What properties does fir oil have? Siberian fir - beneficial properties and uses of essential oil. What are the benefits of fir oil?

Since ancient times, fir essential oil has been known for its healing properties. Useful product obtained from young shoots (cones, twigs) and fir needles. The squeeze has an extraordinary aroma. It is used in folk and official medicine, and is used as a remedy for many ailments.

Fir oil - properties

Features of fir oil in its composition. The high biological activity of the extract is provided by glycerides, aldehydes, tocopherols, acids, etc. They have a tonic, calming, and restorative effect on the body. The use of aroma oil is possible in various areas, as it has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, bactericidal and analgesic properties.

People suffering from diseases of the upper respiratory tract(ARVI, bronchitis, influenza, pneumonia), skin (eczema, psoriasis) and cardiovascular diseases, those with problems with blood pressure, neuritis, arthrosis, neuralgia, osteochondrosis and other ailments use fir oil, medicinal properties and whose contraindications are actively discussed and used all over the world.

Fir oil - application

The benefits of fir oil have been proven over many years of its consumption. Healing product It is effectively used for cosmetic purposes, as an antiseptic, regenerating and deodorizing agent, a medicine against wrinkles, aging skin, and sagging. The essential concentrate has several roles in dermatology:

  • used as part of baths and lotions for fungal diseases;
  • helps in the fight against dermatosis;
  • eliminates warts;
  • neutralizes calluses, blisters;
  • heals cuts.

In medicine, aroma oil is indispensable as an analgesic, provides an anti-edematous effect and increases the body's defenses. Fir extract has vasoconstrictor properties. It increases myocardial contractility and stimulates an increase in blood pressure, restores. In addition, the aroma oil relieves pain and is a natural immunostimulant.

Fir oil for hair

Fir oil is very useful for hair – its strengthening and growth. It helps in short time get rid of dandruff, prevent scalp flaking, reduce hair oiliness and normalize hair function sebaceous glands. Fir essential oil can be used in its pure form: applied to the scalp a few hours before washing, massaged with a drop of concentrate, or added to regular shampoo, immediately before application, or to a bottle of product - this will create a light healing effect. Hair will gain elasticity, silkiness and healthy shine.

Fir oil for face

Behind magical properties fir is called “sap”. Natural components have a soothing and rejuvenating effect on the skin, making it firm, velvety, and elastic. Fir oil in cosmetology has found extensive use due to its antiseptic and bactericidal effects. It is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, eliminate fatty elements and stimulate the formation of new cells. Those with oily skin use fir oil for acne. Thanks to the great content ascorbic acid it heals the skin at the cellular level.

Fir oil helps against wrinkles under the eyes, it tones and smoothes the skin. To prepare a smoothing mask, you will need 2 drops of fir ether, avocado oil and olive oil in equal quantities (a teaspoon). The product is mixed until smooth and applied to the area around the eyes. It should be left overnight and washed off in the morning. After several uses, the skin will acquire a healthy color and unevenness will be smoothed out.

Fir oil - medicinal properties

In medicine, especially folk medicine, fir aroma oil is used different ways. External and internal use of the healing extract is practiced: in compresses and inhalations, aroma lamps and baths. The product is used diluted or pure, used for rinsing, used for massage, or simply lubricated damaged areas of the skin. Treatment with fir oil helps with:

Fir oil for colds

Everyone remembers the “Zvezdochka” balm, consisting of fir oil and petroleum jelly, and how it perfectly dealt with colds and runny nose. The antiviral and bactericidal properties of fir allow you to destroy infections at the root. If you have a runny nose, just lubricate the bridge of your nose with oil and drop 1-2 drops of the extract into your nose. Chronic sore throat is treated by lubricating the tonsils and rinsing (to prepare the solution, mix a teaspoon of honey with a few drops of oil, add salt and dilute everything in a glass of water).

In more serious cases (bronchitis, flu), inhalation with fir oil combined with rubbing helps. Aroma oil is rubbed into the patient's back and chest, then he needs to be wrapped to make him sweat. It is important to remember that inhalations using a strong concentrate should not exceed five minutes in duration. Fir aroma oil has the combined effect of an expectorant and a remedy that relieves irritation of the respiratory tract.

Fir oil for sinusitis

Complications after a runny nose and sinusitis will also help to cure fir oil - its medicinal properties and contraindications are as follows: the product can be used by representatives of any age, except those who have allergic reactions. To treat sinusitis, you need to drip undiluted fir essential oil into your nose (1-3 drops in each nostril) and rub the area with it. maxillary sinuses, and also do inhalations: 10 drops of the product per liter hot water.

