White lily leaves. Lily in folk medicine: types, properties, uses, contraindications, recipes

White Lily not only a beautiful flower, it is a healing plant, which has healing not only flowers, but also leaves and bulbs. Flowers and leaves are harvested in June-August, and bulbs in autumn and early spring. The bulbs have expectorant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, and fresh leaves and flowers have a softening and analgesic effect.
In folk medicine, lily bulbs are used as an external remedy for abscesses and boils, especially if boiled in milk.

The crushed onion is applied to soften hard inflammatory swellings. A decoction of lily flowers along with honey and mustard flour, taken in equal parts, - good remedy to remove freckles. An infusion of lily flowers is used for washing.
An alcoholic tincture of lily bulbs is used for bronchitis, as an expectorant, tonic, and for dropsy, it is also a diuretic.
For pain in muscles and joints, you can use lily oil, prepared from crushed bulbs, leaves and flowers (all taken 2 tablespoons), poured 150 g sunflower oil and infused in the sun for three weeks. After rubbing with this oil, the pain goes away.

To make your facial skin silky and smooth, you need to prepare lily lotion. To do this, pour 0.5 liters of olive oil into a liter jar and add 7 tbsp. l. taken in equal parts and crushed young leaves and flowers of lily, leave in the sun for a month, shaking occasionally. This infusion should be used to wipe the skin after a warm bath.

To prepare the tincture, several handfuls of white lily petals are poured with vodka so as to cover them, and infused in a tightly sealed container in a dark place for 6 weeks. Before use, the tincture is diluted in a ratio of 1:3.

To prepare a skin whitening cream, take equal parts by weight of crushed white lily petals, honey, white beeswax and garlic or onion juice. The components are mixed by steam. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, the mixture is filtered, cooled and beaten.

To prepare the lotion, pour 1 white lily flower, 2 rose flowers and 2 fresh chopped cucumbers with a glass of vodka and leave for 3 weeks in a dark place. Before use, add 0.5 cups of cold water to 0.5 cups of infusion. boiled water, 1 tbsp. l. glycerin and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

And more recipes:

White lily petal lotion

One of the best means treatment acne, pustular diseases skin. Place white lily petals tightly into a wide-necked bottle or dark glass jar. Pour vodka or 40% alcohol so as to cover the petals 2-2.5 cm above, close tightly and leave to infuse for 6 weeks in a dark, cool place. Then dilute boiled water For oily skin in a ratio of 1:1, for normal and dry - dilute one part of the tincture with 2 parts of water. Wipe your face before going to bed.

You can also make lotions with lily.

For tired skin

Pour 30 g of white lily petals with a glass of boiling water, cover, leave for 24 hours. Strain, add 20 g of glycerin or sorbitol diluted with hot water. Wipe your face and neck instead of washing your face morning and evening.

For skin whitening

2-3 white lily flowers, 3-4 rose flowers, 5-6 fresh cucumbers, grated, pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for 3 weeks in a dark place. Before use, add half a glass of cold boiled water, 1 tablespoon of glycerin and the same amount to half a glass of infusion. lemon juice. The product refreshes, rejuvenates and whitens the skin.

Please remember that homemade lotions should be stored in the refrigerator. Prepared with the addition of alcohol, they can be stored for one month. Lotions that do not contain alcohol are recommended to be used only for 10-14 days.

Ointment and masks

Among women in Eastern countries, an ointment is popular, which is prepared from equal parts of garlic, honey, white lily juice and white beeswax. When heated, it is used to remove calluses, warts, and freckles.
You need to take equal parts of garlic, honey, white lily juice (the juice is obtained using a meat grinder or juicer), and white wax. Heat the mixture in a clay pot in a water bath until all components are completely dissolved, strain, and whisk. Apply to face every evening for 1-2 months.
A face mask is prepared in the same way. Only instead of garlic you should take onion juice and the juice of white lily flowers, beeswax (it must be melted). Cool the resulting mixture slightly and apply to the face as a mask. Just be careful and attentive, monitor the temperature of the mixture to avoid burning your facial skin.

You should know and remember: such masks should not be overexposed. If you keep the mask for more than 20 minutes, it, on the contrary, can stretch the skin and tire the facial muscles. This applies to non-elastic masks.
The appearance of wrinkles is a signal that your skin needs especially careful care. Several sessions healing masks can help prevent wrinkles and remove existing ones. They should be done no more than 1-2 times a week.

For problematic and oily skin, a yeast mask with white lily juice gives an excellent effect: mix 2 teaspoons of yeast with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide until sour cream thick, add 1 tablespoon of white lily juice and immediately apply to a previously cleansed face, lightly rubbing into affected areas of skin. After 15 minutes, when the mask dries, wipe it off with circular movements of your fingers. Wash your face first with warm, then cool water.

This mask perfectly cleanses the skin, discolors dark spots, slightly dissolves them. Works especially well on loose, porous skin.

Cream for dry aging skin

Extract the juice from crushed white lily petals. In a water bath, melt 50 g of margarine, 10 g of beeswax (without overheating). Add 1 tablespoon of any quality vegetable oil and 20 drops oil solution vitamin A plus one tablespoon of lily juice. Whisk the mixture. You can add a few drops of aloe juice and store in a cool place. This cream has increased activity.

Antibacterial cream-gel for oily skin care

Take 50 g of honey, 80 g of glycerin, 6 g of gelatin, 1 g of salicylic acid and 1 tablespoon of white lily flower juice. First, soak the gelatin in the juice, and then add glycerin to the swollen mass, salicylic acid. Place the cup in a vessel with hot water, dissolve the mixture with constant stirring, cool and whisk. You can add 3 drops of tea tree oil to the finished cream.

Flower perfume

Line the bottom of a small saucepan with cheesecloth so that the edges hang over the sides of the saucepan, and pour 1 cup of chopped strong-scented white lily flowers into it. Fill the flowers with two glasses of water, close the lid and leave overnight. The next day, remove the cheesecloth with flowers, carefully wring it out and place the aromatic water on low heat to evaporate until about 1 tablespoon of the contents remains in the pan. Cool the resulting liquid and pour into a small dark glass bottle. You have created a real floral perfume. They can be stored for about a month.

Lily milk soap

The most curious can prepare the soap that Her Imperial Majesty Catherine II used to wash her face. This recipe was compiled and kept in great secret by the palace doctor, the German Johann Bruwitz.
Lily bulbs are ground on a grater until a paste is obtained or they are crushed by crushing. Then little by little add 50-60 parts by weight of potassium or sodium liquor per 100 parts by weight of this onion mass. Stir until a thick foamy liquid is obtained, which usually happens after 15-20 minutes. Do not add to this liquid a large number of warm gelatin solution, as a result of which it gradually thickens and becomes pasty. Aromatic substances are added to the soap before it takes on a paste-like appearance.

Rejuvenating lotion made from white lily petals

Place 5-6 white lily flowers along with stamens in a glass bowl, pour half a glass of cold boiled water and leave for two days. Then strain and mix 1 part of the resulting extract with two parts of water.

This lotion refreshes and rejuvenates the skin, making it soft and velvety.

It is better to make lotions and masks based on mineral water, not with tap water.

Folk remedy for burns and wounds

Lily oil is perfect for treating burns, wounds, and cracked heels. To obtain lily oil, you need to pour 5 blossoming flowers, pour them with sunflower oil (the oil should completely cover the slightly crushed flowers) and leave in a dark place for 10 days. Now you can lubricate wounds and burns.

