Leg cramps as a symptom of diseases - what pathologies and conditions can cause leg cramps? How to treat leg cramps with folk remedies What to do if you have a severe leg cramp

According to studies, everyone has experienced seizures at least once in their life. Similar condition can be diagnosed in a completely healthy person against the background of hypothermia, intense sports, stress, etc. However, muscle spasm is often a symptom of a serious pathology, which requires integrated approach in treatment.

Most often, due to its location, the calf muscle is affected. It bears the bulk of the load. In addition, this muscle group displays all disruptions in the circulatory system.

What are cramps - symptoms of leg cramps

The life processes of the human body are accompanied by muscle contractions.

Some of them are beyond control and contract involuntarily. Skeletal muscles, in the absence of any violations, should contract only when it is really necessary: ​​their dynamics are associated with the factor of human will.

However, in some situations, involuntary muscle tension occurs. In such cases we talk about cramp.

This spasm may be short-lived (up to 10 seconds) or may last several minutes. Due to the inability to relax the muscle, severe pain occurs.

Video: Leg cramps - causes and treatment

There are two types of seizures:

  1. Clonic. Characterized by frequent twitching, which feels like nervous tic. They end quickly without any medical measures.
  2. Tonic. Accompanied by severe pain. The muscle becomes too hard and immobile. This state can last from 3 minutes or more. Most often, tonic seizures occur in older people, although in general they can bother people of different age groups.

Often, the condition in question occurs against the background changes in blood composition, which nourishes muscle tissue. This negatively affects the quality of nerve impulses: muscle activity is activated.

Another culprit for muscle spasms may be lactic acid which interferes with relaxation processes. This substance can be produced in excess during active sports training.

Involuntary muscle tension may also occur when improper nervous regulation. This phenomenon is a consequence nervous exhaustion body.

Causes of leg cramps - what dangerous diseases can cause leg cramps?

There are several factors that can provoke this condition.

All of them can be divided into 3 large groups:

1. Disorders associated with water and electrolyte balance

They can be caused by several phenomena:

  • Dehydration. Against the background of this process, the blood becomes thicker, the level of sodium in the body drops sharply.
  • Heavy bleeding. Muscle spasms in this situation occur as a result of a significant decrease in the volume of blood that takes part in circulation. In this regard, patients who have suffered severe and moderate severity operations are subject to special control by doctors. Large blood losses during surgical manipulation lead to the formation of blood clots, which, in turn, causes hypoxia and convulsions. In addition, loss of blood is fraught with the development of anemia, which is a provoking factor in relation to the appearance of convulsive conditions.
  • Incorrect dosage of diuretics. These medications remove magnesium and sodium from the body, which provokes increased excitability nerve cells. Diuretic therapy in the elderly and those who want to lose weight excess weight with the participation of these drugs can lead to frequent muscle spasms, even with normal changes in the position of the limb.
  • Inadequate treatment of fluid deficiency in the body. Excessive amounts of rehydration agents, as well as plasma, negatively affect the level of oncotic pressure.
  • Serious problems with the liver or kidneys.
  • The period of bearing a child. This condition is accompanied by a lack of calcium - this microelement is used to meet the needs of the fetus.

2. Limited oxygen supply to tissues

May be the result of the following pathologies:

  1. . In addition to pain and muscle spasms, patients complain of swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the legs. A venous pattern is clearly visualized on the legs, and in some cases nodes are visible. This disease is very popular among teachers, hairdressers, waiters, and pregnant women.
  2. Raynaud's syndrome. Often affects people old age. The main object of the disease is the capillary network: blood circulation in it is disrupted. Outwardly, this is manifested by an acute reaction of the lower extremities to cold - upon contact with cold water, a cramp may occur, and the leg will turn blue.
  3. Thrombophlebitis. Against the background of inflammatory phenomena of the venous vessel, its swelling occurs. The narrowing of the lumen provokes the development of stagnant blood processes, which negatively affects its circulation.
  4. , which creates conditions for poor blood circulation. A similar negative condition can occur when wearing shoes with tapered toes, high-heeled shoes, and also in the presence of transverse flat feet.
  5. Atherosclerosis. Popularity of this disease high in countries with high level income. The main culprits in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques are poor diet, which leads to obesity, and minimal physical activity.
  6. Damage to small vessels due to diabetes mellitus. This phenomenon is characterized by pain when moving, inability to exercise hiking over long distances, pallor skin lower extremities. In advanced situations, processes of tissue death with the formation of ulcers may occur. All the described symptoms are a consequence of impaired blood flow and excessive accumulation of glucose in the tissues.
  7. Heart failure and other serious heart problems, in which blood is not fully pumped through the body. As a result, stagnation develops - and, first of all, people suffer lower limbs.
  8. Cranial thromboembolism. Provoking factors similar disease are tobacco smoking, obesity, alcohol abuse, and a sedentary lifestyle.

3. Neurological disorders

This includes the following conditions:

  • Significant increase in body temperature in children.
  • Central paralysis. The big picture supplemented by headaches, the presence of black spots before the eyes. Fainting, disorientation in space, distortion of the mouth are signs of a stroke.
  • Epilepsy. During an attack, the firing of brain neurons is synchronous. Relaxation and tension of muscles is not controlled by willpower. Convulsions can be classic, with the involvement of all skeletal muscles, and partial, when only one muscle group undergoes uncontrolled contraction.
  • Traumatic brain injury. Cramps in the lower extremities in such cases rarely occur, and when the damaged area heals, they completely disappear. Convulsive states in some cases make themselves felt with brain contusion.
  • . Spasm of the ankle muscles can occur due to compression of the nerve endings of the spinal cord.
  • Intoxication of the body as a result:
    - Infection. This primarily concerns diseases caused by streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.
    — Prolonged contact with chemical agents.
    - Insect bite.
    - Injection with a sea urchin or stingray.
    — Vitamin D overdose.

