General information about the health benefits and harms of cilantro. Cilantro: beneficial properties and contraindications of Chinese parsley

Herbs and spices are always associated with the culinary preferences of the peoples of the countries of the East and Asia. Although many of them have been enriching for thousands of years taste sensations, are included in medicinal potions and cosmetics in all parts of the world. Nature never ceases to amaze us with its careful thoughtfulness: we can use “both the tops and the roots” with undoubted benefit for ourselves. One of these plants will be discussed further.

Cilantro or coriander?

In many culinary recipes you can find additives such as coriander and cilantro in the list of ingredients. At first glance, it seems that we are talking about different spices. That's actually what they call it different parts of the same plant: The green leaves are called cilantro and the seeds are known as coriander.

From Greek this word is translated as “bug”: for a spice, you must admit, it’s a strange name, but understandable: unripe seeds have an unpleasant “bug” smell, while ripe ones have a rich spicy aroma. Cilantro leaves are very similar in shape to parsley leaves, but the taste is sharper and more bitter. For this similarity, the herb is often called Chinese, Mexican or Arabian parsley.

Possessing a unique and rich aroma, cilantro greens can decorate the taste gamut of any summer salad, add a unique accent to sauces, marinades, meat and fish dishes. Coriander seeds are widely used in the preparation of sausages, canned food, some types of cheese, in confectionery, even in brewing.

But before reigning in food spices, this green miracle was used for centuries as a miraculous medicinal and cosmetic product. The apogee of significance was its recognition as a symbol of immortality in Ancient China. Until now, the Chinese have not changed their opinion about this amazing plant. Largely thanks to the amazing complex of vitamins and elements contained in the green mass of cilantro.

Studying the composition of leaves

It is immediately worth noting distinctive feature aromatic leaves: by quantity organic acids they are superior to all herbs. The presence of ascorbic, stearic, linoleic, palmitic, isooleic and myristic acids turns cilantro into an inexhaustible source of energy.


The leaves of this spice plant contains important for the human body , , .

Important! Choline, or vitamin B4, protects the body's cells from destruction. It is capable of being synthesized independently, but under aggressive conditions external environment it is necessary to replenish its volume with products enriched with it.


As an element of youth, activity and productivity, it is also included in the “star cast” minerals cilantro. Thanks to such a useful content, this spice quite naturally earned love and a place of honor on the table.

Nutritional value and calorie content of greens

IN 100 g fresh aromatic seasoning is all 23 kcal. Taking into account the above information, it should be added that these 100 g of greens also contain water, fats, mono- and disaccharides. For those who like to use this spice in dried, we must take into account that its calorie content will increase to 216 kcal.

The benefits of cilantro

With such a fantastic set useful elements, fragrant grass renders beneficial effects on the entire human body.

  • Firstly, it is capable of removing excess liquid along with the toxins dissolved in it. Thus, cilantro successfully fights edema, improves the condition of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, and works as an excellent cleanser of heavy metal salts.
  • Secondly, this spice is capable of organizing smooth work gastrointestinal tract. Its pectins can prevent cancer problems in the intestines.
  • Thirdly, Chinese parsley keeps blood levels within acceptable limits, strengthens blood vessels and thereby helps normalize blood pressure.
  • Fourthly, both the leaves and seeds of the plant have the ability to lower blood sugar levels. This is very important for people suffering from diabetes: consuming this seasoning can even reduce the amount of insulin taken.
  • Fifthly, in cases of stress, depression, nervous overstrain and in frequent excited states, it is advisable to include cilantro greens in the menu.

  • Sixthly, with various fungal skin diseases, with eczema, the antimicrobial and antifungal properties of green spices come into effect.
  • Seventh, relieve tension in the eyes after working at the control panel, get rid of conjunctivitis and avoid age-related changes V eyeballs Our fragrant healer will also help.
  • Eighth, even chewing tender branches of cilantro can cure stomatitis, periodontal disease, and help strengthen the gums, because the essential oils that make up this spice have antiviral and antiseptic properties.
  • Ninth, this plant contains a natural antibiotic that can successfully fight salmonellosis.

Along with such universal characteristics, fragrant herb also has qualities divided by gender.

Did you know? Diets based on coriander have been developed that are prophylactic diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, brain tumor diseases.

