Treatment with marsh cinquefoil: indications and contraindications. Marsh cinquefoil: medicinal properties and contraindications

When traditional medicine is powerless to restore a person’s health, they come to the rescue medicinal herbs. There are many rave reviews about marsh cinquefoil, testifying to complete healing with the help of this unique plant. According to them, cinquefoil tincture is a real elixir of life that can help with the most complex diseases. What does cinquefoil help with, where can you find valuable raw materials and how are useful drugs prepared from it?

The plant has many popular names - five-leafed, cinquefoil, cinquefoil, sukholom, hare's ears, dekop and even joint. From them you can immediately imagine the appearance of the grass - woody stems with saber-shaped leaves arranged in the form of 5 fingers, topped with dark red flowers. Very often it forms dense thickets, which, however, do not rise above the knee.

It’s not for nothing that cinquefoil is called swamp, because it loves to settle in damp areas - flooded lowlands and meadows, on swampy banks, near rivers and lakes. Cinquefoil overwinters due to its developed root, about 3 m long. The flowering period lasts from July to August, and raw materials for health purposes need to be collected and dried in the fall, when the plant has accumulated a maximum of important substances.

Useful properties of marsh cinquefoil

The parts of the plant used for the preparation of medicines (stem, leaves and rhizome) contain the following components:

  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • carotene;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • organic acids;
  • gum;
  • saponins;
  • resin.

The combination of these ingredients causes the following effects from the use of cinquefoil:

  • anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • astringent;
  • hemostatic;
  • regenerating;
  • antipyretic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • diaphoretic;
  • wound healing;
  • detoxification.

Also, cinquefoil is able to normalize metabolic processes (at the cellular level), improve metabolism, and help the body adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions.

Contraindications to the use of cinquefoil

Like anyone medical drug, cinquefoil has its contraindications.

The only reason why you cannot take medicine from cinquefoil is individual intolerance to the components of this plant.

It is worth noting that at the beginning of therapy, the symptoms of the disease may worsen. This phenomenon temporarily, it will disappear as treatment and effect accumulates.

The use of cinquefoil, like any other remedy, must begin with a consultation with a doctor: who, if not him, should know what will suit you. If a person has low blood pressure, then it is necessary to ask a specialist whether it is possible to take cinquefoil at all.

The properties of this plant have a specific effect on the body: they calm the nervous system and muscles, which causes the heart to become sluggish. The consequence of this physiological phenomenon is a decrease in blood pressure, which is especially dangerous for those who already suffer from hypotension. If a person develops headaches, weakness and a feeling of coldness in the extremities, then taking cinquefoil should be stopped. Contraindications become relevant in this case.

In order not to turn the treatment into self-torture, it is enough to monitor your feelings after taking the infusion. If it causes discomfort, then you should stop drinking cinquefoil. Contraindications in this case may relate to the dosage of the infusion: you should start with small portions.

Marsh cinquefoil is contraindicated for children. This is especially true for children under 14 years of age. Since this plant has a strong chemical effect, you should also stop taking it during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Use of cinquefoil in medicine

Sabelnik is famous, first of all, as a wonderful natural medicine for the musculoskeletal system. Numerous problems in the functioning of muscles, joints and bones are resolved with the help of the “swamp knight”. Arthrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatic tissue damage - all these are indications for the use of cinquefoil. Products based on it reduce inflammation in joints, promote fluid outflow and eliminate swelling, help regenerate cartilage and bone tissue, restore mobility to joint joints. For osteochondrosis, gout and radiculitis symptoms, cinquefoil helps to cope with pain and restore the flexibility of the spine. The cinquefoil is taken orally in the form of decoctions, water infusions and alcohol tinctures, as well as externally - used for compresses and rubbing, which quickly alleviate the condition. Neuralgic pain and manifestations of neuritis are rapidly subsiding with the help of cinquefoil.

Marsh cinquefoil - good medicine for many ailments digestive organs. It is recommended to take it for problems with the stomach and intestines, for diarrhea, dysentery disease, cholecystitis and other diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and biliary tract. Sabelnik exhibits bactericidal properties, as well as an astringent and soothing effect on the stomach, which is useful for poisoning and digestive disorders. Folk recipes recommend the use of cinquefoil for jaundice, allergies and for the prevention of rabies after animal bites.

For throat diseases, cinquefoil is used externally and for gargling. This is an effective aid for angina, as well as bronchitis, pharyngitis, influenza and ARVI. Sabelnik exhibits an antiseptic effect, and also relieves inflammation and helps reduce body temperature through a diaphoretic effect. Gargling with cinquefoil is also indicated for diseases of the gums and teeth to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

IN Lately Much attention is paid to studying the effectiveness of cinquefoil in oncological diseases, it is used for cancer of the stomach, breast and other organs. In this case, as a rule, cinquefoil is not used independently, but is included in the collection.

Traditional healers include cinquefoil in recipes for the treatment of tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, some sexually transmitted diseases. Sabelnik helps with low blood pressure and disorders nervous system. Often cinquefoil is included in herbal collections that treat cardiovascular diseases. For women, “swamp rose” is indicated for bleeding and for the treatment of mastopathy. Fresh leaves of the plant can be applied to wounds to speed up tissue regeneration processes, cleanse wounds of pus and relieve inflammation.

The roots of “Russian ginseng” have a general strengthening effect, improve correct exchange substances and stimulate the immune system, accelerate the regeneration of damaged cells, and help remove waste and toxins from the body. All this makes cinquefoil an effective component of herbal preparations, which are recommended as preventive and suitable for daily intake. Tea with the addition of cinquefoil gives strength, resists aging and creates conditions for active longevity.

Cosmetic uses of cinquefoil include the production of masks and face creams that smooth out wrinkles and give elasticity to the skin, anti-cellulite products and shampoos that prevent hair loss.

Treatment with cinquefoil

Sabelnik in folk medicine

Most effective medicine- this is alcohol cinquefoil tincture. It is also recommended for the treatment of stomach cancer, breast cancer, leukemia, rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, salt deposits in the spine and cervical vertebrae, influenza, colds and many other diseases.

Grind the cinquefoil rhizomes to 1 cm, fill a liter jar with them to 1/3 of its volume, pour 0.5 liters of 40% vodka and close tightly with a plastic lid. Leave for 21 days in a dark place. Then strain and drink 1 tablespoon, diluting it in 50 ml of water, 3 times a day before meals.

The course of taking cinquefoil tincture for disease prevention is 20 days, then a 3-day break and again 20 days of use. When treating any disease, the course of treatment is 4 times for 20 days. During exacerbation of diseases, take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

— The same cinquefoil tincture can be rubbed into sore joints and used as compresses. Under her influence naturally the structure is formed and becomes strong and elastic cartilage tissue, inflammation is relieved, and thus the basic functions of the joints are restored.

