Beneficial effects of pumpkin. The benefits and harms of fried pumpkin. Treatment of the genitourinary area

Pumpkin is a fruit that reaches sizes of up to 80-90 kilograms. The hard shell protects the tender pulp during storage and transportation. Absolutely everything about a pumpkin is wonderful, and appearance, and internal content.

The benefits of pumpkin for the human body are obvious; by regularly consuming this vegetable, you will noticeably improve your health, since pumpkin contains a huge amount useful substances, which are vital, but despite this there are contraindications, for example diabetes, with allergies, so people with any chronic diseases you need to consult a doctor.

Pumpkin pulp will help with various diseases heart disease, hypertension, constipation, cholecystitis, kidney disease. Pumpkin brings everything out excess liquid from the body, cleanses of waste and toxins, helps get rid of cholesterol, normalizes intestinal function. Even for those who are constantly losing weight, pumpkin will be very useful.

Let's be sure to find out how pumpkin is beneficial for the human body and why you should definitely make it the No. 1 dish on your menu?

Is pumpkin healthy?

Pumpkin is enriched with vitamins and minerals, it contains:

  • carbohydrates, proteins;
  • glucose and sucrose;
  • fructose;
  • pectin substances;
  • salts of potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon;
  • fiber (thanks to it, pumpkin is very beneficial for the body);
  • many vitamins B, C, E, D;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • carotene.

Thanks to carotene (provitamin A), pumpkin is useful for everyone who wants to maintain and improve vision.

Vitamin E present in pumpkin slows down the aging of the body and alleviates the symptoms of menopause.

Vitamin C, vital for our body, strengthens the immune system, helps with acute respiratory viral infections, and reduces the development of various diseases.

Vitamin D is especially useful for young children; it accelerates growth and prevents rickets.

Pumpkin contains valuable vitamin T, which helps digest heavy, difficult-to-digest foods and improves metabolism. Therefore, pumpkin is simply an excellent side dish for meat.

1) Pumpkin has a lot of iron. Therefore, when iron deficiency anemia and exhaustion, be sure to eat raw pumpkin.

2) Pumpkin has a diuretic effect, as it contains potassium salts and high moisture content. The juice of this vegetable is recommended to speed up the process of dissolving kidney stones and bladder, as well as in inflammatory processes of the prostate gland.

3) Pumpkin pulp contains a lot of pectin - dietary fiber, which enhance intestinal activity.
Pectins have excellent adsorbing properties; they bind and remove all harmful bacteria, toxins, radioactive elements, heavy metal salts. Pectins protect the mucous membranes of the stomach from irritation caused by rough food and promote rapid healing of ulcerative processes.

4) Pumpkin should definitely be consumed by people suffering from diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension.

5) Due to its diuretic effect, it is useful for edema caused by heart failure. For such diseases pumpkin diet shown for several months.

6) Pumpkin is a very valuable vegetable that cleanses the body of cholesterol, so it is very good for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.

7) Pumpkin is a light food that does not cause strong discharge gastric juice and doctors recommend it to people with increased acidity stomach.

Pumpkin pulp contains fiber, which makes pumpkin valuable dietary product, which is recommended for patients with gastrointestinal tract -intestinal diseases, because people with such diseases should not eat vegetables with coarse fiber.

9) Boiled and pureed pumpkin is included in the menu of patients with stomach ulcers and duodenum, a few weeks after the exacerbation of the disease.

Dishes from this valuable fruit must be included in the diet of sick people:

  • hepatitis and cholelithiasis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • chronic colitis;
  • pyelonephritis nephritis;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • acute and chronic cystitis.

People with such diseases need to prepare pumpkin porridge with the addition of rice. millet, semolina.

For colitis accompanied by constipation or vomiting, be sure to drink half a glass of pumpkin juice at night.

For those who are always losing weight, pumpkin is especially useful, as it removes waste, toxins and excess fluid, improves metabolism and is low in calories.

It contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, which is valuable for those losing weight, since constant diets do not provide the body with all useful substances. Great idea- fasting pumpkin day, in which eat one and a half kilograms of boiled or baked pumpkin. It must be eaten in 5 doses.

Prepare a delicious salad: grate 100g raw pumpkin, raw carrots, 2 apples, throw in a handful of raisins and a handful of walnuts. Season with honey or olive oil, sour cream to suit your taste. This healthy salad is a storehouse of vitamins; you can make it every morning.