Among other pathologies that can provoke the condition in question, one should highlight disorders associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland

Hormonal imbalance may occur due to surgical treatment thyroid gland, its exposure and in some other situations.

Healthy people may also experience leg cramps. Several factors contribute to this:

  1. Excessive physical activity. Among ballerinas and circus performers, convulsive activity is a common occurrence.
  2. Prolonged exposure to the cold, or training at low air temperatures. This primarily applies to athletes and skiers.
  3. Active loads in water. This is especially true for those who decide to engage in professional swimming: at first, the muscles cannot cope with the physical load.
  4. Sleeping in a stuffy room.

In what cases should an adult or a child experience leg cramps and immediately consult a doctor – and which doctor?

If the cramp is spontaneous and one-time, it is not necessary to consult a doctor after taking measures to stop it.

The following conditions are reasons for immediate contact with a medical institution:

  • Muscle spasms of the ankle muscle are regular. To make an accurate diagnosis, consultation with several specialists is required, because a convulsive state can be a manifestation of a very dangerous disease.
  • The victim has a generalized epileptic seizure.
  • Convulsions are observed in a patient who has recently undergone major surgery.
  • The symptomatic picture is complemented by loss of consciousness.

What to do for cramps in the toes, calves, feet - first aid for an adult or child with daytime or nighttime cramps

If an adult or child is overtaken by the condition in question, it is necessary to perform a set of simple measures:

Video: Cramps. Simple tricks that help - Doctor Komarovsky

Every person - even the incredibly healthy and moderately lazy - has had a cramp in his legs at least once in his life. And this always happens unexpectedly. And sometimes the pain is so sharp and strong that it seems as if the muscle will simply burst from tension. Cramps often occur at night, disrupting sleep and causing us to experience several unpleasant moments. What are the causes of this disease and where should treatment begin? Let's try to figure it out.

October 5, 2018 · Text: Polina Soshka · Photo: TS/Fotobank.ru, Getty Images

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According to statistics, more than 80% of people on the planet suffer from recurrent leg cramps to one degree or another. Seizures can occur in practically healthy people. This is usually due to muscle overstrain. Convulsions can be triggered by a lack of minerals in the body, primarily potassium, calcium and magnesium, as well as a number of vitamins: E, D, A, group B.

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My leg cramped!

Cramps, including in the legs, are involuntary muscle contractions, usually accompanied by severe pain. Moreover, spasms can vary greatly in the type of manifestation, and are observed not only in the legs.

For example, there are seizures that look like stereotypical rapid movements. A typical example is a nervous tic of the eyelid. This type of spasm, called clonic, is a consequence of short-term contraction and relaxation of individual muscle groups.

But there are also tonic seizures, which are more familiar to many of us. This is when the muscles seem to harden for a few minutes, and this condition is accompanied by severe pain. As a rule, such involuntary contractions are local in nature. Most often, cramps occur in the legs and calves. It happens that the hip and foot suffer. Leg cramps may occur in at different ages, but more often they affect people of the middle and older generations.

The most severe and life-threatening cramps are when almost all muscles contract. They are called generalized and are often accompanied by loss of consciousness. Such spasms are a consequence serious illnesses and require immediate medical attention.

Perhaps one of the most common causes of leg cramps is a violation of the biochemical or electrolyte composition of the blood. Imbalances can occur due to a lack of calcium, magnesium and potassium in the body, as well as a lack of vitamin D. All of these substances help regulate muscle activity and control nerve impulses. Why do we lose essential microelements?

  • receiving a series medicines , for example, adsorbents and antacids, used to treat heartburn, may interfere with the full absorption of magnesium and calcium. And diuretics have a side effect in the form of removal of potassium and magnesium from the body.
  • under stress The body begins to intensively produce the hormone cortisol. One of its side effects is a deterioration in calcium absorption in the intestines and increased excretion by the kidneys.
  • lack of magnesium and calcium usually happens during pregnancy, when to the expectant mother These beneficial microelements are required twice as much as usual. Seizures can develop against the background of inferior vena cava syndrome, in which the movement of venous blood from the lower extremities worsens.
  • eating a lot of proteins also causes calcium deficiency. The fact is that human body For the most part, for energy purposes, it absorbs glucose from carbohydrates, and not from fats. If there is little glucose in the blood, then fat reserves are used. This, in turn, contributes to the appearance of ketones in the blood. If they are in excess, ketosis can develop, which increases the risk of kidney stones, since a large amount of calcium is excreted through the urine.
  • at heavy sweating the body loses the necessary potassium, so leg cramps occur quite often in hot weather or during high-intensity sports training.
  • vitamin D deficiency experience almost all residents of northern Shirok due to long winter and lack of sunlight. In turn, a lack of vitamin D leads to poor absorption of calcium.

According to statistics, more than 85% of people on the planet suffer from recurrent leg cramps to one degree or another.

