Oatmeal jelly: medicinal properties and recipes. Oatmeal jelly recipe benefits and harm reviews recipe

Oatmeal jelly has been used for the stomach for centuries. It helps treat gastritis and ulcerative lesions of the digestive system. In addition, this remedy copes well with pathologies of the liver and kidneys. Today there are quite a few ways to prepare this miraculous drink, which allows each person to choose the most optimal option.

The effect of jelly on the stomach

Kissel made from oatmeal is very beneficial for the stomach and all other organs. digestive system. Experts highlight the following properties of this unique product:

  1. Oatmeal jelly perfectly cleanses the body of toxic substances and other harmful products, which accumulate over many years. A similar effect is achieved due to a sufficient amount of vitamins.
  2. Due to the presence of nutrients in jelly, it helps saturate the body with the necessary substances, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system and strengthens the immune system.
  3. It is very useful to use jelly for inflammation and stomach ulcers. This product helps reduce acidity, which improves metabolism, disinfects food and speeds up food digestion.
  4. This product is great for people who are overweight or underweight. The fact is that jelly simultaneously contains a lot of calories and useful substances. Due to this, a person quickly fills up, saturating the body with the necessary elements.

In addition, oatmeal jelly helps reduce the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. With the help of this product, you can quickly improve your bowel movements, because it prevents constipation and effectively copes with diarrhea.

Indications for use of jelly

Oatmeal jelly for the stomach can be consumed by everyone - both children and adults. This product is perfectly absorbed by the body. People who have chronic diseases should definitely include oat jelly in their diet.

Indications for the use of this product are the following disorders in the digestive system:

  • exhaustion;
  • deficiency of pancreatic enzymes;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • fatty liver hepatosis.

Effective recipes

There are quite a lot healthy recipes, which allow you to prepare an effective drink. To get oatmeal jelly, you need to take 0.5 kg of flakes, add 3 liters of boiled water and leave overnight. In the morning, strain the mixture. In this case, the oatmeal needs to be pressed to improve the discharge of mucus. For rinsing, you can use filtered liquid.

Leave the resulting solution to settle for several hours, then strain again. After a certain time, a layer of water forms at the top, which must be placed in a separate container.

Heat the remaining base, stirring all the time. As it cooks, the composition will thicken more and more. At this point, it is recommended to pour the drained water into the container. It literally takes 5 minutes to prepare. In this case, the composition should not boil, since useful elements will die.

Oatmeal jelly can be prepared even easier. To do this, take 4 cups of oatmeal and add 8 cups of water. Leave the composition to infuse until evening, then shake and strain. Boil the resulting water over low heat for several minutes. If the product becomes too thick, you can add a little water and heat it again for 10 minutes.

If you don’t have time, you can prepare oatmeal jelly in just 45 minutes. To do this, just pour 200 g of oatmeal into 1 liter of water and cook for 35 minutes. After this, filter and rub the remaining oatmeal through a sieve. Add the resulting mass to the broth and bring to a boil. If desired, you can put a large number of salt.

However, one of the most useful recipes for oatmeal jelly is the product prepared according to Izotov. This virologist has developed a unique manufacturing method taking into account ancient traditions. The resulting product is ideal for treating the digestive system. With the help of such jelly you can easily cope with peptic ulcer.

Of course, this drink takes quite a long time to prepare, but thanks to its use it is possible to achieve maximum effect. So, to prepare oatmeal jelly according to Izotov, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Fermentation. Bring 3.5 liters of water to a boil, then cool it to 30 degrees and place in a 5 liter jar. Add 0.5 kg of oatmeal and 125 ml of kefir to get a starter. Cover the container with a lid, wrap it up and leave. To speed up the fermentation process, the jar should be placed in a warm place - for example, near a radiator. It is best to mix the flakes with crushed oatmeal - this will require about 10 tablespoons.

This stage takes up to 2 days. Bubbles and separation of the composition will help determine readiness. It is important to stop in a timely manner this process– Too long fermentation will negatively affect the taste of the product.

To cope with diseases of the stomach and other organs of the digestive system, this drink should be consumed every day, replacing breakfast.


Oatmeal jelly belongs to the category of those rare products that have absolutely no contraindications. The only limitation is overeating, because excessive consumption of any product can be harmful. Therefore, when including oatmeal jelly in your daily diet, you should remember a sense of proportion.

Oatmeal jelly can confidently be called a miracle product. By using this tool It is possible to improve the digestion process, restore normal stools, and eliminate the manifestations of gastritis and peptic ulcers. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations for preparing this drink. In order not to harm your stomach, you should consult your doctor before using this remedy.

