The benefits of sauerkraut for the human body. Its vitamin composition. The healing properties of sauerkraut

Cabbage entered the diet of our ancestors many centuries ago, and in the best possible way it turned out to be possible to save it during the winter pickling. Properly cooked cabbage can be stored up to 10 months and at the same time keep everything vitamins and healing properties.

There is a stunning paradox: fermented vegetables contain more vitamins and valuable substances than fresh, and is considered more useful. Perhaps this is why the dish was so popular all over the world.

In Rus', not a single feast was and is not complete without it. In Germany, the dish is recognized as national and is served with sausages and smoked meats on all holidays; in Alsace, cabbage is supplemented with seafood, pork and is called “choucroute”. Even in Korea, this product is known as kimchi. Sauerkraut has always been considered a source of strength and health, so it was a regular dish both in the peasant family and on the table of nobles.

Beneficial and healing properties for health

Modern medicine and dietetics have confirmed that sauerkraut is a storehouse useful substances and is vital for maintaining health.

Several centuries ago, sailors and travelers exploring the northern countries noticed that this product protected against scurvy. Moreover, it turned out that in halves and quarters of fermented vegetables more vitamins than in shredded leaves. In addition, the same useful material, as in the vegetable.

Sauerkraut- that rare case when official medicine uses many years of experience of traditional healers in the treatment of dozens of diseases without reservations or contraindications. The healing vegetable really has wide range effects on the body and has undeniable healing properties.

  • Stimulates work gastrointestinalintestinal tract. Normalizes the composition gastric juice, improves the absorption of food, restores the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, cleanses the intestines of decomposition products and serves as an excellent prevention of peptic ulcers. A glass of brine has a pronounced laxative effect and allows you to quickly get rid of constipation. Brine also inhibits the development coli and other pathogenic bacteria. How is it used? anthelmintic, and a way to get rid of lamblia in the liver. To prepare a medicinal drink, cabbage brine and tomato juice are used in equal proportions.
  • Improves assimilation proteins the body thanks to vitamin B 6. That is why sauerkraut is so often used as a side dish for meat dishes.
  • Stops development malignant tumors . Recent studies have shown that eating vegetables prevents the occurrence of cancer of the stomach, mammary glands, and lungs, and if the problem already exists, it stops the development of the tumor.
  • Sauerkraut juice removes blood from the blood bad cholesterol, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them more elastic, prevents the formation of blood clots, and also improves blood circulation and heart function.
  • The special vitamin and mineral composition of the product has a beneficial effect on nervous system, increases resistance to stress, eliminates irritability, fatigue, relieves nervous fatigue, improves sleep. This is one of the dishes that doctors recommend eating for people who suffer from depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Normalizes hormone exchange, in particular work thyroid gland. Improves metabolism, eliminates swelling and fat deposits. Thanks to the huge amount of fiber and low sugar content, sauerkraut is indispensable for diabetes.
  • Suppresses allergic reactions. How effective antihistamine Recommended for people suffering from all types of allergies and asthmatics.
  • Cabbage and brine are endowed with bactericidal properties. They are suggested to be taken in the autumn-winter season as a preventative against influenza and other viral diseases.

This is far from full list healing properties of the vegetable. Sauerkraut strengthens the immune system, protects against vitamin deficiency and stimulates cell regeneration, active substances its composition breaks down fat and removes it from the body. All these qualities contribute to the healing and rejuvenation of the body as a whole.

For men sauerkraut and pickle made from it are a proven hangover cure. But not many representatives of the stronger sex know that the product allows you to maintain potency for many years and prevent genitourinary diseases.

Hundreds of years ago, cabbage and pickle were for women verified cosmetic product. Wetting with brine eliminates excess dryness and tightens loose skin, and also helps restore chapped hand skin.

Masks made from sauerkraut pulp tighten pores and get rid of acne, acne, remove freckles, age spots, make the skin soft and velvety.

Composition and calorie content

Sauerkraut is a real storehouse of vitamins. For example, it contains ascorbic acid.400 grams The product will be enough to provide vitamin C for the whole day. Cabbage contains a wide range of B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B9, vitamin K, vitamin U, A, PP, E and microelements, including iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, phosphorus , sodium, sulfur, fluorine, chromium, chlorine, potassium, copper, molybdenum, etc.