Other reasons why leg cramps include:

  • chronic circulatory disorders in the vessels of the lower extremities
  • chronic renal failure
  • diabetes
  • radiculitis
  • leg injuries and muscle damage
  • excessive physical activity
  • hypothermia

The most painful of all types of spasms is calf cramp. Like any other, it happens suddenly, except that a couple of moments before it starts, the muscle seems to be weakly pulled, as if about to be squeezed into a lump. Quite often, leg cramps occur at night, interrupting sleep and forcing a person to get up and rub the sore spot. Symptoms are sometimes confused with night cramps.

Emergency help for leg cramps

  1. Some people feel a cramp coming on, so if you are one of them, relax your leg beforehand.
  2. If a spasm does occur, pull the toe of your foot towards you, then loosen the traction a little and pull again. If the cramp does not go away, then get up and walk around a little. It is better not on the carpet, but on the floor, and it is advisable that your feet are bare and the floor is cool.
  3. A light massage of the cramped muscle will help relieve cramps. To enhance the effect, use a warming ointment.
  4. If the spasm does not go away, try pinching the spasmed muscle or pricking it with a needle.
  5. After the cramp has passed, it is recommended to lie down for a while with your legs elevated (if possible) to allow the blood to drain and reduce the risk of the spasm recurring.

If you suddenly experience a cramp while walking, calf muscles, a simple technique can save the situation - gently pull the toe of your foot towards you and fix your leg in this position for about 10 seconds...

Leg cramps: prevention and treatment

You can get rid of unpleasant muscle spasms only by eliminating the cause of their occurrence. If leg cramps are causing you anxiety and worry, it is best to consult your doctor.

To get started, visit a therapist who can prescribe general analysis blood to determine whether all the main indicators are normal. If leg cramps are caused by any disease, then the next visit is to a specialized specialist. But some methods for treating and preventing muscle spasms are available for home use.

  • Adjusting your diet. You can avoid the occurrence of leg cramps by increasing your consumption of foods rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin D. Magnesium is mainly found in foods of plant origin: dill, parsley, green onions, cereals, wheat bran, seaweed, legumes, dates, figs, dried apricots, prunes. There is a lot of calcium in fermented milk products: milk, cottage cheese, cheese, as well as in all types of cabbage and sesame seeds. Vitamin D is found in the liver of fish, especially cod, and also egg yolk, butter, milk. But most of all, walking in the fresh air in sunny weather contributes to the production of vitamin D in the skin. Well, you can get potassium from bananas, meat, poultry, fish and avocados. If there is a severe lack of microelements, the doctor may prescribe medications containing multivitamins and mineral complexes. And, of course, it is recommended to quit smoking and avoid consuming caffeine-containing products (coffee and strong tea), as they provoke seizures.
  • Choosing the right shoes. Wear shoes with high arches and tight ankle support. High heels It is better to replace them with small and stable ones (no higher than 4 cm). Then your legs will get less tired during the day, which means cramps will happen less often.
  • Don't overload your legs. Often the legs cramp due to muscle overstrain. For example, those that appear in the legs during prolonged squatting in the garden or in gym after an intense workout.
  • Contrast baths or showers. It is recommended to do these procedures every time before going to bed. It is useful to add decoctions of medicinal herbs with anticonvulsant effects to water: mint, horsetail, valerian. These measures will improve blood flow from the lower extremities and prevent the occurrence of seizures.
  • Self-massage of feet. It's not difficult to do. To do this, sit comfortably with your knees slightly bent. Movements should be directed from the periphery to the center. To begin with, give a few light strokes, then move on to spanking and kneading the area where the muscle most often cramps. At the end of the massage, it is recommended to find a central point on the foot and massage it for several minutes.

If your legs cramp at night: causes and treatment

Why your legs cramp at night: serious and not so serious reasons

Leg cramps at night (when your calves, feet, or toes cramp right in your sleep) can occur due to various reasons. It could be like congenital factors(like serious hereditary diseases), as well as the most banal circumstances (wrong posture while sleeping or excessive love of coffee). Among the most common reasons are the following:

  • (in different stages);
  • lack of such substances in the body as and;
  • flat feet (or curvature of the foot due to injury or other circumstances);
  • often leg cramps (and especially severe ones - just at night) occur due to an excess of caffeine and nicotine in the body;

The most serious causes of nighttime leg cramps are diseases such as epilepsy, brain tumors, eclampsia, spasmophilia, as well as hidden injuries, inflammatory and infectious and neurological diseases.

Cramping legs at night: how to choose the right treatment

It is important to understand: in case of illness, when your legs cramp at night, the causes determine the treatment, which means that in each specific case the method of getting rid of the painful syndrome will be different. And the specialist doctor is also somewhat specific.

One of common problems in females and males there are muscle spasms in the lower extremities. They appear for a variety of reasons and depend on many factors. Today, this pathology is well studied by doctors, its treatment is carried out in several ways.

Leg cramps

Continuous contraction of muscle tissue that cannot be voluntarily relaxed is a cramp. Often such spasms “attack” the lower extremities: thigh, lower leg, feet, fingers. Leg cramps are accompanied by painful sensations because when muscles spasm, a deficiency occurs nutrients and oxygen. In medicine, there are two types of this problem: tonic spasms - prolonged muscle tension, clonic - short-term contractions that alternate with relaxation. Leg cramps are classified as the first type.

Why does my legs cramp?

Painful muscle tension provoked by various factors. Here are some of the main reasons why leg cramps may occur frequently:

During pregnancy

Often pregnant women experience severe cramping in their legs - it is important to understand what to do, how to deal with the problem, why this happens. The phenomenon is considered normal and is associated with a high load on the female body. When cramps occur during pregnancy, this may indicate problems such as:

  • excess body weight;
  • swelling of blood vessels and tissues caused by an increase in blood volume;
  • lack of useful microelements and vitamins;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • tendency to varicose veins;
  • disruption of normal blood circulation due to an enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the nerve endings and vessels of the lower extremities.