What is the most common wish for any holiday? Of course, regarding health. People who have encountered problems in this area like to add that this is the most important thing. It's hard to argue with this truth. After all, only strong and healthy man can truly enjoy life. The secret to well-being is quite simple: you need to fully understand the responsibility for your well-being. And only by accepting it, the individual receives all the rights to good health, and therefore to a rich, fulfilling life.

Today there are many known great ways take care of the prevention and treatment of various diseases. You just have to treat yourself a little more carefully and follow certain rules. One of the miraculous elixirs of life is Izotov’s jelly. This is unique healing drink, accessible to everyone.

The legacy of ancestors

A popular book in the 16th century, Domostroy, contains a recipe for healing oatmeal jelly. It is also mentioned in ancient monastery books. This dish was the most popular in Russian cuisine at that time. They were widely used to treat diseases of the stomach and spleen. Unfortunately, long time the recipe was undeservedly forgotten. The greatest omission, because the healing properties of jelly are unique.

Justice triumphed only when virologist Vladimir Kirillovich Izotov turned his attention to the long-forgotten recipe. Having carefully studied it, he fully appreciated the unsurpassed advantages of the drink. An experienced Russian doctor added innovations to the heritage of his ancestors modern medicine. And a unique miracle appeared before humanity - Izotov’s oatmeal jelly. Its benefits were appreciated not only in Russia, but also far abroad. In the West, it was respectfully called “Russian balm.”

Composition and benefits - amino acids

What is the brainchild of the world famous doctor? Where are his miraculous powers hidden? The answer to the question lies in a unique combination of useful substances. They simply endowed magical power Oatmeal jelly Izotov.

The drink contains essential amino acids. The human body does not synthesize them on its own, so they can only come from food. Their deficiency has a detrimental effect on health.

Essential amino acids:

  • Tryptophan. This component gives Izotov’s jelly an excellent ability to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is used to cure serious illnesses such as bulimia and anorexia. Tryptophan is able to partially neutralize harmful influence alcohol and nicotine. Being a natural antidepressant, it perfectly relieves neuroses, mental disorders, stimulates performance and concentration.
  • Lysine. This amino acid is necessary for the production of hormones, antibodies, and enzymes. Participates in the process of tissue repair and stimulates growth. Lysine has antiviral effect. Thanks to this component, the benefits of Izotov’s oatmeal jelly in the fight against respiratory infections and herpes is very large. The amino acid promotes the breakdown of fats, enriching the body with the necessary energy. It significantly increases the absorption of calcium, therefore it is an excellent preventive measure against osteoporosis. It is of great benefit for heart pathologies.
  • Lecithin. Vital substance for nervous system. In addition, the amino acid helps restore the structure of the lungs and liver. It should be noted that this component gives Izotov’s oatmeal jelly the ability to resist even the development of cirrhosis. Another amazing effect on the body is protection from excess weight.

  • Methonine. Plays a leading role in ridding the body of heavy metals. Removes excess fat, thereby reducing the accumulation of extra pounds. It is a good antioxidant and significantly improves memory.

Vitamin composition

The drink and other components make it very valuable. We are talking about vitamins, which Izotov’s jelly abounds in. Their content is really great. The list consists of vitamins B, A, E, PP. Is it worth mentioning how positively Izotov’s jelly affects the body? The benefits of this elixir are to increase immunity, prevent cardiovascular diseases, and support the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

  • Vitamin B1 Helps preserve memory and stimulate brain function. It is an excellent preventive agent in the fight against Alzheimer's disease.
  • Vitamin B2 provides excellent skin condition, stimulates the functioning of the visual organs. It is simply necessary for growth healthy hair and nails.
  • Vitamin B5- one of the powerful stimulators of adrenal synthesis. It is thanks to him that jelly is used to treat arthritis, allergies, and heart diseases.
  • PP (nicotinic acid). It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of this vitamin. It participates in the formation of hormonal levels, regulates cholesterol levels, prevents the formation of blood clots, activates the functioning of the pancreas and liver, plays vital role in the formation of red blood cells. Serves as an excellent preventive measure for hypertension and diabetes.
  • Vitamin E, Being a powerful antioxidant, it strengthens the immune system, prevents blood clots, and compensates for the lack of estrogen. It has been noticed that it perfectly fights skin aging, increasing its elasticity and firmness.
  • Vitamin A ensures healthy bones, teeth, hair and skin. Useful for proper operation urinary tract and lungs.
  • Vitamin B4 (choline) supports health. It has a number of important effects on humans: anti-atherosclerotic, nootropic (stimulation of cognitive function), antidepressant and sedative.

