My heart rate has increased sharply, what should I do? Rapid heartbeat and the causes of this disease. Additional causes of tachycardia may be

Palpitations - a feeling that the heart is beating too quickly or is beating too hard - is a reason to consult a doctor.

is a patient complaint about a subjective feeling of a rapid, arrhythmic or heavy heartbeat. Normally, we do not notice our heartbeat. But any deviation from the norm becomes immediately noticeable. Patients typically describe palpitations as the following: the heart pounding too hard (or “loudly”) in the chest, the heart “jumping” out of the chest, pounding, “jerking,” “spinning,” or “fluttering.” Increased heartbeat may be accompanied by a feeling of pulsation in the neck, temples, pit of the stomach or fingertips. Palpitations may also be accompanied by painful sensations in the heart area, a feeling of tightness in the chest or difficulty breathing. Such symptoms may indicate heart pathology, but in most cases complaints of increased heartbeat with accompanying symptoms instrumental studies There are no signs of heart damage.

Heartbeat should be distinguished from. Tachycardia– this is an objective increase in heart rate. Normal pulse in an adult at rest - 60-80 beats per minute. If more than 90 beats per minute are recorded, then tachycardia is diagnosed. However, the patient may not feel that his heartbeat is rapid.

Common causes of heart palpitations

Even a healthy person can feel increased heartbeat. This is most common for people with increased nervous sensitivity. The following can lead to heart palpitations:

  • significant physical effort;
  • rapid rise to altitude;
  • physical activity in a hot and stuffy environment (lack of oxygen leads to increased heart function);
  • sharp mental stress (fear, excitement, etc.);
  • use large quantity products with high content caffeine (coffee, tea, Coca-Cola);
  • some medications(in particular, cold remedies);
  • digestive disorders (for example, as a result of which the diaphragm appears slightly elevated).

A strong heartbeat may be felt when high temperature(patients experiencing fever often feel palpitations).

Increased heart rate and high blood pressure

Rapid heartbeat is often accompanied. In this case, the more often the heart contracts, the higher the pressure in the arteries. The dependence here is exactly that... Therefore, consider it increased arterial pressure cause of increased heart rate is incorrect. Another thing is that increased blood pressure, accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being, can make you notice how hard your heart is beating.

Rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure can be caused by the same reasons. In this case therapeutic measures, aimed at normalizing blood pressure, will also help normalize the heartbeat.

Increased heart rate and low blood pressure

An increased heart rate is quite possible even with low blood pressure. A sharp decrease in blood pressure can be observed when states of shock(traumatic, infectious-toxic, psychogenic and other types of shock). The body responds by speeding up the contraction of the heart muscle to restore blood pressure. A similar compensatory nature of increased heartbeat also occurs with large blood loss.

Rapid heartbeat with normal blood pressure

However, increased heartbeat can be felt regardless of blood pressure. The pressure may be low or normal, but the patient complains of palpitations. This is possible with vegetative-vascular dystonia and a number of other diseases. You should not try to determine what you are sick with, much less begin treatment only on the basis of comparing your heartbeat and blood pressure. In all cases when you are concerned about increased heart rate, you must undergo an examination as prescribed by your doctor.

When is palpitations a reason to see a doctor?

A rapid heartbeat is a reason to see a doctor if it:

  • too intense;
  • is protracted (does not go away for a long time);
  • occurs with less and less exposure to the above factors;
  • occurs independently of the above factors;
  • is uneven in nature (arrhythmia can be assumed - a violation of the heart rhythm).

In these cases, rapid heartbeat may be a manifestation of serious disorders and diseases, such as:

  • anemia ( low content hemoglobin and iron in the blood);
  • tetany (a condition caused by a lack of calcium);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • heart pathologies.

However, as a rule, in the case of myocarditis, other heart diseases, as well as hyperfunction thyroid gland increased heart rate is not the main complaint. At similar diseases, first of all, they complain of pain in the heart area and.

It is necessary to react promptly if, against the background of increased heartbeat, pale skin and sweating are observed. In this case, you should call an ambulance.

How can a doctor help with a strong heartbeat?

If you complain about palpitations, you should contact a general practitioner or cardiologist.

When a patient complains of increased heartbeat, it is first necessary to establish its cause - whether it is of physiological or pathological origin. For this purpose, laboratory and instrumental studies may be prescribed, including (), radiography of the heart. After identifying the cause of the increased heart rate, a course of treatment is prescribed aimed at eliminating pathological factors. Normalization of heartbeat is achieved through treatment antiarrhythmic drugs. Such drugs should not be taken on your own; they should be prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the condition of your body, established on the basis of a medical examination. Otherwise, the treatment result may be negative.