Folk remedy for cracked heels: from the resulting oil you need to make an oil bandage on your leg, put a bag on top and leave it all overnight. Cracks heal very quickly, and the skin becomes soft and elastic.

Dear friends, the time has come for the white lily to bloom. And I hasten to tell you what this wonderful flower is, and how white lily is used in folk medicine.

White Lily Recipes

The first time I cooked alcohol tincture(or in other words lotion) for skin care from white lily flowers 2 years ago. And I must say that I was not just satisfied, but very pleased with the result. After rubbing, the skin softens, cleanses perfectly and looks its best!

Today I decided to expand my knowledge about white lily in folk medicine. Find out everything she can and collect the simplest recipes for our beauty and health. All the most useful, important and interesting things + a recipe for a proven facial tincture, read on.

So, a description of the white lily.
white lily bulbous perennial. Loves the sun, tolerates drought well, but does not tolerate frost well.

White lily has strong medicinal properties and is widely used in folk medicine. For treatment and cosmetic purposes the following are used: bulbs, leaves, flowers.

You need to prepare a white lily like this:

Bulbs - in autumn or early spring,

Flowers and leaves from June to August.
Medicinal properties white lily


Wound healing




Tonic nervous system

Able to protect and soften skin

Effective in caring for thin, sensitive and damaged skin

Soothing for damaged or irritated skin (redness, problems associated with childbirth, aging skin)


Prevents and smoothes uneven skin pigmentation (age spots, birthmarks, freckles, rosacea...)


By the way, there will be many more interesting articles on the topic of the benefits of plants - don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates.

How can you use all these beneficial features:
White lily tincture

For skin care, treatment of acne and pustules,

Wound treatments

Alcohol tincture of white lily

This is the same proven tincture recipe that I like so much for skin care (cleansing, softening, restoring, evening out complexion).

How to prepare a tincture of white lily. You will need:

White lily flowers
vodka or alcohol 45%

To prepare the tincture, you need a glass jar or a dark glass bottle. I didn’t have one, and I came out of the situation as follows. I took an ordinary transparent 0.5 liter jar and wrapped it on all sides with foil. I crushed the foil and it turned out to be a darkening cover.

Fill the glass container halfway with lily flowers. Pour alcohol so that the raw material is covered by 1-3 cm.

Close tightly and leave to infuse in a dark and cool place.

Leave for 6 weeks.

How to use alcohol tincture of white lily
1. Facial skin care

We make lotion from the prepared white lily tincture.

For dry skin

Dilute the tincture with boiled water in a ratio of 1:3. That is, tincture - 1 part, water - 3 parts.

For normal skin

Dilute the tincture in a ratio of 1:2.

1 part tincture, 2 parts boiled water.

For oily skin

Dilute the tincture with boiled water 1:1.

Wipe your face to cleanse morning and evening, before applying toner and cream.

Learn how to use lotion correctly.

2. For the treatment of acne

Wipe the skin with clean tincture.

3. For treating wounds.

Treat the wound with a cotton swab dipped in tincture or apply a petal from the tincture to the problem area.
White lily ointment

For joint pain and migraines and other pains

White lily ointment for joint pain
Prepare an ointment from:

White lily flowers, leaves, bulbs and sunflower oil.

Chopped onions - 2 tbsp
chopped leaves - 2 tbsp
crushed flowers - 2 tbsp
sunflower oil (or olive) - ¾ cup

Mix the ingredients, stir everything well.

Leave in the sun for 3 weeks, shake occasionally.

Rub the sore joints, or also the location of any pain.
White lily oil

for the care of normal, dry, oily skin

This product can be used as a flexible oil wash or applied after a sauna or bath. It will make your skin smooth and silky. It works especially well on very dry and irritated skin.

Flowers - 75 g
young leaves - 75 g
vegetable oil (olive or other) - 0.5 l

Boil vegetable oil in a water bath.

Pour flowers and white lily leaves into a transparent container (jar, bottle), pour oil.

Leave the mixture in the sun for a month. Shake occasionally.
White lily bulbs

For boils and abscesses

They will have an analgesic and softening effect. White lily remedy for boils

Bake the onions or boil the chopped ones in milk. Cut a warm baked onion in half (or boiled pulp) and apply the cut side to the boil. Change the dressing every 4 hours.
White lily oil

For the treatment of burns and wounds

white lily burn ointment
Prepare an infused oil - from flowers, stems, vegetable oil.

Stems with flowers - 3 pcs.
vegetable oil - 0.5 l

Grind the plant and place it in a 0.5 liter jar. Pour in vegetable oil.

Leave in the sun for 2 weeks.

After oil infusion put in the refrigerator for storage (do not remove the plant).
White Lily Blend

For the treatment of bronchitis, colds, sore throat, cough, lung diseases

White lily remedy for colds and bronchitis
Now, during the flowering period of the lily, you can prepare a cold remedy for autumn and winter. After all, no one is immune from illness.

White lily flowers - 40 pcs
honey - 1 kg

You can make half the dose (20 flowers and 0.5 kg of honey)

Prepare the mixture as follows:

Pass the flowers through a meat grinder or mash. Mix with honey. Place in a jar and close with a plastic lid. Place in the refrigerator for long-term storage.


½ hour before meals. ½ teaspoon of the mixture, under the tongue, until completely absorbed.

Here is such an amazing doctor of traditional medicine - white lily. And now is the time to take advantage of the opportunity to use its beneficial properties.

How do you use white lily, what recipes with it do you consider the most interesting and useful? Write, I'm very interested.

Be beautiful and healthy!

The content of the article:

Lily flowers (lat. Lilium) are the inflorescences of a perennial ornamental plant, which belongs to the Liliaceae family. The rhizome is a bulb, the stem is leafy, simple, smooth, with few branches. The leaves are underdeveloped, small, heart-shaped. The bulb is formed in the lowest leaf blade. If it is not removed, it blooms on next year and sends out an aerial stem, which subsequently takes root, and strong stems grow from it. Large inflorescences, 5-18 buds, collected in a rosette brush. In decorative varieties, up to 25-30 buds are formed. The lower ones bloom first, and then the upper ones, so the flowering stretches for long time- up to 2-3 weeks. Large flower petals are arranged in 2 rows, with large stamens in the center, from which pollen falls off at the slightest touch. In a classic lily there are 6 petals, in specially bred ones there can be more - up to 20. The sizes of flowers depend on the shapes, which also amaze with their variety - bell-shaped, cupped, star-shaped, flat, tubular. Reproduction by seeds, which are formed in boxes, and bulbs. It is believed that the lily was first grown in Syria, from where it later spread throughout the globe.

Composition and calorie content of lily flowers

Tasters say that lily inflorescences are slightly sweet, tart, but with a bitterness that remains as an aftertaste.

The calorie content of lily flowers is 0.1-0.75 kcal. But the composition contains such an insignificant amount of substances that when calculating nutritional value their dishes are not taken into account.