Benefits of minerals

Of course, Izotov’s oatmeal jelly contains not only vitamins and amino acids. It is also rich in minerals. It includes:

  • Magnesium. A vital element for construction bone tissue. It has sedative properties, reducing the excitability of the nervous system. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects on the body. Regulates the functioning of the prostate gland, Bladder, intestines.
  • Iron. Everyone has heard about the need for this element for the formation of hemoglobin. But few people know how useful the component is for work. thyroid gland. In addition, iron ensures the transport of oxygen in the body.
  • Potassium. Regulates the removal of fluid from the body, thereby preventing the formation of swelling. Stimulates blood clotting. Potassium salts enrich everything soft fabrics, ensuring the healthy functioning of brain, heart, kidney, and liver cells.
  • Fluorine. Excellent support immune system. Stimulates the regeneration of bone tissue, therefore it is an excellent prophylactic agent in the fight against osteoporosis. In addition, it prevents the occurrence of caries.

It was this rich composition that made Izotov’s jelly a cure for all diseases. Reviews, it is worth saying, fully confirm the miraculous power of the drink.

Drink harm

Most people are accustomed to the fact that any medical supplies or food products, while bringing great benefits in one way, can turn out to be unpleasant consequences in a different. Therefore, before preparing jelly, you need to ask the question: to whom is the drink contraindicated? No one!

It’s simply amazing, but not a single contraindication has been identified for taking this elixir of life. Over the years of use, not a single disadvantage of this drink was found, except perhaps individual intolerance.

At the same time, Izotov’s oatmeal jelly recipe passed the strictest examination at the research institute. The conclusion revealed only advantages:

  • high biological activity;
  • effective healing of the body;
  • easy digestibility;
  • complete absence of unpleasant side effects.

The examination confirmed that there are no analogues in terms of impact on human body no all over the world.

Preparing jelly

A healing drink can be prepared from fruits, berries and herbs. This is a fairly high-calorie dish, after which you feel full. How to cook oatmeal jelly from fresh fruits so that all the vitamins are preserved? You must first squeeze the juice out of fruits or berries. Make a decoction from the mixture. And then add to the finished jelly.

Izotov’s oatmeal jelly recipe is quite simple, but you still have to make an effort. After all, over the course of several days you need to carefully monitor the process of fermentation and settling. To avoid the most common mistakes, let's look at how to prepare oatmeal jelly step by step.

You will need a three-liter clean jar, oatmeal, oats, boiled water (warm), kefir. Instead of the latter, you can take yogurt or spoiled milk.

Preparing the base

Before preparing the jelly, you need to grind the oats in a coffee grinder. Pour oatmeal into a dry jar. Next place the ground oats. The mixture should fill the jar one-third full.

Pour in fermented milk product- 100 ml. If you are taking a course of treatment, it is best to use homemade sour milk. After all, it contains significantly more essential living bacteria, unlike store-bought kefir.

The mixture should be poured on top boiled water. You will need about 2 liters. It is very important that the liquid is warm and not boiling water. Sometimes purified water is used. Don't fill it to the top. Be sure to leave some space. Otherwise, the lid will break off during the fermentation process.

Stir the mixture thoroughly. Remember not to use metal objects for cooking. It is best to stir with a wooden spoon. Close the jar with a lid and transfer to a warm, dark place where the fermentation process will begin. It usually lasts about two days. You should not leave it for a longer period, because we are talking about health. Therefore, it is very important to follow the instructions if you want to prepare real Izotov jelly. The recipe, no matter how complicated it may seem, has long been tested and initially tested by the doctor himself.

Straining process

After two days, you can observe the following picture: the mixture in the jar has separated. A layer of flakes remained at the bottom, and liquid collected at the top.

The contents should be strained. Use a fine colander. Pour the strained liquid into a separate container. Leave the cereal in a colander for now.

You should stock up in advance boiled water. It's just important that it's cool. It is in this that the flakes are thoroughly washed. The draining liquid should be collected in a separate container. The washing process continues until the water becomes completely clear.

As a result, you will get liquid after straining and after rinsing. It is best to use jars for these purposes. To avoid mistakes, each of them must be marked. These jars need to be closed with lids and allowed to settle. Typically it takes about 16-18 hours.

In most cases, the question arises: what to do with the remaining thick flakes. Don't rush to throw it away. After all, this is another one useful product for the body. It can be successfully used when cooking porridge or added to baked goods. Such a thicket in a great way cleanses the intestines, helping to remove accumulated “garbage” from it.

Filtration process

The preparation of oatmeal jelly includes another important step - the filtration process. After specified period you can see that the liquid has separated again. Be very careful not to mix the two layers, top part needs to be collected. A rubber tube will allow you to carry out this process correctly. Place upper layer into a separate bowl. The resulting liquid is called oat kvass. The bottom layer is a dense sediment white- pour into another bowl.