For men

Regular consumption of coriander decoctions can improve potency, and fresh cilantro has an exciting effect. After all, among other things, this plant contains a natural analogue male hormone testosterone.
After numerous table libations, it is advised to take a tablespoon of dry spice mixed with 1 tablespoon of alcohol (preferably with). According to experts, the hangover syndrome will pass in a lighter version. And to get rid of the smell of alcohol, you can simply chew a few coriander seeds.

Did you know? In India, this fragrant herb is considered a natural aphrodisiac and is used to increase libido.

For women

This spicy plant has a truly miraculous effect on the female body, increasing the production of estrogen and restoring reproductive function . With its regular use, you can establish a regular cycle, ease your health during PMS and menopause.

When preparing various creams and masks for the skin, it is recommended to use coriander essential oil. This will have both a purely cosmetic effect and a therapeutic one if there are problems with acne. In the summer, this oil will act as a kind of protective screen against harmful effects solar radiation.
Cilantro decoction is recommended rinse hair after washing: hair roots will become stronger, dandruff and itching will disappear, and the appearance of gray hair will be delayed.

Can I eat cilantro?

The most basic requirement when eating aromatic greens is no allergies at her. Therefore, it is worth eating a few leaves and taking a short pause, no more than an hour. If no unpleasant manifestations are observed, then you can safely include fragrant herb in your diet.


Pregnancy may not be an obstacle to eating coriander, provided there is no allergy to it. Due to its ability to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, this greenery can also relieve stress. All healthy vitamins and the elements of this spice will reach the fetus through the blood of a pregnant woman.


But for nursing mothers you should not include aromatic spices in your menu, since there is a high probability of allergic reactions and digestive problems in the child.

For children

Experts say that already 1.5 years Children can be offered cilantro, although this should be done very carefully and in small portions so as not to provoke an allergy. Another question is that because of the peculiar smell and taste, children often refuse this herb. There is nothing wrong with this, the time will come when they will appreciate the fragrant plant.

Separately about dietary properties

Despite the fact that with the help of an amazing spice you can get rid of swelling, remove toxins, maintain proper levels, fill your body with vitamins and minerals, activate digestion, you will not be able to lose weight with its help alone.

Most likely, this spice should be considered as an accelerator metabolic processes with low-calorie diets in weight loss programs.

Important! Chinese parsley can increase appetite, so it is recommended to use the herb for anorexia.

Cilantro in traditional medicine recipes

Thanks to his unique composition fragrant coriander is used as an antipyretic and spasm-relieving agent. Decoctions from the green mass of the plant are used in folk medicine in the treatment of scrofula, measles, cough.

This spice is included in herbal teas for treatment and choleretic and digestion-improving decoctions. Used as a sedative alcohol infusion coriander seeds.

Diarrhea and indigestion

At intestinal spasms or diarrhea is used next drug:

10-30 g of ground seeds of aromatic spice are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for 10 minutes. After each meal you should drink 150-200 ml of this infusion.

Bad breath

If bad smell from the mouth due to addiction to smoking, then to neutralize it it is enough to chew a stem or a couple of leaves of fresh cilantro, or a few coriander seeds.

If bad smell caused by more serious reasons, it is advised to use the following decoction.

Pour 2/3 teaspoon of dry leaf spice into 2 cups hot water and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Leave for half an hour, strain. During the day, take the entire volume of the decoction, first rinsing oral cavity and then swallow.

Cilantro: rules for choosing a quality product

To enjoy aromatic greens with pleasure and health benefits, you should choose them carefully. There should be no lethargy and yellow leaves, and the stems should not look like “ski” poles.
Very often, sellers keep fragrant bunches in water or often spray them with it. Therefore, you should take a close look to see if there are any rotten parts. In the end, a spice should have its own aroma; if it doesn’t, then you shouldn’t be tempted by such a purchase.

If you decide to purchase coriander, it is advisable to be able to examine the seeds before purchasing. Ideally, it is better to buy spices in bulk, rather than in opaque packaging. Then you can see what condition the seasoning is in: it must be dry, without mold.

Cooking with cilantro: step-by-step recipes with photos

With your chosen quality herb and coriander seeds, you can prepare delicious, nutritious, easy meals.