Helps with various stomach pains cinquefoil decoction: 1 tablespoon of dried crushed grass (stems) or cinquefoil leaves alone, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 1.5-2 hours, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day 1 hour before meals.

- Has long been known for joint and muscle pain recipe miraculous cinquefoil ointments. In those ancient times, goose fat was used to make such an ointment. Now, instead of it, you can take lanolin cream - 1 tube. Now take 1 tablespoon of cinquefoil tincture (see its recipe above), 1 teaspoon of red pepper tincture (pour 1 red hot pepper with a glass of vodka and leave for 10 days in a dark place), 3 drops of vitamin E (we buy it at the pharmacy), 1 tablespoon honey. Mix everything thoroughly in a glass or porcelain bowl. Store the resulting ointment in the refrigerator.

This ancient medicine is easy to use. Apply a thin layer of it to the skin and rub in with light massaging movements.

Therapeutic is well suited as an anti-inflammatory rub for painful joints. oil with cinquefoil. To get it, you need to pour unrefined vegetable oil into a glass jar filled to the top with the rhizome of the herb. Extraction time – 3 weeks. After filtering, the oil is used to gently massage the affected areas twice a day.

Salt-dissolving cinquefoil tea

Cleansing, salt-dissolving tea Bolotov

It has been established that drinking tea from the roots of cinquefoil or sunflower for 1–2 months helps remove from the body a large number of salts

To make it, add about 1 cup of finely chopped roots (no more than 1 cm in length) to 3 liters of water and boil for 1–2 minutes. Drink 1 glass of tea per reception; In 2–3 days you should drink 3 liters of prepared tea. Then these same roots are boiled, but for 5 minutes, in the same volume of water and drunk in the same way over 2–3 days. Then the same roots are boiled a third time in the same volume of water, but for 10–15 minutes, and drunk in the same way for the same time.

Having finished drinking tea from a given portion of roots, proceed to the next portion, and so on. They drink tea from the roots of cinquefoil large doses for a month or even more, after which it is necessary to take a month's break.

It should be taken into account that when consuming these teas, salts begin to be eliminated after 2 weeks. Elimination should be continued until the morning urine becomes clear, like water, and no more sediment forms in it. Naturally, when taking salt-dissolving tea from marsh cinquefoil, hot seasonings, pickles, herring and vinegars are excluded from the diet. Food should be pleasantly salty, but not sour, and predominantly vegetable.

Use of cinquefoil in oncology

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects, cinquefoil helps fight cancer, as well as the toxic effects of chemotherapy. For oncology, an aqueous infusion of marsh cinquefoil or herbal tea from this plant is usually used. Sabelnik is included in many antitumor drugs.

Herbal tea made from cinquefoil is very effective against cancer, stopping the growth of tumors and stopping the development of metastases throughout the body. It has a powerful effect on everything internal organs, as well as on cellular metabolism. Regular consumption of cinquefoil herbal tea helps remove toxins and waste from the body and promotes rapid renewal of the body.

  • If tumors occur in the breast, you can use it for treatment and traditional methods. Gauze, folded in three layers, is soaked in alcohol tincture of cinquefoil, and such a compress is applied to the chest for an hour. Do this every day for about 2 weeks;
  • For skin cancer, it is recommended to drink cinquefoil alcohol tincture diluted with water;
  • Alcohol tincture of cinquefoil is also used for rectal cancer and lymphogranulomatosis - 25 drops diluted in half a glass of water, also three times a day. For rectal cancer, simultaneously with oral administration, you can make daily microenemas with cinquefoil tincture. For this procedure, 50 drops of tincture are diluted with warm boiled water, the solution is carefully injected into anal hole syringe. Hold for 20 minutes and then empty the intestines;
  • In the treatment of cancer, a multi-component tincture based on marsh cinquefoil is also used. Dried chaga mushroom, cinquefoil roots, calendula flowers, Pallas's milkweed roots and Rhodiola colda are mixed in equal proportions. Then two tablespoons of the mixture are poured with boiling water (0.5 l), left overnight, and filtered the next morning. The finished infusion is drunk during the day, and a new one is prepared in the evening. Treatment course – 3 months;
  • This herbal decoction has also proven itself to be excellent in the treatment of neoplasms: mix celandine herb, tansy flowers, marsh cinquefoil herb, Chernobyl root, forest geranium, mistletoe, and cinquefoil in equal proportions (you can take 3-4 herbs from the list to choose from). Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture and boil over low heat for 1-2 minutes. Leave the broth for an hour, then strain. Drink the tincture throughout the day; if desired, you can sweeten it with honey. Do this for a month, all the while following a strict diet.

Sabelnik in cooking and dietetics

  • As a flavoring agent, cinquefoil is used in the production of medicines, beer, marinades and aperitifs;
  • The herb is a component of fish spices and is used for pickling herring or sprat;
  • Jam is made from the roots, added to sweets, and used as food supplement when preserving compotes;
  • Ground rhizomes have a bitter taste. They are used in cooking with caution, in small doses. The spice goes well with dishes from various types cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, kelp), puddings, meat dishes (fried pork and lamb), fish, homemade cookies;
  • IN dietary nutrition teas with this herb can be consumed as an addition to the main menu for normalization metabolic processes in organism. The main disadvantage is the ability to induce appetite. Therefore, it is best to drink tea with cinquefoil after breakfast. It promotes gentle cleansing digestive systems s and blood.

Preparation and storage of cinquefoil

Medicinal use is found for all parts of cinquefoil, but they are harvested at different periods of time.

The roots of cinquefoil are most often used; the best time to collect them is the very beginning of spring or the end of autumn. In the spring, the harvesting of roots begins before the flowering period, when the cinquefoil shoots have just appeared and the healing powers have not had time to go into the foliage and flowers. In spring, harvesting may be hampered by water spills if the selected plant is located on the shore of a reservoir or in a swamp. In the fall, you need to wait until the cinquefoil leaves have already withered. You should not pull out the entire cinquefoil root cushion from the soil. Only young parts of the root system are suitable for use; they are brown on the outside and green on the inside; they are no more than half a meter in length. The remaining part of the roots, darkened to almost black, is old and unsuitable for treatment. The cut roots are thoroughly washed with running water, cut into pieces no more than 30 mm long and dried under sun rays, in a well-ventilated place. Final drying can be done in special dryers or in an oven at a low temperature, not higher than 40 degrees. A sign of well-dried raw materials is a cracking sound when broken; only under-dried roots bend.

The upper, green part of the cinquefoil is harvested in the summer, during the flowering period. The shoots are cut off at a certain distance from the ground or water so that the lower leaves, which have turned yellow and have begun to rot, are not included in the collection. Dry the raw materials in a well-ventilated place, protected from direct sun, often turning and turning them over so that the wet raw materials do not begin to rot.