We remember that there were two types of liquid available. One after filtering - with a higher concentration. The second is after washing. Sometimes it is recommended to mix them. But from a medical point of view, each of the compounds has its own medicinal properties. Therefore, it is better to use them separately. In this case, a more saturated liquid is used to treat gastroduodenitis with characteristic low acidity. An infusion obtained by washing is more suitable for diseases of the stomach with normal secretion.

Oatmeal kvass keeps well for several days in the refrigerator. It is enjoyed as a drink. This kvass quenches thirst well. Don't forget about the healing properties. It perfectly saturates the body with all useful substances and vitamins.

The bottom sediment is used directly for preparing Izotov jelly. This is the so-called concentrate. It can be stored in a tightly sealed jar in the refrigerator for 21 days. But no more! On average, such a concentrate, provided regular use, lasts for about a week.

Manufacturing process

It’s clear how to prepare the concentrate. Now we should consider how to cook oatmeal jelly. After all, if the goal is to improve your health, you should strictly follow all the recommendations of Dr. Izotov.

Three to four tablespoons of the finished concentrate should be poured clean water. Again, use either filtered or boiled and cooled. You need to take one glass (200 ml) of liquid. Stir the mixture and put on fire. This composition should be cooked for about 5 minutes with constant stirring. This time is enough for the jelly to begin to thicken.

Unfortunately, this dish is completely tasteless. Therefore, it needs to be slightly diversified. You can add honey or various dried fruits, salt, and vegetable oil to it.

Kissel Izotova is completely ready for use. Don't forget that this is not only a hearty and healthy breakfast, but also a powerful weapon against any disease. That is why, in an effort to achieve excellent results, it is necessary to use the elixir daily.

Kissel for weight loss

Most people use the healing drink in the hope of getting rid of extra pounds. Unfortunately, this is completely the wrong approach. The drink does not burn fat at all. However, a question arises. Many people have already used oatmeal jelly for weight loss, reviews prove that the process was a success. What is the secret here?

Everything is quite simple. However, don’t expect them to “fly away” from you instantly. overweight. This is a rather lengthy process. The secret is that by consuming jelly daily, you replace one of your meals with this elixir. As a result, the total calorie content of the daily diet is reduced. This is one of key points in the process of losing weight.

In addition, the body is saturated with useful substances. They normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And this leads to cleansing the body of toxins and proper absorption of all necessary elements. Thus, jelly does not really burn fat, but stimulates the body to function properly. And excess weight is the result of the inharmonious functioning of the internal organs and systems of a person. "Russian balm" makes internal organs function correctly, as if it restores order. Thus, it forces the human body to independently get rid of extra pounds.

Results and reviews

If we talk about the effectiveness of using jelly, then it is worth paying attention Special attention the first person to experience the “Russian balm”. We are talking about the author of the recipe - Dr. Vladimir Kirillovich Izotov. At one time he transferred serious disease - tick-borne encephalitis. Complications were not long in coming. The doctor acquired a number of chronic diseases - urolithiasis, hypertension, cardiac ischemia, hearing loss.

For a long time, the doctor treated his ailments exclusively pharmaceuticals, sometimes using up to 38 medications per day. Side effect became heavy allergic reaction for medications.

It was then that the doctor drew attention to the forgotten heritage of his ancestors. For eight years, the virologist regularly took his own oatmeal jelly. This completely returned him to a full normal life. Vladimir Kirillovich completely forgot about visiting doctors, not feeling any need for it.

The author regularly received letters (there are more than 1000 in the archive) from people who experienced Izotov’s jelly. Reviews tell about miraculous healings from the most various ailments. Those admirers of the invention who are over 50 testify to the effective anti-aging effect of the product. This is reflected not only in appearance of a person, even the nature of his behavior changes, expressed in an increase in vital activity. Thus, to all the above healing properties, oatmeal jelly slows down the aging process, being an excellent natural biological stimulant.

It is noted that regular consumption of jelly reduces chronic fatigue, significantly increases performance, stimulates brain activity. At the same time, the healing properties of the “Russian balm” manifest themselves even in those ailments that are quite difficult to treat traditional methods treatment.


I would like to emphasize that food is also medicine. It depends only on your decision whether it will benefit the body or become an enemy, endowing it with many serious diseases.

Many people associate the word jelly with a thick drink made from berries and fruits. But few people associate this name with such a product as oatmeal. This drink was prepared back in ancient times to raise vitality. This dish belongs to the category dietary nutrition because it has medicinal properties. The jelly contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins A, E, B, F. Oatmeal jelly is rich in fiber and amino acids, but at the same time low in calories. This is an ideal product for those who want to get rid of excess weight. In order to use this dish correctly, it is necessary to study its beneficial properties in detail.

The process of cooking jelly from oatmeal

Even in past centuries, healers knew about beneficial properties oh this drink. Oatmeal jelly is still a good remedy, which can improve general state body and normalize everything metabolic processes. Nutritionists and gastroenterologists highlight several beneficial properties of this simple dish.