Experiment and come up with a variety of dishes with pumpkin, try to include this wonderful vegetable in your diet, as it is rich in all the beneficial substances our body needs.

Best regards, Olga.

In September-October, the recognized queen of autumn, the pumpkin, ripens in fields, vegetable gardens, and personal plots. Its fruits are pale green, golden yellow or light pink in color. The weight of one pumpkin can range from two to ten kilograms. Larger specimens are also found.

Since ancient times, mankind has been well aware of the properties of this product. for women is as high as for men. It is a natural source of vitamins and minerals that support the normal functioning of the human body.

The main signs of pumpkin ripeness:

  • The stalk dries out, hardens and changes its color (instead of green it becomes light brown).
  • The crust becomes very dense; when pressed with a finger, it does not bend.
  • A pronounced relief pattern appears on the bark.
  • The seeds are covered with a hard shell (at the same time they beneficial features increase significantly).

Composition and calorie content

90% of pumpkin consists of liquid, so it has a low calorie content, which is 28 kilocalories per 100 grams. Therefore, for both men and women it is.

  • Vitamins

In addition to water, the “sunny berry” contains vitamins such as PP, B1, B2, C and E. Their combination is optimal for maintaining immunity, high vitality and vigor.

  • Vitamin PP or nicotinic acid is needed for many vital processes in the body (redox reactions, carbohydrate metabolism).
  • Vitamin B1 (another name is thiamine) is directly involved in the metabolism, development and growth of the body.
  • Vitamin B2, also called riboflavin, is a building material for some cells. His unique properties allow you to give your skin, hair and nails a healthy look.
  • Vitamin C, often called ascorbic acid, is an excellent antioxidant, so it slows down aging and helps improve protective forces body. Also, normal functioning is impossible without it. connective tissue and bones.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) is the best protector of cell membranes from oxidative processes. It is needed for the full development and functioning of the nervous system.
  • Microelements

Pumpkin is extremely rich useful minerals, which are necessary for the structure of cells of all organs, as well as for their functioning at the proper level. The fruits contain cobalt, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, silicon, fluorine, calcium. This is not the most comprehensive list.

Zinc, copper, cobalt, iron are involved in the formation of blood components, of which pumpkin has enough a large number of, allowing to cover daily norm. Therefore, the properties of the product are such that it promotes rapid recovery for people with anemia and other blood problems. It should be used as part of a complex treatment.

Thanks to potassium, the heart will function smoothly, and the blood vessels will become more elastic and durable. Fluoride significantly strengthens bone tissue, removes heavy salts from the body, participates in hematopoietic processes, accelerates the growth of hair and nails.

Medicinal properties

For men and women, pumpkin is a kind of “home doctor” that will not only help get rid of various diseases, but will also prevent their occurrence. Moreover, it can exhibit its beneficial properties both raw and boiled or baked. Freshly squeezed juice and seeds also have a healing effect.

Main properties of pumpkin:

  • acts like depressant for neuroses;
  • helps in dissolving stones;
  • removes salts, radionuclides, and excess fluid from the body;
  • helps maintain good vision;
  • improves digestion;
  • used as a mild laxative;
  • perfectly improves immunity;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and bladder;
  • successfully helps fight cardiovascular diseases.

Sunflower seeds are widely known as a folk anthelmintic, which is often used to treat children.

Raw pumpkin can be used to get rid of skin diseases and also as a cosmetic product, which gives the skin elasticity and softness. Masks made from fresh pulp with lemon, egg, apple, and milk are very popular. honey. The miraculous properties of pumpkin help rejuvenate the skin, rid it of excess oil, clear blackheads, and whiten freckles.

Benefits for men

Not everyone knows that pumpkin is one of the most... best products for supporting men's health. The high content of nutrients and microelements in it has a beneficial effect on genitourinary system. The zinc present in the seeds helps fight prostate problems.

As men age, a lot of excess glandular tissue begins to form, and unpleasant diseases such as prostatitis or adenoma may occur. To prevent this from happening, you need to eat 3 - 4 tablespoons of dried seeds daily. For prevention, they also use ground grains mixed with honey. This remedy will prevent not only prostate disease, but also heart disease.

IN adolescence(up to 25 years) men often experience acne. For her quick and effective treatment it is necessary to apply the grated pulp at night raw pumpkin. It will not only relieve inflammation, but also eliminate oily sheen.

