Restless legs syndrome: classification, causes, signs, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis. Restless legs syndrome and what consequences it causes


The disease, which today is called "syndrome restless legs“, was discovered back in the 17th century by the physician Thomas Willis, and several centuries later, Karl Ekbom studied it in more detail, who was able to determine the criteria for diagnosing the disease, and united all its forms into the term “restless legs”, a little later expanded by the word “syndrome” "

Therefore, in medicine today both terms are used - “RLS” and “Ekbom syndrome”.

Typical picture of restless legs syndrome, or RLS – causes and risk groups

First of all, RLS is considered a sensorimotor disorder, usually manifested by very unpleasant sensations in the legs, which make themselves felt only at rest. To alleviate the condition, a person has to move. This same condition also becomes the main cause of insomnia or regular awakenings in the middle of the night.

RLS can be classified as heavy or moderate, in accordance with the severity of symptoms and the frequency of their manifestation.

Video: Restless legs syndrome

The syndrome is also classified as follows:

  1. Primary. The most common type of RLS. Most often it is diagnosed before the age of 40. May begin in childhood or be hereditary. The main reasons for the development are still unknown to science. Often turns into a permanent chronic form. As for symptoms, they may be completely absent for a long time, and then not appear constantly or worsen sharply.
  2. Secondary. Key reason Certain diseases trigger this type of RLS. The onset of development of the disease occurs after the age of 45, and this type of RLS has nothing to do with heredity. Symptoms begin to appear suddenly, and most often are clearly defined.

The main causes of the secondary type of RLS include:

  • Kidney failure.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Pregnancy (usually the last trimester; according to statistics, about 20% of expectant mothers experience RLS).
  • Lack of iron, magnesium, vitamins in the body.
  • Neuropathy.
  • Amyloidosis.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Taking certain medications that affect dopamine activity.
  • Diabetes.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Sjögren's syndrome.
  • Venous insufficiency.
  • Tourette's syndrome.
  • Obesity.

RLS is least common in Asian countries (no more than 0.7%) and most common in Western countries, where its “popularity” reaches 10%, according to studies.

And, according to them, those at risk most often are women above average age, young patients with obesity (about 50%).

Also, many scientists believe that about 20 percent of all sleep disorders are based on this particular pathology.

Unfortunately, few practicing doctors are well acquainted with this syndrome, so they often attribute symptoms to disorders of a psychological, neurological or other nature.

Signs of RLS - how does restless legs syndrome manifest itself, and how to distinguish it from other pathologies?

A person who suffers from RLS is usually familiar with a whole range of symptoms characteristic of the syndrome:

  1. Painful sensations in the legs and the intensity of these sensations.
  2. Feelings of tingling, itching and sharp pain, burning, tightness or swelling in the legs.
  3. Progression of symptoms at rest - in the evening and at night.
  4. Core Focus painful sensations- This ankle joints and calf muscles.
  5. Reduced pain during movement.
  6. Rhythmic neuropathic movements in the legs (PDNS or periodic leg movements during sleep). Most often, PDNS is the dorsiflexion of the feet - and, as a rule, in the 1st half of the night.
  7. Frequent awakenings at night, insomnia due to unpleasant sensations.
  8. A sensation of pins and needles or something crawling under the skin.

Video: Causes of insomnia due to restless legs syndrome

With the primary type of RLS symptoms persist throughout life, and intensify under certain conditions (pregnancy, stress, coffee abuse, etc.).

Long-term remissions are observed in 15% of patients.

Regarding the secondary type, most patients experience an increase in symptoms as the disease progresses, which occurs quite quickly.

How to distinguish RLS from other diseases?

One of the key symptoms of the syndrome is pain at rest. Patients with RLS sleep poorly, do not like to lie in bed for a long time, do not rest, and avoid long trips.

When performing movements, the painful sensations decrease or disappear, but they return as soon as the person returns to a state of rest. This specific sign usually helps the doctor distinguish RLS from other diseases.

  • or RLS? Tests help distinguish between these diseases ( general analysis blood, as well as testing for iron content, etc.) and polysomnography.
  • Neuropathy. Similar signs: goosebumps, discomfort in the same areas of the legs. Difference from RLS: lack of precise circadian rhythm and PDNS, decreased intensity painful condition does not depend on movements in any way.
  • Akathisia. Similar symptoms: feeling of discomfort at rest, constant desire move, feeling restless. Difference from RLS: absence of circadian rhythm and pain in the legs.
  • Vascular pathologies. Similar symptoms: feeling of goosebumps. Difference from RLS: during movement, the unpleasant sensations intensify, and there is a pronounced vascular pattern on the skin of the legs.
  • Similar signs: development of seizures at rest, symptoms disappear when moving (stretching) the legs, presence of a clear circadian rhythm. Difference from RLS: sudden onset, no worsening of symptoms at rest, no irresistible desire to move, concentration of sensations in one limb.

How to soothe your feet with RLS using home remedies - sleep hygiene, foot treatments, nutrition and exercise

If the syndrome develops against the background of a particular disease, then, of course, the symptoms will go away immediately after the disease is eliminated.

