What vitamin complexes will help a woman overcome fatigue and weakness? Vitamins effective for fatigue and drowsiness for women and men Chronic fatigue and drowsiness vitamins

Drugs and Vitamins for the treatment of neurasthenia. How to get rid of irritation and depression symptoms of neurasthenia.

Hello dear readers!

And so, let's continue the topic chronic fatigue. Since this has happened and we are still stuck in neurasthenia, what means can help us get rid of this scourge?

To begin with, it must be said that there is no one universal medicine suitable for all stages of chronic fatigue and equally suitable for every person. Both medications and the methods of their use in each individual case may differ, but medications are friends with medications, and the main factor in treating this disorder is eliminating the cause that led and is leading you to this. Well, now about medications.

Let's start with the simplest, but no less important: Vitamins

There is no need to be clever here, we simply need them. With chronic fatigue, the need for vitamins and minerals increases sharply. But especially in this situation we are interested vitamin complexes containing microelements and, most importantly, group vitamins IN, who are responsible for the work of our nervous system. B1, B2, B6.... B12.

And so, we need a vitamin group complex B. And we remember that when using a vitamin, always follow the dosage, too much does not mean good, an excess will negatively affect the body as a whole.

Now let's move on to the drugs themselves.

Here everything is more complicated, if there is a disorder for which it is necessary to vary one type of medication with another, then the first of them will be chronic fatigue. It is not easy to understand what kind of medicine is needed in this moment, stimulating or calming.

At first glance, everything is simple, you feel strong anxiety and irritation, it is clear that you need a sedative, and vice versa, you feel weak and drowsy, you need a stimulant (stimulant). But with chronic fatigue syndrome, these conditions can often change with lightning speed, and not applying everything at once will not lead to any good. But more about this below.

And so, the most important medications in the treatment of neurasthenia are nootropics, influencing the state of neural connections between brain cells, which are disrupted in neurasthenia. And that is why memory deteriorates, intelligence slows down and deteriorates, and the brain becomes less resistant to stimuli.

Nowadays, preparations based on Ginkgo biloba leaf extract are especially popular. This is a biological nootropic. In addition, preparations based on Ginko biloba improve not only the functioning of brain cells, but also strengthen brain vessels, soothe and improve sleep, which in our case is very important.

Very important drug in the treatment of neurasthenia, there will be Omega-3, polyunsaturated fatty acids (abbreviation PUFA).

Omega-3 complex activates brain activity, cardiovascular systems and improves performance circulatory system.. In general, it improves the functioning of all our organs, including the functioning of the brain. We'll definitely be shopping.

For our autonomic system , to normalize (stabilize) its work and peace of mind we will need vegetative stabilizing drugs, for example, modern for 2013 are, - Grandaxin(Tofisopam) is available with a prescription.

The drug is well suited for the treatment of neurasthenia, but misuse, can cause harm. Self-medicating with him is simply dangerous. To receive this drug, you need to contact a cardiologist, neurologist or psychotherapist (preferably the latter).

Other drug Tenoten, he's not like that strong action, but has practically no side effects, Tenoten (available without a prescription). And in case of irritability and severe anxiety, for starters, it would be better to start with it, the drug is very good action and may be quite sufficient for treatment.

There are also Herbal sedatives, the most famous - medicinal valerian, motherwort five-lobed.

Calming psychotropic drugs (tranquilizers), for all their positive effects in cases of anxiety and irritability, suppress the very functioning of the brain, a person using them may begin to feel depressed and depressed, weakness and lethargy appear, but we don’t need all this, we are already Although we feel irritability and anxiety, we are also internally depressed. Therefore, drugs that stimulate brain function are also necessary.

In case of severe weakness and depression, we need medications with a stimulating (stimulating) effect.

Separately, we can highlight such a targeted means as Vasobral(over the counter). This is also a nootropic, but also a stimulant. The drug improves blood circulation in the brain, restores and normalizes the functioning of capillaries, which improves the flow of oxygen to the brain, and is a fairly strong stimulant containing caffeine. For more details, consult with specialists and you can read on the Internet.

The medicine does not have a pronounced effect, you need to undergo a course of treatment, but the overall result will be very good. The drug has many positive reviews.

