Pollen is needed. Shelf life and storage of pollen. What is bee pollen?

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The benefits of bee pollen today are not disputed and it is an excellent beekeeping product that can be used for treatment various diseases with minimal harm. We have just mentioned possible harm bee pollen for a reason, because any product with misuse may pose a danger to the body. However, the benefits of bee pollen are truly priceless and now you can see for yourself.

It is clear that pollen is a natural product and may have different color, which depends on the flowers from which it was collected by bees. For example, pollen obtained from clover flowers has a chocolate color; the product collected on a pear acquires a red color. For most people, pollen is associated primarily with the golden color, and it can be obtained when collected from sunflowers. Whatever the color of bee pollen, you will definitely receive benefits from consuming it.

Composition of bee pollen

The pollen has a delicate honey-floral scent and a sweetish taste. Moreover, the composition of the product is unique, because it contains at least 150 different biologically active substances. These are various enzymes, hormones, etc. As with honey, the exact composition of bee pollen depends largely on the flowers and the area where the product was obtained.

The benefits of bee pollen are great for both adults and children. Thanks to this product, the body works well and has a strong immune system. Pollen contains essential amino acid compounds that our body is not able to synthesize. Scientists have discovered more than two dozen chemical compounds, which are of great value to our body.

Beneficial properties of bee pollen

Since ancient times, pollen has been used to improve the functioning of the heart muscle and vascular system. For example, rutin, contained in large quantities in the product, helps strengthen blood vessels and the heart muscle. We have already said that pollen contains a large number of different enzymes that are used in the body to activate and accelerate metabolic processes.

Bee pollen, the benefits of which we will consider in detail today, helps improve the functioning of immune mechanisms during the development of colds and infectious diseases. Don’t forget about the positive effects of pollen on work nervous system, which is extremely important in modern conditions when we are constantly haunted by stress. Pollen may also be useful for people whose bodies are extremely sensitive to weather changes.

If you use the product on a regular basis, the risk of developing a disease such as atherosclerosis is sharply reduced. This has to do with cleaning. blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. In addition, bee pollen has the ability to gently reduce blood pressure, which is useful in diagnosing hypertension. In the course of research, scientists have noted the high effectiveness of bee pollen in the treatment of many heart diseases, for example, ischemia, angina pectoris, myocardial dystrophy, etc.

Pollen contains a large amount of flavonoids and phenolic acids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and also have bile-, diuretic, antioxidant, antitumor and other properties. This bee product is rich in phospholipids contained in tissue cell membranes human body and taking an active part in metabolic reactions.

How does bee pollen affect human health?

Every woman strives to be beautiful and for this, representatives of the fair half of humanity have to devote a lot of time to caring for their appearance. Bee pollen can be an excellent helper in this matter, the benefit of which is to rejuvenate and accelerate lipolysis processes.

In addition, pollen will help a woman prepare her body for the upcoming pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. It is very important when consuming bee pollen to avoid dietary nutrition programs that involve fasting. Otherwise, the vitamin and mineral balance in the body may be disrupted.

This bee product can be no less useful for men. First of all, this concerns the successful fight against infertility, erectile dysfunction and adenoma. Due to the content in pollen large quantity nutrients, the child’s body can fully develop. With proper use of all beekeeping products, the young body will quickly become stronger and the performance of all body systems will improve.

Contraindications to the use of bee pollen

Like any other food product, bee pollen has some contraindications for use. First of all, this refers to the intolerance of the product by the body. Pollen is of plant-animal origin, and this fact suggests the presence in it of protein compounds foreign to the human body. If a person has high sensitivity to these substances, then the use of pollen should be abandoned.

Pollen should not be used by women during lactation. Since it can cause harm to the baby’s body. You should not consume pollen in large quantities, as this can cause disturbances in the vitamin and mineral balance. We’ll talk more about how to properly use bee pollen. This creation of hard-working bees is also not recommended for people suffering from obesity or diabetes.

How to take bee pollen correctly?

