How to get rid of a cough: how and how to cure it quickly at home. Severe cough - and how to get rid of the annoying symptom at home

Being cheerful, energetic, looking good, setting goals for yourself and solving them with ease is possible only if you are in good health. If a cough prevents you from speaking, interferes with eating and sleeping, and threatens the development of inflammation respiratory tract, then take care of appearance have to be put aside. Thinking about yourself and planning your time productively, there is a desire to get rid of a cough in 1 day. This is difficult to do with old processes, bronchitis, pneumonia, pathologies caused by tuberculosis. But stop only the beginning of a cough in short term– perhaps using a combination of procedures. Let's take a closer look at them.

The cough that just appears is annoying upper sections respiratory tract, so to cure a cough in 1 day you need to attack from all sides:

  • rinse your nose every 3 hours sea ​​water using Humer spray or;
  • every two hours, gargle with a solution of salt and soda, furatsilin or any disinfectant;
  • take antiseptics, “Anti-angin”, “Sage”;
  • stimulate protective properties the body with lemon, ginger, propolis;
  • The room in which the coughing person is located should be regularly ventilated.

To determine how to cure a cough in one day, you need to calm irritation in the respiratory tract and slow down the development of the reaction in the cough center located in the brain. To do this you need:

  • regularly fill the body with warm liquids, do not drink them hot;
  • warm the chest with compresses;
  • take one of the medications that inhibits, “Butamirat”, “Doctor Mom”.

Liquids should be drunk only when warm; do not increase irritation of the larynx with hot temperatures. Examples of these could be:

  • tea with raspberries, linden, herbs;
  • milk with melted milk added butter;
  • cup warm milk with one banana, mashed through a sieve;
  • milk diluted with alkaline mineral water in equal proportions;
  • warm berry juice.

You will be interested in the article - and the features of its treatment.

After the procedures performed during the day, you need to warm the chest with a compress at night. For this use:

  • mustard powder;
  • flour;
  • sunflower oil.

Mix all ingredients, 1 tablespoon each. Form a cake from the resulting mass and place it on the sternum area. Cover the top with cellophane, a sheet of parchment paper and a warm cloth. Thus creating a greenhouse effect. Lock around chest without squeezing or bandaging tightly.

How to relieve and soften a cough

To relieve a tearing dry cough, you need to moisten the mucous membranes throughout the respiratory tract. Stimulate the glands to secrete secretions.

If the goal is how to get rid of a cough in 1 day, you do not need to take mucolytic agents that dilute sputum. Transfer state nonproductive cough into productive. Strengthen cough by expectoration of mucus. First of all, it is necessary to create environmental conditions: a cool, ventilated room, limit the entry of microbes from the nasal cavity and throat, stop the cough reflex using homemade or medicines. This applies only to the first days of the disease, which are not accompanied by a rise in temperature.


We repeat that medications in the fight against cough, have various types actions. Therefore, they must be taken after a medical consultation, at which the procedure for taking them will be determined. Well-proven medicines are:

  • extinguishing (“Codeine”, “Hydrocodone”, “Demorphan”, “Glauvent”, “Sedotussin”, “Sinekod”);
  • expectorants and bronchodilators (“Stoptussin”, “Bronholitin”, “Sinupret”);
  • mucolytic and expectorant wet cough(“Thermopsis”, “Licorice Root”, “Marshmallow Root”);
  • (“Mukaltin”, “ACC”, “Pertussin”, infusion of marshmallow root, licorice or coltsfoot plantain leaves);
  • reducing the viscosity of sputum (“Trypsin”, “Chymotrypsin”, “Streptokinase”).

The fastest folk remedies

Effective in treating adults and growing children. This is especially true for pregnant women and people who are afraid side effects medicines.

Mixtures of honey and aloe juice can eliminate a sore throat and soften a dry, tearing cough. To do this, squeeze a few drops from the fleshy leaves of the plant, add honey in equal quantities, mix thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon up to 4 times a day.