Now Herbal stimulants, which, if necessary, can be used more often during the day, are: ordinary ginseng, Chinese lemongrass, Manchurian Aralia.

In what and what doses to use, for this, of course, it is better to contact specialists, which I STRONGLY recommend to you, but if you are so afraid, you can, using small doses for 5-7 days, listen to your feelings, and in accordance with This means changing the direction (effect) of the drug, or slightly increasing (reducing) the dose used.

For examples of possible drug use regimens:

With constant severe anxiety, attacks panic fear and in addition to excitability, the most suitable (but not necessary for every case) may be the following regimen of use - sedatives such as Tenoten or Granaxin - in the morning - day-evening. In the interval, if you feel depressed, weak and excessively drowsy, use a stimulant drug, but not before bedtime.

Another scheme is suitable for passivity and strong emotional depression, even if there is irritability, which in this condition - normal. And so, the regimen of use is more universal, but again, it’s not a fact that it will be the best in your case - stimulant drugs - in the morning, during the day, in the evening, and in the middle of the day, if you start to feel severe nervousness - sedative. Before going to bed we also take a sedative.

A regimen of this type is also possible: a stimulant in the morning, and a sedative the rest of the time. As well as vice versa, in the morning there can be a sedative - in order to calmly meet the working morning with all the anxious thoughts that accompany it, and during the day stimulant medications are taken, in the evening, half an hour before bed, a sedative again.

As you can see, the regimen for using medication for neurasthenia is very ambiguous. And to achieve the maximum positive effect, you need advice and more than one, an experienced specialist. In any case, just keep in mind that if you have chronic fatigue, you shouldn’t rely on one-size-fits-all medicine.

For example, if you constantly take only a strong sedative, this can lead to even greater depression, weakness, and even depression, which will only complicate everything. So be careful.

With neurasthenia, a non-schematic method of application is acceptable, it will even be the most correct, but for this you need to be able to listen and observe yourself, however, there is nothing stopping you here except yourself.

You need to experiment in small doses, attentively listening to your conditions and observing the results. As a rule, after using a particular medicine for 5 days, if there is no noticeable improvement, then you need to change the regimen, the dose itself, or switch to other drugs. But let me remind you once again that it is best to consult a psychotherapist, or at least an experienced neurologist, who, I still hope, will drive you to a psychotherapist with a broom and lightning.

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Neurasthenia treatment. Something very important.

Here I will just remind you that chronic fatigue syndrome is primarily a psychological disorder, a malfunction in the body in which the normal operation brain and nervous system. Our brain is just very tired from the mental load, various problems and worries from a person’s own, constant demands on himself and some other irritants.

From which it follows that in the treatment of this disease, it is necessary, if possible, complete psycho-emotional rest and avoidance of all irritants. We just need to get out of our heads, out of our thoughts and focus on those activities where our body works, not our mind.

And so, I’ll start with the fact that Medicines are medicines, you can even do without them, they are most likely needed, as good help at the beginning, and most important in the treatment of chronic fatigue and in general, mental disorders, is, first of all, our responsible attitude towards this problem and ours correct actions for her treatment.

Victory over chronic fatigue with the help of medications alone is impossible; they can improve, alleviate your condition, help your brain in its recovery and give yourself the opportunity for some push in the right direction.

Victory over chronic fatigue is still, first of all, a change in your lifestyle, some changes in your lifestyle; a new, more vital approach to yourself and the world around you.

After all, you yourself must understand or guess that it is your attitude towards yourself and towards life, your very way of life, that has led and is leading you to this serious disorder (perhaps not only to this) and something needs to be done about it, otherwise you will even Having got out of neurasthenia, after some time you will fall back into it again, and next time it will be even more difficult to get out, since your self-confidence will once again be undermined.

You know, we never take a step forward, and then, in case of failure, a step back, we always take a step forward with effort, but if suddenly, for some reason, we retreat, then we take not one, but two and three steps back.


Some information for your information. Quite a few people suffer from neurasthenia; many suffer from chronic fatigue almost their entire lives, starting in their youth, being in the first, then the second, then returning to the first stage again. By the way, this problem is not limited to adults only; young people are also susceptible to it.

One of the main causes of neurasthenia is frequent stress, strong emotions, constant anxiety, tension and internal struggle of a person, some of his complexes, disorders, inability mental and emotional rest and other mental, physical and emotional overload.