Video: Restless legs syndrome

When it comes to home remedies for RLS symptoms, these include: following methods relief of the condition:

  1. Cold and hot foot baths (alternating).
  2. Foot massage before bed, rubbing.
  3. Exercise for muscle relaxation: yoga, Pilates, stretching, etc.
  4. Warm and cool compresses.
  5. Sports and specific moderate training on simulators. Just not in the evening.
  6. Sleep schedule and hygiene: we sleep at the same time, reduce lighting and put away gadgets an hour before bedtime.
  7. Refusal of tobacco, sweets, coffee, energy drinks.
  8. Diet. Focus on nuts, whole grains and green vegetables.
  9. Periodic physiotherapy: mud therapy and magnetic therapy, cold and hot shower, lymphopress and vibration massage, cryotherapy and acupuncture, acupressure and etc.
  10. Drug therapy. Medicines are prescribed only by specialists. As a rule, the list of drugs includes iron and magnesium, painkillers (for example, ibuprofen), anticonvulsants and sedatives, drugs to increase dopamine levels, etc.
  11. Physiotherapy.
  12. Increased intellectual distractions.
  13. Avoiding stress and strong shocks.

Naturally, the effectiveness of treatment depends, first of all, on the accuracy of diagnosis.

Unfortunately, more than 30% of all cases of RLS are not diagnosed at all due to the lack of necessary qualifications of doctors.

Which doctor should I contact if restless legs syndrome does not go away?

If you notice signs of RLS, then, first of all, you should contact a therapist who will refer you to to the right specialist– a neurologist, somnologist, etc., and will also prescribe a number of tests and studies that will help separate RLS from others possible diseases or confirm the latest ones.

If there is no effect from home treatment methods, the only option left is drug therapy, the task of which is to influence the production of dopamine in the body. She is appointed exclusively specialist , and self-administration of drugs in this case (and in any other) is categorically not recommended.

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is not a guide to action. Only a doctor can give you an accurate diagnosis. We kindly ask you not to self-medicate, but to make an appointment with a specialist!
Health to you and your loved ones!

Willis disease is a common neurological disease nowadays, popularly called restless legs syndrome. Expressed as discomfort in the legs. Because of this condition, you want to constantly move your legs, itching, burning, and “goosebumps” appear on the skin. The pathology is unpleasant - after a hard day at work it is impossible to sleep or lie down in a calm state.

The syndrome occurs most often in people over 40 years of age, but young people are also affected. The disease occurs more often in women than in men. This is explained by the fact that men have a stronger nervous system. The causes of the disease vary.

What it is?

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a condition characterized by unpleasant sensations in lower limbs, which appear at rest (usually in the evening and at night), force the patient to make movements that facilitate them and often lead to sleep disturbances.

Current population studies indicate that the prevalence of RLS is 2-10%. RLS occurs in all age groups, but is more common in middle and old age. RLS is the cause of approximately 15% of cases of chronic insomnia - insomnia.


Primary syndrome is poorly studied and affects young people under 30 years of age. Not associated with major diseases, it accounts for up to 50%. Accompanies a person throughout his life, alternating periods of progression and remission. Occurs suddenly, the reasons are not clear, it may be:

  • heredity in 20-70% of cases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • psychological circumstances (stress, depression, fatigue).

Secondary syndrome - manifests itself against the background of a primary (neurological or somatic) disease, disappears after their elimination. Frequently encountered:

  • disruption of blood supply;
  • kidney diseases;
  • vitamin deficiency (group B) and magnesium deficiency;
  • diabetes, thyroid diseases;
  • abuse of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine;
  • treatment with some medicines.

Secondary syndrome occurs after 40 years of age or later. The exception is pregnancy. More than 16% of pregnant women suffer from this disease, 3 times more than non-pregnant women. There is a possibility of genetic transmission of RLS from mother to fetus, which poses a threat to pregnancy.


The effectiveness of dopaminergic drugs and the possibility of worsening symptoms under the influence of antipsychotics indicate that a key element in the pathogenesis of RLS is a defect in dopaminergic systems. Clear circadian rhythm clinical manifestations RLS may reflect the involvement of hypothalamic structures, in particular the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which regulates circadian cycles physiological processes in organism.

It is possible that in some patients with RLS, polyneuropathy, iron deficiency, coffee abuse or other factors only reveal an existing hereditary predisposition, which partly blurs the line between idiopathic and symptomatic variants of RLS.

Symptoms of RLS

The symptom is characterized by the occurrence of unpleasant sensations of a piercing, scraping, itching, pressing or bursting nature in the lower extremities. The onset of symptoms mainly occurs at rest, with physical activity they are significantly reduced.

To alleviate the condition, patients resort to various manipulations - stretching and bending, massaging, shaking and rubbing their limbs; during sleep they often toss and turn, get out of bed and walk from side to side, or shift from foot to foot. This activity helps stop the symptoms of restless legs syndrome, but as soon as the patient goes back to sleep, or simply stops, they return. A characteristic feature syndrome is the manifestation of symptoms at the same time, on average it reaches its maximum severity in the period from 12 am to 4 am, the minimum occurs from 6 to 10 am.

In advanced cases, with prolonged absence of treatment, the daily rhythm of restless legs syndrome disappears, symptoms appear at any time, even while sitting. This situation significantly complicates the patient’s life - it is difficult for him to withstand long trips in transport, work at the computer, attend cinemas, theaters, etc.