Edible varieties of lilies are presented in the table:

CurlyPink or lilacAbsentCurled petals
TigerOrange with dark specksAbsentDrooping inflorescences
MadonnaWhiteExpressedStraight petals, the bud does not open completely

Lily flowers contain:

  • Squirrels- perform a transport function and, by binding to hemoglobin, distribute it throughout all tissues and organs, participate in the formation muscle tissue and prevent fatty infiltration of the liver.
  • Carbohydrates- when absorbed, they provide the body with energy.
  • Mucous substances- protect the mucous membrane digestive tract from aggressive influence of hydrochloric acid, increase the regenerative properties of the body, have an expectorant, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Saponins- stimulate the production of hormones, normalize metabolic processes at the cellular level, they stimulate the cough center, have mild laxative and diuretic properties.
  • Flavonoids- increase the tone and strength of the walls of blood vessels, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, stabilize the pulse rhythm and arterial pressure.
  • Alkaloids- have a sedative and anesthetic effect, improve blood circulation, increase blood clotting.
  • Tannins- astringent properties, reduce the rate of peristalsis, protect the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and create favorable conditions for the development of beneficial intestinal microorganisms, increase the regenerative properties of the body, and adsorb heavy metal salts.
  • Ascorbic acid- stimulates adrenal function and growth bone tissue, has an antioxidant effect and improves immunity, prevents the development of tumors, and participates in all redox processes.
  • Magnesium- with its deficiency, fatigue increases, memorization is impaired, and muscle cramps, irritability increases.
  • Iron- increases hemoglobin levels, stabilizes immune status, stimulates work thyroid gland.
  • Bor- normalizes hormonal levels, improves reproductive function, has antiviral effect, prevents malignancy of neoplasms at the cellular level.
Flowers are used together with stamens, which store pollen. It contains a high amount of carotene - a substance that normalizes the work visual system, and vitamin P, which lowers blood pressure and has antimicrobial effect.

Useful properties of lily flowers

Flowers are used in Turkish and Chinese cuisine, traditional healers they are introduced as ingredients into potions and ointments.

Benefits of lily flowers:

  1. Analgesic effect. Helps cope with pain in the eyes and burning after burns. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, the petals are soaked for 8-10 hours in cold water and the infusion is used for lotions.
  2. Sedative and calming. The petals are brewed with boiling water and left for 30 minutes. Drink 2-3 teaspoons for increased agitation and tachycardia, and 2 tablespoons for trouble falling asleep.
  3. Expectorant and mucolytic. Fresh flower heads are ground in a blender and mixed with honey until smooth. 30-40 minutes before meals, dissolve 1 teaspoon under the tongue. With the help of this composition you can increase your immunity. Only lily honey is dissolved daily, a teaspoon on an empty stomach.
  4. Regenerating and accelerating wound healing. Flower heads are boiled for 1-2 minutes with milk, squeezed and filtered. Used for rinsing for stomatitis and pharyngitis, soaking gauze pads for burns or applying to rough scabs of wounds.
  5. Antimicrobial and wound healing. Flowers are infused with vodka for 2 months in a dark place. Can be used to treat acne with oily skin.
Lily flowers protect the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, prevent the development of gastritis and peptic ulcer, improve secretory function. The tea is brewed from dried flower heads and taken several sips symptomatically.

Inflorescences eliminate intoxication. A strong flower infusion is drunk in large sips and then vomited. This way you can quickly cope with the consequences of poisoning.

Tinctures and decoctions from lily flowers have a mild diuretic and choleretic effect. Potions of a complex composition with flower heads of delicate colors have antioxidant properties, help prevent the malignancy of tumors, get rid of old toxins, and remove toxins from the intestines.

Lily pollen has a beneficial effect on the body. To collect, you have to process a large number of inflorescences, but the costs are justified. By dissolving the sweet substance, you can reduce blood pressure in case of hypertension, increase appetite and hemoglobin levels, and prevent acute respiratory viral infections during the epidemic season.

Contraindications and harm to lily flowers

Individual intolerance to the consumption of lily flowers appears in people who feel sick from the floral aroma. In patients with flower allergies, food and drinks that use all parts of the plant cause harm.

Serious symptoms: irritation skin and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, swelling and hyperemia. Children may develop Quincke's edema and respiratory failure.

You should not expand your diet if, while enjoying the aroma of blooming lilies, you feel headache or slight discomfort.

How do you eat lily flowers?

It is unlikely that anyone would think of picking off the head of a plant and chewing it without leaving the flowerbed. Lily flowers are eaten as a spice when dried or used as ingredients in dishes and desserts after cooking.

Most often, flowers are introduced into their dishes by Chinese and Turkish chefs. European confectioners use flower heads to decorate desserts.

Recipes for dishes with lily flowers

Lily heads are so widely used in Chinese cuisine that they can be purchased dried in stores. Since Europeans do not prepare this product, if you are going to expand your diet, you will have to rehydrate the flowers yourself. European cooks make spices from lily petals and use flower heads to decorate dishes.

Recipes with lily flowers for original dishes:

  • Seasoning for fish. The opened buds are washed with running water and placed in a large container, preferably a basin. Pour boiling water over them until they become saturated and drown. Let stand for 2-3 hours until the flowers settle to the bottom. As soon as the calyxes soften, the inflorescences are taken out and each is cut into several parts. Add to prepared fish dishes as decorations. The water is decanted, solids and sediment are filtered out, and added to soups and stews to improve flavor.
  • Dried lilies. All processes are the same as in the previous recipe. Only after the flowers have sunk are they thrown into a colander and then taken apart into petals or cut into strips. Dry in the oven at 60°C with the door open. The process lasts 8-10 hours. The cuttings are stirred every 30 minutes.
  • Sunny salad. 6 large white or Dahurian lily flowers are washed and laid out on a paper towel to drain. Using your hands, tear 6 lettuce leaves of the Iceberg variety into small pieces. Cut into large strips fresh cucumber and 5 flowers, whole yellow or orange Bell pepper and half a red one. The salad should not only be tasty, but also look beautiful. Garlic, 2 cloves, crushed, mixed with pepper mixture, saffron and sour cream - 2-3 tablespoons is enough. The dressing is allowed to brew. Add canned corn (can be replaced with green peas) into the vegetable slices, season, and decorate with sprigs of spicy herbs (to taste) and the remaining flower.
  • Pork chops. Onion cut into rings, you should get 1/2 cup. Fry in sunflower oil until translucent, then carefully remove it. Do not remove the pan from the heat. Fry thin pork chops (6 pieces) on both sides; when ready, remove from heat. Add cornstarch to the pan and soy sauce- one tablespoon each, a quarter teaspoon of fresh grated ginger root, chopped garlic clove, salt and pepper. Boil everything for 2-3 minutes, pour over the pork. Place the onion back into the pan, pour in 2 tablespoons of Madeira and add chopped lily flowers. Bring to a boil and also add to the meat. Cover the dish with a tight lid and let stand for at least 3 minutes. Reheat before serving.
  • Pasta with lilies. Prepare water for boiling shiitake. Approximately 200 g of mushrooms are washed, dried on paper towels, and disassembled by hand. Half-open lily buds (1 cup) are also washed and placed on a paper towel. Heat in a large heavy frying pan melted butter, overcook 2 chopped shallots, mushrooms and chopped buds. Cook the pasta in boiling water until tender, then drain in a colander. Place in the pan with the sauce, cover with a lid and let simmer for 30 seconds. The fire is turned off. After 1-2 minutes, open the lid and add a piece butter, chopped parsley, salt and pepper, mix everything. Finely chopped Parmesan is served separately. If desired, it can be added to the finished dish.
  • Sweet sauce for pancakes. Fresh pineapple is cut into cubes, you need to get 2 cups, and red sweet pepper in small slices - half a cup. Chop red sweet onion - a quarter cup. Cut 20 lily buds. Mix everything in an enamel container, sprinkle with chili pepper, and let stand on the refrigerator shelf for at least 12 hours. The taste of the sauce goes well not only with corn fritters, but also with seafood.
  • Lily dessert. Grated fresh ginger root, a tablespoon, and 2 chopped lily bulbs are poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for 10 minutes. The water is drained, hot milk is poured - 2 cups, and some salt is added. Bring the mixture to a boil, cook until thick. Place 3-4 half-opened flower buds - it is better to divide them in half, but you can also separate them into petals. Cover with a lid and let stand for 20 minutes. Before serving, season with honey.
From the petals you can prepare not only medicinal, but also cold drinks. The sepals are removed from the buds, the petals and core are soaked in boiling water for 40 minutes. Wring out, lower into clean water, boil, adding sugar. The drink is filtered and cooled. This tea perfectly quenches thirst.

