How to use celery root. Celery root: benefits and harm. Properties of celery root and their positive effects on the human body

All parts of celery are healthy and are often used in the preparation of cold and hot dishes: the stalks, the leaves and the root. Just about beneficial features celery root will be discussed in this article.

Even in ancient times, it was used to treat certain diseases and to improve general physical condition. Is it true if you use this regularly? cultivated plant can you improve your health?

The composition of the root vegetable and its beneficial properties

Celery root is rich in vitamins and minerals, and they are in Everyday life There is always a shortage, so we can say these are the most important components in the composition. There are B vitamins, as well as A, C, K and E. Minerals include zinc, iron, magnesium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. Contains no less valuable amino acids and organic acids.

celery root contains many useful elements

The root vegetable helps accelerate metabolic processes and is an excellent remedy to prevent the development of many diseases. Helps in treatment pathological processes in the heart and hematopoietic system, as it contains calcium, iron and magnesium salts. It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and is especially useful for anemia and exhaustion of the body due to surgery or fasting.

Since the root vegetable improves metabolism, it will be useful for those who want it and for people who are obese. Raises tone, has a positive effect on physical fitness and improves general condition.

"Don't miss the opportunity to cleanse your body of all toxins and harmful bacteria, as well as restore immunity and normal flora gastrointestinal tract.

Celery root can be called an excellent cancer preventative. It also improves memory and has a beneficial effect on visual system. Can lower blood pressure and treat colds, in particular, influenza, ARVI, acute respiratory infections and viral diseases upper and lower respiratory tract.

How and when to use celery root?

The beneficial properties of celery root can only be felt if it is consumed correctly. The most the best option Will eat the root vegetable raw, or add it to a salad. It is recommended to eat it twice a day, this will help improve sleep.

You don’t have to think about when to use celery root - whenever you want, if there are no contraindications. In addition, freshly squeezed juice will be no less useful: just half a glass a day, and after a while you can feel its positive effects. The juice cleanses the blood well, removes cholesterol and lowers blood sugar levels, cleanses blood vessels, stimulates digestion and increases the body's defenses.

celery root is used for some diseases as a medicinal drug

You can also make a decoction. It will be useful remedy for rheumatism and gout. It is necessary to pour the crushed root in the amount of a tablespoon into 0.5 liters of water and let it brew for several hours.

Separately, it is worth noting that the root vegetable has a good effect on the male reproductive system, so representatives of the stronger sex do not need to give up this spice. Previously, there was even a tradition when a young husband was given celery root before his first wedding night; it was believed that it would improve potency not only after the groom had eaten it, but would also become a kind of symbol or guarantee that he had everything in this matter will be OK.

In cooking, celery (its root) is used widely: in salads, soups and other dishes; it is boiled, baked, fried and grated. Pairs wonderfully with fish and meat culinary creations, as well as vegetables.

It is an ideal product for weight loss, like celery root, but very nutritious. This is especially important with strict diets. It happens that strict restriction of products at this time causes skin problems. The root can be dried, mixed with nutmeg, cilantro, ginger (all equally and in crushed form) and applied to the face with massage movements. This way you can get rid of acne and other skin imperfections.

Possible harm

Anyone who loves the root vegetable should know the beneficial properties and contraindications of root celery. About him healing power is already known, all that remains is to study the cases when it should not be used at all or the daily dose should be limited.

in some cases it is better to avoid using celery root

Celery root is prohibited for people suffering from diseases in the gastrointestinal tract and hemorrhoids. During breastfeeding, you need to be more careful and it is better to give it up altogether so as not to harm the baby.

Unlike juice, fresh root vegetables promote excessive activity, so it is not advisable to eat it before bed. Carefully .

Celery is rightfully considered a unique product. The plant is a relative of the familiar parsley. In ancient times, celery was valued and considered a magical raw material. The plant could cure many ailments and bring happiness and prosperity to the home. Currently, celery is no less valuable in cooking, cosmetology and folk medicine. Let's look at everything in order.

Composition of celery root

Celery root is unique in its composition. The raw materials are rich in vitamins, which can be listed for a very long time. The root includes amino acids, essential oils, nicotinic and ascorbic acid. The plant and natural minerals in the form of sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium and phosphorus were not spared.