Due to the need to constantly move during sleep, over time, the patient begins to experience insomnia, which leads to rapid fatigue and drowsiness during the daytime.


Basic diagnostic methods:

  1. Blood test for iron, magnesium and folic acid levels. Helps to determine the deficiency of the listed elements, which may be provoking factors of pathology.
  2. Electroneuromyography is a method of studying nerves and muscles using special equipment. In this case, sensitive sensors are connected to different areas body and diagnose the degree of electrical excitability of a particular muscle group.
  3. Polymonography - A complex approach, allowing you to diagnose motor activity during sleep. Special sensors record awakenings and muscle activity. Unlike electroneuromyography, the person is in a sleeping state.

How to treat restless leg syndrome?

A specific algorithm for the treatment of restless legs syndrome has been developed, which includes a number of procedures. This includes:

  • help from a psychotherapist;
  • folk remedies and homeopathy;
  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy and exercise therapy;
  • self-help, bedtime ceremony.

Once the diagnosis is made, comprehensive treatment of Ekbom's disease can begin.

Drug treatment

In cases of mild disease, only these measures may be sufficient, and the disease will recede. If they do not help, and the disease causes persistent disruption of sleep and vital functions, then they resort to medications.

Medicines used for illness:

  1. Dopaminergic drugs (preparations containing L-DOPA - Nakom, Madopar, Sinemet; dopamine receptor agonists - Pramipexole Pronoran, Bromocriptine). These are the first-line drugs of choice; treatment begins with them. For medications containing L-DOPA, the initial dosage is 50 mg levodopa 1-2 hours before bedtime. If this is not enough, then after about a week the dose is increased by another 50 mg. The maximum dose is 200 mg. Dopamine receptor agonists have an effect comparable in effect to L-DOPA drugs. Pramipexole is prescribed starting from 0.125 mg, the dosage can be increased to 1 mg, Bromocriptine - from 1.25 mg (up to 7.5 mg), Pronoran - from 50 mg (up to 150 mg). If one dopamine receptor agonist is ineffective, it is advisable to replace it with another.
  2. Benzodiazepines. Among this chemical group, Clonazepam (from 0.5 mg at night and up to 2 mg) and Alprazolam (from 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg at night) are most often used. Benzodiazepines have a greater effect on sleep than on discomfort and periodic movements in the legs, so they are considered “backup” drugs for the treatment of restless legs syndrome.
  3. Anticonvulsants (Gabapentin, Neurontin, Carbamazepine) and opioid drugs (Tramadol, Codeine, Dihydrocodeine, Oxycodone). These drugs are used as a last resort only if dopaminergic and benzodiazepine drugs are ineffective or have severe effects. side effects. Gabapentin is prescribed in increasing dosages, starting with 300 mg and reaching maximum dose at 2700 mg (stop at the dose that has an effect). The entire dose is taken at night in one dose. Tramadol is taken 50-400 mg at night, Codeine - 15-60 mg, Dihydrocodeine - 60-120 mg, Oxycodone - 2.5-20 mg. These narcotic drugs are used only in particularly severe cases of restless leg syndrome because they can be addictive.

Willis disease is insidious in that patients often require long-term medication, so the doctor tries to select the minimum dosage of medications to relieve symptoms and have a gentle toxic effect on the body.

It is especially difficult to treat pregnant women. In such cases, the specialist tries to identify and eliminate the cause of the disease. In most cases, the culprit is a lack of microelements, especially iron. This condition is normalized after a course of iron-containing medications. If more serious disorders are detected in the body, doctors advise eliminating the symptoms of restless leg syndrome in pregnant women using non-drug methods, and small doses of drugs (usually Clonazepam or Levodopa) are prescribed for a short time and only in extreme cases.

Additional techniques

As a complement to drug therapy And the right image In life, when treating Ekbom syndrome, physiotherapeutic procedures are used, which include:

  1. Vibromassage.
  2. Reflexology is a method in which special needles are inserted into specific points on the body.
  3. Magnetotherapy is the use of magnetic fields that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and decongestant effects.
  4. Darsonvalization of the legs - using a special device, a high-frequency, rapidly decaying current is applied to a certain part of the body.
  5. Lymphopress - creating pressure on lymphatic system for the purpose of normalization metabolic processes in the body and increase the tone of the veins of the lower extremities.
  6. Mud applications are a method using therapeutic mud. When used, blood circulation improves, the movement of red blood cells improves, and metabolism is normalized.

Folk remedies for the fight against RLS

There are a lot of tips to help relieve restless legs. traditional medicine, which can be used together with complex treatment:

  1. Bay oil. Add 30 g olive oil to 100 ml bay leaf and let the liquid brew in a dark place for about 2 weeks. With the resulting tincture, you should massage your feet every evening before bed.
  2. Soothing tea. This drink will help improve sleep, calm and relax your muscles. You will need a mixture of valerian roots, oregano and mint herbs. Additionally, you need to wash 10 rose hips. You can use both dried and fresh versions. Next, you need to place rose hips and 1 tsp in the kettle. mixtures of herbs. Then pour 400 ml of boiling water over everything and let stand for at least 40 minutes. You need to take this tea 2 hours before bedtime for a month, 1 glass.
  3. Horseradish tincture. Pour crushed roots and leaves of horseradish with alcohol or vodka and leave for 4–5 days in a dark place. Rub your feet regularly with this product.
  4. Healing bath. It is necessary to prepare a decoction of wormwood, rosemary and linden. All herbs need to be mixed and 3 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of boiling water. Cook for 15 minutes. Then judge, filter and add the liquid to the foot bath. For 3 liters of water you need 1 liter of decoction. The temperature must be at least 38 degrees. Exposure time 15 minutes. Such baths should be done every other day for a month.
  5. Golden mustache tincture. Rub the lower limbs with pharmaceutical tincture before going to bed.
  6. Hawthorn infusion. Brew 1 tbsp. l. hawthorn berries with a glass of boiling water and drink the drink shortly before bed. This will calm you down nervous system and will help relieve discomfort in the legs.

