Rosehip decoction: a reliable source of health and vitality. How to brew dried rose hips correctly? How to brew rose hips correctly to preserve vitamins

It is not for nothing that rose hips are called a storehouse of vitamins. It helps to get rid of many physiological diseases, vitamin deficiency, and even depression. As medicine it has been used since ancient times, and even modern medicine recognizes the beneficial properties of the fruits, leaves and flowers of this plant.

Today the site talks about all the qualities of rose hips and how you can use it for medical and cosmetic purposes.

However, first, it’s worth clarifying that in nature there are about 400 species of this plant; according to various sources, scientists officially recognize from 140 to 150 varieties. We will talk about the species that is most common in our country - the May rosehip. It is its fruits, leaves, roots and flowers that are used in our folk and traditional medicine.

Useful properties of rose hips

As already mentioned, rose hips are rich in vitamins and other biologically useful active substances. We list the main ones:

All about the benefits of rose hips

Rose hip root

Rosehip root has antiseptic, bactericidal, astringent and choleretic effect. A decoction of the roots treats cystitis, anorexia, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, diseases of the kidneys, spleen, liver and heart. Use the decoction for both hypertension and respiratory infections, and with diarrhea. For rheumatism, a decoction of the root is used externally.

Rosehip for children

Children can be given decoctions and infusions of rose hips from the age of eight months (syrup - from two years). However, it is worth considering that they have a diuretic effect, so the dose should not exceed 200 ml per day. And it is better if the child drinks rosehip tea or decoction not just before bedtime, otherwise he will wake up much more often than usual.

At the same time, by including rose hips in your baby’s diet, you protect the child from seasonal colds, increase his immunity and reduce the risk of overexcited conditions. In addition, you strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize digestion and relieve colic.

If you or your household feel unwell: weakness, fever, dizziness, do not rush to the pharmacy for newfangled expensive (often useless, or even harmful) remedies for colds and to strengthen the immune system.

Natural vitamins, minerals can easily cope with any disease useful elements, antioxidants, which are contained in large quantities in beautiful medicinal plant.

Be sure to stock up on fruits for the winter, and, if necessary, immediately make a rosehip decoction.

How to prepare a drink so that all the healing substances serve as an influx of vitality

  1. Try to take only high-quality, undamaged fruits.
  2. Brew whole berries with boiled spring water (or filtered) hot water.
  3. Infuse with the lid tightly closed.
  4. Drink after meals.
  5. For prevention, take in moderation.
  6. And when treating diseases, be sure to ask your doctor about your individual dosage rate.

Remember, even with such safe means there are contraindications.

General strengthening rosehip decoction for children

With the arrival of the cold, stormy season, many viruses and pathogenic bacteria attack the child’s body and, if immunity is reduced, can cause inflammatory process in the respiratory, hematopoietic, and digestive organs. How to make rosehip decoction.

Cooking recipes to prevent children from getting sick:

1. From fresh berries: clean them of hairs and seeds, wash them thoroughly. Place in a hot thermos (70 degrees) boiled water. Close the container tightly with a stopper and leave to steam for 6 hours. Take 100 grams per liter of water. fruits Then the contents of the thermos are well filtered. The drink is ready.

2. From dried berries: 2 tbsp. l. In the evening, pour 1 liter of boiled water, cooled to 80 degrees, and leave to brew until the morning. Strain the broth, serve in the morning and evening, 50-60 ml after eating. The taste is delicate and pleasant, but if children like sweets, then add a little linden honey.

How to make rosehip decoction from dried fruits and fresh berries

Recipes for adults:

1. In the evening 100 gr. fresh or dried crushed mass, stir in boiled water with a temperature of no more than 80 degrees. Place in a thermos and leave overnight. Filter thoroughly through a coffee filter or double-layer cheesecloth. Take 100 ml portions, not exceeding 1 liter per day. In the presence of chronic diseases To determine the consumption rate, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

2. If you don’t have a thermos, you can prepare a rosehip decoction from dried fruits in a water bath: a liter enamel (glass) saucepan with berries and boiled water is placed in water in a larger vessel on a wooden grid. Boil time under a closed lid on a low flame for 15 minutes. Then the small dishes with the broth are taken out, wrapped in a blanket, and left for 4 hours. Drink through a straw, single dose is 50 – 100 ml.

Take with caution to children, pensioners, pregnant and nursing mothers, a large number of may cause harm.

