Healing properties of pink clover. Meadow clover - medicinal properties, contraindications and reviews

Abundant honey is hidden in it, Delicious and fragrant. Well, this is a treasure for the farmer: He will not steal anything from the soil for nothing. She fed and nurtured And will satisfy her.

Under the spring May rays of the sun, trifoliate leaves with pink multi-flowered heads quickly unfold. Clover is from the legume family, it, like all other members of this family, has nodule bacteria on its roots that absorb nitrogen from the air and enrich the soil with it. It can be found in meadows, forest clearings, among bushes.

- perennial herbaceous plant with red-pink flowers, a member of the legume family (Fabaceae). Found everywhere. AT scientific medicine does not apply. In folk medicine, clover heads are used along with apical leaves. The raw material contains essential and fatty oil, tannins and resinous substances, coumaric and salicylic acids, vitamins E, C, carotene and others. Preparations from meadow clover flowers have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Used for colds and skin diseases(Florya, 1975). The plant has emollient, diuretic, diaphoretic, antiseptic action. An infusion or decoction of clover flower heads in the Urals and Western Siberia is used for tuberculosis, anemia, cough, malaria, scrofula, leucorrhoea, exhaustion, painful periods. Externally, infusion and decoction of clover are used in the form of poultices as an emollient for abscesses and burns. Fresh crushed leaves are applied to festering wounds, ulcers for their healing. Wash the eyes with a decoction of the leaves eye diseases and ears with scrofula. To prepare the infusion, 3 teaspoons of clover flower heads are poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour in a sealed container, filtered. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals (Surina, 1974).

Description. A biennial herbaceous plant 15-50 cm high. The leaves are trifoliate, with elliptical or obovate leaflets, which, like other types of clover, fold up at night; stipules wide, ovate, immediately narrowed upwards into subulate apex. The inflorescence is a spherical head, equipped with a wrapper. Calyx with 10 veins. Corolla pale red or dark purple, rarely white. The fruit is a bean. Blooms from April to October.

Geographic distribution. Almost all over Russia.

Organs Used: rhizomes, leaves, inflorescences.

Chemical composition. Contains, according to various authors, essential oil, flavonoid glycoside trifolin, isotrifolin, asparagine, tyrosine, trifoside, coumaric and salicylic acids, fatty oil, traces of alkaloids. Coumarins were found in the roots. Essential oil, furfural, methyl coumarin were found in red clover growing in Central Asia (X. X. Khalmatov, 1979).

Application. In folk medicine, tea from the inflorescences of the plant is drunk for uterine bleeding, leucorrhea, shortness of breath, cough, etc., its decoction or infusion - for anemia, exhaustion and as an expectorant, diuretic and antiseptic, the infusion is also recommended for anemia , painful menstruation, as an analgesic emollient and anti-inflammatory agent. Crushed leaves are applied to festering ulcers and wounds (V. P. Makhlayuk, 1967).

Grass of another species - hybrid clover (T. hibrudum L.) - is used in folk medicine for the same indications, as well as for angina pectoris and muscle pain that occurs with certain diseases.

Method of preparation and use

One - two tablespoons of flower heads of red clover or hybrid clover is poured into a glass boiled water, insist at least 45 minutes, filter. Assign inside 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

They are used for food fresh and dried clover heads, they are seasoned with soups, put in salads, added to tea. This tea is especially useful for cystitis, anemia, cough, asthma, uterine bleeding, thrombophlebitis.

Salads from clover leaves useful for diathesis in children, for kidney diseases, for colds.

Clover leaves and heads contain vitamins C, E, B 1, B 2, carotene, salicylic acid, minerals. Up to 5% of flavonoids were found in clover grass, they normalize fat metabolism in atherosclerosis and reduce cholesterol, having strong antioxidant properties, they protect the body from oxygen starvation, ionizing radiation and poisoning, stimulate regeneration and immunity. The biostimulating properties of clover are explained by the rich content succinic acid which activates the metabolism. Clover heads contain analogues of female sex hormones - phytoestrogens. women drink clover tea for the formation of milk, with painful uterine bleeding, pain after childbirth, for the prevention of menopause. The plant contains salicylic acid and lowers body temperature in colds, sore throats, lung diseases, has an anti-inflammatory effect in rheumatism, skin diseases. If you rubbed a callus, apply a clover and the pain will go away. For eczema and skin rashes useful clover baths.

In the Caucasus, young unblown clover heads ferment like cabbage. Young leaves and sprouts are added to salads. During the war years, the leaves of all types of clover were collected, dried, ground and added to flour when baking rye bread. Such bread is especially useful for thrombophlebitis.

Tea with clover: Take one part of dry St. John's wort, two parts of currant leaves and one part of clover heads. Mix it all and use for brewing.

Oil with clover: Mix 100 g of butter with the same amount of grated cheese, 10 fresh or dried clover heads and one teaspoon of cumin or dill seeds, add salt and pepper to taste. Use for sandwiches.

spring cabbage soup: Boil finely chopped potatoes, season with beaten egg, finely chopped sorrel and clover leaves and browned onions and immediately remove from heat. Before serving, put a spoonful of sour cream in each serving.

clover drink: Put 30 heads of clover in 3 liters of boiling water, add half a glass of sugar, citric acid to taste or 100 g of sorrel leaves. Leave for 6-8 hours, then strain and refrigerate.