Salad with tomatoes

Grocery list:

  • 3-4 pink tomatoes;
  • a small bunch of cilantro;
  • green seedless;
  • lilac onion;
  • (1 clove);
  • coriander;
  • ;
  • a small portion of chili pepper;
  • half ;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 tsp. dried
Step by step process:
  • chop parsley and cilantro;
  • cut sweet and bitter peppers into large pieces;
  • transfer the entire prepared mass into a blending container;
  • add chopped garlic and oregano;
  • pour in the juice of half a lemon and 50 ml of olive oil;
  • add salt and black pepper to taste;
  • puree the collected ingredients;
  • Place the sauce in a bowl to serve.

Harm and contraindications

The presence of beneficial properties and elements does not exclude certain restrictions when consuming green spices.

To avoid harmful effects on the body, you should always remember moderation.

If you have an allergic reaction to the essential oils contained in cilantro, you should not consume it. If you eat it often and in large quantities, you can easily cause overstimulation. nervous system and, as a result, insomnia and short-term memory loss.

To people suffering increased acidity gastric juice, you should be careful when including this spice in your menu. Diagnoses such as coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, thrombophlebitis do not exclude the use of coriander, but require it dosage. An unjustified passion for tasty grass can cause cycle disruption and hormonal imbalance in women. Fortunately, once the plant's substances are eliminated from the body, Negative consequences eliminate themselves.
It should always be remembered that positive result culinary, cosmetological or medical “communication” with a unique green spice will be achieved only with its moderate use.

It is called differently. In some countries it is coriander or colyander, in others it is kindling, kishnishi, chilantro, hamem... Some are accustomed to call the herb Arab, Mexican and even Chinese parsley. Be that as it may, in Russia it is known as cilantro - a beloved green by many, which is used to season all kinds of dishes along with onions, lettuce, dill and parsley.

A little history

Our ancient ancestors knew how cilantro is useful and what its effect on the body is. Just imagine: mentions of grass are found even in the Old Testament writings. Its seeds have been found more than once during excavations of Egyptian tombs. It is assumed that the plant was placed near mummies to create a pleasant aroma, since the air in the tombs was stale and the walls were moldy. And the Egyptians were sure: it would not be appropriate for the pharaoh, who would someday rise from the dead, to breathe such a suffocating amber.

The homeland of the aromatic herb is Mediterranean countries. She is very loved in Latin America, especially in Colombia and Venezuela. Here the plant is used to season various dishes: from salads to delicacies. The herb is also popular in China: local healers told the whole world how cilantro is beneficial for men. They have proven that it improves potency and sexual attraction, and also prolongs life and gives youth.

How is it used?

Spicy aromatic annual plant belongs to the Umbelliferae family. It is believed that the herb gained popularity in Europe thanks to the Romans, who brought it to Great Britain. Then it appeared on other continents: Australia and America. As for Russia, cilantro appeared here relatively recently: in 1830, Count Apraksin brought it from Spain. Today in our country, the plant is used to season “Korean-style carrots,” salads, soups and other dishes.

Knowing the benefits of cilantro, professional chefs and simple housewives boldly add leaves and grains to their culinary masterpieces. But in different countries they use different parts of the plant: In the Caucasus, preference is given to leaves, in Asia - to seeds. By the way, the latter are also popular here, but they are called differently - coriander. The leaves of the herb are very well savored with meat dishes, so in Georgia and Armenia the herb is added to marinades for barbecue.

Composition and calorie content of cilantro

What are the benefits of cilantro? Firstly, it contains a lot of vitamins: C, P, B1 and B2. Secondly, it can boast of the presence of pectin, carotene and fiber. The grass contains many microelements and organic acids necessary for the body. Its leaves are a good aromatic remedy, as they contain many essential oils. Interestingly, unlike many other plants, cilantro combines both a herb and a spice. The first is made from leaves, the second from seeds.

Cilantro - dietary product. It is recommended for people suffering from excess weight. The herb removes toxins from the body well, promotes rapid absorption of food, and speeds up metabolism. 100 grams of greens contain only 23 calories, so people who are losing weight can safely add the plant to their daily diet. But, the main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity, because in very large doses Cilantro may be harmful to your health.

Benefits for the whole body

She cannot be overestimated. After all, it has already been proven that cilantro normalizes heart function, improves blood circulation, and regulates blood pressure. Those who consume the fragrant herb can boast good appetite And sound sleep. Gynecologists recommend the herb to their patients. What are the benefits of cilantro for women? Firstly, it regulates menstrual cycle. Secondly, it removes painful sensations during this period it stimulates the production of female sex hormones.