The rules for using this excellent food product directly depend on the goals. Most often, during the day it is enough to consume pollen only once in the amount of 1 teaspoon. You don’t need to drink pollen with water, but to enhance it medicinal properties it should be combined with a similar amount of honey. Note that pollen should be consumed about half an hour before meals. The duration of the course is generally about 20 days, after which a pause is necessary. Let's take a closer look at the rules for using the product for various diseases.
  1. Anemia. Two or three times a day, take a teaspoon of the product half an hour before eating. The duration of the course of treatment is a maximum of one month, after which it is necessary to take a break, the duration of which is 14 days. If we analyze the reviews of people who used pollen in the treatment of this disease, the results appear after a few days.
  2. To normalize the functioning of the nervous system. For various neuroses, pollen should be used three times a day at a dosage of one teaspoon. If the patient’s body weight is small, then reduce the amount of pollen used by half. For getting maximum result Pollen should be combined with honey. Also effective means for neuroses is an infusion of pollen in a small amount of water. Infuse the product about three times.
  3. Tuberculosis. For an adult, the optimal dose is a teaspoon three times a day. Children should be given pollen in the amount of 0.5 teaspoon. The duration of the course is a maximum of 45 days.
  4. Cholecystitis. To treat this disease, you first need to make a special herbal decoction. To prepare it, use centaury (25 grams), dandelion fruits (15 grams), St. John's wort (1 gram), trifoliate (15 grams), chamomile (15 grams). All the herbs listed above must be mixed and three tablespoons of the mixture poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. After this, boil the mixture for two dozen minutes, and then leave for another 40 minutes. You need to take a glass of the decoction twice a day along with the pollen.
  5. For kidney problems. Bee pollen should be mixed with honey and taken three times a day, one teaspoon. The duration of the course of treatment is one and a half months. You can also pour the resulting mixture of honey and pollen into 0.1 liters of warm water and leave for about three hours.
  6. To strengthen immunity. To solve this problem, pollen is taken three times a day, and a one-time dosage of the product is 0.5 teaspoon. The duration of the treatment cycle is 30 days
  7. For problems with the digestive system. A one-time dosage of pollen is a teaspoon, and the product must be taken three times a day
  8. For the treatment of the liver. For one and a half months, consume a teaspoon of pollen three times a day. After completing the course, you must take a break for three weeks, after which the cycle can be repeated.
We have already noted that for child's body The benefits of bee pollen are invaluable. With this product you can significantly strengthen your baby's immunity. Pollen is often prescribed for mental retardation and growth retardation. May be beneficial pollen and urinary incontinence.

If children take pollen on a regular basis, they develop a desire to learn and also increase their ability in this process. When combining pollen and honey, excellent results can be obtained during the treatment of dystrophy. Also noteworthy is the increase in appetite, increase in physical strength and elimination of anemia when using pollen.

Children under three years of age should take pollen at a quarter of the adult dosage. At the age of three to seven years, the one-time dosage is 0.5 teaspoon, and a child over seven years old can safely be given two-thirds of a teaspoon.

For information about the beneficial properties of bee pollen, see here:

If we go back in history, at the end of the 20th century, humanity learned to collect pollen without the participation of bees. Previously, only those collected by bees from plant flowers were sold. This was a kind of breakthrough, since flower pollen decreased in price, it became available to all segments of the population and everyone could experience its healing properties.

You can always buy high-quality bee pollen in Ukraine from us, at the family apiary "Veselyi Shershen" by phone:


But there are also pitfalls here that most people are still unaware of.

Advantages of bee pollen over flower pollen:

  1. When consumed, you receive a processed product salivary glands bees, which are also used to feed future generations - young bees. That is, the bees also invest the “strength” of their vitamins and microelements into the product itself. Just imagine, the larva develops 190 times in 3 days!!! So I probably want to go buy it and find out already . But everything has its time.
  2. Also, not everything is suitable due to the fact that it contains pollen allergens, well, where would we be without them. But here, too, bee pollen has an advantage. IN bee product During collection and processing by the salivary glands of bees, all pollen allergens are dissolved by bees and the product becomes available to everyone. Although, of course, there are nuances here, since there is a very small part of people who are allergic to bee pollen. Therefore, in this case you should refrain from consuming this product.
  3. Another disadvantage pollen is also the fact that for the most part it is packaged in gelatin capsules- and this method of use already contradicts correct reception pollen. But we will talk about how correctly below.

