Cilantro: health benefits and harms of a spicy plant. Cilantro (coriander): composition, useful properties and contraindications

Cilantro, the benefits and harms to human health of which our Dear Readers are so interested in, today will reveal all its secrets!

Cilantro is an annual plant with rounded leaves, somewhat reminiscent of parsley leaves. Also, cilantro has a second name - coriander. In the CIS countries, coriander is usually called the seeds of this herb, and greens - cilantro.

Both are widely used in culinary schools around the world as an excellent seasoning with an incredibly juicy aroma and a delicate bitter taste. At the same time, young leaves smell very specific, but by the time they ripen, they acquire the properties described above.

The history of the distribution and use of cilantro

Cilantro has been used as a food product for more than four thousand years! But it has been used before. Mainly for the prevention and treatment of many ailments (and not without success, as evidenced by the fact of its use in medicine in our time).

In China, cilantro leaves and seeds were also revered. The health benefits and harms of this herb were known to ancient Chinese medicine masters. Moreover, here coriander is still considered a symbol of immortality and male power (however, you need to be very careful with the latest recipes, otherwise you can overdo it).

INTERESTING: in Slavic countries, cilantro is often called exactly Chinese parsley!

In the Middle Ages, sorcerers used the leaves of the plant to make a love potion; in Asia, cilantro is used for healing. nervous disorders and depressions, in modern Egypt - is considered the best remedy to increase appetite.

Scientists consider the countries of the Mediterranean to be the birthplace of coriander. In civilized Europe, it appears thanks to the Romans and immediately, because of its unpretentiousness, began to be grown throughout the mainland. Special lovers of healthy cilantro are Spaniards and Greeks! The plant enters the lands of America in the 15th century, and a little later it spreads to New Zealand and Australia.

Application area

Basically, fresh cilantro greens, the health benefits and harms are so important for men and women, are used in cooking to prepare healthy first and second courses. Especially well, its leaves emphasize the taste of meat and fish, but many well-known salads are unlikely to do without them.

Coriander seeds are one of the most sought after spices added to:

  • beer;
  • liquor;
  • canned food;
  • pickles;
  • cheeses;
  • marinades, etc.

Yes, yes, in Germany, without coriander, they make amazing-tasting beer, which is famous in many countries as the best of its kind!

Interesting: there is an opinion that if you chew a handful of seeds before drinking alcohol, then your head will not become cloudy, the consequences of the holiday for the body will be minimal, as well as the smell from the mouth!

Lovers of "Borodinsky" bread would have a hard time without the aroma of crushed coriander mixed into the dough! The same can be said about lovers of some varieties of gin.

Cilantro is an integral part of great Caucasian cuisine! This seasoning star is used there for making bread, pilaf, and almost all meat dishes!

The composition and calorie content of cilantro

Peculiarities cilantro health benefits and harms of this plant, etc. is determined by its unique chemical composition. One hundred grams of fresh product contains only twenty calories!

  • carbohydrates - three and a half grams;
  • fats - half a gram;
  • proteins are two gamma.

The energy ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins is 15%, 20% and 37%.

Among the popular seasonings used fresh, it is necessary to separately mention cilantro and parsley, which are similar in appearance. Cilantro is distinguished by smaller leaves and a specific smell. It is for the smell, referred to as "buggy", that many do not like cilantro. Not everyone knows about unique properties cilantro, which has long been appreciated in ancient egypt. Today, a feast in the Caucasus is not complete without a dish with green sprigs of this spice. The benefits and harms of cilantro for human health will be discussed below.

Composition and useful properties

The Egyptians and Greeks have long known about the beneficial properties of cilantro, which was used to treat various diseases. AT different countries she was endowed magic power. In China, it was believed that weed promotes longevity. In Europe in the Middle Ages, it was used to make a bewitching love potion.

The Greeks began to add coriander and cilantro to sauces and soups. Cilantro seeds are used in the preparation of canned food, pickles, marinating fish. To give the beer softness, coriander is added to the beer.

The uniqueness of cilantro is manifested in its composition, rich in amino acids, essential oils, vitamins and minerals. Of the amino acids present:

  • oleic;
  • isooleic;
  • linoleic;
  • stearic.

Of the minerals in cilantro, the most. Sufficient amounts of calcium, magnesium and sodium are present. Copper, zinc, manganese and selenium are found in spices in smaller quantities. Beneficial influence not even a large number cilantro is manifested due to the vitamins found in it. These are vitamins of groups B, PP, C, K.