Tea from clover heads is especially useful for asthma, thrombophlebitis, uterine bleeding, cystitis. Salad from clover leaves is useful for diathesis in children, with kidney disease.

The herb contains up to 5% flavonoids, they normalize fat metabolism in atherosclerosis and reduce cholesterol, having a strong antioxidant property, protect the body from acid starvation, ionizing radiation and poisoning, stimulate regeneration and immunity.

The biostimulating properties of clover are due to the rich content of succinic acid, which activates the metabolism. Clover heads contain phytoestrogens. Women drink tea from clover for the formation of milk, with painful uterine bleeding, pain after childbirth, for the prevention of menopause.

The plant contains salicylic acid and is used to lower body temperature in sore throats, lung disease, rheumatism, and other ailments.

For eczema and skin diseases clover baths are useful (Surina, 1991).

Clover is used as a hemostatic agent for jaundice, intestinal colic, headaches, malignant tumors.

White creeping clover is used for hernia (Yudina, 1988).

In Central Asia, the population uses a decoction of leaves and inflorescences for chest pain, malaria, to strengthen the stomach. Leaf juice is drunk in scrofula (Gammerman, 1983).

In Belarus, clover inflorescences are brewed and drunk like tea with rapid breathing - shortness of breath, with general ailments.

Creeping white clover is used for epilepsy.

Clover plowed is used for diarrhea, hyperacidity gastric juice, diseases of the bladder, kidneys, headaches, migraines, nervous disorders. Children are bathed in clover decoction during convulsions (Ges, 1976).

Plowed clover in Germany is used for hematuria (when urine is bloody), diabetes, dysentery, gout, and also as a bactericidal agent.

Lupine clover in Tibetan medicine is used for liver diseases, biliary tract, with jaundice.

Clover medium in the form of infusion and decoction is used as an anti-febrile, with neurosis. Outwardly - with paronychia (damage to the nail folds), panaritiums, abscesses, with arthralgia.

Mountain clover is used from a hernia.

In homeopathy, the inflorescence is used as an essence for parotitis (acute intestinal infection), diseases of the glands.

Red clover in the UK and the US is used as a poultice for malignant tumors.

Creeping clover roots in Germany are used for hernia, inflammation of the appendages, and dizziness (Plant Resources, 1987).

Trifolysin, an antifungal substance, has been isolated from clover roots.

The leafy tops of plants collected during the flowering period are used for atherosclerosis, tinnitus: 40 g of grass are infused for a day in 500 g of 40-degree alcohol, filtered and taken 20 g before dinner or at bedtime. The course of treatment is 3 months with a break of 10 days (Kovaleva, 1971).

Clover is used for bronchitis, skin tuberculosis. A decoction of clover roots is indicated for inflammation of the ovaries and how anticancer agent(Pastushenkov, 1990).

Experiments showed that the sterility of sheep was caused by clover. Almost all types of clover contain phytoestrogens.

Clover and other plants of the legume family can cause difficult childbirth, non-insemination, and infertility (Gorodinskaya, 1989). Hydrocyanic acid in stems and leaves (seeds and flowers do not form it) causes poisoning in animals (Gusynin, 1955).

The importance of medicinal herbs in folk medicine is hard to overestimate. And this is not surprising: with the help of decoctions of herbs, you can strengthen the immune system, cure a variety of diseases and improve the body. It is very important to know how beneficial features, and contraindications, because herbs are also medicines. Amazing properties in the cure of many ailments, pink clover, familiar to many, or, in a popular way, porridge, shows. To use it effectively, you need to get to know this medicinal plant better.

Appearance: how to recognize clover?

People also call clover "shamrock" because of the peculiarities of its appearance. The plant grows quite tall - it can reach up to 50 centimeters in height. During flowering on a long stem, you can see flowers that consist of three petals and look like an oval head.

There are several varieties of clover, which differ in some characteristics of growth and reproduction, as well as in flower color. The most accessible for use in medical purposes are red, white and clover pink. Photos of this beautiful plant show how it looks during the flowering period.

What's in the composition? Why is clover so useful?

In addition to the incredible aroma and beautiful appearance that clover flowers create in the meadows, this plant is popular with connoisseurs of traditional medicine. This is due unique composition flowers, which, if properly processed, can become an indispensable medicine. For treatment folk remedies fit all kinds of white, red and pink clover. The medicinal properties of plants of this species are explained by their chemical composition:

  • Vitamins of groups A, B, PP, C, E, as well as carotene.
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Essential oils.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Trace elements: iron, nickel, chromium, magnesium and others.

Thanks to such a rich composition, pink clover is unique means traditional medicine and is used for both internal and external use.

What to treat? Indications for taking clover

Clover is widely used in folk and traditional medicine. At home, infusions and decoctions are made from flowers, and in industrial conditions - biologically active additives, tea bags and tablets.

One of the indispensable qualities of clover is its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, a decoction of herbs, the basis of which is pink clover, is an indispensable remedy for viral and colds.

