Abdominal colic in adults: causes and treatment. Abdominal cramps. General principles of treatment of colic in infants

The pathological phenomenon - abdominal colic in adults - is not separate disease sphere of gastroenterology, but only its manifestation. Every person has experienced painful discomfort inside the abdomen at least once in their entire life.

The range of root causes is quite wide, and even an experienced specialist will not be able to make a diagnosis by eye - several types of diagnostics will be needed.

The symptom itself should not be ignored by the doctor, especially if the person’s condition gradually worsens, or new symptoms are added as it develops. It is advisable to seek medical help immediately.

Colic in adults is a painful specific sensation inside abdominal cavity, which are accompanied by diarrhea, noisy intestinal motility, nausea, sometimes leading to vomiting.

The localization of this symptom can be different, and the pain itself can migrate, which sometimes complicates the diagnosis of the disease. The patient feels that near the navel, in the right or left hypochondrium, near the iliac region is contracting muscle internal organs, then tingles, weakens after a change in body position and intensifies again, sometimes with even greater force.

Also, when the intestines spasm, gases do not pass away, which official medicine defines as "flatulence". This contributes to bloating of the anterior abdominal wall and has nothing to do with overeating. Trying to touch the abdomen or lightly press on it causes pain to the patient.
Certain actions can ease this sensation (a warm heating pad, increasing physical activity, drinking warm milk), but they are only useful when the diagnosis has nothing to do with an “acute abdomen.” In medicine, this term unites everything emergency conditions requiring immediate surgical intervention. Otherwise, applying heat can be fatal.
Also, colic, which is accompanied by difficulties with the passage of intestinal gases, can provoke diarrhea after relieving tension in the abdominal wall with antispasmodics. This indicates problems with the function of the small and large intestines. It is important for the patient to take into account all the symptoms that develop against or after problems in the intestinal tract and report them to the doctor during the examination.


In patients with chronic problems digestive tract There are no questions about why colic occurs and what are the symptoms of this pathological phenomenon. Such people know not only the manifestations of the onset of an exacerbation of the condition, but also, as a rule, what actions to take in this case in order to help themselves by reducing pain in the right or left hypochondrium or stomach. If the condition occurs acutely, for the first time, there may be several reasons for this.

  1. Eating low-quality (expired) food. Consequences of haste, inattention when purchasing, preference for chaotic eating. First manifestation food poisoningbad taste in the mouth, discomfort in the stomach, sensation of a lump rolling up to the throat. Within 2-3 hours there will be loud sounds inside the abdomen, colic in any projection of the peritoneum, dizziness, weakness, increased body temperature, weakness.
  2. Non-compliance with diet. When a person ignores the nutritional system, does not follow it, refuses breakfast, but overeats before bed, gastric and intestinal problems can't be avoided.
  3. Long-term use medicines. It is not for nothing that the accompanying sheet for each package of the drug contains information that clearly states the features of use. medication. This point was thought out by the manufacturer and the Healthcare Association in order to protect patients from possible side effects. Since colic in the abdomen in adults occurs due to reasons such as incorrect medication intake - on an empty stomach, whereas this should occur after eating.
  4. The simultaneous consumption of hot and cold foods has a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive canal. He suffers from such a reckless act protective function epithelium of the stomach and intestines. As a result, these organs are exposed dystrophic changes. In this state, there can no longer be any talk of full functioning.
  5. Inflammatory processes of the digestive organs. Depending on the damage to a particular organ, the patient experiences right-sided pain, colic can be in the left hypochondrium and umbilical region. If the disease was ignored acute form, then acquiring a chronic course, it will become aggravated quite often. Signs of exacerbation are nausea, bitter or putrid taste in the mouth, weakness, diarrhea, and frequent vomiting.

Attention! The volume of vomit is an important indicator. If attacks occur frequently, the patient loses a lot of fluid from the body. The approximate amount and frequency of vomiting should be reported to the doctor at the time of examination.