The finished raw materials are stored in linen bags or in paper bags or in glass jars in a dry room. The raw material of cinquefoil retains its healing power for three years.

Both tumor neoplasms and various inflammations are common and, alas, have become commonplace phenomena in modern world for a person. Constant stress and poor nutrition cause metabolic problems. Flaw physical activity leads to poor blood circulation.

The air saturated with toxins in megacities, in combination with the listed factors, creates a favorable environment for the formation of tumors and disorders in the body.

IN similar situations traditional healers prescribe healing remedies plant origin, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminating toxins.

Among the many medicinal plants, it is especially worth highlighting the marsh cinquefoil (also known as “Russian ginseng”). Another name for this plant is swamp rose. There is an opinion that this herb helps restore joints and the spine, improves the functioning of immune system and helps maintain youth.

Composition and medicinal properties

What are the healing and beneficial features plants and what does it help with? Healers say that therapeutic effect cinquefoil is like a saber that cuts off illnesses from a person.

The healing properties of the foliage, stems and roots of the swamp rose are due to the large amount useful substances, present in this plant. Sabelnik is rich in tannins, essential oils, it contains flavonoids, essential oils and many others. necessary for the body elements.

What does cinquefoil look like? The photo shows the plant during the flowering period:

Marsh cinquefoil: photo

  • Due to tannins swamp rose acquires an astringent taste and healing properties, the ability to suppress the development harmful bacteria and prevent the formation of salts in the body.
  • Flavonoids have a positive effect on blood vessels, reducing their fragility.
  • Thanks to phenolcarboxylic acids The immune system is strengthened and the body's adaptogenicity is improved.
  • Antioxidants They have a bactericidal effect, they make the walls of blood vessels more elastic and remove swelling. They also have the property of accumulating in the tissues of the retina and strengthening its capillaries.
  • Carotenes prevent the destruction of cellular structure and help improve the body's protective functions.
  • Terpenoids are able to have an antibacterial effect, they relieve spasms, stimulate the digestive system.
  • Catechins make the walls of blood vessels more elastic and slow down cell aging.
  • Gallic acid has hemostatic and antitumor properties. Also used in the treatment of diabetes. Infusions of this substance can heal wounds and cuts.
  • Slime swamp roses have a beneficial effect on gastric tissue, restoring their integrity.
  • Bitterness help improve appetite and activate the digestion process. Beneficial saponins strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of illnesses; they increase physical endurance: for this reason, they are recommended even in good health as a preventive measure.
  • Potassium normalizes metabolism, regulates the balance of water in the body and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Magnesium helps increase stress resistance, slows down the development of tumors and removes toxins.
  • IN phosphorus bones need, this element is also necessary for mental work and maintaining normal muscle condition.
  • Copper normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.

What else is useful and what does cinquefoil treat? Most useful product created by bees - swamp rose honey - stimulates protective functions body, strengthens resistance to infections. It is used in the treatment of joints, it eliminates swelling and slows down the progression of tumor formations.

Honey from this plant with notes of bitterness has an unusual taste and chocolate hue and can also serve as prophylactic from cancer. The sweet delicacy emits the aroma of flowers and is reminiscent of an exquisite caramel dessert popular in France - crème caramel.

Methods of use in folk medicine

Tinctures and medicinal decoctions are prepared from the roots and leaves of bitter fieldfare, which are consumed orally. Natural remedies have powerful healing effects. For external use, ointments and all kinds of lotions are made.

Residents of the northern regions drink tea with swamp rose to increase stamina and performance. The herbal drink has a rejuvenating effect and helps improve tone. A cup of this tea gives you energy, the drink is especially useful for people suffering from diabetes, but it is better to drink it after a meal, because it stimulates the appetite.

Inflammation, hypertension

Swamp rose is used to thin the blood, reduce inflammation, tone veins and capillaries - has a beneficial effect on circulatory system generally. Decoctions prepared from marsh cinquefoil are effective for high blood pressure, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins

One large spoonful of cinquefoil roots is poured into a glass of water and left for 30 minutes. After filtration, water is added to the original volume. Drink 100 ml three times a day before meals for six weeks. This decoction helps with high blood pressure, thyroid cancer, rheumatism and varicose veins.

Sabelnik lotions are effective for hemorrhoids and non-healing lesions and wounds on the skin. It is enough to apply fieldfare pulp, wrapped in gauze, onto the inflamed area. Use until inflammation disappears.

Bruises and diseases of joints and bones

An infusion of swamp rose (250 ml of hot water per large spoon of roots and stems - leave for an hour, take 100 ml before meals three times a day) helps restore joints with arthritis and arthrosis, making them mobile again. This remedy is recommended for osteoporosis and back diseases. In addition, it dissolves salt deposits and is used for gout and intervertebral hernia. But before use, you should consult a specialist.

Attention! Do not get too carried away with removing salts from the body - this can cause heart failure.

This remedy has a gentle effect, it calms the nervous system in case of neurasthenic disorders, memory problems and suicidal tendencies.

Fieldfare ointment is suitable for external use. This remedy improves blood circulation, helps with bedsores and erysipelas. Swampweed oil is also effective in treating joints and bruises.

Baths can help relieve pain from acute gout.

Gynecological diseases

Sabelnik allows you to get good results in the treatment of benign neoplasms reproductive system: for cysts on the ovaries, uterine endometriosis and other ailments, but important before starting treatment folk remedy consult a specialist.

On a note! Its combination with herbs helps to enhance the healing effect of the swamp rose. hog queen“- this plant has the property of relieving inflammation and preventing the development of tumors. The combination of these herbs can be an alternative to surgical and drug treatment.

To stop uterine bleeding, take a multicomponent herbal decoction. To prepare it, mix two portions of fieldfare roots and three portions of burnet, pour the mixture (2 large spoons) with half a glass of hot water and leave for fifteen minutes, then cool and filter. Take 100 ml three times a day before meals.

Digestive tract diseases

There are also indications for the use of fieldfare for gastrointestinal diseases. An infusion based on fieldfare heals damage to the walls of the stomach, helps with peptic ulcer and gastritis, relieves pain.

Brew two large spoons of herbal mixture with half a glass of hot water. They insist for two hours. Consume 3 times a day before meals for three weeks.

For prostate adenoma

In the treatment of prostate adenoma medications combined with herbal medicine. First of all, you need to stop the inflammatory process, due to this the swelling will also decrease.

To prepare a decoction, mix one small spoon each of swamp rose roots, dill seeds, steelhead rhizomes, horsetail grass and buckthorn bark.

Pour the mixture with half a glass of hot water and leave for five minutes, filter. Take 100 ml of this herbal tea three times a day before meals for six months at a monthly ten-day interval.