One more natural remedy Black radish juice relieves and softens coughing attacks. To obtain it, you need to make a notch in the radish, pour 2 teaspoons of melted honey into it and leave to infuse. Within two hours the radish will secrete own juice, which you need to drink throughout the day, 1 tablespoon every two hours. If the fruit was small in size, you need to cook 2-3 radishes at the same time.

Cocoa butter, sold in pharmacies, will help get rid of dry cough. It is in the form of a solid that melts easily when warmed. When a small piece, the size of a pea, is absorbed, it effectively relieves irritation in the larynx, stopping coughing attacks.

Gargling for coughs

Gargling is useful for coughs and is an indirect method of treating them. Its advantages lie in the simplicity and accessibility of the method. Has the following actions:

  • moisturizes the upper respiratory tract;
  • reduces pathogenic flora;
  • relieves inflammation in the rinsed area.

The main rinsing solutions are: . A teaspoon of one of them is diluted in a glass of warm water until completely dissolved. It is important to gargle every two hours. You can add ½ teaspoon of baking soda to these ingredients.

It is important to consider that saline solutions They dry out the mucous membrane, so you should only rinse with them during the first two days of coughing. Later, infusions of chamomile, calendula or sage herbs should be used as solutions.

Inhalations for severe cough

Inhalations are performed in several ways:

  • home steam;
  • using a factory inhaler;
  • hardware

Each of the methods achieves its goal - softens the cough, promotes the discharge of sputum, and inhalation of medicinal particles. Hardware methods have greater intensity and focus.

The following are used as medicinal excipients for inhalation: baking soda, eucalyptus extract, oil peppermint, cardamom, cedar, cypress.

b in one way or get rid of it in one day with the help of a strong antibiotic, hormonal drug impossible. A rapid recovery effect can only occur with intensive use of a combination of rinsing methods, home warming therapy and medicinal participation. It's important to remember that self-treatment may be fraught with complications and erroneous behavior tactics. Therefore, medical consultation for coughing should be mandatory. X-ray control, which can visually determine the condition of the respiratory organs, will help you to be calm and eliminate life-threatening pathologies.

To get rid of a cough, you should find out the cause of its occurrence. This symptom accompanies many diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract: bronchitis, laryngitis, sore throat, pneumonia. Dry or moist cough- a reflexive protective reaction of the body, with the help of which it tries to get rid of external or internal stimuli. Considering that with ARVI or a cold, the mucous membranes of the trachea, bronchi or bronchioles are always severely inflamed, treatment pathological process at home requires an integrated approach.

The right approach to treatment

To find out how to cure a cough at home within a few days, you need to determine its type. Since this unpleasant symptom of many diseases occurs in humans during the cold season, there is a high probability that microorganisms multiply on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. This development of events may be indicated by accompanying signs: increased temperature, headache, nasal congestion.

When immunity decreases, a person becomes vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. The body begins to produce sputum, which, when coughing, brings pathogenic pathogens out.

By the quantity and quality of sputum, you can find out what type of cough a person has and outline a treatment plan for it:

  • There is practically no sputum produced; when you try to clear your throat, you experience a sore throat and a feeling of lack of air - a dry cough;
  • when coughing, thick sputum with a large content of yellowish mucus is released - a wet cough.

Absence medical care often leads to the development of numerous complications. In this case, the patient’s therapy is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of medical personnel. If the patient consults a pulmonologist or otolaryngologist for initial stage diseases, then effective treatment possible at home. Along with the pharmacological drugs recommended by the doctor, it is not forbidden to use home remedies: healing infusions and decoctions, inhalations, rubbing and compresses.

In what cases are folk remedies powerless?

Sometimes dry cough in adults cannot be cured with mucolytics, expectorants and folk remedies. When a malignant or benign tumor the lumen of the respiratory tract gradually narrows. The inflammation develops so severely that when trying to take a breath, a person develops a painful cough. It can only be eliminated by timely surgery.