Pumpkin juice is an excellent remedy to increase potency in middle-aged and elderly men. Boiled vegetables and dishes made from them are also useful. However, the most pronounced medicinal properties observed specifically in juice.

Benefits for women

Pumpkin contains a lot of carotene, which gives the skin a beautiful golden hue when tanning. Unlike men, this aspect is very important for women. In addition, the skin will look young and toned.

The low-calorie pulp of the fruit allows it to be included in many diets. It helps remove water, salts, and radionuclides from the body. Pumpkin dishes are not only healthy, but also tasty, so losing weight becomes a complete pleasure.

During menopause, including vegetable juice in the diet prevents mood swings, as a result of which this period in a woman’s life is more comfortable.

Pregnant women need to use pumpkin pulp for the reason that it contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the child, in particular calcium, which is required for the construction of bones. This product does not cause allergies, so it can be used even by nursing mothers.

Thanks to high content tocopherol pumpkin successfully helps fight infertility caused by hormonal disorders. And the natural oil of this vegetable is good remedy against inflammatory processes external genitalia.

For mastitis, fresh or cooked pumpkin pulp can be used to make a compress that will effectively relieve pain.

The use of pumpkin requires precautions. For some men and women, eating the vegetable may not be beneficial. This applies to people suffering from diseases such as diabetes, stomach ulcers, and low acidity. Therefore, you should consult your doctor in advance if you have such problems.

Uses of pumpkin

From raw and boiled pumpkin you can prepare very tasty first courses, desserts, casseroles, side dishes, cutlets, meatballs, and soufflés. The main advantage is that during heat treatment the beneficial properties of the product are not lost. You can easily surprise men by making an exotic dish of pumpkin flowers, lightly fried in sauce.

What is the vegetable used for in everyday life? You can store bulk products and water in it, and decorate the interior with it, especially in country houses and country cottages.

Creative people are able to make pumpkins of any size into real masterpieces. People have long known about the multifaceted properties of the orange fruit, so they have come up with worthy uses for it in all areas. In the USA there is a holiday called Halloween, in which the pumpkin plays a major role. Houses are decorated with it and burning candles, and children dressed in costumes go from house to house, begging men and women for sweet gifts.

Pumpkin should be on every table so that at any time of the year there is an opportunity to replenish the reserves of vitamins and nutrients in the body and prevent many diseases.

Many people still associate large orange pumpkin fruits with making decorative candlesticks for Halloween night. But good housewives know that in addition to this pampering, pumpkin is also a valuable food product. Pumpkin brings benefits and harm to the human body, you need to know this when including dishes from such an interesting vegetable in family meals.

The pumpkin fruit is a berry that grows from ordinary to enormously large sizes up to 100 kg, which ends up at vegetable exhibitions. Its shape is round, different options, color ranging from yellow to brown, all kinds of combinations and shades. Inside the pumpkin is a seed cavity filled with edible seeds.

Summer and winter varieties of pumpkin contain so many healing compounds that they outperform many vegetables. All substances contained in it are only beneficial to humans. There is no harm from this product.

Pumpkin is famous for its rich content:

  • sugars;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, B6, E, PP;
  • rare vitamins T and K.

Vitamin T regulates metabolism, vitamin K is needed to normalize blood clotting processes.

Of the chemical components, pumpkin contains:

  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin substances;
  • many minerals, including K, Ca, Fe, Mg, which are important for the body.

Like all melons, pumpkin contains large amounts of sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, and large amounts of thiamine, riboflavin, and pectin. The orange pigment provides such an amount of carotene that pumpkin is a leader among many foods.

Ophthalmologists insist on introducing fresh pumpkin juice people with vision problems.

The benefits and harms of pumpkin

Introducing a variety of pumpkin dishes into your daily diet improves metabolism, strengthens immune system, frees the body from toxins. Pumpkin dishes are always included in reset programs excess weight. In any case, we must remember that pumpkin brings both benefits and harm to the body.

The richness of minerals heals heart disease, regulates heartbeat And arterial pressure. It is a good prevention against ischemia and anemia.

Pumpkin dishes are useful for liver pathologies of various etiologies, and in the presence of kidney stones. Pumpkin pulp, cooked different ways, has a good diuretic, choleretic, laxative effect. The neutral environment of pumpkin pulp heals stomach ulcers.

A decoction of pumpkin flowers heals skin wounds with suppuration. Crushed raw pulp is an excellent medicine for boils, burns, and rashes of various origins.

