Low sperm motility. Increased sperm activity

One of the main indicators of male health and his ability to procreate is sperm motility. With a decrease in their motor ability, every man has every chance of encountering a problem such as infertility.

Various factors can affect the speed of sperm movement: injuries, inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system, infectious diseases, etc. However, you should not despair, because any deviations from the norm, of course, reduce the chances of successfully conceiving a child, but do not exclude the possibility of experiencing the joy of fatherhood, because there are methods that can increase sperm activity. But before we start discussing them, let's understand the causes of the problem.

What can cause decreased sperm quality?

It is not difficult to understand the methods that help activate the speed of sperm and improve the overall quality of sperm. But finding out the nature of the male problem is not so easy. Moreover, in some cases it is even impossible to establish the exact cause of decreased sperm motility. But there are a number of circumstances that the doctor must take into account when examining a man. After all, the following factors influence the quality of sperm:

  1. Age-related changes. With age in male body Testosterone begins to be produced less, because of this, a man often has problems with sperm quality, in particular with sperm motility.
  2. Overweight. It's no secret that overweight negatively affect general state health of the patient, so it is not surprising that men “in the body” often have problems in intimate life and the ability to conceive a child.
  3. Hypertonic disease. On the background of this disease blood circulation in the organs of the reproductive system is disrupted, which also negatively affects sperm activity.
  4. Varicocele. This disease not only suppresses sperm activity, but also reduces their number, which significantly reduces the chances of experiencing the joy of fatherhood.
  5. Diabetes. One of frequent complications This disease is a violation of the reproductive functionality of men in general and a decrease in sperm count in particular.

The list of reasons also includes infectious diseases, pathologies in the development of the organs of the reproductive system, failure of the testicles to descend in the prescribed period of sexual development, sexual disorders and wrong lifestyle.

You may ask why we are discussing possible reasons? This is obvious: it is impossible to improve sperm quality without eliminating the source of the problem. Therefore, before increasing sperm activity, you need to adjust your lifestyle and cure existing pathologies.

How to increase sperm speed?

To improve sperm quality, treatment is not always required; sometimes it is enough to change your usual lifestyle, give up bad habits, adjust your diet.

First, patients with this problem need to ensure that their daily menu consists of whole foods. Fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes should be present in the diet of every man. All products listed are sources lean protein, contain nutrients, vitamins, macro- and microelements, antioxidants, which together have a beneficial effect on sperm activity and, importantly, naturally increase their movement speed. But foods containing sodium and refined sugar should be excluded from your menu. It is worth noting that for normal sperm motility, a man must receive a certain amount of beneficial and nutrients. If your diet does not provide them with regular intake, then you should consult your doctor about possible intake. food additives. Vitamins B, C and E, as well as chromium copper and essential fatty acids, have a positive effect on sperm quality.

Secondly, we need to take care of normalization normal index body weight for overweight men, since extra pounds negatively affect hormonal balance, and this, in turn, impairs fertility.

Thirdly, give up bad habits and start playing sports. Regular physical training promotes weight loss and normalization hormonal balance. This comprehensive result helps improve sperm motility. And here overuse Alcohol and smoking, on the contrary, reduce sperm quality and lead to impaired fertility.

Fourth, try to reduce the level of stress in your life. The point is that constant nervous tension and stressful situations negatively affect a man’s sexual functionality and lead to hormonal imbalance in his body, as a result of which there are serious problems in terms of men's health. Try to control your emotions and, of course, do not forget about rest.

It has been scientifically proven that a decrease in sperm motility is affected by exposure to certain chemicals and toxic substances released from products and equipment that we are accustomed to using in Everyday life: plastic kitchen utensils, paper products (napkins, toilet paper, etc.), cosmetical tools, toiletries. The list of “harmful” products also includes products treated with chemicals (pesticides, herbicides) and containing synthetic hormones (meat and dairy products). If you are having fertility problems, then try using natural remedies and eat only healthy foods.

Do not forget that sexually transmitted diseases, as well as promiscuity sex life also leave not the best “imprint” on men’s health. To protect themselves from infections, every man should use a condom or have a monogamous sex life.

Medical solution to the problem

Unfortunately, there are times when you cannot do without the help of doctors and taking medications. If changing your usual lifestyle does not bring desired result, then the specialist, based on the reason for the decrease in activity, can prescribe medication.

Typically, therapy includes the use of drugs such as:

  • vitamins and multivitamins;
  • medications to improve regional blood flow (Trental, Actovigin);
  • herbal medicines (Speman, Speroton);
  • hormonal medications (Clostilbegit, Proviron, Pregnil, etc.).