Fedorov Leonid Grigorievich

A rapid pulse is a symptom that in some cases may indicate the development of serious pathologies. Sometimes this phenomenon is observed under certain physiological conditions. Therefore, treatment for increased heart rate is not always necessary. Whether therapy is needed is determined after a series of diagnostic examinations.

Set heart rate rate

The pulse is assessed using several indicators. Frequency is the number of times the heart beats per minute. When a person sits or lies, the indicators may change. Therefore, during the measurement process you should be in one position. Increased heart rate may be observed towards the end of the day. If the tapping is 10 units higher in the evening or in the morning, this is a variant of the norm.

Heart rate is also taken into account - this is the period of time between beats. If it is different, it means the patient is developing.

In people of different ages heart rate indicators are different. It is considered normal for the heart to beat faster.

In newborns, it can reach 170 beats per minute, and this is not considered a deviation.

Over the years, the norms decrease. Therefore, the heart rate should be between 60-80 beats per minute. Exceeding the norm is called, and lower indicators are called. In some situations, being rejected should not be a concern.

When there is a constant increase in heart rate, it is necessary to undergo examination and treatment.

What causes the problem

An increase in heart rate can be caused by physiological and pathological factors. In the first case, it is considered normal if the heart begins to beat faster:

  • in the morning after waking up;
  • as a result of a sudden change in body position;
  • under the influence of strong positive or negative emotions;
  • after eating, which is associated with the need to increase blood circulation in the organs of the digestive system.
  • Most people don't even notice when their heart rate increases. It should not lead to painful sensations in the chest, weakness, shortness of breath and other unpleasant symptoms. If there is no discomfort, the problem does not pose a health hazard.

    A rapid pulse is observed in children and adolescents. If the baby feels good, then everything is fine.

    Idiopathic forms of tachycardia are also observed, in which increased heart rate is associated with the characteristics of the human body. Deviations in such cases are insignificant and do not exceed 15 beats per minute. This condition does not require treatment.

    Also, due to the increased load on the body, tachycardia is observed in women in the last stages.

    There are certain factors that cause the heart to beat faster. It happens:

    • with insomnia or if a person has a nightmare at night;
    • as a result of consumption narcotic substances and aphrodisiacs;
    • during treatment with antidepressants or drugs to stimulate sexual activity;
    • with constant stress and overwork;
    • if a person abuses alcoholic beverages;
    • with excessive body weight;
    • with high blood pressure;
    • for acute respiratory viral infections.

    A rapid pulse can also have pathological causes. Tachycardia is observed:

    1. IN feverish conditions. According to research, if your body temperature rises by one degree, your heart rate increases by 10 beats.
    2. For disorders of the nervous system.
    3. In pathological endocrine processes.
    4. If poisoning with alcohol or toxins occurs.
    5. For oncology.
    6. If a person suffers from cachexia or anemia.
    7. For illnesses of infectious origin.
    8. With myocardial damage.

    If the heart beats quickly when a person is in a calm state, this indicates pathological process in organism. Therefore, an examination is necessary.

    Possible pathologies with increased heart rate in combination with other symptoms

    In addition to strong pulsation, the patient may suffer from other manifestations of the disease. It all depends on the main reason that caused this violation. Tachycardia is a symptom of many diseases. Most often it manifests itself with dysfunctions of nervous regulation and endocrine disorders.

    Tachycardia with defects

    In this situation, a rapid pulse causes attacks that have clear boundaries. The patient can know exactly the time of the onset and end of the attack. The heartbeat increases in a calm state or during stress and physical activity.

    Vital important organ at the same time it contracts with a frequency of more than two hundred beats. The person also suffers from other symptoms. Patients usually:

    • dizzy;
    • observed fainting states;
    • noise in the ears;
    • it feels like your heart is jumping out of your chest or you have a pressing sensation in your chest chest;
    • sweating increases;
    • in some cases nausea occurs.

    Pulse, or heart rate (HR), is one of the most sensitive indicators of our well-being. Joy or despair, delight or fear - any acute emotions, any physical exercise- these are the ones external factors, after which your pulse quickens and your heart beats faster.

    The heart rate accelerates by several beats per minute in order to adapt to the general tone of the body, because to overcome physical exertion and emotional experiences it requires more nutrients and oxygen.

    That's why the cardiovascular system turns on the “afterburner” heartbeat mode - increased heart rate. With his help circulatory system copes faster with oxygenation (oxygen saturation) and nutrition of organs. But do the reasons for a rapid heart rate always lie in external influences?