B vitamins, among other things, improve the condition of skin, hair and nails, for which they are called beauty vitamins. In this case, it would be fair to call sauerkraut beauty vegetable.

The product contains fiber and sugar in small quantities, which makes this dish valuable for diabetics. The tartronic acid present in it prevents sugar and other easily digestible carbohydrates from turning into fat, and this is important for people suffering from diabetes second type. There are more organic acids in sauerkraut than in fresh cabbage, since during the fermentation process the vegetable is enriched with lactic and acetic acids.

Caloric content of the product per 100 grams is only 20 kcal, so it has become the basis of many weight loss diets. There are a number of techniques that allow you to quickly lose weight and maintain it at the desired level. Many of them are based on the regular consumption of sauerkraut and dishes made from it.

Already thousands of people who have tried cabbage diets can confirm the truly magical ability of the vegetable to remove from the body excess liquid and get rid of fat deposits.

Use during pregnancy

Is this product useful? for pregnant, is it worth including it on the menu? This question comes up quite often, so we will try to answer it in detail.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body has to work for two, so it needs much more nutrients to maintain health. Sauerkraut can provide mommy and her baby everything you need.

  • Vitamin B prevents depression in women and promotes the formation of healthy nervous system fetus
  • Cabbage and pickle reduce the symptoms of toxicosis by early stages, eliminate nausea, heartburn.
  • The product supports intestinal microflora, kills dangerous pathogenic bacteria, and has a mild laxative effect.
  • Treats anemia, prevents frequently occurring problems with hair, teeth and nails.
  • Sauerkraut prevents the appearance of tumors in mother and child, improves heart function.
  • Allows you to maintain weight without gaining overweight, especially in the last months of pregnancy.
  • Unlike fresh cabbage, sauerkraut not only does not cause flatulence and colic, but can eliminate them.

It should be noted that this traditional dish is prepared and stored in aluminum containers. contraindicated. You need to use enamel containers. In this case, other substances do not penetrate into the cabbage, but valuable properties are preserved in full.

During pregnancy, women try to avoid chemicals. Sauerkraut can replace mild antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs. It can be taken both as a prophylactic and as a medicine.

Harm and contraindications

As you understand, the benefits and medicinal properties sauerkraut is hard to overestimate. However, it is a fermentation product rich in acids, and this property is associated contraindications for use.

It is not recommended for people suffering gastritis With increased acidity, diseases pancreas, cholelithiasis illness, complaining of high blood pressure , renal failure.

Excessive consumption of cabbage, especially that which was fermented with salt, may not eliminate, but on the contrary, provoke swelling and cause bloating belly.

There is practically no allergy to cabbage, but if for some reason you don’t like this product, listen to your body and give it up at least for a while.

Delicious and healthy dish will give you beauty and health if you follow these simple rules.

Sauerkraut is a food product that is obtained from fresh vegetables by lactic acid fermentation. This is not only an excellent side dish, suitable for almost all products, but also a very healthy independent dish. Cabbage contains a huge amount of various vitamins and amino acids that are essential for human life.

Methods for preparing sauerkraut

Usually, before you start fermenting cabbage, it is chopped into fairly thin strips, then crushed a little along with salt and placed in prepared containers. Next, it is covered with a cloth and pressed down with a heavy weight. Thanks to this technology, this vegetable produces a large amount of juice. Fermentation takes place from two to seven days, the time will depend on the room temperature. After cooking, the cabbage is placed in the cold so as not to over-acidify.

To prepare such a dish, it is not necessary to chop the vegetable into thin strips; you can simply divide it into 4 parts, or into two, or even leave it whole. According to the traditional recipe, it is allowed to add not only carrots, but also beets, cranberries, apples, peppers and horseradish - these are all very healthy. Sauerkraut is best produced in wooden barrels and vats, which are pre-fumigated with sulfur or treated with alkali.

Vitamins and minerals contained in sauerkraut

It is very important to know how sauerkraut is useful, since it, first of all, contains vitamin C. It is enough to add only 200 grams of this product to your diet, and then you can get half daily norm of this vitamin. It is important that no vegetable can retain this useful component for as long as cabbage, which is the main protector against colds in winter time.