Action of celery root

  1. Thanks to the abundance of microelements and useful substances celery has a positive effect on general condition human health. The root is capable of providing wide range actions. Regularly eating the plant will significantly increase its protective functions.
  2. If you consume the root correctly, you can achieve good anti-inflammatory effects. The plant is famous for its mild laxative and diuretic effects. Regular consumption of the product normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and completely cleanses the body.
  3. The presence of essential oils in the root helps cells and tissues regenerate much faster. Unique enzymes have an antioxidant and antiseptic effect on the body. Blood pressure also stabilizes.
  4. To prevent the development of inflammatory processes associated with joints, it is enough to include celery in your daily menu. You won't run into problems either. of cardio-vascular system. The plant has a beneficial effect on nervous system, relieving accumulated tension.

Benefits of celery root

  1. The benefits of the root are especially evident when overworked. The product will help you with short time saturate the body with energy and relieve muscle tension. Essential oils and active biological components increase vitality and return to functionality. You are less stressed and your sleep improves.
  2. To improve your health, you can cook at least useful tincture from the root of a plant. The composition helps to cope with ulcers, gastritis, low acidity in the stomach, neuralgic diseases, rheumatism and ailments associated with the upper respiratory tract.
  3. A storehouse of useful microelements at the root allows you to improve the condition of the skin, restore the original structure of the hair and nail plate. The active substances have a positive effect on the visual muscles. Celery extract is included in some cosmetical tools for body and hair care.
  4. Due to its diuretic properties, the root is actively used in medical purposes for the prevention and treatment of bladder and kidney diseases. To increase the effectiveness of the plant for any purpose, it is recommended to add carrots, fresh herbs and apples. Such salads are popular among people on a diet.
  5. The root is especially useful for the stronger sex. The plant contains an active substance that has a positive effect on male strength. The enzyme also helps stronger sex look more attractive to the fair half of humanity. Chemical substances prevent the development of prostate pathologies.
  6. If you consume the root of the plant along with protein dishes, it will be much easier for the body to process all the active components. As a result, maximum absorption of enzymes necessary for tissues will occur. Celery should not be subjected to heat treatment, otherwise the product will lose some of its beneficial qualities.
  7. The root is recommended to be given to children in various dishes, unique composition will be an excellent assistant in the proper development of the growing body. Systematic consumption will protect the child from seasonal infections and vitamin deficiency. The root can be given to children from 1 year of age in a crushed state, mixing the composition with their usual food.

  1. Most people are trying to lose extra pounds. There was no such excitement before. People, by and large, did not care about appearance, and they loved themselves for who they were.
  2. IN currently Celery root is highly popular among people who want to lose weight. The plant really provides such an opportunity. Positive traits have long been noted by professional nutritionists.
  3. Regularly taking the plant root with others the right products allows you to say goodbye to extra pounds in a short period of time. An undoubted advantage is that such a diet is quite gentle and stress-free for the body.

Celery root for the nervous system

  1. The plant has a good effect on the central nervous system. The composition of celery allows you to cope with chronic fatigue and permanent nervous tension. As a result of regularly eating the product, you find peace and tranquility.
  2. A similar process occurs due to the content of a special substance in the plant. It is not recommended to immediately resort to the help of strong sedatives. To start, try drinking a glass of freshly squeezed juice or eating a small portion of the root.

Celery root for diabetes

  1. The beneficial properties of the plant's root do not stop with the above-mentioned problems. Celery is actively included in the menu of diabetics, active enzymes suppress sharp jumps glucose.
  2. Eating the root regularly will help you avoid insulin injections. The active composition of the plant helps to activate the activity of the adrenal glands. This process is especially important for people suffering from diabetes.

Celery root for hypertension

  1. If you suffer from hypertension, the root will be an excellent help in solving this problem. The main condition remains that it is strictly forbidden to exceed the prescribed norm.
  2. Otherwise, you can cause significant harm to the body. Arterial pressure may fall to a critical level. To overcome the disease, it is enough to eat only 2 celery stalks a day. Blood pressure normalizes.