    To find out the causes of a rapid pulse and heartbeat, you need to know what heart rate values ​​are considered accelerated.

    For an adult healthy person The normal heart rate ranges from 50 to 90 beats/minute. This means that a heart rate above 90 beats is a rapid pulse. The value is considered physiological if it was provoked by external factors and after a 10-15 minute rest the pulse returns to normal. This condition should not cause concern.

    If the heart rate at rest reaches 100 beats or higher, this is a sign of tachycardia, which in certain cases requires treatment.

    In addition to the pulse, when assessing a person’s condition, it is necessary to pay attention to such factors as:

    • blood pressure (BP);
    • chronic diseases;
    • human lifestyle;
    • taking certain medications, tonics -

    and other conditions in which a rapid pulse is noted. How to reduce an accelerated heart rate - this issue can only be resolved when the reasons for its increase become known.

    Reasons why heart rate increases

    If a person is interested in why the pulse quickens in a calm state, this indicates that the accelerated heartbeat is causing him anxiety and, most likely, is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. This is a serious reason to visit a doctor. To get to the bottom of the reasons for the rapid pulse during, and also or, it is worth paying attention to the circumstances under which it usually accelerates.

    With normal, low, high blood pressure

    What does a rapid heart rate mean? normal pressure? The causes of this condition often lie in such physiological factors as:

    • physical overload;
    • stuffy or hot atmosphere;
    • emotional experiences;
    • binge eating.

    But there are pathological reasons:

    • various types of anemia;
    • problems with the respiratory system;
    • all kinds of infections and intoxication;
    • fever (fever, chills);
    • endocrine diseases.

    If the pressure is low and the heart rate is accelerated, this is very serious symptom. Such a sign may be the beginning of an ischemic stroke, hypovolemia and other catastrophic conditions. When blood pressure drops, organs begin to experience a lack of oxygen, and to prevent ischemia, the cardiovascular system “triggers” an increased heart rate. What to do in this case:

    • stop, stop any work;
    • take a comfortable position sitting or lying down;
    • unfasten the collar and all tight fasteners;
    • take a sedative;
    • in a critical situation, call a doctor.

    Can there be a rapid pulse with high blood pressure? Maybe this cannot be ignored. When the blood vessels are narrowed and the heart works at an accelerated pace, the risk of rupture increases vascular wall, not to mention the wear and tear of the heart muscle. Therefore, stress in the form of a rapid pulse, both at normal pressure and at high pressure, can be fatal for the heart. The situation requires medical intervention.

    In a calm state

    If everything is clear about the provoking factors, then why does the pulse quicken in a calm state? Tachycardia in a calm state is a signal of systemic disorders, including psychosomatic ones.

    For example, panic attacks lead to an increase in heart rate. Against this background, a “vicious circle” situation often develops - a person experiences inexplicable excitement, and his heart begins to beat faster, but due to palpable tachycardia, the excitement increases even more and the person falls into panic. Psychotherapeutic specialists know how to treat rapid pulse in such cases.

    But there may be other reasons (pathological and physiological), therefore, to solve the problem of why the pulse is rapid in a calm state, you should first visit a therapist.

    Leg pulse points

    We often hear from patients that their heart rate increases after eating. The reasons for these complaints are most often explained by excess weight and large amounts of food eaten.

    A rapid pulse after eating is often diagnosed as gastrocardial syndrome (or Roemheld syndrome), the symptoms of which, in addition to tachycardia, are pallor and cold sweat, feeling of fear and lack of air after eating. This requires complex treatment.

    A slight increase in heart rate after eating (not higher than 90) is considered normal and does not require treatment. If the heart rate increases significantly and regularly, regardless of the volume of food, then the doctor must answer why the heart rate increases after eating.

    After alcohol

    Alcoholic drinks contain alcohol, a substance that has a vasodilating effect. Therefore, a slight acceleration of heart rate (up to 90 beats) when drinking alcohol is natural, especially in people with naturally low blood pressure.

    We should not forget that alcohol itself is cardiotoxic and arrhythmogenic, that is, it negatively affects heart cells and causes changes in the conduction of cardiac impulses. In old age, as well as with frequent and heavy libations, the heart muscle wears out, which causes a rapid pulse after alcohol, which can be classified as tachycardia. This requires a complete abstinence from alcohol. Otherwise, everything can end in left ventricular hypertrophy, atrial fibrillation, and myocardial infarction.

    If a person, while drinking alcohol or having a hangover, develops not only increased heart rate, but also, a feeling of lack of air or fainting, he should call an ambulance.