The antiseptic properties of clover also make it possible to use a decoction of its flowers for external use in the form of solutions for rinsing and lotions. Such a remedy will be useful for the treatment of various diseases of the throat and oral cavity and also for healing wounds and cuts.

Widely used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract pink clover: the properties of this plant allow you to display excess liquid from the body, improve the condition of the mucous membranes and the circulatory system. also have a pronounced choleretic and diuretic effect.

Where to find clover and what is better: to collect it yourself or buy it at a pharmacy?

Clover - this is quite often found in open areas, on the banks of rivers and lakes, and even along roads. For use in medicinal purposes, you can prepare clover yourself, following simple rules:

  • The plant must be harvested during the period when it blooms. This time usually falls between May and September.
  • It is necessary to tear off only whole flower heads along with the upper leaves.
  • After harvesting, the plant must be well dried. To do this, provide a well-ventilated space without direct sunlight.
  • In the drying process, it is important not to overdo it and not overdry the clover. The pink color of the plant should fade a little, but in no case darken.
  • After drying, the flowers can be crushed, or they can be stored as a whole. It is important to provide a dry place for storing the plant without access to bright light.

For those who find the process of self-harvesting too complicated, there is the option of buying ready-made dried plant flowers in a pharmacy. Usually, the packaging says in which region the clover was collected, as well as the method of preparing decoctions.

Health in moderation: what should you be careful about?

Herbal medicine belongs to traditional medicine, and many mistakenly believe that it is impossible to harm this type of medicine. But it's not: harmless herbal tea maybe when misapplication cause irreparable harm to health.

The properties of clover are certainly invaluable in folk medicine. But there are a number of contraindications for the use of decoctions from this medicinal herb.

First of all, the use of clover is not allowed for pregnant and lactating women. Due to its rich composition, this herb can have Negative influence for an unborn child or infant.

Also, due to the effect on circulatory system clover is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, as well as with tumor processes in the active stage.

It is necessary to stop treatment with clover flowers when any side effects especially from the gastrointestinal tract. The appearance of excessive drowsiness, dizziness, diarrhea is a reason to stop taking the medicinal herb.

The best way to treat clover is to see a herbalist, homeopath or therapist. The doctor will be able to tell for sure what dosage medicinal herb will only bring benefits and will not cause side effects.

Herbal treatment is a great alternative to expensive medicines. But this method cannot be approached irresponsibly: it is necessary to study all the properties of the selected herb and contraindications, and best of all, get expert advice. Then phytotherapy will improve health and maintain it at a high level.

There are many varieties of clover. But for medical purposes and in traditional medicine recipes, red clover is usually used; some medical and homeopathic preparations are produced on its basis.

We will consider the features of the use and cultivation of the plant in the article.

Botanical description

This plant is more commonly known as red clover, and its botanical name is in Latin- Trifolium pratense. It belongs to the clover genus of the moth subfamily of the legume family. This is usually perennial grass(sometimes two-year-old), growing to a height of 15–55 centimeters.

It blooms from June to September with red-pink loose tubular flowers collected in a ball-shaped head. Inflorescences are sometimes found in pairs and have a heterogeneous or whitish color. The stems of this plant are branched, trefoil leaves grow on them.

The fruits ripen in August-October and look like a small oval bean with one seed. These seeds can be used to propagate the plant. Clover can also reproduce vegetatively.

Did you know? Red clover is an excellent fodder crop with high level nutritional value. It is used for making hay and silage for livestock. In addition, it can accumulate nitrogen on the roots and be used as green manure.


Red clover is quite widespread in Eurasia and northern Africa. Grows in meadows, clearings, roadsides. Grown as a fodder plant.

Chemical composition

Clover contains the following vitamins:

  • C, ascorbic acid;
  • B1, thiamine;
  • B2, riboflavin;
  • E, tocopherol;
  • carotene.
Clover grass contains minerals, most of which are calcium and phosphorus. There are also potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium, chromium.
It is known about the content of the following substances in the herbaceous mass of this plant:
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • glycosides;
  • resins;
  • fixed oils;
  • amino acids;
  • organic acids;
  • coumarin;
  • phytoestrogens;
  • flavonoids (including quercetin, maakiain).

Medicinal properties of red clover

This rich composition gives red clover a number of healing properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antifungal;
  • immunostimulating;
  • rejuvenating;
  • tonic;
  • antioxidant;
  • anticancer;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant.

Application in traditional medicine

Due to the presence of natural phytohormones, the use of this plant for women and men has a positive effect on their health and well-being.

For women

On the female body Taking this herb has the following effects:

  • increases libido;
  • facilitates the flow of menopause;
  • serves as a prevention of the occurrence of osteoporosis in women due to menopause;
  • helps with painful periods inflammatory diseases female organs;
  • is the prevention of cancer of the breast and female organs;
  • promotes the production of collagen, which improves appearance skin and smooth out wrinkles.

Did you know? Red clover is part of some homeopathic medicines, for example, such as "Feminal" and "Femiwell".

For men

Men can also benefit from eating red clover because it:

  • increases libido, potency;
  • helps with erection problems;
  • carries out the prevention of prostate cancer;
  • cleans blood vessels from cholesterol, which is most often elevated in men.