A vitamin such as U is very rarely remembered, but it is extremely necessary for the stomach and the whole digestive system generally. There is a lot of it in sauerkraut, so it perfectly helps with gastritis and ulcers, but you should not abuse it during periods of exacerbation of such diseases. At the initial signs of illness, sauerkraut, beneficial features which are varied, can become irreplaceable.

Sauerkraut contains vitamin B6, which helps meat digest easier. The presence of fiber also has a wonderful effect on digestion and at the same time reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels. And beneficial fermented lactic bacteria cope well with dysbiosis.

If you consume literally one spoonful of cabbage, you can provide your body with a daily supply of vitamin K. It is necessary for proper operation liver and bone formation and helps the body quickly cope with scratches on the skin.
Cabbage also contains vitamin P, and after fermentation its amount increases 20 times. The finished product is rich in iron, zinc, iodine, potassium and many other useful substances.

Properties of sauerkraut

Whether sauerkraut is healthy can be understood from the material above. Let’s look at its effect on the body below:

  • thanks to its qualities, protein, phosphorus and calcium are better absorbed, so it is advisable to combine it with meat dishes;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • perfectly strengthens the immune system;
  • helps increase the body's resistance to stress;
  • helps reduce the likelihood of peptic ulcers;
  • improves heart condition and reduces cholesterol levels;
  • provides vitamin K, which a person needs for good blood clotting;
  • enriches the body with iodine for proper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • the content of lactic acid bacteria increases appetite, helps the stomach function and improves intestinal microflora.

The benefits of sauerkraut juice

In addition to information about the content of vitamins and minerals in the product, you need to know the benefits of sauerkraut juice. It, like the vegetable itself, contains a large amount of lactic acid, which is so necessary for proper carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, it is very often prescribed to patients who have diabetes. In this case, the juice should be mixed with lemon and consumed three times a day.

Many people confuse the drink with cabbage brine. But the juice is contained inside the cabbage and is obtained by passing it through a juicer. It is much more concentrated than brine. The enormous value of juice lies in its mineral and vitamin composition.

Many people know the benefits of sauerkraut and how to use it. And the use of a drink from it as remedy much wider. The juice is prescribed by doctors to patients who have low acidity, as well as weakened intestinal motility and poor appetite.

Gargling with cabbage juice can cure pharyngitis, laryngitis, sore throat and other diseases. Nectar can be consumed for poor digestion, which was caused by overeating, as well as alcohol abuse. With this treatment, the functioning of the stomach improves and the production of gastric juice improves.

Sour cabbage is healthier than fresh cabbage

As a rule, products that undergo some kind of processing lose part or all of their beneficial properties. And here the question may arise: “Is sauerkraut healthy for humans?” Such a product is much more valuable for the body than fresh. Thanks to the fermentation process, cabbage is enriched with new useful vitamins and substances, and all these properties are maintained for 10 months. Housewives need to know the benefits of sauerkraut, and also that the larger it is chopped, the more valuable substances, vitamins and minerals it will retain.

Losing weight with sauerkraut

How is sauerkraut useful for weight loss? Anyone who wants to have a beautiful figure needs to introduce sauerkraut into their diet, as it is a low-calorie vegetable that contains only 20 kcal per 100 grams of product. It should be noted that this is one of the available methods losing weight. Diets that include sauerkraut are usually the same.

You don’t have to think about diets and do things easier. To do this, you need to replace all food components high in calories with a product such as sauerkraut. The beneficial properties of this ingredient will support the body during periods of vitamin deficiency. Thanks to the large amount of coarse fiber it contains, you can eat less food and feel full faster. In addition to the fact that it will reset perfectly excess weight, you can thoroughly cleanse all organs and systems of toxins. Your skin will improve and a healthy glow will appear on your face. It is also possible to quickly and efficiently reduce the appearance of cellulite, which occurs due to slow blood circulation and stagnant processes in the body.

Cabbage during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body's reserves need to be replenished with a large amount of minerals and vitamins, and cabbage, by the way, contains a lot folic acid, which is necessary for the mother and her unborn child. Thanks to the presence of iron, anemia can be avoided, as well as constant feeling fatigue. People believe that consuming cabbage brine is an excellent remedy for toxicosis. But do not overdo it, because a large amount of vegetables can cause thirst, which will ultimately lead to swelling.