Fir oil for herpes

Squeezing fir effectively helps get rid of herpes. During the day, you need to rub the aroma oil into the affected areas using a cotton swab and treat the herpes at intervals of 2-2.5 hours. The bactericidal properties of fir oil will help eliminate the problem in a matter of days. It is convenient to use, since the colorless substance is almost invisible on the lips. Possible discomfort is only a slight burning sensation and it is not recommended that the aroma oil get into the mouth.

Fir oil for joints

The interaction of the aromatic composition of fir with salts helps active internal cleansing of the body, which is why it is used to treat kidneys and genitourinary system. Not everyone knows that fir oil treats joint diseases. It relieves pain and improves blood and lymph circulation. Nutrition cartilage tissue normalizes. Treatment of joints with fir oil is effective for diseases of the spine.

Hot baths with fir concentrate have a beneficial effect on the affected joints of the arms and legs. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. After this, the painful areas are rubbed with fir oil, the medicinal properties of which and contraindications are known - possible allergic reactions - force it to be applied to the skin in spot strokes or used in a diluted form.

Fir oil for fractures

Complex ailments, for example, can also be alleviated with the help of aromatic extracts. How is fir oil useful in this case? It helps bones heal quickly and correctly by unique composition from biological components. Application of the product accelerates metabolic processes, and its anti-inflammatory properties prevent the development of bacteria that can interfere with the healing of cracks. In addition to all of the above, fir squeeze relieves swelling and reduces pain. You can do baths, massages, compresses with it.

Fir oil in aromatherapy

Fir oil is less known than spruce and pine oil, but it is also used in aromatherapy. The coniferous analogue has unique characteristics that no other aroma oil can boast of:

  1. Woody “cold” smell, fresh and tart.
  2. The concentrate is stored for a long time.
  3. Has a warming and strong tonic effect. Fir essential oil is a good “companion”. It perfectly complements other scents: cypress, pine, juniper, cinnamon, rosemary, cloves, lemon, nutmeg, etc.

Fir oil - contraindications

Sometimes it is important to use natural cosmetology and medicine preparations correctly and not violate possible prohibitions. Fir oil is no exception, the medicinal properties and contraindications of its extract have been successfully tested and studied for many years. It should be used with caution in its pure form, not diluted, as stinging fir tends to irritate the skin. As a therapeutic agent, it is strictly not recommended to be taken on an empty stomach. Fir essential oil (both internally and externally) is prohibited for the following categories of patients:

  • people with kidney pathology;
  • for allergy sufferers;
  • owners of ulcers and gastritis;
  • pregnant women.

To avoid possible problems, you must follow correct dosage product. To aromatize small rooms (up to 15 m2), use 4-5 drops of the product. Take no more than one drop orally with honey, jam or bread, with water. Inhalations with fir oil are also limited to two drops of concentrate. For massage, take 4-5 drops of ether in a thick solvent (for example, cream). Only in the bath or for preparing a rubbing product can you add 6-12 drops of the substance.

If all the rules are followed, aromatic fir squeeze can serve well. No wonder the remedy has long proven itself in medicine. This is truly a precious find and a cure-all cure. The wonderful refreshing aroma and a lot of medicinal properties have given the oil wide possibilities for use from traditional medicine to cosmetology.

In the Western Siberian taiga and the Caucasus Mountains, in Kamchatka and in the upper reaches of the Lena River, evergreen coniferous trees of the pine family grow. The ancient Karelians called them “pikhka” (resin). In the Russian language, a modified name has been fixed - fir.

Out of fifty known species Abiessibirica (Siberian fir) is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. It contains up to 3.7% essential substance (in other types less than three).

The tree is surprising in that all its components have medicinal properties.

Oil is prepared from the buds, bark, needles, and young fir branches, which has been known since ancient times as a panacea for a wide range of diseases, including runny nose and colds using inhalation.

Composition and healing properties

Ether is the basis for the production of camphor.

Its composition includes several dozen organic matter, defining .

  • Tannins.

Render anti-inflammatory effect on the gastric mucosa. Removes toxins, carcinogenic compounds, heavy metals (lead, mercury, zinc, cadmium). Most often used during the inhalation procedure for colds.

  • Vitamin C.

Antiviral property. Increases immunity. Kills pathogenic bacteria. Effective against runny nose as inhalation. Properties have a positive effect on the functioning of many organs (central nervous system, liver, kidneys, endocrine glands). Powerful antioxidant.

  • Carotene.

Improves skin condition human, smooths out wrinkles. Increases the body's resistance to the negative effects of the environment. Reduces risk malignant tumors. Improves vision.

  • Phytoncides.

Have a strong antibacterial and disinfectant properties.

  • Tocopherol (vitamin E).

Antioxidant. Improves the metabolic process. Rejuvenates the body and prevents the aging process. Accelerates the healing of burns and wounds. Prevents vascular fragility, participates in the formation of red blood cells. Strengthens the heart muscle.

