Valerian extract: instructions for use. Valerian officinalis root tincture

Valerian, medicinal properties and contraindications, which will be discussed in detail in the article, is often used to calm the nervous system. The pharmaceutical properties of this plant have been compared to powerful sedatives, since it has a cumulative effect and has an alkaloid-mineral complex.

Description of the complex and rich composition of valerian

Unlike other types of herbs, valerian does not have an essential active substance, but still, there is one component - essential oil, which has the characteristic smell of this plant. The composition is an ideal combination of more than 100 biologically active substances, which together have a positive effect on the body.

The healing properties of essential oil lie in the combined action of such components as micro- and macroelements, alkaloids, tannins, ketodes, vitamin complex, alcohols (the main one is isovaleric), saponins, esters. In total, the roots and rhizomes contain up to 2% essential oil. Also contains formic acid, palmitic acid, malic acid, stearic acid and acetic acid, terpinoids, camphene, pinenes and glycochidic compounds.

Medicinal properties Valerian has a versatile effect, but most of all it has a depressant effect on the central nervous system and helps reduce muscle spasms.

Drops in the form of an alcohol tincture are taken for:

  • headaches;
  • convulsions caused by brucine;
  • nervous excitement;
  • deep emotional experiences;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • shortness of breath;
  • asthma;
  • coronary insufficiency;
  • spastic constipation.

In folk medicine, the plant is known as a medicine against flatulence, worms and poor appetite. The crushed roots are brewed into powder and made into decoctions, which are used in the treatment of typhus, lung diseases, scarlet fever and headaches.

Important! Valerian-based drugs, for example, Valocordin, Cardiovalen, are used together with other sedatives to prolong their effect. This complex is absolutely not suitable for children, as it will contribute to slow development and apathy.

A useful infusion for washing the eyes of children and adults, as well as for general strengthening body. The effect of treatment occurs only with regular use, and not with a one-time dose.

The ancient people also knew about the properties of valerian; the plant extract was added to perfumes and attracted cats to it, which became intoxicated by the characteristic aroma.

For women

Rhizomes and roots have medicinal properties for women. The plant is used:

  1. During menopause. During the period of restructuring of the body, insomnia and a feeling of fatigue are noted. It is valerian (tablets, decoctions) that helps improve sleep, relieve irritability and significantly improve general state health.
  2. During pregnancy. During this period, women are dangerous in any way. nervous condition and overexertion, as this can affect the health of the unborn baby. The healing properties during pregnancy include an antispasmodic and sedative effect.

Important! Pregnant women should not take valerian tincture, since it contains alcohol; it is better to give preference to tablets or decoctions.

The use of drugs or decoctions of valerian root is recommended for women with anxiety, nervous excitement, stress, tearfulness, and insomnia. An alternative internal reception is a warm, relaxing bath with a decoction of the plant (7-8 tablespoons of crushed roots, brew in 1 liter of boiling water, infuse and pour out).

For children

Not strong enough nervous system The child develops unstable behavior, excitability, restlessness and capriciousness. Doctors prescribe valerian to children for the following disorders:

  • hyperactivity;
  • neurasthenia;
  • insomnia;
  • food apathy;
  • tachycardia;
  • migraine;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • spasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hysteria.

How much should children drink? Despite vegetable origin valerian is powerful sedative, therefore it is important to follow the dosage instructions that come with pharmacy tinctures and tablets. Abuse of medications based on valerian roots can lead to depression, decreased performance, drowsiness, allergic rash, problems with stool, developmental delays.

Important! Along with its indications, valerian has side effects from its use (inflammation of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, individual intolerance), so treatment should be prescribed by a specialist.

Valerian herb is contraindicated for children under 1 year of age. After the baby has celebrated his first year, you can give him 1 drop, a 2-year-old child - 2 drops, and so on.

For men

The use of valerian root in medicine has not spared the stronger half of humanity. Moreover, for some reason the herb is considered a remedy that reduces potency. This is an erroneous opinion, since male strength directly depends on the concentration of testosterone in the blood, the production of which is not affected by valerian. On the contrary, the medicinal root is able to cope with problems cardiovascular diseases(tachycardia, arrhythmias), reduce the frequency of muscle spasms, avoid increased overexcitability and nervous tension.