Do not forget that you should not take any medications, even vitamins, without first consulting a doctor and fully medical examination Absolutely forbidden.

A spermogram is quite common these days and is the most reliable procedure for identifying the degree of male health. Deviations from normal indicators may cause the impossibility of conception. To avoid this complex problem, you need to know in advance how to increase sperm motility.

The success of fertilization depends on how mobile the sperm are: the more active they are, the faster a child will be conceived. Low sperm motility can be caused by both biological predisposition and various diseases. Therefore, how to increase sperm motility will depend on the causes of the disease.

Causes of asthenozoospermia

Asthenozoospermia is medical term, which indicates a decrease in the number of active sperm. The reasons for it are still not fully understood by doctors. Among them are a congenital genetic defect of sperm, a change in the composition of the plasma where they live, a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates, which are the “fuel” for their movement. As a rule, asthenozoospermia is eliminated with medication.

Depending on the degree of motility, sperm are divided into four categories. Depending on which of them will predominate in the ejaculate, the degree of the disease is distinguished and it is determined how to increase the speed of sperm.

How to use various means to increase sperm motility

As already mentioned, the cause of low sperm motility can be a number of factors. If the cause of the disease lies in external environment, then it is enough to simply exclude this factor.

  • It is considered normal that only 30-35 percent of the total number of sperm moves. But the higher the better. Conditions can be brought closer to ideal by including in the diet large quantity milk, fruits, vegetables, grains, meat and nuts. We must remember that meals must be regular. At the same time, it is important to maintain a daily routine, sleep normally and rest on time;
  • the most popular way to combat asthenozoospermia is bee bread. In fact, it is a beekeeping product that is very rich in active enzymes that have a beneficial effect on seed formation;
  • printed sources reporting on how to increase sperm motility through diet agree on one thing: vitamin C can help the problem. Therefore, red pepper, black currants, rose hips, potatoes, butter, nuts and meat should be included in the menu;
  • another little secret of how to increase sperm motility: a man needs to abstain from sexual relations. The fastest sperm will appear during the first sexual intercourse.

We should not forget that sperm activity directly depends on human health, timely treatment all diseases, nutrition, moderate alcohol consumption and a favorable environmental situation.

Sperm activity is determined using a spermogram. This is a comprehensive analysis that allows you to detect existing abnormalities and draw conclusions about a man’s ability to conceive a child. In many cases, the reason for unsuccessful attempts to conceive is precisely the low activity of sperm. Therefore, every man planning to become a father should first of all find out what contributes to changes in sperm activity and adhere to the recommendations received.

What does sperm activity depend on?

Sperm activity is affected by many different factors. Thus, low activity can be caused by various infectious diseases and inflammation, injuries, complications after childhood illnesses. If a man has not encountered any of the above, his sperm could become less active under the influence of poor ecology, alcohol and harmful products, smoking, drug use, constant high physical activity, stress and depression.

In order for there to be more active sperm in the ejaculate, you need to analyze your lifestyle and make changes to it. First of all, a man must carefully monitor his diet. The diet should include quality and healthy foods, such as:

  • lean meat;
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • dairy products;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • cereal crops.

Nutrition should be complete, balanced and regular. An increase in the number of active sperm is facilitated by normal sleep and quality rest. You need to create an adequate daily routine and stick to it.

Products containing vitamins C and E increase the concentration of active sperm. You must ensure that your diet includes this product
You can increase the content of active sperm in the ejaculate through physical activity. Iron training promotes the production of testosterone, which is closely related to the quality and quantity of sperm. However, it is important not to overdo it, because... excessive physical exercise have the exact opposite effect.

To create an individual diet, you should consult a doctor. He will study the characteristics of your body and test results. Based on these data, an optimal diet will be compiled. If, after making adjustments to lifestyle and nutrition, an increase in sperm activity is not observed, the doctor will prescribe special vitamin complexes and medications. Depending on the specific situation, other treatment methods may be used. Start taking any additional funds only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The diet should be tailored to the man’s age. At different stages of life, the male body needs different amounts of certain microelements.

Diet for twenty year old men

During this period, the young man must focus his energy on strengthening and maintaining his sexual capabilities. First of all, the diet must contain all the previously mentioned products and must chicken eggs. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and calm a man in whose body hormones are raging.

Eggs are allowed to be consumed in any form. This product contains vitamin B, which is necessary to maintain sexual potency at a good level and reduce nervous tension. Professional nutritionists say that nervous tension, anxiety and nervousness lead to vitamin B deficiency, which will cause problems with the nervous system to progress, which will inevitably affect sexual function.