  • Flavonoids.

Strengthens and increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Relieves swelling. Warn premature aging cells. They have an antihistamine effect.

  • Microelements (iron, cobalt, manganese, copper).

Increases hemoglobin. Improve oxygen supply into cells, promote their regeneration. Regulate metabolic processes. Reduce nervous irritation. Strengthen muscles. Promotes the production of insulin. Prevents the development of anemia and promotes quick treatment runny nose and colds.

Interesting video about the beneficial properties of fir:

Application in medicine

IN modern medicine its use is justified:

  • antibacterial;
  • tonic;
  • calming;
  • painkillers;
  • wound healing;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.
  1. Flu, respiratory diseases different etymologies.
  2. Pneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough.
  3. using a nebulizer.
  4. Sore throat, tonsillitis.
  5. Gastritis with decreased gastric secretion, colitis.
  6. Rhinitis (acute and chronic).
  7. Angina pectoris.
  8. Eczema.
  9. Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the eyes.
  10. Skin fungus, herpes.
  11. Wounds, burns.
  12. Dental diseases.

Fir essential oil relieves pain for various ailments:

  • cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis;
  • bruises, sprains;
  • radiculitis.

Fir oil is rubbed into temples for headaches.
When taken orally, do not exceed the indicated dose. Amount of more than five drops may cause poisoning.


Vladislav . I do inhalations with fir oil. In five days it completely removes mucus from the bronchi and quickly cures a runny nose. Tested on myself and children using inhalation. My wife always adds a couple of drops to the water when cleaning the apartment. . The pine aroma improves your mood, vitality increases. The price is great. I recommend.

Elena. I used to use fir oil only as a flavoring agent. I didn’t believe in the healing properties until my tooth ached at night. I applied a cotton swab with oil, and the pain subsided almost immediately. I still had to go to the dentist, but the product saved me from a sleepless night.

Precautionary measures

Like any medicine, fir essential oil has a number of contraindications.

  • Allergic reactions can cause swelling (up to anaphylactic shock). This happens in rare cases.

You can avoid the risk by testing. Rub a small amount into an arm or leg. If rashes, itching and burning do not appear within a few hours, it may be used as directed.

  • Drinking alcohol of any strength will reduce the effect of treatment to zero.
  • Despite the fact that fir oil is indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system, you should be careful during periods of exacerbation. Do not use if you have strong heartbeat.
  • During aromatherapy, the appearance of a severe headache indicates intolerance to the fir smell. You should turn off the lamp and ventilate the room.
  • Contraindication for use is pregnancy.
  • Use with great caution when treating children under three years of age. Even a foot massage with essential oil can trigger an allergic shock.

Application in cosmetology

Thanks to healing composition The oil is widely used to care for hair, face and hands.

Taking care of your hair

Use in the form of masks prevents hair loss by strengthening its roots. Hair becomes shiny and healthy.

  • Nourishing hair mask. Two egg yolks, two tablespoons of honey, 2 drops of oil, mix until smooth. Rub into hair roots. Put a rubber cap on your head and wrap it in a warm scarf. Leave for one and a half to two hours. Rinse off.

The mask is useful for oily hair. It improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It should be done once every three days.

  • Using a mask of two tablespoons and five drops of fir stimulates hair growth. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to hair. Massage your hair and scalp for fifteen minutes (you can use a brush with natural bristles). Rinse off with warm water.

The mask copes well with dandruff and restores damaged hair.

  • To strengthen weak, split ends, mix onion juice, a tablespoon of honey, and 3 drops of oil. Siberian fir. Apply to hair and rub in. Put a rubber cap on your head and wrap it in a warm scarf. Keep the mask on for at least half an hour. If not discomfort, extend the procedure to 40 minutes. Rinse off.

To avoid irritation skin It is not recommended to exceed the indicated dose.


Olga. I add it to shampoo. I'm very pleased. The hair becomes fluffy and shiny. A friend made a nourishing mask, the effect exceeded expectations.

How to use hair care oil:

Taking care of your skin

Fir oil has found application thanks to
The healing properties of flavonoids nourish, rejuvenate, smooth the skin. It removes small wrinkles. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands (important for oily skin faces).

Use for oily skin gives a positive cosmetic effect.

  • A mask made from beaten egg whites with three drops of oil tightens pores.
  • A mask of boiled potatoes (mash thoroughly), a tablespoon of heavy cream or natural yogurt and three drops of oil.

All masks are applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Remove with a damp cotton swab. After this, wash your face with warm water (preferably a decoction of herbs).