The plant is actively used to treat ophthalmic problems. The substances it contains inhibit the development of age-related changes in the eyes, help them relax after hard work, and also have antimicrobial properties and eliminate conjunctivitis. Thanks to linoleic acid and cineole, cilantro heals inflammatory processes, helps with arthritis and rheumatism. The herb removes excess fluid from the body and relieves swelling caused by kidney problems.

Help for the stomach

Specialists in the field of gastroenterology have also heard about the irreplaceable properties of the herb: how it fights diseases and why it is useful. Cilantro, according to doctors, disinfects the gastrointestinal tract, improves its motility and cleanses it of bacteria that can cause intoxication of the body. It can cure diarrhea as it contains components that help bind intestinal contents. These substances also improve the digestive process and liver functioning.

The benefits of cilantro are great for gastritis, as it is endowed with choleretic, antiseptic and analgesic properties. It is often used in the treatment of anorexia, as it promotes the release of digestive juices and the necessary secretion of enzymes. A person who consumes the plant has an increased appetite. The seeds of the plant should be chewed during holidays and feasts to slow down the process of intoxication and reduce the smell of alcohol.

Other useful properties

The plant has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Knowing how cilantro is useful for women, the fair sex needs to include it in their diet: it gives youth, elasticity to the epidermis and eliminates the first wrinkles. The herb helps in the treatment of fungal infections, eczema, eliminates dryness and flaking. It lowers blood sugar, so it is highly valued by diabetics. Cilantro also contains a lot of iron, so it is indispensable for anemia.

The plant is a natural aphrodisiac. It is used to make drugs whose action is aimed at increasing libido. It is also a natural antiseptic and has a healing and antimicrobial effect. For diseases of the upper respiratory tract cilantro can relieve inflammation in the throat, reduce pain, and in folk medicine the herb is used as an antipyretic.


Now we know how cilantro is useful. Fresh greens help the body fight all kinds of ailments and improve its functioning. But at the same time, you should also remember about contraindications, so that by thoughtlessly using the plant you do not harm your health. First of all, grass is not recommended for breastfeeding women. Cilantro is a strong spice and can cause allergies or colic in your baby. Pregnant women also need to limit its use in order to protect themselves from all sorts of negative reactions of the body.

Cilantro is contraindicated for people who have recently suffered a stroke or heart attack, as well as those suffering from thrombophlebitis. Even if you are completely healthy, excessive consumption of herbs can provoke psychological problems, cause insomnia, weaken memory and concentration. The optimal amount of greens per meal is 35 grams.

Knowing the benefits of cilantro for the body, our ancestors used it for love purposes. It was believed that it not only increases potency in men, but can also evoke tender feelings in him. Girls in love, in order to bewitch their chosen one, gave him a tincture from the seeds of the plant to drink. In Rome, even during the reign of Caesar, the herb was served at the imperial table: it was believed that it stimulated digestion. By eating a few leaves at the beginning of the meal, the ruler and his retinue ensured a good appetite.

What are the benefits of cilantro? Our ancestors used the greenery of this plant in magic. They were sure that she attracted wealth, prosperity and good luck to the house. By hanging bags with the plant or its seeds near windows and doors, people protected their homes from evil spirits and dark forces. Cilantro has always been a great air purifier. Often it was planted in flower pots to eliminate bad odors in the apartment and create pleasant aroma.

is an annual plant belonging to the Umbelliferae family and traditionally grown as a spicy-flavoring crop. For culinary purposes, the basal serrated leaves with a characteristic spicy pungent odor are used. Wide Application found round seeds ripening on large inflorescences on umbrellas.

In addition to its pronounced culinary value, the fruits of the plant and the greens of cilantro have a number of extremely useful properties. They predetermined the interest in the culture of folk and official medicine. The health benefits and harms of cilantro are determined by its composition and the presence of contraindications.

Composition of coriander seeds and cilantro leaves

Coriander fruits are easily recognized by their specific sweetish taste and characteristic aroma. Thanks to him, the spice is used in many dishes and baked goods.

Moreover, dried cilantro fruits contain vitamins C, PP, B1, B2 and beta-carotene. 100 grams of mature seeds contain:

  • 24.8 kcal;
  • from 0.5 to 1.5% valuable essential oils;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins and organic acids;
  • mono- and disaccharides.

The macronutrient composition of coriander includes calcium, magnesium and sodium, phosphorus and potassium. Among the microelements useful for the human body are iodine and iron.