To eliminate cramps during pregnancy, you need to do the following:

  1. rub well, pinch the cramped muscle;
  2. massage by squeezing and straightening your fingers;
  3. After the pain has reduced, walk a little to activate blood circulation.

At night

Often the legs cramp at night. All body processes proceed more slowly as the body rests. Blood continues to supply organs such as the brain, heart, lungs and diaphragm at the same level. All other organs and systems are relaxed. When local blood flow is disrupted or reduced due to a number of factors, then, due to a lack of oxygen in the tissues, sharp nighttime spasmodic attacks may occur. Uncomfortable posture or overstimulation before bed can also cause muscle cramps.

Cramps calves

As a rule, cramps in the calf muscles are the most unpleasant and painful. This part of the lower extremities is very often overcome by spasms, unlike other muscle groups. The main causes of seizures:

  • venous insufficiency;
  • frequent swelling;
  • use of drugs with diuretic effects;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • lack of microelements, vitamins;
  • diseases of the lumbar spine.


Some people often experience cramped toes. Such attacks begin suddenly, and cramps may appear in one or several fingers at once. Possible sources of the problem:

  1. avitaminosis;
  2. hypothermia of the lower body;
  3. wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  4. failure of blood circulation in the human foot.

Leg cramps - treatment

Before treating leg cramps, you must find out the reasons for their occurrence. You should not self-medicate, you should consult a doctor. First, you need to be examined by a therapist, who will give you a referral to a specialized specialist. If convulsions are caused by varicose veins, then treatment will be carried out by a phlebologist, damage to the arteries - by a vascular surgeon, diabetes - by an endocrinologist, and radiculitis - by a neurologist. Find out what to do if you are diagnosed with varicose veins of the lower extremities.


When your legs often cramp - what to do, and what methods of therapy help get rid of attacks? After visiting a doctor and determining the cause of muscle spasms, you can begin therapy. The doctor will explain what to take for leg cramps. For certain purposes, medications are prescribed, the type of which depends on the diagnosis. For therapeutic and prophylactic effects the following agents are used:

  • tablets with anti-inflammatory or analgesic effect;
  • neuroleptics, muscle relaxants;
  • barbiturates or other drugs for leg cramps with a hypnotic effect;
  • pregnant women are prescribed folic acid which prevents seizures;
  • Mineral-vitamin complexes or preparations with magnesium and potassium help a lot.


Sometimes a remedy for leg cramps is prescribed in the form of ointments, creams, and gels. Medicines of this type are used locally; they are lubricated (or rubbed) on the desired part of the leg two to three times a day. Such drugs perfectly reduce the frequency and strength of muscle cramps, help relieve pain, activate the outflow of lymph and blood, and strengthen blood vessels well. The most effective, popular remedies: Troxerutin, Troxevasin, Miaton, Heparin ointment, Traumeel.

Folk remedies

To significantly reduce the frequency and number of muscle strains, folk remedies for leg cramps are used. Natural medicines reduce pain, accelerate blood circulation, and increase the elasticity of blood vessels. Below are some effective recipes to combat muscle spasms:

  1. You need to prepare a tincture of cumin fruits (a tablespoon), leaves peppermint(two tablespoons), one spoon each of anise and fennel. Two teaspoons of the mixture are poured with boiling water (liter), infused for half an hour. Strain through cheesecloth and consume in small portions throughout the day.
  2. Legs cramp - what to do? Mix Vaseline and celandine juice (2 to 1). Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Treat the lower limbs with the resulting ointment once a day. The course of treatment is two weeks.
  3. Combine dry bay leaf (50 grams) with crude vegetable oil (glass). Leave the mixture in a jar with the lid closed for two weeks. The medicine is filtered and applied to a specific area when a spasmodic attack occurs.

What to do if your leg cramps

There are a few current advice what to do if you have leg cramps. You need to do the following:

  1. Perform an intensive massage of the tense area.
  2. Apply a cold compress.
  3. First aid for leg cramps is to stretch the affected area:
    • feet, calves: while sitting, straighten your lower limbs, pull your big toes towards you;
    • anterior femoral part: standing, bend the limb at the knee, clasp the ankle with your hands, pull the foot towards the buttocks;
    • rear end hips: put the affected leg forward, place it on the heel, bend the other limb at the knee and lean on it with your hands, carefully stretch the contracted limb, moving the pelvic part back.

How to get rid of cramps

To prevent the occurrence of spasmodic attacks or reduce their number, it is worth resorting to preventive measures. Here are some tips to get rid of leg cramps. Needed:

  • proper nutrition;
  • reasonable rest and work schedule;
  • wearing comfortable, high-quality shoes;
  • refusal bad habits;
  • Before physical activity, it is necessary to do a warm-up;
  • consumption of vitamins, minerals;
  • timely diagnosis and treatment of illnesses that cause seizures;
  • performing special gymnastics.

Waking up in the middle of the night or early in the morning from unbearable pain in the leg due to a cramp that has bound it is a situation familiar to many firsthand. Pain and confusion, what should I do to get rid of the painful sensations and should I worry about what is happening?

You can get answers to all your questions by learning the nature of seizures and the reasons that provoke their occurrence.

What is a cramp and what can it be like?

Cramps are the result of sudden uncontrolled muscle contractions, so most often they bother a person unexpectedly and cause acute and severe pain.

