly cold - reasons

Exist different reasons Why do my feet always get cold? They are divided into three groups:

  1. Various diseases associated with the vascular system or affecting the condition of blood vessels. Blockage, narrowing of the lumens, fragility and inelasticity of blood vessels cause poor circulation and problems with heating the extremities.
  2. Neurological diseases associated with pinched nerves. This leads to deterioration of nerve conduction and weakening of heat exchange in the extremities.
  3. Hormonal disorders. The hormonal system is responsible for thermoregulation in our body, failures in which can lead to disruption of heating parts of the body or to insufficient production heat.

What to do if your feet are cold?

If there is a problem when your limbs are cold, neurologists and vascular surgeons will tell you what to do about it.

  1. Find out the cause of chilly feet.
  2. Increase physical activity, walk more, ride a bike, swim.
  3. Lose weight if you are overweight.
  4. Smokers should quit smoking.
  5. Minimize alcohol consumption.
  6. Wear comfortable, roomy shoes made from natural materials.
  7. Women can wear heels for no more than 4 hours.
  8. Monitor your hemoglobin level and prevent it from decreasing.
  9. Eat a balanced diet.
  10. Perform a foot massage.
  11. Make contrast baths.
  12. Walk barefoot using a massage mat.
  13. Before going to bed, you can warm your feet with a warm heating pad.

How are emotional stress, tight shoes, lack of nutrients in the body, and bad habits related to each other? All this can cause your legs to become cold or numb. If your limbs are constantly cold, you should visit a doctor. Why? Read about all this below.

Cold feet: how to identify the cause

If you begin to notice that your feet are cold even in warm rooms, you should analyze your life for the following factors:

1. Sedentary lifestyle. If your daily route is “Home – work – shop – home”, it is worth diversifying it. For example, walking, running, roller skating, skiing, skating - without them the body will not receive the load it is supposed to, and the heart will one day not be able to cope with providing the entire body with normal blood flow. The first reason that your feet get cold is leading a sedentary lifestyle.

2. Violation physical health. Varicose veins, vegetative-vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis and other diseases, even with proper treatment, can cause a condition in which the legs not only become cold, but also go numb.

3. Emotional fatigue. Constant overstrain at work, the loss of loved ones, and increased excitability lead to the fact that an overworked heart has to choose which parts of the body to supply with oxygen first. It cares less about the legs than, for example, about the brain. And this is another reason why your feet get cold.

4. Bad habits. Smoking, alcohol and narcotic substances disrupt both the functioning of the whole organism as a whole and the blood vessels in particular. This leads to cold feet even in warm weather.

5. Vitamin deficiency. For example, your limbs may freeze because your body does not receive the amount of a particular substance it needs. This mainly leads to Iron-deficiency anemia.

6. Wrong choice of shoes. Narrow “boats” and light ankle boots on a cold day will lead to your feet not only getting tired, but also getting cold.

My feet are getting cold

Feet become cold or numb: how to overcome the “enemy”?

Do the unpleasant sensations associated with freezing feet prompt you to try certain remedies recommended by friends and acquaintances? Take your time to experiment with your health! See your doctor. You definitely need to find out why your feet are getting cold.

Remember! Whatever the reason that your feet are cold constantly or periodically, only a specialist can determine it

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe an examination or consultation with other specialists, write a referral for tests, and then tell you how and with what help to solve the problem of freezing extremities. Before visiting (and after), try:

Move more;

Wear comfortable shoes according to the season;

Supplement your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits;

Use contrast baths or showers daily;

Use a warming foot cream before bed.

Self-medication at home is a dangerous habit, so if your unpleasant symptoms for a long time, be sure to consult a doctor.

Both men and women are susceptible to the disease.

Causes of constantly cold feet

These are many diseases:

1. VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia). This is an imbalance in the functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the nervous system. When adrenaline is released into the blood, this leads to vasospasm. The disease is diagnosed in most young people and children.

2. One of the reasons is the consequence of frostbite. If a limb is injured in this way, then the slightest decrease in air temperature will be reflected on the legs.

3. High or low blood pressure. Both cases negatively affect blood flow. Treatment begins with normalizing blood pressure.