Read more about this in the articles on the website. Goodbye and good luck!

Dictates its own conditions of survival. Haste, poor diet, conflicts at work and at home. It is not surprising that in such an environment many of us are in a state of chronic stress, irritable, unbalanced, and suffer from migraines and insomnia. A properly selected vitamin and mineral complex will help solve this problem.

Chronic fatigue and its causes

The balance of nutrients in the body determines how we feel. According to WHO, about 70% of the adult population of the Russian Federation experiences a lack of microelements in their diet.

The popularity of veganism, vegetarianism, therapeutic fasting and the raw food diet played a cruel joke: people wanted to become healthier, but in the end many of them only got chronic fatigue and more serious problems with health. This is all due to the fact that the diet lacks essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins.

Magnesium is recognized as an “element of good mood”, has the ability to give energy and strengthen the immune system, increasing the body’s resistance to infectious diseases. B vitamins strengthen the nervous system, fight chronic fatigue, and normalize sleep. You can change your diet to include foods rich in these nutrients. But what to do if a person is on a diet or does not like to eat monotonously? In this case, anti-fatigue vitamins will come to the rescue.

Nutrition for vigor and stress resistance

It has long been known that magnesium is necessary to strengthen the nervous system and have a stable mental state. A deficiency of this microelement contributes to depression. Food sources magnesium:

  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, pistachios).
  • Rabbit meat, veal, beef.
  • Fish, especially red (pink salmon, trout, salmon).

To replenish daily dose magnesium, you need to eat about 200 grams of nuts, about 300 grams of fish and the same amount of meat. Such a diet is very expensive for the wallet, and it cannot be called dietary.

Foods rich in vitamins B6 and B1:

  • Sprouted wheat.
  • Yeast.
  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Sardine, mackerel.
  • Nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts).

If you include all these products in your diet on a daily basis, you will get a high calorie content, and the cost of this healthy food not cheap. How to satisfy the need for microelements and vitamins from fatigue and drowsiness? IN modern world Pharmaceutical companies are coming to the rescue.

What vitamins for fatigue and weakness can be purchased at the pharmacy?

Such drugs can be easily purchased anywhere in our country. Every modern man periodically takes a course of vitamins for fatigue. The reviews are only positive. Almost everyone notices improvement general condition, vigor, normalization of sleep, decreased appetite, good mood.

When arriving at a pharmacy, an inexperienced consumer may become confused, as the abundance of drugs simply makes their eyes wide open! To choose a vitamin-mineral complex that is right for you, you need to know some features in its composition and purpose.

There are vitamins for athletes (manufacturers usually add a complex of amino acids to them), there are vitamins for nursing mothers (with increased content omega-3), for schoolchildren and students (they definitely contain lecithin, a lot of calcium and lutein). Prices vary from 200 to 2000 rubles per package. If the goal is to choose vitamins for fatigue and weakness, then you need to pay attention to the composition. It should include a high content of magnesium, iron, pyridoxine, thiamine. Here short list similar complexes:

  • Berocca Plus.
  • "Pantocrine".
  • "Supradin."
  • "Magne-B6".
  • "Bion-3".
  • "Enerion".

domestic production

In the Russian Federation, the cost of production and packaging of medicines is lower than in many other countries. By purchasing domestically produced vitamins, you can save money. If you want to try popular foreign dietary supplements and complexes, you can order them in online stores. The cost will be a little more expensive than buying the same “Berocca Plus” or “Pantocrine”, but it’s better to try different drugs, including imported ones, and find out what is right for you.

Reviews about the Enerion complex

This is an excellent domestically produced drug. In addition to magnesium and excipients(lactose, starch, povidone, polysorbate), it contains 200 mg of sulbutiamine. This substance is very similar in molecular formula to thiamine. This vitamin works wonders for the psyche and nervous system! Thanks to this composition, Enerion can be called the best vitamins for fatigue.

The effect of taking it, according to consumer reviews:

  • Significant reduction in asthenia and hypochondria,
  • normalization of sleep (can be taken for the prevention and treatment of insomnia).
  • Equal mental state.
  • Cheerfulness and desire to get things done.
  • Reducing symptoms of psychosomatic diseases.