  1. Phytochemicals contained in oats prevent the formation of malignant cells.
  2. And regular consumption of oatmeal jelly helps normalize estrogen in female body, which prevents the development of breast cancer.
  3. Thanks to these properties, this dish can be consumed as prophylactic against cancer.

Kissel has a thick jelly-like structure, which, once in the stomach, gently envelops its walls. As a result, the absorption of carbohydrates slows down, which helps normalize glucose levels. This property allows the dish to be consumed by people suffering from diabetes.

Plant fibers and starch stimulate intestinal motility, which helps avoid constipation.

Low fat and neutral acid-base balance make this dish indispensable for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Oatmeal jelly will be very useful for hypertension and atherosclerosis. The fiber in the product prevents the formation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, which has a positive action throughout the entire circulatory and cardiac system.

Features of oatmeal jelly

Preparing a medicinal drink is very simple. It is prepared from whole oat grains or rolled oats. The jelly itself does not have a distinct taste and is rather bland. In order for a pleasant taste to appear, dried fruits and nuts are added.

Kissel must be boiled in medium-fat milk.

It is best to consume the dish in the morning, when the body’s cleansing processes begin. Experts recommend drinking 200 ml of the drink at one time. Proper consumption of the drink will ensure normal digestion.

  • For preventive purposes;
  • For constipation;
  • For pancreatitis;
  • For gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • During the period of exacerbation of rotavirus diseases;
  • With reduced immunity;
  • If the profession is associated with emissions of toxins and harmful substances.

It is also worth noting that this dish has the ability to absorb toxic elements and other harmful substances, gently removing them out. This dish is not harmful, quite the contrary.

What is Izotov’s jelly

The famous doctor Vladimir Izotov transformed the usual recipe for oatmeal jelly, making it even more useful. In order to prepare jelly, you will need 5-7 oatmeal starter, olive oil and honey to taste, 2 tbsp of water.

Kissel Izotova has several stages of preparation:

  • Fermentation;
  • Filtration;
  • Advocacy;
  • Obtaining concentrate.

A step-by-step recipe for medicinal jelly includes several stages of preparation. The first stage is the most important, so do not break the sequence. To begin with, you will need 8 tablespoons of oats, pre-ground in a blender, 2 liters of boiled cold water, 100 g of kefir or sour milk.

Flakes for making jelly must be taken natural without impurities or additives.

It is best to use a 5 liter bottle as a container. Preparation begins by pouring crushed oatmeal flakes into a bowl and pouring water over them. To enhance the fermentation process, kefir is added. The dishes are covered with a lid for making wine or dressed rubber glove. The dishes are covered with any dark cloth to prevent daylight from entering. The composition is left to ferment for several days. It is advisable to place the dishes with the starter in the warmest place in the house. After time has passed, the mixture must be filtered. Excess water is poured into a separate bowl, and the oats must be rinsed well. The second stage involves filtration, which is carried out using a colander. During the washing process, you should get 2 cans of filtrate, which are covered with a lid and left for 16 hours. The next step is to prepare the jelly itself. The concentrate must be mixed with water, and the resulting mixture must be brought to a boil. When the jelly acquires a thick consistency, it is ready for use.

How to cook oatmeal jelly

Oat jelly is very nutritious and causes a long-lasting feeling of fullness, which is suitable for people losing weight. The composition of this dish has an optimal balance of all nutrients, microelements and vitamins. Thanks to its composition, this product improves the general condition of the body and normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. This product should be included in the diet of frequently ill and weak children. You can cook oatmeal jelly quickly and easily.

To do this, take:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 100 gr. cereal;
  • 1.5 cups sugar;
  • 30 gr. butter.

The cereal must be toasted in the oven. Then cereal and sugar are added to the milk, brought to a boil. For taste, you can add honey, nuts and dried fruits. The mixture must be cooked for about 5 minutes, remembering to stir it constantly. The cooked mixture is poured into cups. It is recommended to consume jelly warm.

A simple recipe for rolled oatmeal jelly

Use jelly for treatment chronic pancreatitis required within 3 months. After taking the drink, you can eat food after several hours. In order to lose weight, traditional recipes are used. The drink must be prepared only from natural products good quality. The preparation of this recipe is very similar to Izotov’s recipe, the difference is in the fermentation ingredient.

To begin, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of rolled oats;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 slice of rye bread;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 2 tsp. honey and sugar.

Hercules is poured into a jar and filled with water. Then add the bread and cover with a lid. The jar with the mixture is placed in a warm and dark place for several days. After fermentation, the resulting mixture is ground through a fine sieve. The resulting substance is used to prepare a drink. To add flavor to the drink, add fresh fruits and berries.