4. People who smoke are susceptible. Nicotine provokes vasospasm. The same thing happens as with VSD.

6. Extensive fungal infection(candidiasis). It often occurs after undergoing a course of antibiotic treatment. With cold extremities, the body sends a signal about foreign bacteria.

7. Anemia. If there is little iron in the blood, it supplies little oxygen to the vessels and as a result the person freezes.

8. Hypothyroidism. Decreased functionality thyroid gland occurs in people after 40 and leads to a slowdown in all body processes. Increased fatigue, apathy, and a feeling of cold appear.

9. Taking drugs that cause vasospasm of the peripheral nervous system: Atenolol, Anaprilin and others.

10. Diathesis in childhood. The consequences of allergies are felt already in adulthood, and the body’s reaction is expressed precisely by cold extremities.

11. Diabetes mellitus. Due to impaired capillary circulation.

12. Varicose veins. Due to their low tone, blood circulation in the legs is impaired.

13. Often any diseases accompanied elevated temperature body, affect the vessels of the peripheral nervous system and cause a feeling of cold hands and feet. In this case, before reducing the fever, it is necessary to warm up the limbs.

14. Age-related ailments. After 50, a person’s hormonal levels change, the immune system and the body as a whole weaken, and blood circulation worsens. This all leads to the fact that your feet are always cold.

15. Lack of magnesium. This essential element– participant in all biochemical processes.

16. Heart diseases. Shortness of breath, numbness of the limbs, cold fingers are reasons to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

17. Obesity. Due to the fact that the legs bear the entire weight of the body, they suffer the most.

18. Diseases of the endocrine system, hyperhidrosis. With it, your feet are constantly cold and sweaty.

19. Physical inactivity. If a person is used to spending most of his time sitting at a computer and rarely gets his blood pumping physical activity– this leads to deterioration of blood vessels and slow blood circulation.

Sometimes it's simple individual feature person or the manifestation of symptoms is caused by external catalysts (overwork, stress, hypothermia). In this case, the disturbing signs should go away after some time. Anatomically, the feet are designed in such a way that there is practically no fat layer on them, which is responsible for maintaining correct temperature, and the heat transfer area is large enough for the feet to quickly become cold.

A child’s body is more susceptible, and the younger the child, the more acutely it reacts to environmental changes. A baby can get sick from a slight decrease in air temperature outside - and heat in the body will appear after overheating.

If your child has cold hands and feet when normal temperature outdoors or indoors, this also indicates a sluggish form of rickets. In this case, the doctor prescribes vitamins (the most important is D) and prescribes a special diet.

What to do first?

First, you need to take into account the presence of chronic diseases related to the above areas. If nothing raises suspicion, and there are no other symptoms, and cold extremities are bothering you more and more often, this condition must be treated, it is advisable to consult a therapist. He will prescribe a series of examinations and blood and urine tests.

Based on their results, he will make a preliminary diagnosis and send you to a specialized specialist. Most often this is a cardiologist, phlebologist or endocrinologist. They will prescribe adequate treatment concomitant diseases, which will prevent the occurrence of cold feet syndrome.

Features of therapy

In addition to following instructions from a specialist who will determine treatments and the cause of cold feet, it is helpful to do the following at home:

1. take a contrast shower and foot baths with salt and mustard;

2. make sure that your feet are dressed appropriately for the weather, try not to expose them to hypothermia (this also applies in the summer);

3. if your feet are about to become cold, you need to rub them, massage them, and put on warm socks. There are many nerve endings and points on the toes and feet, massaging which improves not only blood flow, but also the condition of the body as a whole; it's good to use essential oils or special warming ones for massage;

4. in summer, walk barefoot on the ground or grass.

Yoga recommends doing the following exercise: sit down, straighten your legs, and bring your feet together. Inhale, and as you exhale, slowly bend towards your legs, reach for your feet, sliding your hands over the entire surface of your thighs and calves. Try to keep your back straight. It is advisable to stay in this position for about a second.

Traditional medicine has found its own ways to combat cold hands and feet:

  • Chop three small hot peppers, add one spoon of salt and mustard powder. Pour all ingredients into a liter of vodka. Leave until the liquid turns red. It is necessary to rub your feet before going to bed, then put on socks;
  • The same mixture can be used by pouring 50 g of it into a basin of hot water and steaming your feet in it before going to bed for about 20 minutes.