Before treating a cough with folk remedies, you should find out its cause. So, when will therapy at home be successful, and in what cases will you need the help of highly specialized doctors:

  • allergy. Distorted immune response of the body to the penetration of foreign proteins or chemical substances provokes severe swelling of the respiratory tract. A narrowing of the larynx prevents a person from taking a deep breath and causes a barking, dry cough. Typically people who are predisposed to developing allergic reactions, know about the characteristics of their body and quickly accept antihistamine. It will not be possible to stop a cough attack of this type at home using folk remedies;
  • harmful substances. The laryngeal mucosa becomes irritated when any non-infectious agent comes in contact with it. By coughing, a person tries to get rid of a substance that can provoke inflammatory process. The most famous irritants include tobacco smoke. A smoker's hysterical cough in the morning appears from regular poisoning with toxic tars. Working in hazardous industries also often causes unpleasant symptom. In all these cases, folk remedies help to successfully cope with dry and wet types of cough;
  • medicines and diseases. Taking some medications can cause attacks of dry cough. Enalapril, tablets for stopping sudden rise blood pressure, often cause spasms of the respiratory tract. Cardiac cough is a symptom of certain pathologies of cardio-vascular system. In this case, folk remedies will not help - the patient needs to consult a cardiologist.

Viral and viral infections can be easily treated at home. bacterial infections. The effectiveness of therapy increases and recovery accelerates with simultaneous administration pharmacological drugs and decoctions medicinal herbs.

Optimal conditions for a quick recovery

No wonder they say that houses and walls heal. Not only syrups, tablets and folk remedies will help eliminate a wet or dry cough, but also correct mode. This is an important part of therapy for everyone. respiratory diseases, the provoking factors of which were pathogenic microorganisms or non-infectious agents.

Air humidity

Bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and other respiratory diseases most often occur in humans in spring, winter or autumn. At this time of year, the heating season begins, the indoor air becomes dry. The inflamed mucous membrane reacts negatively to this additional irritant and recovery slows down significantly.

You can increase the concentration of water vapor in the surrounding space using a household humidifier. Such devices are sold in pharmacies and specialty stores. Their use helps not only in the treatment of cough, but also for the prevention of bronchopulmonary diseases.

If it is not possible to purchase such a device, then you can increase the air humidity in the room using other methods:

  • place napkins and fabrics soaked in water on heating radiators;
  • Place open containers of water in the corners of the room.

An excellent solution to the problem is daily wet cleaning. When a few drops of thyme or lemon essential oil are added to water, the room is filled with aroma, and the patient becomes able to breathe easier, and the frequency of coughing attacks is significantly reduced.

Decoctions from medicinal plants can be used to treat cough at home

Drink plenty of fluids

Without proper drinking regimen, recovery will slow down significantly. There are several reasons for this:

  • firstly, additional fluid is necessary to dilute the mucus accumulated on the mucous membranes. It is so thick and sticky that it adheres tightly to the bronchi and trachea. Even a strong hacking cough cannot bring it out. Warm and hot drinks help thin mucus and reduce its viscosity. It will be easily released from the body when coughing;
  • Secondly, drinking plenty of fluids helps reduce general intoxication of the body. Pathogenic pathogens release harmful substances during their life processes. Under the influence of toxins, a person’s immunity weakens, and a deficiency of vitamins and microelements occurs. How more people drinks fluids, the more often urination occurs. Together with urine, accumulated waste, toxins, and metabolic products are also eliminated.

Folk remedies based medicinal herbs Perfectly suited as a medicinal drink. Flowers, berries, herbs and roots have antimicrobial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory effects. Regular intake of warm decoctions and infusions soothes the irritated mucous membrane of the larynx and makes breathing easier.