Celery root for men

  1. Modern medicine confidently declares that celery can be called “Viagra” of natural origin. Systematic intake of raw materials significantly increases male potency.
  2. The positive effect is achieved thanks to a unique hormone - androsterone. In addition, the plant helps get rid of diseases of the urinary system and prostatitis.

  1. The root brings female body invaluable benefits. Active enzymes can cover a fairly wide spectrum. The plant perfectly prevents a number of oncological abnormalities in the fair sex.
  2. By regularly eating the root, women can thoroughly cleanse the body of toxic substances and waste compounds. As a result, representatives of the fairer sex receive healthy cells, skin covering improves before our eyes, the hair structure returns to its original appearance.
  3. The calming effect allows women to always be in harmony with themselves and not once again expose the nervous system to various stresses and tensions. If you have mental problems, the root will be indispensable for you.
  4. For any inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, the plant will help cope with ailments. The root has a positive effect on bladder and kidneys. The unique components of the product normalize water-salt metabolism in the body.
  5. Quite often, the root of the plant is used to treat diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys in the fairer sex. The product will be an excellent helper for you in the fight against protruding veins when walking for long periods in high shoes.
  6. Regular intake of freshly squeezed plant juice will improve blood quality and prevent the development of anemia. The drink also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. The composition perfectly strengthens the walls and suppresses the development of diseases.
  7. If you are inclined to bad habits, in particular tobacco, the root of the plant will be your savior. The product perfectly cleanses the body of accumulated toxins. The active components of the plant suppress harmful carcinogens. The root will help you maintain youth and beauty.
  8. The root has a positive effect not only on masculinity, but also women's health. The plant helps the fair sex restore libido. As a result, you will get a more fulfilling sex life and significantly improve your health.

Harm of celery

  1. It is forbidden for the fair sex to consume the root of the plant during pregnancy. Celery is also contraindicated for epileptic seizures.
  2. You should completely abandon the product if you have stones in the kidneys or urinary system.
  3. Celery is prohibited for pancreatitis, disease thyroid gland and old age.

Celery root is a unique natural product. If you want to get rid of any ailment, first consult with a specialist. It is important to comply daily norm. Stick to it practical recommendations so as not to harm your health.

Video: beneficial properties and dishes from celery root


Dear readers, today I continue the conversation about celery. Recently there was a very detailed article on the blog about stalk celery. How to choose it correctly, eat it in order to preserve all its beneficial properties, how it is useful, how to look prettier and slim with it, all the recipes were in the article. If you haven't read the article, I invite you to read it.

Today we’ll talk in more detail about celery root. After all, he deserves huge attention. Healthy Root is all about celery. It was also used by our ancestors. The roots were also used as medicine, and the Greeks crowned winners with wreaths using the tops (stalks).

Hippocrates also said that celery should be taken not just as food, but as medicine. Interestingly, celery was initially used not for cooking, but for making fragrant decorations. From Europe, celery came to China, India, America, and it also came to Russia. We've been growing it ever since.

Celery root. Beneficial features.

What are the benefits of celery root?

  • Celery root is rich in vitamins A, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, vitamin C, which is responsible for the permeability of our blood vessels and vitamin B. Most of all, celery contains vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting processes and which is important for the prevention of osteoporosis. It helps maintain dense bone tissue.
  • Celery root is also rich in minerals: such as magnesium, selenium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, phosphorus and some others.
  • Helps with anemia (due to high content gland).
  • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Improves metabolic processes in organism.
  • It tones the body well.
  • It is very good to include celery root in the diet for the prevention of cancer.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Excellent prophylactic against all colds and viral diseases.
  • Celery root is very useful for men; it is no coincidence that it is called the root of male power.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Improves vision.
  • Relieves irritability, it is very useful to use celery root during stress.
  • Has a mild diuretic and laxative effect.
  • Regular consumption of celery root improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.
  • An excellent remedy for weight loss programs.

Celery root. Application.