Chinese traditional medicine advises:

  • refuse cold food and take only warm, warming food;
  • drink ginseng tea. 7 pieces of it and up to two dozen walnuts put in water and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Use warm before bedtime.

If you lead correct image life and take into account the following recommendations, then the problem of cold feet may never arise.

1. Refusal bad habits, especially from smoking (more often affects men).

2. Normalization of weight.

3. Daily exercise, moderate exercise.

4. Well-chosen shoes, according to the season. One that retains the warmth of your feet, but at the same time is ventilated and does not compress. Your feet shouldn't sweat in it.

5. Taking venotonics for preventive purposes (tablets, creams, ointments). This is especially true for women, who are more likely than men to experience varicose veins.

6. Self massage legs It’s enough to just warm up all your fingers, joints, and feet.

7. Use warming foot balms.

8. If there are no contraindications from gastrointestinal tract– add hot spices to food – varieties of peppers, mustard and others. They will help dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

9. Normalize the consumption of coffee and strong tea.

10. Dress warmer in winter, and begin hardening in the summer with water procedures.

It is important not to ignore the symptoms and rid the body of the constant struggle to conserve heat. Most often, cold extremities are a secondary sign of disease, and only after curing them will you be able to count on positive dynamics in thermoregulation of the legs.

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Why are my feet always cold?

Why are my feet always cold? If you are asking this question, then this information will help you. The cause of perpetually cold feet is poor circulation. When the blood supply to your body is disrupted, the limbs, especially the feet, are the first to suffer. Why? Because there is practically no subcutaneous fat and muscle on the lower extremities. Muscles in the body generate energy, and subcutaneous fat stores it. To keep your feet from freezing, they need to be constantly warmed with blood circulating through the veins.

The causes of impaired blood supply can be sedentary work (the so-called “economy class syndrome” - prolonged sitting in a cramped position, most often at a computer), a sedentary lifestyle, tight shoes, a fragile body and low muscle mass. These are relatively harmless reasons.

The causes of blood supply disturbances can also be:

Smoking. Long-term, regular use of tobacco provokes spasm of blood vessels, which leads to freezing of the feet and hands.

Lack of fats and vitamins A and E. If a person’s diet contains insufficient amounts of these substances, this may cause hypersensitivity to the cold. The feet often get cold in women who are addicted to constant low-calorie diets.

Some types of medications, for example, beta-blockers - anaprilin, atenolol, cause spasm of peripheral vessels, as a result of which the feet may freeze. For gynecological diseases, women may be prescribed ergot preparations, which also cause chilliness.

Elderly age. As we age, everything in the human body slows down. physiological processes, including a slowdown in blood circulation and metabolism. In addition, as we age, muscle mass and the volume of subcutaneous adipose tissue decrease. As a result, a decrease in heat transfer is observed.

Constant stress. Nervous stress leads to impaired blood circulation, causing cold feet.

Frostbitten limbs. The consequences of severe hypothermia last a lifetime. Anyone who has once had frostbitten limbs is very sensitive to even minor changes in air temperature.

What are the dangers of constantly freezing feet?

Besides the fact that cold feet cause a lot of discomfort, this condition can lead to other problems. For example, there is an increased risk of colds, cystitis, as well as impaired regeneration of foot tissue.

Constantly cold feet can also be a symptom of diseases developing in the body!

Raynaud's disease, or Raynaud's sign, involves poor tolerance of cold water and cold temperatures because the small arteries that carry blood to the skin become narrow, limiting circulation. If a person, even with room temperature cold hands and feet, the reasons should be looked for together with a vascular surgeon. Also, coldness in the extremities with this disease can be caused by stress. In addition to feeling cold, the skin tends to change color. The affected areas turn white, then blue, and turn red when heated. During the warming process, a person may experience painful tingling and burning.

Raynaud's disease is more common in women and in people who live in cold climates. At mild form For this disease, it is enough to wear warm shoes in cold weather. In some cases, your doctor will prescribe medications to improve blood flow.

Decreased thyroid function - hypothyroidism. This condition manifests itself in arrhythmia, low temperature body, brittle nails, excessive greasiness of hair. Thyroid does not produce a sufficient amount of the hormone, which leads to a malfunction of some body systems and the person receives little energy necessary for heating.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include sensitivity to cold, as well as fatigue, weight gain and memory problems. The skin of the extremities becomes not only cold, but also dry and itchy. Thyroid problems are diagnosed using a blood test. Treatment for hypothyroidism usually involves daily intake synthetic thyroid hormone.