The main valuable component of the fruit is ascorbic acid, participating in many metabolic processes and providing powerful antioxidant support. Compared to lemons, which are popular with lemons, properly brewed rose hips give the body almost 50 times more vitamin C. Thanks to it, as well as the high content of other vitamins and valuable microelements, decoctions and infusions of this berry have a versatile beneficial effects on all systems and organs:

  • Strengthening vascular walls – prevention of many diseases circulatory system. By regularly consuming rose hips brewed in a thermos, you can do not be afraid of varicose veins, atherosclerosis, etc.
  • Heart function is optimized, which, combined with excellent vascular tone, ensures normalization blood pressure for hypertension.
  • Vitamin C deficiency affects, first of all, . The body's protective abilities are reduced, and against the background chronic fatigue colds and other infectious diseases develop.
  • Rosehip positively affects work and gallbladder, which helps normalize digestion.
  • Ascorbic acid- important iron absorption factor. Regular drinking of medicinal rosehip drinks is the best prevention anemia and other iron deficiency disorders.
  • Antiseptic properties The berries are beneficial in the treatment of urinary tract infections.
  • Normalizing blood composition, rosehip helps with frequent bleeding.
  • Antioxidant effect vitamin C is a guarantee of prolongation youth and prevention of tumor diseases.

However, despite all the undoubted positive qualities rosehip decoction, you should not abuse it. Excess acid negatively affects the condition of tooth enamel and the gastric mucosa. Excessive passion capable of healing fruits cause and allergic reactions.

Rosehip drinks are contraindicated for pathologies of cardio-vascular system, kidneys, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. You should also be careful during this.

How to brew rose hips to preserve vitamins

Heat treatment destroys majority useful compounds in products, and rose hips are no exception. Fruits contain a lot of ascorbic acid, and it is not lost during drying. Proper storage raw materials (in canvas bags and a well-ventilated room) preserves all valuable micronutrients as much as possible. However, improper brewing of berries can negate all their benefits.

One of dosage forms based on plant materials is decoction. Its preparation involves mixing fruits or rhizomes plants with water and subsequent boiling. If for rosehip roots, which also have healing properties, this method is suitable, then it is better to use the berries differently. When you still need to boil the mixture, it is better use a water bath.

However, boiling, as a harsh method of heat treatment, destroys micronutrients and especially vitamin C almost completely.

The most suitable option for preparing medicinal drinks from rose hips is infusion. Prepared raw materials poured boiling water, then is cooling down naturally and strained. The resulting drink is rosehip tea– quite healthy and has a pleasant taste.

To enhance the extraction of valuable components of raw materials and obtain a truly vitamin-rich product, you should brew and infuse rose hips in a thermos. When you don't have it at hand, you can simply wrap the container with a warm cloth to increase the duration of thermal exposure.

How to brew rosehip in a thermos correctly (video)

This container allows you to maintain a high temperature for a long time and, accordingly, as fully as possible extract valuable components from plant materials. Before brewing, rose hips must be properly prepared, and rinse the thermos from inside with boiling water. This action will help warm up the container and increase the time of thermal exposure, preserving vitamins.

  • Thermos volume for preparing rosehip infusion – about 1 liter. This quantity healing drink is the maximum daily dose, which should not be exceeded.
  • Berries per liter of water about 30 pieces are taken. If dried - 4 tablespoons.
  • Before brewing, berries need to be washed. It is advisable to pour boiling water over fresh ones - this will help partially get rid of the villi that irritate the mucous membranes. Dry fruits are quite simple hold under running water to remove dust and possible contaminants.
  • You can prepare the infusion as follows: from whole and crushed fruits. In the latter case, vitamins and microelements will be transferred into the water almost completely, and the taste of the finished drink will be richer and brighter.
  • Having poured the prepared raw materials into the thermos, you need pour hot water into it. Most specialists and traditional healers They agree that it is undesirable to use boiling water. Quite enough temperatures around 80⁰С.
  • Then The thermos is sealed and left to infuse for at least 3 hours.. Usually this time is enough for the micronutrients to pass into the infusion. However, to make the drink as healthy as possible, it's better to endure rose hips in a thermos at least 12 hours.
  • After the specified time has elapsed and straining the drink is ready to drink.

Add honey or others to improve taste sweeteners are needed after brewing. In a thermos under the influence high temperature honey loses most of it beneficial properties. It is also recommended to brew rose hips in combination with others healthy berries , For example, .


Infusions and decoctions from rosehip are used to treat many diseases. The plant has restorative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic properties. When the body is exhausted, infectious diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, rose hips can be used as additional remedy treatment. To extract maximum benefit from “wild rose” (that’s what people call rose hips), you need to prepare it.

Preparation of the decoction begins with collecting the fruits. It is important to do this before frost, otherwise medicinal rosehip will be destroyed. The fruits need to be dried in the oven (90-100°C) or dryer. The resulting raw material should be yellow or brown. There is another way to dry fruits, or rather, their shells. To do this, you need to cut the berries in half lengthwise, remove hairs and, and dry the shells in the open air, spreading them out in a thin layer.