Celery root is used for heart disease, for problems with the nervous system, for low hemoglobin, for joint diseases, gout, for weight loss, for strengthening the immune system, for restoring male strength, for the prevention of all oncological diseases, to relieve vascular spasms, with inflammatory diseases genitourinary system, to improve digestion, improve joint mobility, with high blood pressure, to improve vision, with excessive sweating.

Celery root. Contraindications.

How to choose celery root?

By appearance, Certainly. It should be dense, without rot, of course. The size of the celery root, in principle, does not really matter. You just need to know that the larger it is, the denser and tougher it is. Nutritional qualities and all vitamins are preserved.

How to store celery root?

In a dry, cool, dark room. From zero to + 2 degrees. If you bought it at the store, place it in a paper bag and put it in the refrigerator. There it can be stored for several days.

How to properly eat celery root to preserve its beneficial properties?

We eat celery root fresh. This method is the most useful. Wash, dry, clean. You can simply chew celery root, cut it into salads (grate, cut into cubes, etc.).

Celery root. Calorie content.

There are 21 kcal in 100 grams.

Note to the owner:

  • You have peeled the celery root. To prevent it from darkening, keep it in acidified water
  • It is very good to add celery root (as well as leaves and seeds) when canning vegetables. Very fragrant and elegant.
  • If you do cook celery root and use heat treatment, cut it smaller - the aroma will be brighter.

Celery root. Salads. Recipes.

My favorite salads with celery root:

  1. Celery and apple salad: celery root (about 150 g), grate 1 apple. Add a little kefir and, if desired, a little honey.
  2. The celery root itself fresh apple, Walnut, grapes, low-fat yogurt. At the end, add a little lemon juice.
  3. You can grate celery root and add a little to your salad - fresh carrots, celery root, you can add a little garlic for those who like it.
  4. Celery root, apple, tomato and herbs (parsley, dill), natural yogurt.
  5. Even in the previous article about stalked celery, Saule (a reader of my blog) left a recipe in the comments. I want to voice it here. I found him very interesting.

Peel the middle head of celery root, grate and add juice from 1.5 lemon, after 10 minutes, squeeze out, add 4 tbsp. yogurt, 4 tbsp. chopped parsley, 2 cloves of garlic, 0.5 tsp. dried mint, crushed chili pepper and salt. You can also grate carrots.

Celery root for weight loss.

Don't go to extremes. Losing weight is a process, so be wise. Eat celery itself, you can squeeze juice from the root, but you can drink no more than 100 ml per day. It's good to make salads with celery. The lightest and simple recipes see above.

You can make celery soup for weight loss. I gave the first recipe for stalked celery soup in the article. There are also recommendations on how to drink celery juice for weight loss. Here I will give another version of this soup for weight loss.

Celery root. Soup for weight loss:

250 grams of celery root (you can also take stalk celery - both together),
400 grams of cabbage,
4 medium tomatoes
2 red bell peppers,
any greens.

Boil water, chop all the vegetables, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, leave. You can eat this soup several times a day.

If you have problems with your figure, I also invite you to read my article. It is still very difficult to stay on some products, there will be breakdowns, new weight gain and all the problems that go in a circle. I hope you find it for yourself useful tips how to lose weight effectively and without health problems.

Here are the recipes and tips for today about celery root. Include celery root in your diet more often - you will be healthy, beautiful and slim.

Dear readers, if you want to get in the mood, come to my group “Scents of Happiness”, which I created on VKontakte. I share a lot every day. Here are poems, music, photographs, everything that is most dear to me. I hope you give yourself moments of joy. Go to the group, you can join it Here.

My heartfelt gift for today Barbra Streisand with Il Divo – Evergreen HQ . A star with the brilliant musicians of Il Divo. I already introduced you to them. The best project included in the Guinness Book of Records. This song once won an Oscar. Such charm, how extraordinary everything is, I listen to it myself and the feelings just overwhelm me... I hope you do too.

I wish everyone good health and something as extraordinary as these musicians. Happiness to everyone, spring gives us such joy and a new opportunity to look at many things a little differently, which is what I wish for all of us.

Went outside. Can't figure out where this scent comes from? So the linden blossomed. And it blooms only once a year and for a fairly short time...