Ways to take bee pollen

We offer all our clients to take bee pollen in 2 options:
  • V in kind – pollen is collected, dried using technology and packaged in special bags for subsequent sale. People use it in dry form.
  • Bee pollen drenched in May or acacia honey. You are already buying ready mixture and start using it.

After much research and communication with leading apitherapists in Ukraine and Russia, we came to the conclusion that the second option is more healing and beneficial features in the bee product are preserved 50% longer, which is very important, since bee pollen loses 20-25% of its healing properties, after 9 months 30-40%, after a year 60-70%, and after a year and a half it becomes simply a high-calorie protein product.

But by preserving bee pollen, we achieve a longer shelf life.

And now we finally move on to the long-awaited question of how to take bee pollen.

How to take bee pollen. Dosage

All apitherapists have different opinions on this matter and range from 5 g. up to 32 g per day. The data varies greatly and it is not clear who to believe. We went the opposite way and started taking 5 grams. per day and monitor the well-being of volunteer patients. Taking 5 g. no special effect was found, and through our research we came to the conclusion that for an adult a healthy portion is considered daily dose– 12-15 gr.

To help you get your bearings:

  • teaspoon = 5 g; with a slide = 8 gr.;
  • dessert spoon = 10 g; with a slide – 15 g;
  • tablespoon = 15 g; with a slide – 24 gr.

You need to take bee pollen 2 times a day:

  1. In the morning, half an hour before meals, 1 teaspoon healing product dissolve in the mouth until completely dissolved. Do not swallow it under any circumstances, otherwise the whole healing effect will pass by.
  2. In the evening before 18.00, half an hour before meals, take another 1 teaspoon.
The course of treatment is 1 month.
  1. Take 1 course in October to support immunity
  2. 2nd course in January for the prevention of ARVI and Influenza
  3. 3rd course in early April, since it is during this period that the body lacks vitamins and is weakened.

Therapeutic daily dose of bee pollen for children

  • From 3 to 5 years – 4 g.
  • From 6 to 12 years – 8 g.
  • From 13 years and older – 12 gr.
We recommend that children consume pollen, but we advise you to first consult with your doctor.

Contraindications to the use of bee pollen

When bee pollen is abused to achieve a quick effect, an overdose occurs, which does not benefit the body, but causes harm. There may be problems with the liver and blood, so be careful and careful when consuming it, because bee pollen is primarily a medicine, not a sweet delicacy.

You can order bee pollen and other moth beekeeping products by calling:


That's all we have for you. We hope that we have answered your question: " How to take bee pollen". Use our achievements and get better. And if you need bee pollen, you can always order it from the manufacturer - the family apiary “Veselyi Shershen”


Bee pollen, the benefits and harms of which will be described below, is a unique product. It is carried on the legs of insects to the hive, where it is then collected by beekeepers. Not everyone knows how necessary and necessary pollen is for the human body.

This ingredient remarkably tones and strengthens the body, it is an anti-inflammatory and at the same time antitumor natural “drug”. It is able to resist microbes and viruses, protect a person from negative influences environment and at the same time rejuvenate cells. Pollen helps with nervous fatigue and depression, it saves you from problems during pregnancy and can improve the processes of human growth and development. For those who take care of their hair, this is the most necessary component, and for those who cannot have children, this is an excellent and natural medicine. Flower particles can help improve sleep, cure anemia, or help with heart problems.

Composition of bee pollen

Possessing a delicate floral-honey aroma and a sweetish taste, pollen has a simple the most unique composition: more than one hundred and fifty mineral and various biologically active elements, enzymes, hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. The benefits of this product are great for both adults (women and men) and children, since it excellent remedy to stimulate proper operation throughout the body and strengthening the immune system.