Therapists and nutritionists prescribe pumpkin for diabetes, gastritis with abnormal acid formation, and various colitis. Pumpkin dishes restore intestinal dysbiosis. Microorganisms are able to remove cholesterol, they cleanse the walls of blood vessels and expand their lumen.

Regular introduction of pumpkin dishes into the diet restores strength, regulates nervous system, improves sleep, helps female and male organism for sexual pathologies.

  • Porridge. You can cook it with any cereal, but porridges made from corn, wheat, and barley are especially good. Each housewife cooks porridge in her own way - some straight away with milk. Others are based on water with the addition of vegetable oil. Frozen pumpkin can be placed in a pan along with cereal. Once ready, before serving, milk, honey, and vanillin are added to the plates to taste.

  • Salad. Made from raw pumpkin. Frozen can be thawed first and the resulting liquid can be squeezed out of it. Ingredients: pumpkin pulp - 200 g; peeled apples - 4 pcs.; juice from 1 lemon; honey - 2 tsp; walnuts- a handful of. Everything is mixed in a dish, the nuts must be crushed with a rolling pin and sprinkled over the finished salad. Fresh pumpkin salad is prepared in the same way.

  • Cream soup. Ingredients: pumpkin pulp - 1 kg; small onion - 1 pc.; garlic - 2 cloves; chicken broth - 5 tbsp; ginger, salt - to taste; greens - for decoration. Method of preparation: fresh pumpkin is cut into cubes and fried in vegetable oil. Then add chopped onion and garlic. Fried vegetables are poured into broth, salt and spices are added. Boil the soup until all ingredients are softened. Then puree the soup. Serve on the table, sprinkled with herbs. If desired, croutons and sour cream are added to the soup.

  • Pancakes. Ingredients: fresh or frozen pumpkin pulp - 250 g; large egg - 1 pc.; low-fat kefir - 1 glass; flour - 5 tbsp. l.; salt and sugar - to taste. Method of preparation: combine all the ingredients, knead the dough until it is thick enough. Bake the pancakes as usual, frying them on both sides. Serve with honey and sour cream.

  • Souffle. Ingredients: pumpkin pulp - 200 g; flour - 2 tbsp. l.; eggs - 2 pcs.; sugar - 25 g; butter- a small piece. Method of preparation: boil the pumpkin for 10 minutes. The yolks are separated from the whites. The yolks are ground with sugar. The whites are whipped until white foam. Pumpkin is pounded to puree, yolks and flour are added to it. Carefully fold in the whipped whites. The finished mass is poured into greased molds and baked for 0.5 hours at 1900C. Served with jam and preserves.

All recipes are designed to use both fresh and frozen pumpkin.

Humanity has been familiar with pumpkins for many centuries. From this delicious berries, and biologists classify it as a berry; they prepare many different dishes. But few people know that it is also healing. In order to be treated with this vegetable, you need to know how pumpkin is useful.

Pumpkin: benefits for a woman’s body

92% of this vegetable consists of water, but the remaining eight contain a whole storehouse of useful substances: fiber, microelements, vitamins and many other components important for the body.

The calorie content of pumpkin is low - 22 kcal for every 100 g.

Pumpkin is useful for everyone; there are very few contraindications for its use, but women especially need it. What benefits can this vegetable bring to the female body?

  • Vitamin A, which is so abundant in orange pulp, will improve vision, strengthen the immune system, help bones become stronger, and skin and hair healthier.
  • Pumpkin pulp will relieve swelling, cope with constipation, and soothe inflamed bowel, will relieve heartburn.
  • If you have insomnia, feel free to include this vegetable in your menu. It will calm you down and help you sleep.
  • Pumpkin can cope with toxicosis in pregnant women.
  • It will protect against atherosclerosis.
  • A high fluoride content will prevent caries.
  • Low-calorie pumpkin dishes will help you lose weight.
  • Cosmetologists value this vegetable very much and use it for a variety of masks that have regenerating, anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating properties.

Which pumpkin is healthier, raw or processed?

When the product is cooked, some of the nutrients are lost. Therefore, any vegetable is much healthier in its raw form. Pumpkin is no exception.

She has useful feature- for 2 whole months after harvesting, this vegetable ripens and accumulates useful substances.