How to cure a cough with folk remedies:

  • Pour 5 dry rose hips, hawthorn, viburnum and rowan berries into a thermos. Pour in a liter of boiling water. Leave for 5 hours, strain. Take 0.5 cups of vitamin drink 4-5 times a day with meals;
  • Place 3 tbsp in an enamel container. coltsfoot spoons, 5 tbsp. spoons of sage, marigold, plantain. Pour 2 liters of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 7 tbsp. spoons before meals 5-6 times a day;
  • pour 8 tbsp into a thermos. spoons of licorice root, pour 3 cups of boiling water. Leave for 5 hours, strain. Take 50 ml of infusion every 2-3 hours;
  • pour 4 tbsp into a thermos. spoons of sweet dill, rosemary and bear ears, pour 3 cups of boiling water. Leave for 5 hours, strain. Take 3 tbsp. spoons every 3-4 hours.

Recovery will come faster if adults or children drink hot tea from dried berries raspberries, black currants and cranberries. Healing effect will be enhanced by adding mint leaves, a couple of teaspoons of linden honey and lemon slices.

Lightly carbonated drinks are great for drinking. mineral water: Essentuki No. 2, Slavyanovskaya, Borjomi or Narzan. They contain microelements that normalize the elimination of waste and toxins from the body and soothe an irritated throat. Just don’t forget that these mineral waters have medicinal properties, so their intake should be dosed. Preference should be given to drinks with an alkaline environment - they can quickly eliminate inflammatory processes.


Attacks of severe coughing, especially against the background elevated temperature, do not contribute good appetite. But the patient needs to eat, otherwise the body simply has nowhere to get the strength to fight the infection. You can increase your appetite with the help of pharmacy vitamins with microelements and the following traditional medicine:

  • pour 7 tbsp into an enamel container. spoons of sweet dill, pour 3 cups of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 2 tbsp. spoons before each meal;
  • pour 7 tbsp into a thermos. spoons of thyme, sage, yarrow and elecampane. Pour a liter of boiling water and strain. Take 0.5 cups of aromatic drink 3-4 times a day after meals.

During illness, you should eat small portions 6-7 times a day. The diet should include:

  • lean meat and fish;
  • dairy products;
  • pureed vegetable soups;
  • fruits, berries;
  • white bread croutons.

Because strong persistent cough worries a person usually in the cold season, then find fruits with complete vitamin composition quite difficult. In this case, you need to purchase balanced complexes at the pharmacy - Alphabet in the cold season, Vitrum, Multi-tabs Classic. They are also great as prophylactic for colds and ARVI.

Inhalations will help cure cough at home

Compresses according to traditional medicine recipes

Universal home remedy to treat cough - warm compresses. The composition of the mixtures includes only natural products, which can be found in every apartment. They help thin thick mucus and facilitate its evacuation. In order for the results of such procedures to be most effective, you should change the mixture each time and add new ingredients.

Before applying the compress, it is necessary to test for the absence of individual intolerance to the components. A small amount of The mixture should be rubbed into the skin of the wrist. If after half an hour there is no redness in this area, you can safely begin the procedure. To do this, the prepared mixture is applied to the patient’s chest or back, evenly distributed on the skin. The application area is covered with cellophane and thick fabric.

The following mixtures for compresses have the best therapeutic effect:

  • 50 ml apple cider vinegar dilute in 100 ml of water, add 3 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey. Keep the compress for 1-2 hours, rinse with warm water;
  • Boil 2-3 unpeeled potatoes, mash together with the peel. Pour 30 ml of vodka without additives into the mixture, mix and apply to the skin. Keep for 3-4 hours;
  • Mix 50 ml of natural oil with honey (30-50 g). Keep on your back all night;
  • Lightly heat 150 g of fatty cottage cheese and mix thoroughly with 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil and 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Apply to chest, do not wash off for 4-5 hours;
  • V mashed potatoes add 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, 2 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil. Keep on your back or chest for 3-4 hours.