Valerian can only cause drowsiness and a decrease in nervous excitability, which can contribute to a decrease in sexual desire for the opposite sex.

Valerian root, which has medicinal properties and contraindications, has several uses:

  1. Interior. Used for flatulence, nervous excitement, anxiety, gastrointestinal spasms, headaches.

Recipe No. 1 - 2 tsp. Brew crushed roots in 1 tbsp. boiling water For maximum liquid saturation useful substances It is recommended to further bring the infusion to readiness in a water bath for 15 minutes. How to use? - 1 tbsp. l. up to 4 times a day on an empty stomach.

Recipe No. 2 - make a mixture of herbs from valerian rhizomes, yarrow (flowers), motherwort and anise fruits. Proportions: herbs 20 g, fruits - 10 g. Pour 1 tbsp. l. collection with 1 glass of boiling water, bring to readiness in a water bath for 20 minutes, let cool, strain, add more to the glass boiled water to replenish the original volume. How to drink? - 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals. The decoction is recommended for use for heart problems.

Recipe No. 3 - for insomnia. This is a classic decoction, when 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the raw materials and continue boiling for another 15 minutes. Next, leave for 40 minutes, filter and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day (children - 1 tsp.)

  1. Aromatherapy (for insomnia). How to cook? Mix 100 g of crushed mint and valerian roots, place in gauze, inhale before bed or place near the pillow. The inhalation procedure can also be repeated at night.

Important! Valerian inhalations can lead to headaches after waking up in the morning; in this case, reduce the dosage of the herb, which is placed in a gauze bag, or reduce the number of times you inhale the aroma.

Aromatherapy can be carried out for up to 4 months without a break, but in this case, it would be useful to listen to the opinion of a doctor.

For people with diseases such as enterocolitis, hypertension, cirrhosis, glomerulonephritis and other liver diseases, the use of the root or rhizome is contraindicated. For men and women old age, and also if you are drowsy, you should take the plant with caution.

For alcohol addiction

Valerian tincture, medicinal properties and contraindications, which were discussed in the article, are prohibited for use in case of alcoholism. The herb has the property of depressing the central nervous system, suppressing nervous excitement and its combination with alcoholic drinks leads to the development of depression, slow work nerve cells, pressure surges.

Valerian also causes harm to the stomach with regular consumption of alcohol. The combination of incompatible components leads to increased mucus production and an increase in alcohol toxicity several times.

Correct preparation

Valerian roots have medicinal properties, so they are the ones to be harvested. They are dug up in the fall, before the stems are shed, washed well in cold water, and subjected to light antiseptic treatment, dried on fresh air and placed in a dry, well-ventilated area, such as an attic.

Important! Harvesting roots after frost is not recommended, since the roots become intertwined near growing plants and also acquire the smell of valerian. Thus, it becomes possible to confuse roots that do not have medicinal properties, worse - they have toxins and poisons.

After going through all the stages of harvesting, the plant acquires a characteristic fragrant odor due to the release of bornyl isovaleric acid.

Currently, a common and popular drug is valerian tincture, the benefits of which are familiar to almost everyone. Valerian, in lat. Valeriana, is perennial plant, has more than 200...

Valerian is available in every home, and we use it often - some people provide themselves with this way, others relieve unnecessary stress and anxiety. And few people think that even simple valerian is a medicine, and this means only one thing - you shouldn’t use it uncontrollably, thoughtlessly, you need to know possible contraindications and symptoms of overdose.

Table of contents:

Valerian - instructions for use

The pharmacological industry offers consumers valerian in tablets and tincture - both the indications and contraindications will be identical, the differences are only in the pattern of drug use and daily dosage. The main component in the products under consideration is a thick extract of valerian, there are also Excipients– they do not affect the clinical picture, so they should not be taken into account.

How does valerian work?

What is known about the drug in question? It calms, helps fight unexplained anxiety and cope with strong anxiety, improves the process of falling asleep and guarantees deep dream. Here's what the instructions say:

  1. Valerian acts directly on the nervous system - the drug simply depresses it.
  2. When consuming tablets or tincture of valerian, the heart rate slows down and dilates. blood vessels.
  3. The muscle tissue of the urinary and digestive systems relaxes.