Emergency conditions that cause colic in adults

Except for situations where you can get by traditional treatment, there are urgent clinical cases: the beginning of their development is also manifested by discomfort and some pain inside the intestine. Colic in emergency situations has only one distinctive feature- they are always accompanied by pain and increased body temperature. The triad of symptoms requires immediate attention medical care, often its scope is surgery. Delay can be disastrous even for a few minutes.
These conditions include:

  • Intestinal obstruction. Under the weight feces, present inside the intestine, the loops of the tract sag, causing extreme inconvenience for the patient. The condition is caused by the presence of adhesions or tumors inside the digestive canal: they prevent the full passage of food through the departments. The patient has pain not only in the left hypochondrium, but also throughout the entire circumference of the abdomen. Treatment is often surgical.
  • Appendicitis. The spasms are cramping, similar to the description of the previous pathology, but there is never pain in the left hypochondrium - only on the right. The patient is also pale, restless, and experiences severe pain when trying to touch the abdomen. Treatment is surgical.
  • Peritonitis. Inflammation of the abdominal cavity. One of the most difficult and dangerous conditions for humans. It occurs due to the entry of a pathological mass into the free cavity of the peritoneum. Often this occurs after the opening of an internal abscess, rupture of an organ, and then the spread of its contents throughout the body, due to suppuration of the sutures placed on the internal organs. It will indicate the onset of inflammation - pain, which is accompanied not only by colic, noisy motor skills, but also by bloating, weakness, and loss of consciousness. But, first of all, a reason to think - elevated temperature body, which does not decrease even after taking antipyretics. Treatment is only surgery, followed by drainage of the peritoneum.

Each of these conditions requires immediate hospitalization, active infusion, and antibiotic therapy. Additionally, the patient's condition is monitored.


Regardless of the cause of colic in adults, only a doctor should establish the full range of symptoms and prescribe treatment.

Attention! If the cause of the deterioration of the condition is unknown, it is better not to take analgesics until examined by a specialist; it is contraindicated to apply heat or take hot bath. The listed actions can aggravate the process if there is bleeding or suppuration inside the peritoneum.

Before the doctors arrive, it is permissible to drink an antispasmodic, but only if the patient is sure that he is not allergic to this drug. It wouldn't hurt to take activated carbon.
After hospitalization, laboratory and instrumental examination, find out what specific disease is manifested in the patient by nausea, indigestion, left and right pain. Treatment involves eliminating the underlying pathology. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and vitamin therapy is carried out. A gentle diet and regular visits to a gastroenterologist are also prescribed (if the disease is chronic).

Cannot be considered as a separate disease It's more of a symptom of a disease gastrointestinal tract . Colic is manifested by attacks of severe cramping pain caused by spasm of the colon or small intestine. This condition can be caused by a number of reasons, which only an experienced specialist can find out. Therefore, the appearance of colic is a serious reason to seek treatment. medical assistance and conducting a full examination. Let's consider the possible causes that provoke this condition, the main symptoms and methods of treating the pathology.

Under the guise of intestinal colic, very serious pathologies abdominal cavity, which may require surgical intervention. That is why such a symptom should make the doctor wary and be able to quickly navigate in determining the causes of the disease process. Intestinal colic is often associated with such a concept as “acute abdomen”; they can indicate both functional disorders of the intestine and its deep organic lesions.

This type of intestinal syndrome is characterized by mixed symptoms, when colic, in addition to pain, is accompanied by indigestion (diarrhea) and manifestations of infection from the side. respiratory tract(cough, runny nose, pain and redness in the throat). Pain in the muscles of the abdominal wall can be quite severe and intensify with movement, which can lead to diagnostic errors. In such cases, consultation with a surgeon is necessary.

  • The cause of intestinal colic can be a violation of its motility, stretching of intestinal loops, accumulation of feces, or a mechanical obstruction (tumor, adhesions). Unpleasant condition may occur due to heavy lifting and excessive physical activity.