Cabbage in cosmetology

There are many folk recipes self-care. After the information received, you may wonder whether sauerkraut juice, and the vegetable itself, is good for the skin. For those who constantly have freckles, it is enough to use brine, in which you need to place a napkin and apply it to your face for 10 minutes. This procedure is repeated regularly.

If you have oily skin and acne, you need to chop the cabbage and keep it on the problem area for 30 minutes, once a week. The result will become noticeable within a month.

Hangover help

Probably everyone knows the benefits of pickling sauerkraut after a good time with friends. Both cabbage itself and its brine help with a hangover. If you don’t forget about this dish during the feast, then you are likely to wake up in good mood very big.

Contraindications to eating sauerkraut

This work provided information about what each of us can find useful in sauerkraut. But there are also contraindications to the use of this useful product.

Unfortunately, there are diseases for which its use is strictly prohibited. For example, the mustard oils that cabbage contains, once they accumulate in the intestines, can cause severe bloating.

Doctors recommend that people who have stomach and duodenal ulcers exclude sauerkraut from their diet. Also, if you have ailments such as kidney failure, hypertension and pancreatic diseases, you should not abuse this vegetable.

In Germany, sauerkraut is a national dish. The French and British also love her very much. And in Alsace cuisine there is such a dish as choucroute, it is prepared from sauerkraut with the addition of seafood and pork.

Among Russian traditional dishes, sour cabbage soup can be noted. This is a soup made from sauerkraut. Even Korea has its own national product, which is called "kimchi". This is also a type of sauerkraut, only when cooking it is not white cabbage that is used, but Beijing cabbage.

If you believe folk superstition, then those who see sauerkraut in a dream should not hope for a good day, they will be in trouble. So it’s better to look at it not in a dream, but on the dinner table, and during a meal receive all the beneficial properties that this product can bring.

Pickling is a preservation based on the fermentation of vegetables. Preservation occurs with the help of lactic acid, which is produced by lactic acid bacteria. It is unlikely that our distant ancestors knew about this. But every autumn, starting in mid-October, both in the old days and in our days, everyone fermented cabbage. There is even a day on the calendar - Sergei kapustnik, which falls on the eighth of October.

There are a large number of pickling recipes; the taste of sauerkraut is different for each housewife, but the beneficial properties are the same. Properly fermented cabbage is stored well from autumn to spring, and if the cellar is cold, then until summer. To obtain different tastes add to it different vegetables, fruits: apples, cranberries, carrots, beets. Dry spices: dill seed, cumin, also add their own notes to the taste of the finished cabbage.

Making sauerkraut is not difficult. The taste will depend largely on the type of white cabbage. It is better to use late varieties suitable for pickling.

For two or three medium-sized heads of cabbage, you will need three carrots, coarse salt, not iodized. Chop the cabbage, grate the carrots, add salt to taste and grind everything well in a bowl. Place in a saucepan and press down. In a few days, the fermentation process will begin in the cabbage; it will need to be pierced and opened for ventilation. When the rumbling in the cabbage stops, the juice becomes clear, it is ready to eat. And in this article we will consider


The benefits of any product are determined by its composition; cabbage contains:

  1. Vitamins.
  2. Bioflavonoids.
  3. A nicotinic acid.
  4. Methylmetonine.
  5. Complex carbohydrates.

Cabbage is rich in vitamins, most of all vitamin C. The human body does not produce it, so the vitamin must come from the foods consumed. It affects the state of the cardiovascular system, normal work liver, blood production, state of the immune system.

For good absorption of vitamin C, bioflavonoids are required. In cabbage, they are present in sufficient quantities with vitamin P. Thanks to bioflavonoids, the process of oxygen absorption by human tissues takes place.

It is enough to add 100 gm of sauerkraut in the form of a salad for lunch or dinner, and a person will be provided with vitamins C and P for the whole day.

Sauerkraut, its juice, sources of vitamins: A, E, H, K, nicotinic acid, methylomethionine. Methylmethionine is vitamin U, a protector of the gastric mucosa.

Starch, fiber, pectin, organic acidscomplex carbohydrates, as part of sauerkraut. They promote normal digestion, the removal of toxins, and can serve as protection against the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.

Useful properties of sauerkraut

You can select a row useful qualities cabbage, which has a good effect on organs human body, such as:

  • Digestion.
  • Heart, blood vessels.
  • Endocrine system.
  • Immune system.
  • Nervous system.