Anemia, or anemia, is when a person does not have enough red blood cells (hemoglobin) to transport oxygen throughout the body. The most common symptoms of anemia are fast fatiguability and shortness of breath. Other symptoms include cold hands and feet, as well as dizziness, headache and pale skin. Treatment of anemia depends on the type, cause and severity of the disease, but often includes dietary changes to include iron, folic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin B12.

Hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating, at first glance, has nothing to do with cold feet. However, during sweating, blood vessels constrict, which, combined with loss of moisture, leads to chilliness. Previously, they did not want to recognize this problem as a disease, considering it just a feature of the body. It is currently believed that this is a disease caused by a malfunction endocrine system, which is inherited. Excessive sweating may also be caused by infectious diseases, problems of the cardiovascular system, thyroid diseases, cancer, consequences of stroke, menopause, age-related changes. To reduce sweating, you can massage your feet and use essential oils.

Diabetes. A symptom such as cold feet occurs in people with diabetes. This is explained by a violation of capillary blood circulation, in which small and large vessels become more fragile and prone to thrombosis. Constantly cold feet can be a harbinger of such a serious complication of diabetes as diabetic foot, in which the nutrition of the tissues of the leg gradually becomes worse, and there is a risk of gangrene of the limb and its amputation.

Obliterating endarteritis or intermittent claudication. These pathologies are typical for long-term smokers. The inner lining of the arteries becomes inflamed, which leads to its narrowing and thrombosis. As a result, the influx arterial blood it becomes so difficult that the limbs become cold and hurt when walking even short distances. In especially severe cases, necrosis of leg tissue develops, and then amputation of the fingers, foot, or the entire leg up to the thigh is required.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) disrupts the normal functioning of blood vessels, reduces the speed of blood flow in them and disrupts capillary circulation. People suffering from VSD are constantly cold, they have cold and slightly damp feet and palms, as well as a tendency to headaches, migraines, and fainting. Characteristic manifestations or symptoms of VSD are also tinnitus, drowsiness, sudden emotional changes, increased heart rate, changes in body temperature. To prescribe correct treatment for VSD, a thorough examination of the body is necessary to exclude pathology of internal organs.

Peripheral vascular diseases (PVD). This term refers to diseases of the vessels located on the periphery circulatory system. BPS can affect peripheral arteries (vessels that carry blood from the heart to the periphery) or peripheral veins (vessels that carry blood to the heart). The cause of these diseases is the gradual build-up of deposits in the vessels (atherosclerosis). Other causes may include blood clots (thrombi) or emboli, congenital heart disease, and inflammation of the blood vessels (vasculitis). People most often affected by BPSD are those who are overweight, obese, have high blood pressure, diabetes, or high level cholesterol. Smoking and eating high-fat foods can also lead to peripheral vascular disease. Usually, early signs ADLs are numbness in the feet, pain, cramping, redness of the feet and coldness in the extremities. Treatment depends on how advanced the disease is and should necessarily include lifestyle changes and diet.

Varicose veins can also cause cold feet. Since this disease causes circulatory problems due to deterioration of blood flow through the veins, one of its symptoms is a feeling of coldness in the legs and arms. Varicose veins are most common in women, which is why they suffer more from cold feet syndrome.

If cold feet are the result of a developing disease, then, as a rule, other symptoms of a particular disease are also present. But, in any case, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

What to do to warm your feet? Prevention.

The reason for constantly freezing feet lies in poor circulation. This may be caused developing diseases, but if doctors have not identified any serious problems, and your feet are still often cold, you need to find ways to warm them.

Don't wear tight shoes; choose shoes that fit according to the size and weather conditions.

Make it a habit to always wear warm socks or slippers.

Strengthen blood vessels. Use foot products (balms, warming ointments) that give the skin elasticity, making the walls of blood vessels stronger. If you regularly use this kind of product, you will not only forget about the constant problem, but also improve the condition of the skin on your feet.

If you have to work while standing, then after a hard day at work, give your legs a rest and take mustard baths, which improve blood circulation and relieve swelling.