Reviews about "Berocca Plus"

This is a very popular drug. It captivates with its composition. It contains the entire complex of B vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, nicotinic and folic acids, biotin), magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium. All of these components are necessary for the healthy functioning of the nervous system. The manufacturer positions Berocca Plus as vitamins for stress and blues.

Those who took this complex noted a healthier emotional background. Their irritability has decreased and their psychological condition, there was a desire to rejoice, work, communicate with people around me.

The disadvantages of this drug are its rather high price. The course for a month will cost you about a thousand rubles. For permanent effect It is recommended to take two or three courses.

Unusual drug "Pantocrine"

You should definitely try this product. Its composition is enriched with an extract from the antlers of young sika deer or deer. Taking Pantocrine is indicated for treatment (as aid) and prevention of many diseases. If you are looking for vitamins against fatigue and weakness for women, pay attention to this drug!

The main advantage of "Pantocrine" is the content of a large number of amino acids, which are necessary for the human body for metabolic processes. Therefore, as an additional effect from taking it, you will get excellent skin and hair condition, and also lose weight easier. excess weight. In addition, "Pantocrine" contains many vitamins and minerals that increase the metabolic rate and strengthen the nervous system.

Reviews of "Supradin" in soluble form

This popular complex can rightfully be called the “king of vitamins.” For more than ten years it has been a leader in sales. This drug is available in soluble and tablet form. Recommended for use by both men and women.

Despite the popularity of the product, reviews of "Supradin" are mixed. Basically, it is the release form that is praised effervescent tablets, which must be dissolved in a glass before drinking clean water. This method of consumption allows for better absorption of minerals. In addition, when dissolved in water, it produces an aromatic sweet drink.

Thanks to the high content of magnesium (21.2 mg), thiamine (20 mg), pyridoxine (10 mg), nicotinic acid(50 mg) "Supradin" can be positioned as vitamins for fatigue and weakness. Training athletes love to add it to their diet, as this wonderful drug gives a surge of strength and increases vigor, improves recovery after training due to its excellent composition.

There are often situations when a woman outlines certain tasks for the day, but as a result does not begin to complete them. And this is not at all due to laziness, it’s all about fatigue. Very often, representatives of the fair sex suffer from chronic lack of sleep and loss of energy, which manifest themselves due to stress or workload.

What vitamins are needed for chronic fatigue and weakness

To rectify the situation, First of all, you need to improve your sleep. After all, not only the emotional, but also the physical state of the body depends on it. In addition, it is important to start taking a special complex of vitamins, which will help the body cope with overloads, improve not only internal state, but also appearance ladies.

The best vitamins from fatigue and weakness for women we will look at in our article

A certain type of vitamin performs its function in the body. If a woman is constantly tired and feels weak every day, then her body does not have enough of the following elements given in the table.

Vitamin name Norm per day How to know if you have a vitamin deficiency Food of animal origin Food of plant origin
Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) 90 mgLow ability to fight diseases and infections, lethargy, fatigue, loss of strength, loss of appetiteBeef liverBrussels sprouts and cauliflower, black currants, citrus fruits, dill, kiwi, apples, rose hips
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)1.5 mgApathy towards everything that happens, any factor makes you angry, nervous breakdowns, absent-mindednessPork heart, pork liverWalnuts, oats, peas, soybeans, wheat shoots
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)2 mgWomen are characterized by fatigue, weakness, indifference to what is happening, decreased appetite, nausea, cramps, and symptoms ranging from depression to severe nervous disorders Cheese, beef, tuna, eggs, lamb, milk, shrimpBananas, melon, seeds, cereals, nuts
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)3 mcgFatigue, lethargy, lack of blood supplyCod liver, beef, sardine, rabbit, mackerel meatAlgae growing in the sea

Note! Vitamin B12 helps control the functioning of red blood cells, so it is very important that the body always has enough of it. To avoid a deficiency, you should definitely include seaweed in your diet, since only they contain this component in large quantities.

Essential Minerals to Help Relieve Fatigue and Weakness

Not only vitamins are important for the successful functioning of the body. To keep him in good shape, it is worth remembering the most important minerals, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all body systems.