The main organs that perform digestive functions in the body:

  • Stomach
  • Intestines

Eating sauerkraut has a slight laxative effect and promotes the development beneficial microflora intestines, causes appetite. It is recommended to include it in the diet of people diagnosed with gastritis with low acidity, hemorrhoids, and chronic constipation.

The effect of sauerkraut on the heart and blood vessels

Sauerkraut is a good preventative against heart and vascular diseases. High fiber content promotes withdrawal bad cholesterol, and this leads to vascular health. Reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis.

Endocrine system diseases

A common disease is diabetes mellitus. People with such diseases are forced to adhere to a diet. Sauerkraut is allowed to be included in their diet. The main preservative for fermentation is lactic acid. It has a good effect on the pancreas. Sauerkraut, having a low calorie content, reduces the feeling of hunger for a long time. This helps normalize weight, which is for patients diabetes mellitus important.

Strengthening the immune system

By consuming cabbage and the vitamins it contains, we strengthen the immune system. There is a chance not to get ARVI. Unlucky, you get sick, cabbage can act as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent. Juice diluted with water is good rinse for a sore throat.

Nervous system

If you regularly consume sauerkraut, the body will receive sufficient quantities of B vitamins. The body can more easily tolerate excessive emotional stress and stress. Frequent headache, insomnia, bad memory– a sign of a lack of these vitamins. Eating cabbage will help get rid of them.

Treatment with sauerkraut

Some diseases can be treated with sauerkraut and its juice.

Treatment of bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma can be: hereditary, allergic, infectious nature. Symptoms: cough, heavy breathing, frequent choking. Explained by bronchial spasms.

Traditional treatment recipe bronchial asthma: daily norm is half a kilogram of sauerkraut, chopped small onion, a clove of garlic.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

A sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation in the pelvic organs and frequent constipation. The consequence of this pathological changes rectum, appearance hemorrhoids. Relieve inflammation, reduce painful sensations, you can if you apply a medical napkin soaked in sauerkraut juice. In addition, drink a glass of brine. One in the morning, the other in the evening.

Sexual dysfunction

If a man has problems in the sexual sphere due to stress, taking antibiotics, or frequent alcohol consumption. Sauerkraut may help. You need to eat about 300 gm daily.


In case of metabolic disorders, poor nutrition, the presence of chronic diseases, gallbladder, bile ducts stones may form. To alleviate the condition, you can drink half a glass of sauerkraut juice before each meal.


In the absence of adequate nutrition, vitamin deficiency may develop. Its symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Gums are bleeding
  • Non-healing cracks on lips
  • Common ARVI disease

Rinsing with brine and chewing cabbage for a long time helps with bleeding. To replenish missing vitamins, eat freshly prepared salads with sauerkraut every day. Before eating, drink half a glass of brine.

Get rid of worms

The presence of worms in the human body leads to weight loss, excessive irritability, and frequent dizziness. Sauerkraut will help remove them; you need to eat at least 200 gm of it, and separately from other food.

Benefits of sauerkraut juice

All the beneficial substances present in cabbage are also in its juice, only in greater concentration. You can get more juice by chopping the cabbage and then squeezing it.

Benefits for women

Any woman can use cabbage for cosmetic purposes. Cabbage will help lighten the skin, get rid of age spots on hands, face.

It’s not difficult to make a mask from it.. Chop the cabbage very finely and keep it on your face for about 12 minutes. Cleanse your face and rinse with warm water. This procedure tones, reduces wrinkles, and slightly brightens the skin.

Having oily skin use a slightly different recipe with the addition of protein and starch. The essence is the same. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse off. Oily shine will decrease, pores will narrow.

Dry skin a mask will help: 2 tbsp. l. mixed chopped sauerkraut with one yolk, 1 tsp. sunflower oil. Keep the mixture for 12 minutes. Rinse off with warm water only. To eliminate the feeling of skin tightness, apply face cream.

Hair health

A mask is useful for hair roots: one part brine, one part honey, mix well. Rub into hair roots, rinse after half an hour. For better effect put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a towel.

Benefits for men

Men should eat sauerkraut. This will only bring benefits. Physical and mental activity. A small amount of calories will eliminate the possibility of obesity. Good job intestines will prevent the development of hemorrhoids.