The only consolation for those suffering is the short duration of the attack, usually within five minutes. But even in this short time, a person manages to experience intense, tingling pain in the hardened muscles, when it becomes dark in the eyes and it is impossible to move the “cramped” part of the body.

Sometimes, redness or swelling appears at the location of the pain, and the muscles continue to ache for several hours or days. A painful spasm of one or several muscle groups at once can occur at any time of the day, in any body position and at any age.

The muscles that are most vulnerable to cramps are those involved in joint movement:

  • calf muscle,
  • leg muscles,
  • feet,
  • hips,
  • hands.

The functioning of internal organs may also be affected due to involuntary contraction of smooth muscles vascular wall. Most often, elderly people and newborn children, athletes and people experiencing long time significant physical stress.

Muscle contractions vary. Leg cramps, characterized by prolonged, nagging pain and stiff muscles, refer to tonic spasms. Clonic seizures or convulsions occur in the form of attacks, when painful spasms alternate with periods of relaxation.

Causes of seizures

Medicine knows hundreds of factors that provoke muscles into active and uncontrolled contraction, even in healthy people. Basically, the problem arises for reasons that are easy to identify and eliminate in time. Conventionally, they can be divided into the following groups.

Lack of minerals and vitamins

For normal functioning, muscles need balanced diet: water, proteins, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, vitamins B and D. These substances are involved in cellular processes in muscle tissue, are responsible for the supply of sufficient fluid and oxygen, regulate muscle activity.

The speed of absorption by the body of microelements supplied with food and the coherence of the interaction of all systems of human life with the central nervous system depend on them. A lack of essential nutrients in the body leads to painful muscle arousal.

In what cases can there be a threat of imbalance in the electrolyte composition of the blood?

  • At long-term use medications (diuretics, psychotropics, contraceptives, pills to lower blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure) potassium, calcium and magnesium are excreted from the body, and their full absorption does not occur.
  • During pregnancy, the need for calcium and magnesium doubles. The lack of these microelements especially makes itself felt at night, cramping the calves and disturbing expectant mothers with terrible thoughts about unknown diseases.
  • Stress causes the body to defend itself by actively producing the hormone cortisol. The negative role of this dual hormone is that it is not friendly with calcium, preventing its absorption into the intestines and helping the kidneys remove it from the body.
  • Poisoning, including alcohol poisoning, accompanied by severe vomiting and diarrhea, leads to muscle dehydration and loss of electrolytes.
  • Excessive consumption of coffee, strong tea, energy drinks and biological supplements for muscle growth - protein, provoke the appearance of calcium deficiency due to its active excretion through urine.
  • In old age, a slowdown in metabolic processes leads to a decrease in calcium and potassium ions in the muscles. Most older people suffer from cramps in the calves of the legs and feet at night, when the blood flow is weakened and the amount of elements needed by the muscles is not normal.

Physical activity and external stimuli

According to statistics, periodic leg muscle cramps occur in 80% of all people living on Earth. Athletes and people who, due to their professional activities, are forced to spend most of their time on their feet are especially at risk of becoming part of this number.

Overstrained muscles, forced to constantly be in good shape, will relieve their excitement with a cramp, which will make you wake up at night from pain in the legs, when the muscle tissue is relaxed and not ready for an “attack.”

Intense workouts in the gym, physical activity or active movement in hot weather are accompanied by increased sweating, especially in people who are overweight. In this case, the body sharply loses potassium salts and extracellular fluid, which can become a factor in the development of seizures.

Muscle spasms that occur during hypothermia are the cause of many accidents when swimming in cold water. Low temperature water sharply narrows blood vessels, and the muscles, not receiving the necessary nutrition, contract. As a result, convulsions occur that can cause tragedy.

Seizures as a manifestation of the disease

If you do not pay attention to rare genetic and autoimmune diseases (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's), the causes of convulsive spasms can be:

  • problems with the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis, lumbar radiculitis) - pathological processes the blood supply to the muscles is disrupted in the spine;
  • varicose veins - stagnation of blood in the veins makes it difficult to nourish the muscles, the disease is often complicated during pregnancy;
  • neurological diseases - damaged nerve fibers unable to conduct nerve impulses from the central nervous system to muscle tissue;
  • liver disease - toxic substances not processed by the diseased organ accumulate in the blood and cause spasms;
  • endocrinological diseases - dehydration, electrolyte deficiency, nerve conduction disorders and poor circulation create an imbalance in the mechanism of muscle contraction and relaxation;
  • flat feet - a deformed arch of the foot creates tension in the muscles of the lower leg and interferes with normal blood circulation.

In addition, cramps can occur with leg injuries and muscle damage, sharp increase blood pressure and body temperature.

In newborns, the appearance of seizures is caused by a nervous system that is not fully formed and factors influencing it (infections, maternal illness, drug intoxication).

What to do if a cramp occurs? How to reduce pain?

Actions aimed at relaxing them and restoring blood microcirculation will help to force excited, compressed muscles into a painful lump to relax:

  1. First of all, you should stop the movement that caused the spasm, stretch the spasmed muscle and knead it. To enhance the effect of the massage, you can use warming and pain-relieving ointment, aroma oils of lavender, juniper, and rosemary.
  2. Alternating cold and hot compresses, as well as a tight bandage applied to the site of hardening, will improve and accelerate blood circulation in the affected muscle.
  3. If cramps occur in the lower extremities, which often happens at night, you should get up and take vertical position and strongly pull the toes of the flattened leg or tap the heel on the floor.
  4. At the same time, pinching, patting and tingling the muscles will help improve blood flow.
  5. After stopping the attack, it is recommended to lie quietly with your legs elevated so as not to cause it to recur.