Do not apply pure Siberian fir essential oil to your face. This may cause irritation and swelling. It is permissible to apply the oil directly to pimples and blackheads for no more than 10 minutes.

Fir oil can be used for cooking cosmetic ice. The use of the product tones the facial skin and prevents premature aging.

To do this, dilute two teaspoons of honey in 0.5 liters of warm water. Add five drops of healing oil. Pour the liquid into ice cube trays and freeze.

Rub the cubes over your face every morning.


Marina. Masks are great for wrinkles. The skin of the face is smoothed. But one session is ineffective. You need to do it at least a couple of times a week.

Taking care of your nails and skin

Pure fir oil should not be applied to the skin of the hands due to possible skin irritation.

You can choose olive or rapeseed oil as a base for masks and creams.

  • A bath of flaxseed decoction with a few drops of fir oil softens, smoothes, and eliminates dryness. Immerse your hands in warm liquid for half an hour.
  • Once a month, do warm wraps. To do this, mix vegetable oil and a few drops of fir oil, heat slightly, apply to soft cloth. Wrap your hand, put plastic wrap on top, and wrap it with a scarf. The procedure time is 15 minutes. Repeat for the other hand.
  • It's easy to make an environmentally friendly, nourishing hand cream at home.

Prepare an infusion of several herbs, taken in equal proportions (chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort, sage, calendula). Combine two tablespoons of infusion, a teaspoon of honey, 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil. Add a little butter to make a thick mixture. Beat everything well (it’s easier to do this in a water bath). Lastly, pour in five drops of fir oil.

  • The nail plate is strengthened by a mixture of fir and jojoba essential oils. Apply it with a brush and let it absorb.
  • Fir oil completely destroys nail fungus and protects against re-infection.

To do this, the liquid is applied to the affected nail three times a day. The course of treatment is one month.


  • Anna . My nails are brittle and constantly peeling. Even lemon didn't help. I started making baths, just adding a few drops to warm water. The problem has disappeared. And the skin of my hands became very pleasant, silky.

Use in everyday life

  • Expels insects.

The property of fir to destroy mosquitoes, flies and other unpleasant neighbors was noticed long ago. Coniferous branches were laid out in the houses.

Instead of branches, you can make deodorant. Pour 1/4 cup of vodka into a liter of water, add 20 drops of fir oil. Shake. Pour into a spray bottle and spray around the apartment as needed.

Flying insects will quickly disappear.

As a pleasant bonus, the owner will receive disinfected air.

  • Eliminates unpleasant odors.

For this purpose, an aroma lamp is used.

A piece of cloth soaked in oil can help remove the smell in the refrigerator. It should be left on the shelf for a few minutes or the inner walls should be wiped.

  • Fights mold.

Particularly good at eliminating black mold in the bathroom. To do this, you need to wipe the problem areas with a cotton swab and pay attention to the joints between the tiles. For prevention, from time to time disinfect the air in the bathroom using an aroma lamp.

Beware of fakes

Price for 50 ml of fir oil ranges from 150 to 250 rubles. You can also find cheaper offers (in a number of pharmacies the price ranges from 40 to 70 rubles).

It is worth thinking about the feasibility of saving.

The raw materials are quite expensive. Unscrupulous manufacturers often reduce the price by adding cheap vegetable oils and alcohols to the fir extract. This is not the worst option.

It’s worse when synthetic analogues are introduced into the composition.

Interesting video about fir oil:

Need to know!

  • Real Siberian fir oil is transparent, with a slight greenish or yellowish tint.

The presence of sediment, structure separation, or rich color indicates a low-quality product.

  • You can check the authenticity of the product by applying a couple of drops to a piece of paper. Let dry. Remaining oil traces indicate the presence of foreign additives.
  • A very strong pine smell should also alert you. Natural fir oil has a light pine aroma.

Nowadays, when medicine has reached incredible heights, there is an unusual trend: the more medicinal chemicals there are, the more often people turn their attention to traditional medicine. This pattern is not accidental, since humanity is one of the links in the components of the ecosystem.

The more we move away from nature, the stronger we feel connected to it. An elementary example is the fashion for fir essential oil. Its medicinal properties have been known to people since ancient times. Today, doctors prescribe it as an auxiliary and prophylactic in the treatment of a huge group of diseases.

Fir properties and applications

This oil is extracted from pine needles with small branches. If you examine it, you will find that it is absolutely clear liquid, shade from completely colorless to yellowish. This oil has a characteristic resin aroma. In addition to pine needles, this oil is contained in fir bark and very young cones.

The healing properties of fir oil have been appreciated by experts for a long time. They are recognized by doctors as restorative, bactericidal and it also activates the hormonal system of every person.