You should not self-medicate, especially if you are not sure of your diagnosis! Consult a doctor who can confirm or refute your suspicions of restless legs syndrome, and also recommend how to cope with the pain.

Treatment at home

At home, you can completely follow all the measures that will reduce the symptoms of the disease to a minimum.

  1. It is imperative to create your own sleep schedule - fall asleep and wake up at the same time. If a patient suffers from neuropsychiatric disorders, the doctor will definitely advise training the mind.
  2. Physical exercise. Moderate exercise stress has a positive effect on the condition of the legs. During the day and before bed, it is useful to do exercise therapy, walk, do Pilates, swimming, yoga or stretching. But it's too much active species sports can provoke an increase in symptoms, so running, jumping, football and volleyball are contraindicated for people suffering from Willis disease.
  3. Contrasting douches. Take contrasting foot baths, alternating cold and hot water.
  4. Hobbies. At home you can find something to do: drawing, knitting, reading. Concentration helps relieve stress.
  5. Systematic foot massage. Rubbing the lower extremities before bed can reduce discomfort and make it easier to fall asleep.

You can take cream or resort to the folk remedies that we indicated earlier. Be sure to avoid caffeine-containing products. Eat iron-containing foods and sleep in cotton socks. Some sources talk about the benefits of wearing sheep wool socks. Don't overeat at night. Having received a boost of energy, it will be more difficult for the body to fall asleep.


There is no consensus among patients on how to get rid of unpleasant attacks in the legs at night. Each patient has his own methods and means. We can only note that to reduce night attacks it is useful to carry out preventive measures:

  1. Cancel late dinner, do not go to bed on a full stomach;
  2. Yoga or Pilates classes;
  3. Swimming;
  4. In the autumn and spring, taking vitamins;
  5. Change your working position frequently, take breaks with small gymnastic exercises;
  6. Walk outside before bed;
  7. Wear only cotton clothes, no synthetic materials. Feet should always be warm.

In general, there is no specific prevention for the hereditary form of restless legs syndrome. The main preventive measures are aimed at treating primary diseases, which over time can lead to the development of polyneuropathy and disruption of the dopaminergic system.

Restless legs syndrome is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that brings a lot of problems. That is why we must do everything possible to reduce the number of attacks or get rid of this disease altogether.

Willis' disease or Ekbom's disease "popularly" has a rather eloquent name - restless legs syndrome (RLS). This is a condition where at night unpleasant sensations appear in the upper and lower extremities - they make you move and, of course, deprive you of sleep. It is worth noting that the movement you make, paradoxically, causes relief. This picture is typical neurological disease. Willis disease affects adults, most often those who are at least 60 years old. But, like many other diseases, RLS Lately noticeably younger. It would seem what a pleasure it is to come home after a long day of work and have a good rest. Agree that sometimes this is exactly what is needed for happiness. Imagine the surprise of those who discover: after spending the whole day running around... their legs are not ready to rest! Despite fatigue and aching pain in the muscles, as if it had already crawled under the skin: no matter how you lay your limbs, they all itch. Common situation? A typical picture for restless legs syndrome.

Restless legs syndrome: causes

Restless legs syndrome comes in primary and secondary forms.

In the event that RLS occurs on its own - just like that, for no reason, out of nowhere, then doctors call it idiopathic or primary restless legs syndrome. According to experts, this disease hereditary and occurs mainly among relatives. This type of RLS is a rare occurrence. Most often, it is the secondary form of Willis disease that occurs - RLS is the result of some kind of illness or new condition of the body. The problem is that at the core this phenomenon are disorders of the central nervous system, which manifest themselves as incorrect exchange iron and dopamine.

Often such “misunderstandings” in the body occur when the following reasons:

  • trauma (especially if the spinal cord is affected);
  • pregnancy;
  • kidney disease (especially with renal failure);
  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • alcohol poisoning (pronounced intoxication);
  • drug overdose;
  • side effect after certain medications.

Restless legs syndrome: drugs that cause the disease

Some medications provoke restless legs syndrome, but doctors do not warn patients about this. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of such “dangerous” medications. if you have hereditary predisposition to Willis disease, you definitely need to know this!

  • all caffeine-containing medications;
  • antiemetic medications that contain metoclopramide and prochlorperazine;
  • allergy medications (almost all);
  • neuroleptics;
  • fever medications that contain dipheninehydramine;
  • antidepressants (tricyclics and SSRIs);
  • all medicines containing lithium;
  • drugs that lower blood pressure;
  • phenothiazines;
  • neuroleptics (based on risperidone or olanzapine);
  • medications for seizures (especially phenytoin, zonisamide, and methsuximide).