One hundred grams of grass contains twenty-three kilocalories. One hundred grams of green leaves have the most carbohydrates - 3.67 g. They are followed by proteins - 2.13 g. But there are practically no fats - 0.52 g. Coriander seeds are more high in calories - 216 kcal.

Beneficial effect of cilantro

Useful properties of cilantro are determined by its composition. Eating cilantro improves metabolism in the body, improves immunity. Following the normalization of the work of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract increases appetite. An improvement in cardio- vascular system when used in food cilantro. One of the positive effects of green spice on the body is an improvement in vision.

If we talk about common good cilantro, then they distinguish the following properties:

  • wound healing;
  • cleansing;
  • hemostatic;
  • soothing.

The use of cilantro after a feast is based on the cleansing property. The plant improves kidney function, removes toxins or after overuse alcohol. It is enough to eat a few sprigs of greens. You should not abuse the spice, otherwise the benefit may turn into harm.

What else is useful cilantro? The pain-relieving property of cilantro helps relieve toothache while strengthening gums and killing bacteria oral cavity leading to stomatitis, periodontal disease.

The fair sex, who regularly eat spices, note an improvement in the condition of the skin, hair and nails. This is due to the presence of vitamins, including group B.

Applying fresh herbs or a decoction of it to wounds, abrasions promotes their healing. Regularly eating a small amount of cilantro helps to reduce sugar levels in diabetes. Among the peoples of the Caucasus, an obligatory component of the feast is a dish with sprigs of cilantro. Its use with meals facilitates the digestion of fatty foods, relieves alcohol intoxication.

The harmful effect of cilantro

As with the use of any product, the use of cilantro in food or in medicinal purposes requires moderation. It is not recommended to eat more than thirty grams of greens at one meal.

For people suffering from gastritis, hyperacidity stomach, it is recommended to limit the use of cilantro or completely abandon it. Also, the spice can harm patients with hypertension or those who have had a myocardial infarction. Caution and restriction of use is recommended for people susceptible to allergic diseases. But the contraindications of cilantro do not overshadow its merits and healing properties.

Evening reception of spices can cause insomnia, because it acts as a stimulant. Therefore, cilantro should not be eaten by those who suffer from sleep disorders.

The use of cilantro in food

There are many recipes with cilantro, where it is used in salads, sauces and soups. It can also be prepared for the winter in pure.

Harvesting green spice

Cilantro, like parsley, belongs to unpretentious plants. Sowing seeds in autumn, in early summer, you can harvest the first crop. The advantage of the plant is the ability to cut cilantro greens all summer and autumn, until frost.

And for the winter, cilantro can be dried in a dry place without getting sun rays. Dried cilantro is stored in paper or linen bags. It is preferable to freeze the chopped twigs, which will maximize the preservation of useful substances.

At the beginning of spring, the body needs to replenish its supply of vitamins, and fresh herbs are perfect for this.

spring salad

Salad with cilantro combined with dill, green onions is not only healthy, but also tasty.

  1. To prepare it, you will need a small bunch of cilantro, other greens that are washed and chopped.
  2. Then it must be sprinkled lemon juice.
  3. Two or three eggs are boiled and finely chopped.
  4. One - two are crushed.
  5. Approximately one hundred grams of hard cheese is grated.
  6. All ingredients are mixed with the addition of sour cream, mayonnaise to taste.
  7. The finished salad can be laid out on lettuce leaves, decorating with green sprigs on top.

Tomato sauce for meat

Tomato sauce with cilantro, due to its piquant taste, is an excellent addition to barbecue, grilled meat. And the beneficial effect of spices on the digestive tract accelerates the digestion of heavy foods. The simplicity of the composition allows you to cook it not only in advance, but also in the country, while the meat is being prepared.

  1. You will need a tomato paste or sauce of your choice. We shift it into a bowl or pan, where we will mix with other ingredients.
  2. Two - three cloves of garlic are crushed with a knife or with the help of a garlic maker, add to the pasta.
  3. The mass must be salted to taste, add, again to taste, sugar, ground pepper.
  4. We wash a small bunch of cilantro and finely chop.
  5. Stir the mixture thoroughly, adding a little if necessary. boiled water to achieve the desired consistency.

Serve the sauce to the table preferably chilled.