    When getting up

    A sudden change in body position when standing up often provokes an episode of orthostatic hypotension in people prone to this. This happens due to sharp deterioration blood supply to the brain (which leads to dizziness or fainting).

    In this case, the heart attempts to compensate for the lack of oxygen by working at an accelerated pace, which is why the heart rate increases when standing up. In cardiological practice there is the term orthostatic tachycardia, which, although not noted in ICD 10, doctors name as its causes:

    • autonomic neuropathy;
    • violation sympathetic innervation vessels of the lower extremities;
    • dysfunction of venous valves.

    An increased heart rate when standing up also occurs in people for a long time who were on bed rest. There is another reason - lack of basic training.

    If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then even such a minor load as getting up from a seat causes tachycardia. In this case, it's time to think about the benefits physical culture, having first consulted with your doctor.

    Physical activity is one of the main physiological factors increased heart rate. Why does the heart rate increase during physical activity? The heart requires more oxygen and nutrients during exercise. And only accelerated blood flow can ensure their rapid delivery to the organ. This is why your heart rate increases when you run. The so-called functional or physiological sinus tachycardia, hallmark which is fast recovery Heart rate after a 10-15 minute rest.

    If, when falling asleep, you are thrown out of sleep

    Perhaps the most discomfort occur in people who, when falling asleep, are thrown out of sleep and at the same time their pulse quickens. They describe their condition as a sudden increase in heart rate while falling asleep, which does not stop until the person finally wakes up. Such sleep disturbances can occur every night, depriving a person of the opportunity to fully rest.

    Doctors see several causes for this syndrome:

    • varieties panic attacks and other neurotic conditions;
    • diseases of the adrenal glands, pancreas, stomach, esophagus, lungs.

    Concomitant pathologies, for example, thyroid disease, can aggravate the symptoms of tachycardia when falling asleep.

    At night

    A similar situation occurs during a deep night's sleep - a person wakes up from lack of air, tries to get up and feels a rapid pulse.

    To find out why your heart rate increases at night, you need to go through a whole series diagnostic studies, including ECG, CBC and Holter monitoring. The procedures will help determine what exactly caused the increased heart rate at night:

    • lability of the nervous system, neurotic reaction;
    • diencephalic syndrome.

    An increased heart rate at night can act as a nonspecific symptom such a disease as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), but an accurate diagnosis must be entrusted to a doctor.

    For women preparing to become mothers, a rapid heart rate during pregnancy is a common occurrence. It occurs due to an increase in the intensity of metabolic processes, an increase in the volume of blood volume and other natural causes. It is very important how the woman’s well-being changes. If she suffers from headaches, dizziness, and shortness of breath, and if she has a rapid pulse, what to do in such a situation - be sure to go to the doctor. It is necessary to make sure that the unborn child and his mother are not at risk of pathologies such as:

    • vitamin or iron deficiency anemia;
    • cardiovascular diseases (arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, etc.);
    • excess weight (creates additional stress on the heart and blood vessels);
    • gestosis is a perinatal complication that occurs closer to the third trimester and is manifested by eclampsia, elevated blood pressure, and swelling.

    If none of the above is found in a woman, we can assume a psychogenic nature. high heart rate during pregnancy. But only the attending physician can make a diagnosis or refer you to another specialist.

    When the accelerated pulse is not accompanied by others severe symptoms(obvious changes in blood pressure, increased body temperature, shortness of breath, fear, clouding of consciousness, etc.), he can be calmed without using medicines. Sometimes a 10-15 minute rest is enough to restore normal heart rhythm.

    What medications should I take?

    If the patient is haunted by the desire to “drink something and calm down,” one should not immediately grab strong sedative medications. If you have a rapid pulse with normal blood pressure, what medicine should you take if not simple pharmacy tinctures of motherwort, valerian, hawthorn, hops or peony? You can mix them in arbitrary parts and drink a teaspoon of the mixture with water. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can take these sedatives:

    • Zelenin drops;
    • sedative collection No. 2;
    • Persen;
    • Valocordin;
    • Novopassit.

    There are enough pharmacological means to solve the problem of how to stop a rapid pulse, so when acute attack tachycardia, do not panic. If you experience a constantly rapid pulse, you may have to take sedatives in courses - as prescribed by your doctor.

    For cardiovascular pathologies accompanied by arterial hypertension, the doctor may prescribe antihypertensive drugs with an antiarrhythmic or pulse-slowing effect, but these drugs are prescription drugs and are strictly contraindicated for self-medication.

    What else to do?