At the first sign of freezing feet, give yourself a foot massage. First you need to intensively rub the soles of your feet, then massage your toes. Immediately after the massage, you need to put warm, heated socks on your feet.

A contrast shower is very useful - alternating cold and hot water (without fanaticism). After this procedure, it is advisable to do a massage with essential oils.

To avoid further tightening of blood vessels, do not wear tight clothes and shoes. Pharmacies sell special socks that improve blood flow. They are sewn from a special elastic material.

If you sit incorrectly, hunch over, tuck your legs under you, this will inevitably lead to impaired blood supply. Therefore, you need to keep your back straight and place your feet flat on the floor. You cannot sit in one position for more than 40 minutes.

If you smoke, try to quit addiction- Nicotine significantly constricts blood vessels.

Eat more fruits, fish, meat, buckwheat and less fatty and floury foods.

An active lifestyle is essential for normal blood circulation.

These recommendations will help you not only get rid of the eternal cold in your extremities, but also improve your health. After all, cold feet are only a symptom that signals the possibility of more serious problems.

Why are my feet always cold?

Causes of constantly cold feet in healthy people

If a person’s feet are constantly cold, at any time of the year, you need to look for factors that influence cooling. Our limbs are responsible for the temperature of the whole body. Therefore, if they are cold, a person feels constant discomfort. According to statistics, feet are more likely to freeze in people after 40 years of age, when blood circulation is gradually impaired and the nervous system begins to act up. The female body is naturally built in such a way that reproductive organs should not overheat, so their temperature periodically decreases.

Let us highlight the main causes of cold feet that are not related to diseases:

  • Low body weight. Thin people have freezing feet more often than thick people. Fat is responsible for maintaining heat in the body. Therefore, when it is deficient, the feet freeze first.

In addition, limbs freeze in people suffering from certain diseases.

Symptoms of diseases that cause cold feet

Cooling of the lower extremities is most often observed in diseases associated with spasm or narrowing of blood vessels. In this state, blood circulation is disrupted, a lack of energy and weakness occurs in the body, and the legs are cold. Let's consider the main diseases in which cooling of the extremities occurs:

Anemia. Hemoglobin decreases, oxygen reaches the tissues poorly, resulting in a lack of heat in the body. If you want to know what else is dangerous about anemia, click here.

Why are your feet cold? (video)

In a short video from the “Live Healthy” program, Elena Malysheva and other experts talk about the reasons for cold feet, what diseases and defects accompany this condition. Examples based on the experience of real people.

Cold feet in a child

Everyone has probably noticed that small children try to take off their socks every time and run around barefoot. Parents, on the contrary, wrap their children up to protect them from illness. It is not right! To a healthy child much warmer than an adult, since the blood vessels are still healthy and the blood flow is not impaired.

The main diseases associated with cold extremities in a child:

  • Vegetovascular dystonia. It’s sad, but many children experience a disruption in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, and subsequently the entire body as a whole. As a result, vasospasm occurs, blood flow deteriorates and the legs become cold. In children, the disease most often goes away with age.

If the temperature is above 39 degrees and does not subside, this may be a symptom white fever. This is exactly the condition when your hands and feet are cold and your temperature goes through the roof. The baby’s body begins to receive excess heat, the limbs resist, and the thermal regime stabilizes.

Cold feet during pregnancy

Dear ladies who are in an interesting position feel many changes in their bodies. Cooling of the feet is no exception, mainly in the early stages of pregnancy. This is primarily due to changes in hormonal levels, as a result of which the function of the thyroid gland is temporarily disrupted. This is the main cause of cold extremities.

Fluctuations in blood pressure during pregnancy, mainly during later, also lead to cooling of the legs due to vasospasm.

Cold feet with sweating

If a person's feet sweat, they are more susceptible to cooling due to increased humidity. Sweaty feet can occur due to diseases such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, vascular diseases, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, infections, flat feet. Sweating of the extremities is also observed in pregnant women, during menopause, and in adolescents. If you wear synthetic socks or tights, sweating is inevitable.

What to do if your feet are cold? Treatment and prevention

Cooling of the lower extremities in warm weather is quite easy to tolerate. But in winter it is suffering. No matter what kind of shoes you have, your feet get cold very quickly, which does not allow a person to feel comfortable outside. What to do?

  • Special warming insoles are placed in shoes. This is also true for pregnant women.