We should also not forget that alcohol is also very harmful, as it provokes restless legs syndrome: it first relaxes the muscles, and then leads to their contraction.

Restless legs syndrome: symptoms

  1. Unpleasant and “strange” sensations in the legs. Patients describe their condition in different ways: trembling, “pins and needles”, burning, “moving”, “crawling”, twitching. Moreover, approximately 30% of patients claim that during an “attack” they experience pain. Most often, people simply cannot accurately describe their condition - it is quite difficult to characterize it, which is why patients say: “it’s so unpleasant in the legs.” What is noteworthy is that the area of ​​​​localization of the “strange” sensations is varied - just a tingling sensation in the thigh, immediately “goosebumps ran” in the foot, and then the movement became more active in the lower leg. At the same time, they roll like waves with a frequency of 5 to 30 seconds. As for the time of day, the attacks mostly occur at night, but sometimes they may not stop even during the day. Restless legs syndrome often occurs during pregnancy, but the phenomenon goes away after childbirth.
  2. Legs at rest - symptoms are stronger. A characteristic feature of RLS is the fact that at rest, “pins and needles”, trembling and “crawling” become more noticeable. Especially all these sensory and motor symptoms are activated during the period of falling asleep. For an attack to begin, different amounts of rest time are needed - one patient needs to sit down for 5 minutes, while the second needs to “wait” for an hour or more.
  3. Legs in motion - symptoms disappear. The more you move, the more likely it is that the RLS will weaken or even subside. Regular walking helps best, but a little physical activity can also be a salvation: bending over, jumping, exercising on exercise machines. It all depends on the patient and is purely individual. Unfortunately, movements often provide a slight respite, and then the symptoms come upon the person with renewed vigor. If the case is very severe, then pain can be eliminated only for a short period of time.
  4. Circadian pattern of symptoms. Early in the morning and in the first half of the day, RLS almost never bothers the patient. The situation escalates from approximately 17:00 to 05:00. most often with dawn even the most severe pain subside, giving the patient a short respite.
  5. Limb movements during sleep. Often during sleep, short movements of the legs occur at intervals of 40 or even 5 seconds. Approximately 70 to 90% of people diagnosed with Willis disease suffer from these symptoms. What is noteworthy is that those with the disease progress in mild form, involuntary movements are approximately 60 to 120 minutes after a person falls asleep. But if the disease is severe, then leg movements can last all night.
  6. Insomnia. Very often, RLS is accompanied by insomnia, since with such a problem it can sometimes be difficult to fall asleep, and if you manage to “snatch” a couple of hours of sleep, then frequent awakenings guaranteed. Often insomnia develops into chronic stage, so patients want to sleep all the time.

Restless legs syndrome: treatment

Treatment for this disease depends on whether it is a primary or secondary form of the disease. Restless legs syndrome is difficult to treat; everything is aimed at weakening the attacks and eliminating them completely. Therefore, a successful outcome depends on the degree and severity of the disease.

First of all, do not forget that RLS is a deficiency state of the body, so it is necessary to compensate for the lack of iron. (Especially since RLS often occurs against the background of anemia).

Ferrous sulfate is prescribed as treatment. It is worth noting that it must be taken for several months to see the first results and positive dynamics. At the same time, do not forget about folic acid, which can also provoke RLS.

Treatment with medications is more effective, but certain conditions must be followed:

  1. Doses of drugs should be minimal.
  2. Dosages are increased gradually until the effect is visible.
  3. The drug is selected for each person individually, after personal testing.
  4. Treatment should be combined; this is the only way to get a good result.

Restless legs syndrome: comprehensive therapy

To alleviate the patient's condition, it is necessary to use the following treatment:

  1. Sleeping pills (with the addition of tranquilizers). If the case of illness is mild, then it is quite possible to achieve visible effect possible if the doctor prescribes Clonazepam, Temazepam, Triosalam, Zolpidem, but only in small quantities (the most lowest rate). These drugs have only one huge disadvantage - addiction.
  2. Dopamine. Medicines that give dopaminergic effects allow you to get almost instant results. The most effective drug is Sinemet, its effect is almost instantaneous, even when using a minimal dose. Relief occurs after half an hour and lasts more than three hours. If the symptoms of the disease do not appear regularly, then it must be taken from time to time - when necessary. If the pill has been taken, and the symptoms return at night, another dose is allowed - right in the middle of the night. You can also take Sinemet as a preventive measure, for example, if you need to be without active movement: ride in a car or fly on an airplane. Unfortunately, this drug has side effects - the “reinforcement effect” - over time, the symptoms will become more and more pronounced, and the body, having gotten used to the medicine, will stop responding to it. In this case, as a complication, the symptoms will intensify during the day or morning. To avoid this, you need to take Sinemet in small doses, as recommended by your doctor, and not increase the amount of the drug individually. Sometimes this medicine may cause complications such as upset stomach, nausea and vomiting, and severe headache. If suddenly addiction to Sinamet occurs, it is necessary to switch to another dopaminergic drug. Permax (Pergolide) has proven itself well. Some experts note that it is even more effective than Sinamet, and besides, this medicine does not have such side effects, like the first drug. Of course, Permax is not harmless; it can cause constipation, runny nose, hypotension, and in very rare cases, hallucinations. But there is no “addictive effect”. Parlodel (Bromocriptine) has worked well for RLS. There are positive aspects when restless legs syndrome is treated with Mirapex, but the effectiveness of the drug has not yet been fully studied.
  3. Anticonvulsants. Another aspect complex treatment, which you can’t do without. In the treatment of RLS, Gabpentin and Carbamazepine (containing Nerontin and Tagretol) have shown their effectiveness. It is strictly necessary to follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor.
  4. Opiates. If Willis disease is severe, then there is every reason to prescribe opiates. Basically, these are Codeine, Propoxyphene, Oxycodone, Pentazocine or Methadone - in various dosages. Side effects of these drugs: nausea, dizziness, confusion. It is strictly necessary to adhere to the dose prescribed by the doctor, then there is a chance to survive for many years with a small amount of opiates without acute dependence on them. If you do not follow the dosage, you can make it even worse for yourself, since opium addiction will also be added to the RLS.
  5. Other medications. It also happens that doctors prescribe medications containing beta-blockers - this non-narcotic analgesics, which are similar in composition to antidepressants. But often drugs that belong to this category of drugs intensify the symptoms of the disease, so they are not suitable for treatment for all patients. These medications are prescribed only when other medications do not help at all.