    What else can you do when your pulse is high, what should you do at home? Doctors often teach their patients to resort to vagal techniques to reduce heart rate and at the same time blood pressure. The use of vagal tests can lead to a significant decrease in pulse and blood pressure, therefore, without monitoring these parameters and first consulting a doctor, it is undesirable to start fast-acting techniques.

    At home, you can prepare a soothing tea from the leaves and flowers of lemon balm, hawthorn, motherwort and other plants with sedative properties. You should drink it in small sips and not hot, but pleasantly warm.

    Do I need treatment if my heart beats faster than it should?

    People who are used to enduring bad feeling“until the last”, they may even in a situation with a high heart rate doubt the need for its treatment. You can often see men clutching their hearts, but continuing to do the work they started. This attitude towards your health is unacceptable. If you “feel your heart” too often, regularly notice a palpitation, do not delay visiting a doctor, contact him on time. It is better to find out in a timely manner how to treat tachycardia than to end up in the ward intensive care or resuscitation.

    Useful video

    You can find out from the following video useful tips on how to relieve rapid heart rate:


    1. Such a condition as an accelerated pulse has many causes, both physiological and pathological.
    2. The fact that the condition is pathological is usually said associated symptoms– high or low blood pressure, dizziness, lack of air and others.
    3. It is impossible to independently determine the cause of the pathological acceleration of the pulse; this requires a medical examination.
    4. Ignoring a pulse that regularly rises at rest or that is constantly elevated is life-threatening.

    Our body is very sensitive to various changes occurring within it. Very often, he subtly reacts to the development of any disease, letting us know that not everything is all right with him, and it’s time to see a doctor. One of the clearest signs of problems in the body is a rapid heartbeat or tachycardia. What are the causes of increased heart rate and how to deal with this syndrome?

    The human heart beats rhythmically throughout his life, pumping liters of blood every day. Typically, the heart rate, depending on certain factors, ranges from 50 to 150 beats per minute.

    The generally accepted norm is that the heart rate of a healthy person at rest should not be higher than 60-80 beats in 60 seconds. However, this indicator may differ for an individual bipedal inhabitant of planet Earth. The pulse rate depends on age, physical and psycho-emotional state, the presence of physical activity and many other factors. For example, in a child, due to the development and growth of the body, as well as an active lifestyle, this indicator is higher than that of the average adult. In this case, the child, even with a rapid pulse, will feel very well in most cases. Below in the table you can see approximate indicators of a person’s heart rate depending on his age.

    Age (years)Pulse rate (beats per minute)
    0-1 80-160
    2-3 80-120
    3-7 75-115
    7-10 70-110
    10-14 65-100
    Over 1450-100

    Thanks to the table it is clearly seen that, than older child, those upper limit the pulse rate is lower - the heart rhythm becomes calmer. In normal condition and with good functioning of the blood-pumping organ, we do not feel or hear heartbeats. However, during attacks of rapid heartbeat, a person can clearly not only hear, but even feel the speed at which this organ contracts. A condition in which a rapid pulse is noted is called tachycardia.

    If an attack of tachycardia passes quickly or does not cause any particular inconvenience, it is not accompanied by serious deterioration general condition organism, then most likely it is not a sign of anything terrible. But if palpitations are accompanied by dizziness, nausea, increased or decreased blood pressure, or arrhythmia, then a visit to the doctor is required.

    As a rule, palpitations usually appear suddenly and disappear just as suddenly. Sometimes such an attack can last for a very short time, and in other cases the heart will beat too quickly for hours or even days.

    His body will help him understand that a person is facing an attack of tachycardia. The main symptoms of this syndrome are as follows:

    • clearly audible heartbeats;
    • labored breathing;
    • panic state;
    • dizziness;
    • darkening of the eyes;
    • chest pain;
    • feeling of heat;
    • feeling of faintness.

    The listed symptoms may appear singly or complement each other. However, it is worth remembering that the child sharp jumps pulse rates unaccompanied by other symptoms may be normal, since children's body more changeable, and the heart easily adapts to the new rhythm of work. But if attacks occur accompanied by a general deterioration of the condition or greatly exceed normal indicators presented in the table above, you should consult a doctor.

    Causes of rapid heart rate

    Palpitations occur more often in the fairer sex than in men. It manifests itself especially clearly in overly emotional ladies, impulsive and temperamental natures. In addition, an increased heart rate is often a companion for those people who are prone to self-deprecation, frequent and groundless worries, and mood swings. Also, people who are in depressive states and are overly demanding of themselves and the world around them are also susceptible to attacks of tachycardia.