In folk medicine, foot massage is recommended for the prevention and treatment of cold feet. This includes: stroking, sharp tapping, kneading. For massage, use any fatty cream or special massage oil.

Freezing feet are rubbed apple cider vinegar. In addition to the fact that it contains many useful microelements, apple vinegar helps improve blood circulation, reduce vascular spasm, and get rid of blood clots and blood clots. Pure vinegar is distributed throughout the entire leg. Wait about five minutes until it is absorbed, then wrap your limbs in warmth and lie for about fifteen minutes.

Why do my feet and hands get cold?

General information

If a person’s feet are constantly cold, as a rule, this condition gradually becomes familiar to him, and he does not perceive this phenomenon as something alarming. As a rule, feet get cold in autumn and winter when shoes get wet or a person freezes in the cold.

However, if a person constantly has cold feet, even if he is in a warm and cozy room, the reasons for this phenomenon are associated with certain pathologies of the body. As a rule, such a symptom often worries representatives of both ages after 40 years. If your feet are very cold, most likely this is due to circulatory problems or disruptions in the function of the nervous system. If your feet and hands are cold, what to do will be discussed in the article below, where the reasons for this phenomenon are also analyzed.

Why do healthy people's feet get cold?

The legs are the temperature regulator of his entire body. After all, it is difficult for the heart to pump blood to the lower extremities. Therefore, strengthening your legs is very important. If you walk barefoot at home, and then walk barefoot on the grass in the same way in the summer, you can gradually become more resistant to the cold. You should always choose shoes according to the season. Sometimes, if a person is wondering why his feet are cold at home, all he needs to do is change his indoor shoes to eliminate this problem.

If you are wondering why your feet are constantly cold, the reasons may be related to the fact that you are used to wrapping yourself up and wearing warm socks at room temperature. Most often, in such cases, the toes of people with slight deviations in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system freeze.

If your feet are frozen, they will remain cold until they are warmed up. Even if the air temperature is normal and a person is warm, the feet that are in cool water or on a cold floor are frozen. A similar phenomenon is called “trench foot,” since it was in the trenches of war that feet often froze even at above-zero temperatures.

If your feet are cold, the reasons for this phenomenon may be due to the fact that a person sits with his legs tucked in for a long time, and the blood flow is disrupted. Gradually, the feet become numb and freeze.

After a person has suffered frostbite, he periodically notices that his legs are freezing from the knee to the foot. That is, the consequences of frostbite remain for life. Healthy people at a temperature of degrees they feel comfortable, but someone who once had frostbitten feet feels that their feet are getting cold even at this temperature.

Extremities often get cold in people who adhere to very strict diets or starve.

Why do my feet always get cold?

Many people are interested in why their feet and hands are cold. The reasons for this phenomenon may be associated with a variety of factors. But most often the causes of cold hands and feet are associated with peripheral vascular disease. This disease affects the vessels that carry blood from and to the heart.


The answer to the question of why your hands and feet are constantly cold may be diabetes. With this disease, the vessels become very fragile, and there is a tendency to thrombosis. Therefore, if a person constantly has cold extremities at a comfortable temperature, this may be evidence of the development of such a formidable disease as diabetes.

If the lower extremities become cold, this may also indicate the development of a serious complication called “diabetic foot.” With this condition, the nutrition of the tissues of the leg gradually deteriorates, and, accordingly, the likelihood of developing gangrene increases. With this complication, the risk of limb amputation increases.

Raynaud's syndrome

Raynaud's disease causes frequent spasms small arteries. As a result, the limbs react poorly to cold water, low temperatures. Therefore, if your limbs are very cold even at room temperature, you should visit a vascular surgeon and try to find the causes of this phenomenon.


If the patient low performance hemoglobin, the supply of oxygen to tissues is significantly impaired. As a result, metabolic processes occur slowly, as does heat generation. In acute anemia (this happens with severe blood loss after injuries, etc.), the limbs also become sharply cold.

Venous stagnation

The limbs feel cold if there is congestion in the superficial or deep veins of the legs. At venous stagnation You feel not only coldness in your legs, but also pain and swelling, especially at night after heavy exertion. This condition can be complicated by phlebitis - inflammation of the veins, as well as thrombosis. In such conditions, surgical intervention is necessary.