Do not apply the compress mixture if the patient has an elevated body temperature. With hyperthermia, the inflammatory process can intensify and spread to the lower respiratory tract. Vodka or ethyl alcohol should be used in mixtures with caution and only for the treatment of cough in an adult. Ethanol quickly penetrates skin into the bloodstream, causing the development of general intoxication in children.

Inhalations at home

Inhalations help reduce the viscosity of sputum and facilitate its removal from the respiratory tract. After the procedure, the person sleeps peacefully throughout the night and is not tormented by coughing attacks. But before you start inhalation, you need to consult your doctor. In some cases (for example, when coughing cardiac origin) procedures are contraindicated and can cause harm to humans.

Nebulizers, compressors and ultrasonic inhalers used in treating cough at home.

These devices emit steam during operation, in which medicinal compounds are in the form of a very fine suspension. This allows active ingredients evenly distributed on the mucous membrane. But an ordinary enamel saucepan and kettle will replace complex inhalation devices. If the patient does not have a fever, but is coughing a lot, then you can begin the procedure, not forgetting to cover yourself with a thick terry towel.

The inhalation time is about 10 minutes. If a feeling of discomfort appears, the procedure should be canceled and another method of treating cough at home should be chosen. What traditional medicine recipes should you use:

  • dilute 5 tbsp in a liter of water. honey and heat in a water bath;
  • boil 3-4 potato tubers in their skins, mash and sprinkle with a tablespoon of baking soda;
  • boiled hot unpeeled potatoes (4-5 pieces), lightly crush and pour 30 ml of 95% ethyl alcohol on top;
  • 5 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of sage, leave for 30 minutes, filter. Heat and add 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of pine buds and eucalyptus leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Heat and add a drop of fir essential oil.

After the procedure, you should lie down, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and try to fall asleep. Upon contact with hot healing steam, a dry, strong cough turns into a productive form and becomes moist. A person begins to breathe easier, soreness and dryness in the throat disappear.

Black radish and honey can help cure a cough at home

A few more effective traditional medicine recipes

Black radish has proven itself well in the treatment of wet and dry coughs. Its juice contains phytoncides, as well as substances with powerful antimicrobial effect. To prepare the healing remedy, you need to rinse the radish, make 2-3 holes in it and put a teaspoon of thick honey into them. After a couple of hours, thick juice forms inside the root vegetable. It should be taken only after meals, a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment with radish is 3 days.

In folk medicine there are many ways to eliminate even a persistent cough in just a few days. Our grandmothers used such recipes, and their effectiveness has been proven by time. Here are some of them:

  • Pour a liter of boiling water over a handful of crushed dry marshmallow root. Leave covered for 7 hours, strain. Take 0.5 glasses of drink before meals 2-3 times a day;
  • Simmer the lemon and peel for 20 minutes in a water bath. Mix the squeezed juice with a tablespoon of pharmaceutical glycerin and 2 tbsp. spoons of thick honey. Eat a tablespoon of the mixture before breakfast;
  • boil a liter of full-fat milk and stir in 50 g of honey and 30 g of butter. Warm the mixture before each dose. Drink slowly, in small sips of 0.5 cups 2 times a day.

What else can you treat a cough at home: hot infusion of ginger with cinnamon, onion broth in milk, burnt sugar candies. You can make mixtures from medicinal herbs and roots, add dry berries and citrus peels to them.

Folk remedies can be alternated, combined with compresses and inhalation procedures. During treatment you should follow bed rest in three days. If there is no improvement, then it is necessary to invite a doctor to thoroughly examine the patient and administer drug therapy.

How to get rid of dry cough at home? Many people ask this question, but only a doctor knows the correct answer, because sometimes a nonproductive cough becomes a symptom chronic form bronchitis and pneumonia.