Lilies were so revered by the Greeks that they created legends about the flowers. The queen of plants of this species was considered the white lily. They believed that she grew from a seed that Hera, the warlike goddess, watered with her milk.

In chronicles, the first mention of the plant dates back to 1580 BC. Since then White flower personified purity and innocence in the European part globe. But the Incas, judging by the interpretations of the deciphered inscriptions, gave these flowers as a sign of sympathy or after the first night of love.

Nowadays, white lily buds are also considered a symbol of innocence, but pink buds are considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In England, it is customary to give bouquets of colorful lush lilies for a thirty-year wedding anniversary.

Oil from flower heads is valued in medicine and cosmetology. It stops age-related changes, softens and nourishes the skin, eliminates age spots. To prepare cosmetic product, boiled refined olive or sunflower oil is poured into crushed flowers. Infuse for 3-4 weeks in the refrigerator in a glass container, stirring constantly, and then filter. It is used not only externally. For lung diseases, you can take a teaspoon.

In China, Korea and Japan in ancient times, lilies were grown mainly for food purposes. Bulbs and buds were added to broths, petal powder was used to season meat, and bulb flour was mixed with wheat flour.

If you collect petals from open flowers, you can join Chinese culture. Fragrant spices retain their beneficial properties and taste for two years if stored in a glass jar, protected from light and moisture. But to harvest the bulbs you will have to wait a little - they are collected 1.5 months after flowering. Having planted lilies on garden plot, you can not only enjoy the floral aroma, but also delight your guests all winter with new flavors of dishes.

Home → Healing herbs→ White lily

Snow-white lily flowers are a sign of cleanliness, purity, tenderness, calmness and royalty. Since ancient times, people began to notice that an elegant flower provides an opportunity not only to admire, but also to bring benefits. In fact, the flower is healing.

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IN medicinal purposes bulb, leaves and flowers are used. Flowers and leaves are collected in late June and early August, and poppies in the autumn. Poppies have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. And the leaves and flowers exhibit not only an analgesic effect, but also a softening effect.

Interesting! Even in ancient medicine, bulbs (poppies) were used as a method of external use for abscesses, abscesses and boils, boiled in a special way, in milk.

What are the benefits of white lily?

The chemical substances of the plant are still little studied, but it is known that the lily contains:

  • alkaloids and flavonoids;
  • vitamin C;
  • sugar and proteins;
  • iron and boron;
  • tannins.

All these substances eliminate foci of inflammation, increase immunity, relieve pain, heal and disinfect. Thanks to these properties, lily treats diseases such as:

Interesting! Rumor has it that in ancient times a similar medicine was used to preserve male strength.

However, it is permissible to use this tincture in order to maintain peace, regardless of the situation. Tincture of snow-white lily can help put your nerves in order.

A unique recipe for white lily tincture with vodka for your peace of mind

Collect petals from two lily flowers, pour one glass of vodka, approximately 200 ml. Place the tincture in a dark place for 2 weeks. Shake occasionally. Filter and squeeze the raw material through cheesecloth. Take according to the scheme:

  • 20 drops in the morning;
  • course 1 month;
  • later stop for a month;
  • A repeat course is allowed.

For kidney disease and pulmonary tuberculosis

Brew a decoction of lily root. To do this, take 10 g of crushed root, pour a glass of boiling water. Boil the broth over low heat for about 15 minutes, leave for 2 hours, then filter. Take 25 drops in the morning, lunch and evening.

Read! Properly planting and caring for white lilies.

An ancient recipe for a tincture that relieves pain in the legs and joints

This recipe is simply magical. White lily tincture is excellent for the legs, eliminates pain, heals joints, and helps with night cramps.

To prepare you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. lily leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. flower petals;
  • 1/3 cup sunflower oil.

Grind the ingredients in a wooden mortar and mix with oil. Leave in the sun for 21 days. Then rub the sore spot.

Universal tincture of white lily flowers in alcohol

Prepare dark dishes that will need to be filled with flowers. Pour in alcohol until completely covered and place in a dark place for 21 days. Use for pain in the legs, helps with sore throat.

To treat a sore throat, take 1 tbsp. l. medicine and dilute in a glass of water. The medicine will relieve inflammation and disinfect the throat.

Tip: a tincture of white lily flowers with alcohol is an irreplaceable thing for lubricating scratches and cuts in children.

For those who have muscle pain, white lily tincture will help

Fill 2 cups of flowers with 150 ml vegetable oil and place in the sun for 2 weeks. Take the product to rub sore muscles. You can also use the product for burns and frostbite.

An effective recipe for sinusitis, sinusitis, loss of smell and nasal polyps

  • 50 g. white lily;
  • 500 ml of pure vodka.

The raw materials should be crushed in a glass container, poured with vodka, and sealed with a lid. Place it where there is no light for 2 weeks. Strain. To use, combine 1 tbsp. l. tinctures with 1 tbsp. water. Twist cotton swabs, then soak them in the medicine and insert them into both nostrils. Leave for 35-40 minutes. Carry out procedures in the morning and evening.

Tincture of white lily for demodicosis

You will need a vessel that should be filled with fresh white lily flowers, but not compacted. Fill with vodka to the brim. Cover with a cloth and place in a dark place for 14 days. Apply externally using lotions and adding blue clay. Use the infusion for 2.5 weeks, take a week off. Repeat if necessary.

Advice: do not confuse demodicosis with acne. Demodicosis is the presence of a mite and weak protective property skin. This infusion is unique, it will help you cope with the disease.

Medicinal infusion for the treatment of acne, boils and wounds


    • 3 lily flowers;
    • 500 mg of alcohol or vodka.

Take a dark glass container with a volume of half a liter. Fill half the container with lily flowers, pour alcohol on top 1 cm higher. Close the lid tightly and leave to infuse in a place where there is no light, preferably in a place where it is cooler. Leave for 6 weeks. Wipe the skin twice a day, then apply moisturizer.

An effective folk remedy for varicose veins

  • 1 tbsp. l. lily leaves (use all parts of the plant);
  • 1 tbsp. vodka.

Mix everything and leave for 1 week. Infusion to rub your feet morning and evening. In the evening, wrap your feet in a woolen scarf and leave overnight.

Another very good recipe for treating hemorrhoids

As soon as the snow-white, aromatic lily blooms, collect the flowers and fill them tightly into a half-liter glass jar. Pour vegetable oil (preferably sunflower) on top. Leave for 14 days. Twist the tampons and insert them into the rectum, and change them in the evening.

Tincture for cancer

For many years, white lily tincture and extract have been used to treat cancer. White lily tincture has helped many people in the fight against cancer.

To prepare this miracle recipe you will need:

  • 1 white lily root;
  • alcohol 96%.

Pour 2 small glasses of pre-chopped root into a 3-liter glass vessel. Fill to the brim with alcohol. Leave for 14 days. As soon as the medicine is ready, take 30 ml 3 times a day, two hours before meals. Be sure to consume a tablespoon of butter before taking it, wash it down with a raw chicken egg. Only with an egg! The entire treatment will take three 3-liter jars.