There are many factors that cause intestinal colic; only a specialist can understand the causes unpleasant symptom and identify measures that can eliminate painful sensations and alleviate the patient's condition. What are the main symptoms accompanying intestinal colic?


The most striking signs of intestinal colic in adults are:

Acute intestinal obstruction can begin with intestinal colic. In this case, severe cramping and excruciating pain occurs throughout the abdomen, and vomiting occurs. Subsequently, gas and stool retention occurs, abdominal bloating is noted, a sharp decline pressure. The patient may fall into prostration, he may experience pallor, lethargy, and cold sweat. This condition is life-threatening and requires immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention.

If such symptoms appear, it is important not to self-medicate, but to promptly call an ambulance. This will help you receive adequate and correct treatment.

How to relieve intestinal colic at home?

Since colic can be caused for various reasons, then before the doctor arrives, you should under no circumstances give an enema or apply a heating pad to your stomach. These actions can blur the clinical picture, complicate the diagnosis and complicate the patient’s condition in cases where there is suspicion of intestinal obstruction or development of appendicitis.

If, after a medical examination, it turns out that the patient has simple intestinal colic, you can consult a doctor and receive his permission to take the following actions:

  • If the attack is caused stressful situation, should be accepted sedatives.
  • Drink No-shpa (2 tablets) with mint decoction or take a packet of Smecta, dissolving it in 100 ml of water.
  • Attach to groin area a heating pad with warm water. This will help relax the muscles and eliminate spasms.
  • After this, you can do a cleansing enema with a decoction of mint or lemon balm. Usually, after the intestines are freed from gases and feces, the pain subsides.
  • A decoction of chamomile or immortelle will help relieve intestinal colic.
  • You can introduce rectal suppositories with belladonna extract or take one or two tablets of Besalol, Bellalgin, Becarbon.

After medical procedures the patient must refuse food for 12 hours; you can drink unsweetened warm tea with crackers. In the following days, you should refrain from eating foods that cause excessive gas formation.

Diagnosis and treatment of colic in adults

Intestinal colic can be caused by many reasons, so you cannot do without qualified medical care. An experienced doctor will be able to find out the real reason causing this condition and prescribe adequate treatment. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a full examination.

Initially, the doctor collects medical history data. It is important to identify whether there have been or are now diseases such as cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, cholelithiasis. The information about the place of work is clarified, and it is determined whether the patient works in hazardous industries or has contact with lead or its vapors. The doctor must take into account family history, whether any of your close relatives have had intestinal infections, diseases of the digestive system or urinary system.

The patient's complaints about the nature of the pain, their location and accompanying symptoms are listened to most carefully.

  • General and biochemical blood test
  • Analysis of urine
  • Fecal occult blood test
  • Coprogram
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Will allow you to identify the disease that causes intestinal colic.
  • . Using a special device - an endoscope, a visual examination of the straight line and part of the sigmoid colon. This will help identify damage or ulcers to the intestinal wall and detect fecal stones that obstruct the passage of intestinal contents.
  • . It allows you to visually examine almost the entire intestine and identify any pathological changes.
  • . The study is carried out if a tumor or damage to the intestines and internal organs is suspected.

If necessary, the patient is sent for additional consultation with a urologist, gastroenterologist or surgeon.

Further therapy will depend on the cause of intestinal colic. If these are diseases of internal organs such as cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, cholelithiasis or urolithiasis, stenosis (narrowing) of the urinary tract, hepatitis, tumors, then the diseases themselves must be treated first.

To relieve the patient from excruciating pain, antispasmodics (Drotaverine, Becarbon, Notensil) are used. As first aid, the doctor may prescribe injections of Atropine, Papaverine or Diphenhydramine. After eliminating the pain syndrome, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor, since for subsequent therapy it is important how the patient will feel after colic. If it turns out that the reason similar condition due to errors in nutrition, then after stool and passing gas, the colic goes away and the patient feels significant relief.