It is very important to understand that if you have restless legs syndrome, then you are sick, and the disease must be treated. You shouldn’t leave everything to chance and hope for “maybe.” Only timely assistance from highly qualified specialists can, if not cure, then significantly reduce your attacks.

Restless legs syndrome: treatment at home

Non-drug treatment can also bring noticeable relief. It is necessary to strictly follow the rules recommended by doctors:

  1. Physical activity on the legs, especially before bed. But this does not mean that you need to sit in the gym for days or do weightlifting, since the load should be moderate. Yoga or Pilates are great, as are regular stretching exercises. It is worth noting that even the patients themselves claimed that the physical activity given to the legs at the onset of the disease relieved the symptoms, and the disease simply receded. But if you let everything take its course, restless legs syndrome will soon develop, and stress will not bring relief, but new pain and symptoms.
  2. Voluntary massage and rubbing of the legs.
  3. Contrast foot baths: alternating cold and hot water.
  4. Mental training: Concentration will not only train the brain, but will also help cope with neuropsychiatric stress. Start drawing, weaving beads, debating, or playing strategy videos.
  5. Physiotherapeutic procedures do not benefit everyone, but sometimes magnetic therapy, mud, paraffin and lymphatic press work wonders. All this is purely individual.
  6. Avoid coffee, tea and chocolate, as well as any caffeine-containing products.
  7. Maintaining a daily routine: you need to go to bed at the same time. It is better to fall asleep and wake up late, then during the day you will not want to sleep. Make your sleeping conditions as comfortable as possible.
  8. Do not use medications that cause RLS.

Restless legs syndrome: treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine also offers its own ways to alleviate the condition of RLS. These tips are easy to follow and can be used in parallel with drug treatment.

  1. When you feel an attack “approaching”, you need to twitch your legs a little - this is the first means to prevent “dancing”. You can just walk around the room or take a 30-minute walk outside. The most important thing is that you should not lie down at the first sign of an attack - move.
  2. During the day (advice to everyone, by the way), change your body position more often - do not sit on a chair for the entire 8 hours (even if you have a sedentary job). If you really can’t get up often, put pillows and bolsters under your feet, place a small stool and move your legs back and forth.
  3. As soon as you feel an attack starting, pour cold water over your feet.
  4. Buy a vibrating massager and massage your legs with it before going to bed - this will relax your muscles and stop an attack of RLS.
  5. Sleep in cotton socks and silk pajamas.
  6. Don't eat a big meal at night. It is better to have dinner with a glass of kefir or salad.
  7. Eat as many foods as possible that contain iron, such as apples. Don't give up other fruits either.
  8. Avoid alcohol - it will stimulate the nervous system and, as a result, provoke attacks.
  9. Stop smoking, as nicotine is the main trigger of symptoms. Patients are often surprised that as soon as they quit smoking, Willis disease also left them.
  10. Try to rest as much as possible and not become overtired.
  11. Drink decoctions instead of tea soothing herbs: valerian, St. John's wort, motherwort, mint.

Restless legs syndrome: alternative treatment

  1. Learn to breathe properly and relax - this will allow you to relax and, as a result, prevent an attack of RLS. The process looks like this: take a deep breath, throw all problems and worries away, calm down, feel like your legs are filled with lead, and you cannot move them.
  2. Rub your feet or entire legs up to your ankles with freshly squeezed lemon juice. You can make foot baths with lemon.
  3. Talk to your doctor about taking a multivitamin complex - this is not only very good for your health, but also a real chance to prevent the occurrence of RLS attacks.
  4. Take ¼ aspirin per day - this good remedy to thin the blood, which will help, if not completely eliminate, then at least reduce attacks of RLS.
  5. Make yourself a rule - every day you should eat two apples.
  6. At night, rub your feet with peppermint oil. Rub the skin until it turns red and a slight tingling sensation appears.
  7. Get yourself a hobby - in autumn, doing what you love often helps you cope with various ailments(and even without taking medications).
  8. Remember - your feet should always be warm. If your feet often get cold, this can provoke an attack, and even complications will begin.