Wash 100 grams of dried berries and place them in a liter of boiling water. Close the pan with a lid and simmer the broth over low heat for 10-15 minutes. To make the decoction more saturated, it must be infused for 12-24 hours. Place the pan where there is no access to light, as this will destroy vitamin C. Strain the broth through a sieve and consume it chilled. If desired, you can add sugar or honey; this will not affect the healing properties of the drink. But a fresh decoction will quench your thirst better, and you will drink it with great pleasure.

A decoction can be made not only from the fruits, but also from the roots of the plant. This drink has a beneficial effect on and. Roots rosehip They are dug up in early autumn, washed thoroughly in cool water, crushed and dried. Two tablespoons of raw material are poured into a glass of water and boiled for 15 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and taken a third of a glass three times a day.

Video on the topic


  • Rosehip decoctions for children

Fruit rosehip very rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, as well as organic acids and trace elements. Tea from rosehip recommended for weakness or after illness. Honey added to tea will add sweetness and aroma to the drink.

You will need

    • 6-7 tablespoons rose hips
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 3 tablespoons honey


Dried fruits rosehip pour into a saucepan and fill with hot water.

Let the fruits brew for 15 minutes.

Place the infusion on low heat and, stirring, bring to a boil. But don't boil it.

Turn off the heat, add honey and leave to steep for 25-30 minutes under the lid.

Helpful advice

Using the same ratio of ingredients, you can prepare rosehip tea in a thermos. Pour hot water over the fruits and, closing tightly, let it brew for 1.5-2 hours. Add honey immediately before use.

Thermos - a device for storing hot or cold food products. It is perfect for preparing various herbal and berry infusions, as well as for brewing teas. The inner flask of a thermos can be either metal or glass. All other things being equal, glass and metal flasks hold the same temperature, but for brewing herbs and teas you should still give preference to a glass flask, since the metal flask will corrode in any case, and stains will appear on its walls.


For the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract you can use a weakly concentrated infusion rosehip. Pour a tablespoon of fruit into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, then pour into a thermos for an hour. Drink half a glass of infusion 3 times a day. Ascorbic acid, contained in rose hips in large quantities, does not irritate the walls. But all the necessary substances are fully absorbed.

Rosehip is a perennial shrub of the Rosaceae family. Its fruits, roots, leaves have great healing properties. Properly brewed rosehip tea helps get rid of many diseases.

Benefits of rose hips

Rose hips contain a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients. These are vitamins A, B, C, K, P, E, trace elements potassium, calcium, phosphorus, chromium, sodium, manganese, copper, tannins, pectins, organic acids. Due to the high concentration of substances necessary for the body, rose hips are widely used for the prevention and treatment of diseases. digestive system, stimulation of active kidney activity. Rosehip decoction helps fight harmful bacteria in the body, accelerates the healing process of wounds and the healing of bone fractures. Used as an anti-inflammatory agent, indispensable for the treatment of malaria, anemia, bleeding,. It is useful to drink rosehip tea for vitamin deficiency, atherosclerosis, colds and viral diseases. Rosehip strengthens the immune system, cardiovascular and genitourinary system.

How to brew rosehip correctly

When preparing a decoction or infusion of rose hips, it is important to observe the proportions. For a liter of water you need to take 4 tablespoons of fruit. The easiest way to use rose hips is to make an infusion from it. Grind the dried fruits using a coffee grinder or blender. Pour them into a thermos, pour boiling water over them and close the lid tightly. Infuse healthy drink should be at least 7-8 hours.

You can also make a decoction from rose hips. Boil water in an enamel bowl. Reduce the heat to low and add the rose hips. Leave the broth to simmer over low heat with the lid closed for about an hour. Then cool and strain the drink.

To strengthen the immune system in the cold season, when the body is most susceptible colds, an excellent remedy will be rosehip tea. Pour into a scalded ceramic teapot, at the rate of a tablespoon per glass of drink, and fill with hot, but not boiling, water. Let it brew for 20-30 minutes. To add brightness to the taste, you can add a little dried strawberries, mint, and hibiscus to the tea. You should add a spoonful of honey to the finished warm drink.

The amount of its use depends on the purpose for which you use rose hips. It is believed that to strengthen and maintain immunity, it is enough to drink a glass of healing tea before meals. And to treat diseases, rose hip decoction requires up to 1.5 liters per day.

Are there any contraindications for rose hips?

People with circulatory problems should use rose hip decoction with caution. Also, these fruits should be used only after consulting a doctor for diseases such as thrombosis, endocarditis, thrombophlebitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Tip 8: How to brew rose hips? Recipe for making rosehip drink in a thermos

Rose hips contain a large range of vitamins and nutrients, which is why its popularity is growing every day. You can brew rose hips not only in a thermos, but this method is the most convenient and fastest.