Dry coughing is a manifestation large quantity pathologies with serious consequences. If this unpleasant symptom develops, then you need to start fighting it as soon as possible. Almost everyone makes the mistake of trying to ignore the disease, hoping that the problem will go away on its own. You shouldn’t approach your own health with such indifference.

Causes and their relationship with treatment

Dry cough can occur in both children and adults. It causes physiological and psychological discomfort and interferes with normal sleep and human functioning. As a rule, the body runs out of strength to independently resist pathogens, so it needs help to recover.

Even a mild dry cough quickly exhausts a person. Colds and flu are not the only causes of this disorder. Etiology also includes reactions to drugs.

So, the main causes of dry cough are:

    Viral pathologies - colds or flu. A dry cough develops at the very beginning and can last even longer than other symptoms after recovery.

    An allergic dry cough occurs when you react to allergens from environment– animal hair, plant pollen, dust.

    External environmental pollutants – cigarette smoke, gas.

    Heartburn - a small amount of acid moves towards back wall throat and provokes irritation and cough.

    Side effects after taking certain medications.

    Stress, strong emotions and nervous breakdowns.

    A persistent dry cough most often becomes a consequence of pathologies such as asthma, damage to the heart, blood vessels, lungs, whooping cough and tuberculosis.

Treatment process

Dry coughs can be treated at home using methods that have been proven over the years.

How to treat dry cough:


Especially steam ones - the best remedy for relief of dry cough. This therapy copes well with pathologies at work respiratory system person. Inhalations transform an unproductive cough into a productive one and subsequently help remove phlegm, eliminate soreness, relieve inflammation and moisturize the mucous membranes of the throat and nose.

Steam inhalations are often organized at home. To do this, you need to boil water in a medium saucepan, add medicine, cover your head with a warm blanket and, bending over the container, breathe in the vapor.

For steam inhalations saline solution is used essential oils, various decoctions and infusions.

The most effective recipes inhalations to cure dry cough, for sale at home are:

Any inhalations must be carried out strictly 2 hours after meals, not earlier. Immediately after inhalation, eating is prohibited; it is not recommended to walk or talk loudly, much less scream. For young children, the procedure must be approved by a therapist. The implementation of such treatment is prohibited when the temperature rises, when purulent sputum is separated, with pathologies of the blood vessels and heart, and in case of insufficiency in the functioning of the lungs.

Decoctions for dry cough

Decoctions of medicinal plants provide excellent relief for dry coughs. The main contraindication to their use is bronchial asthma. Some components of prescriptions can also provoke allergies, so you must first obtain permission from a doctor to carry out the procedure so that he can explain how to treat, and not self-medicate, which can cause irreparable harm to health.

In order to understand how to get rid of a dry cough quickly, you should follow simple rules at home, facilitating this process:

Prevention of damage

To prevent the occurrence of a nonproductive cough, you should timely treatment dry cough and diseases of the respiratory system, symptoms of which include coughing.

    Engage in timely therapy.

    Help the immune system work well.

    Avoid contact with sick people.

    Drink plenty of fluids.

    Take vitamins and minerals.

    Get flu vaccines.

    Quit smoking and other bad habits.

    Avoid getting hypothermia.

    Monitor the air humidity level in the apartment.

    Ventilate the room daily.

Hello everyone!

Each of us, dear readers of my blog, alas, but at least once suffered a cough - main symptom autumn colds or winter hypothermia.

In general, coughing is a protective reaction of our body.

With its help, the body releases mucus in the bronchi, which occurs as a result of inflammation and bacterial proliferation.

Therefore, it is always very important to treat a cough correctly, not to suppress it, but to help it fulfill its protective function to the fullest.

I think that many of you have repeatedly tried to treat a cough at home, using various inhalations, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Yes, efficiency folk remedies cough remedy is time-tested.

But, you can use them only if you are sure of the cause of your cough, that is, if it is caused by an inflammatory process in the body (acute respiratory infections, hypothermia), and arose as a result inflammatory diseases lungs or bronchi.