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Celery is probably not the best popular vegetable, but it is definitely on the list of the healthiest. Our ancestors used its leaves and root for cooking medicines from various ailments, and for us it is more of a spice than a vegetable, but still it deserves more attention.

It seems that everyone knows about the benefits of celery, but very few prepare dishes from it on a regular basis. We also have knowledge from our ancestors, based on their life experience, we have data scientific research, which confirm the value of this root. In this material, I will try to lay out everything about the benefits and harms of celery root, and maybe someone will start cooking delicious and tasty dishes from it at least 1-2 times a month. healthy dishes for yourself and your family.

Benefits of celery root

Previously, celery root was used almost exclusively as a medicine, today it is more of a spice for us than a vegetable. One way or another, this not-so-distant relative of the carrot is not deprived of useful substances by nature:

  • Dishes with celery root are recommended to increase immunity, to restore the body after operations and long-term treatment antibiotics;
  • 100 grams of this root contains 39% daily value vitamin K, which is necessary for bone formation and blood clotting;
  • Rich in antioxidants and polyphenols;
  • Content of vitamins and minerals per 100 grams of product: 13% daily value of vitamin B6, 16% phosphorus, 10 vitamin C. In addition, there is a sufficient amount gland, magnesium, calcium, thiamine, riboflavin, potassium, zinc, pantothenic acid, copper, folic acid ;
  • According to research, celery is included in the list of foods that can prevent the development of malignant tumors with regular use;
  • Has a tonic effect on the body, gives strength and energy;
  • Contains an optimal amount of soluble fiber, which promotes normal digestion and absorption of vitamins;
  • Improves metabolic processes and helps speed up metabolism. Read also: How to speed up your metabolism ;
  • Celery root is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is recommended in dietary nutrition;
  • Despite the fact that many studies were conducted on animals and not on humans, scientists confidently claim that regular consumption of celery root significantly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Important! Celery has unique ability do not lose its beneficial properties during cooking.

Uses of celery root

Since ancient times, Egyptian and Greek healers have used celery to treat many diseases. Today it is recommended for diseases of the heart and nervous system, arthritis and arthrosis, gout, and anemia.

Celery root is still used to improve digestion, to strengthen the body, as a aid in the treatment of many inflammatory diseases.

Celery root for weight loss

Celery root is a low-calorie product. 100 grams of the product contains only 42 calories, slightly more than its greens.

Being good source nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and combined with low calorie content, it is recommended and very the right product in any diet for weight loss. The diet should not deprive the body of necessary vitamins, otherwise the effect may be the opposite.

During a diet for weight loss, you should never go hungry, because as soon as you eat something, the body will immediately begin to store reserves in the form of fat deposits.

You can effectively lose weight by completely changing your eating habits by including more foods like celery in your diet. Read also: 98 foods without calories .

How can celery help? It will provide the body necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants which, on the one hand, will give more energy, and on the other hand, will help cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

How to use celery for weight loss? Don't bother with complicated recipes, and just add it to fresh salads, in soups, in smoothies for weight loss, sometimes prepare mashed celery root instead of potato.

Celery root. Contraindications and harm

Celery root is contraindicated in pregnant women. But to be absolutely clear, it’s safe to add a little to soups and salads, but you should limit the amount only to those who really love this vegetable and are used to eating it in large quantities.

Celery root should not be eaten while taking certain urinary medications, as well as anticoagulants.

How to store celery?

If you don't cut the greens right down to the root, they can last much longer in a cool, dark place than top part this vegetable, or rather approximately the same as carrots. Of course, it all depends on the conditions, but usually it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month, and for the winter it is stored in the cellar, stuck in the sand.

The main rule: There is no need to peel or wash celery if you need to store it longer. Place the roots in a plastic bag and keep in the refrigerator.

Celery root - preparation methods

There are many ways to use this root vegetable in cooking, but here’s what every housewife needs to know:

  • Like potatoes, they begin to change color as soon as they are cut. To prevent this from happening, just wipe it with a slice of lemon.
  • Celery root, if you boil it and add butter, makes a delicious puree.
  • If you add celery root to pickles and marinades, their taste will become brighter and more aromatic.