Nutritious salad with cilantro

  • Beans are poured into a colander to glass excess fluid.
  • We cut the lettuce onion into thin half rings, which we put in a separate bowl, and pour over the lemon juice, leaving to marinate for a short time.
  • Finely chop the cilantro, add to the beans.
  • Put the onion there, adding a little olive oil, salt to taste,.
  • The contents are thoroughly mixed, and the salad is ready.

Summer salad with cilantro

Wonderful lightweight and healthy salad can be made from cabbage fresh cucumbers, sweet pepper with the addition of cilantro.

  1. finely chopped, sprinkled with lemon juice, salted and peppered.
  2. You can add some sugar if you wish.
  3. Then the cabbage is rubbed with hands so that it starts up the juice.
  4. Chopped cilantro (one bunch) is added to the cabbage and watered with a small amount vegetable oil.
  5. Fresh cucumber, bell pepper thinly sliced ​​and combined with cabbage.
  6. The salad is kept for ten to fifteen minutes so that all the ingredients are saturated with juice.

Using cilantro as a condiment

Cilantro seeds (coriander) are used as a seasoning for many dishes. Coriander, like greens, has healing properties. Its bactericidal properties helped preserve meat in hot weather, and its use in cooking can give a special taste not only to meat, fish, but also flour products. An example is the well-known variety of bread - Borodinsky.

Coriander seasoning can transform the taste of salads, vegetable purees, giving them flavor. It should be noted that dried cilantro and its seeds no longer have a specific smell inherent in fresh grass.

Eating a moderate amount of cilantro or coriander in your meals helps maintain health without medication.

Be healthy!

cilantro- spicy herb known to man for over 5 thousand years. Other names for the plant are "coriander" and "Chinese parsley". The cilantro leaves really look like parsley leaves (see photo).

Human use of this plant began with medicine, a little later the herb began to be used in cooking. Cilantro comes from the Mediterranean, where it is found in the wild. Roman soldiers and Russian merchants transported coriander from continent to continent before cilantro caught on. For a long time Russian peasants considered the plant a weed and fought it in every possible way.

Growing: planting and care

You can grow cilantro on a windowsill or suburban area. Coriander is an annual plant in the Apiaceae family. The grass grows quite well in the ground or in a greenhouse. It is better to plant cilantro in a sunny place so that it is not obscured by trees and shrubs growing nearby. You can add a little sand to the ground, and mix a little ash as a fertilizer. If the plant is to be grown on open field, then it should be planted during the warm season. Cilantro is grown from seeds, sowing them in even rows.

Watering herbs should be 2 times a week. At proper care the harvest will appear quite quickly. You need to cut the greens of cilantro before flowering, but then, when the growth of the plant has already stopped. The cut is held sharp knife early in the morning.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of cilantro have long been used in folk medicine. In ancient times, girls believed that if you give your chosen one coriander tincture, then his heart will forever belong to the beauty who gave him drink. Cilantro seeds were also believed to confer immortality.

Modern medicine has proven beneficial features coriander. Planted in a pot, the plant perfectly cleans the air in the apartment. Spice is considered good antiseptic, helps with colds, it is used as an expectorant.

Few people know that if you chew coriander seeds before a feast, you can slow down intoxication. A decoction of chopped fresh herbs is used to cleanse the skin, regular washing with a decoction helps to improve the condition of the skin of the face.

Application in cooking

In cooking, cilantro has found application as a spicy plant, that is, a spice. Actually, cilantro used to be called only grass leaves, and coriander - its dried seeds. However, cilantro and coriander are now interchangeable terms. Taste different parts plants are different, so they are suitable for different dishes.

Cilantro is a very popular herb in the cuisine of many countries. Fresh greens can be purchased at any supermarket, they are usually added to salads. The plant has a characteristic taste and aroma, so few people use it fresh. Cilantro adds a specific flavor to the dish that goes well with meat. Since the taste and aroma of spicy herbs are quite pronounced, you need to add it very little. A few sprigs of the plant, placed at the end of cooking, will add a tart taste to the dish.

Cilantro pairs especially well with everyday dishes such as pea and bean soup. Green cilantro decorate sandwiches or other snacks before serving.

Coriander (cilantro seeds) is widely used in cooking fish dishes, meat. But this option for using seeds is not entirely correct, since coriander cannot be cooked, because when heated, it loses its taste. It is often put in homemade pickles of cabbage, vegetables, lard. The seeds give the dish a slightly sweet taste, and the food is enriched with a woody aroma when coriander is added.