It is known that pollen contains amino acids that the human body is not able to produce on its own. It contains 27 different chemical elements. At the same time, it is richest in potassium, cobalt, iron and copper. It contains calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and others in smaller quantities. In addition, bee pollen is enriched with vitamins such as B, C, E, P, D, K, and provitamin A. It also contains phytoncides, enzymes and biologically active substances, growth stimulator, phytohormones.

Medicinal properties

Bee pollen has long been considered the most effective means of prevention. cardiovascular diseases. Its active substances, for example, rutin, help strengthen both the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle. The benefit of so-called biological catalysts or enzymes is that they improve metabolism and activate the immune system during an exacerbation. colds and flu. In addition, this unique creation of beekeeping improves mood and calms the nerves, which is important for the human nervous system. The benefit of this product is also that it brings significant relief to weather-sensitive people.

Regular consumption of bee pollen can protect against atherosclerosis, preventing plaques from forming on the walls of blood vessels. For hypertension, this natural creation very gently reduces blood pressure, relieves dizziness and headaches. Positive results can be achieved by treating heart diseases such as cardioneurosis, heart defects, angina pectoris, myocardial dystrophy, ischemia and others with pollen.

Flavonoids and phenolic acids contained in pollen strengthen blood vessels, have choleretic, diuretic, radioprotective, antioxidant, antitumor and other beneficial properties. In addition, bee offspring is rich in phospholipids (lecithin, cephalin), which are contained in the membranes of human cells involved in metabolism.

Impact on women's, men's and children's health

Bee pollen will be of great benefit to those women who pay attention to their appearance, as it promotes weight loss and rejuvenation, and in addition helps to adjust and prepare the woman’s body for pregnancy and childbirth. However, it can also be harmful if consumed in conjunction with fasting, as this can disrupt the vitamin-mineral balance.

For men, the benefits of consuming bee pollen include successfully combating ailments such as adenoma, infertility and sexual dysfunction.

This creation of bees contains a significant number of different useful elements, they are of particular importance for children's health. Proper consumption of bee products (honey, royal jelly, propolis, beebread) helps to strengthen the growing body and stimulates its work: immunity, brain activity, sleep, physical condition.

Application of pollen

Hypertonic disease. To reduce blood pressure, people suffering from hypertension should take pollen on an empty stomach (for the best effect), 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 3 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for 2-3 weeks, after which the course can be repeated if necessary.

Hypotonic state. For hypotension, it is recommended to consume pollen in exactly the same proportions as for hypertension, in a mixture with honey, but only after meals, and not before, as with hypertension.

For children with anemia. For anemia in children, no matter what its origin, honey, pollen and milk are used for treatment. More precisely, honey (100 g), pollen (20 g) and fresh milk (200 g) are taken and everything is thoroughly ground together. You need to take this mixture 3 times a day before meals, 1 teaspoon. The mixture must be stored in a well-closed glass container in a cool, dark place.

For gastritis. Pollen is very useful for gastritis with low acidity stomach, as well as for chronic disorders gastrointestinal tract. To treat these ailments, take 20g of pollen, 75g of freshly squeezed aloe juice and 500g of honey, all ingredients are mixed in the following sequence: the ground pollen must be mixed with honey and then added Fresh Juice aloe. You need to consume the mixture 2-3 times a day, about 25-30 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon.

For neuroses. Flower pollen, as mentioned earlier, can have a stimulating effect on general weakness, as well as during the period of recovery of the body after serious illnesses. In order to get this effect, you need royal jelly (2g), pollen (20g) and honey (500g). Preparation is simple: pollen (ground) must be thoroughly mixed with royal jelly and honey. Use the mixture 2-3 times a day, before meals, 1 teaspoon. It is better to store the medicine in a dark glass container with a tightly closed lid in a cool place.

How to take pollen?