And if valerian is taken by a person long time, then in addition to the above actions, there will be an increase in bile production (choleretic effect) and a decrease blood pressure.

Indications for taking valerian

“Take a pill and calm down” - this is exactly how many people perceive valerian. But there are certain indications for the use of this drug - this is indicated in official instructions to the drug, but who reads it? Remember in what cases it is advisable to start taking the drug in question:

Note:Valerian tablets/tincture are often prescribed by specialists for the treatment of certain diseases of cardio-vascular system and pathologies gastrointestinal tract(in particular, to relieve spasms). But valerian is not a panacea in such cases - it is only one of the drugs that make up a complex of therapy.

Contraindications to taking valerian

Do not underestimate the effect of valerian on the body - you need to exclude all possible contraindications and only then stabilize your nervous system with valerian tablets/tincture. The official instructions indicate the following contraindications:

  • fructose intolerance;
  • existing deficiency of lactase and sucrase;
  • malabsorption of glucose-galactose nature;
  • pregnancy - applies only to the first three months (first trimester) of this condition;
  • children under 3 years of age.

We must not forget the possibility of individual intolerance or hypersensitivity specifically to valerian - some people can even react to the specific smell of the product with classic manifestations allergic reaction (skin rash, itching, lacrimation, coughing and sneezing).

Note:children, even from 4 years of age, can independently prescribe and give the drug in question medicine Absolutely forbidden! Valerian is used in complex treatment some nervous/mental disorders and other pathologies, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

How are people used to using valerian? Three or four tablets, 30-40 drops of tincture and all this 3-4 times a day - you must agree, everyone knows this dosage. But experts say that to treat such a variable amount of the substance in question medicinal product– this is fraught with overdose.

Note:it has been officially established that daily dose Valerian should not exceed 200 mg! Some manufacturers offer consumers to take valerian in capsules, one of which contains 200-350 mg of valerian - this is an outrageous amount! To get a good healing effect, you do not need to increase the daily dosage, but take the medicine correctly - according to the regimen developed by the doctor. Considering that one tablet of valerian extract usually contains 20 mg of the main active ingredient, we can confidently say that the critical number of tablets per day is 10. In general, the dosage per dose, the number of doses per day are set individually - you should not experiment on your own.

  • if valerian is used to stabilize the condition and is taken in a course, then it is enough to take 2 tablets of 20 mg three times a day or 35 drops of tincture 3 times a day;
  • in the case of using valerian for emergency sedation (for example, before an exam or interview), it will be enough to take 5 tablets of 20 mg of valerian or 40 drops of tincture;
  • if valerian is given to children aged 7 years and older, then ½ tablet of 20 mg will be enough, and the tincture is completely prohibited;
  • if you are going to give the drug in question to a child aged 4 to 7 years, then you will need ¼ of a 20 mg tablet.

The duration of use of valerian is also determined individually. Experts say that the optimal period for taking valerian tablets or tincture is 10 days, and the maximum is 30 days. It may be necessary to extend the course of taking the drug in question, but in this case you cannot do without the help of a specialist - only a doctor can determine the advisability of further taking valerian.

Possible side effects

Even if valerian is used as prescribed by a doctor and strictly according to the recommended regimen, the possibility of side effects very high. Please note the following conditions:

  • decreased performance;
  • constant desire to sleep;
  • weakening muscle tissue(“you can’t hold a spoon in your hand”);
  • lethargy (the reaction weakens, the person begins to think about decisions more slowly, speech becomes somewhat drawn out);
  • bowel dysfunction – with prolonged use of valerian, constipation is possible.

If at least one of the listed syndromes occurs, then you must immediately stop taking valerian tablets/tincture and consult a doctor. Do not forget that anyone can develop an allergy when taking valerian, even if this phenomenon has not previously been noted.

Valerian overdose

It turns out that an overdose of valerian is quite real! And even the symptoms of this condition are clearly expressed - it is simply impossible to make a mistake. Signs of an overdose of the drug in question include:

  1. Problems in the functioning of the digestive system - constipation or, conversely, unmotivated diarrhea may appear; patients often complain of mild nausea.
  2. The nervous system suffers - this can happen in two directions:
    • the person becomes lethargic, apathetic, he constantly wants to sleep, there are complaints of dizziness, and possibly depression of consciousness;
    • excessive excitement appears, the person’s pupils are dilated, the face becomes covered with red spots.
  3. Blood pressure becomes unstable - please note that if valerian is taken according to a strict medical regimen, then you can achieve a decrease in blood pressure, but an overdose leads to a significant increase in it.