Obliterating endarteritis (intermittent claudication)

This disease usually develops in those who smoke. Due to the development of a chronic inflammatory process inner shell arteries there is a narrowing of their lumen or it is thrombosed for the second time. As a result, the flow of arterial blood deteriorates significantly, and the patient suffers from severe pain in the lower extremities, even if he walks a little. If the process progresses, it can end in necrosis of the leg tissue and amputation of the fingers, foot or leg.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

If a person constantly asks himself the question why am I constantly freezing, the reasons for this may be related to manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease most often affects young people aged 20 to 30 years. With VSD, the width of the vessels does not change in a timely manner when external conditions change.

Low or high blood pressure

Blood pressure disorders can also cause cold extremities. With low blood pressure, blood flow in the periphery worsens. If the pressure is elevated, then a deterioration in blood flow occurs due to vasospasm.

Signs of blood flow problems

  • Pain in the legs, fatigue, swelling of the feet or legs. At rest, the pain decreases.
  • Under loads, even light ones, a feeling of fatigue appears.
  • Involuntary convulsive twitching of the muscles of the lower limb and buttocks is regularly observed.
  • During sleep or when the body is simply stationary, convulsive twitching in the legs and feet is disturbing.

Causes of cold feet not related to vascular disorders

If your feet get cold and your hands get cold, the reasons for this are not always related only to blood flow disorders. There are a number of other, non-vascular factors that provoke such manifestations.

Age-related changes

With age, various changes occur in the body. Often, after fifty years, the immune system functions worse, hormonal changes occur, and the number of muscle mass, blood flow worsens and metabolic processes slow down.


A decrease in the functionality of the thyroid gland leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes, including a deterioration in heat transfer. At the same time, the patient feels tired, he is often cold, and his interest in life decreases.

The limbs with hypothyroidism are constantly cold, the skin is pale and dry, and swelling is noted. Nails become brittle and hair falls out.

Hypoacid gastritis occurs in people over 40 years of age. This is a condition in which appetite decreases and secondary iron deficiency anemia occurs. This condition develops in women after thyroiditis, resection of the thyroid gland, or radiation therapy.

Atopic dermatitis suffered in childhood

If a person suffered from atopic dermatitis in childhood, then in adulthood he will complain that his limbs are cold. Allergic manifestations are combined with autonomic disorders and appear in the form of white dermographism. This phenomenon is characterized by the fact that if you run your finger over the skin of the forearm, not a red, but a white stripe will appear, which indicates vascular spasm.

Use of certain medications

The extremities sometimes become cold if a person takes certain medications. This can occur if treatment is carried out with beta-blockers (Atenolol, Anaprilin). Chilliness is also caused by ergot preparations - they are prescribed for some gynecological diseases.

Acute allergic manifestations

With a sharp expansion of small vessels, which occurs with urticaria or Quincke's edema, severe heat loss occurs and, as a result, chilliness of the legs is noted.

Peripheral nerve diseases can cause a feeling of numbness and coldness in the legs. long time. This occurs with radiculoneuritis of the lumbar segment, polyneuropathy, inflammation of the lumbar plexus, and sciatic nerve neuromas.

Consequences acute disorders cerebral circulation, paresis or paralysis, are accompanied by trophic disorders, in particular coldness of the skin. People with herniated intervertebral discs of the sacral and lumbar region also often have cold feet.

What causes chilly limbs?

If your knees, heels, and feet are cold, then, in addition to diseases, this phenomenon can be caused by the following factors:

What to do if your feet are cold?

If your limbs are constantly chilly, you need to take certain measures to feel comfortable. First you need to apply the most simple methods which will help warm your feet. You need to put on wool socks, take a hot water bottle or bottle of water, and prepare a foot bath with mustard. All these methods will help you warm up quickly.

If a person regularly expresses complaints like “I’m constantly cold,” what to do depends on the diagnosis. But provided that no diseases were identified during the study, it is necessary to take certain preventive measures.

It happens that the methods described above help for a short time, and a person does not know what to do if his feet and hands are cold. What to do in such cases? It is important to take care of long-term prevention measures by doing the following:

  • completely stop smoking;
  • always dress correctly, and in cold weather avoid things that tightly squeeze the lower part of the body;
  • choose high-quality and warm shoes that should not be too big or tight;
  • try to avoid stressful situations and strong emotional stress;
  • practice constantly physical activity– do exercises, run, swim;
  • consume more protein foods, also include in the menu a variety of hot seasonings and spices that have a warming effect on the body;
  • do not drink too strong tea or coffee, preferring herbal teas with lemon balm, mint, valerian.