  • Raw pumpkin can be added to salads; they will be especially good for those who want to lose weight. In addition to vitamins and dietary fiber, this vegetable contains carnitine, which helps speed up metabolism. It literally burns fat deposits.
  • Vitamin T, which is also found in pumpkin, will strengthen muscles and tighten skin, which can sag during rapid weight loss.
  • The water that this vegetable is so rich in has a completely different structure than that that flows from the tap. For female body she is healing.
  • Fiber, which is abundant in pumpkin pulp, perfectly cleanses the intestines.

With its help you can cure the following female diseases:

  • cervical erosion;
  • colpitis;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • endocervicitis;
  • mastopathy.

If you drink a teaspoon of oil daily on an empty stomach, you can normalize the ovulatory cycle, which is why it is used in the treatment of infertility along with other drugs.

Pumpkin during pregnancy - benefits and harms

A pregnant woman especially needs vitamins and minerals, which this vegetable is so rich in. What are the beneficial properties of pumpkin during pregnancy?

  • It has an anti-edematous effect, so it is especially useful in the last three months of pregnancy.
  • It is an antiemetic, therefore, will help in the fight against toxicosis.
  • Pumpkin dishes will provide the vitamins and minerals that mother and child need.
  • Strengthens the immune system and heart muscle.
  • It will increase hemoglobin, which will help avoid fetal hypoxia.
  • During pregnancy, the need for calcium is increased. Pumpkin dishes will help compensate for its deficiency.
  • The low calorie content of the vegetable will prevent excess weight gain.

It must be remembered that pumpkin should not be consumed if you have allergic reactions to the vegetable and low acidity gastric juice.

Use in cosmetology

Every woman wants to be beautiful and maintain her youth longer. All parts of the pumpkin will help her with this: pulp, seeds, juice and oil.

  • Pumpkin juice mask. Mix egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and three tablespoons of pumpkin juice. Apply the composition to the face and leave for a quarter of an hour. The product is washed off cold water.
  • Pumpkin juice toner can be used for all skin types. To do this, a gauze napkin folded in several layers is soaked in juice and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour. Do not forget to wash your face with cold water after the procedure. Apply 2 to 3 toning masks per week. To get the effect you need to do about 15 procedures.
  • Mask of boiled pumpkin pulp with sunflower oil in a 2:1 ratio, it moisturizes dry skin well. It is enough to use it once every 10 days.
  • If you need to remove puffiness from your face, use another mask. It is also made from boiled pumpkin, but the vegetable is mixed with honey in the same proportions.
  • For quick regeneration of the dermis, you can use a product made from pumpkin and walnuts, taken in equal proportions (one tablespoon each). Add a teaspoon to this amount of oil lemon juice and half a glass of mashed boiled beans.
  • A vitamin mask made from boiled pumpkin mixed with dairy products in equal proportions and the addition of vitamin A in the amount of 5 drops will help saturate the skin with vitamins. If the skin is dry, use cream, if oily, use kefir. And for normal, yogurt is suitable.
  • The following two masks are good for oily skin. Whipped egg white from one chicken egg mixed with a tablespoon of boiled pumpkin. For the second mask you will need raw pumpkin pulp (also a tablespoon). The same amount of flour is added to it, 2 times more tomato juice(necessarily freshly squeezed) and a teaspoon of lemon juice. The components mixed until smooth should be applied to the skin.
  • Grated pumpkin with the addition of applesauce and whipped milk will help eliminate acne and pimples. chicken protein. You will need 2 times more pumpkins than apples.
  • If the skin is dry and needs to be moisturized, the crushed raw pulp should be mixed with the same amount of fatty cottage cheese.
  • For inflamed skin, a mask made from a mixture of 2 tablespoons of boiled pumpkin pulp, recently brewed green tea and a teaspoon will help bee honey. This composition moisturizes and nourishes the skin well.
  • People suffering from this should absolutely not eat pumpkin. allergic reaction at her. Fortunately, this rarely happens.
  • Diabetics should not overuse sweet varieties of pumpkin.
  • In the presence of pathology of the digestive organs, especially in acute period, you need to eat pumpkin dishes with caution. It is advisable to consult a doctor before doing this.

Pumpkin is a storehouse of useful substances and has truly beneficial effects on the body. healing effect. But replace it with prescribed drug therapy it is forbidden. Let nature come to your aid modern means pharmacology and then the effect will definitely not be long in coming.

Pumpkin was popular even among the Aztecs, Indians who lived in what is now Mexico more than 5 thousand years ago. What are the benefits of pumpkin?