Men who have crossed the thirty-year mark should definitely include liver in their diet. This is the most affordable and one of the most best sources vitamin A. This vitamin very important for normal natural conception of a child.

A number of studies have been conducted, the results of which confirm that men who receive sufficient amounts of vitamin A every day have better sperm, potency and libido than their peers who receive less of the vitamin A. With a decrease in the content of vitamin A in a man’s body, the quality of his sperm noticeably decreases, and sperm motility also decreases.

In addition, liver is an excellent source of zinc. With each ejaculation, a man's body spends an average of 30-35% daily norm zinc So just one romantic weekend with your beloved can completely deplete the reserves of this element in the male body.

Men who dream of healthy children, you should definitely include peaches in your diet. This product helps improve the quality of sperm in general and improves the activity of sperm in honesty. They contain vitamin C. It has been established that when frozen it is preserved in peaches better than when simply stored. Thus, frozen peaches contain even more vitamin C than oranges.

It is imperative to consume foods containing vitamin C. Its daily dose should be selected individually with your doctor. Consuming enough vitamin C will help increase the concentration of active sperm in male ejaculate.

What to eat at the age of 40 years and older?

Upon reaching the age of forty, a man needs to direct his main efforts to maintaining his shape at the same level. To maintain an erection, experts recommend including black currants in your diet. It contains alimentary fiber, promoting the removal of excess cholesterol from the body and preventing it from settling on the walls of the vessel. Cholesterol plaques interfere with everyone's patency blood vessels, including those that supply blood to the male genital organ. Because of this, erection decreases.

The diet of a man over 40 should include cereal mixtures. If a person constantly feels tired and often refuses intimacy, he should include cereals containing riboflavin and thiamine in his diet. These substances supply the body vital energy, contribute to increased sexual desire, normalization nervous system, increasing sperm activity and pleasure from sex.

It is important to consider that the older a person gets, the worse his body absorbs vitamins. Vitamin-rich cereal mixtures also contain niacin. This substance takes part in the production of histamine, which, among other things, affects the appearance of orgasm.

Men over 40 should not deny themselves the pleasure of eating a big steak. Such food also contributes to the appearance of sexual arousal and. The steak should be lean. Proteins that make up meat help increase the concentration of norpinafrine and domafine in the blood. These substances aggravate the sensations that occur during sexual intercourse. Beef contains zinc. It reduces the production of the hormone prolactin, thereby increasing sexual attraction. And most valuable property beef is that when consumed, the level of testosterone in a man’s blood increases, which is directly related to erection and libido.

You can finish your meal a small amount dark chocolate or - even better - a cup of quality cocoa without sugar. Cocoa contains methylxanthines. These substances increase the sensitivity of the body, making sexual contacts more vivid. And chocolate improves your mood and causes a feeling similar to falling in love, which to a certain extent also helps to increase sexual desire.

Thus, in order for the sperm to be good and the sperm to be active, a man needs to give up bad habits, start playing sports and eating right. And, of course, periodically submit the ejaculate for spermogram analysis in order to promptly detect existing violations. Take care of your body, and it will definitely respond to you in kind. Be healthy!

You can't get pregnant and tests have shown that your man's sperm count is not active enough? In this case, you need to increase the speed of their movement and you will finally be able to conceive a baby. This is not so easy to do and a man will have to completely change his lifestyle; not everyone is ready to make such sacrifices.

Many representatives of the stronger sex do not even know that their sperm are not very active. It is for this reason that conflicts arise in the family when planning a child. As a result, it is the woman who is blamed for the couple's inability to conceive a child.

Alas, this problem has become increasingly widespread and relevant over the past few years. Most often, sperm have minimal motility due to an incorrect lifestyle, much less often due to genetic abnormalities.

How to increase sperm motility? To speed up their movement, you will need to use several methods in a comprehensive manner; this is the only way to achieve a positive result. The doctor also prescribes a regular test for the patient called a spermogram, which helps to see whether the treatment is having an effect.

The normal speed of sperm is 0.025 mm/s. Of course, there may be minor deviations from this figure.

Effective ways to increase sperm motility:

Proper nutrition. Few people pay attention to their diet, but your diet depends on the quality of the products. man's health. Eliminate junk food and try to eat right, also take a vitamin complex.

Physical activity . Even if you don't like sports, now you will have to change your attitude towards it. Exercise at least 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes, do exercises every day and walk more often.

Quit alcohol and smoking - bad habits negatively affect sperm motility and sperm quality.