Indications for use

This plant is used in the treatment of the following list of diseases:

  • cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, hypertension and others);
  • colds and flu (also for their prevention);
  • bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • skin diseases, including rashes in children;
  • wounds and burns;
  • cystitis;
  • physical exhaustion after illness or stress;
  • rheumatism;
  • diarrhea and intestinal disorders;
  • inflammation of the ovaries and other inflammatory processes in the female organs;
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Harm and side effect

This bioactive plant should not be consumed continuously. Its long-term use due to the presence of phytohormones can disrupt the natural cycle or lead to impotence. It is best to use it as a course of treatment.

Clover should not be consumed before planned operations and for some time afterwards, as this herb thins the blood and can cause bleeding.

Important! If you are taking blood thinners, you should not drink clover tea at the same time.


Red clover should not be used for:

  • pregnancy;
  • hormone-dependent tumors of any etiology;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • individual intolerance (rare);
  • thrombophlebitis.

Infusion for external use

For external use, make a strong infusion using the following ingredients:

  • three tablespoons of chopped raw materials;
  • 250 ml of water.
Boil water and pour it into the prepared container with raw materials. Let stand until cool and strain.
The resulting infusion is used to wash the skin with diathesis and other rashes, psoriasis. Lotions of gauze or cotton wool are applied to wounds and burns, boils, abscesses. They can also wash inflamed eyes, rinse sore throat or oral cavity. This infusion is suitable for douching with inflammatory processes in the vagina, whites.

After cooling, the product is placed in the refrigerator: there it can be stored for no more than two days.

Infusion for internal use

Infusion for internal use made from the following ingredients:

  • three tablespoons of vegetable raw materials;
  • 1.5 cups pure water.
Bring water to a boil and pour a container with prepared raw materials into it, let it brew for about an hour and take half a glass three times a day after meals.

Such an infusion will be useful for migraines, tinnitus, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, insomnia, as well as for colds, coughs, bronchitis and pneumonia. It can be drunk with anemia, exhaustion, male and female problems, including menopause.

This infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days, but it is better to prepare it daily.

Vodka tincture

For cooking medicinal tincture use the following ingredients:

  • one glass of fresh clover heads;
  • 0.5 liters of vodka (alcohol).
Put the red clover inflorescences washed and dried from moisture in a prepared container and pour vodka (alcohol). Close tightly and insist in a dark place for 14 days. Strain and store in a dark glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid (or cork).

This tincture is effective for high cholesterol and atherosclerosis.

To lower cholesterol levels, it is taken once a day 20 minutes before meals. To do this, dilute 15 ml of tincture in 50 ml of pure water. Such treatment should last no more than three months.

With atherosclerosis, in order to cleanse the vessels, this tincture is drunk once a day at bedtime, 20 ml each. Drink for two weeks, then take a ten-day break and repeat the two-week course.

How to make tea

The simplest and most palatable method of this medicinal plant- the use of tea.

To prepare it you will need:

  • one teaspoon of dried clover heads;
  • 250 ml of pure water.
Boil water and pour it into a glass with clover inflorescences, cover and leave for 20 minutes. Such tea should be drunk three times a day for colds and coughs, menopause, loss of strength. It perfectly cleans the vessels and the lymphatic system, removes toxins. The course of application is 1.5 months.

One glass of this healing drink at night will help to fall asleep with insomnia.

You can add some honey to this drink. Each time you should prepare a new tea, because it is most delicious and aromatic when fresh.

Did you know? Red clover flowers can be added to green tea and tea blends. Fresh leaves are put in salads, like other greens. They can also be added to green borscht, sauces.

Clover cultivation

In some areas this meadow plant grows on its own, but you can grow it yourself. After all, red clover is a good green manure, it perfectly enriches the soil with nitrogen, restores it, and helps to get rid of weeds. This beautiful, besides medicinal, plant will not only improve the soil, but also give the site a decorative look.

Choice of location and lighting

meadow clover quite cold-resistant, but does not tolerate severe frosts below -7 ° C. He also doesn't like high temperatures The summer heat is detrimental to him. In the first year of life, it can tolerate frosts down to -17°C, but in the second and third years - not below -12°C. The optimal temperature regime for the growth of red clover is in the range from +17°С to +20°С.

This plant loves good lighting, but at the same time tolerates shade well. Good predecessors for it are cereals, potatoes and other root crops.

Soil preparation and fertilizer

Red clover loves moisture, but too much of it can kill it. This plant loves moderately moist humus, without the presence of stagnant water, soils with low acidity. It is also well suited to low loamy soils. Dislikes sand, acidic soil containing a lot of salts.

It will not be superfluous to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to increase productivity. For this purpose, not only mineral, but also organic fertilizers "Optim-Gumus", as well as preparations of effective soil microorganisms (for example, EM preparations) are perfect. In the future, top dressing of clover with fertilizers is carried out in autumn and spring.

Sowing and reproduction

Before planting, clover seeds should preferably be treated with rhizotorphin or nitragin. This process contributes to the more rapid emergence and reproduction of nodule bacteria, which in turn has a positive effect on the growth of this plant.
Red clover is sown in prepared soil in early spring, when the frost has passed.