Coriander is especially revered by Caucasian cuisine. Here it is added to barbecue, bread dough, vegetable stew and even dairy products. In the Caucasus, coriander is used to marinate shish kebab, which, when added to the plant, acquires an appetizing aroma and taste. Coriander is also put in sausages and canned food.

Many Asian dishes are also prepared using cilantro. Seaweed salad, vegetable and meat dishes will be tastier and healthier if they are cooked with the addition of this spice.

In cooking, ground coriander is very popular, it contains a maximum of essential oil, which is a volatile substance by nature and evaporates quickly. Do not add a lot of ground coriander, otherwise the dish will acquire the smell of dampness and mustiness.

This seasoning is used for the preparation of cabbage rolls, meat chops.

Cilantro is very easy to prepare for future use, it is enough to dry fresh herbs - and you can add spice to dishes all year round. In Germany, coriander is even added to beer for a special flavor.

The calorie content of ground cilantro is 216 kilocalories per 100 g. spicy herb will not harm the figure and can be included in the diet of losing weight people. In addition, fresh cilantro will fill the body with minerals and vitamins of groups A and B.

The benefits of cilantro and treatment

The benefits of cilantro are due to the presence of essential oil, it is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. For example, this essential oil is used to prepare a drug that is used to treat glaucoma and conjunctivitis.

Greens are known for their general strengthening properties. Regular use of the plant has a positive effect on the digestive system, has an antihelminthic and laxative effect. In addition, the spice cleanses the intestines from harmful bacteria and treats stomach ulcers and gastritis. Cilantro improves appetite, is a natural help for the stomach when overeating and digesting fatty foods. Grass will help to more easily digest starchy foods, root crops.

The plant normalizes sleep, restores blood pressure. Mineral and vitamin composition herbs helps with various diseases, removes toxins. Cilantro contains a lot of potassium - a substance that helps the heart muscle work.

Harm of cilantro and contraindications

Coriander can cause harm to the body during an exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis, when the patient needs the strictest diet. It is better not to use this green for people who have serious problems with heart and blood vessels ischemic disease, as well as thrombophlebitis, myocardial infarction, thrombosis). People suffering diabetes, hypertension should also stop eating herbs.

Cilantro is one of the few spices that can be harmful. male body, weaken potency. Avicenna wrote that cilantro "dries up the seed." In women, excessive consumption of grass can cause a violation monthly cycle. It should be remembered that at one meal you can eat no more than 35 grams of fresh herbs and 4 grams of coriander seeds.

The history of this plant is ancient as the world. Under different names, cilantro was known in the ancient states of the Mediterranean, from where it went around the world. Information about the benefits and harms of cilantro, how medicinal plant preserved in ancient papyri. She was treated various diseases. In ancient China, it was believed that its seeds contain the power of eternal youth.

The seeds of this plant, known as coriander, were brought to Russia from Europe only in the 19th century. At first, this plant was undeservedly ignored, because of the "buggy" smell. Today, many people know the benefits of cilantro, and they are willingly grown in summer cottages and garden plots.

The chemical composition of cilantro

This plant is an annual, with bright green rounded leaves, very similar to parsley leaves. Coriander has a rich chemical composition. It determines the benefits of cilantro for the body.

  • The leaves contain a large amount of carotene, vitamins C, B1 and B2, rutin, hemostatic vitamin K;
  • The stems and leaves contain many different minerals, essential oils, proteins and phytoncides, tannins, sugar;
  • Cilantro seeds (coriander), contain essential and fixed oils, alkaloids and vitamins A and C. The sharp, specific smell of young cilantro is due to seeds containing aldehyde trans-tricedenol-2, exuding a sharp, bad smell. As the seeds mature, the smell becomes less sharp and less intense.