This oil has been successfully used for a long time to treat a variety of diseases, including:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • psoriasis;
  • sometimes stops the growth of cancer cells;
  • glaucoma;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

The value of this product is that it is an environmentally friendly product. The fact is that fir grows only in places where there is truly clean air with the absence of even small doses of industrial smoke, as well as other harmful impurities.

It's hard to believe, but such places still exist. They are mainly located in the Republic of Khakassia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and Eastern Siberia.

Essential fir oil: application, medicinal properties, recipes

Next, we will consider recipes for using oil for every occasion in our lives. Choose the right one and apply it. You just need to remember that it has contraindications, which we will talk about at the end of this article.

For pain in the knee and ankle joints

The healing properties of fir oil allow it to be used for the above diseases. To do this, rub a little oil into the area. pain. In order to similar treatment It was much more effective to take a warm bath before starting it. Instead, you can simply warm up the sore spot. The course of treatment is 10 procedures.

For insomnia

If you have problems sleeping, you need to take baths to which fir oil is added. We will discuss the medicinal properties, uses and contraindications of this remedy in detail in this article. Preparing such baths is very simple. It is enough to add 3 drops of oil to them. It is advisable to lie in the water for about half an hour. Such baths should not be used too often; breaks should be taken.

For the treatment of diathesis

For diathesis in children, the affected areas should be lubricated with an ointment of the following composition:

  • 30% fir oil;
  • 40% baby cream;
  • 30% sulfur ointment.

You can also do it differently. Mix 3 parts olive oil or regular baby cream, 1 part fir oil.

Application in ophthalmology

People whose work involves severe eye strain (computer system operators, programmers, drivers) need to periodically evaporate this product in an aroma lamp, in addition, make special applications on the eyelids twice a week. To do this, fir oil, the medicinal properties of which have long attracted the attention of a huge number of people, is mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1:4, after which it is applied with a cotton swab. The duration of this procedure is half an hour. When performing this, you need to make sure that the oil does not get on the mucous membrane. This procedure improves vision and relieves stress.

For burns or skin diseases

For burns or skin diseases, fir oil (its medicinal properties are described in this article) has proven itself as an excellent anti-burn and wound-healing agent.

To do this, simply lightly soak gauze with oil and then apply it to the wound or burn. It cannot be said that it heals instantly, but there is an effect, and you will notice it yourself after the first days of treatment.

In case of a third degree burn, it is better to use a fat-based ointment. This will require 7 parts fat and 3 parts butter. Damaged skin should be lubricated twice a day.

For enterocolitis, colitis

Fir oil will also help you with these diseases. Its healing properties can reduce gas formation and eliminate pain. Using a mixer, shake 5 drops of the product in 100 ml of water and consume three times a day half an hour before meals.

For wet eczema

To cure this disease, you need to prepare an ointment using a fat base. You can, for example, take goose or badger lard, baby cream, or internal unsalted fat.

The ointment includes:

  • 70% fat;
  • 40% fir oil.

The mixture must be thoroughly mixed and then applied to the affected area. It is necessary to apply a layer on top. This procedure is repeated twice a day.

For mastitis

In this case, compresses with oil are applied to the chest area. You just need to take into account that it is mixed with regular baby cream (1:1). This is necessary to avoid burns. Such compresses are changed three times a day.

For bedsores, diaper rash, nail fungus

To cure such skin problems, like diaper rash and bedsores, it is necessary to lubricate the sore spots with fir oil. Basically, a couple of days are enough, after which improvement occurs.

To cure the fungus, you need to apply lotions with the product for half an hour.

Treatment of oral diseases

In this case, fir oil will also help you. Its medicinal properties help reduce inflammation. To do this, a cotton swab is carefully moistened with the product and applied to the inflamed gum or sore tooth for half an hour.

For toothache, this procedure must be repeated after an hour and a half. To cure periodontal disease, you need 15 applications with the obligatory repetition of the course after six months. If you have a severe form of periodontal disease, the 3rd course is allowed after 6 months. It is important not to burn the mucous membrane.

For sciatica, radiculitis, myositis

The healing properties of fir oil allow it to be used for the listed diseases. In this case, rub it into the sore spot. You can also make compresses.

It is advisable to do compresses and rubbing before bedtime and after. For a compress, you need to soak a sheet of paper with oil, apply it to the sore spot, and then tie it with something warm, for example, a woolen scarf. This compress must be kept for about half an hour, otherwise you may get a slight burn. In total, 10 procedures are required.

From carbuncles, boils, panaritium and boils

To treat these diseases, you will need to prepare a mixture of three parts of Vishnevsky ointment, as well as seven parts of fir oil. Apply this composition to a bandage, then apply it to the sore area, cover with paper and tie it carefully.

Change the bandage twice a day. In places where the skin is rough, compresses can be made from pure fir oil.