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the home kingdom

Violet-purple red clover inflorescences, generously scattered in the meadows, create incredible landscapes. The plant, in addition to an unusual, but delightfully beautiful frame, has healing properties. It is recommended to remove cholesterol, thin the blood, prevent menopause, maintain immunity and prevent cancer. Like any medicine, red clover has like medicinal properties and contraindications.

What does the stable treat: use in traditional medicine

Red clover (stable) has long been effectively used by herbalists for the treatment of malignant oncological formations. Chemical substances plants inhibit reproduction cancer cells. This helps to achieve remission of the disease for some time and prevent relapse if successfully treated.

Another Avicenna (first famous doctor, healer) recommended drinking a drink based on baked milk and clover to restore strength after a debilitating illness. Essential oils of plants that contain ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins P, B, B2, E, K, help reduce rehabilitation period after surgical intervention or sessions radiotherapy. The following drink also has a restorative effect:

2 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water over purple heads, strain gently and take 1/2 cup in the morning, at lunchtime and at bedtime.

! But red clover flowers tend to provoke tumor growth in estrogen-dependent cancer, so it is necessary to use the plant for treatment with extreme caution. !

Due to the fact that the plant has anti-inflammatory properties, it can be used to treat certain diseases, including urolithiasis, gastritis, ulcers. duodenum, cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Clover is famous for its diuretic effect, it is recommended to take it for excretion uric acid for gout, as maintenance therapy for pyelonephritis or cystitis (diseases genitourinary system), with diseases of the joints during an exacerbation ( rheumatoid arthritis). As a mild diuretic, the plant perfectly removes excess fluid from the body, so it is taken to get rid of edema and as a diaphoretic in the acute phase of SARS or influenza.

Angina, sinusitis, tonsillitis

The biologically active components included in the composition have an antimicrobial effect (salicylic acid is present), therefore it is used to treat tonsillitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. The following recipe will help support the body at the peak of colds: 100 g of rose hips are crushed with a fork, add 2 tbsp. l. clover, fall asleep in a thermos and pour ½ liter of boiling water. After overnight infusion, the decoction is filtered and taken ½ cup in the morning and evening after meals.

Pneumonia, bronchitis

The liquefying properties of red clover flowers are effectively used in folk medicine in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia. The plant helps relieve bronchospasm during debilitating, barking cough with whooping cough. To treat this infectious disease recommended 3 tbsp. l. Pour chopped hairy clover heads into a thermos, pour 2 glasses of water and leave for 7-8 hours. It is desirable to take the remedy at least 4 times a day, 100 ml per approach.


Red clover promotes the renewal of red blood cells, removes mucus and toxins from the body, dilutes bile, improves vascular permeability and cleanses them of sclerotic plaques. The plant is also used as an analgesic for menstrual pain in women, during an exacerbation of joint diseases. Rheumatism can be cured if 20 g of clover flowers are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, kept until cool and taken starting from 3 tbsp. l. and gradually increase to ½ cup. A high concentration of estrogen in the plant allows you to restore hormonal background after pregnancy and reduce the number of menopausal manifestations.

Recovery drink

The unique range of vitamins present in chemical composition red clover, will help to recover from prolonged or frequent illnesses, with nervous and physical stress. Vitaminized drink made from 3 tbsp. l. clover, steamed with 3 cups of boiling water with the addition of honey and lemon juice, is recommended for adults to take three times a day (100 ml each), and for children from 5 years old, twice 50 g each to prevent anemia and beriberi in the winter.

Atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease

Red clover is a wonderful tool for the prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary disease hearts. Tinnitus accompanying angina pectoris and associated with the fact that the heart muscle does not receive enough oxygen can be eliminated if such an infusion is regularly taken: 6-7 flower heads are crushed, steamed with a glass of water, cooled for about 20 minutes and drink this portion in 2-3 doses .


Effective plant and chronic fatigue and hypotension. If it is impossible to get out of bed in the morning due to low blood pressure, then a decoction based on clover will help restore strength and normalize the condition. For this, 1 tsp. crushed inflorescences steamed with a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, and then, after straining, take 1 tbsp. l. up to 4 times a day.

stress, insomnia

Overload is inevitably associated with anxiety, sleep disturbances and chronic insomnia. Support nervous system and neutralize the effects of stress, a sedative drink will help: 200 g of the plant is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, insisted, honey is added to taste and taken in the evening, before going to bed, instead of pharmaceutical valerian or antidepressants.

Eczema, urticaria, bedsores

Red clover is effective in treating eczema, allergic urticaria, bedsores, dermatitis and, of course, psoriasis. Active substances contained in the plant, contribute to the rapid healing of wounds, reduce the number of rashes. Means from the stable are also recommended for the treatment of teenage acne, acne, various kinds of skin inflammations (pimples, boils).

An ointment based on clover flowers is prepared as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drug: 100 g of meadow grass is poured into 200 ml of sunflower (or olive) oil, insisted for 7-10 days and lubricated with damaged areas. Contribute to the purification of herbal baths with the use of stables, the plant is effective in the treatment of fungal diseases of the feet.