The flower pollen that is separated for consumption (about 1 teaspoon) must first be thoroughly chewed so that it is well moistened with saliva, and only then swallowed. To make the intake process easier, pollen can be poured into a glass and poured boiled water(50ml), and leave to infuse for about 2-3 hours, shaking occasionally. This solution should be consumed approximately 30 minutes before meals. You can also prepare the following mixture: mix honey with pollen in a 1:1 ratio. It can be consumed 1 teaspoon, 2-3 times a day.

It is worth recalling that pollen is not entirely balanced in composition with the needs of the human body. Therefore, it is better to use it in specially prescribed doses, no more than 50-100 g per day. If pollen is consumed in quantities exceeding these doses, nutrients they simply will not be learned. It is also necessary to remember that pollen should be stored at home in a cool, dry place.

For adults, the standard dose of pollen per day is 1-2 level teaspoons (this is for average weight women), and 2-3 teaspoons for men. If there are elevated physical exercise, or there is a period of treatment, the dose of pollen can be doubled or even tripled.

Flower pollen can be given to children only from the age of 6 months, the dose for such babies is a quarter of 1 coffee spoon, and it is better to mix it with food. Children aged 12 years and older can be given half a coffee spoon of pollen per day.

Contraindications for use

To avoid harm to health, before using bee pollen in medicinal purposes, consultation with a doctor is necessary, since despite the beneficial properties of pollen listed above, there are certain contraindications to its use.

The greatest harm from consuming bee pollen occurs in cases of individual intolerance. Since bee pollen is of plant and animal origin, it contains a protein foreign to the human body. As a result, a person with hypersensitivity to plant or animal protein, when consuming pollen, you may experience rashes and itching.

Also, consuming pollen can harm the health of infants; breastfeeding women should not consume it either. In addition, consuming it in large quantities can provoke a vitamin imbalance, so it is necessary to periodically take breaks from treatment.

It is undesirable to use this product if you have diabetes and problems associated with obesity, since bee pollen contains fructose and glucose.


Bee pollen, the benefits and harms of which are described above, is very useful. However, given the possible side effects, it is necessary to start taking it carefully. It is better if it is a few grains followed by an increase in the amount of product.

The benefits of beekeeping products do not need additional confirmation: they are well known to both doctors and beekeepers. All other people enjoy honey and other results of the vital activity of hardworking insects, using them for the prevention and treatment of all body systems. Moreover, the apiary turns out to be an almost waste-free production: not only honey and the pollen from which it is made are valued, but also wax, royal jelly and other components and products of hives. Bees take from nature and bring here all the best in order to greatly increase its properties through their own processing.

If you visit an apiary or even walk between the “honey” rows at the market, you will be amazed at the diversity of bee activity and its productivity. But still, despite the large assortment, please note Special attention for bee pollen. It can be sold in different packages, in pure form or mixed with honey, but none of this detracts from its miraculous qualities. However, in order to use it, you need to be able to find and select quality product. And it’s good to be aware of what exactly you are purchasing and for what purpose, as well as how you are going to take bee pollen.

Difference between bee and flower pollen
As you know, bees leave the hive every day in search of flowering plants. Sitting on a flower, they dip their paws, covered with many tiny fibers, into the middle, consisting of stamens covered with pollen. The pollen sticks to the bee's legs and moves on them to the hive, where it receives a name from the professional vocabulary of beekeepers: pollen (that is, pollen from the bee's legs). Designed by nature for plant propagation, it contains so many biologically active components that it becomes a nutritious product for humans.

Flower pollen contains the supply of amino acids (protein), carbohydrates, fats and minerals. Phytohormones, enzymes and natural antibiotics in its composition are designed to protect the plant and have a similar effect on the human body. The amount of elements contained in flower pollen, as well as the set of amino acids and their concentration, make it possible to equate it to restorative agents for people experiencing nutritional deficiencies, restoring health after illness and/or exhaustion.

But even so, flower pollen is just a raw material for the production of bee bread, or bee pollen. Having brought pollen from the flower stamens to the hive, each bee places it in the cells of the honeycomb, “marinates” it with lactic acid and pours it with honey. Bee pollen preserved in this way becomes several times more nutritious and is used by bees as protein and carbohydrate food. Well, man, having learned about its existence and properties, adapted to extract and use bee pollen for his own interests.