Causes of intestinal colic such as toxic infection or intestinal infection require serious therapeutic measures. A course of antibiotics (Gentamicin, Levomycetin) and intestinal antiseptics (Biseptol, Furozalidone) is prescribed. In severe cases use intravenous infusion glucose, saline solutions, vitamins, blood plasma.

Intestinal colic that occurs with influenza and acute respiratory infections is treated with antispasmodics, activated charcoal and vitamins. For vascular colic caused by insufficient blood flow to the vessels of the abdominal organs, treatment consists of taking drugs that improve the patency of the arteries.

Treatment of colic in adults with folk remedies
Diet and proper nutrition for intestinal colic

Proper nutrition for intestinal colic consists of avoiding fatty, fried foods, spicy, salty, pickled and smoked products. It is not recommended to consume seasonings, canned food, carbonated drinks, baked goods, sweets, and products made from yeast dough. The consumption of meat dishes should be minimized, giving preference lean fish, porridges, vegetable dishes. It's good to drink on an empty stomach fresh juices from carrots and spinach, eat fruits and vegetables.

Nutrition should be complete and balanced. Eat foods rich in fiber and vitamins (fruits, raw and boiled vegetables, grated carrots, apples, pumpkin). Drink fermented milk drinks, herbal teas. Eliminate legumes and vegetables with coarse fiber from your diet, which cause increased gas formation in the intestines (cabbage, radish, radishes, corn, turnips).

Lead healthy image life, move more, give up bad habits(smoking, alcohol). When preparing food, observe the necessary sanitary standards. Don't overeat, eat small meals 5-6 times a day.

Attacks of cramping pain are called intestinal colic. Intestinal colic is not considered as a separate disease in adults, but is considered symptoms of other diseases, and treatment is prescribed in accordance with the pathology that caused them.

Spasmodic nature in the abdomen is usually observed in a child early age(sometimes a teenager), but intestinal colic is common in both adult men and women. In adults, acute pain in the intestines warns of a malfunction digestive organs. The cause of the attack can be various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as stress and age-related changes.

The term “intestinal colic” in adults refers to several symptoms of acute abdominal pain that are common to many diseases. Acute pain may have a paroxysmal nature or appear as spasmodic pain of increasing intensity.

Factors that provoke intestinal colic

Intestinal colic is often combined with the concept of “acute abdomen”; such pain may indicate functional disorders intestines or deep organic lesions.

The following factors can contribute to the appearance of intestinal colic:

There are many factors that can cause intestinal colic, so only a specialist can determine the reasons causing this symptom and prescribe precise treatment, which can eliminate pain and alleviate the patient’s condition.

Symptoms of intestinal colic

Most strong signs Intestinal colics are attacks of unbearable pain of an acute nature, which is accompanied by spasmodic pain. The most severe pain is recorded in the navel area (umbilical pain), in case of stomach diseases it can radiate to the epigastric region, upward, in other cases the pain will radiate downwards. The pain can quickly increase and radiate to the testicles (in men) and to the genitals (in women).

On palpation, the patient feels severe pain, but there is no tension in the abdominal muscles. The pain can last for hours and even days; it is never short-lived. The cramping pain may subside slightly, but other signs may appear that accompany the deterioration of the patient's condition (constipation, gas retention, abdominal pain). In the acute form of gastritis, colic can be accompanied by belching, vomiting, nausea, and bloating.

Diarrhea with mucus may appear during bowel movements. The patient experiences weakness, aversion to food, and general health deteriorates.

Acute intestinal obstruction may begin to develop from intestinal colic. Intense, excruciating, cramping pain is felt throughout the entire abdominal area, and vomiting occurs. Further, gas and stool retention is possible, possibly sharp drop pressure.

Doctors distinguish several forms of intestinal colic, the symptoms of each will be supplemented by other signs. Depending on the pathology that caused intestinal colic, additional symptoms and, accordingly, treatment will differ.