Fir baths

An effective remedy for combating neuroses and insomnia. To do this, add 7 drops of oil into the bath. Take it within 20 minutes. Such a bath perfectly calms and also gives a serene, restful sleep.

Fir oil in cosmetology

In cosmetology, this product has the following effects:

  • treats herpes, wounds, eczema;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • helps with acne;
  • perfectly eliminates skin inflammation.

The masks are suitable for any skin type: normal, oily and dry. Dry skin loses its dryness, while oily skin loses its shine.


Now let's look at the contraindications. For some, fir oil, as well as some preparations containing pine needles, can cause allergies. Of course, such people should stop using fir oil.

In addition, combining this oil with alcohol is unacceptable. During the treatment period, as well as within 2 days after completion of the drug, alcohol is strictly contraindicated.

In addition, people with gastritis or stomach ulcers should not consume the oil. In general, these are all contraindications. It should be noted that in other cases this unique product can be used to treat a variety of diseases.

Green shoots, needles and fir cones are a source of volatile liquid with a rich composition. Knowing the medicinal properties and contraindications of fir oil, you can correctly use this therapeutic and cosmetic product. The aromatic liquid has many valuable qualities, as well as analgesic and invigorating effects.

Coniferous trees are forest “doctors of the green kingdom.” Young shoots, green needles and cones secrete phytoncides, which are the plant’s first line of defense against pathogens. The same tasks are performed by essential oils found in all parts of coniferous plants. Resin in the trunk, branches and bark protects the wood from pathogens and pests.

Fir essential oil is a yellowish or colorless volatile liquid with a rich balsamic aroma of pine needles. The high physiological activity of the product is due to terpenes and terpenoids.

Main connections:

  • myrcene;
  • limonene;
  • pinenes;
  • camphene;
  • bornyl acetate;
  • cineole

Sometimes carotene, vitamin C and tannins. They are indeed present, but only in needles.

Volatile substances, and this has been proven by many researchers, penetrate through the skin and mucous membrane of the respiratory system into the human body. Phytochemical compounds mercilessly deal with pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Medicinal properties of fir oil:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • local irritant;
  • antiseptic;
  • pain reliever;
  • expectorant;
  • bactericidal;
  • antifungal;
  • cardiotonic;
  • tonic.

Correct and regular use of aroma oil allows you to protect your body from many pathogens. The components are included in metabolism and normalize heartbeat And arterial pressure, and the tart aroma has a beneficial effect on neuropsychic processes.

The benefits of fir oil are not limited to medical use. The aromatic liquid obtained from the shoots of Siberian fir consists half of bornyl acetate and camphene. From them they produce “fir” camphor - a medicine and an integral part of perfumery. The product is included in medications for injection and external use.

"Fir" camphor is used to treat heart failure and rheumatism. For severe infectious diseases of the respiratory system, it is used to stimulate breathing and blood circulation.

Indications for use

Fir oil can be used by people with infectious and inflammatory diseases skin, respiratory and digestive systems. Combines well antiseptic effect and the anti-inflammatory effect of pinenes, cineole and borneol.

Some indications for the use of fir oil:

  • colds, ARVI, flu;
  • pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis;
  • spicy and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • prostatitis and other diseases of the genitourinary tract;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis;
  • insomnia;
  • dermatitis;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis.

The analgesic effect allows the drug to be successfully used to relieve pain from bruises, neuralgia and osteochondrosis.

The product improves peripheral circulation, blood and lymph flow in tissues that provide work musculoskeletal system. The aroma oil helps cleanse the kidneys and joints of excess salts and remove unnecessary metabolites from the body. As a result of its use, blood pressure is normalized (high blood pressure decreases and low blood pressure increases), immunity is strengthened and stress resistance increases.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

Doctors do not recommend taking aromatic oils orally during pregnancy. Phytochemicals may adversely affect the fetus in early dates pregnancy. External use of fir oil is permissible in small dosages in the second and third trimesters.

  • Many medications are prohibited during pregnancy, including vasoconstrictor drops for the treatment of runny nose. But during the cold season, respiratory infections can cause serious complications: sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia. Therefore, add a few drops of fir oil to a “pea” of face cream and lubricate the skin around the nasal passages. This simple manipulation, together with other available preventive measures will stop the development of colds.
  • Pregnant women often complain of loss of strength and toxicosis. In this case, inhale the fumes of fir aroma oil for 1–2 minutes. The product has a stimulating effect, increases vitality, improves mood. Applying a few drops to the temples helps with headaches.
  • Back pain is another problem during pregnancy. You can add a little fir oil to the body cream and do a light massage of the lumbar area. In the same way, the cream for stretch marks on the body is enriched. Caution must be exercised, as a pregnant woman’s body works under stress and can overreact even to usual remedies.