In order to be always vigorous and cheerful, it is necessary to maintain the following mineral substances at normal levels:

Minerals give beneficial results only when taken together. Therefore, you need to use them comprehensively, without separating them from each other, otherwise there will be no positive result.

Review of vitamin complexes for fatigue and weakness

The appearance of fatigue and weakness for women cannot always be corrected with the help of food, since they are found mainly in seasonal vegetables and fruits. Therefore, it is very important to take vitamins against the manifestation of apathy and loss of strength, however, before doing this, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Multivitamin complexes It is strictly forbidden to take it on a regular basis.

Today in pharmacies you can find a large assortment of vitamin preparations that cope well with the lack of elements in the body, which cause loss of strength. The most popular drugs are presented below.

Complex Selmevit

Selmevit is a multivitamin complex; it contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals. The medication contains vitamins B, A, E, ascorbic acid, vitamin P, and minerals: zinc, magnesium, potassium, iron.

The peculiarity of the complex is that all components increase the body’s resistance to stress and external negative factors, increase endurance, and reduce fatigue. The drug is recommended to be used to increase performance, activity, and also to strengthen the immune system.

Selmevit can be used with other medications, except vitamin complexes, since the excess daily norm substances. The average cost for 30 tablets is 150 rubles, for 60 tablets - 300 rubles.

Complex Bion 3

Bion 3 is a dietary supplement and is not considered a medicinal product.

Its main purpose:

  • strengthening immune system, vitamin deficiency, anemia;
  • restoration of the gastrointestinal tract after stress or nervous shock;
  • improvement of microflora intestines after taking an antibiotic.

The drug is perfect for use by both adults and children over 4 years of age. The peculiarity is that, in addition to vitamins and minerals, the composition contains 3 types of bacteria that have positive influence on the intestines.

It has a special structure. Consists of 3 layers. The first is vitamins, the second is minerals, the third is bacteria. Each layer dissolves in the body gradually, which leads to better absorption of the components.

The average cost of the drug is 350-400 rubles, the course is 30 days.

Vitamins Duovit

Vitamins for fatigue and weakness for women Duovit are considered an excellent remedy. The composition contains vitamins B, D, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, 8 minerals. All components are well absorbed by the body; they are not rejected when taken in combination.

The drug is approved for use by women during pregnancy, to maintain immunity, as well as for strong physical activity, inadequate and unbalanced nutrition. Experts recommend taking the course during postoperative period restoration of the body.

The average cost of the complex is 150-200 rubles, and is available in the form of blue and red dragees.

Natural preparation Pantocrine

It is important to know! Vitamins for fatigue and weakness for women - Pantocrine - are considered natural biostimulants that have a general strengthening effect. This drug is used for asthenic conditions.

The active substance is an extract from deer antlers, which has a tonic effect. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on carbohydrate and protein metabolism and restores the body after suffering nervous stress. Phospholipids contained in the composition have a beneficial effect on ion exchange.

The drug can be produced in the form of tablets, or as a tincture in transparent glass bottles. The dosage is strictly prescribed by a specialist, and the doctor determines the required course. The average cost of the drug in tablets is 350 rubles, in the form of tincture - 400 rubles.

Complex Berocca Plus

Berocca Plus is a complex of vitamins, containing vitamins B, A, P, ascorbic acid and important minerals such as zinc, magnesium, potassium. Improves performance of cardio-vascular system, also has a beneficial effect on mental and physical activity.

Interesting fact! After taking Berocca Plus, there is an improvement in memory, concentration, as well as a woman’s concentrated and calm behavior in stressful situations. Vitamin C improves iron absorption small intestine, which has a positive effect on work gastrointestinal tract.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, the average cost is 10 pieces - 440 rubles, 30 pieces - 660 rubles.

How to choose the right vitamins for fatigue and weakness

It is necessary to choose the right vitamins for women that relieve fatigue and weakness. Vitamin complexes should contain:

  1. Vitamin A(production of red blood cells responsible for controlling the required amount of iron in the body, fighting viral bacteria and infections, maintaining the normal functioning of the cervix, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract in the upper area).
  2. B vitamins(allows you to withstand any stressful situations, in addition, they bring the functioning of the nervous system to a normal state, during pregnancy they help form the neural tube of the fetus, and also help the baby to eat normally).
  3. Vitamin D(responsible for the condition of bones in the body, and also strengthens the immune system, thereby increasing the resistance to the penetration of viruses and infections).