For weight loss

People involved in weight loss will find the properties of sauerkraut useful. Its ability to speed up metabolism and improve intestinal function leads to weight loss. There are few calories in cabbage. There is no need to limit its quantity. It takes a long time to digest, so the feeling of fullness does not disappear for a long time.

You don’t need to go on a complicated diet, just exclude flour and sweets from your diet. There are salads with sauerkraut. The weight will gradually come off. Juice can also be used for weight loss. Drink a quarter glass before meals.

Contraindications, possible harm

Juice and cabbage should not be consumed by people in the acute stage of illness:

  • Gastritis
  • Gastric ulcer
  • Kidney
  • Gallbladder and its ducts.
  • Pancreatitis.

There are diseases in the presence of which doctors do not recommend consuming sauerkraut and its juice, this is for such diseases as:

  • Excessive flatulence
  • Gastritis with high acidity.
  • Hypertension.
  • Heart diseases causing edema.

The acids and salts contained in sauerkraut and juice may not always be beneficial. Even healthy man, should evaluate your well-being and consume any food in moderation. To soften the effect of acids, season the cabbage sunflower oil, squeeze out the brine.

Video recipe for sauerkraut - simple and healthy

By regularly consuming sauerkraut in reasonable quantities, you can prevent the occurrence of diseases caused by a lack of vitamins.

White cabbage is one of the most popular and oldest vegetable crops present on the human table in various types: fried, soaked, pickled, stewed, etc. Even the brine from sauerkraut has found wide use.

To date, scientists have not been able to find out its exact origin. But it is known for certain that the vegetable has been cultivated and eaten for more than 4,000 years in a row. According to legend Ancient Rome, the culture owes its appearance to the supreme god of thunder, Jupiter, from whose drops of sweat fell to the ground the first shoots sprouted, resembling a human head. The best minds Ancient Greece treated cabbage with reverence, considering it a panacea for various ailments such as insomnia, illness internal organs, hearing problems and many others.

Who was the first to think of using cabbage pickle in food, at the moment remains a mystery. But the benefits and features of this product definitely deserve details.

Cabbage brine is a liquid prepared from a water-salt solution. Besides table salt, often various herbs and spices act as additional components.

Unlike cabbage juice, brine is a fermentation product, so it contains acetic and lactic acids. Moreover acetic acid appears precisely due to the fermentation process, and not as a result of the addition of vinegar or its derivatives.

The story about the benefits of sauerkraut brine should begin with an analysis of it biochemical composition. That's what we'll do.

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, K, PP. The drink is especially rich in vitamin C, the beneficial properties of which even small children know.
  • Potassium, iron, manganese, lactose, sulfur, iodine and many other trace elements important for health.
  • Since sauerkraut brine contains a minimal amount of fat (no more than 0.1%) and about 22-25 kcal, it is unlikely that you will gain extra pounds from taking it, but you can easily lose it. The sour drink contains approximately 1.5% proteins and up to 5% carbohydrates. More precise numbers depend on the specific preparation.

Beneficial features

Cabbage brine is an underrated product, because it can not only quench your thirst and relieve a hangover, but with regular consumption it can work real miracles. What is the benefit of this nutrient liquid?

Harm and contraindications

First of all, consuming cabbage brine is not recommended for people with high stomach acidity, as well as gastritis or ulcers during an exacerbation of the disease.

The product contains a fairly high amount of sodium salts, so it is harmful for hypertensive patients. Excessive use of brine can lead to increased blood pressure. Those who suffer from pressure changes should also treat this drink with caution.

Cabbage brine is also contraindicated for persons with chronic diseases liver, pancreas or ischemic disease.