Important! The use of cinquefoil infusions makes it possible to reduce the amount of medications taken and thereby preserve the liver and stomach.

The benefits of products and medicines based on swamp rose are recognized by Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Mongolian medicine and are used in the treatment of tumors.

Using the tincture

Malignant neoplasms

Swamp cinquefoil is unique grass, and it is the only one among the non-poisonous ones that has the ability to slow down the development of tumors and relieve inflammation. What other diseases will this medicinal herb help with?

Products based on bitter fieldfare are used in complex treatment breast cancer, lung and other malignant tumors.

How to prepare an alcohol tincture of cinquefoil with vodka? The preparation recipe is simple: fill a 1000 ml container with crushed roots by a third, top up with vodka, close and leave for three weeks.

Use for twenty days (one-time dose - 1 tablespoon diluted with water, 50 ml. Use with water before meals 3 times a day), then take a three-day break and drink the infusion again. There are three courses in total.

For infectious diseases and inflammations

Tinctures and ointments based on marsh cinquefoil have anti-inflammatory properties; they are used for brittle bones and to relieve pain from arthritis and arthrosis.

Rinse with healing infusion of swampweed oral cavity and throat allows you to destroy germs. To prepare the infusion, dilute two small spoons of tincture in 100 ml of vodka. Rinsing should be done at least 6-7 times a day.

For poisoning, insect bites

Cinquefoil tincture, prepared according to the classic recipe, makes it possible to relieve the itching that occurs from mosquito bites. The infusion is taken one large spoon before meals for two days.

In case of intoxication after poisoning, an extract of rhizomes and herbs of the swamp rose is used; it also helps in the treatment of gastritis. The infusion of cinquefoil should be consumed three times a day, 100 ml before meals for three days.

In cosmetology

Swamp rose is actively used in cosmetology: this plant is part of many cosmetics. There is an opinion that this component in cosmetic products acts like an antiseptic, gives a rejuvenating effect, and promotes the regeneration of skin tissue.

Decoction based on cinquefoil - excellent remedy against alopecia, hair loss, it helps strengthen hair follicles.

The properties of fieldfare to have a tonic effect on capillaries and accelerate cellular renewal have allowed cosmetologists to make cream masks that increase skin elasticity and refresh its appearance.

Rinsing with a decoction of swamp rose helps get rid of dandruff on the head.

Application for weight loss

Swamp rose tincture is good remedy for weight loss. The components of this plant improve metabolism, help the digestive process, and reduce hunger - this is noted by many women.

On a note! Reception herbal remedy It is recommended to combine it with a diet, preferably rice.


To avoid harm to health, consider contraindications to the use of formulations and mixtures with fieldfare. Taking this medicinal plant is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • with bradycardia;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • low pressure;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for problems with the kidneys and liver.

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Instructions for use:

Marsh cinquefoil is a medicinal perennial plant.

The height of the cinquefoil reaches 1 meter. Its rhizomes are long, sometimes reaching 3 meters in length. The cinquefoil blooms in August. Its leaves are elongated, with teeth at the ends. The cinquefoil grows in swampy areas, along the banks of lakes and rivers, in lowlands, in wet meadows, as well as in the tundra and in river backwaters. You can often see sedge near the cinquefoil.
This plant is often called Russian ginseng, since the use of marsh cinquefoil for human treatment has been practiced for a long time. Treatment with marsh cinquefoil is mentioned in ancient manuscripts of the 17th century.

From reviews of marsh cinquefoil, many other names of this plant are known:

  • Decop;
  • Cinquefoil;
  • Swamp cinquefoil.

Composition and beneficial properties of marsh cinquefoil

To use marsh cinquefoil for treatment, all parts of the plant are used. Thus, its root, leaves and stem have beneficial properties. But what is most valued, according to reviews of marsh cinquefoil and treatment with drugs based on it, is the rhizome of the plant. So, this part contains a lot of useful substances that determine the use of marsh cinquefoil for the treatment of many diseases.

The root of the cinquefoil contains tannins, many beneficial microelements and a lot of vitamin C.

The use of marsh cinquefoil for treatment, according to pharmacists, is not fully used. This is due to the fact that all the available properties of the plant have not been sufficiently studied.

Nevertheless, real reviews about marsh cinquefoil, this plant is characterized as an antitumor agent, actively used for the prevention of cancer and its treatment.

The use of marsh cinquefoil for treatment in medicine is due to the presence of a wide list of its medicinal properties:

  • Astringent;
  • Hemostatic;
  • Painkiller (analgesic);
  • Sweatshop;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Wound healing.

Application of marsh cinquefoil

The collection and preparation of medicinal raw materials (leaves, stems and roots) is carried out in summer or autumn. According to reviews of marsh cinquefoil, it is better to collect the plant in the fall, during this period the rhizome is especially rich in nutrients.

The most effective treatment is considered to be the use of marsh cinquefoil when the root of the plant is presented in the form of hollow brown “tubes”. Store marsh cinquefoil for future use in whole roots, without chopping it. It is in this form, judging by the reviews of marsh cinquefoil, that all its healing properties are better preserved.
There are quite a few ways to use marsh cinquefoil for treatment. Thus, marsh cinquefoil, according to reviews of people who have used it, is called an ambulance for such problems as:

  • Bruises;
  • Dislocations;
  • Sprains.

The use of marsh cinquefoil is very effective for the treatment of complex diseases for which medicine is practically powerless:

  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Polyarthritis;
  • Hepatitis.

Reviews about marsh cinquefoil contain many examples of relieving painful symptoms and even curing such serious illness like arthritis.

A decoction from the rhizome of the plant helps to cope with various problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • Dysentery;
  • Digestive disorder.

The diaphoretic property determines the use of marsh cinquefoil for the treatment of colds. Thus, a decoction of the roots helps to cope with ARVI, sore throat, bronchitis and influenza. From reviews of cinquefoil, it is known that gargling with a decoction of the roots of the plant helps to relieve inflammation in the oral cavity.

The course of any disease is significantly facilitated also because the use of marsh cinquefoil provides a complex effect on such organs and systems as:

  • Liver;
  • Kidneys;
  • Heart;
  • Joints.

After an illness (infection), it is advisable to use marsh cinquefoil as tonic and for detoxification of the body (removal of decay products after infection).

Reviews of marsh cinquefoil characterize this remedy as great way cope with toothache. To do this, rinse the mouth with a decoction of the rhizome or a solution prepared from a tincture. According to patient reviews, the use of marsh cinquefoil in combination with birch buds is very effective for periodontal disease and toothache.

The use of marsh cinquefoil for the treatment of metabolic disorders and normalization of weight gives an excellent effect. So, for these purposes, a decoction of the roots and stems of the plant is used.