Separately, it is worth considering cases of overdose of valerian in tincture - the signs will be slightly different. For example:

Note:When using valerian tincture, an overdose can occur from the first dose. Therefore, before you start using the drug in question, you should definitely consult a doctor. What to do if signs of overdose appear:

  1. Stop taking valerian at any time pharmacological form release.
  2. Induce - this can be done by drinking a large amount of water or mechanically acting on small tongue in the throat.
  3. Call an ambulance - they will professionally rinse the stomach and administer specific medications to reduce the symptoms of poisoning. But please note - this help will be appropriate if after last appointment no more than 2 hours have passed of the medicine.
  4. If the condition does not improve, then you should definitely seek help from a doctor - in some particularly severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary.

The effect of the drug in question has been studied for a very long time - interesting experiments are being carried out, the consequences of long-term use of valerian for the body are being studied. Relatively recently, another interesting experiment was conducted by Norwegian scientists.

The purpose of the experiment was to find out how intensely valerian has a hypnotic effect. For this purpose... television viewers were involved in the process - they simply responded to an advertisement for the recruitment of volunteers. All people were divided into two groups - one was given valerian tablets with a dosage of 200 mg (in one tablet), and the other was given a harmless supplement, a placebo. It was prescribed to take 2 tablets in the evening before bed and keep a diary of monitoring the quality of your night's sleep. The volunteers were not told which tablets were given or what the purpose of the experiment was.

The results were amazing! Only 5% improved sleep in people in the group taking valerian tablets. And this indicator only indicated the speed of falling asleep, but the general qualitative characteristics between the two groups of volunteers did not differ at all - the number of night awakenings, the duration of sleep, and the state of health during the subsequent working day were the same.

Thus, we can conclude that valerian does not have a pronounced effect on the quality of night sleep and take it as a sleeping pills not worth it. BUT! This experiment was not carried out official medicine, there is no confirmation from scientists about the results obtained. Maybe it’s worth trying to take a placebo instead of valerian - the main thing is to believe in the power of the drug, but if the drug is prescribed by a doctor and is part of complex therapy, then there is no point in experimenting.

Or valerian root. The drug dilates blood vessels and reduces the heart rate, thereby inhibiting the activity of the central nervous system and normalizing sleep.

Not everyone knows that valerian not only calms, but also affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Providing an antispasmodic effect, it can be taken when intestinal colic. In this case, it will be enough for the child to drink one or two valerian tablets once.

With increased nervous excitability caused by stress or upcoming difficulties (for example, an exam), a single dose of valerian tablets may not be enough. In this case, it is recommended to take 2 tablets three times a day (for children - one) before meals.

Chronic insomnia and neurosis-like conditions require a course of treatment with valerian. The tablets are taken for a month, and in some cases even longer. A person’s daily dose will be 6 tablets, divided into three doses. The dose is two times less. The drug should be taken before meals.

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Despite the fact that valerian is well tolerated by both adults and children, side effects cannot be ruled out. If you feel increased drowsiness and depression, or simply cannot concentrate after taking the drug, you should review the dosage downward.


  • how to drink valerian during pregnancy

The first mentions of the healing properties of valerian date back to the 1st century BC. In official and folk medicine, tinctures and decoctions of valerian are recommended to be used to strengthen the nervous system. They are also used as an antispasmodic agent, as well as to improve digestion. The name of the plant translated from Latin means to be healthy. And this speaks for itself.

You will need

  • For a decoction for insomnia:
  • - 5 g of valerian roots;
  • - glass of water.
  • For a decoction that strengthens the nervous system:
  • - a tablespoon of crushed valerian roots;
  • - 2 glasses of water;
  • For a bath with valerian decoction:
  • - 500 g of valerian roots;
  • - 2 liters of water.