Methods of application

  1. People suffering from diabetes will benefit from sauerkraut brine combined with a small amount of lemon juice.
  2. To treat a sore throat, it is suggested to gargle with warm liquid three times a day.
  3. At elevated temperature And colds The brine is diluted with warm water in a 1:1 ratio and drunk until complete recovery.
  4. For gastritis with low acidity and peptic ulcer (not during exacerbations), 1/3 cup is taken three times a day. The course lasts for three weeks, after which you can take a short break and continue treatment again. There are many cases of complete recovery from peptic ulcers as a result of using cabbage brine.
  5. In the first and last months of pregnancy, it is recommended to take the drink in pure or diluted form in moderate quantities. In addition, it will help cope with nausea.
  6. Literally 2-3 tbsp. l. Drinking a sour drink before meals relieves heartburn, which often occurs after a hearty meal.
  7. To relieve allergic edema and swelling, and heal wounds, lotions made from cabbage brine are used. A compress is made from this healing liquid when warm to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
  8. For hepatitis and other liver diseases, the drink is mixed with tomato juice in equal parts and taken after meals three times a day.
  9. To get rid of worms, drink the brine in pure form in small portions in the morning: on an empty stomach, 30-40 minutes before the first meal.
  10. Using rinses oral cavity liquid left over from sauerkraut several times a day can relieve pain when aphthous stomatitis and speed up the healing of the mucous membrane.

How to cook

  1. Chop the head of cabbage as finely as possible and place it in a prepared container with a capacity of 3.5-4.5 liters. You cannot use aluminum cookware for these purposes, but you can use enamel cookware.
  2. Fill with water and add salt at the rate of 2-2.5% by weight of the cabbage.
  3. Cover with a special wooden circle or plate and place a weight on top.
  4. Approximately 2-3 days from the start of fermentation, a large amount of juice is released from the cabbage, mixing with water.
  5. Filter the resulting liquid and pour into sterilized jars. For long-term storage roll the brine under the lids.

Other types of brine

  • . Unlike sauerkraut brine, cucumber brine does not contain. But this does not prevent it from remaining a healthy drink. Except high content vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, other vitamins and microelements, it has powerful bactericidal and antiseptic properties, cleanses the blood and prevents harmful fermentation processes in the intestines and stomach. The drink will be beneficial for pancreatitis, convulsions and spasms.
  • Tomato. Tomato brine saves from hangover syndrome and restores water-salt balance in the body. IN cold period year is excellent prophylactic from vitamin deficiency, respiratory diseases and even from seasonal depression. It has also found application in cosmetology, where it is used in skin lotions. For bruises, abrasions and cuts, it acts as a natural wound healing agent.

In 2005, the Seattle Times reported that cabbage pickle helped fight bird flu symptoms. But if the Americans could be surprised by this fact of the drink’s benefits, the Russian people knew about its antiviral properties many centuries ago.

Sauerkraut has long been considered one of the main food products among the Slavs, especially in the winter-spring period, that is, at a time when the lack of vitamins and microelements is extremely acute. And, despite the fact that the dish is easy to prepare, it was not considered a dish of the common people.

When sauerkraut is ready, its benefits lie in the lactic acid formed during the fermentation process of the vegetable. It is lactic acid that prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria. It is noteworthy that after fermentation, cabbage becomes healthier than fresh. The vitamins in it tend to last up to 8 months, and the amount of some even increases. For example, vitamin C increases by 70%. It is this that makes the fermented product indispensable in the winter season, when the issue of preventing colds is acute.

What vitamins are in sauerkraut?

When discussing the benefits, the first question that interests us is what vitamins are in sauerkraut? The main vitamins of this dish are vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, H. Valuable microelements are represented by potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, sulfur and magnesium. In addition, pickled vegetables are an excellent source of macroelements, such as iron, zinc, iodine, fluorine, chromium, cobalt. A large amount of vitamin C helps not only in the fight against infections, but also against stress, toxic effect antibiotics, and also helps vessels susceptible to atherosclerosis.

Cabbage also contains a lot of other minerals, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes. B vitamins help improve the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin K increases blood clotting, which is necessary for bleeding. Vitamin PP improves metabolism. Carotene maintains normal vision and prevents the growth of malignant tumors. Potassium contained in pickled vegetables improves muscle function, in particular the work of the heart muscles (myocardium). Tartronic acid improves fat metabolism, thereby slowing down the aging process of the body. Intestinal motility is stimulated by cabbage fiber, which is especially useful for hemorrhoids and constipation. Fiber also removes toxins and cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on the development of beneficial microflora in the intestines. And due to the fact that in white cabbage low in carbohydrates, it is recommended to be included in the menu for diabetics. In addition, sauerkraut has been proven to lower blood sugar levels.

Recent studies have shown that isothiocyanates, which are formed during the fermentation process of the vegetable, prevent the development of cancer, in particular cancer of the lungs, liver, colon and mammary glands.