Kisel Izotova (video)

To summarize, we can safely say that oat jelly is a very healthy drink. You can prepare jelly according to any recipe, be it your grandmother’s or modern way. His unique composition makes this dish indispensable for diseases of the stomach, heart and blood vessels. Properly prepared jelly helps get rid of toxins and harmful substances. Oatmeal jelly saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, which give vital energy. Many nutritionists recommend including this drink in your diet for preventive purposes. Numerous studies have shown that oatmeal excellent remedy in the fight against malignant tumors. To prepare healthy jelly, you need to make a starter, the detailed recipe for which is described above. The human body in conditions of poor ecology and the influence of negative factors requires additional help. Regular consumption of oatmeal jelly will help the body resist daily negative influences.

Oatmeal jelly, the benefits and contraindications of which have long been studied, is one of our oldest drinks. It can hardly be called a drink; rather, it is an independent dish, thick like jellied meat, this is exactly what was brewed in Rus' for many centuries.

One day people noticed how oats affected the health of horses, because it was their main food and favorite treat. Strength and endurance, powerful energy and health are provided by grain to these graceful animals.

Of course, previously the starch that we now add to jelly was not known, so a starter made from a decoction of cereals was used. Including oats, which began to be used in medicinal purposes due to its effect on the human body.

Oatmeal jelly - benefits

When talking about the benefits of oatmeal jelly, you must first of all take into account the benefits of the oats themselves, all medicinal properties which were transferred to the product. Its consistency is especially useful, because thanks to it the jelly is completely absorbed by the body.

It benefits everyone, small children, elderly people, weakened after serious illness lifts him to his feet.

In some cases, you simply need to include it in your daily menu:

  • For digestive problems
  • At general weakness and loss of strength
  • For depression
  • For insomnia
  • For hypertension
  • For stomach ulcers
  • For flatulence and bloating
  • For dysbacteriosis
  • For all hepatitis
  • Diabetics
  • Patients with panreatitis
  • Patients with cholecystitis
  • When memory deteriorates
  • For the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis
  • For any nervous disorders
  • For the prevention of thrombophlebitis
  • For gastritis, including chronic
  • In cases of skin diseases
  • For quick recovery after operations and serious illnesses
  • As a general tonic
  • For thyroid function disorders

Composition and medicinal properties of oatmeal jelly

Oatmeal jelly, like oats themselves, contains the ideal combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for us. This product seems to be specially created to help our body. It has long ceased to be just food and has become a real medicine that has helped more than one patient.

  • First of all, jelly has a very positive effect on the intestinal microflora. Nowadays, many children have dysbiosis from birth, so oat jelly is just the product that will restore normal conditions in the intestines.
  • If you don’t have anything antipyretic on hand, then jelly will perfectly replace any remedy.
  • The properties and consistency of oat jelly are good for gastritis, stomach ulcers, and colitis.
  • Constantly taking jelly will help dissolve cholesterol plaques and take them out.
  • The body will be cleansed of all toxic substances, including lead, and after constant use, toxins will also go away.
  • Oatmeal jelly – good prevention from swelling of the legs and more.
  • Oatmeal jelly, likewise, works very effectively for weight loss.
  • Kissel stabilizes the functioning of the pancreas, and helps to quickly relieve discomfort during its inflammation.
  • Recommended by doctors for stomach pain and to relieve it.
  • Improves the functioning of the nervous system.

The jelly contains essential vitamins from group B, vitamins PP, A and E, as well as manganese, magnesium, iron, fluorine, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. It is not surprising that with such a composition the drink even prolongs life.

Contraindications and harm of oatmeal jelly

Oat jelly can cause harm in one case, when you overeat it. But this applies to all products in general; moderation must be observed in everything.

Sometimes, although quite rarely, individual intolerance to oats occurs, caused by itching and headaches. This is the only fact that oatmeal jelly is contraindicated.

Oatmeal jelly Izotov

Izotov’s famous oatmeal jelly was tested on the very author of the invention of the recipe, Doctor Izotov, who cured himself of illnesses with the help of this miracle remedy.