With a lot of beneficial properties, cilantro has practically no contraindications. However, precautions should be taken and attention should be paid to the personal tolerance of the active substances in the fruits and foliage of this plant. Greens contain slightly fewer calories than seeds. But her vitamin composition much richer and includes vitamins: A, K, B1, C, E, B2, B3, B6, B9, PP and choline. Microelements in fresh greens include zinc, selenium and iron, manganese and copper. Macroelements include calcium and magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium.

Favorite in many countries herb rich in pectins and tannins. The benefit of cilantro is that, without harming health, it has the ability to resist infections dangerous to humans such as salmonella.

Useful properties of cilantro and contraindications

In folk medicine, coriander seeds and juicy greens have been used for many centuries. The oldest recipes for using spicy seeds were discovered in eastern India. There, remedies still prepared with them help treat colds, relieve pain and relieve fever.

Cilantro juice, rich in vitamins and microelements, as well as greens, has long been used as an antiscorbutic tonic.

The study of the beneficial properties and contraindications of cilantro has given modern doctors the basis to talk about the effectiveness of a drug based on this plant for the treatment of many diseases.

Today, tinctures, decoctions, lotions and other preparations based on coriander are proven remedies:

  • from fungal and microbial infections;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vascular system.

The benefits of cilantro in the fight against digestive and internal organ problems

The most active action coriander has an effect on digestive system person. The ability of greens to speed up the digestion of heavy fatty foods, especially meat, has long been noticed by the peoples of the Caucasus and the Mediterranean region.

Thanks to natural antibiotic substances, anti-inflammatory effect and essential oils, coriander:

  • promotes the healing of erosions on the walls of the stomach;
  • strengthens tissues;
  • normalizes digestion.

As a result of regular consumption of green cilantro, the manifestations of gastritis and peptic ulcer, gases stop accumulating.

Cilantro is a rare plant that stops the development or completely eliminates a number of vision problems.

At home, lotions with cilantro decoction will help you quickly and painlessly cope with conjunctivitis.

Essential oil, decoctions and tinctures based on cilantro and plant seeds have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. In this regard, decoctions of herbs and seeds are indicated for:

  • cystitis;
  • colds;
  • bronchitis accompanied by a dry cough.

Cilantro greens are useful for stomatitis and the initial manifestations of caries. A fresh decoction relieves nervous tension, helps cope with insomnia, ease cramps and even relieve hangovers.

Green cilantro for weight loss

Coriander, which is low in calories and promotes digestion, is used as a healthy dietary component. Fresh cilantro is most useful for weight loss for those who suffer not only from digestive disorders, but also from diabetes.

The plant is capable of:

  • gently normalize sugar levels;
  • activate metabolic processes;
  • has a general strengthening tonic property.

In addition, for those who want to lose weight, cilantro will be useful in its ability to remove excess fluid, which often prevents effective weight loss.

Coriander also has the ability to relieve irritation that is inevitable during restrictive diets.

What are the benefits of cilantro for women's health?

If a woman’s daily diet contains a small amount of spicy herbs, such an addition to regular dishes can have a beneficial effect on women Health. Cilantro is useful for painful menstruation. A decoction of the seeds helps enhance lactation and can also alleviate bleeding. Home-grown cilantro will be more beneficial than purchased on the market.

During pregnancy herbal remedies will help cleanse the body of waste and toxins. But it is worth remembering that in excessive quantities, cilantro will not bring benefit, but harm. In addition, this plant has a number of serious contraindications.

The use of coriander in cosmetology

Having a calming effect, cilantro relieves irritation skin, reduces itching and other manifestations of allergies. The vitamins and essential oils contained in coriander leaves and its seeds are actively used in many cosmetic products and soap making.

Masks and lotions, based on fresh herbs and decoctions, whiten and smooth the skin, restore healthy looking and replenish vitamin reserves.

However, with a lot of beneficial properties, cilantro also has contraindications. Therefore, when using products that contain such active plant materials, you need to make sure that there is no negative reaction from the body.

Contraindications when using cilantro

The beneficial properties and contraindications of cilantro depend on its composition and the personal characteristics of the human body consuming greens or preparations from the fruits of this plant. High content ascorbic acid, carotene, aromatic substances and other highly active elements can harm the health of people with a predisposition to allergic reactions. In addition to the benefits, harm from cilantro from health is also possible during exacerbations of chronic diseases, for example, pancreatitis or gastritis.