  1. The plant can be treated not only by using tinctures, creams and rubs, but also by using it in cooking. Located in the bulbs huge number vitamins and necessary elements. Therefore, it is logical to eat the plant. Lily poppies can be baked or cooked porridge. For the winter you can dry, grind and bake purple bread.
  2. White lily is not only treatment plant, but also a cosmetic flower. With super power you can prepare various lotions, creams, tonics. Lily rejuvenates, soothes, restores the radiance and beauty of your skin.
  3. For those who have their own plot or cottage. You can grow snow-white beauty flowers, decorating your home, and get health and beauty.

All recipes are time-tested, generation-tested different people. Thousands of people have had their illnesses cured. The main thing is to believe in yourself and the power of nature.


Use of lily tincture

Swarm of Bees Recipes Medicinal tinctures

Medicinal tinctures 3858 0

IN ancient times older generations knew what beneficial properties many plants and flowers have, for what purpose and against what diseases. Among them is the white lily, which helps get rid of various diseases, helps with the prevention of the body, and improves the functionality of organs. You can prepare decoctions, cosmetic creams, oils, and ointments from lilies. White lily tincture is especially popular. It helps with colds, sore throats, and boils. The tincture is also applied to problem areas of the skin to treat nasal polyps.

White lily - medicinal plant

Characteristics of the flower

In appearance, the lily is small. Her height reaches one hundred and fifty centimeters. The white lily is a royal flower, as it helps to get rid of various kinds of diseases. The flower does not tolerate frost well, but retains its properties well in the heat. The stem is straight, the color is green. Petals white, large, with a pleasant aroma.

The middle of the plant is yellow or orange. The poppy of the lily is round in shape. You can find a cone-shaped shape. The flowering period of the plant is June, July and August. The wild type of flower can be found on the slopes of rocks, in mountain gorges with increased level calcareous rocks. For cooking medicines It is recommended to use the root of the flower, leaves, crown or petals of the flower. Lily has many beneficial properties. Folk wisdom explains what the plant can be used for. After reception medicinal solution you can get rid of symptoms such as:

  • Various types of pain, polyps. The white lily is a pain-relieving plant.
  • You can stop the bleeding. It is recommended to apply the ointment or tincture to a bleeding wound. Promotes wound healing.
  • For constipation, as a laxative.
  • Relieves inflammation and swelling.
  • Acts as a diuretic and choleretic agent.
  • Used for burns, as a sedative for the nervous system, tuberculosis, jaundice, and female diseases.

Treatment of complex diseases

When using the bulb, leaves and root, it is important to consider what they can be used for, to treat what diseases and how to properly prepare the tincture, decoction or ointment. It is recommended to prepare a decoction from the bulb of the plant. To do this you will need to take:

  • One large white lily poppy.
  • Leaves and flowers of the seed plant.
  • One glass of boiling water.

All ingredients need to be poured into a glass of boiling water and left for fifteen minutes. Take the decoction ten minutes before meals, three times a day, a tablespoon. The decoction will help you stop bleeding in the uterine area, relieve painful sensations, will improve appetite. Helps boost immunity, improves body functionality. The use of tincture and decoction is effective for oncological diseases. To prepare the recipe you need:

  • Prepare a three-liter jar.
  • Seven white lily bulbs.
  • Three liters of alcohol.

Finely chop the white lily bulb, add alcohol and let it brew for two weeks in a dark place. Take thirty milliliters two hours before meals, three times a day. To achieve greater effect, it is recommended to eat butter before taking the tincture. small quantity and one raw egg. Drinking water is not recommended. The course of treatment is three jars of tincture. This treatment will also help get rid of polyps in the face and nose.

White lily flowers have healing properties

Treatment of colds

The use of white lily effectively helps with colds, sore throat, bronchitis, severe cough. To prepare you will need simple ingredients:

  • Twenty lily flowers.
  • Half a kilogram of honey.

Grind the flowers or finely chop them, add honey. Transfer the mixture into a jar and place in the refrigerator. If the medicine is kept in the refrigerator, it can be stored for a long period of time. Take half a teaspoon thirty minutes before meals. It is recommended to place the resulting mixture under the tongue and hold until completely dissolved. Older generations know what the plant can be used for.

There is a simple and useful recipe that will help you get rid of pulmonary tuberculosis or diseases Bladder. To do this, take lily root and chop it. Add ten grams of powder to a glass of boiling water. Pour the mixture into a bowl and place on low heat for fifteen minutes, stirring regularly. The decoction is infused for two hours and taken thirty drops three times a day.

Treatment of skin diseases

It is useful to know what white lily can help with. It can be lichen, effective against nasal polyps, eczema, boils. To treat lichen you need to take:

  • Two kilograms of poppy lily.
  • Dry red wine, two liter capacity.

To treat lichen, use an infusion of white lily flowers in wine.

Mix the ingredients and leave in a cool, dark place for one month. If lichen occurs, treat the area with tincture three times a day. Flowers can also be used to treat nasal polyps and to treat eczema. To do this you need:

  • Lily poppy in the amount of four tablespoons.
  • Dry initial letter, crushed in the amount of three tablespoons.
  • Half a liter of milk.

Pour milk over the herbs and put on fire. Keep on fire until the mixture becomes thick. After cooling, apply to affected areas of skin twice a day. Keep the lotion for five minutes. To treat boils, a cut crown of a white lily, while warm, is applied to the sore spot and bandaged.

Change the dressing every four hours. To treat polyps on the nose, you need to finely chop the lily, add vodka, pour the mixture into a jar and close it tightly. Place in a dark place for twelve days. To treat nasal polyps, you need to dilute a tablespoon of tincture with a tablespoon of water. Make cotton swabs, dip them in the tincture and put them in your nose for forty minutes. The course of treatment for nasal polyps is individual. Do the procedure twice a day.

Treatment of wounds and burns

Popular wisdom explains what white lily flowers can be used for. It could be wounds varying degrees, for the treatment of polyps of the face, nose and whole body, a good remedy for soothing pain after a burn. To prepare the recipe, you need to take a flower stem in the amount of three pieces with a flower. Place everything in a half liter jar and fill with vegetable oil. Infuse the recipe for fourteen days. Apply to wounds. Helps well with burns. If there is an abscess or a large wound, a burn, then it is recommended to apply not only the liquid mass, but also the mass, pulp from flowers. It is important to understand what else the flower helps with. It could be a headache toothache, radiculitis.

White lily oil is used in cometology

Application in cosmetology

Cosmetologists know what lily should be used for and how it affects the body. You can prepare cream, oils, lotion, ointments that moisturize the skin and help reduce the amount age spots, treatment of nasal polyps. To prepare the cream you need to know your skin type. If you have dry skin, then take the root or leaves of the flower and grind it. You should have two tablespoons of mass available.

Add one tablespoon of honey, half a teaspoon of water and thirty grams of lanolin. Pour water over the flower mixture and simmer for twenty minutes. Strain and add honey. Also keep the lanolin steamed, add a single dose of water at the end, mix all the ingredients, and cool. Apply to previously cleansed facial skin.


Simple and effective infusions from the magnificent white lily

People appreciate this flower for its magnificent appearance, but it is also the basis for many folk recipes. A tincture using white lily can help with many diseases. It is taken both externally and internally and has virtually no contraindications. Such properties make this plant a universal home doctor.

Healing properties white lilies have been known in folk medicine for many centuries. This plant contains many different substances, which makes its range of uses very wide. It is distributed throughout Europe with a temperate climate, which makes searching and harvesting very easy.