By medical reviews about the marsh cinquefoil received from specialists, it is known that the use of marsh cinquefoil is considered very effective for the treatment of any disease in the complex. This complex involves the use of not only a decoction, but also a tincture from the rhizome of the plant. This is explained by the fact that thanks to alcohol valuable properties are better released into the tincture. In addition, treatment with marsh cinquefoil is often complemented by the use of other medicinal herbs.

According to reviews, it is recommended to make a tincture of the rhizome of marsh cinquefoil yourself in a glass liter jar. This volume of medicine is designed for a three-week course of treatment with marsh cinquefoil. The crushed roots are placed in a jar 1/3 full, and if the root is cut into pieces 1 cm long, then ½ of the container is filled. Vodka or alcohol is poured into the jar. From reviews of marsh cinquefoil, it is known that the tincture needs to be infused for 3 weeks in a dark place. It's a good idea to shake the jar daily.

Tincture of marsh cinquefoil for treatment is sold ready-made in some pharmacies.

The tincture is more convenient to take; it does not need to be specially prepared. In addition, according to the doctor’s prescription, it is enough to strictly adhere to the dosage of this drug. Traditional medicine people are increasingly trying to use this valuable plant, which is why recently doctors quite often prescribe this drug to your patients. This tincture is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Internal bleeding;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Thrombophlebitis.

In recommended doses, the use of marsh cinquefoil is effective for the treatment of disorders of the cardiovascular system. Thus, from reviews of cinquefoil, it became known that this remedy provides stroke prevention.

IN complex therapy The use of marsh cinquefoil is effective for disorders of the nervous system, namely:

  • Psychasthenia;
  • Fright;
  • Depression;
  • Suicidal state.

Contraindications to the use of marsh cinquefoil

The use of marsh cinquefoil for treatment is unacceptable for hypotension and bradycardia. Of course, if the body is hypersensitive to the drug, it should not be used.

It must be remembered that the use of marsh cinquefoil in the treatment of any disease initially causes an exacerbation.

It is undesirable to use marsh cinquefoil, judging by the reviews of women who have given birth, during pregnancy and lactation.

Benefits and contraindications to the use of cinquefoil. Preparation of infusion, methods of use, reviews.

In ancient times, people with a penchant for medicine paid attention to the power of herbs collected at different times of the solar and lunar days. They understood and saw the difference in the effect of herbs on the human body, collected early in the morning, at dawn or at dusk. An important point It was also a place where medicinal plants grew.

Interestingly, wetlands also contain enormous healing potential in terms of plant diversity and their beneficial effects on us.

One of them is cinquefoil, or Russian ginseng, or dekop, or articular, which will be discussed in this article.

What does cinquefoil look like, where does it grow, when to collect?

marsh cinquefoil in nature

Sabelnik is a fairly noticeable plant. It looks like this:

  • height about a meter
  • green leaves pointed upward
  • brown stem has no scales
  • dark purple flowers with distinct petals

Dekop loves swampy places and impassable shores of forest lakes. He selects the most distant points for growth and flowering. Found in Siberia, European and Scandinavian countries, North America.

  • IN medical fees both the unearthly part of Russian ginseng and its rhizomes are used
  • In mid-summer, during the new moon, collect blooming cinquefoil. Feel free to cut the entire stem above the ground with leaves and flowers
  • In late spring and autumn, dekop is most valuable for its rhizomes, collected during the full moon and during the waning moon
  • Do not confuse them with the roots, which entangle long areas of the swamp with thin threads and act as a frame for the latter. The rhizomes of the cinquefoil are a continuation of the stem underground, from which a thin marsh “cushion” grows
  • If you buy ready-made ones at the pharmacy herbal teas cinquefoil, then pay attention to the dry rhizomes - they should look like a stem, have a tubular structure and dark green or Brown color. There should not be any thread-like processes present on it.

Useful and medicinal properties of cinquefoil

cinquefoil flowering - time to collect stems and leaves

Sabelnik has been known for a long time as an amazing medicinal plant, which our ancestors used in both dried and fresh forms.

The benefits of decop for the human body lie in its composition:

  • Carotenoids are natural strong antioxidants that form a barrier to the penetration of pathogens and the development of cancer.
  • vitamin C
  • minerals - potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium
  • flavonoids
  • tannins, which have a tightening effect and help in the healing of serious wounds
  • essential oils
  • organic acids
  • saponins, which help relieve symptoms of colds and coughs
  • resins, gums, mucous substances that penetrate well through the skin into areas affected by inflammation, for example, muscles and joints

Among the medicinal qualities of Russian ginseng, the following are distinguished:

  • immunostimulating - several centuries ago, residents of cold northern countries took cinquefoil as tea and kept their bodies healthy
  • biologically active
  • wound healing
  • antitumor
  • antispasmodic
  • anti-inflammatory
  • pain reliever
  • normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • for sprained ligaments and muscles
  • stopping bleeding
  • regulating intracellular metabolic processes
  • expectorant
  • cold medicine

What does cinquefoil tincture help with?

crushed dry stems and rhizomes of cinquefoil before preparing the tincture

Alcohol infusion of dekop is the most famous cure for:

  • breast and digestive organ cancer
  • leukemia
  • arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, hernia, osteochondrosis
  • salt deposits in joints, cartilage tissues, vertebrae
  • colds
  • diseases of the oral cavity that affect the gums
  • constipation

The infusion of cinquefoil is taken orally according to a certain scheme, both for the purpose of prevention and during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

In addition, it is useful as a basis for compresses when joint and spinal pain has become chronic. Of course, he will not be able to completely cure you of them, but he will completely relieve the pain.

Herb cinquefoil - contraindications

cup of tea with cinquefoil

Like all natural gifts, Russian ginseng is indicated for use by all people. However, you should avoid it:

  • women during lactation and pregnant women
  • children under 14 years old
  • for everyone who is allergic to cinquefoil

Please note one thing unique property Decopa - it causes exacerbations of diseases from the moment you start taking it. However, this is a temporary phenomenon and you have nothing to fear. The plant, integrating into the work and eliminating the manifestations of the disease:

  • breaks the current destructive scenario
  • normalizes metabolic processes
  • heals damage
  • relieves pain
  • stimulates the body's internal reserves for active interaction

Sabelnik in folk medicine for the treatment of joints, hernia, arthrosis, osteochondrosis

a man has arthrosis, needs cinquefoil

As a natural medicinal plant, cinquefoil effectively copes with reducing pain from lesions:

  • joints
  • cartilage
  • vertebrae
  • muscle tissue
  • strengthens them and restores normal functioning.

To achieve the above results, use an infusion of cinquefoil with vodka. Take it orally, a tablespoon an hour before meals, before each meal, or as compresses on sore spots.