Pursuing the goal of quickly improving their health, some people unreasonably consume extremely large quantities of cilantro. You shouldn't do this.

The average daily intake of greens in the diet of an adult should not exceed 35 grams, and seeds - 4 grams.

Patients suffering from coronary disease, hypertension and thrombophlebitis. An overdose of cilantro can cause not healing, but reverse effect, if a person has a risk of developing a heart attack and diabetes mellitus, as well as excessive tonic effect of plant materials can cause nervous disorders and night sleep disturbances.

Useful properties of coriander - video

Chinese, Mexican and Indian parsley, chamem, kindizi, chilantro, coriander: all these are variations of the name of one plant...

So do different nations called cilantro beneficial features which allows it to be widely used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology. Let's discover the benefits of green coriander and find out how to use it for health, and in what cases it is contraindicated.

The beneficial properties of coriander were known at least 50 centuries ago. In cooking and medicinal purposes cilantro was used back in the era of the Old Testament, information about its use was found in ancient Chinese scrolls and ancient Egyptian manuscripts - even then people knew how valuable this plant was.

Avicenna himself believed that it prolongs life, and not by chance.

Chemical composition of cilantro

100 g of green cilantro contains many useful substances:

  • Dietary fiber and ash.
  • Monosaccharides and disaccharides.
  • Carbohydrates – up to 3.8 g.
  • Proteins – up to 2.2 g.
  • Fats – up to 0.5 g in the form of fatty acids (ascorbic, linoleic, stearic, oleic, etc.).
  • Many vitamins: C (up to 28 mg), A (up to 3.9 mg), E (2.5 mg), B4 (up to 12.8 mg), PP (1.12 mg), B5 (up to 0.57 mg), B6 ​​(up to 0.15 mg), B2 (up to 0.16 mg), B1 (up to 0.07 mg), K and B9 (up to 0.1 mg).
  • A set of minerals: iron (1.7 mg), magnesium (26 mg), sodium (46 mg), phosphorus (48 mg), calcium (67 mg), copper (225 mg), etc.

It is clear that such a set of useful substances makes cilantro truly valuable for human health and nutrition.

By the way, cilantro root, whose beneficial properties also help maintain health, successfully replaces garlic, and therefore is popular among Vietnamese and Thai cooks.

Medicinal properties of cilantro

Green cilantro, the beneficial properties of which have proven themselves in the treatment of various ailments, helps get rid of the following diseases.

  • Cough. To make the sputum disappear faster and the dry cough to stop “beating”, mix 1 tsp. sugar with 2 tsp. green cilantro juice and 0.5 tsp. grated ginger. Take 1 tsp. of this drug per day, and soon we say goodbye to annoying coughs and colds in general.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. We eat fresh cilantro leaves and get an excellent appetite, digestion that works like a clock, thorough digestion of heavy food and regular bowel movements - we forget about constipation! In addition, cilantro cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of harmful bacteria. One bunch a day improves metabolism and protects the body from gastritis and ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.
  • Edema. Having a diuretic effect, coriander greens remove excess water from the body and, along with it, accumulated toxins.
  • Visual impairment. If you need to get rid of conjunctivitis or styes, prevent the development of glaucoma or cataracts, regularly eat cilantro leaves and enjoy good vision!
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Biologically active substances, which are part of coriander leaves, cleanse blood vessels of toxins and bad cholesterol. In addition, cilantro lowers blood pressure.
  • Nervous system diseases. If you are in a depressed state, when the only thing you want to do is stare at one point without doing anything, cilantro greens will bring you back to life! Look at the Caucasians eating it in large quantities every day! They are always active and cheerful, because cilantro gives cheerfulness and optimism. By the way, it is also good for insomnia.
  • Bleeding gums. Coriander greens strengthen gums, help with stomatitis and soothe toothache.
  • Vitamin deficiency. Possessing a rich set of vitamins, cilantro will help you in winter, when the body especially needs nutrients.

Cilantro greens are very useful for female body, it is successfully used both for weight loss and for improving facial skin.

Cilantro for weight loss

Many nutritionists say that ladies who want to lose weight need to eat this spicy herb more often. The fiber contained in it rids the body of toxins and waste and restores intestinal function, relieving those losing weight of constipation.