Red clover is often used in complex therapy and is part of pectoral, sedative, and diuretic preparations. The plant has excellent anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diaphoretic, choleretic, antitumor, wound healing, antiseptic, expectorant and anti-sclerotic properties.

Red clover: healing properties from "bad" cholesterol

The so-called "bad" cholesterol accumulates on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques, which ultimately leads to circulatory disorders. At the same time, the permeability of cell membranes deteriorates, metabolic processes at the cellular level slow down, and “starvation” occurs, because nutrients due to cholesterol plaques do not reach their destinations. All this negatively affects the state of blood vessels and can lead to the development of a stroke or heart attack. The medicinal properties of red clover cleanse the body of cholesterol and help restore capillary circulation due to the high concentration of flavonoids (up to 5%).

For the treatment of atherosclerosis and getting rid of tinnitus, it is recommended to fill a jar with red clover flowers, fill the container to the top with moonshine, stand for 21 days and drink 1 tsp. for 1.5 months half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Senile deafness, resulting from the "wear and tear" of the vessels, is treated with a decoction based on clover.

For the course, you will need a 3-liter jar filled with dried inflorescences. 2 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured into a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water and incubated for at least 3 minutes. Then take 3/4 cup in the morning on an empty stomach, after waking up, 20 minutes before lunch and half an hour to an hour before a night's rest. The course is continued until the raw materials in the bank run out.

Dizziness - common symptom atherosclerosis, therefore, it is necessary to treat the disease not symptomatically, but comprehensively.

Red clover tincture on vodka from vessels: indications for use

It is possible to radically change the quality of life and recover from atherosclerosis if you endure the full course of taking alcohol tincture of red clover.

A liter jar is filled to the top with dried flowers, poured with vodka (alcohol) and insisted in a secluded dark place for 3 weeks. Drink before meals 1 tbsp. l., washed down with water, the course is 1.5 -2 months, then a break for six months and a second dose.

Indications for the use of red clover tincture:

  • noise in ears;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • hearing loss;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • high intracranial pressure.

An excess amount of cholesterol leads to the fact that the vessels "come" into disrepair. Isoflavonoids contained in clover normalize fat metabolism in the body, dissolve cholesterol plaques, strengthen blood vessels and cleanse the body of excess cholesterol.

Red clover: medicinal properties and contraindications for women

Substances that make up the plant can stop growth malignant tumors. It is especially effective to use the plant for the treatment of breast cancer. In order to prevent the disease, it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist or mammologist in a clinic. If the diagnosis has already been established, then along with the recommended drug treatment it is recommended to take the infusion according to this recipe:

3 art. l. clover is crushed, steamed with a glass of boiling water, boiled for 20 minutes, cooled and after straining, take 50 ml of a glass no more than 4 times a day before meals. The decoction is suitable for the treatment of ovarian tumors, and for the treatment of mastopathy.

Violation menstrual cycle, accompanied by prolonged and heavy bleeding, may be associated with polycystic ovaries. You can cure the disease, completely get rid of numerous cysts and restore the cycle by taking an infusion of clover:

Throw 4-5 flower heads into boiling water (about 1.5 l), immediately remove from heat and insist overnight (8-9 hours). Drink instead of water or compote all day, and the next day prepare a new decoction. Take for 2 months, and then check the condition of the ovaries using an ultrasound machine.

Medicinal properties of red clover in menopause in women

The chemical composition of red clover contains a large number of calcium, so it is recommended to take it to pre-menopausal women in order to prevent the development of osteoporosis. At the same time, the presence of a large amount of estrogen hormones in the plant helps to painlessly “enter” menopause without the manifestations characteristic of this period: hot flashes, hypertension, uterine bleeding etc.

Calms the nervous system and reduces high-frequency tension. A sedative drink made from 100 clover heads, steamed with 500 ml of boiling water. It is advisable to boil the infusion for 5 minutes, leave for about 3 hours and drink a little during the day.

The healing properties of red clover in menopause are due to the fact that the plant helps to maintain the “habitual” hormonal background of a woman due to natural estrogens.

For the treatment of leucorrhea and vulvovaginitis without the use of aggressive pharmaceuticals, sitz baths based on red clover are recommended.

To prepare an anti-inflammatory solution 1 tbsp. l. flowers are poured into a thermos, pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist for at least 6 hours. For baths, it is desirable to add 250 ml of warm water to the resulting infusion. Such procedures are also effective in the treatment hemorrhoids during an exacerbation of the disease.

The chemical composition of clover contains bioquinone and the notorious coenzyme Q10, which correct the bioenergetic processes occurring at the cellular level. These substances help prolong the youthfulness of the body, stimulate the production of natural collagen, which helps restore skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Get rid of age spots, more and more appearing on the skin of the face with age, you can if you take a drink prepared according to this recipe for a week:

3 tsp crushed clover inflorescences pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, drink after cooling 100 ml three times a day. Warm compresses from crushed clover help to improve complexion and regenerate epidermal cells.

Lotions will help clear the sclera of the eyes: 1 tbsp. l. leaves of the stable are poured with a glass of boiling water, filtered and used for inflammation and fatigue.