Before using the oil, an allergy test is carried out: apply a drop to inner side wrist or elbow and observe the skin reaction for 15 minutes. The absence of redness, itching, and blisters is a sign that the product does not cause allergies.

Beneficial properties for children's bodies

Fir oil is used to treat colds, acute respiratory viral infections and sore throats in children. The natural product smells good and works quickly. Aroma oil is used only if the child is over 3 years old. The proposed means and procedures are of auxiliary value and do not replace drug treatment.

  • Fir oil is applied externally along with baby cream and for skin diseases.
  • If the child has a cold, then it is mixed with detergent and shampoo during bathing.
  • Various inhalations help with a runny nose and cough. medicinal solutions. You can add a few drops of fir aroma oil to these liquids.
  • In the same way they increase antiseptic properties gargling.

How to use fir oil?

Essential oils in their pure form are rarely applied to the skin; contact with mucous membranes is avoided. It is recommended to mix them with base vegetable oil, face or body cream, add to ointments.

Traditional medicine recipes

If signs of a cold have just appeared, then take a bath with 6–10 drops essential oil fir mixed with salt. The same procedures help reduce joint pain and treat kidney and genitourinary tract diseases. Make 15-minute baths with the addition of aroma oil for hands and feet for joint diseases, pain after bruises and fractures.

Recipes for cold remedies:

  1. Mix 1-2 drops of fir oil with a small amount face cream. Apply to the wings of the nose, the bridge of the nose.
  2. Sore throat is treated by gargling, which is prepared from 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. salt. First, add 2 drops of fir essential oil to the salt, then dissolve all the ingredients in a glass of warm water.
  3. In more severe cases, 5-minute inhalation with fir oil in combination with rubbing the back and chest helps.
  4. For a severe cough, add 1-2 drops of fir oil to sunflower oil and apply with a spoon to the root of the tongue. The product helps for several days.
  5. The same mixture is used to treat sore throat. Lubricate the palatine tonsils daily with a gauze swab soaked oil solution. The procedures have a combined effect: they dilute mucus, facilitate its removal, and disinfect the respiratory tract.

Application in cosmetology

Natural components of essential oil soothe irritated epidermis, smooth the skin, making it more elastic and velvety. Fir oil is used in cosmetology as an antiseptic and bactericidal agent. In addition, it stimulates the renewal of dermal tissue.

The product is especially useful for those with oily, acne-prone skin. Fir oil is added to cosmetic creams to get rid of acne, blackheads and redness. The product is also used to treat herpetic rashes on the face.

How to use fir oil for a cosmetic mask against wrinkles:

  1. Mix 2 drops of fir essential oil with avocado and olive oil (1 tsp each).
  2. Apply the product to " crow's feet"in the corners of the eyes, purse-string wrinkles at the mouth.
  3. Leave the mixture overnight and wash with water in the morning.

Fir oil is added to shampoo and conditioner - the product helps get rid of dandruff and heal minor damage to the dermis. The oil normalizes exfoliation and reduces greasiness of the scalp. Hair becomes healthier and silkier.

Contraindications for use

Patients should not use fir essential oil for oral administration:

  • with allergic diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • with acute nephritis;
  • gastritis and ulcers.

In other cases, the use of the product is safe for health if you follow the recommendations. The main thing to remember is that in its pure form it is not applied to the skin, with the exception of small inflamed areas (acne, herpetic blisters).

The most effective mixtures of essential oils with basic vegetable fats, salt, and hygienic cosmetics. These are solvents and carriers that facilitate penetration active substances into the skin. Fir oil ingredients enter the body in various ways. The most popular and safest are aromatic baths, compresses, mouth rinses, inhalations, rubbing and massage.


Let's talk today about fir essential oil, because with the onset of cold weather, essential oils occupy a particularly important position among natural helpers in the fight against viruses.

Antiseptic, immune-strengthening, aromatic oils are known for their beneficial effects on both environment, and on human body, in particular.

Today we will look at one of them – the healing oil of Siberian fir. We’ll also look at the benefits of fir oil and how to use it correctly.

From this article you will learn:

Fir essential oil - what are the benefits of fir oil?

Fir essential oil is obtained from the needles, young shoots and cones of the evergreen coniferous trees Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea) or Siberian Fir (Abies sibirica), using steam distillation.

Chemical composition of fir oil

In my own way chemical composition Fir oil is rich in , especially those that have antiseptic and bactericidal properties:

  • Borneol
  • Camphor
  • Terpinolene
  • Myrcene
  • sabinen
  • cineole
  • lauric, caproic, oleic acids

Fir oil - beneficial properties

Since ancient times, people have used young shoots of fir, as well as coniferous trees, to obtain valuable oil.