We are used to adding celery root to various dishes, primarily as a spice, for taste and aroma, but this healthy vegetable makes a delicious puree.

Recipe for celery root puree with milk

Ingredients for 2 servings: 2 medium celery roots, 400 ml milk, 50 grams butter, salt and pepper to taste.

Peel the celery and cut into small cubes. Place the butter in a saucepan and once it melts, add the chopped root. Cook over low heat for several minutes.

Pour in the milk and cook the celery in the milk until tender. This will take approximately 20-30 minutes.

Place the entire contents of the pan in a blender and blend until smooth.

The result is a very tender and tasty puree, which will serve as a low-calorie side dish for fish and meat.

Celery root is a useful vegetable, especially in winter, when vitamins are scarce and imported products are far from the quality of seasonal, local ones. I hope this article has convinced some of you to add it to your diet more often, because this root is delicious and rich in nutrients.

Celery is considered one of the unique and versatile vegetables. Everything is useful and used in this culture: leaves, stems and roots. Today we’ll talk about celery root, its beneficial properties and uses.

Root celery

The plant belongs to the large Umbrella family. This is a round-shaped root vegetable with dense and juicy pulp, growing up to 20 cm in diameter. The taste of the pulp is bittersweet, with a spicy aroma. The life cycle of the plant is two years: in the first, the rhizome and stems with foliage are formed, in the second - inflorescences and seeds. All three types are popular: leaf, petiole and root.

In principle, this is all the same celery, the only difference is in the method of cultivation, or more precisely in the purpose. When grown for leaves and petioles, all attention is accordingly paid to the green mass and its care. When ripe, this part is cut for one’s own needs, collected at any time of the season. When growing root celery, do not cut the greens, otherwise the root crop simply will not ripen; you just need to remove the side roots. The harvest is harvested in the fall.

Composition of the product

The root vegetable contains an acid that is important for the body - omega-6, in addition to which other equally useful acids can be identified: myristic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic, oleic, oxalic and glutamic acids. The plant is also rich in flavonoids, purines, essential oil.


Vitamin composition plants are determined by such components as B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP.


  • macroelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus;
  • trace elements: iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc.


  • proteins - 1.5 g,
  • fats - 0.3 g,
  • carbohydrates - 9.2 g,

In addition, the plant (per 100 g) also contains 1.8 g of fiber and 88 g of water.

Calorie content

100 g celery root contain only 42 kcal, which makes the plant an excellent dietary ingredient.

Did you know? A wreath of celery greens was awarded to the winners of the Nemean Games. Ancient Greece- competitions dedicated to Zeus and held near his temple.

Beneficial properties of the root

In pharmacology, celery root is included in drugs for the treatment of kidney and liver diseases, and in folk medicine it is used to alleviate the condition of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, problems digestive tract, rheumatism.

For men

Root vegetable contains male hormone androsterone, which is a metabolite of testosterone, and increases libido and potency, normalizes reproductive function, stimulates the function of the genital organs. Our ancestors knew about the property of celery to attract female attention: andosterone, when secreted by the sweat glands, acts as an aphrodisiac. In addition, androsterone plays an important role in the formation of muscle mass.

Men who smoke will benefit from the hepatoprotective property of the root vegetable, because thanks to it the plant is able to remove carcinogenic substances from the liver and cleanse it of heavy metal salts. Rich in vitamins, minerals and essential oils, celery will have a positive effect on infections of the genitourinary system, and will also serve as a good prevention of prostatitis.
The product's low calorie content will help middle-aged men control their weight while replenishing the body's nutrients and strengthening the immune system. The root vegetable is useful for gout (this disease is registered much more often in men), as it removes salts from the body, maintaining healthy joints.

For women

Celery is especially beneficial for women in critical days, helping to reduce bleeding and pain. IN menopause it will support the nervous system, hormonal background, will strengthen the heart muscle. For diseases urinary tract(cystitis) celery will have a diuretic and antiseptic effect. In addition, you will no longer have to exhaust yourself with diets, trying to maintain your figure and depriving the body of essential microelements - the root vegetable will replenish their supply and help satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Important! In the presence of progressive varicose veins, juice from the root vegetable should be consumed as rarely as possible, since active substances its composition dilates blood vessels.