Cooking recipes

For cooking different means Based on the white lily, almost all parts of the plant are used. For example, the leaves make excellent sedatives, and the root will help relieve pain and inflammation.

Recipe 1

  • petals from two white lily flowers;
  • 0.2 l of vodka.
  1. Grind the petals.
  2. Pour into a container and fill with vodka.
  3. Close tightly and store for 12-15 days in a dark place.
  4. The tincture is filtered using gauze.

Recipe 2

  • 10 g white lily bulbs;
  • 250 g boiling water;
  1. Pour boiling water over the raw materials.
  2. Boil over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  3. Leave for 2-3 hours and strain through cheesecloth.

Recipe 3

  • 1 large white lily bulb;
  • tea spoon dried leaves and flowers;
  • 0.2 liters of boiled water.
  1. Place the plant parts into a sealable container.
  2. Pour boiling water over everything.
  3. Wrap in warm clothes and leave to infuse for 15 minutes.
  4. Strain the liquid.

Recipe 4

  • 100 grams of onions;
  • 2 liters of dry wine.
  1. Pour wine over whole onions.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes. in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Do not strain.

Beneficial features

The composition of white lily is very rich in beneficial properties and has not yet been fully studied. But it is known for sure that it contains vitamin C, thanks to which the plant helps improve immunity and strengthen blood vessels. This plant also contains saponins and mucous substances, thanks to which it is successfully used for inflammation and for speedy healing. open wounds.

The composition also contains alkaloids, which very well relieve various pain sensations. Also, these substances help lower blood pressure and have a positive effect on the whole circulatory system. The presence of various microelements makes this plant very useful for stabilizing hormonal levels. Among them there is iron, which improves hematopoietic processes.

Correct Application

The tincture described in the first recipe is most often used as a sedative. If your work is associated with stress and psychological stress, then every morning you should take 20 drops of this remedy. The course of treatment lasts a month, after which it is necessary to take a break from taking it for the same period. If necessary, the premium can be restored.

This tincture is also perfect for gargling when colds. In this case, a tablespoon of it should be diluted in 100 ml of water. Rinsing is carried out until inflammation disappears.

The decoction from the second recipe perfectly helps with various inflammations. It also helps relieve swelling and eye strain. To do this, a soft cloth is moistened and applied to the inflamed area. This remedy is harmless to the skin, so it can be used 2 or more times a day until the syndromes get rid of.

The tincture obtained from the third recipe helps very well to restore strength and improve appetite. This is an excellent tonic that has a general strengthening effect on the entire body. It helps well even with deep depressions and helps restore mental health. It should be taken three times a day, one tablespoon before meals. Usually the course of treatment lasts 10-14 days.

The drug from the fourth recipe is popular folk remedy against lichen. It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas 2-3 times a day until relief occurs. unpleasant symptoms.


Does not have white lily tincture specific contraindications, and its use is limited only by personal intolerance to the components of the plant. But since its composition has not been fully studied, it is better not to use products based on this plant for pregnant women and children.

But a flower in a living state can be harmful to the body. It has too strong a smell, and if it is in contact with it indoors, you may feel dizzy, nauseous and have a headache. It is recommended to grow and collect ingredients from white lilies outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.

Video “On growing white lilies”

This video tells you how to plant and grow white lily flowers at home.

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White lily, medicinal properties, recipes | Rules of health and longevity

White lily is the most common type of lily in our latitudes. It is often used in folk medicine and cosmetology. The white lily reaches a height of 80–150 cm, has a straight (usually hairless) leafy stem of green or brownish color. The large and fragrant flowers of the plant are white and collected in a drooping raceme. The white lily bulb has a round-conical shape. The flowering time of this plant is June - August. It grows wild in the mountains of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. The lily grows on rocky slopes, as well as in the crevices of calcareous mountains; it can also be found between bushes. This plant was also cultivated as a medicinal, ornamental and essential oil plant. Bulbs, leaves and flowers, and roots are used for treatment. Lily bulbs are collected in autumn and early spring, flowers and leaves - in June - August.

White lily has a number of medicinal properties:

Painkiller. Hemostatic. Decongestant. Calming. Laxative. Expectorant. Wound healing. Anti-inflammatory. Tonic. Choleretic. Regenerating. Antiseptic. Diuretic.


Thanks to these properties, white lily is used in folk medicine in the treatment of such diseases and symptoms: acne, burns; wounds; boils; pain of various etiologies; uterine bleeding; boils; bronchitis; angina; cold; cough; jaundice; eczema; pulmonary tuberculosis; skin pigmentation; haemorrhoids; rheumatism; convulsions; lichen; dropsy; spleen tumor; kidney inflammation; abscess; kidney inflammation; violation menstrual cycle; chronic cholecystitis; dyskinesia; depression; nervous disorders; uterine prolapse; scrofula.

The chemical composition of lilies has been little studied.

Saponins. They increase the secretion of bronchial glands, relieve inflammation, normalize metabolic processes, have a stimulating effect on the cough center, regulate and enhance the activity of hormones, and promote the synthesis of corticosteroids; have diuretic as well as laxative effects.


Strengthen blood vessels including reducing the fragility of capillaries, normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system and, as a result, normalizing blood pressure and regulating heart rate.

Mucous substances

Eliminate inflammatory processes, significantly accelerate the healing process of wounds and burns, enhance the removal of sputum, thanks to its enveloping, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory properties.


They relieve pain, lower blood pressure, and also normalize blood circulation and increase blood clotting, regulate the functions of the central nervous system.

Significantly speeds up growth muscle mass, as they normalize and regulate hormonal levels and ensure the transport of hemoglobin, as well as strengthen the immune system, help improve erectile function, take part in the synthesis of insulin, and prevent the development of fatty infiltration of the liver.

Vitamin C

Participates in the regulation of redox processes, increases capillary permeability; increases protective forces body, ensures the growth and development of bone tissue, and also takes part in the production of adrenal hormones and removes free radicals and toxins, which are one of the causes of the formation of malignant tumors and reduces the concentration uric acid in blood serum.

They provide the body with the energy necessary for normal functioning of the body.

Significantly improves immunity; takes part in the formation of red blood cells; promotes the synthesis of thyroid hormones and neutralizes the effect of pathogenic bacteria.

Prevents the development of cancer, as well as normalizes hormonal levels and activates the so-called antiviral immunity and additionally regulates and normalizes reproductive processes.


They eliminate foci of inflammation very well (especially if the intestinal mucosa is affected) and additionally improve the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby promoting the digestive process, and also neutralize the adverse effects of heavy metal salts.

The use of white lily in folk medicine.

Decoction of lily bulbs.

The decoction will relieve pain and stop uterine bleeding, will give strength and vigor, improve appetite, it is also recommended for nervous disorders and depression.

Significantly helps relieve eye fatigue, eliminates puffiness, and relieves inflammation. Can be used both internally and externally to get rid of skin pigmentation and acne.

To prepare the infusion, one large onion, a pinch of lily leaves and flowers are brewed with a glass of boiling water. Next, the product is well wrapped and infused for 15 minutes, and then filtered and taken a tablespoon three times a day, 10 minutes before eating.

For oncological diseases.

To make the medicine, you will need a 3 liter jar, into which you will need to chop 6-7 white lily bulbs. Then pour alcohol into the bottle and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. This tincture should be taken 3 times a day, 30 ml, 2 hours before meals. Before taking this medicine, eat a small piece of butter along with a raw chicken egg. There is no need to drink water. Course of treatment – ​​3 pcs. three-liter jars of this tincture.