For healing infusions and decoctions of valerian, plant roots containing organic acids(valeric, acetic, formic, apple), essential, tannins and alkaloids. Valerian roots are harvested in August-October, after the plant has flowered and the seeds have fallen off.

Carefully dig up the plant with a shovel, shake off the soil from the root and separate it from the stem. Rinse well under running water and air dry. To harvest valerian roots, you cannot use the oven, because when high temperatures Essential substances evaporate, and the roots lose their medicinal properties. Store dried roots in tightly sealed glass containers, away from other aromatic herbs and foods.

To strengthen the nervous system and for insomnia, take 5 g of valerian roots, pour into a glass cold water and place on low heat. Cook for two hours. Then remove the broth from the heat, cool and strain through three or four layers of gauze. This decoction can be added to baths and/or 8-10 drops 3 times a day.

For irritability, tearfulness and increased anxiety the following decoction: grind the valerian root thoroughly in a mortar. Boil water and pour two cups of boiling water into the thermos. Add a tablespoon of crushed valerian roots and leave to infuse for six hours. Then strain the broth through a gauze filter and cool. Drink in equal parts throughout the day.

For insomnia, neuroses and rapid heartbeat, it is recommended to take a bath with the addition of valerian decoction before bed. To do this: boil two waters and pour boiling water over 500 g of valerian roots. Let it brew for an hour and a half, then strain the broth and pour it into a bath of warm water.


To feel the effect of treatment, valerian infusions and decoctions should be taken for at least several days in a row.

Unlike chemicals valerian does not affect mental and physical activity in any way (does not cause lethargy or drowsiness). However, it is not recommended to use it for more than two months in a row (without a break).

Helpful advice

Properly prepared and dried valerian roots retain their healing properties within three years.


  • Medicinal plants in folk medicine

There is a remedy that can drive almost any cat and the vast majority of cats crazy. This . As soon as your pet smells even a faint odor, he forgets about everything in the world, begins to behave eccentrically, and begs for valerian the owner and in general, becomes very excited. True, there is cats, indifferent to this plant, but this is rare.

Valerian officinalis is not in vain among the Miaun people, as well as cat root or cat herb. Cats are particularly susceptible to the influence of this plant. Having smelled it, they begin to behave excitedly and sometimes even behave extremely inappropriately. The violent reaction is explained by euphoria and an increase in the level of hormones that valerian evokes. They roll around on the floor, purr loudly and rub, but can also fall into a kind of stupor. As a rule, after some time the animal falls asleep. The reason is that it contains special essential oils, similar in smell to the enzymes that a cat secretes in. This is especially attractive and provokes a significant hormonal release in them, so they even usually begin to behave like crazy. The smell has much less effect, since it does not resemble the aroma of a cat’s sex hormones. At the same time, it also affects them, causing increased nervous excitement. If a cat is in heat, she coldly ignores it. Rare cats and cats They are cool about the aroma of valerian officinalis, but there are those who ignore its smell altogether. But only until the owner allows the pet to try this plant. In this case, there is a high risk that the animal will become addicted, constantly begging for food. valerian in humans. Many zoologists believe that the plant acts like a drug, causing addiction. But sometimes it is used for medicinal purposes. If your pet is diagnosed with heart failure, problems with digestive system or excessive lethargy, then the veterinarian may prescribe just a little valerian. It should be remembered that an overdose has a very bad effect on the health of the animal. Do not under any circumstances exceed the dosage prescribed by your doctor, as large quantities the plant causes narcotic sleep, and if you give it too much, the pet may even die. Another plant has a similar effect on cats: catnip.

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  • what happens if you give a cat valerian

Valerian extract is a medicine. It is produced both in the form of tincture and in the form of film-coated tablets. has a calming (sedative) effect.


The composition of the drug includes a whole complex of substances: polysaccharides, organic acids, alkaloids, resins, glycosides, essential oils, valeric acid, etc. Many components have an antispasmodic effect. Acting in a complex manner, the herbal components of the drug dilate the coronary vessels and help slow down the heart rate. Valerian (valerian extract) has a multifaceted effect on the body. For example, it facilitates the onset of physiological (natural) sleep, reduces excitability, and calms central nervous system.

The sedative effect of valerian extract is gradual but stable. In addition, it helps enhance the effect of other sedatives and sleeping pills. It is worth noting that galenic forms of valerian extract have a hypotensive effect. It appears with regular and long-term use.