DiseaseAdditional symptomsPrimary care Treatment
Gastritis, cholecystitisBelching, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, pain - tingling in the epigastric regionRefusal of food, taking painkillers - “Spazmalgon”, “No-shpa”Treatment by a gastroenterologist to avoid attacks
Intestinal obstructionConstantly worsening attacks, rapid deterioration general condition, loss of strength, decreased blood pressure, lack of stool, bloating, vomitingA cool heating pad is placed on the pain areaImmediate surgery required
Infectious diseasesSevere diarrhea, increased temperature and blood pressure, signs of intoxication, general weaknessTaking Smecta, Regidron, a cold heating pad on the pain area, drinking plenty of fluidsTreatment in the infectious diseases department is required. The patient's condition may be life-threatening
Lead poisoningGray complexion, gum ulcers, plaque on gums, teeth gray, dizziness The patient's condition may be life-threatening; emergency medical attention is needed
AppendicitisThe attacks intensify, the pain covers the right sideCold heating pad on the pain areaSurgical intervention
PoisoningPale skin, watery diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dryness skin, rare urinationDrink plenty of fluids, take activated carbon, gastric lavageTreatment under the supervision of a doctor at home
For helminthiasesItching, burning in the anus, during sleep - teeth grinding, allergic rash, sudden loss weightWarm bath, use of “No-Shpa”, “Spazmalgon”, “Becarbon”After pain relief - treatment of helminthiasis

Symptoms of various localizations of colic

The symptoms of colic are distinguished according to the location of the pain. It often happens that pain initially appears in another part of the peritoneum, and if left untreated, it spreads to the intestines.

With rectal (rectal) colic, a painful false urge to defecate occurs.

With appendicular colic, the pain is located with right side and radiates to the iliac region. Usually appears in the first hours of formation acute appendicitis and is characterized severe pain of increasing character.

With renal colic, intense periodic paroxysmal pain is felt, which radiates to the groin, tailbone, genitals, lower back, while nausea is observed, rare complete absence urination. The pain worsens with movement. Arterial pressure decreases, the temperature rises greatly to +39. At the peak of the pain syndrome, loss of consciousness, convulsions and fainting may occur. Renal colic may cause: acute or chronic inflammation(pyelonephritis), urolithiasis, tuberculosis and kidney tumor.

With hepatic colic, pain appears in the right hypochondrium, can radiate to the shoulder, to the shoulder blade, bitterness is felt in the mouth, nausea occurs and vomiting with bile is possible. Hepatic colic is caused by cholelithiasis or acute cholecystitis.

With pancreatic colic, pain first appears in the left hypochondrium, and then becomes encircling, spreads throughout the body, accompanied by an autonomic reaction in the form of nausea, vomiting, and possible diarrhea. It appears in pancreatic pathologies. This condition can be caused by pancreatic tumors or acute pancreatitis.

Lead colic. Clinical manifestations lead poisoning differ sharp pain cramping, abdominal cramps, muscle tension abdominal wall, high temperature(up to 39°C), bleeding (hemorrhagic syndrome) from the gums, the presence gray plaque between the gum and teeth.

If you suspect these types of colic, you should urgently call an ambulance. Primary aid is as follows: loosen the patient’s clothes, put a cool heating pad on the stomach, call an ambulance.

If the cause of colic is known, then take the drug prescribed by the doctor; in other cases, no medications should be given to the patient until the doctor arrives.

Video on the topic:

How to relieve symptoms at home

Colic can be caused by for various reasons, therefore, before the doctor arrives, it is not recommended to apply a heating pad to the stomach or give an enema. This can blur the clinical picture and complicate the patient's condition. Especially when there is a suspicion of intestinal obstruction or appendicitis, and there is no way to distinguish it from other pathologies.

If the doctor determines that the patient has simple intestinal colic, the following actions are allowed:

  • take sedatives if the attack is caused by stress;
  • take 2 tablets of “No-shpa”, washed down with mint decoction, or a sachet of “Smecta”, having previously dissolved it in 100 ml of water.
  • Apply a heating pad with warm water to the groin area. This helps relax muscles and relieve spasms.
  • after this, do an enema with a decoction of lemon balm or mint. As a rule, after the intestines are freed from feces and gases, the pain subsides.