Preventing the recurrence of seizures

Everyone should answer the question of what to do to prevent the recurrence of seizures, based on the characteristics of their body, lifestyle and concomitant diseases.

If you notice frequent or prolonged seizures in yourself or your child, make an appointment with your doctor or pediatrician as soon as possible. It is likely that repeated cramps in the legs or other parts of the body are caused by the presence of some kind of disease that requires treatment and medication.

If you experience involuntary contractions and muscle spasms infrequently, try to eliminate the factors that provoke them.

To do this you will need:

  1. Balance your daily menu by including foods rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamins B and D: greens, dried fruits, whole grains, seafood, milk, poultry. Having received the substances necessary for nutrition, the muscles will “calm down” and stop waking you up at night.

  1. Eliminate or limit the consumption of coffee, strong black tea, and alcoholic beverages, but at the same time ensure that you receive enough water to ensure normal levels of electrolytes in your blood.
  2. Control the load, gradually strengthening the muscles and ligaments. Before training, perform exercises that warm up the muscles and speed up the delivery of blood and oxygen to them.
  3. Give your muscles the opportunity to fully rest and relieve tension during sleep in a comfortable position and comfortable temperature conditions.
  4. Carry out procedures that activate blood circulation and metabolism: leg exercises, massage, hardware physiotherapy, cold and hot shower, foot baths with decoctions medicinal herbs(mint, horsetail, valerian).

If the measures listed above do not help get rid of the problem, be sure to seek help from a doctor. You don’t have to put up with pain that reduces your quality of life, productivity and mood. Find the time and energy to pay attention to yourself and find out what prevents you from sleeping peacefully at night or worries you during the working day.

You can get rid of unpleasant moments. Take action and be healthy!

Video: what causes cramps and what to do about them?

In medicine, tonic muscle spasms are distinguished, characterized by prolonged muscle tension, and clonic - short-term contractions, alternating with relaxation. Leg cramps belong to the first category and occur in the feet and calf muscles. Spasms of the lower extremities are accompanied by acute, painful sensations of petrification of a part of the body, occur suddenly, pain syndrome lasts from 2 to 5 minutes, goes away only after the muscle relaxes.

Causes of leg cramps:

  • Lack of vitamins and microelements– magnesium, calcium, potassium, vitamin D, responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles. A lack of micro- and macroelements can be caused by an unbalanced diet, excess harmful substances(nicotine, caffeine, tannin, sugar), protein diet, taking medications that interfere with their absorption.
  • Dehydration. With active sweating, there is a significant loss of microelements that ensure healthy muscle function. Therefore, it is so important to drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day, especially during the hot summer season and during active sports.
  • . Excessive tension during sports activities, unevenly distributed load, insufficient warm-up and warm-up before training, heavy monotonous physical labor lead to overstrain of one muscle group, malfunction body muscles, cramps. For the effective functioning of muscle mass, it is important to alternate tension/relaxation during physical activity.
  • Temperature changes. Hypothermia while swimming or in the cold causes a sharp contraction of the muscles of the limbs and the appearance of muscle cramps. Therefore, it is important to monitor your body temperature and prevent temperature changes of up to 10 degrees.
  • Diseases. Wrong exchange substances, vascular diseases, limb injuries are a common cause of muscle cramps. To eliminate spasms, consult a specialist (endocrinologist, neurologist, phlebologist, orthopedist) and undergo the prescribed treatment.
  • Stress. During times of emotional stress, nervous breakdown there is an intense load on the entire human body, primarily on the nerve endings responsible for contracting the muscles of the body. An excess of the stress hormone (cortisol) leads to an imbalance of micro- and macroelements, leading to a lack of calcium in the body, which is necessary for healthy functioning, muscle tension and relaxation.

Muscle cramps

Muscle cramps in the legs occur due to a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscle for relaxation. These spasms affect the muscles of the lower leg, front and back surface hips. The intensity of the spasm can vary from a small twitch to a significant contraction accompanied by severe pain.

Toe cramps are a syndrome of metabolic disorders or diseases of a different nature. Occurs in diseases of the joints, venous insufficiency, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremity, diabetes mellitus. It can be observed in people whose activities involve standing on their feet for a long time, walking for a long time in uncomfortable shoes.


Spasms of the muscles of the feet are associated with the presence of flat feet or neurological disorders. If you frequently experience cramps in the foot area, consult an orthopedist or neurologist. Avoiding wearing uncomfortable shoes, reducing the intensity of the load on the lower extremities, and taking vitamins and microelements that help normalize the functioning of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system help reduce the number of attacks.

What happens when a leg muscle cramp occurs?

In most cases, the lower limbs cramp in the area of ​​the feet and legs during rest or at night. The duration of the attack varies from a few seconds to 5-10 minutes. After this, weakness or weakness persists in the muscles for a long period. increased sensitivity.

During a spasm, a person feels sharp pain. It differs in the nature of the flow and sensations. Initially appear in the feet or lower legs pulling sensations. After this, the leg muscles harden and turn into a lump. Similar sensations occur in the thumb, the patient observes how it protrudes, and the area under the fingers is constrained by spasm.