Ways to take bee pollen
The beebread itself has a rather specific aroma and taste, a bit reminiscent of domestically produced multivitamins, and therefore not to everyone’s taste. Today, there are four main forms of storing and receiving bee pollen, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. Bee bread in honeycombs is not subject to artificial influence and has the most natural shape and composition. On the one hand, this preserves the optimal composition of bee pollen. On the other hand, in honeycombs it deteriorates faster, contributes to dampness and pest damage, and also contains traces of wax and bee cocoons.
  2. Ground beebread- These are beebread honeycombs, crushed into powder and flavored with honey. It is better stored, but contains much less bee pollen itself.
  3. Granulated beebread- this is a substance that was extracted from the honeycomb, and then cleaned of foreign impurities and dried. It can be stored for a long time and at the same time retain its original composition, because people only purified it without changing it in any way.
  4. In the mix with other products: bee pollen is crushed and combined with oil, honey or even jam - in a word, with any binding substance that at the same time improves the taste of the drug. It is known that bee pollen exhibits its properties especially effectively when mixed with dry mustard.
Applications of bee pollen
Bee pollen finds wide application for the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of pathologies. Methods of its use vary depending on the indication, dosage and form of administration. But the main feature that determines the effectiveness of this natural remedy, is not entirely obvious at first glance. The fact is that, despite the amazing wealth of its chemical composition, bee pollen contains everything valuable substances in fairly small quantities. If doctors had to proceed from the literal absorption of them by the patient’s body, then they would have to prescribe beebread in large portions.

But nature decreed otherwise: in the human body, bee pollen does not literally replenish vitamins and organic matter, but acts as a powerful catalyst and activates all production and regeneration processes. And then the body itself produces exactly those nutrients it needs. But in order for these biochemical reactions to proceed correctly, you need to know how to take bee pollen in the most common cases:
All these recommendations are also good because they bring only benefits, without harm and side effects. Even allergy sufferers can take bee pollen without fear because all allergens are neutralized by the bee processing in the hives. Therefore, even completely healthy and vigorous people will not hurt to enrich their diet with beebread. To do this, it is enough to dissolve it under the tongue half an hour before morning and evening meals. During this period, after taking pollen and before eating, you should not drink or take other medications.

But even effective and safe apitherapy may simply be useless if a low-quality drug is used. Therefore, pay attention to the rules for choosing bee pollen and remember them before making a purchase at the market or pharmacy:

  1. Make sure that the pollen you are about to purchase is actually collected by bees and not by human hands. Modern technologies It is quite possible to collect pollen without the help of insects, but without contact with bees, pollen does not acquire all the healing properties.
  2. Bee pollen must be fresh for use: after three months of storage it loses a third of its properties, after six months - half, and then turns into empty ballast.
  3. Try to hold a portion of pollen while dissolving in your mouth for as long as possible until it is completely dissolved.
The instructions are quite simple, but following them is very important for optimal effectiveness of bee pollen intake. Train yourself and your loved ones to take courses of taking it at least once every season for two to three weeks - and you will notice how much stronger, more cheerful and positively disposed you will become. Use natural products and be healthy!

Bee pollen, commonly called pollen in the beekeeping world, is a special product collected by honey bees from various flowering plants. This is a necessary element of the bee’s daily diet, and therefore it is harvested in fairly large quantities. The inhabitants of a medium-sized hive consume up to one kilogram of pollen daily. Bees bring this food to their home in special baskets, which are located on their hind legs, as well as on inner surface abdomen It is because of this feature that the pollen received the name “pollen”.

Collected by hardworking bees, pollen is rich in essential proteins, vitamins and minerals needed for health and beauty.

In my own way appearance bee pollen resembles miniature grains with irregular shape and covered with a shell. The taste of this beekeeping product is sweet with slightly bitter notes. The color, shape and taste of the grains depend on the plants from which they were collected.