The use of valerian extract (valerian) is indicated for sleep disorders, in states of excitement, as a sedative. In addition, the drug is recommended for use for minor disorders digestive tract, cardiovascular system, migraines, forms of neurasthenia, menopausal disorders.

Before you start using valerian extract (valerian), be sure to consult with your doctor. This drug has a number of side effects and contraindications.

Almost everything pharmaceuticals, providing therapeutic effect, have both contraindications and side effects. People rightly say about medicines: they cure one thing, and cripple another. Often you can do without pills. But for a huge number of diseases, their intake is vital.

When can you do without pills?

Today, background medical information and medications in pharmacies have become so accessible, and queues at clinics have become so tiresome, that many have become accustomed to using medications on their own at the slightest reason.

The biggest mistake is to take antipyretic pills as soon as the temperature rises. If it is not higher than 38.5 degrees, there is no need to reduce it. After all, by thermoregulating the body, the body strives to eliminate the cause of ill health. Why bother him?

With acute respiratory viral infection, many often reach for antibiotics. Not only is this useless, since such ailments are caused not by bacteria, but by viruses. In fact, this is a voluntary blow to one’s own body. If you take medications, then antiviral ones, not antibiotics.

But first, it is better to try harmless home remedies. Accept cold and hot shower, rinse your nose with salt water or a decoction of sage, calendula, drink tea with honey to sweat thoroughly.

Another thing is when treatment is started too late, inflammatory process covered the lower Airways, and joined the viral bacterial infection. Then you really can’t do without antibiotics.

If you have a headache, do not immediately swallow painkillers. Try to remove it first with light, harmless ones. Sometimes it is enough to drink hot strong tea or a cup of coffee to relieve cramps. Or massage the back of the head, neck, collar area. Sometimes the pain goes away if you just wash your hair with hot water.

Got a toothache? You should not immediately take out “Ketanov” or “Nise”. Try chewing some dried oregano herb and hold it for about ten minutes. If it doesn’t help, crush a few flowers of the spicy clove seasoning and put the powder on the tooth that is tormenting you. You can try mumiyo. It also relieves pain if you apply it to your cheek for an hour and a half.

Heart pain cannot be tolerated for long. But before you put nitroglycerin under your tongue, you should take a light herbal remedy, relieving tension: tincture of valerian, for example, or motherwort.

It is strictly forbidden to take analgesics when acute pain in a stomach. Especially in the lower right region of the peritoneum - this is the first suspicion of acute appendicitis. If you take analgesics instead of calling an ambulance, the pain will disappear and clinical picture the disease will be erased. The person will calm down, but the purulent appendix can burst and cause peritonitis.

Medicines are especially dangerous. Of course, there may be exceptions - choosing the lesser of two evils. But future mom should take medications only in consultation with a gynecologist.

When is it necessary to take pills?

Of course, from medicinal plants less harm than from synthesized drugs. Decoctions and infusions of herbs are much gentler and therefore require more time. But the possibilities of herbal medicine are very limited.

Pneumonia, for example, cannot be cured alone. At infectious diseases Antibiotics are always prescribed. They must be taken in full course, without interrupting it even with a significant improvement in the condition.

There are diseases that you can get rid of by swallowing a pill once. Let's say helminthic infestations. There are ailments for which you have to take them periodically. This seasonal allergies and depression, exacerbation of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system.

And there are diseases for which pills are needed for life. These are hypertension, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, dementia, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, myocardial infarction, stroke and many others.

You have been prescribed medications. You read the instructions and were horrified: so many contraindications and side effects! But you cannot replace prescribed medications with weaker ones or analogues at your own discretion. If the doctor has prescribed medications, they must be taken strictly following all his recommendations.

To calm down in stressful situation, many people grab valerian extract, not suspecting that they are taking it incorrectly. What are the subtleties of taking this remedy?

Valerian is perhaps the most widely used depressant. It owes its popularity practically complete absence negative side effects and ease of use.

Valerian, or, scientifically speaking, valerian extract is medical drug, which has a sedative (calming) effect. On pharmacy shelves this medicine It is usually presented in two possible variations: tablets coated with a special coating, or tincture.