If you adhere to the regimen of taking cinquefoil orally, then at the same time it will cleanse your digestive system, blood and lymph from waste and toxins.

Russian ginseng can also cope with pain in joints and vertebrae in the form of an ointment. For this:

  • add alcohol infusion to the cream base
  • Store the finished product in the refrigerator and follow the treatment regimen. For the latter, consult your doctor.

Sabelnik: tincture, tablets, balm, ointment, gel - instructions for use

balm gel cinquefoil for the treatment of joints

An alcohol tincture of decop is taken orally to relieve pain with:

  • arthritis
  • arthrosis
  • osteochondrosis
  • similar diseases that have developed due to increased stress on the human musculoskeletal system

Dosage regimen: daily 3-4 times in the amount of a tablespoon diluted in a small amount of water, an hour before meals.

Duration and frequency of treatment: from 10 to 20 days, then a break of three days and repeat the cycle

Sabelnik tablets are crushed concentrates of dry rhizomes of the plant, which are especially effective for:

  • gift
  • osteochondrosis
  • rheumatism
  • polyarthritis
  • arthrosis

Therefore, the drug dosage regimen differs from the previous version.

It is acceptable to take 1 tablet per day for 20 days. Repeat the cycle after a ten-day break.

Use balm with Russian ginseng for local external treatment of inflammation in joints, muscles and sprains.

  • Apply the balm as you would any other pain reliever.
  • Please note that it has a specific odor, which is noted by consumers as not very pleasant

Ointment with cinquefoil, due to the presence of other natural components, enhances the effects of pain relief, blood and lymph cleansing, restoration of affected tissues, and removal of toxins and waste.

Use ointment with decop for:

  • polyarthritis, gout, arthrosis, arthritis
  • osteochondrosis
  • muscle strains
  • intervertebral hernia
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes

Sabelnik in gel is good for cooling, relieving pain, restoring damaged tissues of joints, muscles and spine.

The duration of use of cinquefoil in the gel depends on the nature and duration of pain.

How to prepare cinquefoil tincture with vodka, recipes?

dry cinquefoil roots for preparing alcohol infusion

An alcoholic infusion of Russian ginseng is easy to prepare:

  • dry the rhizomes of the plant or buy ready-made ones at the pharmacy
  • cut them into 1 cm sticks
  • Fill a liter jar one-third full with dry material.
  • add regular vodka in the amount of half a liter
  • close the lid tightly and leave in a dark place for three weeks
  • strain and store the infusion in the refrigerator in a closed container
  • when taken orally, be sure to dilute with water

Another recipe will help reduce the concentration of the tincture.

  • take up to 3 measuring units of its dry crushed roots and fill with a bottle of vodka
  • leave the infusion in a glass container to “ripen” for three weeks in a cool, dark place
  • strain and take orally as described above, or use as a medicine for rubbing/compresses

Compress with cinquefoil, application

the girl put a compress with cinquefoil on her neck

Infusion of cinquefoil - the most common effective form treatment of diseased joints, intervertebral discs, muscles and ligaments.

If you add compresses to it at night on sore spots, the healing effects of cinquefoil will increase.

To prepare the compress:

  • take a small amount of infusion
  • heat it up
  • moisten the cloth/gauze and apply to the sore spot
  • wrap the top with plastic wrap and a woolen scarf

In the morning, carefully remove the fabric; it should be dry. Wipe the area where the compress was with warm water or take a shower. Avoid drafts and hypothermia, otherwise the effect of the compress will be exactly the opposite.

Sabelnik during pregnancy

pregnant girl walking on the beach

There is a lot of biological content in cinquefoil active substances, which very quickly penetrate inside the human body and begin to interact with close organs.

Decop affects the functioning of the heart muscle, as it is able to relax and calm the excited nervous system.

Therefore, this plant is contraindicated for pregnant women. They should take care of their heart and avoid taking herbs that slow down its function and lower blood pressure.

Sabelnik - reviews

herbal tinctures at home, including cinquefoil

Petr Kirillovich, experienced driver

During his 20 years of driving experience, he developed chronic problems with his lower back and knee joints.

He was treated with many pharmaceutical drugs and took courses in a hospital hospital. But a few years ago, fate brought me together with a herbalist, who suggested that I try cinquefoil tincture to alleviate my condition. I started taking it internally and making regular compresses. To be honest, I didn’t have much hope for this herb. Nevertheless, after one course I felt a difference - the pain subsided and my sleep returned to normal.

I continue to take cinquefoil to this day as a tea leaves. My health has also improved.

Antonina Sergeevna, physics teacher

I have been working at school for a long time and, due to my line of work, I often conduct laboratory experiments in the classroom. Repeatedly, due to awkward movements, I suffered muscle strains and severe pain. But you can’t take sick leave with such a diagnosis. Therefore, I was looking for an effective remedy to relieve pain.

Once in a pharmaceutical pharmacy she suggested to me a balm with cinquefoil as strong remedy from such ailments. The result exceeded my expectations - the pain subsided after the second application. Since then I have been recommending cinquefoil preparations to everyone I know.

Sabelnik has undoubtedly taken its rightful place among the herbs of traditional medicine. Any diseases of the musculoskeletal and digestive systems, many ailments with the blood, lungs, liver, lymph recede under its influence.

Learn and apply knowledge about healing properties herbs Be healthy!

Video: Marsh cinquefoil

The swamp is fraught with many natural resources, one of which is unique medicinal plants. Their most valuable representative is marsh cinquefoil, popularly referred to as “the grass of a thousand ailments.” It is used to prepare medicinal teas, all kinds of tinctures and decoctions, and are also actively used in the pharmaceutical industry. Today we will look at the beneficial properties and contraindications of marsh cinquefoil, how and when the plant is collected for treatment, what drugs are made from it, and how it is used in folk medicine.

Where does cinquefoil grow and how to distinguish it

If you don’t know what cinquefoil is, then perhaps you are familiar with decopa grass, marsh cinquefoil, cinquefoil, fieldfare, and nutasai. This is just a part of the many folk names the same plant. To make sure you don’t confuse it with anything else, carefully study the photo of cinquefoil.

during flowering

Its main distinguishing feature is its unusual bright flowers burgundy color in the shape of a five-pointed star.

The leaves, like the petals, are oblong with pointed ends. As you can see in the photo, the plant is quite large. This is a subshrub from 50 to 100 cm in height. The roots of cinquefoil, which are comparable in healing power to ginseng, deserve special attention. It is not easy to obtain them, since the creeping rhizome grows up to 3 m in length and is strongly intertwined, forming a strong root cushion.

The cinquefoil grows throughout Russia - from the European part to the regions of the Far North. It loves areas with high humidity, so you need to look for it in river valleys, swamps and damp meadows.