Rosehip ranks first in terms of vitamin C content in its fruits. It surpasses oranges and lemons, tangerines and apples in this regard. This is explained not only by the ability of rose hips to accumulate vitamins, but also by the absence of ascorbinase in it, which destroys ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is found not only in fruits, but in leaves and petals too. Rose hips contain carotene and vitamin P; the plant also ranks high in their content. In the rosehip high content B vitamins, sugars, organic acids And folic acid, as well as tannins and pectyls. Therefore, you need to brew it according to all the rules, the main one of which is not to increase the temperature, which is easiest to observe in a thermos.

Since rosehip contains vitamin C, you need to be especially careful that it is not exposed to light, as this destroys vitamin C.

When buying fruits, you must pay attention to their appearance. They should be free of mold, black and wet spots, and brown-red or orange in color. Black and dry, crumbling fruits will not bring much benefit, since they are either very dry or very old. Store rose hips in jars or fabric bags in a dry, cool, dark place. First, put the required amount of ingredients into a thermos, then pour boiling water over it. When pouring, you need to leave a little space for air so that the infusion does not lose its properties due to the lack of oxygen. Even crushed rose hips are brewed for at least 7-8 hours; therefore, it is more convenient to leave it overnight and drink it in the morning.

To brew rose hips, you can limit yourself to berries and boiling water, or you can add sugar and other dried fruits. The berries should be washed in running cool water, but not soaked. Add berries to a thermos at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water. You can add the fruits whole - this will save you from straining the finished infusion, or you can chop them so that they give out more taste and beneficial properties. For those suffering from heart disease, it is recommended to mix rose hips with hawthorn when brewing. Also very tasty and healthy decoctions obtained by adding dried apricots or raisins. It is not recommended to add prunes - the result will be a very sour drink that will quickly spoil.

The water for preparation should not be boiling - vitamin C loses its properties at 80°C, so the temperature of boiling water must be measured.

To increase immunity and prevent vitamin deficiency, drink rose hips three times a day, half a glass. If the doctor gives a different prescription, you must strictly follow the recommendations. With prolonged contact with tooth enamel, rose hips can destroy it, so after using it it is recommended to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth. Rosehip helps with nervous disorders, depression and heart weakness, if you brew a soothing tea based on it. To do this, mix a teaspoon of rose hips with a teaspoon of motherwort, add the same amount pharmaceutical chamomile. You also need cudweed and hawthorn flowers, half a teaspoon each. The components are poured with 3 cups of boiling water and left for at least 8 hours. Then filter and take 3 tbsp three times a day. l., 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is at least 5 days.

A healing decoction of rose hips perfectly quenches thirst and tones. At the same time, it has a pleasant, slightly tart taste. It is important to know how to cook rose hips in order to preserve all the valuable substances.

To make the drink healthy, you need to know how to cook rose hips


Honey 3 tbsp. Water 1 liter Dry rosehip 100 grams

  • Number of servings: 6
  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 2 minutes

How to cook rose hips correctly

Both fresh and dried berries. But the cooking techniques are slightly different. How long to cook rose hips also depends on the selected raw material; dry fruits must be boiled for 7–10 minutes so that they release their aroma and useful material. And for mashed fresh berries, a minute or two is enough. But after this, the drink must infuse: from 30 minutes to 3 hours.

Due to seasonality, a decoction of dried rose hips is often prepared. How it's done:

  1. Grind the berries with a pestle and remove the hairs.
  2. Pour water over the powder, heat to a boil and cook covered for 7–10 minutes.
  3. Leave for 2 hours, filter and combine with honey.

If you are allergic to bee products, you can take the same amount of granulated sugar instead of honey.

You can make vitamin tea from dried fruits. It will require rose hips, black currants and rowan berries in equal quantities. For half a liter of boiling water you need 2 tsp. mixtures. Infuse the drink for three hours in a thermos, filter and drink twice a day in the autumn-winter period. You can sweeten the broth with honey or granulated sugar to taste.

Prepare a decoction of fresh berries

For this you will need:

  • fresh rose hips – 1 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • honey - 2 cups.

If you follow the preparation algorithm correctly, you will get a kind of juice with pulp:

  1. Remove seeds and lint from fruits.
  2. Grind in a blender and mix with honey.
  3. Pour in water and heat to a boil.

The beauty of this drink is that it can be sealed in sterilized jars or bottles and stored in a cool place as a preparation for the winter. Allergy sufferers should also prefer granulated sugar to honey.

Brewed fresh berries and in a thermos, preferably with a glass flask, to prevent oxidation. It is better to take bottled water; it should only be heated to 60 degrees in order to preserve vitamins as much as possible, especially C, which begins to collapse when boiling.

You need to infuse the drink for 40 minutes. Before use, it is diluted with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10 and flavored with honey or granulated sugar.

In addition to berries, rosehip petals, fresh and dry, are also used to prepare healthy teas. They are brewed like simple tea. This decoction is very useful for those who suffer from gallbladder diseases.