If you want to lose weight, regularly include these greens in your diet, eating no more than 15 g of cilantro at a time. If you eat more, your sleep or menstrual cycle may be disrupted.

Cilantro for strengthening bone tissue

With age, bone condition worsens, and osteoporosis may develop, especially during menopause. Cilantro contains a lot of calcium and vitamin K, which strengthens bone tissue and prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Cilantro during menstruation

We use spicy herbs during menstruation to alleviate pain.

Cilantro is also useful for cycle disorders.

Cilantro for oily skin

To make your skin glow and your complexion happy, make a mask of greenery.

  • Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped cilantro leaves and.
  • Add a little water to make a paste and mix with 1 tsp. zinc powder.
  • Apply a green mask to problem areas, wait 15 minutes, and rinse with cold water.

Contraindications for the female body

Despite the benefits it brings, in some cases cilantro can cause harm. It should not be eaten by pregnant women, as it thickens the blood, or by nursing women (it gives milk an unpleasant taste).

Excessive consumption of this herb leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Cilantro is useful for men in such extreme cases when male body gives a complete failure.

If you have a hangover

A herbal cocktail will help bring your husband, who had a good walk the day before, back to life:

  • We take a stalk of celery and green cilantro, dill and parsley.
  • Pour a glass and a half of water into a vessel for an immersion blender.
  • Add chopped celery and herbs there.
  • We grind it all with a blender, filter it and give it to the victim to drink. Greens will quickly remove toxins from the blood and soon hangover syndrome there won't be a trace left.

If you have problems with potency

Since cilantro is an aphrodisiac, it increases libido by improving prostate function. It’s not for nothing that Spaniards and Mexicans are called macho: they have plenty of this herb in their diet.

Contraindications for the male body

Cilantro should not be consumed by men who have had a stroke or myocardial infarction, or suffer from hypertension, diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis (this also applies to women).

Everything needs moderation, and so does the consumption of cilantro. Eat no more than 35-40 g of this herb per day, and if you have health problems, consult your doctor first. If there are no contraindications, eat cilantro in reasonable quantities, strengthen your body and be healthy!

Cilantro (coriander) is a herb known to everyone. In any season it can be found on store shelves. Cilantro belongs to the Umbelliferae family and looks like parsley. Its benefits for a woman’s body are priceless. In this article we will look at what properties the plant has and how to use it for health.


Cilantro is far from a newcomer to the world of herbs and spices. Its history begins in ancient times, when Egyptian priests placed seeds in the tombs of deceased pharaohs. It was believed that the pleasant aroma of the grass would overcome the odors of mold and decay. Then the Romans discovered its beneficial properties, and they brought the spice to Europe.

Cilantro contains many useful elements.

  • Vitamin R. It regulates blood flow and enhances blood circulation. Thanks to this vitamin, the brain begins to work more productively, memory and attention improve.
  • Vitamin A. Every woman knows that this element is responsible for external beauty. Hair gains a healthy shine, nails stop breaking, skin becomes lighter and acquires an even tone. In addition, vitamin A improves vision.
  • Vitamin E. Does not allow free radicals to develop, protecting the body from oncological diseases. It also has a good effect on the reproductive system.
  • B vitamins. Participate in metabolism, prevent aging of the body, and relieve depression.
  • Vitamin K This element is needed for those who have reduced blood clotting. It helps in healing wounds and scratches.

In addition to vitamins, coriander contains magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and potassium in small proportions. The calorie content of cilantro is low - only 22 calories per 100 grams. It is useful to know that it also does not contain proteins, fats or carbohydrates.

Cilantro is used as a seasoning for many dishes - it is added to soups, salads, and meat. Some people love the aromatic herb so much that they eat it just like that. However, you still need to get used to the specific smell of coriander.


Most women, in pursuit of good health, often buy expensive drugs, completely forgetting that all the elements necessary for the functioning of the body can be found in nature. It is worth taking a closer look at the beneficial properties of cilantro.

  • The first thing that often worries women is an irregular menstrual cycle, pain, and mood swings. Cilantro perfectly helps to cope with these manifestations. It can be consumed raw or infused. The spice will also be a good help for menopause and PMS.
  • Endless stress nervous breakdowns and insomnia are common companions for women. Dealing with them can be difficult and sometimes impossible. Regular consumption of cilantro will improve sleep, calm nerves, and relieve headaches.
  • During pregnancy, coriander will support a weakened body and remove waste and toxins. If you eat this herb at least a couple of times a week, you will notice that the hated swelling that almost all pregnant women suffer from has gone away. In addition, cilantro will cheer up a pregnant woman.