Features of the product and its composition

Due to the healing properties of bee pollen, it is often compared to ginseng, mumiyo and stone oil. In terms of the number of useful biologically active elements, it surpasses such a popular beekeeping product as honey.

Because of the healing properties of bee pollen, it is often compared to ginseng.

The main components of bee pollen are:

  • ascorbic acid, rutin, tocopherols, carotenoids, cholecalciferol, ergocalciferol and B vitamins;
  • All useful minerals, presented in the periodic table;
  • essential amino acids;
  • phenolic acids with flavonoids;
  • phytosterols, phospholipids and other types of lipids;
  • arachidonic, linoleic and linolenic essential fatty acids;
  • carbohydrates - glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, as well as poly- and monosaccharides;
  • dietary fiber, pectin, starch and ash.

Depending on the plant from which bee pollen was collected, it has different healing properties:

  • pollen from rosehip flowers helps remove kidney stones;
  • pine pollen is useful for men as a natural remedy against prostatitis and impotence;
  • bee product collected from thyme flowers effectively tones the entire body, improves blood flow, has a general antiseptic effect, and also eliminates cough;
  • sage pollen has diuretic properties and helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bee product collected from linden color, has pronounced sedative and anti-stress properties, and also helps eliminate insomnia;
  • Buckwheat pollen prevents strokes and heart attacks, and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • rapeseed pollen collected by bees is highly valued as dietary product, and is also used to treat trophic ulcers.

Pollen: beneficial properties

Bee pollen or pollen has a beneficial effect on all systems and organs of the human body, as well as on the psycho-emotional state.

Bees bring pollen on their feet

This beekeeping product is capable of:

  • activate everything metabolic processes, occurring in the body;
  • reduce the total volume of adipose tissue;
  • ensure the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen them;
  • support normal work heart muscle;
  • remove harmful cholesterol from the body;
  • regulate the activity of the kidneys, liver and bladder;
  • improve blood composition and normalize hemoglobin levels;
  • eliminate nervous tension, neuroses, insomnia and depression;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • maintain normal activities endocrine system and normalize hormonal levels;
  • quickly restore the body's natural strength after heavy physical and emotional stress.

For men

Bee pollen is useful for men because it promotes safe recruitment muscle mass, acting similarly to synthesized anabolic agents. She raises vital energy, endurance and strength.

Another important property this natural product- positive effect on the genital area. Consumption of pollen increases libido, restores potency, and also significantly improves the composition of sperm.

In addition, bee pollen protects against heart attacks and strokes, which more often affect the male half of humanity.

For women

This product brings significant benefits during periods of hormonal changes in the female body:

  • transitional adolescence;
  • pregnancy, childbirth and lactation;
  • menopause

Allowed joint use bee pollen with birth control pills, as well as others medicines containing female hormones in its composition.

Women periodically suffer from insomnia and depression. This beekeeping product will also help them cope with such conditions.

For children

IN childhood Eating pollen collected by bees will provide strong immunity and protection against numerous diseases.

This product is easily absorbed by the baby’s body, allowing him to develop fully and diversified.

The benefits of pollen for children's bodies are explained by the following properties:

  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improved vision and hematopoietic function;
  • ensuring the development of memory and concentration;
  • proper development of mental (cognitive) abilities;
  • reduction of hyperactivity and elimination of insomnia.

The dangers of bee pollen. Contraindications

Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, in certain cases, bee pollen can be hazardous to health. Therefore, it is necessary to find out when and to whom it is contraindicated.

Due to the vitamin A content, pollen should not be taken if serious problems with blood clotting and liver dysfunction.

In the presence of allergic reactions For any beekeeping products, you must refrain from consuming pollen. Before using the product, it is recommended to conduct a simple test for individual intolerance. Clear signs allergies are headache, runny nose, and itchy skin and rashes. If they appear, you must stop using the pollen further.

Indications for use

Flower pollen, which is obtained and processed by bees, is often designated as the main or aid for the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

Pollen often acts as an auxiliary element in the treatment of many diseases.