Izotov's oatmeal jelly recipe

  1. Pour oatmeal into the bottom of a three-liter jar, filling it 1/3, for this you need a 500 gram pack. Only you need to take the smallest flakes and so that they are not instant cooking.
  2. To the oatmeal, add two tablespoons of unrefined oat grains, previously well washed, dried and crushed. It is oats that will provide the fermentation process necessary for jelly.
  3. Pour 100 ml of fresh kefir into a jar and top it up with warm boiled water, up to the shoulders of the jar. You can’t add water to the top; we leave room for fermentation.
  4. The contents of the jar are mixed, tightly closed with a lid and stored in a warm and dark place for two days.
  5. After two days, the mixture should be thrown into a sieve and strained. This produces two liters of cloudy white liquid with a slightly sour taste.
  6. Leave the liquid at room temperature for 1.5 days to settle. Then you will see how it is divided into an upper transparent layer, oat kvass, and a thick lower layer - which is what is needed for making Izotov’s jelly.
  7. Using a rubber tube, carefully pour the kvass into a separate jar, and leave the thick part and store it in the refrigerator under the lid.
  8. For the jelly itself, take three tablespoons of leaven (ground) and fill it with water in a volume of 250 ml. Cook, stirring over low heat until desired thickness. Now the result is not very tasty, but very healthy breakfast.

Kvass that has been drained with a straw can be drunk just like that, it quenches thirst well, if you don’t like the taste, you can add honey to it.

Oatmeal jelly for weight loss

Oatmeal jelly makes it possible, because it contains those long-lasting carbohydrates that make you not want to eat for a long time.

By constantly eating a cup of jelly for breakfast, you will not feel hungry for a long time, and besides, it will be low. glycemic index The product does not increase sugar levels, which means the craving for sweets decreases.

How to make oat jelly, recipes

Oat jelly, which our ancestors ate for centuries, was undeservedly forgotten. And now, when huge flaws have appeared in our diet and the health of even the smallest leaves much to be desired, we begin to remember recipes healthy food, the food of our ancestors, who knew neither pills nor doctors.

Recipe No. 1

Pour oatmeal (1 cup) with warm water (2 cups). Let it brew for a day in a warm place. Then strain and cook slowly until thickened. Eat only when it has cooled.

Recipe No. 2

Half a glass of cereal, or rolled oats, pour two glasses of milk and leave until completely swollen. Then strain, add a little salt and add a spoonful of potato starch. Cook until thickened.

Recipe No. 3

Pour three cups of oatmeal into a stainless steel pan, pour in two and a half cups of warm water and place the crust there white bread. Leave in a warm place for a day. Then strain everything through a sieve and add two more glasses of water.

Place the liquid on the stove and heat very slowly to a boil. Then pour into bowls and serve hot or cold.

Oatmeal jelly, video

Among drinks famous for their therapeutic properties, oatmeal jelly occupies a special place, the benefits and contraindications of which have been carefully studied by nutritionists and therapists. The results obtained transferred it from folk to traditional medicine. To feel the therapeutic effect, it is enough to drink oatmeal jelly periodically.

Useful substances in the composition

Contrary to popular belief, this drink is not suitable for everyone. Its benefits and harms depend on the quality of the dry base and the method of preparation.

Ideally, the finished product is rich in vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A. Responsible for visual acuity, the condition of hair and skin, and accelerates the cleansing of the body from free radicals. Reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases of the respiratory, excretory and digestive organs.
  • B vitamins. Together, these substances have a positive effect on the state of the circulatory system. They prevent the formation of blood clots and the development of hypertension. Under their influence, memory improves and the functioning of the brain and adrenal glands is stimulated.
  • Vitamin F. A unique chemical compound that reduces sensitivity to allergens. The substance does not collapse even under the influence of warm water, so it is not so important which recipe is chosen.
  • Vitamin E. Preserves youth and beauty, compensates for estrogen deficiency.
  • Vitamin RR. Stabilizes hormonal background, normalizes the level bad cholesterol in the blood, stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells.
  • Calcium. Strengthens bones, relieves stress, reduces the body's reactivity.
  • Magnesium. Controls the condition of the prostate gland, bladder, intestines and nervous system.
  • Iron. Necessary for maintaining the thyroid gland in optimal condition and the formation of hemoglobin in blood cells.
  • Potassium. Fights hoarding excess liquid, relieves swelling. Stimulates the functioning of the kidneys, liver and brain.
  • Fluorine. Responsible for bone strength and prevents tooth decay. It is also indispensable as a natural regulator of the immune system.

All listed chemical compounds are contained in oatmeal and jelly made from them in such proportions that fruits would envy. Due to the peculiarities of processing of raw materials, they are preserved in the final product almost in full.

Beneficial features

The principle of operation of a thick drink varies somewhat, depending on the preparation method. However, in any case, the vitamins and minerals, mucus and insoluble fiber are of greatest value. In medicine, in rehabilitation therapy and in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the recipes of Dr. V.K. are used. Izotov and Dr. V.A. Momotov, which provide for fermentation at an intermediate stage.

Complex impact therapeutic nutrition triggers the following reactions:

  • A person recovers faster after a long course of antibiotics, a long illness or surgery. If necessary, using oatmeal jelly you can cure dysbiosis of any nature.