Spasms are of the following types:

  1. Clonic - short-term contraction and relaxation of certain muscle groups, similar to a nervous tic.
  2. Tonic - local muscle spasm, accompanied by hardening and severe pain.
  3. Generalized - one of the most dangerous species spasm, may cause pain shock and loss of consciousness due to contraction of all muscle groups.

If a leg suddenly cramps, a person cannot suppress this process by force of will. He usually sits in a sitting position to reduce the strain and control the pain a little.

Restoring the function of the limb requires time and pressure using the fingers. If spasm manifests itself in the legs at night, the patient in most cases wakes up and tries to massage.

In pregnant and elderly people, the development of spasms is considered a physiological disorder, which is associated with changes in blood circulation.

  • dehydration of the body;
  • taking certain medications;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • vein diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • lack of certain elements in the body;
  • wearing shoes with heels;
  • heavy sports and physical activity.

Why do my legs often cramp at night?

The main cause of nighttime muscle cramps is slow blood circulation, which reduces the absorption of nutrients necessary for muscles, and uncomfortable position during sleep. For frequent nocturnal antispasmodic attacks, increase your diet with foods high in calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Eat buckwheat and oatmeal, lentils, legumes, dried fruits, nuts, seaweed more often, dairy products.

To improve the health of blood vessels and the circulatory system, reduce the amount or completely avoid nicotine, caffeine, and sugar. Reduce the amount of animal protein you consume, giving preference to dietary poultry. Spend more time outdoors, combining leisurely walks with light physical activity on your body muscles. Please pay attention close attention quality of sleep. A comfortable bed with an orthopedic mattress will help you reduce the number of muscle cramps at night.

How to provide first aid?

Emergency help for leg cramps is not a treatment method if the cause of their occurrence is serious chronic diseases. It is possible to completely get rid of the spasm only after proper therapy. Recommendations for eliminating cramps in the limbs are necessary to quickly smooth out symptoms and restore motor activity. Many people wonder what to do when they have leg cramps, but cannot find useful information.

  • Some people feel a spasm within a few seconds. The first aid for impending leg cramps is maximum relaxation.
  • During a spasm, the fingers are pulled towards the leg for a few seconds, then they weaken the movement and repeat the exercise. It can be done several times.
  • If your leg cramps for several minutes, you need to give the muscle additional blood circulation by walking. The foot should feel hard surface- cool floor or tiles.

  • A light massage is good for eliminating painful cramps. Any warming gel will help enhance the effect.
  • In emergency cases and severe muscle contraction, tingling or a light needle prick will help.
  • After the spasm is relieved, be sure to take a sitting or lying position so that your legs are above the level of the navel. This will quickly increase and stabilize blood flow to the extremities.

Often absolutely healthy man suffers from cramps at night. Sometimes they can repeat several times during the night. The reason lies in the awkward position he takes. What to do with such a cramp in the legs?

You can keep blood circulation normal with the help of improvised means. Gradually the person will get used to this position and will not roll over uncontrollably in his sleep. Blood does not circulate well if the legs remain crossed or are pressed tightly to the chest. In this case, it is recommended to sleep relaxed on your back, with your legs slightly apart. To maintain the position, you can put a special long cushion between your legs or a pillow.

Better blood circulation is ensured when a soft elevation is made under the calves. If sleeping on your side cannot be changed, it is recommended to use a special mattress that is made for pregnant women. It is designed in such a way that sleeping on your side is comfortable, without any part of the body being compressed or squeezed.

Special exercises- An excellent first aid for leg cramps at home. Muscle training is not carried out during an attack. After the spasm you need to wait several hours. Gymnastics that use compression and relaxation are effective.

To eliminate stagnant processes, various manual influences are used - vibration, compression, stretching, pinching, warming. With daily self-massage you can reduce the number of cramps.

When your leg cramps, the muscle gets stressed. It is dangerous to put a strong load on it. The limbs need rest for some time. Cramps are usually caused by nervous tension in a person, the sensation of spasm leads to severe discomfort. After an attack, you can sit in a chair or lie down.

There are several ways to provide first aid for muscle cramps:

  1. conduct an intensive massage session of the affected area;
  2. try to stretch a tense muscle:
  • calf, foot muscles - while sitting, straighten your limbs, grab your big toes with your hands, pull towards you;
  • front of the thigh - stand straight, bend the affected leg at the knee, grab the ankle with both hands, pull the foot towards the buttocks;
  • back of the thigh - stand up straight, put the leg with the affected muscles forward one step, put it on the heel, bend the healthy one at the knee, lean on it with your hands, carefully begin to stretch the patient, moving the pelvis back, as if you were trying to remove the shoe from the patient;
  1. apply a cold compress.

Use these methods to relieve the underlying pain syndrome of a cramp. They help relax tense muscles, increase blood flow in the legs, and reduce pain. After eliminating the main pain, ensure good blood flow to the affected area: lie on your back, place a pillow under your feet so that your limbs are at an angle of 60 degrees, try to relax as much as possible. Remain in this position until everyone has left. painful sensations from muscle cramps.

How to prevent seizures?

Muscle spasms will appear less frequently if preventative measures are taken.

You should give up heavy physical labor and intense sports for a while. This will help restore muscle functionality.

Such prevention includes individual selection of nutrition in accordance with age, general condition health and weight. Vitamins of group b and d take part in many complex metabolic and chemical reactions, which are better absorbed in vitamin complexes.

Rescuer of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory

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Muscle cramps during pregnancy can be caused by many reasons: from disturbances in phosphorus-calcium metabolism to various complications caused by difficulty in blood circulation. If you experience frequent leg cramps during pregnancy, it is important to determine and treat the cause of the muscle cramps by consulting with your healthcare provider.