Chemical composition of pumpkin

Pumpkin is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in beta-carotene, which gives it its orange color, and vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, RR. It contains macroelements such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, chlorine, sulfur, magnesium and sodium, as well as microelements such as iron, zinc, manganese, copper, iodine, cobalt.

The usefulness of pumpkin is difficult to overestimate. Although pumpkin is made up of more than 90 percent water, it is one of the... best source carotene, which is involved in antioxidant protection body and is a source of vitamin A- essential vitamin for eyes. Vitamin E helps with premature aging and cell death, it is often called the “reproduction vitamin”. Chlorine, sodium and potassium are important for acid-base balance and water-salt metabolism. Pumpkin is useful for anemia, as it contains elements that are involved in hematopoiesis. Potassium is useful for the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and for edema. Pumpkin is also good for the liver.

Calorie content of pumpkin- up to 22 kcal per 100 g.

What are the varieties and types of pumpkin?

Today, three main types of pumpkins are grown and eaten: large-fruited, hard-barked, and nutmeg. The first two are common in northern regions, the latter is grown in southern climatic conditions.

Large-fruited pumpkins

From the name it is easy to guess that this is the largest species. They are also the sweetest.

The seeds are milky white, matte or Brown. This type tolerates pumpkins well low temperatures. Can be stored in an apartment for a long time.

"Zentner" (large-fruited pumpkin)

Hard-bark pumpkins

They have a hard skin.

The advantage of this type is its early ripening (late August-early September). The fruits are not famous large sizes, but they have sweet cream-colored seeds.

"Spaghetti" (hard-skinned squash)

butternut squash

They have a pentagonal stalk with a pronounced expansion towards the base. The species is thermophilic and late-ripening, in other words, it does not have time to ripen during the Russian summer.

Butternut (butternut squash)

What type of pumpkin should I choose and plant in my garden? It all depends on what you want to do with it, preferences and goals.

If you want to enjoy pumpkin in the summer and like to “cook” it (boil, fry, stew), and leave only the seeds for the winter, then we advise you to give preference to summer hard-bark varieties.

If you like to drink pumpkin juice and your goal is to preserve pumpkins until spring, then large-fruited or nutmeg varieties are suitable for you.

Pumpkin for weight loss and cleansing the body

Nutritionists recommend including pumpkin in your diet for those who want to lose excess weight. The nutritious pulp of pumpkin is perfectly absorbed by our body. After a heavy meal of meat, it won't hurt to eat a little pumpkin. This will help digest “heavy” dishes. Being a low-calorie product (22 kcal per 100 g), the orange fruit will definitely not add weight, but on the contrary, can easily reduce it due to its cleansing properties. For those who want to lose weight, pumpkin porridge will be an excellent solution.

Contraindications and harm

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers,
  • gastritis,
  • diabetes.

How to choose the right pumpkin

Since ancient times, pumpkin has been loved not only because of its usefulness, but also because of the possibility of its long-term storage. When choosing and storing pumpkins, you should adhere to the following recommendations.

Preference should be given to medium-sized fruits, weighing 4-5 kg, then the pumpkin is sweeter and less fibrous. In appearance, the pumpkin should be free of cracks, dents and other damage, and feel firm and smooth to the touch. The stripes on the peel should not be wavy, as they may become so due to the use of nitrates.

You should also pay attention to the tail (peduncle) of the fruit. It dries out upon reaching ripeness and is one of the indicators of maturity. A ripe pumpkin's stalk is usually dry and dark.

You should not buy carved pumpkin. Firstly, it could have been cut without sanitary conditions, which could cause indigestion or poisoning. Secondly, due to fungal diseases (milk mildew and anthracnose), pumpkin may lose its taste. If you still buy chopped pumpkin, you can resort to the following trick: if there are seeds left in the pumpkin, they should look large and taste ripe.

Pumpkin storage. How to store pumpkin at home

In order for the pumpkin to be stored for a long time, it must have a stalk. The fruits should be stored in one row, without touching each other, with the tail pointing upward. A cool, ventilated, dark, dry room such as a cellar is best suited for these purposes. The recommended storage temperature is not higher than 10°C (ideally 3°C), humidity 60-75%. Pumpkin can also be stored indoors, for example under a table or on a balcony. To do this, you need to cover it with a cloth or wrap it in paper to protect it from light and sudden temperature changes.

Pumpkin Recipes

Pumpkin is a wonderful gift nature for people, since this vegetable is very healthy and has wide applications.