Along with the healing properties of red clover, there are contraindications for women. So, you can not take decoctions based on this herb during pregnancy. Clover is not recommended as medicinal plant women suffering from thrombophlebitis and varicose veins veins. It is absolutely contraindicated to take stables for those who have recently had a stroke or heart attack.

Tincture: preparation and use

The youth of the body directly depends on the condition of the arteries and blood vessels. If they are “clogged” with sclerotic plaques, then the cells receive less nutrients and oxygen. As a result, atherosclerosis develops, when the walls of the arteries thicken and lose their elasticity due to cholesterol plaque, they cannot fully perform their functions. The disease is chronic traditional medicine supportive care is most commonly recommended. Along with medicines you can try to clean the vessels from fatty deposits with the help of alcohol tincture of red clover.

To comply with the recipe, you must:

  1. fill a liter jar with crushed clover inflorescences (dry or fresh);
  2. thoroughly “tamp down” the resulting flower mass;
  3. add purified vodka (preferably premium);
  4. carefully close the container, shake it up and put it in a cupboard;
  5. for 14 days, shake daily to evenly mix the contents, and then strain;
  6. take 1 time per day half an hour before any of the meals, 1 tbsp. l., after diluting the tincture in ¼ cup of boiled water;
  7. endure a 30-day course, then a 10-day break, and a fixing monthly marathon.

The use of red clover tincture on vodka is especially effective on initial stage diseases when the walls of the arteries do not atrophy. Taking the drug, you can prevent the progression of atherosclerosis and get rid of the manifestations associated with this disease, such as dizziness and tinnitus. The tincture is also useful for the elderly because it raises the immune system and tones the body.

Along with medicinal properties, red clover also has contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, the rehabilitation period after a stroke or heart attack, a tendency to reduced blood clotting.

All health!

With love, Irina Lirnetskaya

Trifolium pratense L.

Today we will talk about the healing properties of red clover. I myself have been using the red clover tincture from the Evalar company for a long time, it helps me. When you start taking the tincture, you forget about the pressure - it normalizes.

Red clover, or red clover is widely used in folk medicine. Preparations from red clover are taken orally for atherosclerosis, edema in violations of the heart and kidneys, externally for burns, abscesses, joint pain.

Clover can be found almost everywhere along roads, in dry meadows, fields, forest edges. There are many types of clover in nature, we will consider the most common types: red or meadow clover and creeping clover. They are found as wild and are also grown in fodder crop rotations.

Red clover is grown in almost all countries of Europe, Asia, America and New Zealand. In Russia, it has been cultivated for more than 200 years since the 18th century; it is the most important plant as a valuable fodder crop that improves soil fertility.

The healing properties of clover were already known in antiquity, they are mentioned in the writings of Dioscorides, Galen and Avicenna. Avicenna wrote:

Clover is useful for pain in the stomach, drives urine and menstruation, is good for pain in bladder. Its juice with honey cleanses wounds and removes an eyesore. Its juice, drawn into the nose, cures epilepsy. Seed oil cures pains in the joints, useful for pains in the ovaries, cures dropsy. Seeds in a small dose increase sexual desire.

Clover plant description. Red clover or meadow clover belongs to the genus of the legume family, the dicotyledonous class. it perennial height 15 -50 cm, consisting of several shoots, erect or curved. The leaves are trifoliate - consist of 3 elliptical leaflets, pubescent from below.

Flowers - spherical inflorescences, consisting of many (30 - 70) small red flowers. Nectar accumulates deep inside the flowers, so bumblebees pollinate red clover, reaching for nectar with their long proboscis. The number of seeds depends on the number of bumblebees.

Interestingly, when clover was brought to New Zealand, the plants did not produce seeds, it turned out that there were no bumblebees. After they were brought there in 1855, red clover spread throughout New Zealand.

Seeds are ovoid, yellow, brown. On the next year after flowering in natural conditions only part of the seeds germinate, the rest retain their ability to germinate for more than 20 years, so clover may appear on any site quite unexpectedly in a few years. Starting from the second year of life, clover blooms and bears fruit annually from 3 to 10, sometimes up to 25 years, depending on conditions.

The scientific name of the genus Trifolium is formed from two Latin words tria - three, folium - leaf, in translation means shamrock. The scientific species name pratense translates as meadow, grassy green.

The Russian generic name clover comes from the names of this plant in European countries: German klewer, English clover, Danish klover. Folk names: red clover, meadow shamrock, scrofulous grass, fever grass, stable.

red clover medicinal properties

As a medicinal raw material, clover grass and inflorescences are used - heads of red clover, which are plucked or cut off at the very base in dry weather during the flowering of plants. The plant blooms in June - July until September. The flowers are dried in the shade in a ventilated area. Raw materials should not dry out and crumble, should consist of whole clover heads that have retained their red color.

The inflorescences contain carotene, protein, fats, glycosides trifolin, isotrifolin, flavonoids, essential oils, tannins, dyes, resins, organic acids - ascorbic, coumaric and others, B vitamins, minerals.

A decoction of flowers is used for colds, fever, rapid breathing, as an expectorant for bronchial asthma, as a diuretic for kidney disease, as an analgesic for rheumatism, as well as for anemia, loss of strength.