  • The spice also helps you lose weight. Since it has almost no calories, it can be consumed without worrying about your figure. The plant speeds up metabolism, making it faster and easier to lose weight.
  • Thanks to its ability to remove heavy metals from the body, cilantro helps get rid of those harmful elements that come with nicotine and polluted air in large cities.
  • If speak about external use, then coriander copes perfectly with such frequent problems, How oily skin, hair loss, fungal diseases, eczema, oral diseases.

Of course, for this purpose they do not eat it raw, preferring tinctures and decoctions based on this plant.

Contraindications and harm

Despite all the benefits of cilantro, like any product, it has its own contraindications that cannot be ignored.

  • The plant is a strong allergen because it contains a rich composition of various essential oils. If you are prone to allergies, use the product with caution.
  • Cases of individual intolerance are possible if it manifests itself negative reaction in the form of nausea, vomiting, indigestion, then it is better to refuse such food.
  • People with high blood pressure It is not recommended to consume cilantro, but if you really want to, you should still consult a doctor.
  • Eat coriander carefully when breastfeeding, again due to its allergic properties. If there is a rash on the baby's skin, colic, or diarrhea, you should immediately stop using cilantro.
  • People who are recovering from a heart attack, stroke, or those who have thrombophlebitis should not eat aromatic weed.
  • It's no secret that excessive consumption of any product, even the most healthy, can cause harm. If you eat cilantro in large quantities, all the beneficial properties will turn against you. This is fraught with insomnia, nervous tension. You can consume no more than 35 grams of the plant per day.

How to use?

Fully healthy people Of course, you shouldn’t think about how to use cilantro. You can simply add it to soup or salad, sprinkle it on a fresh steak, or simply eat it as a snack to your main course. All beneficial properties will pass into the body, saturating it essential vitamins and minerals.

But for those who suffer various diseases and would like to get rid of them, there are several useful recipes.

For insomnia

To avoid burdening yourself with endless thoughts about work, affairs and personal experiences at night, try next remedy. Take one tablespoon of seeds and pour 100 ml of vodka. Place this product in a cool, dark place and leave for two weeks. After the expiration date, you need to take fifty drops per day.

For hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a problem that almost all women who have gone through childbirth know firsthand. They are often embarrassed to go to the doctor, trying to treat themselves. This is not always correct, especially if the stage is advanced. This recipe will help alleviate the condition and reduce pain, but it is not a complete medicine.

You need to take a quarter tablespoon of the following herbs:

  • coriander seeds;
  • liquorice root;
  • yarrow;
  • cassia foliage;
  • buckthorn bark.

All this needs to be mixed and poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave for several hours. Drink half a glass of this drink in the evening.

Against cough

For stomach problems

Constant indigestion is what awaits many during a strict diet. To forget forever about the problems that so complicate the life of an already irritated person, try making a refreshing tea. Thirty grams of crushed coriander seeds are poured with warm water and left for ten minutes. You need to drink this decoction after meals, one glass a day is enough.

For oral diseases

You need to finely chop the cilantro and then pour boiling water over it. Take a full glass of water for one teaspoon. Close the container with a lid and leave to infuse for 24 hours. Then you need to rinse your mouth with this decoction after each brushing of your teeth. Thanks to this infusion, you can forget about oral microbes, stomatitis, and gingivitis.

For problems with the menstrual cycle

To alleviate the condition during menstruation or menopause, cut a bunch of cilantro and add cool water. Let the product brew for one night, then you can drink it in the morning. Take the infusion until the problem is resolved.

Application in cosmetology

It is important for women not only to be healthy, but also to look good. Most often, these two points are combined, because without health you cannot have an attractive appearance. However, there are some factors that do not always depend on the state of the body. These could be problems with skin and hair. Proper nutrition- not yet a guarantee perfect appearance, and therefore the problem must be dealt with comprehensively. Let's look at some recipes that will help ladies achieve the desired beauty.

  • Beautiful and shiny curls Provide fresh cilantro, poured with boiling water. Take a small bunch of greens and pour a glass of boiling water. If the hair is thick, the proportions can be doubled. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with a mixture that has cooled to room temperature. In just a week, you will notice how your hair will acquire the desired shine and become less greasy.