Fir can grow exclusively in clean air.

It is thanks to this feature that the tree extract has high biological activity.

Remember the sayings about good health residents of Siberia? But it’s true that the biological concentration of fir trees in this region allows people to generously use natural resource for the benefit of health.

Fir oil is widely used in cosmetology and medicine, as well as in everyday life, as a powerful disinfectant, soothing, and cleansing agent.

Fir oil in cosmetology:

  • Helps smooth out fine wrinkles, eliminates sagging;
  • It has a rejuvenating effect on mature skin and effectively cleanses problematic young skin;
  • With proper, regular use, it relieves swelling, various inflammations, tones and refreshes the skin.

The role of fir oil in dermatology:

  • Used alone or in combination with others natural means, eliminates warts;
  • Helps in the fight against dermatosis;
  • Heals wounds and cuts;
  • Neutralizes skin areas affected by infection;
  • For fungal diseases of the feet (as well as increased sweating) fir oil is used in lotions, applications and baths;
  • In its pure form or mixed with base oil, fir oil neutralizes insect bites and blisters.

Impact on human internal organs:

  • Indicated for ENT diseases as a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic;
  • Helps in treatment infectious diseases respiratory system. Particularly effective for;
  • Relieves pain of various origins: muscle, bone, joint. Indicated for osteochondrosis, neuritis, arthritis, neuralgia;
  • Used in gynecology and urology as an antiseptic wash;
  • Shown for internal use in the treatment of intestinal diseases;
  • Used in dentistry, fir oil is included in a compress for periodontal disease;
  • In the treatment of eye diseases (stye, blepharitis, cholazium). A couple of drops of fir oil are rubbed directly into tightly closed eyelids with light massaging movements;
  • Is natural.

Impact on a person’s psycho-emotional state:

  • Recommended for stress fatigue, as a harmonizing natural tonic;
  • In pharmaceuticals it is used as a light nerve stimulant, therefore it is often used for aromatherapy in saunas and steam rooms.

Use of fir oil in everyday life:

How to use fir essential oil:

  1. At skin diseases(rashes, lichen, cuts, bruises, non-healing wounds) It is good to use fir essential oil undiluted or in a mixture with fresh (dilute 20 ml of oil with standing juice to a jelly-like state) and treat the affected areas several times a day.
  2. For effective treatment dermatosis, you can use the following mixture: dilute 20 ml of fir oil in 20 ml alcohol tincture, leave for 3 days. Use as needed, but carefully (not on open wounds, since the infusion can cause burns).
  3. For fast healing For wounds, compresses from a bandage heavily soaked in fir oil are used. A waterproof film is tied on top of the bandage and left for 10-12 hours, after which the bandage is changed.
  4. At colds baths, massages, compresses are recommended. To prepare a bath, dilute 50 ml of oil in warm water. The procedure time is 15 minutes.
  5. If necessary, the whole bath can be replaced with a local one - for the feet and hands. To prepare it you will need a bowl full of hot water and 20 ml of fir oil. The time for taking a local bath is 5-10 minutes.
  6. In case of illness internal organs, as well as for colds, fir oil is recommended to be used internally. The simplest and universal recipe for internal use consists of diluting fir oil (6 ml) with 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of any natural juice, except citrus. Take a couple of times a day before meals. You can replace the juice with hot herbal tea.

Homemade balm “Star” with fir oil

Remember the good old one - a savior at the first symptoms of colds and flu?

In fact, her magical composition very simple to prepare at home:

For this we need healing fir oil (5 ml), rosemary essential oil (5 ml), essential peppermint oil(5 ml) and any basic one, for example, sunflower (50 ml). All oils are mixed and stored in a dark bottle (or glass jar) for up to a year.

It is used both for the prevention of colds and during their onset, as well as in contact with patients or severe hypothermia.

Just shake the jar of cold mixture well, apply a couple of drops to your palms and vigorously rub your chest and back.

Video about the beneficial properties of fir oil

Be sure to watch this video about healing properties fir oil and all methods of its use.

Contraindications to the use of fir oil

Fir essential oil should be used with caution during pregnancy, as well as in case of kidney disease.

Like any essential oil, fir has dozens of healing properties, but is a strong concentrate.

Therefore, use the oil in small doses, diluting it in base cosmetic substances if possible.

Where to buy natural fir oil?

You can find fir oil in pharmacies, aromatic oil stores, and I buy this fir oil in the iherb online store.

Which ones do you know folk recipes using fir oil?

Have you tested its effectiveness through personal experience?

Please share your knowledge, leave reviews and comments.

I would be glad if the article turns out to be useful and, seasonally, relevant to you, your friends and family.

Alena Yasneva was with you, see you again!