Omega acids - their deficiency also negatively affects male strength. Include fatty fish in your diet or fish fat, nuts and seeds (flaxseed, pumpkin), vegetable oils.

Lose weight. if you have excess weight and too much subcutaneous fat, you will have to lose weight. A balanced diet speeds up sperm motility.

Boosting Vitamin D Levels - try to be in the sun more often and take sunbathing. As a last resort, buy vitamin D in tablet form at the pharmacy. It has been proven to increase testosterone levels.

Vitamin C - reduces sperm defects and has a positive effect on male strength. Eat more foods that are rich in ascorbic acid.

Forget about a hot bath. Take a shower, that's enough. Baths, saunas and baths impair sperm movement.

Stress - one of the main reasons for the deterioration of sperm motility. Try to be less nervous, change jobs if necessary, try to rest more often. Meditation can also help you cope with stress.

Drink more water. Studies have shown that those men who do not drink enough water throughout the day are much more likely to go to the doctor with problems with sperm motility. Drink 2-3 liters of water per day.

Drug treatment - prescribed in cases where sperm have minimal activity. The drug should be prescribed by a doctor based on the results of the spermogram.

In some cases, increasing low mobility is not possible; this occurs due to a genetic defect. This happens very rarely. Unfortunately, there is no way to help eliminate the problem of genetic disorders.

Sometimes low mobility is due to physical impairments such as varioceles. At successful treatment disease, the speed of sperm movement does not change.

A spermogram is an analysis of ejaculate, during which its quality and quantitative indicators. With its help, the specialist detects deviations that may exist. These include, that is, a phenomenon in which there are no sperm in the semen, oligospermia - a small amount of ejaculate released, necrozoospermia - complete absence active spermatozoa, and others. If the results of the analysis indicate deviations from the norm, it is necessary to take Urgent measures to eliminate them. This article will discuss how to improve the quality of spermogram.

A spermogram is required if a man and woman do not use contraceptive methods and try to conceive a child within a year, but pregnancy does not occur. In this case, the likelihood of pathologies of the reproductive system organs in both partners should be considered.

Spermogram indicators make it possible to determine whether a man’s reproductive cells are capable of fertilizing an egg, as well as to identify conditions that prevent this.

Urologist-andrologist Alexander Nikolaevich Zakutsky talks about how to properly prepare for sperm tests and what types of tests there are:

To obtain reliable results, the examinee must take a responsible approach to preparation, as well as directly to the procedure for submitting the material.

3-5 days before the examination, a man must:

  1. Refrain from sexual intercourse;
  2. Stop taking any medications;
  3. Do not drink alcoholic beverages, as well as coffee and other liquids containing caffeine;

  1. Stop smoking;
  2. Refrain from going to the sauna or bathhouse, or taking a hot bath;
  3. Eat well, but don't overeat.

After the content of the ejaculate is analyzed, the specialist will be able to determine the reason that prevents fertilization.

To improve sperm count, a man is usually recommended to adjust his diet to include foods rich in microelements and vitamins, take vitamin complexes and special drugs, as well as reconsider your lifestyle and habits in general.

Medicines to improve sperm count

The main way to correct the condition is to take medications to improve sperm quality.

Table 1. Main drugs used to improve sperm count

Name of medications Action
SpermPlant The drug contains substances such as L-carnitine, L-arginine, taurine. These components help increase sperm count. Their action is aimed at maintaining erectile function due to increased blood flow to the genital organ, increasing the number and improving the quality of germ cells.
Vitaprost The drug is often used in the treatment of infertility because it active ingredients improve the quality of germ cells and help increase their mobility.
Wobenzym The medicine is used in case of inflammatory diseases organs genitourinary system. Wobenzym combines several enzymes plant origin, which help improve sperm quality. Taking pills guarantees removal inflammatory process and providing an immunomodulatory effect.
Speroton The product is produced in the form of a powder, on the basis of which a solution for oral administration is prepared. It is rich in components such as zinc, vitamin E, beta-carotene, folic acid. Speroton stimulates the process of sperm formation, improves their motility, and increases the number.
Omnadren This hormonal drug, since it contains fractions of testosterone.
Tribestan The medication increases libido, has a beneficial effect on testosterone production, and enhances erection. In addition to improving the indicators on which a man’s fertility depends, Tribestan has a negative effect on bacteria and viruses, helps eliminate headaches, and is also prophylactic against atherosclerosis.
Speman Upon admission this tool there is an improvement metabolic processes in the prostate gland, spermatogenesis and local blood circulation are activated. Sperm activity increases, and ejaculate viscosity decreases. Speman also helps reduce prostate hypertrophy.