Will help relieve intestinal colic chamomile infusion or immortelle decoction.

You can take several tablets of “Bellalgin”, “Besalol”, “Becarbon” or inject rectal suppositories with belladonna extract.

After such procedures, the patient must refuse to eat for half an hour; he is allowed to drink warm unsweetened tea with crackers. In the following days, you should refrain from eating foods that cause excessive gas formation.

Diagnosis of intestinal colic

To make a correct diagnosis, you need to undergo a full examination. First, the doctor finds out the history of the disease, listens to the patient’s complaints about the location and nature of the pain and additional symptoms.

The doctor examines the patient and palpates the abdomen. On pathological cause colic indicates tension in the abdominal wall muscles and soreness.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient should undergo the following examinations:

  • stool occult blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • biochemical and general analysis blood;
  • coprogram;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. This will make it possible to determine the pathology causing intestinal colic;
  • colonoscopy;
  • CT. The study is done if there is a suspicion of a tumor or trauma to the intestines and internal organs.
  • sigmoidoscopy. Using an endoscope, a visual examination of part of the sigmoid and rectum is performed.

How to treat intestinal colic

Drug treatment will depend on the cause of intestinal colic.

When these are diseases such as stenosis (narrowing) of the urinary tract, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, urolithiasis or cholelithiasis, hepatitis, tumors, then the diseases themselves must first be treated directly.

To get rid of pain, antispasmodics are used: “Drotaverine”, “Notensil”, “Becarbon”. They may prescribe injections of Papaverine, Atropine, and Diphenhydramine as first aid.

After pain relief, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor, since for further therapy it is important to know how the patient will feel after colic. If the cause of colic is due to dietary errors, then after defecation and release of gases, the colic stops and the patient feels relief.

In case of toxic infection or intestinal infection required serious treatment. A course of antibiotics is prescribed: Levomycetin, Gentamicin and intestinal antiseptics: Furozalidone, Biseptol. In particular difficult situations use saline solutions, glucose, blood plasma, vitamins as an intravenous infusion.

Intestinal colic, caused by influenza and acute respiratory infections, is treated with antispasmodics, vitamins and activated charcoal.

For vascular colic, which is caused by insufficient blood flow to the abdominal organs, medications are taken that improve the patency of the arteries.

Treatment of intestinal colic with folk remedies

  1. pumpkin seeds. To 2 tbsp. spoons pumpkin seeds(crushed) pour 300 ml of boiling water, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and drink the infusion for 5 days.
  2. tansy flowers. 1 tbsp. Pour boiling water (1 glass) over a spoonful of tansy, leave to infuse and drink throughout the day. Course - 2-3 days.
  3. lavender oil It relieves pain and spasms, soothes nervous system. Should be in a small amount of add 5 drops of oil to the water and drink.
  4. decoction of white wormwood. pour 100 g of raw materials cold water and leave for 2 days. Then simmer over low heat for about an hour. The finished broth is filtered and 400 g of honey is added to it. Place it on the fire again and cook until the mixture thickens. Drink 1 tbsp decoction. spoon 4 times a day.
  5. ginger tea. Drink to relieve colic. For tea, take half a teaspoon of ginger root per 1 glass hot water. Drink 2-3 cups a day.
  6. fresh cabbage juice. It relieves colic well. Drink cabbage juice after meals, diluting it with water.
  7. an infusion of cinquefoil root, nettle leaves, alder cones, thyme, St. John's wort, and lemon balm helps with intestinal colic if it is accompanied by diarrhea. All components are taken in equal quantities, 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave. Take half a glass three times a day before meals - morning, afternoon and evening.

Diet for intestinal colic

A special place in the treatment of intestinal colic is given to diet. It is almost always prescribed and is an integral part of treatment.