For bronchitis, colds, sore throat, cough and lung diseases.

You need lily flowers - 20 pcs. and honey 0.5 kg. The flowers are passed through a meat grinder or simply kneaded, after which they are mixed with honey and placed in a jar, which is closed with a plastic lid. Can be stored for a long time, but only in the refrigerator. Take half a teaspoon half an hour before eating (put under the tongue and dissolve).

Calming Infusion

Brew 20 g of lily flowers in 1 liter of boiling water, leave for another 50 minutes, strain and drink a tablespoon twice a day - after lunch and just before bed. This infusion is also used as a microenema in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Tincture for dropsy

50 g of fresh and well-chopped lily bulbs should be poured with 500 ml of vodka, leave the product for four weeks, shaking occasionally. The filtered tincture is taken 25 drops with water, three times a day, 15 - 20 minutes before meals. The same tincture will help improve performance and significantly improve immunity.

For inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as for pulmonary tuberculosis.

It is recommended to drink a decoction of lily rhizomes. So, 10 g of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water, after which the product is boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, and then infused for another two hours, filtered and consumed three times a day, 25 - 30 drops.

Tincture of white lily bulbs for lichen.

Take 100 g of lily bulbs, pour 2 liters of dry red wine, infuse in a dark and cool place for one month (the tincture must be shaken periodically). This unstrained product is stored in a dark place. This tincture is applied to the lichen two to three times a day.

Decoction for eczema

4 tbsp. Mix chopped lily bulbs with 3 tbsp. dry and crushed leaves of the initial cap, then pour the collection with 500 ml of milk. Next, the resulting mixture is boiled until thickened. The cooled product is applied to the areas affected by eczema twice a day for 5 minutes.

Lily for boils

Bake the lily bulbs and cut them into two halves, which, when warm, are applied with the cut side directly to the boil, after which the sore spot is bandaged. These dressings, which have emollient and analgesic properties, should be changed every four hours.

Boiled together with bread crumb, crushed lily bulb significantly accelerates the ripening and opening of abscesses. To do this, you need to apply a bandage with such a slurry to the abscess or boil once or twice a day.

Infusion for burns and wounds

It is necessary to chop three lily stems along with flowers and place them in a half-liter jar. Then fill to the top with vegetable oil. The product is infused for two weeks and will be ready for use (the flowers are not removed from the oil). Such bandages and compresses, moistened with infusion, are applied daily to wounds and burns until they are completely healed. And almost any abscesses and wounds will heal quickly if a paste of flowers is applied to them.

Tincture of white lily flowers.

A tincture made from white lily petals will help maintain male strength and strengthen the nervous system. Take petals from two flowers of the plant, crush them and pour 200 ml of vodka. The product is infused in a dark place for two weeks, after which it is filtered and squeezed. Take 20 drops in the morning. Take for a month, after which a month-long break is taken, and if necessary, the course is resumed.

Lily tincture is used as a gargle for colds, for which one tablespoon of tincture is diluted with half a glass of water. This product not only has a disinfectant effect, but also accelerates the treatment of inflammation in the throat.

For osteochondrosis, arthritis and radiculitis.

For these diseases, the tincture is rubbed. For these diseases, the tincture is prepared as follows: take a dark bottle and fill it halfway with flowers of fully blossomed lilies. After pouring alcohol, the petals should be covered with 2 fingers of alcohol. Close the bottle tightly and leave for 6 weeks in a dark place. After this, you can treat with tincture, but sometimes you need to dilute it a little with water so as not to get burned.

For toothache. To do this, you just need to apply a cotton wool soaked in the tincture to the sore tooth.

White lily pollen.

Lily pollen is rich in carotene and vitamin P, which have the following effect on the body: promote normal growth and development; neutralize the effect of microbes; normalize intestinal activity; increase appetite; increase performance; lower blood pressure; increase the concentration of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood. Today, lily pollen is rarely used in folk medicine because it must be processed to collect enough of it. big number plants.

White lily oil.

Back in the days Ancient Greece A fragrant oil was prepared from the leaves and flowers of lilies, which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, soothing, astringent and hemostatic properties.

1 way to prepare oil.

Leave 2 tablespoons of onions, 2 tablespoons of leaves and 2 tablespoons of flower petals for 3 weeks in the sun in 3/4 cup of sunflower oil. Use as a rub for pain and cramps.

Method 2 for preparing butter.

  1. Vegetable oil is sterilized for one hour in a water bath.
  2. A dark bottle is filled with crushed raw materials so that a third of the vessel is filled.
  3. A bottle with raw materials is filled to the top with oil, sealed and left to infuse in a dark place for three to four weeks. You need to shake it periodically.
  4. Then the oil is filtered using a fine strainer and poured into another container.
  5. The remaining raw materials can be filled with oil one more time.

Lily oil must be stored in the refrigerator so that it retains its beneficial properties for as long as possible (if stored properly, the oil does not lose its medicinal properties for two years). Lily oil will smooth out fine wrinkles, restore elasticity and beauty to the skin, speed up the healing process of wounds, burns and hemorrhoids, relieve age spots and rheumatism, and eliminate muscle pain.

The oil can be taken internally, and is used externally as rubs, compresses and bandages. In addition, it can be added to creams, masks and lotions.

Lily in cosmetology.

White lily is often used in cosmetology, thanks to the composition of the lily extract, which includes: essential oil; vanillin; flavonoids; carotene; linalol; acids. Effect of lily preparations on the skin: whitening; regeneration; relieving inflammation and redness; defence from ultraviolet radiation; softening and moisturizing; soothing damaged or irritated skin; lightening; elimination and smoothing of uneven pigmentation of the skin (we are talking about age-related and birthmarks, freckles, rosacea); even out complexion.

Tincture of white lily.

Intended for care for all skin types, and can also be used to treat acne, wounds and pustules.

To prepare the tincture, take white lily flowers and 45 percent alcohol (you can use vodka). We fill a half-liter dark glass bottle (can be wrapped in foil) with lily flowers, which we fill with alcohol so that the raw material is covered by 1 - 3 cm. Close the bottle tightly and put it away for infusion in a dark and always cool place. The product is infused for six weeks.

For facial skin care, the tincture is used as follows:

For dry skin, it is diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:3 (that is, three parts of water are taken for one part of the tincture), for normal skin: the tincture and water are taken in a ratio of 1:2, respectively, and for oily skin: the tincture is diluted in a ratio of 1: 1.

To cleanse your face, wipe your face morning and evening; the lotion can be used before applying toner and before applying cream. This tincture can be used to treat acne. You need to wipe your face with a clean tincture.

Wounds are treated with a cotton swab dipped in tincture. You can also apply a petal taken from the tincture to the affected area.

Recipe for making lotion based on lily oil.

This lotion returns beauty to the skin, makes it snow-white and velvety. Ingredients:

  1. young lily leaves – 150 g;
  2. lily flowers – 150 g;
  3. olive oil – 500 ml.

Leaves and flowers are placed in a transparent glass container and filled with oil. The product is infused for a month, and you should shake it twice a day.

For getting good effect Wipe the skin with lotion daily after taking water procedures.

Regenerating and whitening cream.

The following are taken in equal parts:

  1. white lily petals; honey;
  2. garlic juice;
  3. beeswax.

Mix, heat in a water bath until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which the product is filtered, cooled and whipped. This cream is applied once or twice a day to whiten the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Nutritious cream


  1. Dry roots or petals of white lily crushed into powder - 2 tbsp;
  2. honey – 1 tbsp;
  3. rose water – 0.5 tsp;
  4. lanolin – 30 g.