Medicinal properties of cilantro

The benefits of cilantro are as follows:

  • It has wound healing, antiseptic and analgesic properties;
  • It improves the functioning of the digestive organs and stimulates the appetite;
  • It is distinguished by astringent properties, so it is recommended for intestinal disorders;
  • Cilantro juice mixed with milk relieves headaches;
  • It contains a natural antibiotic, therefore, cilantro is recommended for diseases of the teeth, stomatitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis;
  • With regular use of the greens of the plant, the work of the heart and blood vessels improves;
  • The leaves of the plant, applied to small wounds, stop bleeding and accelerate their healing;
  • The medicinal properties of the leaves are used in the treatment of skin diseases - eczema and erysipelas;
  • Cilantro as an ingredient is part of many medicinal teas used as laxatives, choleretic and anti-hemorrhoids;
  • Cilantro prevents helminth infection;
  • Regular consumption of a small amount of fresh cilantro leaves disinfects the gastrointestinal tract, clearing it of pathogens and toxins.

cilantro as a spice

The greenery of the plant is actively used in national cuisines, in the preparation of first courses, meat, fish, salads. Leaves and the upper part of the stem of the plant are eaten. It is useful raw in salads, but it can also be used as a source of vitamins and other useful substances, in the form of decoctions and infusions. In winter, dried cilantro can be used as a spice. Cilantro seeds are used in Food Industry by production of sausages, cheeses, canned food. They are added to marinades and pickles, as well as to some liquors and beers. In baking and cooking, coriander seeds are used to flavor some types of bread and confectionery.

The benefits of cilantro for women

Cilantro, whose health benefits and harms are especially important for women, is widely used in cosmetology and perfumery. Oils and cilantro extract are part of many cosmetics for skin and hair care. The benefits of cilantro for women with problematic and aging skin are especially visible. The components of oils and cilantro extract increase blood circulation in the capillaries of the skin, which helps to eliminate toxins and excess sebum. These remedies help in eliminating swelling and peeling of the upper layer of the skin. On the basis of cilantro, anti-aging cosmetics are produced, which help in leveling the relief of the skin, eliminating fine wrinkles. Coriander-based creams have whitening properties and are used for pigmentation. skin. When using cosmetic products containing cilantro, it should be remembered that their use should be limited to small doses. Cilantro, having useful properties, also has contraindications. Coriander-based cosmetics are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Effective cilantro in the composition of hair care products. It reduces the greasiness of the hair roots, eliminates dandruff, strengthens weak and thin strands. In perfumery, an extract from coriander seeds is used, which is used to flavor perfumes and soaps, as well as to create fragrances in the production of women's and men's perfumes.

Contraindications for cilantro

Despite the fact that cilantro has many useful properties, it also has contraindications. You can not use cilantro for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, gastritis, metabolic disorders, hypertension, thrombophlebitis. It is worth refraining from the abuse of cilantro for men who want to have children. In women, a great addiction to this herb can cause a violation menstrual cycles. Pregnant women cilantro is contraindicated in any form, neither as a seasoning, nor as part of medicines. Sometimes, a large amount of the greenery of this plant can cause indigestion and intoxication. There are people with increased individual intolerance to cilantro, which can cause severe allergic reactions.

So, having considered the beneficial properties of cilantro, its medicinal properties and contraindications, we can conclude. Greens and cilantro seeds should be consumed in moderation. Their excess can harm the body. At one time, it is worth consuming no more than 4 grams of seeds and no more than 35 grams of leaves.

Cilantro is a plant that is usually used in cooking as a seasoning for various dishes, while due to the content of a large amount of vitamins and other substances, it can affect a person's well-being. It is worth knowing about the benefits and harms of cilantro, how it is usually used, in which cases it is better to refuse such a seasoning.

Most correct name of this plant variety - sowing coriander, cilantro is a upper part herbaceous plant. This herb is a small thin stems and leaves, reminiscent of parsley, also gathering in umbrellas. Cilantro has a rather pronounced peculiar spicy aroma, so you can distinguish the seasoning not only by appearance but by smell.

Sometimes also called Chinese parsley, cilantro was originally used exclusively in medicine, only then it began to be used in cooking. This plant contains large amounts of substances that can significantly affect human health.

Where is it used?

It is worth knowing what this plant is used for in medicine and cooking. This herb is used for various purposes, in medicine it is known antiseptic properties, it helps to eliminate inflammatory process, is natural antibacterial agent. Therefore, the use of cilantro in food has a positive effect on the condition of the oral cavity.

Cilantro is also used in medicine to improve performance. digestive tract. This plant has a positive effect on the condition digestive system, helps to fight various diseases that are accompanied by violations of the digestive processes. However, it is worth noting that today coriander is used for medicinal purposes exclusively in traditional medicine, it is practically not included in conservative medicines.

Important! Cilantro should not be used to treat serious illnesses, this plant cannot be used for therapy.