Do not forget that any vitamin complex can bring both benefit and harm to the body. Therefore, before taking it, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Women get tired and weak from constant stress and worries.

To restore the body’s performance and good mood, it is necessary not only to eat right, but also to monitor the level of vitamins in the body. Therefore, it is very important to use additional multivitamin complexes that restore female body to normal condition.

Vitamins for fatigue and weakness for women in this useful video:

How to get rid of fatigue? How to increase energy:

Fatigue, in the medical sense of the word, is understood as a temporary decrease in the body’s usual capabilities, deterioration in physical well-being, a feeling of weakness, the appearance of lethargy, drowsiness, instability of psycho-emotional status, decreased memory and attention. Fatigue happens to every person. But if all of the above symptoms accumulate and become permanent, we are talking about chronic fatigue. In such cases, anti-fatigue vitamins can help.

Causes and mechanism of development of fatigue

Most often this is due to life in big cities, psycho-emotional overload, large volume perceived information, increased responsibility and stress. The exact cause of chronic fatigue has not been established, although, in addition to those listed, it can be caused by the following factors:

Available chronic illness;

Decline immune status;

Severe short-term stress or long stay under stress;

Available in the body viral infection: viral hepatitis B, C, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus.

If you notice signs of fatigue in yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor: a specialist will be able to differentiate between chronic or viral disease against stress and will tell you which vitamins to take when feeling tired. There are a lot of diseases that occur with asthenic syndrome, the symptoms of which are similar to the manifestations of chronic fatigue. These include:

oncological and infectious diseases;

pathology thyroid gland;

mental illness;

exposure to toxic substances.

The pathogenesis of chronic fatigue in all cases has the same mechanism. It lies in the imbalance of energy metabolism that develops when there is a metabolic disorder. At the same time, cells begin to incorrectly spend and replenish their energy. Certain changes occur in the structure of the cell and the fibers innervating it: the number of neurons increases, they undergo deformation. Their ability to absorb glucose sharply decreases - by 40%. It has been proven that all patients with asthenia have a deficiency of thiamine - vitamin B1, which is involved in processes occurring in the nervous tissue.

Vitamins for fatigue - group B

Numerous studies examining which vitamins to take when feeling tired have shown that the most effective vitamins against fatigue are vitamin preparations belonging to group B. A long-term study of this problem was carried out in Japan. It turned out that common in Lately Worldwide, thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency is the result of a busy lifestyle modern society and the changing structure of people's nutrition. The diet has changed: the consumption of foods containing thiamine has significantly decreased, but the amount of carbohydrates consumed has increased. This leads to an even greater need for thiamine. The Japanese were the first to succeed in synthesizing fat-soluble vitamin B1 - benfotiamine.

Thiamine is actively involved in the synthesis of acetylcholine, therefore it has a second name - antineuritis. Participates in intracellular energy metabolism. The main source of energy in the body is glucose. Disturbances in its oxidation processes lead to nervous disorders, since the energy released as a result of these reactions is used, among other things, by neurons.

In addition to thiamine, anti-fatigue vitamins also include other vitamin preparations of group B. They are responsible, in addition to carbohydrates, for all types of metabolism in the body: lipid, protein, mineral. Impaired metabolism leads to chronic fatigue.

Folic acid

Vitamin B9 - folic acid - normalizes the psychological state and prevents depression. It promotes normal absorption of other vitamins in this group. Therefore the disadvantage folic acid automatically leads to a deficiency of other B vitamin preparations. Vitamin B9 deficiency causes anemia, weakness, fatigue, fainting, constantly bad mood, irritability.

Daily requirement in vitamin B9 is 50 - 200 mcg, but since it is poorly absorbed, the recommended dose is 400 mcg. Contained in the liver and green parts of plants (lettuce, spinach, leafy vegetables) and in animal products (meat, eggs).