    What are the main causes of increased heart rate? It can be:

    • use of antidepressants and other medications;
    • severe stress, positive or negative;
    • consumption of alcohol, nicotine, drugs;
    • excess weight;
    • disturbing dreams or insomnia;
    • drinking strong tea or caffeinated drinks (coffee, energy drinks);
    • overwork;
    • use of certain pharmaceuticals;
    • physical exercise;
    • pregnancy;
    • age.

    It is worth noting that in the last stages of pregnancy, an increase in heart rate is considered normal. Various diseases can also cause an increase in heart rate:

    • influenza or ARVI;
    • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
    • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
    • psychological diseases;
    • tumors of various etiologies.

    Elevated body temperature is often the cause of rapid heartbeat. Doctors note that for every extra degree, the pulse rate increases by an average of 10 units.

    People who engage in heavy mental work and work in serious leadership positions often suffer from increased heart rates. The responsibility that lies on their shoulders is often a source of considerable stress and anxiety and, consequently, an increase in the level of heartbeat. Tachycardia can also cause death loved one, problems in the family or at work and much more.

    Among the heart diseases that cause tachycardia (and it is one of the signs of their development), the following can be distinguished:

    • heart disease;
    • ischemia;
    • myocarditis;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • cardiomyopathy;
    • myocardial dystrophy;
    • pathological structure of the heart and others.

    Also, an increase in heart rate can occur in women during menopause, with bleeding, development purulent infections or anemia. Tachycardia is often a companion for people who avoid sports, lead a sedentary lifestyle, do not allow themselves to rest, and those who do not like walking in the fresh air.

    Scientists say that consuming chocolate in large quantities has a negative impact not only on the figure - the heart of a sweet lover is also seriously tested. Tachycardia is a frequent companion of chocolate fans.

    In fact, there are many reasons why the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle may increase. But it is important to learn to distinguish the so-called pathological tachycardia from the normal reaction of the body to certain loads on it. To do this, you should regularly monitor your heart rate in various states: for example, at rest and after exercise, during stress and immediately after sleep, and so on.

    Remember that increasing frequency heart rate in itself is not a disease as such, but this indicator may be one of the signs of the development of a serious pathology. That is why, if attacks are repeated quite often and occur for no apparent reason, you should mandatory visit a doctor.

    Video - Rapid heartbeat. How to calm your heart


    If attacks of rapid heartbeat worried you or were accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, then most likely you have already made an appointment with a cardiologist. What should you be prepared for, what can your doctor prescribe?

    Since a rapid pulse is a sign possible development If you have some diseases, then the specialist will definitely prescribe a set of examinations that you will need to undergo. To begin with, the cardiologist will conduct general examination patient, measure blood pressure, pulse rate, and interview the patient. Based on the information collected, he will prescribe a specific list of studies. Tests ordered may include:

    • Ultrasound of the heart;
    • blood test (both general and hormone levels);
    • electrocardiogram.

    As a rule, a patient with a rapid pulse is also referred to an endocrinologist, since diseases of the thyroid gland and other organs are often endocrine system cause a change in heart rate. After conducting all the necessary examinations, the doctor will identify the cause of the rapid pulse and prescribe the necessary treatment.


    Treatment for palpitations involves eliminating the cause. That is, for example, if this syndrome arose due to developed diseases of the endocrine system, then, after its condition returns to normal, the pulse rate will also decrease. If the reason for the rapid heartbeat is that a person has an increase in temperature, then after it decreases, the pulse rate will return to normal.

    For people who are depressed or have other psychological problems and disorders, a specialist may prescribe various sedatives or antidepressants. It is also recommended that such patients make an appointment with a psychotherapist. Therapy sessions will help restore a harmonious state of mind, calm you down, and set you up for positive mood, and a rapid pulse will no longer accompany the person.

    Aromatherapy sessions, spa treatments or meditation are very calming. It’s good if, during an attack of rapid heartbeat, you can take 15-20 minutes in the middle of the working day and retire somewhere in a quiet and peaceful place with a cup of green tea. Mild black tea with mint or milk also calms and normalizes the pulse.

    Medicines such as Corvalol and Valocordin will also help return the pulse to normal. Take the drug according to the instructions and try to lie down. The heart rate returns to normal within a few minutes.

    If a tachycardia attack unexpectedly catches you while jogging in the park, then you should sit down on a bench and rest a little. You shouldn’t torture yourself and try to overcome the intended distance if you feel that your body is in trouble. this moment this is very difficult.

    Those who suffered frequent attacks rapid heartbeat, it is recommended to attend several sessions acupressure neck. However, remember that it is worth finding good specialist in this area. Incorrect technique Massage can only aggravate the condition.