Juice from the root will help restore a healthy complexion and normalize work sebaceous glands, prevent the appearance of acne and inflammation on the face. It will also benefit amateurs high heels, because drinking the drink will help prevent the problem of “venous networks” (it strengthens the walls of blood vessels well).

Can I use it?

Celery contains purines and essential oils, which may be harmful in some conditions.

For children

It is not only possible, but also necessary to give root vegetables to children. This is the source ascorbic acid, so necessary for immune system. B vitamins are involved in the formation of bone and muscle tissue, nerve fibers, brain and central nervous system function, carotene is important for healthy vision, microelements - for circulatory, cardiac, and digestive activity.

Celery will be useful for hereditary disease phenylketonuria, which is one of the few that can be treated with medications and diet. The disease is a metabolic disorder due to a lack of phenylalanine, which is present in the product. Failure to follow a low-calorie diet with foods rich in phenylalanine leads to serious damage to the central nervous system and impaired mental development.

Pregnant and lactating women

The ability of the root crop to expand blood vessels may be enough dangerous property during pregnancy: strong blood flow to the uterus is likely to cause a miscarriage.
Nursing mothers should also avoid the product, since purine substances can cause bloating and colic in the baby, and essential oil can cause allergic reaction. In addition, the product is known to suppress milk production.

Harm and contraindications

The use of the product is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • pancreatitis;
  • thyroid disease;
  • cholecystitis.

Important! If you have kidney stones, the product may cause them to move, causing severe pain and will lead to the need for surgical intervention.

How to choose and store the product correctly

When choosing a root crop, you should focus on its elasticity and color: it should not be stained, too yellow or have rotten areas. Pay attention to the green part: the existing leaves should be bright green. Storage location is in the refrigerator, where the root will remain fresh for a week.

How to Lose Weight with Celery Root

One of the main advantages of the product is fiber. Alimentary fiber fill the stomach, causing a feeling of fullness, improve the digestive process and remove food debris from the intestines, along with toxins and cholesterol. Celery, having a low calorie content, enriches the body with almost all necessary substances and energy, and thanks to its diuretic effect it removes excess salt from the body.

Another advantage of using it for dietary purposes is that the product can be consumed both raw and after proper processing. Compatibility with other products and a variety of uses will not cause negative emotions among those losing weight.

Cosmetic properties

Abundance of vitamins, minerals and organic acids as part of the plant, it is successfully used in industrial and home cosmetics. Celery-based products have the following properties:

  • nourish and cleanse the skin;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • tightens “tired” contours;
  • eliminate acne and comedones;
  • cleanse and tone;
  • provide regeneration and youth at the cellular level.

The product can be used for any skin type, the only exception being the presence of damage. It is noteworthy that beauty can be maintained both externally and internally. Recipe No. 1. Cleanser

The root is cut into thin layers and filled with water (50 g of raw material per 400 ml of liquid). Cook the mixture over low heat for about fifteen minutes, then pour into a suitable container. Can be used not only as a cleansing lotion, but also as a base for a mask. The same decoction, prepared in larger quantities, is drunk a quarter glass before meals. The remedy helps you win acne on the face.

Recipe No. 2. Scrub-mask for aging skin

20 grams of root are grated, dried in the oven for 10 minutes, and then crushed (use a blender or coffee grinder). The crushed raw materials are mixed with a teaspoon of potato starch, half a spoon of lemon juice, and applied to the face for ten minutes. Wash off with warm water, then apply nourishing cream.
Recipe No. 3. Rejuvenating cocktail

Root juice must be mixed with carrot or apple juice in a 1:1 ratio. Drink half a glass of the drink a day to improve complexion, skin and hair condition, strengthen nails, and increase visual acuity.

Recipe No. 4. Nourishing and healing blend

Grated celery (20 grams) should be mixed with grated ginger (10 grams) and a teaspoon of honey. The mask is applied to the face for fifteen minutes, and after rinsing, the skin is nourished with moisturizer. The same ingredients (ginger and root vegetables, sliced) are placed in layers in a glass jar, smearing the layers with honey.