Valerian components

The composition of valerian, which is, in fact, a remedy of purely organic origin, includes the following substances:

  • essential oils;
  • valeric acid;
  • alkaloids;
  • resins;
  • organic acids;
  • glycosides;
  • polysaccharides;
  • valeopatriates.

Each of the components has its own unique effect on the human body. Valeopatriates and valeric acid are antispasmodics, in other words, they help relieve spasms of smooth muscles that usually accompany nervous excitement. Herbal Ingredients valerian has a complex effect: they not only bring the heart rate back to normal, but also promote expansion coronary vessels. In general, the effect of valerian is manifested in the depression of the central nervous system, which significantly reduces its excitability. As a result, the process of onset of physiological (natural) sleep is greatly facilitated.

Use and effect of valerian

The main advantage of valerian is that with a fairly slow onset of the sedative (relaxing) effect, the effect of the drug remains at a fairly stable level for a long time. Among other things, valerian can be used as aid. It enhances the effects of other sedative or hypnotic medications.

The use of valerian in tablet form will have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that in this form valerian has choleretic effect, which means it helps to increase secretion throughout the digestive tract.

The effect of valerian on the body will be effective for the following disorders:

  • increased arousal;
  • sleep disorders caused by excessive overstimulation of the nervous system;
  • mild forms of neurasthenia;
  • hysterical states.

If we talk about disorders not directly related to the central nervous system, the drug can be successfully used for systematic migraines, disorders of the cardiovascular system, and unstable functioning of the digestive tract. Naturally, in this case, valerian is not a panacea, but is used mainly as an auxiliary drug.

Valerian: contraindications

As for contraindications, valerian has practically no contraindications. The use of the drug is not advisable for persons whose body has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. It is also not recommended to give valerian to children under four years of age. Pregnant women should use the medicine with caution.

Thus, valerian extract is the safest and most proven remedy, which not only has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system during nervous overexcitation, but can also be used as an auxiliary drug for certain disorders of other body systems.

Valerian during pregnancy

And the woman’s nervous system experiences a double load. Women during this period become especially impressionable, whiny, touchy, quick-tempered, and nervous. Therefore, the attending physicians will prescribe them sedatives in the form of tablets or tincture of valerian roots. But can pregnant women drink valerian?

Whether a pregnant woman can drink valerian is mainly decided by the attending physician. As a rule, most pregnant women are advised to take mild sedatives for natural basis, which is valerian in tablets. This is one of the most low-toxic drugs allowed during pregnancy.

valerian has a mild sedative and antispasmodic effect. Its effect on the body is not rapid, but has the ability to accumulate, which determines the duration of the calming effect. Thanks to antispasmodic property valerian can remove increased tone uterus when there is a threat of miscarriage, which is one of the main indications for prescribing early stages pregnancy and gestosis.

But still, the main reason a doctor prescribes valerian is when expecting a child. The question of whether pregnant women can drink valerian with increased excitability is usually decided in favor of taking the drug.

It cannot be taken uncontrollably. In each individual case, the dose of the drug is prescribed by a doctor. Usually this is 1-2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day for a month. Whether pregnant women can drink valerian drops depends on the severity of the woman’s condition. Usually, taking drops is not recommended due to the alcohol content, but in cases where you need to calm down quickly, taking them is allowed, since the drops act faster.

Can pregnant women drink tincture of valerian roots? ethnoscience. A decoction or infusion of valerian roots is widely used in herbal medicine to improve sleep and calm nerves in pregnant women. Usually raw materials are poured cold water and boil for 5 minutes, after which the raw material is squeezed out. You can take the decoction 1-2 tbsp. in a day.

Overdose of valerian preparations

Some women are interested in whether pregnant women can drink valerian all the time? This applies primarily to. However, constant use sedative leads to its accumulation in the body, which is fraught with disorders of cardiovascular activity not only in the mother, but also in her unborn child. Apart from such negative action, uncontrolled reception drug, especially in large doses, may cause side effects:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • allergic reactions.

Thus, the answer to the question “Can pregnant women drink valerian?” is positive with one caveat: in reasonable doses and only when necessary. After all, the reception of even this natural remedy, like valerian, is undesirable due to the possibility of side effects.