Collection and preparation of plants

To truly benefit from the plant, it is important to know how to prepare it correctly. The time for collecting the aerial parts and rhizomes varies.

Stems and leaves are harvested during the flowering period, from early June to late July. The collected herbs should be dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated place, stirring occasionally. Then it is packaged in paper or fabric bags and stored in a dark, dry place. Under such conditions, the raw materials will retain their beneficial properties for 2 years.

Root collect late autumn or in early spring, when its healing power is not wasted on feeding the aerial parts.

Only the top young roots are cut off, without touching the blackened old ones, which no longer have medicinal properties. This method allows you to harvest without destroying the plant. The washed roots are dried in the sun so that excess moisture is removed faster and they do not rot. They are stored in the same conditions as grass.

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the swamp, so cinquefoil can also be purchased at the pharmacy. There are presented both dried parts of the plant and all kinds of preparations based on it, which we will talk about later.

What does marsh cinquefoil help with?

Let's move on to the main thing - how cinquefoil is useful. His wide application due to the following medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipyretics;
  • immunostimulating;
  • painkillers;
  • antitumor;
  • diuretics;
  • astringents;
  • chondroprotective (joint restoration).

Many questions arise about whether cinquefoil thickens or thins the blood. The plant is multifaceted and can give both of these effects at once, depending on the dosage. It contains quercetin and kaempferol, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help stop bleeding. But with high dosages of cinquefoil-based drugs, salicylates come into effect, which, on the contrary, thin the blood.

Now directly about what marsh cinquefoil helps with. Its leaves and stems are used mainly for preparing tonic drinks that cleanse the body of toxins and improve immunity, as well as for external use on wounds and burns.

What diseases does it help with? grass marsh cinquefoil:

  • gastritis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • boils, acne and other skin problems.

However, for the most part, it is the rhizomes of the plant that are used in the treatment of diseases.

What cures root cinquefoil:

  • arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and other problems with the spine and joints;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome and many other gynecological problems;
  • mastopathy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • cholecystitis;
  • jaundice.

Sabelnik or larkspur: which is better?

Regarding the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, cinquefoil is often compared with larkspur (comfrey), since the properties of the plants are largely similar. However, the first has more pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, and the second heals microtraumas of the joints faster and increases the production of synovial fluid. Therefore, it is impossible to say which is better, cinquefoil or comfrey; to obtain the maximum effect in the treatment of joints, they should be used in combination.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of cinquefoil for women

For the fair sex, first of all, the use of cinquefoil in gynecology is of interest. Its anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties have a beneficial effect on mastopathy, mastitis, vaginitis, and polycystic ovary syndrome. And thanks to its hemostatic properties, the plant is used for uterine bleeding and menstrual cycle disorders.

Sabelnik in gynecology

  1. For mastopathy A decoction of cinquefoil has proven itself well. 20 g of dry herb are brewed with a quarter liter of boiling water and simmered in a steam bath for 15 minutes, then filtered. Drink 20 ml 4 times a day. It is effective to combine the use of the decoction with external rubbing of the chest with cinquefoil ointment, the recipe for which has already been described earlier.
  2. Treatment endometriosis carried out by parallel intake of decoctions of cinquefoil and boron uterus. Both remedies are prepared according to the above recipe and drunk three times a day - a decoction of boron uterus half an hour before meals, and a decoction of cinquefoil 30 minutes after meals.
  3. For uterine bleeding make a collection from the roots of cinquefoil and burnet in a ratio of 2:3. 2 tbsp. collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a thermos for at least 2 hours. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
  4. The herb is also useful for women trying to lose extra pounds. For weight loss drink cinquefoil tea, normalizing lipid metabolism. In addition, such a drink cleanses the body of toxins, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Contraindications for women

Despite the large number of medicinal properties for women, cinquefoil also has contraindications for them.

Their role is pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. In such cases, treatment can only be carried out with the permission of a doctor and only under his supervision.

General contraindications to the use of cinquefoil

Having a lot of useful properties, marsh cinquefoil has a minimum of contraindications and side effects. This plant is not poisonous, but some people may experience individual intolerance to it. If, in response to the first dose of cinquefoil-based medication, you experience indigestion or allergic reaction on the skin, treatment must be discontinued.

A child under 12 years of age is also a contraindication. His reception in more early age can only be performed as prescribed by a doctor.

Often the cause of side effects is not the plant itself, but the alcohol on the basis of which tinctures are made from cinquefoil. Patients are prohibited from taking such drugs:

  • with liver and kidney diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • bradycardia;
  • alcohol addiction.

Sabelnik also affects blood pressure. It is not recommended for use for hypotension, as the pressure may drop even more.

We figured out what cinquefoil root treats, and for what diseases its herb is taken, so it’s time to move on to practical recommendations on the use of the plant.

Cinquefoil tincture: indications for use, recipes, reviews

The most popular and universal remedy is a tincture of cinquefoil in vodka or alcohol. Its effectiveness is explained by the ability of alcohol to dissolve any, even water-insoluble, components of the plant, and also very quickly deliver them to the source of the disease.

What does the tincture help with:

  • joint problems;
  • spinal hernia;
  • diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • gastrointestinal disorders.

In addition, taking the tincture has a positive effect on the body’s condition in case of hypertension, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and improves immunity. But the main indication for use of the drug is joint diseases. Vodka tincture has a multidirectional effect on them:

  1. Reduces inflammation.
  2. Reduces pain.
  3. Removes salt deposits.
  4. Restores cartilage tissue.
  5. Improves the production of synovial fluid.

Reviews of people who have undergone such treatment will help you to finally be convinced that joint problems are an indication for the use of cinquefoil tincture.

Reviews of the use of cinquefoil tincture for joints

Anna, 32 years old. Available initial stage arthritis knee joint. Taking chondroprotective drugs slightly improved the mobility of the joints, but did not help completely get rid of the pain and crunching. A colleague advised me to drink cinquefoil tincture. I bought it ready-made at the pharmacy, and after a month’s course, the crunching in my knees went away, and discomfort was felt only under heavy load. I was also surprised to discover that the crunching sound I had when turning my neck, which I had since childhood, disappeared. I’m very pleased with the effect, I’ll rest for a month and continue taking it again.

Lyudmila Sergeevna, 56 years old. I have suffered from arthrosis for many years hip joint. I tried everything I could - I drank chondroitin and glucosamine, applied hundreds of ointments, attached a magnet, planted bees, but the desired relief did not come. I decided to turn to medicinal plants. I made an alcohol tincture of cinquefoil myself and started taking it. At first, the pain even intensified, but I read that this was normal and confidently continued the treatment. And now, a month later, I can recommend it to everyone suffering from arthrosis. The joints became more mobile, the pain decreased, and it became more comfortable to do joint exercises. None of the drugs prescribed by the doctor gave this effect.