Lily powder is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 20 minutes over low heat. Honey is added to the strained broth. Lanolin is dissolved in a separate container by steam, after which all components, except rose water, are mixed. Rose water is added to the whipped mixture last. The cream is applied to clean skin twice a day.

Contraindications for the use of white lily:

The only contraindication to the use of lily preparations is individual intolerance. Children and pregnant women should not take preparations from this plant orally, since the effect of lily has been little studied. The smell of lilies is also harmful. Since lily has a rather specific heavy aroma, which can be poorly tolerated and cause dizziness, headache, and lacrimation. Similar symptoms appear with prolonged inhalation of the aroma of lilies. Flowers with a pungent odor should be placed in a well-ventilated area and certainly not in the bedroom or children's room.

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The most popular species of Liliaceae in our latitudes is the white lily. Its medicinal properties have been known to our ancestors since ancient times. This plant is often used in cosmetology and folk medicine. In this article we will talk about how white lily affects the human body. Its medicinal properties, a description of the plant, as well as several healthy recipes you will find on this page.

Description of the plant

The height ranges from 80 to 150 cm. This plant has a straight, leafy stem, often hairless, which can be brownish or green. Fragrant and large lily flowers form a drooping raceme. The shape of its bulb is round-conical.

The white lily blooms between June and August. Its types are found in wildlife in the mountains of Transcaucasia and the Caucasus. This plant can be found on rocky slopes, as well as in the crevices of limestone mountains. In addition, white lily grows between the bushes.

This plant is cultivated as an essential oil, ornamental and medicinal plant. Leaves and roots are used for medicinal purposes. Bulbs should be collected in early spring and autumn, and leaves and flowers should be collected in June-August.

White lily: medicinal properties

Almost every medicine sold in a pharmacy has both contraindications and indications for use. In addition, many of them cause side effects. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people prefer traditional medicine. It may be worth paying attention to the beneficial properties of some plants. Tablets - no the only way improve your health.

White lily, whose medicinal properties are numerous, can help in getting rid of many diseases. It is used as an analgesic, decongestant, hemostatic, laxative, sedative, wound healing, expectorant, tonic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, choleretic, diuretic, antiseptic and lightening agent.

In folk medicine it is used in the treatment the following symptoms and diseases: burns, acne, abscesses and wounds, pain of various etiologies, boils, uterine bleeding, sore throat, bronchitis, cough, colds, eczema, jaundice, skin pigmentation, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, dropsy, lichen, convulsions, inflammation kidney, tumor, chronic cholecystitis, menstrual irregularities, nervous disorders, depression, dyskinesia, scrofula, uterine prolapse.

Individual intolerance is the only contraindication to the use of medicines made from lilies. However, it is better for pregnant women and children not to ingest preparations from it, since the effect of this plant has not been sufficiently studied.

Saponins and flavonoids

From the point of view of chemical composition, white lily has been little studied. Its medicinal properties, however, are beyond doubt. It was found that it contains a number of useful substances. Saponins, for example, relieve inflammation, improve the secretion of bronchial glands, normalize metabolic processes, stimulate the cough center, enhance and regulate the activity of hormones, have laxative and diuretic effects, and promote the synthesis of corticosteroids.

In addition, this plant contains flavonoids. They strengthen blood vessels, normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, regulate heart rhythm and blood pressure.

Mucous substances

The mucilaginous substances contained in white lily are also very beneficial. They eliminate inflammatory processes, significantly accelerate the healing of burns and wounds, and improve the removal of sputum, as they have expectorant, enveloping and anti-inflammatory properties.


Significant amounts of alkaloids have been found in white lily. They lower blood pressure, relieve pain, increase blood clotting, normalize blood supply, and also regulate the functioning of the central nervous system.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C, contained in white lily, increases capillary permeability, takes part in the regulation of redox processes, improves the defenses of our body, promotes bone growth, participates in the production of hormones by the adrenal glands, removes toxins and free radicals, which are one of the causes of malignant tumors. In addition, this vitamin has a beneficial effect on the blood, reducing the concentration of uric acid in its serum.


It improves immunity, participates in the formation of red blood cells, neutralizes harmful effect on the body of pathogenic bacteria. This substance also promotes the production of thyroid hormones.


White lily contains boron, which prevents the development of various cancer diseases. It also activates and normalizes hormonal levels. Boron is also useful because it regulates the reproductive processes of our body.


These substances are good at eliminating foci of inflammation, especially if it is localized on the intestinal mucosa. In addition, they improve the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract. This helps the digestion process.

So, we briefly talked about the benefits of such a flower as the white lily. Using the medicinal properties of this plant helps to get rid of many diseases. We offer you several recipes from traditional medicine. These products are easy to prepare and very useful.

Healing decoction of lily bulbs

It stops uterine bleeding, relieves pain, gives vigor and strength, and improves appetite. This decoction is also recommended as remedy for depression and nervous disorders. But this is not all of its beneficial properties. It relieves eye fatigue, eliminates inflammation and swelling. A decoction of the bulbs can be used both externally and as internal remedy to get rid of acne and skin pigmentation.

To prepare the infusion you will need one large onion, as well as a pinch of lily flowers and leaves. They need to be brewed with one glass of boiling water. Then the product is carefully wrapped, after which it is infused for 15 minutes. Next, you should strain it and take one tablespoon three times a day, 10 minutes before meals.

Tincture for the treatment of cancer

White lily is also used for cancer. In order to make the medicine, you need to take a three-liter jar into which you should chop six or seven bulbs of this plant. Then you need to pour alcohol into the bottle and leave the product in a dark place for two weeks. This tincture is taken three times a day, 30 ml (two hours before meals). Before taking it, it is recommended to eat a raw chicken egg with a piece of butter. There is no need to drink this tincture with water. The course of treatment involves the use of 3 three-liter jars of medicine.

Lily flowers for sore throats, colds, coughs, bronchitis and lung diseases

In folk medicine, not only the bulbs, but also the flowers of the white lily are widely used. Their medicinal properties help in the fight against a number of ailments. For sore throats, colds, coughs, bronchitis, and lung diseases, the following recipe will help you.

Take 0.5 kg of honey and 20 lily flowers. The flowers should be mashed or passed through a meat grinder. Then you need to mix them with honey and put them in a jar. The medicine is closed with a plastic cap, after which it can be for a long time stored in the refrigerator. It should be taken half an hour before meals, 0.5 teaspoon. The product is placed under the tongue and gradually dissolves.

Lily flowers as a sedative

You will need 20 g of flowers. They need to be brewed in a liter of boiling water and then left for 50 minutes. Next, the medicine is filtered and taken twice a day, a tablespoon (after lunch and before bed). By the way, this infusion has not only sedative effect. It can be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids as a microenema.

Tincture for dropsy

And white lily helps with dropsy. Medicinal properties it can be activated by preparing the tincture according to the following recipe.

Pour 500 ml of vodka into 50 g of well-chopped fresh lily bulbs. The product should be infused for 4 weeks, shaking from time to time. You need to take it 25 drops three times a day with water. Time of administration: 15-20 minutes before eating. The same tincture is useful for boosting immunity and improving performance.

There are many other ways to use this useful plant like a white lily. The medicinal properties, recipes and description of the plant presented in the article, we hope, have aroused your interest in this flower. After all, the white lily is not only very beautiful, but also beneficial for our body. This amazing plant is definitely worth paying attention to.