Remember! You should not self-medicate, especially if you are not sure of your diagnosis! Consult a doctor who can confirm or refute your suspicions of restless legs syndrome, and also recommend how to cope with the pain. Don't forget that without specific treatment, restless leg syndrome often “hides” under other serious illnesses, such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes or kidney disease.

Restless legs syndrome. Video

According to medical terminology, restless legs syndrome is called Willis disease or Ekbom disease, after the names of scientists who studied the pathology at different times. Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a pathology in which the patient feels various unpleasant sensations in the legs. In many cases, this does not allow a person to sleep normally; he has to get up and walk in order to somehow get rid of the discomfort. RLS may be primary when the diagnosis develops as independent disease due to bad heredity. But much more often, Willis disease is a secondary diagnosis that develops against the background of other diseases. In this article we will try to understand restless legs syndrome, find out how the disease manifests itself, why it occurs, and how to deal with it using medications and folk recipes.

How does restless legs syndrome manifest?

As a rule, patients do not immediately go to the doctor at the first signs of the development of the disease. RLS most often occurs in middle age, and especially in old age. How does pathology manifest itself in the early stages?

The onset of the disease is associated with various manifestations of discomfort in the legs, and all unpleasant sensations are activated exclusively at rest. As soon as the patient walks or does light exercises, the discomfort goes away. Unpleasant sensations patients usually describe it as tingling, twisting, burning, nagging pain, sometimes a person compares discomfort with cramps. Most often, manifestations of RLS are activated in the evening and in the first half of the night. Discomfort can occur even during sleep, preventing a person from sleeping normally. All these symptoms can increase so much that a person is often forced to constantly move his legs and feet so as not to feel pain and discomfort. All this seriously depresses the patient’s condition - he becomes depressed and nervous, and lack of sleep affects his performance. To cope with the disease, you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible and get tested. As a rule, people with restless legs syndrome contact a neurologist; if necessary, the doctor will refer you to an endocrinologist or other specialist. To diagnose the disease, the doctor collects an anamnesis, may ask you to donate blood for a general and biochemical analysis, conduct electroneuromyography and others. diagnostic procedures. All this not only helps to confirm or refute the diagnosis, but also to identify the real reason his appearance.

Why does restless legs syndrome develop?

For therapy to be effective and adequate, it is very important to know the reason for the development of the diagnosis.

  1. Genes. If we are talking about primary RLS, without any neurological or physical diseases, then the cause lies in a hereditary factor. That is, the disease is highly likely to be inherited. Idiopathic RLS is detected quite early, before the age of 30.
  2. Diseases. Restless legs syndrome is often caused by a medical condition that interferes with normal work nervous system – the level of exchange of dopamine and iron in the central nervous system decreases. This may include various injuries spinal cord, renal failure, diabetes. RLS can occur due to diseases such as uremia, multiple sclerosis, disorders of the cardiovascular system, Sjögren's syndrome, Parkinson's disease, amyloidosis, etc. In all these cases, of course, it is useless to fight the symptom; general therapy against the underlying disease.
  3. Pregnancy. Restless legs syndrome occurs quite often in pregnant women, almost 15-20%. This is explained by a combination of provoking factors - hormonal changes, high workload due to a woman’s sharply increased weight, neurological disorders due to anxiety and stress.
  4. Bad habits. Both primary and secondary restless legs syndrome are sensitive to the condition of the body. That is, there are factors that provoke the development of symptoms. Among them is the consumption of drinks with a large amount of caffeine - coffee, strong tea, energy drinks. Similar factors also include alcohol and nicotine.
  5. Medicines. Certain groups of medications can also trigger symptoms of RLS. These include medications with caffeine (most often painkillers), antihistamines, antidepressants, medications to lower blood pressure, neuroleptics, the syndrome is especially pronounced after taking antiemetics.

In addition, doctors note that the disease has been spreading more and more recently, which is influenced by modern conditions labor – frequent stress, high physical activity or, conversely, sedentary work. As soon as you notice symptoms of RLS, you need to take action as soon as possible.

How to treat restless legs syndrome at home

Unfortunately, few patients consult a doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appear, due to which the pathology develops more and more. However, there are some very real measures that will help you get rid of RLS on your own, without leaving your home.