For various diseases

Bee pollen provides a significant effect on various diseases, including:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • anemia;
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and/or duodenum;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • skin diseases;
  • dizziness and migraines;
  • respiratory diseases, influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  • diabetes.

On early stages diabetes mellitus pollen, thanks high content amino acids, helps to increase insulin production and reduce blood sugar levels. Also, in minimal dosages, this product helps restore protective forces body.

Recipes for healing the body

Bee pollen is one of the most commonly found ingredients in recipes. alternative medicine. To improve the health of the body, you can use it either alone or in combination with some other natural ingredients.

To strengthen the immune system

There are several recipes for strengthening immune system using bee pollen.

One of them involves preparing a delicious vitamin cocktail. To do this, you will need to thoroughly beat one tablespoon each of honey, pollen and milk in a blender with one ripe banana. The resulting product should be consumed twice a day during meals.

Pollen mixed with boiled water will also provide good effect

Pollen mixed with boiled water will also provide a good effect. The liquid must be boiled for one hour, then taken three times a day, one teaspoon.

To prepare a healing product according to the third recipe, you need to mix pollen and honey in proportions 1:2. Take this mixture three times a day for three weeks.

For the prevention of colds

To protect the body from seasonal colds, it is enough to mix bee pollen and honey in equal parts. It is recommended to take this sweet medicine 30 minutes before eating three times a day.

To prevent symptoms of vitamin deficiency

To protect yourself from vitamin deficiency, you need to consume pollen in its pure form once or twice a day. During the year, it is recommended to take three full courses, lasting 30 days - in November, January, and March or April.

To prevent anemia

In order to prevent symptoms of anemia, you need to take one teaspoon of pollen once or twice daily before meals.

Consumption of bee pollen during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, pollen weakens the effects of toxic substances on the body of the expectant mother and her baby. However, apply this natural remedy necessary with caution. The daily dose of pollen should not exceed 20 grams. In the third trimester, it is recommended to reduce it to 10 grams, or completely eliminate it from the diet. This is due to the property of pollen to increase uterine tone.

Consumption of bee pollen during breastfeeding will prevent the development staphylococcal infection. This remedy also helps to quickly eliminate the manifestations of mastitis and other inflammatory processes in the mammary glands.

In order for the use of bee pollen for preventive or therapeutic purposes to provide maximum benefit, certain recommendations must be taken into account.

The optimal dosage of bee pollen for an adult is 15–20 grams per day. It is advisable to divide this amount into two doses. - in the morning and in the evening. People who have suffered surgical intervention or serious illness, to restore strength you will need a daily dose of at least 35 grams.

Children are prescribed this drug in different quantities, depending on age:

  • 3–5 years - 4 grams;
  • 6–12 years old - 8 grams.

Why is it important to absorb pollen?

For the greatest therapeutic effect pollen must be thoroughly absorbed into oral cavity. Thus, all its valuable components are easily released and combined with internal environment and are quickly absorbed through the mucous membrane. If you feel a burning sensation or there are inflammatory processes in the mouth, you can dilute the pollen with a small amount of water room temperature. hot water It is highly not recommended to use tea or tea for these purposes, as this leads to a complete loss of healing properties.

Choosing quality bee pollen, you need to pay attention to its color, which changes depending on the time of year: in spring and summer - bright, rich and fresh, and in autumn and winter - muted and dull. The color of pollen granules may vary. The yellow and white ones were collected from one type of plant, and the dark blue one from several. The second type, called polyfloral, contains a larger amount of healing substances.

When choosing high-quality bee pollen, you need to pay attention to its color, which changes depending on the time of year.

The structure of the granules is also of great importance. They should be firm and not crushable in your fingers. If the pollen is easily kneaded, it means that it is either damp or was initially dried incorrectly. Raw pollen is dangerous due to its hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb and accumulate moisture. Microbes can actively multiply in such a product.

The smell of natural pollen is very pleasant, sweetish, reminiscent of honey and flowers.

To store bee pollen, you need to use a completely airtight container. It is recommended to pre-preserve it with honey. You can also store the pollen in the refrigerator, but do not allow it to freeze.