Vitamins and minerals, on which the spermogram indicators depend (read how to independently decipher the spermogram data here). To improve the quality and quantity of ejaculate, men are also recommended to take vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. They should include the following elements:

  • Selenium. The substance has an antioxidant effect, allows you to increase sperm activity and increase their content;
  • Zinc, involved in the production of nucleic acids, carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and also has antioxidant activity;
  • Royal jelly, which improves sperm quality;

Vitamins to improve sperm quality:

  • Taurine. This substance allows you to increase the mobility of germ cells and increase their viability;
  • Folic acid. If it is contained in the body in sufficient quantities, the risk of defective sperm (with the absence of constituent parts) is significantly reduced;
  • B vitamins. They take part in the production of testosterone and improve the activity of germ cells;
  • Vitamin C. This element ensures blood flow to the genitals, participates in the production of male germ cells, and improves potency.

List vitamin complexes, which contain the elements necessary for high-quality sperm, includes the following items:

  1. Selenium Forte containing vitamin C and selenium;
  2. Alphabet. The complex contains taurine, Siberian ginseng extract, polyphenols;
  3. Men's Formula. The drug contains vitamins A and C, iodine, and potassium to improve sperm count.

The average price in pharmacies for vitamin “Alphabet for men” is 370 rubles

Medicines for men that affect the composition and quality of sperm should be prescribed by their doctor.

It is worth considering that unsatisfactory spermograms are often the result of testing. Surgical intervention required if pathological process is in the second or third stage of development. If varicocele was detected at the first stage, then there is a chance to improve the composition and increase the quantity of sperm. If infertility cannot be treated, alternative ways to conceive a child are ICSI, IVF or IUI.

How to improve sperm morphology at home?

Taking drugs that stimulate the production and motility of germ cells is the basis of treatment for pathologies that reduce male fertility. But medications are not the only means by which you can achieve positive results. Reviews from urological specialists indicate that the quality of sperm largely depends on how well a man eats, whether he plays sports, and whether he has bad habits. If, in parallel with the reception medicines, follow a diet that includes foods rich in vitamins and microelements in your diet, and also stop drinking alcohol and smoking, the recovery process can be significantly accelerated.

Urologist-andrologist Andrei Aleksandrovich Lukin talks about methods for improving fertility:

It has been proven that the situation can be corrected using the following products to improve sperm count:

  • Walnuts;
  • Lemon;
  • Almond;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Raisin;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Figs;
  • Cottage cheese;

  • Prunes;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Carrot;
  • Apples;
  • Celery;
  • Fish;
  • Greenery;
  • Citrus;
  • Pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • Seafood;
  • Beef liver.

Nutrition should be regular and balanced: you should limit only those foods and dishes that do not bring any benefit to the body.

A man can also learn to lead healthy image life at home. First of all, you need to get rid of bad habits - drinking alcohol, smoking. Alcohol and nicotine help reduce sperm count and reduce their activity. Those men who are planning to conceive are recommended to give up cigarettes 3 months before and alcoholic drinks. During this period, the sperm will be renewed, in addition, the risk of pathological development of the fetus will be reduced.

You can improve your sperm count using folk remedies. The most common and popular recipes are the following:

  1. Infusion of honey and nuts. To prepare it, clean 10 walnuts, the kernels are crushed and mixed with 100 ml of water, left for 2 hours. After this, add 2 teaspoons of natural honey to the mixture and stir. Quantity received remedy must be consumed throughout the day, taking 1-2 teaspoons at a time;
  2. Rose hip decoction. Take 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, add a handful of pre-washed rose hips. Cook for 5 minutes. Next, turn off the heat and leave the liquid for several hours. Rosehip decoction should be taken three times a day, 100 ml;
  3. Trutnevoe royal jelly. It is necessary to take half a teaspoon of this remedy every morning on an empty stomach, dissolving slowly.

Hirudotherapist Ivan Kurkin talks about the effects of leeches on the body, the course of treatment and contraindications:

Another folk remedy treatment of infertility and improvement of ejaculate quality - hirudotherapy (leech treatment). The substance they inject, hirudin, has a positive effect on endocrine system, regulating the production of important hormones, including sex hormones.

A man’s ability to conceive a child directly depends on the properties of seminal fluid. If for some reason the spermogram is unsatisfactory, the patient must undergo specific examinations to find out what is causing this. After making a diagnosis, the specialist prescribes medications that help improve the properties of the ejaculate. This gives the couple a chance to conceive and have a child.