Let's consider the main prerequisites for the development of muscle cramps in pregnant women:

  1. lack of B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, potassium;
  2. decreased hemoglobin (anemia);
  3. increased blood sugar levels;
  4. vascular diseases, varicose veins;
  5. violation of venous outflow in the legs;
  6. excess caffeine;
  7. sedentary lifestyle.

Balanced diet, additional vitamin complexes, moderate exercise stress will help avoid muscle cramps during pregnancy. If attacks often recur and do not disappear, then this is an additional reason to seek advice from your doctor. Timely treatment and correct diagnosis help eliminate antispasmodic attacks and prevent Negative consequences from muscle cramps during pregnancy.

Treatment of leg cramps


If your leg is severely cramped, what should you do? What remedies can eliminate unpleasant stiffness?

After an attack, it is recommended to take an antispasmodic. The safest would be a herbal preparation (No-spa). It will relax the muscles as much as possible and eliminate pain. After taking the tablet, rub the shin or foot with anti-inflammatory ointment; you can use gels for sprains.

Folk remedies

To prevent leg cramps, use recipes traditional medicine. Baths made with the addition of infusion are very effective. horse chestnut, lemon juice, decoction of bay leaf and celandine.

The rub is made from yarrow, which is successfully used by patients with neuralgia. 30 grams of dry herb are infused in 200 ml of vodka for about 10 days. A home remedy works well to relieve symptoms after severe cramps.

Set of exercises

  1. Stand on your toes and tense your calves, then sharply relax them and lower them to the floor of your foot (repeat 5-6 times).
  2. Lie on your back, raise your legs and bend your knees, hold them parallel to the floor for several minutes, then return to the starting position.
  3. Intensive walking for 3 minutes, then lower your feet into a warm bath or pool.

A set of exercises.

The appearance of spasms in muscle tissue is associated with a lack of calcium and magnesium. These two elements are responsible for the reaction of the nervous system. They are used comprehensively for the treatment of neurosis, neuralgia and neuritis. The diet should be enriched with these elements. IN large quantities they are found in nuts, buckwheat and spinach.

The main goal of preventive treatment of muscle cramps outside of antispasmodic attacks is to improve the condition of blood vessels and the circulatory system. Review your diet by enriching your diet essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements, giving up harmful, unhealthy foods. Reduce or completely eliminate alcoholic beverages, fast food, industrially processed foods, excessively salty and sweet food, carbonated drinks. Stop smoking.

To prevent treatment of muscle cramps, do not allow your body to become dehydrated. Drink 2–3 liters of liquids throughout the day drinking water without gas, green tea, freshly squeezed juices, natural fruit drinks, homemade compotes. Reduce the amount of coffee and black tea you consume. These drinks have a diuretic effect, so in addition to water, beneficial microelements will be washed out of the body.

To reduce the likelihood of muscle cramps, engage in sports or other active species activities that will help restore blood circulation in the legs after sedentary work will improve blood supply to the lower body. Before going to bed, it is advisable to do stretching exercises, yoga, and Pilates every day, which will relieve stress and tension and stretch tired muscles. A good prevention against night cramps is a warm shower or bath with aromatic oils: rose, lavender, mint, ylang-ylang.

Based on the diagnosis, medications from different areas are used to treat and prevent muscle cramps: correcting metabolism, improving the condition of blood vessels and the circulatory system, helping to recover from injuries. Additionally, complexes of vitamins and microelements are prescribed to replenish substances important for the body. It is important to remember that tablets should only be used for medicinal treatment of muscle cramps after consulting a doctor.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for muscle cramps help reduce the number and frequency of spasms, reduce pain during an attack, improve blood circulation in the extremities, and increase elasticity vascular system. Application traditional methods– good prevention and addition to the main treatment regimen for painful muscle cramps prescribed by a doctor.

Popular means treatment of seizures:

  • cold compresses with lemon juice on the feet, 2 times a day for 2 weeks;
  • oil based on bay leaf, used during self-massage for muscle spasm;
  • Place a regular magnet on a muscle group cramped, after 1 minute the attack will pass;
  • compress at night for 1 week: apply a horseradish leaf, smeared with honey, sprinkled with salt to the sore spot, wrap it with a cotton towel on top;
  • ointment based on celandine: mix the juice of the plant with Vaseline, rub problem parts of the body before going to bed for 2 weeks;
  • daily self-massage of feet with mustard oil.


A special set of exercises will help you against cramps in the limbs. Performing therapeutic exercises promotes better patency of veins, develops and improves the functioning of muscle mass, helps train muscles to contract/relax, strengthens ligaments and joints, relieves stress and emotional tension.

A complex of therapeutic exercises for muscle cramps:

  1. in a standing position:
  • circular rotations with each foot different sides, 30 times;
  • rolls from toe to heel, 30-50 times;
  • we rise on our toes and sharply lower our heels, 30 times;
  • swing your legs in different directions, 20 times.
  1. in a lying position:
  • we rotate our legs, imitating riding a bicycle;
  • alternate swings of limbs, 30-40 times;
  • swing your legs crosswise, 20 times

By constantly performing simple therapeutic exercises 1-2 times a day, you will get rid of cramps in the muscles of the limbs, feet and fingers. After completing the complex, take a hot bath with the addition of salt and aromatic oils that help improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels and relax muscles: basil, eucalyptus, sage, geranium, lavender, tangerine, sandalwood, neroli.