Therefore, let's take a closer look at how to get rid of a cough so that it is not only effective, but also safe for your health!

How to get rid of a cough - folk recipes

Cough is a forced exhalation through the mouth caused by contractions of the muscles of the respiratory tract due to irritation of receptors located along the entire respiratory tract (in the nose, paranasal sinuses nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, pleura). Physiological role cough - cleansing the respiratory tract of foreign substances and preventing mechanical obstacles that interfere with the patency of the airways

Why do you need a cough?

Folk remedies for coughs are mainly aimed at thinning mucus and making it easier to separate from the walls of the bronchi, as well as to drain it out.

By cleansing the bronchi, we rid the body of bacteria and relieve inflammation. The inflammation goes away, the cough goes away.

If your cough is dry, suffocating, occurs as a result of nerve irritation, bronchial asthma, allergic nature, or caused chronic diseases, the use of folk remedies for cough can be ineffective and even dangerous.

In this case, you should definitely contact a specialist and not self-medicate.

Traditional recipes for cough treatment

I tried to make a selection of the most effective homemade cough remedies based on herbs, spices and food.

  • Anise infusion

To prepare the “Anise Infusion” we will need the following ingredients:

  • anise - 2 tablespoons seeds
  • honey - 2 tablespoons
  • water - 200 grams (1 glass)

Cooking method:

  1. Making anise infusion is actually one of the simplest.
  2. Place the anise seeds in a suitable container and pour boiling water over them.
  3. Then put it on low heat for 20 minutes, this will be enough. Next, let’s cool our drug to room temperature.
  4. Strain the cooled infusion through cheesecloth or a sieve and add 2 tablespoons of honey.
  5. The infusion should be taken orally before meals 3 times a day, 3 tablespoons or 50 grams.

  • Anise-fennel infusion

This infusion also contains anise seeds and to prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • anise - 1 teaspoon seeds
  • fennel - 1 teaspoon
  • water - 200 grams (1 glass)

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over the anise and fennel seeds and let it sit for half an hour.
  2. You can use a thermos as a vessel to help the infusion brew better.
  3. After brewing and cooling at room temperature, strain the infusion through a sieve or cheesecloth.
    It is taken before meals every 30 minutes in a dosage of 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Turmeric for cough

To prepare you need to take:

  • turmeric - 1 teaspoon
  • milk - 200 grams (1 glass)

Cooking method:

Add a teaspoon to a glass of milk and bring the drink to a boil.

It should be consumed hot before bed.

Turmeric has a beneficial effect on our body and has a warming effect.

  • Basil tea for cough


  • fresh green basil leaves
  • water - 200 grams (1 glass)

Cooking method:

  • In order to prepare the drink, you need to take green basil leaves and pour boiling water over them, I brew them in a thermos.
  • After the drink has infused, you can take it 2-3 times a day, 50 grams.
  • Green basil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

  • From cough

To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • figs - 5 pieces (you can use both fresh and dried)
  • milk - 400 grams (2 cups)

Cooking method:

  1. Place it in a small saucepan and fill it with two glasses of hot milk, preferably just boiled.
  2. Cover the saucepan tightly, allowing it to brew. After the infusion becomes warm, it is ready for use, then we will mash the soft fruits.
  3. It is recommended to drink the infusion 3-5 times a day warm, half a glass. Used mainly for bronchitis and sore throat.
  • Cough honey

Honey has long been known for its healing properties, and the honey in the honeycombs is just a treasure trove useful vitamins and microelements.

When you have a cough, especially a dry one, it is very good to simply chew a piece of honeycomb.

  • Pepper paste with honey

Ingredients used:

  • ground black pepper - ¼ teaspoon
  • honey - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

To prepare the drug, we need to thoroughly mix ground black pepper and honey.

The prepared paste should be taken by sucking after meals 3 times a day.