Clover grass poultices are used for burns, abscesses, as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Fresh grass juice is used to wash the eyes when they watery or fester, and rashes with scrofula in children are also treated with juice. Fresh crushed leaves are applied to wounds, ulcers, which contributes to faster healing.

Preparations from clover flowers prevent the growth of neoplasms in women, including cancerous tumors ovaries.

meadow clover application red clover

In folk medicine, inflorescences and the aerial part - clover grass are used.

For the treatment of hypertension, headache:

Infusion of flowers: pour one tablespoon of dried red clover flowers with 1 cup of boiling water (200 ml), leave for 30 minutes, strain, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey Drink 100 ml glass 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

With chronic cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma:

Decoction: 20 g (2 tablespoons) of dried clover flowers pour 1 cup of boiling water, then boil in a water bath or over low heat for 20 minutes, strain. Drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day as an expectorant and antiseptic.

The decoction also has a diuretic effect, is used for edema of cardiac and renal origin. It is recommended to use with anemia and as a general tonic.

For colds:

Infusion of clover grass: 2 tbsp. spoons of dried chopped herbs pour 1 cup of boiling water, cover, leave for 15 minutes, strain after cooling. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day.

The infusion has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant, diaphoretic action.

Externally, infusions and decoctions of red clover are used as an analgesic for burns, abscesses, joint pain, scrofula, dermatitis, ulcers - make washings, lotions.

Red clover tincture for the treatment of atherosclerosis:

Grind 40 g of dried inflorescences, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 10 days in a dark place, then strain. Store in a dark glass container. Take 20 ml (1 dessert spoon) of tincture 2 times a day before meals with water for 3 months.

The tincture is used as an anti-sclerotic agent, for headaches or tinnitus.

An effective means to improve the condition of cardio-vascular system are natural preparations of the company "Evalar". Atheroklefit tincture is a pharmacy alcohol tincture herbs and flowers of red clover - lowers cholesterol, helps to normalize lipid metabolism, normalizes high blood pressure with hypertension; as well as capsules, which include red clover extract, hawthorn flowers, vitamin C, vitamin PP. Capsules have the same effect.

For eye inflammation:

Infusion: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dry clover flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. You can wash your eyes with infusion, make lotions on the eyes, wetting cotton pads with infusion.

Therapeutic bath with clover infusion for rheumatism:

Pour 50 g of dry grass of meadow or red clover with 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take a bath at night for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 12-14 baths.

Red clover for women

In folk medicine, infusion and decoction of red clover are used for painful menstruation.

With menopause, take a tincture of red clover, which regulates hormonal levels, in a standard dose 3 times a day. Red clover renders healing effect during menopause: regulates hormone production and reduces the frequency of hot flashes.

To get rid of the so-called hot flashes, you can drink a decoction, it is good to add a rose, chamomile or sage.

Red clover is widely used as a fodder plant from the legume family; it is sown in areas of the forest and forest-steppe zone, in the foothills and mountainous regions - entire fields are specially sown. Red clover is a valuable nutritious food for domestic and wild herbivores, for birds. The green mass contains a high content of easily digestible protein - 25%, fats up to 5.6%, a large amount of provitamin A, vitamin C. Clover for animals can be prepared for the winter by pickling.

One hectare of red clover produces up to 250 kg of fragrant reddish-yellow honey, which is slightly candied during storage.

Red clover contraindications:

  • Reduced blood clotting, since drugs increase blood fluidity, it is necessary to observe a doctor and monitor the condition of the blood.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • It is not recommended to use clover preparations for breast cancer.
  • Individual intolerance.

In folk medicine, the beneficial healing properties of creeping clover are also used.

Creeping clover grows everywhere in meadows, along the banks of rivers and streams, along roads. It blooms with white smaller spherical inflorescences, which are well pollinated by bees.

An infusion of creeping clover grass is drunk for colds, shortness of breath, pulmonary tuberculosis, female diseases, poisoning, violation of salt metabolism, with a breakdown after an illness, wounds are washed with infusion.

Creeping clover is an excellent honey plant, up to 100 kg of honey can be collected from a hectare of flowers. Clover honey is light, almost colorless, transparent, with a delicate aroma and taste. Honey crystallizes quickly - it becomes white color, delicate texture, has good taste. It is useful to take honey for coughs, liver diseases, atherosclerosis, as a blood purifier. Clover honey is used in the treatment of female diseases.

look short video: Red clover medicinal properties use of the plant - says phytotherapeutist Efimenko N. Yu.

Red clover

From fresh young leaves and stems of clover, you can make salads, add to green cabbage soup. Young leaves, along with other herbs, are used to make pies and pies.

Clover flowers are used as medicinal tea in combination with other herbs.

Since ancient times ethnoscience uses the healing properties of red clover meadow for the benefit of people, using this plant to improve the health of more than one generation, the secrets of ancient medicine are used in our time.

These useful healing properties are possessed by ordinary meadow grass - red clover and creeping clover, which blooms and pleases the eye all summer, you just have to go for a walk in nature, wherever we are. Pay attention to her - collect a bunch of eye-pleasing red clover in the meadow - so many healing powers nature has given this ubiquitous herb, use it and be healthy!

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