If you have intestinal colic, you need to avoid fatty, fried, spicy, pickled, salty and smoked foods. It is also not recommended to use seasonings in dishes, eat canned food, or drink carbonated drinks. Products made from yeast dough and sweets are prohibited. You should reduce your consumption of meat dishes.

Give preference better than porridge, low-fat fish, vegetable dishes. It is useful to drink herbal teas and fermented milk drinks.

You can eatProhibited
Chicken, rabbit, lean beef, chicken eggs- boiledfatty meat, pork, sausages, frankfurters
Wheat crackersFresh baked goods, rye bread,
Low-fat cottage cheese, kefirWhole milk, other full-fat dairy products
Vegetable, unrefined fatsAnimal fats
Beets, carrots (juice from them), boiled pumpkinCabbage, cucumbers, Bell pepper, radish, corn, radish, turnip
Buckwheat porridge, semolina on waterMillet, pearl barley, oatmeal
JuicesSugar, sweets

Possible complications

Untreated colic can lead to severe complications. Among the most common:

  • Hepatitis;
  • Jaundice;
  • Suppuration of the appendix, rupture, peritonitis; necrosis of pancreatic tissue;
  • Acute or chronic renal failure.

Prevention of disease

To prevent the disease, the following rules should be followed:

  • When preparing food, observe the necessary sanitation standards;
  • do not overeat, eat small portions 5-6 times a day;
  • move more, lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, no matter for what reason, are accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area, which are called cramps. They can manifest themselves as a feeling of heaviness, turning into pain, and other extremely uncomfortable conditions.

If we consider spasms as a reaction of the body, this is a spontaneous contraction of the walls of the stomach. This organ has a well-developed muscular system for softening food in order to further transfer it to the next stage of processing in the intestines.

The stomach produces contractile movements independently, and the person does not feel them. But when the organ is exposed to factors not related to digestion, movements resume. Then the contractions bring a feeling of discomfort, because gastric juice, and there is nothing to digest in the stomach.

Spasmodic pain in the abdomen indicates the presence of serious problems in the body that can subsequently lead to surgical intervention.

There are many reasons why patients feel discomfort. These include:

  • pain on the right or in the navel area - this may indicate inflammation of the appendix;
  • stagnation of feces in the intestines is accompanied by pain in the left side;
  • acute pain in the lower back, possible reason – ;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • inflammation of adhesive scars, etc.

The above causes of abdominal pain require medical examination, you should not self-medicate.

Particular attention should be paid to pregnant women. In recent months, cramps in the lower abdomen may indicate that the pregnancy may be terminated. The pain is accompanied by blood or liquid discharge, immediate hospitalization is required. But often spasms in expectant mothers appear as a result of diseases of the urinary system: pyelonephritis, cystitis, etc.

If discomfort occurs in the abdominal area, a medical examination is required before treatment.

Discomfort in adults may occur due to liver failure and gallbladder dysfunction, for example, with cholecystitis. Bile does not move or its outflow is disrupted. As a result of the events inflammatory processes the muscles of the bile ducts begin to contract, as do the surrounding muscles.

Cholelithiasis can cause abdominal cramps, but then surgical intervention is certainly required, stones located in gallbladder, provoke pain.

Similar symptoms appear with dysfunction of the urinary system, or rather, are caused by urolithiasis. The stones begin to move along urinary tract, first the lower abdomen hurts, then the pain radiates to the back, to the intestines, to the groin area.

In children infancy abdominal pain is caused by a digestive system that is not fully formed, dysbacteriosis, if the mother took antibiotics before giving birth.

An older child may have a stomach ache for the following reasons:

  • intestinal disorders;
  • nervous tension at school;
  • infection;
  • allergies to certain foods;
  • inflammatory processes in the urinary system.