    Video - Treatment of tachycardia at home


    How to avoid tachycardia? In old age, most likely, it will not be possible to completely escape from it, but young people can reduce the risk of this condition. The main preventive measures are as follows:

    1. Proper nutrition. Eat “healthy” foods, avoid eating salty, spicy, fatty and sweet foods too often. Make sure your menu has everything necessary for the body vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.
    2. Control the amount of caffeine. One cup of coffee in the morning is enough to wake you up. You should not drink this drink, as well as others containing caffeine, throughout the working day. Do not overuse strong black tea.
    3. Stop smoking and alcohol. Nicotine and alcohol will not bring any good; their use negatively affects not only the heart, but also the entire body. And the less you use them, the higher the chance of maintaining health until old age.
    4. Healthy lifestyle. Periodically take evening walks in the park and play sports. Gym, swimming pool, fitness and other types active rest They will add vigor to you, make your body stronger and more resilient. Experts also recommend attending yoga classes - they normalize breathing and strengthen the body.
    5. Avoid stress. Don't worry too much about failures at work or in personal life. After a dark streak in life, a white one always comes, which means that the best is yet to come. It's also best to simply avoid those as much as possible. stressful situations, which can be controlled.
    6. Don't forget to rest. Overfatigue is one of the main reasons for the rapid wear and tear of all body systems. Don’t overload yourself with work; be sure to take at least one day off a week.

    A rapid heartbeat in itself is rarely dangerous, but it sometimes signals us about problems in our body. If you are experiencing tachycardia for the first time, you should monitor your condition for a while and periodically check your pulse rate. If you visited a doctor and were prescribed a certain course of treatment, then you should definitely undergo it. But you should not self-medicate if attacks of tachycardia cause you serious inconvenience.

    The heart is one of the main organs human body. The normal number of contractions of the heart muscle in adults is from 60 beats per minute, average 75 strokes. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.

    The main “motor” of the body pumps an average of five liters of blood in one minute. Emotions, joy, stress, fear cause rapid heartbeat, which does not always go away on its own. If the heart beats at a speed of more than a hundred beats per minute and this constantly worries a person, then such a pathology is medical name tachycardia.

    What is tachycardia

    Tachycardia is a Latin phrase that translates "fast" and "heart."

    Palpitations occur suddenly and also disappear suddenly. The duration of attacks can last from a couple of seconds to several hours. It happens that the heartbeat suddenly increases in frequency, what measures need to be taken, what to do at home to prevent the disease and normalize heart function?

    It is important to remember that the acceleration of the heart and the number of its contractions is only a symptom of the disease. Which one you need to find out by consulting a doctor and undergoing a series of examinations.

    Why does heart palpitations occur?

    A rapid pulse can be triggered by the slightest trifle. Anxiety, nervous tension, and stress directly affect the functioning of the heart. In many cases, the heart is ready for such stress, since this is a normal physiological reaction of the body. But if the rate exceeds the norm of 90 beats per minute and lasts for a long time, then measures must be taken to prevent complications in the future.

    People with the following diseases and conditions are predisposed to symptoms of tachycardia:

    • Overwork of the body.
    • Insomnia.
    • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland.
    • Poisoning by food, toxic, chemical substances.
    • Climax.
    • Obesity.
    • Infectious diseases.
    • Physical stress.
    • Alcohol abuse.
    • Medications.
    • Anemia.
    • Dehydration of the body.
    • Significant blood loss.
    • Early weeks of pregnancy.

    Rapid heartbeat occurs not only with various pathologies, but also with laughing, crying, excitement, sexual intercourse, and hot weather. Such processes are considered the norm and are not a deviation.

    Symptoms of rapid heart rate

    At sudden attack Tachycardia may cause shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the heart area, pain in the heart, and shortness of breath. An attack of rapid heartbeat can occur with high or low blood pressure. The person clearly feels high pulse depending on how fast his heart beats, weakness and convulsions may occur.

    What complications can occur with a rapid heartbeat?

    Very often, a prolonged manifestation of tachycardia, which is left untreated for a long time and nothing is done to stop it, can develop into more severe diseases:

    • Frequent loss of consciousness.
    • Dizziness.
    • Heart failure, heart attack, cardiac arrest.
    • Cramps.
    • Pulmonary edema.
    • Pulmonary artery thrombosis.

    What should alert a person to prolonged tachycardia?

    If an attack of rapid heartbeat occurs not for the first time, it is necessary to pay attention to the duration of this condition, how often the attack is repeated. When exactly a rapid heartbeat occurs, perhaps some specific reasons become the culprit of this pathology. It could be physical activity, stress, or not at all. apparent reason of this state.