Cyanocobalamin is one of the anti-fatigue vitamins

Vitamin B12 - cyanocobalamin - one of the anti-fatigue vitamins. Its deficiency develops when consuming only plant food and the absence of animal products (meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products). Also, its deficiency may be the result of impaired absorption. It has been established that even a slight lack of vitamin B12 leads to chronic fatigue, and its deficiency causes anemia and nervous disorders. Cyanocobalamin itself is a water-soluble vitamin, but a certain amount of it is deposited in the liver, and a very small amount in the kidneys, lungs, and spleen. The daily requirement for B12 is small (3 mcg), the reserves in the liver can last for several years, after which, with insufficient nutrition, hypovitaminosis develops with chronic fatigue syndrome. For the purpose of treatment, as well as prevention, it is recommended to take 1000 mcg of the vitamin once a week for a month. Subsequently, the same dosage is taken once a month. It significantly exceeds the norm, but since cyanocobalamin is water soluble vitamin, its excess is eliminated from the body without causing harm. The injection solution is better absorbed.

Vitamin C - a remedy for fatigue

Numerous studies have established which vitamins to take when feeling tired, besides thiamine. Lack of ascorbic acid leads to expressed feeling constant fatigue, fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, decreased performance, depression. Risks of hypovitaminosis C include:


ARVI and influenza;

Unfavorable environment;

Chronic diseases.

The need for vitamin C is 100 mg per day. At colds– up to 2 g. Ascorbic acid is found in rose hips, citrus fruits, black currant, parsley, dill. Its absorption improves in the presence of vitamin P - routine.


Anti-fatigue vitamins include vitamin D - calciferol. It affects the heart vascular system, participates in the absorption of calcium, is a powerful antioxidant. His hypovitaminosis is most pronounced in winter, when there is little sunny days: cholecalciferol (this is vitamin D3) is synthesized in upper layers skin exposed to ultraviolet rays from the sun. For a sufficient amount of vitamin in the body, a daily 20-minute stay under direct sun rays. With a lack of vitamin D3, osteoporosis develops: the amount of calcium in the bone structure decreases sharply, and their fragility increases. In addition to pain in bones and joints, it bothers severe weakness, constant fatigue, malaise, drowsiness. Contained in oily sea fish, fish oil.

Effective vitamin complexes

It is recommended to take the listed vitamins for fatigue in a comprehensive manner, along with the necessary microelements. Many vitamin preparations have been developed that charge with energy and simultaneously contain several of these vitamins in a balanced state. What vitamins to take when you feel tired is decided by the doctor after eliminating all pathologies that can cause asthenic syndrome. These vitamins include the following highly effective complexes:

Alphabet Energy;

Vitrum Energy;


Multi - tabs asset and many others.

A specialist will help you understand these medications, monitor your condition, and specify the dose and duration of the course. It is important to follow all prescriptions, since an overdose is as dangerous to health as hypovitaminosis.

In conditions modern life a person often devotes very little time to full-fledged balanced nutrition– the best option for people working from morning to night is “snacks” in fast food establishments. By eating in this way for a long time, the body does not receive enough nutrients with all the ensuing consequences - fast fatiguability, accompanied by impotence, drowsiness, apathy and frequent depression.

Raise your vitality, possibly taking vitamins for stress and weakness, and also, if possible, reviewing your diet.

Today, you can increasingly hear about chronic fatigue syndrome, and this “disease” mainly affects young people aged 20 to 45 years. Studies have shown that men, unlike women, are several times less likely to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, stress and lack of strength. In addition, it was recorded that close to thousands of new cases of this “disease” are detected in the world every day. In order to prevent such an unpleasant syndrome, you should take products containing all the vitamins necessary for the body, and then there will be no trace of fatigue, loss of strength and stress.

For chronic fatigue

The syndrome of fatigue and drowsiness appears not only from physical and mental stress, this can also include:

  • constant lack of sleep, stress, frequent unforeseen situations;
  • absence proper nutrition, and, as a result, lack of strength;
  • uncontrolled reception medicines, which is undesirable to take without a doctor’s prescription;
  • illnesses of various etiologies from nervous disorders to infectious processes in the body of men and women.

In order to overcome chronic fatigue, cope with drowsiness and nervousness, you should reconsider your rhythm of life, properly balance your diet, and also do not forget about the vitamins that you need to take when you lose strength and are constantly tired. In addition, it should be remembered that microelements also play important role in maintaining the active functioning of the human body.