The benefits of sauerkraut for the liver and stomach

The benefit of sauerkraut for the liver is to improve the functioning of the organ. And the juice formed during the cooking process even removes lamblia from the liver.

It also contains vitamin U, which is an excellent preventative against stomach ulcers.

According to the results of American studies, regular consumption of sauerkraut helps improve sexual function and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Often the fermented product is used in the treatment and relief of symptoms chronic gastritis. Excellent prevention of this disease is to consume it half an hour before meals for 2 weeks.

The benefits of sauerkraut for weight loss

What are the benefits of sauerkraut for losing weight? This food product has a number of advantages that make it one of the simplest and effective ways losing weight.

Here are the most basic ones:

  • Pickled vegetables are tasty and healthy on their own. The content of vitamins K, C and iodine, along with a decrease in body weight, allows you to strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the entire body;
  • A dietary regimen based on sour vegetables helps speed up metabolism, stimulating intestinal motility, while eliminating problems with stool, which is especially important during fasting;
  • Cabbage can be eaten in any quantity;
  • The dish helps remove toxins and waste from the body.

If the diet program contains sauerkraut, the weight loss benefit lies in the low calorie content of the dish. So, 100 g of product contains only 20 kcal. But this is not even the most important thing. The fact is that a mono-diet based on such cabbage has a negative calorie content, that is, the body spends more calories on digesting the product than it receives from the dish itself.

All of the listed properties of this dish make it possible to maintain a long-term diet of only one product (mono-diet), while maintaining human health and physical strength.

The benefits of sauerkraut juice and brine

Sauerkraut juice deserves special attention, the benefits of which are even greater than the cabbage itself. It is used to treat stomach ulcers and duodenum, used to treat gastritis with high acidity, pancreatitis and cholecystitis. For such diseases, the juice should be drunk warm, 200 g, half an hour before meals, up to 4 times a day for a month.

Freshly prepared juice and brine are taken for obesity, vascular atherosclerosis, nervous breakdowns. It is also worth drinking if necessary to increase the acidity of gastric juice and appetite. This remedy is suitable for loosening the intestines and lowering blood sugar. Surprisingly, the resulting flatulence, which can happen after eating a large amount of sauerkraut, can be eliminated by drinking a few tablespoons of brine.

In addition, by consuming sauerkraut brine, the benefit will consist not only in relieving hangover syndrome, but also in preventing it. To do this, drink the brine directly during the feast.

What are the benefits of sauerkraut for pregnant women?

When sauerkraut is on the table, the benefits for pregnant women will also be great. This is one of those products that expectant mothers should not refuse.

Cabbage in this form not only does not harm the body of pregnant women, but also does a lot of useful things for it:

  • Low calorie content and quick saturation. Removal of carbohydrates with tartronic acid. This is especially useful for rapid weight gain, which affects most pregnant women;
  • Maintaining normal metabolism;
  • Normalization of blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • Alkaline balance regulation;
  • Preventing heartburn;
  • Improving the condition of hair and nails;
  • Elimination of nausea, which helps with toxicosis;
  • A large number of vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting and helps during childbirth;
  • Improving protein absorption;
  • Folic acid content – desired element for women and proper development fetus;
  • Providing for the body the right amount iron, which prevents anemia in pregnant women;
  • Vitamin C content, the benefits of which are known to everyone.

This list can be continued for a long time. To summarize, we can say that the main properties of pickled vegetables are analgesic, anti-carcinogenic, immunostimulating, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties.

Contraindications for sauerkraut

Before consuming sauerkraut, the benefits and contraindications must be taken into account. Because even with a huge number of beneficial properties, at some points this food product is not worth eating.


Cabbage should not be consumed during exacerbations of stomach and duodenal ulcers, or during bleeding. gastrointestinal tract. Those who suffer from enterocolitis accompanied by diarrhea need to be more careful. The juice of pickled vegetables should not be drunk if the acidity of the gastric juice is high, as well as if there are symptoms of an irritable stomach. Cabbage in large quantities is contraindicated for gastritis and pancreatitis. A large amount of salt in the product is harmful to hypertensive patients with liver and kidney disease. Therefore, for such people, cabbage needs to be soaked or fermented with a minimum amount of salt. Optimal: 10 g of table salt per 1 kg of vegetable.

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