    It is very important to measure what blood pressure a person has during an attack of rapid pulse. Also pay attention to what accompanying symptoms occur during an attack. Possibly occurs strong pain in the heart, nausea.

    If you are careful, all this information can be very useful for your doctor; it will help get rid of palpitations and possibly identify the real reason of this pathology.

    What to do with a rapid heartbeat - first aid

    If a person feels an attack of tachycardia, it is necessary to calm down. Sit down and unfasten the buttons on your clothes, remove your tie and unfasten your belt on your trousers. Provide access to fresh air.

    If you have accompanying ailments - dizziness, nausea, the best thing to do is lie on your side and lie down for a while. Drink cold water, wash your face with water or apply cold wet towel. It is also recommended to press on the solar plexus several times or induce vomiting.

    What can you do at home if you have palpitations?

    • Valerian

    The medicinal plant has sedative properties. Promotes normal sleep and stabilizes nervous system, relieves an attack of rapid heartbeat. Thanks to medicinal decoction, the body becomes calm, keeping the heart rate normal.

    The decoction can be prepared at home in the following way: pour two tablespoons of crushed valerian roots into a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for ten hours. Strain the infusion through a strainer and take a couple of sips three times a day. Valerian should be taken in courses of 12 days, with a seven-day break between doses.

    • Horsetail

    The medicine prepared from the horsetail herb is very useful and effective at the initial stage of tachycardia, when the heartbeat increases only during exercise or, for example, only at night.

    Thirty grams of dried horsetail herb should be poured into a thermos with 300 ml of boiling water. The medicine is infused for four hours. Drink a dessert spoon of prepared horsetail infusion every two hours. The course of treatment is two weeks.

    • Adonis (adonis)

    To ensure that the product does not cause harm to the body, it is very important to follow correct dosage drug. Adonis consumption large doses may cause serious harm health. Adonis helps improve blood supply to the heart muscle and strengthens coronary vessels.

    - pour 10 grams of Adonis into one pot boiled water, leave for 30 minutes. Use the finished medicine three times a day, one tablespoon at a time, for a week.

    • Hawthorn

    Alcohol tincture of hawthorn is prepared as follows: pour 25 g of fruit with one glass of alcohol. To obtain healing effect, you need to infuse the medicine in a cool, dark place for at least 14 days.

    To prevent attacks of rapid heartbeat, add 20 drops of hawthorn infusion to a third of a glass of water and take three times a day. The use of infusion has positive action on the heart, removes headache, brings blood pressure back to normal, normalizes pulse.

    In case of an attack of tachycardia, the medicine should be taken three times in one hour in the amount of 10 drops, and washed down with fresh herbal tea.

    • Collection of herbs to prevent heart palpitations

    A preventive remedy is a collection of herbs, which consists of valerian, hawthorn, linden blossom, motherwort, and arnica.

    The prepared tea can be drunk in a course of thirty days, twice a day.

    The method for preparing the mixture is simple: pour 15 g of a mixture of herbs into a cup and pour boiling water over it. Leave for a few minutes.

    Herbs relieve heart pain and normalize heart rate.

    • Dried fruits for fast heartbeat

    For cooking delicious medicine, make a mix of dried apricots, prunes, raisins, walnuts. You need to take three hundred grams of all products. Add two glasses of liquid honey and the zest of one lemon to the mixture. The ingredients need to be crushed, mixed, and consumed one dessert spoon twice a day.

    All the vitamins and minerals that make up this healthy and tasty medicine are very necessary for the functioning of the heart. The treat strengthens the heart muscle and restores normal rhythm during tachycardia.

    • Carotid artery massage

    One of the self-help remedies for heart palpitations at home is carotid artery massage.

    If the condition worsens, you need to find a vessel on the side of the neck and begin massage. Using light pressure movements, slightly block the blood flow. Due to lack of blood in the brain, mild dizziness may occur. This normal reaction, you shouldn't be afraid of her. The massage lasts for a couple of minutes. After it, the rhythm of the heartbeat normalizes and the overall well-being of the body improves.

    Disease prevention

    The heart is a vital organ, so there is no need to joke and neglect your health. Preventive measures palpitations that can be done at home include healthy eating, getting rid of bad habits, moderate physical activity, enough water and less stress and anxiety.

    If a person uses it to treat rapid heartbeat medicinal plants, then this is important the right approach and supervision of your treating doctor. If you approach treatment correctly, you can get good results and prevent serious complications.