If a person not only has cold feet, but also sweats, he needs to regularly take warming foot baths, adding mustard or sea ​​salt.

To prepare a warming bath with salt, you need to dissolve pharmaceutical sea salt in hot water - two spoons and two spoons of milk. After the bath, you should immediately put on woolen socks.

Those who spend time standing at work throughout the day should take baths in the evening, adding mustard to hot water. This procedure helps to activate blood circulation and relieve swelling.

If signs of freezing feet appear, massage should be done immediately. To do this, actively rub the sole of each foot in turn and massage the toes. If possible, you should pre-warm your socks and put them on immediately after the warming massage.

Another one effective procedure Suitable for those who do not suffer from varicose veins. You need to prepare two containers - one with cold water, the other with hot water. First, lower your feet into warm water for 10 minutes, then lower them into cold water for the same time. You need to change containers until the warm water cools down. This procedure is completed by immersion in cold water.

How to warm your feet - folk recipes

If a person has constantly cold feet due to a certain disease, the causes and treatment should be determined by a doctor. But if you need to warm your icy feet that are frozen in the cold, you can use one of traditional methods, of which there are a lot.

Cold feet can be relieved using the methods described below.

Compress with alcohol

For such a compress, you need to moisten the bottom of warm socks with alcohol and put on these socks after your feet have been warmed up in warm water. You need to put another pair of socks on top. After this, even at a temperature that is not too high, your feet will warm up well within a few minutes.


Hot ground pepper warms the skin well when applied to the feet. Pepper causes skin irritation, but this is temporary. Therefore, if the question of why your feet are always cold is pressing for a person, in cold winter weather you can pour hot pepper into your socks before going out into the cold.

Mistletoe leaves

You need to grind dry mistletoe leaves and pour a teaspoon of this mixture into a glass of boiling water. After infusion overnight, the infusion should be drunk before meals, 2 tbsp. l. You need to drink mistletoe for several months. Mistletoe tincture normalizes heart pressure, calms.

Sophora fruits or flowers

50 g of Sophora fruits or flowers should be poured with half a liter of vodka and left to infuse for one month. Drink the tincture three times a day, 1 tsp. within four months.

Gymnastic exercises

By using physical exercise You can significantly warm your extremities. There is a whole complex special exercises to warm your feet.


When you shake your legs alternately, vibration affects the capillaries. The vessels then contract and blood flow is activated. You should lie on your back on a hard surface, raise your legs and arms so that they form a 90-degree angle with your torso. In this position, you need to shake your arms and legs for 1-2 minutes.

Reeds in the wind

This exercise is done while lying on your stomach. You need to relax your limbs, bend your knees. At the same time, you should imagine that this is a reed fluttering in the wind. In this case, the legs should periodically touch the pelvis.

Massage with walnuts

With this exercise you can effectively activate blood flow, relieve fatigue and stress. Between your palms you need to place 2-3 walnuts and rotate them for several minutes. In this case, a certain amount of force should be applied so that the nuts are pressed tightly against the palms. Next, the exercise is repeated with the feet. This massage is done in the morning and evening.


If such methods do not help or are effective only for a short time, the causes of cold hands and feet are obviously related to diseases, and a doctor should look for them. A doctor can determine why your hands are constantly cold and your feet are freezing. necessary research. At the appointment, the doctor asks about complaints, conducts an examination, and sends the patient to lab tests. Sometimes an ECG, ultrasound of the blood vessels of the legs, consultation with a vascular surgeon, endocrinologist, or neurologist are required. Once a diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe treatment to eliminate the problem or reduce the severity of symptoms.

Education: Graduated from Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnytsia State medical University them. M.I. Pirogov and internship at his base.

Work experience: From 2003 to 2013 – worked as a pharmacist and manager pharmacy kiosk. She was awarded diplomas and decorations for many years of conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

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Valentin: Grandfather is 77 and he is still in service?? Wow. It's cool, really! But I myself am different.

Dmitry: I’ll buy Nebido

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