The fair half of humanity is the most vulnerable and susceptible to breakdown, therefore useful material chronic fatigue is a fairly pressing topic for women. Increased fatigue occurs primarily due to disruption of the nervous system, in other words nervous exhaustion, as well as with insufficient intake of important substances into the body, aggravated by bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

Microelements for fatigue and drowsiness for women are primarily representatives of group B:

  • thiamine (B1) – participates in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, converting nutrients into energy, 1.5 mg daily is enough;
  • riboflavin (B2) – none metabolic process does not pass without its participation, in addition, it is necessary for the production of hemoglobin, the norm is 1.8 mg;
  • B3, B5, B7 – contribute to the extraction of energy from food, daily norms B3 – 20 mg, B5 – 5 mg, B7 – 50 mcg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) – strengthens immune protection body, is responsible for the synthesis of hemoglobin, as well as carbohydrate metabolism, permissible norm 2.5 mg per day;
  • cobalamin (B12) – normalizes the state of the nervous system, is responsible for energy metabolism and growth processes, sufficient consumption of 3 mcg.

In order to normalize the condition and maintain the vitality of men and women at the proper level, you should drink vitamins of this group when tired and drowsy, but you should not overestimate permissible dosage- this will not solve the problem in any way and will not add strength to you.


The stronger half of humanity also suffers from stress, loss of strength, and mood swings, so taking vitamins for stress and drowsiness is also important for men. It is also important to balance your diet, avoid bad habits, lead healthy image life. Men are also advised to take B vitamins for constant fatigue and nervousness.

In addition, increased fatigue, and hence bad mood also affects sexual and reproductive function men. The best vitamins for stress, drowsiness, maintaining erectile function, as well as testosterone production and libido in men are the linoleic acid group (F).

Support complexes

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) plays an important role in maintaining the normal state of the body; it helps strengthen immune functions, and also improves the performance and psychological state of a person. The daily preventive dosage of ascorbic acid in men and women should not exceed 90 mg, however, the dose of vitamin C can be increased to 2 g in case of severe chronic fatigue syndrome for therapeutic purposes.

Vitamins against chronic drowsiness and loss of strength are recommended to be taken in combination, so for better absorption of ascorbic acid, you should use rutin (P), complementing each other, they are a “shock” remedy against fatigue and stress.

Retinol should be added to all of the above substances; vitamin A should be taken for chronic fatigue, as it increases a person’s performance, promotes the release of energy, and also participates in the production of sex hormones, which is important for both sexes. Sufficient intake of retinol not only saves you from fatigue, but also increases libido.

Anti-fatigue vitamins are another fat-soluble substance called calciferol (D). Vitamin D supports the normal state of the human immune system. Converts nutrients entering the body into energy, improves performance, increases stress resistance, and normalizes sleep in men and women.

Properly selected vitamins will help get rid of stress and chronic fatigue, but success is guaranteed only if the dosage does not exceed the permissible limits that the doctor sets based on the patient’s individual indicators.

For tired eyes

Manifestations of eye fatigue may include heavier eyelids and decreased visual acuity. visual function, redness, tearing, pain - prolonged tension optic nerve especially in poor lighting conditions can provoke these symptoms.

Vitamins for eye fatigue are the most reliable and safe way get rid of unpleasant signs of overwork. The most effective here are:

  • retinol - its deficiency provokes the development various diseases eyes, up to a decrease in the quality of vision;
  • tocopherol, ascorbic acid - relieve fatigue, normalize blood circulation, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the occurrence of glaucoma;
  • This includes the minerals copper, zinc, as well as the carotenoids zeaxanthin, lutein - they are necessary for the normal functioning of the visual organs, relieve eye fatigue, and prevent the development of various diseases.

In order to maintain the organs of vision in normal condition, you should drink special vitamin drops for the eyes against fatigue. Such drugs should be taken in a course - after every three months of use, take a break of one month. However, self-medication is not appropriate here; a prerequisite for taking any medications is strict adherence to the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

It is also important to remember that to find out what vitamins to take for stress, for fatigue and drowsiness syndrome, as well as for maintaining healthy condition you can see a therapist or nutritionist. And you can buy them without a prescription at the pharmacy, both individually and in combination; popular drugs are Selmevit, Alphabet Energy, Centuri 2000, Vitrum Energy.