  • Cinnamon paste

To prepare the paste, take the following ingredients:

  • cinnamon - ½ teaspoon
  • honey - 1 teaspoon

Cooking method:

To prepare the paste, you will need to mix so that there are no lumps left. It should be taken by sucking 3-4 times a day.

  • Ginger tea for cough


  • ginger - half a teaspoon of powder
  • cloves - a quarter teaspoon
  • cinnamon - a fifth of a teaspoon

Cooking method:

Tea is prepared by mixing all three components, that is: cloves and cinnamon, which we place in a thermos and pour boiling water over it.

Let the tea steep for about 30 minutes. You need to drink tea 4-5 times a day.

  • Asafoetida paste for whooping cough and bronchitis

To prepare the pasta you will need:

  • asafoetida - a fifth of a teaspoon
  • onion juice - a quarter teaspoon
  • honey - 1 tablespoon

Asafoetida is an Indian spice used in Vedic cooking. It replaces onions and garlic well, leaving no odor, and is used in powder form.

Cooking method:

To obtain a healing paste, you need to mix all the ingredients: asafoetida, onion juice and honey. Take the product 4 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

  • Cough herb infusion

When preparing the infusion we will need:

  • anise - a quarter teaspoon
  • fennel - a quarter teaspoon
  • - a quarter of a teaspoon
  • dill - a quarter teaspoon
  • coriander - a quarter teaspoon

Cooking method:

You need to take all the ingredients, place them in a thermos and pour one glass of boiling water.

Let the composition infuse for half an hour, after which it can be taken one glass 4 times a day.

  • Tangerine decoction for cough

What is the benefit of this decoction, or rather tangerine peels?

The fact is that tangerines contain a substance - synephrine, which relieves swelling and removes mucus, thanks to which it allows you to remove mucus from the lungs and bronchi.

To get tangerine decoction we need the following ingredients:

  • peels of fresh tangerines - 2 - 3 medium size
  • water - 200 grams (1 glass)

Cooking method:

Needs to be filled tangerine peels boiling water and let them brew for 30 minutes. After the specified time, strain the broth and drink 1 glass on an empty stomach in the morning.

  • Pine decoction

Let's prepare a decoction of pine buds, for which you will need the following components:

  • Dry pine buds - 15-18 pieces
  • Water 1 glass

Pine buds can be bought at any pharmacy.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over the pine buds and let it brew for 40-50 minutes.
  2. Then strain and take 1 tablespoon of the decoction 4-5 times a day, preferably before meals.

  • Onion gargle for old cough

I hope from the recipes listed above, you can find at least one acceptable for yourself, prepare it and help your body cleanse your bronchi of phlegm, mucus, bacteria and everything that causes inflammation and provokes a cough.

In general, today, in my opinion, The best way to combat cough is inhalation through a nebulizer with saline solution. This is especially effective for children.

Be healthy and take care of yourself.

And of course, in any case, remember that for any disease, before self-medicating, you should consult a specialist and listen to his opinion.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

There are many ways that will help reduce the treatment time of the disease to five to seven days. But the very next day after starting therapy, your health will improve. If you let the disease take its course, the recovery period can last up to two and sometimes three weeks.

Cough is a protective function of the body. It indicates an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Symptoms of a dry cough include a sore throat, pain when swallowing and speaking. In this condition, there is no expectorated mucus, which means that the body is unable to cope with the infection because bacteria cannot be expelled through phlegm.

At the first symptoms, it is necessary to begin treatment. You need to start taking medications that thin the mucus, but only a doctor should prescribe necessary remedy. How to cure a cough in one day? Only traditional medicine can answer this question. The whole point is that the most effective ways were invented by our great-grandmothers. This falls under the category of “generational wisdom.”

Traditional methods that will tell you how to cure a cough in one day:

The presented methods will help you get rid of cough quickly and effectively. And besides ethnoscience- the most financially profitable method of treatment and quite convenient. Think about your health and don’t get sick! After all, treatment is always long.