How to make tincture at home

The recipe for preparing the tincture may vary slightly depending on the liquid used as a solvent.

How to infuse cinquefoil on vodka:

  1. A 1-liter jar is filled one-third with fresh roots cut into approximately 1 cm pieces.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka into the prepared raw material and close the container with a nylon lid.
  3. Insist for at least 3 weeks in a closet or pantry.
  4. Strain and store in the refrigerator.

The readiness of the product can be determined by its rich red-brown color. If the liquid is still pale in color, then leave it for another 3-5 days.

How to infuse cinquefoil on alcohol:

  1. For 70% alcohol, which is a stronger solvent than vodka, both fresh and dry raw materials are suitable. For 0.5 liters of liquid take 100 g of dry roots.
  2. The mixture is placed in a dark place and kept for 3 weeks, after which it is filtered.

The tincture recipe must be selected based on the planned method of its use. It is better to use alcohol-based products only for rubbing, while cinquefoil tincture with vodka can be taken both internally and externally.

How to take the tincture correctly

For arthrosis and arthritis The tincture is taken three times a day, 1 tsp, dissolving it in 50 ml of water. For better effect At the same time, the joints are rubbed with the product. The procedure is carried out before bedtime so that the tincture can not be washed off the skin, but the sore spots can be wrapped in woolen cloth. The course of treatment lasts 1-1.5 months. Moreover, after about a week of taking the tincture, joint pain may increase. There is no need to quit treatment, a temporary exacerbation is a normal reaction of the body to the plant, you just need to wait it out for several days, after which relief will come sharply.

For herniated spine The cinquefoil tincture is drunk according to the same scheme, but when rubbed, it is applied not to the sore spots themselves, but to the area around the vertebrae.

To get rid of salt deposits , drink tincture 1 tbsp. three times a day for 10-15 minutes of food. Reception is continued for 20 days, after which they rest for 10 days and repeat.

The warming effect of the tincture is beneficial for diseases respiratory tract . If not elevated temperature, it is used to rub the chest and back area.

For oncology alcohol tincture take 1 tsp. twice a day with meals, dissolving the product in a third of a glass of water. Treatment is continued for 1 month, then rest for 10 days. Depending on the stage of the disease, 2-3 such courses are carried out.

Other recipes for joints based on cinquefoil

The use of the plant in folk medicine for the treatment of joints is not limited to alcohol tincture. Good healing effect gives an infusion of cinquefoil herb in water. This recipe is suitable for those who cannot drink alcohol for health reasons or simply do not want to drink alcohol.

How to brew an infusion for joints and spine:

  1. 2 tbsp. dry crushed leaves and stems are poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. Leave covered for about half an hour.
  3. Strain.

The infusion is taken before main meals, 100 ml.

A large number of industrial ointments are produced from cinquefoil, but you can make it yourself. To do this, 20 g of dry roots are crushed into powder and mixed with 200 g of a fat base, which can be used as pork fat or unsalted butter. The ointment is rubbed into sore spots using massage movements.

Another effective external remedy is cinquefoil oil. It’s easy to prepare – 5 tbsp. dry roots pour 0.5 liters of any unrefined vegetable oil. Infuse the mixture for a month.

How to make cinquefoil tea

Cinquefoil tea is useful for gastritis with increased acidity, increased gas formation, diarrhea and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Indications for taking tea are also general weakness and overwork of the body, as well as an excess of toxins in it. Due to its cleansing properties, drinking tea has a positive effect on the condition skin, for example, helps get rid of facial acne in teenagers. This tonic drink, rich in vitamin C, will come in handy during the cold season. It is also an excellent preventative against oncology, joint diseases and gynecological problems.

How to make cinquefoil tea:

  1. Dried leaves are brewed with boiling water in a ratio of 3 tsp. per glass of water.
  2. Wrap the kettle with a towel and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Honey or other sweeteners are added for taste.

Despite the harmlessness of the herb, it is still a medicinal plant, and you should not constantly drink cinquefoil tea as a regular drink. It can be taken in monthly courses, then be sure to take a break. You can drink up to 1 liter of tea leaves per course.

The ideal option would be to take tea in combination with cinquefoil honey, medicinal properties which are similar to the drink itself. This product is rare, but you can still find it on sale. Sabelnik honey is similar in color to ordinary flower honey, but has a higher viscosity and is not susceptible to crystallization longer.

Pharmacy assortment

The plant is actively used in the pharmaceutical industry. Preparations for joint diseases are mainly made from cinquefoil. These are all kinds of ointments, tablets, dietary supplements, tinctures.

Among alcohol tinctures The product from the Evalar company has proven itself best. It contains exclusively cinquefoil rhizomes and 40% ethyl alcohol. Take the product 1 tsp. dissolved in water twice a day. The course of treatment lasts 2 months. The price of tincture for a volume of 100 ml is 250-300 rubles.

Ointments for joints with cinquefoil are issued under the following trademarks, like “911”, “Lifebuoy”, “ARTRAID”, “Sustamol”, “Esobel”, etc. The price of ointment for joints ranges from 70 to 1000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

Earned a lot of positive reviews body cream"Cabella forte" This budgetary means, costing up to 200 rubles, effectively relieving inflammation and pain in the joints, and helping to improve blood circulation in them. In addition to cinquefoil, the cream contains extracts of other medicinal plants - nettle, string, plantain, elecampane, sweet clover, etc.

Proven to be effective in the treatment of joints gel"Sustavit", containing cinquefoil in combination with bee venom. Besides these two natural healers, the gel is enriched with chonroprotectors and collagen aimed at restoring cartilage tissue. The advantages also include the price of the product, which does not exceed 100 rubles.

They also make from cinquefoil tablets with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. A similar drug is available in the range of the already mentioned company “Evalar”. One tablet contains 10 mg of cinquefoil extract. There is also a less concentrated capsule version containing only 5 mg. They are prescribed for the complex treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as as a restorative agent for excessive physical exertion. According to the instructions for use, Sabelnik-Evalar tablets are taken 1 pc. per day during meals.

Another valuable health product from the pharmacy is cinquefoil oil extract. It is used to rub sore joints and heal wounds and burns. Also, the instructions for use of cinquefoil oil contain recommendations for its use in for cosmetic purposes. It can be a component of anti-aging face masks, and can also be used in the fight against acne.

Having a huge number of useful properties and a minimum of contraindications, marsh cinquefoil is actively used in both traditional and traditional medicine. Low cost pharmaceutical drugs and ease of making home remedies makes healing power plants as accessible as possible for a wide range of patients. And tonic tea from cinquefoil, which has long been loved by the northern peoples, is useful to drink periodically and absolutely healthy people for preventive purposes.