Tonic spasms

Tonic pain is characterized by prolonged muscle tension. Such syndromes are accompanied by persistent hypertonicity of the abdominal muscular system, with the development of dense, painful muscle areas called trigger points. The movement of the damaged muscle decreases, it begins to shorten and become denser. When you try to put pressure on the compacted area, pain occurs that spreads to other parts of the human body: in the lower back, arm, leg.

The causes of tonic spasms are associated with injuries, prolonged static muscle tension, and emotional stress.

The danger of tonic pain lies in the fact that with constant pain, a person gets used to constant contractions and stops paying attention. But pain is a protective function of the body, warning of problems with normal operation internal organs. Inattention to such spasms can lead to the development of complex diseases:

  • the damaged muscle is not provided with sufficient blood flow, which means that blood circulation to nearby organs is impaired;
  • the body works “idle”, supplying the seal with an increased amount of oxygen and nutrients;
  • the presence of a damaged area and non-treatment leads to negative influence on the psyche, physiology and the body system as a whole;
  • the muscle in which the disorder occurred does not perform musculoskeletal functions.

Clonic spasms

This is a spontaneous muscle contraction, but occurs in periods (periods of tension and periods of muscle relaxation). The body begins to twitch involuntarily.

The cause of such spasms may be renal failure, dysfunction of the adrenal glands, uremia, or intoxication.

The use of medications to help a patient with an attack of clonic muscle contractions is not recommended. The doctor prescribes medications, taking into account the specific effects specific drugs on the body of an individual patient. It is permissible to provide first aid before the arrival of doctors: lay him down on a level place, put something soft under his head, try to prevent the person from injuring himself.


Symptomatic phenomena accompanying spasms can be serious. Worth paying Special attention for signs:

  • the duration of the muscle contraction period is more than 60 minutes;
  • loss of consciousness due to pain;
  • pale skin;
  • the person has not urinated for more than 10 hours;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • the patient has difficulty breathing;
  • Pregnant women experience vaginal bleeding;
  • increased body temperature, a person has a fever;
  • There is blood in the stool and vomit.

If a woman has pain on the left side, the cause may be an ectopic pregnancy. In this case ambulance called immediately.

Treatment of spasms

Using medications for spasms can lead to a backlash digestive system. Purpose drug treatment should be handled by a doctor.

Drug treatment

Frequent involuntary muscle contractions can lead to more serious illnesses than just pain. To avoid worsening the situation, you can use medications.

To relieve symptoms temporarily, antispasmodics are used, which reduce cell tone in the muscular system of the body. They relieve pain by blocking nerve impulses traveling to the muscles.

The pharmaceutical industry produces medications in the form of tablets, injections, and suppositories.

Tablets for spasms - papaverine. Shown when pain syndromes in the abdominal region, heart, blood vessels. Can be taken by pregnant women. Does not affect the human central nervous system. By-effect: drowsiness, allergies, possibly constipation.

The medicine spasmalgon is available in the form of injections. At intramuscular injection Muscle relaxation occurs faster.

Folk recipes

Pain in men and women arises from gastrointestinal dysfunction, bad habits, and alcohol abuse. Women experience discomfort during menstruation in the lower abdomen.

Traditional medicine in this case can help without harming others internal organs. Spasmodic plants can relieve symptoms one by one and relieve pain.

Medicinal chamomile

Infusion of this natural remedy can be taken continuously. Brew one tablespoon of the herb, let it brew and take two tablespoons every 2 hours during the day. If pain often bothers you, then take a course for a week.

The patient's menu should include more plant products. If the pain is associated with the intestines, then it is better to boil, stew or bake vegetables. Also include onions, honey and carrots in your diet. Motherwort, oregano, mint, valerian, and lemon balm can also be mentioned as relievers.

Emergency relief of spasms

The main thing not to do when sharp deterioration state - panic. After all nervous tension will only make the situation worse. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, since only a professional can correctly identify the problem and prescribe effective treatment.

If the attack is prolonged, you need to take strong antispasmodic medications or drink a decoction of mint, chamomile, valerian or calamus root. Accept medical supplies permitted only after consulting a doctor!