In Dr. Izotov’s classic recipe, ground oats are not used as a raw material. His method was officially tested and was patented as an effective therapeutic agent. However, practice shows that it is better to use flakes at home - otherwise you can get results opposite to those expected.

  • The drink is famous for its enveloping and antiseptic properties. It alleviates the condition of patients with gastritis, peptic ulcers, and various erosions on the mucous membrane.
  • Insoluble fibers in mucus shift feces, cleansing the body of waste and toxins.
  • The same fiber, when it enters the stomach, swells, taking up volume. A person feels full for a long time, which helps to give up snacking, normalize metabolic processes and get rid of excess weight.
  • A viscous drink relieves heaviness in the stomach, belching and painful sensations after meals, prevents the development of pancreatitis, alleviates the condition diabetes mellitus and problems with the pancreas.

The listed properties of oatmeal jelly do not have to be used for medicinal purposes. It is an effective preventive remedy, as well as an indispensable dish in healthy way life, a source of energy and nutrients.

Rules of use

How to drink oatmeal jelly depends on your goals, but if you have chronic diseases or if they worsen, be sure to consult with your doctor.

  1. Intensive body cleansing. Add a tablespoon of dry fiber to a glass of jelly and stir. This mixture should be drunk on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. Then we eat a teaspoon of liquid honey, and for breakfast we consume 100 ml of natural honey. Repeat every day for 3-4 weeks.
  2. General strengthening and rejuvenation of the body. One glass of the drink should be drunk every morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals, or even better - instead of breakfast. The taste can be enriched with honey, berries, fruits or, but in no case with sugar. The duration of the course depends on the severity of the positive effects.
  3. Weight loss. A glass of jelly replaces breakfast. At the same time, you should not add sweeteners, this will increase the calorie content of the dish, which is already highly nutritious. To speed up desired results oatmeal drink can be diluted: it will help the fibers swell faster and stronger and prolong the feeling of fullness.

Oatmeal jelly does not have such a pleasant taste as its fruit counterparts, so it is rarely drunk as a dessert or for pleasure - more often, it is used for healing. Therefore, you should adhere to the recommended schedule, otherwise the goal will not be achieved, the jelly will simply turn into food.


The only contraindication to the introduction of oatmeal jelly into the diet is individual intolerance to the grain. In all other cases, you can only get benefits.

Even with the best intentions, you shouldn’t overeat jelly: heaviness in the stomach, even nausea, and intestinal dysfunction are almost guaranteed. It must be remembered that the drink is rich in fiber, which increases in volume once it enters the stomach, and mucus, which envelops it and the intestines from the inside.

A simple recipe for making oatmeal jelly

There are many options, but if you want to get not a dessert, but a nutritious and healthy drink, you can use the following recipe:

  • Take oatmeal and grind it into flour using a coffee grinder. We will need one glass of product.
  • Let's fall asleep oatmeal into a liter jar and fill with warm boiled water, leaving very little space on top.
  • We introduce a little starter, which you can buy at the pharmacy. The recommended proportions should be indicated on the packaging. Gently mix the mass, cover with gauze and put in a warm place to ferment for a day.
  • Strain and pour the liquid part into the pan. Introduce another 1 liter of boiling water into it in a thin stream and cook over low heat with constant stirring until the desired consistency is obtained.

Cook with milk, diversify the taste with fruit, honey or sour cream, but these ingredients will increase the calorie content of the jelly, which needs to be taken into account.

Doctor Izotov's recipe

Research shows that the benefits and harms of Izotov’s oatmeal jelly are comparable to the results of conventional medical nutrition. True, due to the peculiarities of preparing the composition, its effectiveness is still considered higher, and the risks are minimal. This product will take a little effort, but the hassle will be worth it.

  1. Fill a three-liter jar a third full oatmeal instant cooking. Add a couple of tablespoons of washed, dried and chopped oats.
  2. Pour in 100 ml of very fresh low-fat kefir and warm boiled water, the level of the mass should reach the hangers of the jar.
  3. Mix everything well, close the lid, wrap it in paper and put it in a warm place for fermentation for 1-2 days.
  4. After the specified time, the product must be filtered and removed for another 16-18 hours.
  5. As a result, the mass in the jar should be divided into 2 layers. The transparent top one is kvass, you can simply drink it in pure form. The thick bottom is a starter for making jelly. We carefully drain the liquid with a rubber tube, and put the starter in the refrigerator.
  6. To prepare oatmeal jelly, take 3 tablespoons of starter, which we fill with a glass of water. The mixture should be cooked over low heat until thickened.

Oatmeal jelly is not very tasty, but extremely healthy food additive. If you drink it regularly and strictly according to the schedule, after a couple of weeks of therapy you will be able to notice the first positive changes. The main thing is not to stop there and continue to improve the body’s health.