Coriander is widely used in cooking. In what dishes is this plant used? This seasoning can be used in the preparation of many different dishes. Cilantro and its seeds have a pronounced spicy taste and smell, most often they are used to prepare dishes from meat and fish.

In addition, fresh cilantro can be added in its pure form to various salads, it will taste like parsley in taste, only the aroma will be more pronounced. Coriander seeds can also be added to baking, they are usually used in the manufacture of Borodino bread, other spicy bakery products.

How many calories are in cilantro?

This seasoning contains extremely few calories, the calorie content per hundred grams is 3 kcal, which allows you to use cilantro during a diet, it will not affect the rate of weight loss. In addition, coriander normalizes metabolic processes in the body, positively affecting the metabolism in diets. The better the digestive tract works, the better and faster the weight will decrease, while the effort will need to be expended much less.

Coriander contains a large amount various vitamins and trace elements, which, with constant intake, can improve the condition immune system, the work of the digestive tract. In addition, the condition of the oral cavity improves, as cilantro kills a lot of pathogenic harmful microorganisms.

  1. For men, cilantro can be useful in that it improves blood circulation, including in the pelvic organs. Therefore, this seasoning in the diet contributes to the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
  2. For the same reason, this plant is useful for women, if we exclude the period of bearing a child, in which eating coriander is undesirable.
  3. The benefits of seasoning coriander are also expressed in a positive effect on the circulatory system. Substances contained in cilantro help restore normal work circulatory system, normalize indicators blood pressure and pulse, especially if before that they were lowered.
  4. In addition, this seasoning contributes to the simple and rapid absorption of heavy foods. That is why it goes so well with meat dishes, it contributes to the best absorption of such products.
  5. Also, cilantro helps to better absorb alcoholic drinks, intoxication occurs more slowly and passes easier than normal. In general, the positive effect on the digestive tract is extremely pronounced.

It is worth knowing about the benefits of kefir with cilantro. This mixture has a very positive effect on the digestive tract, this drink can be dietary. It is necessary to grind a small amount of fresh herbs, mix with a glass of kefir. It is better to take kefir with low fat content so that it is absorbed better. Such a drink in the evenings will help restore normal digestion, contribute to the speedy weight loss with diets.

Also, cilantro avoids stagnation of the contents in the intestines, it contributes to the normalization of intestinal motility. When using this seasoning, the likelihood of developing constipation and other disorders of the digestive system is reduced.


The benefits of coriander honey are also extremely noticeable. Honey based on this herb has a pronounced positive influence on immunity, in addition, it is especially useful for various colds. Honey is advised to eat with milk various diseases nasopharynx, respiratory tract, such a combination will help alleviate the symptoms of the disease, improve the condition as a whole.

However, it is worth remembering that this greenery has its own contraindications. Use cilantro and coriander seeds rationally, you should not eat them constantly in large quantities, despite all the useful properties. In large quantities, this spice will be harmful, not beneficial.

Generally, undesirable consequences can be expected with abuse of cilantro or coriander. If you eat too many of them, you are more likely to backlash organism. At one time, it is recommended to eat no more than thirty-five grams of the plant, no more than four grams of coriander. It is worth remembering that many spices are good only in moderation. You also need to familiarize yourself with contraindications, in some cases coriander is completely banned.

When carrying a child, cilantro can be eaten in small quantities. It is useful for the immunity of a pregnant woman, however, due to the stimulation of the circulatory system, the likelihood of miscarriage and other problems during gestation increases. Therefore, during pregnancy, the consumption of spices should be limited, both in the form of fresh leaves and in the form of coriander seeds.


First of all, in addition to pregnancy, individual intolerance should be attributed to contraindications. When allergic reaction, skin rashes, other signs of allergies, the use of cilantro and coriander should be urgently abandoned.

Also, this seasoning should not be used when serious illnesses heart and blood vessels, with severe hypertension, tachycardia, since cilantro stimulates the work of the circulatory and nervous system. Also to negative influence the constant use of coriander can lead to the work of the heart.

It is also advised not to eat coriander or cilantro in case of severe diseases of the digestive tract. It is worth avoiding the use of this plant for food with gastritis, other similar pathologies, when the stomach is especially susceptible to various irritants. Do not eat this seasoning with diarrhea and other disorders of intestinal motility. Cilantro can provoke a worsening of the condition.