  1. Rejection of bad habits. The first and most important thing to do if you experience discomfort in your legs is to give up cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Limit your consumption of coffee, strong tea, energy drinks, cocoa, etc. In general, you need to reconsider the quality of your life and acquire healthy habits - do not overeat, move more, try to consume only natural and healthy foods.
  2. This is especially true for people with sedentary jobs. No high loads, only smooth and moderate ones physical exercise. For patients with RLS, swimming, Pilates, yoga, and bodyflex are recommended. You can do simple leg swings, the “bicycle” exercise. It is very useful to do stretching - it perfectly strengthens the muscles. Various exercises are especially effective for developing the joints and muscles of the feet; the simplest is to lift small objects from the floor with your feet, gather a handkerchief spread on the floor into a ball, etc.
  3. Hobby. Doctors say that in some cases, with neurological disorders, patients are greatly helped by distracted activities. Concentration allows you to relieve tension and get rid of painful discomfort. You can do what you like - knitting, drawing, embroidering or carving wood.
  4. Stable sleep. To get rid of insomnia that occurs against the background of RLS, you need to normalize your rest and sleep patterns. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time, ventilate the room before going to bed, sleep in cool and clean air, sleep in the dark, do not play active games or use gadgets before bed - they excite the nervous system.
  5. Cold shower. You can normalize the functioning of the nervous system by improving the functioning of blood vessels using a cold shower. Take a contrast shower every morning to help relieve RLS symptoms.
  6. Massage. Massage is very useful for RLS, it improves blood flow in the vessels, normalizes the functioning of nerve endings, and kneads muscles and joints. To get rid of disturbing symptoms, you need to take a massage cream or any essential oil with a calming effect. Thoroughly massage each leg from the feet to the knee. This will allow you to sleep peacefully throughout the night.
  7. Warm. Try not to get your feet wet or get too cold. After frostbite, the symptoms of restless legs syndrome intensify many times over. If anxiety keeps you awake and forces you to constantly move and move your legs, try putting your feet in a basin of hot water, this helps some patients.
  8. Calm. Since the cause of the syndrome is still related to the functioning of the nervous system, our emotional condition also affects the course of symptoms. It has been proven that with stress, depression and nervous experiences, the symptoms of RLS intensify. Also, you should not overwork - this also provokes the development of discomfort. If you have a sedentary job, you need to take regular breaks and stretch.

Every evening before going to bed, do a small walking, this will help saturate the body with oxygen, relieve insomnia, and suppress the symptoms of RLS. But remember, no overwork!

Drug treatment of the syndrome

If all of the above measures do not help you cope with RLS on your own, you should consult a doctor. After confirming the diagnosis, he can prescribe treatment. Of course, drug therapy differs from the individual characteristics of each patient, however general principle treatment for RLS is as follows.

    1. Dopaminergic drugs. This is a group of drugs that is a dopamine receptor stimulant. Medicines This group acts on the peripheral nervous system. The main drug in this group, which is used to treat Willis disease, is Levodopa. The drug may have side effects such as nausea, dizziness, muscle spasms, etc., but such manifestations are rare.
    2. Benzodiazepines. This is a group of drugs that have hypnotic and sedative effect. These remedies do not combat the symptom, but significantly improve the quality of sleep, reduce anxiety, and allow you to get enough sleep. Among them are Diazepam, Midazolam, Clonazepam, etc. When taken for a long time, the drugs can become addictive; without them, the patient can no longer sleep normally throughout the night. Side effects such as daytime drowsiness rarely occur.
    3. Vitamins. Sometimes muscle twitching in the legs and discomfort in the ligaments can be caused by a simple lack of vitamins in the body, especially in older people and pregnant women. Patients must be prescribed multivitamin complex, which contains folic acid, magnesium, iron, vitamins C, B, E.
    4. Anticonvulsants. They are prescribed in complex cases when the effect of the main therapy is hardly noticeable.

Remember that only a doctor should prescribe treatment and select certain medications from the group presented. Self-medication in this case is extremely dangerous.

Folk remedies for restless legs

If you have just made an appointment with a doctor and will see him in a few days, you can temporarily suppress symptoms with the help effective recipes home treatment.

  1. Soothing compounds. These remedies will help relieve tension and fatigue, improve the quality of sleep, and relieve spasms during cramps. Among them are decoctions and tinctures of hawthorn, lemon balm, linden, motherwort, and valerian. Many of the tools presented may well replace sleeping pills. The decoction can be prepared from several components - put everything from the list presented in a container, pour boiling water over it and leave covered for a couple of hours. If you use the product often, it is better to prepare an alcohol tincture, because it lasts much longer. To do this, the raw materials are poured not with boiling water, but with alcohol or vodka, left in a dark container for 2-3 weeks, and after preparation stored in the refrigerator. Take the medicine before bed, half a glass of decoction or 20-25 drops of tincture.
  2. Bay oil. This excellent remedy for the treatment of restless legs syndrome. It gently relieves spasms, warms and soothes muscles. Fill a dark glass bottle with crushed bay leaves and pour vegetable oil and leave for 5 days in a cool place. When the medicine is prepared, you need to drip a little laurel oil onto your feet and gently massage into the skin.
  3. Vinegar and lemon juice. Patients with this diagnosis claim that acid – acetic or citric – helps cope with the symptoms. Before going to bed, you need to rub your feet with vinegar or lemon juice, let it absorb. This will help you sleep through the night without discomfort in your legs.
  4. Hot foot baths. This procedure perfectly softens and soothes muscles, relieves cramps and spasms, especially after a long day of work on your feet. Prepare a decoction of any medicinal plants you have at home - chamomile, sage, oak bark, calendula, coltsfoot, nettle, etc. The water temperature should not be very hot, only comfortable water procedures. Keep your feet in the bath for 10-15 minutes, preferably before going to bed.

All the remedies presented provide a temporary effect, but since the symptoms often worsen with fatigue and hypothermia, this is enough to cope with an exacerbation of the disease.

Restless legs syndrome is serious pathology, which intensifies with untimely treatment. However, a competent and comprehensive approach can solve your problem. Be sure to consult a neurologist, take the medications prescribed to you, follow a work and rest schedule, use traditional medicine and you will sleep all night, your legs will no longer bother you!

Video: restless legs syndrome