Beets: benefits and harms to the body when consumed in various forms. Benefits of beets that everyone needs to know about

Eating beets is good for food - everyone knows that. As well as the fact that it is best to eat raw vegetables. But not many people know the fact that the benefits of boiled beets are in no way inferior to raw root crops. Moreover - for some people it is this form that makes possible use beets without harm to the gastrointestinal tract, because in this case, the solid fibers of the vegetable do not irritate the already inflamed gastric mucosa.

Our ancestors knew about the miraculous properties of beets. No wonder the girls rubbed their cheeks with a piece of vegetable for a healthy blush. However, beets have a positive effect not only externally, but also from the inside, because this root crop in terms of composition is simply priceless for humans. And if a person takes care of his health and monitors nutrition, then he will definitely have a question, which beetroot is more beneficial for a person - boiled or fresh, raw. The answer will be absolutely unambiguous: both forms are equally useful. Only there are a couple of nuances:

  • you need to boil the beets in the peel - this technique will retain all the important vitamins and minerals in the vegetable, especially vitamin A, which is concentrated near the skin;
  • it is necessary to cook the root crop until soft, without overexposure on fire, since everything from the decaying vegetable useful material will go into the water.

The composition of boiled beets is simply unique: it contains almost all microelements and vitamins important for human health. This extensive list is presented by:

  • vitamins of group B, necessary for our nervous system;
  • vitamin A, which is required by the eyes;
  • vitamin C, which supports our immunity;
  • vitamin D, taking care of proper growth cells;
  • vitamins PP and H, which are responsible for correct exchange substances;
  • fiber, sanitizing the intestines;
  • iron, which restores the balance of blood cells;
  • potassium, which improves the cardiovascular system;
  • calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of bone tissue;
  • folic acid, which regulates protein metabolism in the body.

Doctors recommend not to ignore dishes with burgundy root crops for the prevention of many health problems, including cancer, as well as in recovery period after various diseases. What, for what problems is boiled beets useful for our body? It is proved that a bright root crop:

  • removes toxins from the intestines with prolonged constipation;
  • adsorbs slags;
  • balances the acidity of the stomach in people with an increased acid factor;
  • helps fight fatty liver;
  • eliminates bad cholesterol;
  • helps to cope with stress (due to the content of a large amount of antioxidants);
  • protects against anemia during menstrual bleeding;
  • stimulates the sexual activity of men with oligospermia;
  • reduces the risk of rectal and prostate cancer;
  • relieves swelling;
  • helps to restore strength after physical exertion;
  • stimulates brain cells.

In this case, the boiled root crop belongs to dietary products Because it only has 45 calories. No less valuable is the juice of boiled beets remaining after boiling. To a greater extent, its benefits are revealed when mixed with carrot or apple juice. Such drinks not only give vigor, but also rejuvenate the body.

An alternative to boiled beets

Having found out for themselves what is the use of boiled or fresh table beets, many are trying to find alternative ways cook a vegetable without losing unique substances included in its composition. Therefore, in addition to boiling, nutritionists recommend:

  • make juice from beets (preferably freshly squeezed, chilled in the refrigerator before drinking);
  • bake the root crop in the peel (or better yet, wrap it in foil);
  • cook the vegetable in the microwave (until soft) or a slow cooker.

Such methods of cooking beets allow it to keep all the vitamins and minerals in the same amount.

You can always talk about the beneficial properties of beets. The plant strengthens the walls of capillaries, has anti-sclerotic, soothing and vasodilating properties. Substances contained in beet roots are excreted excess liquid from the body. Beetroot normalizes the work of the heart. Due to the content of pectins in the plant, it is used as excellent remedy from exposure to heavy and radioactive metals. Beets are used in case of loss of strength, as a means of prevention.

Beetroot is a plant that is used by many people who want to get rid of extra pounds. With the help of beets, you can forget about hemorrhoids. The plant has tonic and diuretic properties. Fresh beetroot juice is used as an anti-cold remedy.

The benefits of raw beets

Beets remove radionuclides and salts of heavy metals from the body. It also opposes the development cancer cells, because it contains betacyanin, a pigment that causes the rich color of this root crop.

The tops of young beets contain a large amount of protein, minerals and vitamins (some were listed above). Among vegetables and root crops, beets have no equal in terms of the content of ionic calcium (moreover, there are several times more ionic calcium in beet tops!).

It is not for nothing that beets are popular in the treatment of various diseases at home. For example:

    Cup beetroot juice, mixed with a glass of honey, helps hypertensive patients well. To feel relief, you need to consume a tablespoon of this mixture daily before meals.

    A good remedy for angina will be the following recipe. Mix the grated beets with a spoonful of vinegar, then wait until the juice is released. This juice should be gargled until recovery.

    For anemia, mix one glass of apple juice and 1/4 glass of beetroot juice. You need to use this mixture daily.

    This recipe will help women get rid of mastopathy. Mix three servings of grated beetroot with one serving of honey. The resulting mass is spread on cabbage leaf and applied to the affected area.

The calorie content of beets is about 40 kcal per 100 grams. The amount of carbohydrates is 12%, protein - 1.5 grams.

Contraindications to the use of raw beets. Since beets are rich in fiber, they should not be consumed by people who have stomach problems (especially at the acute stage). Before taking, you should consult with a gastroenterologist.

In diabetes, the consumption of beets should be limited to a small amount. This is because beets can increase.

The benefits of boiled beets

This boiled root vegetable is also rich in vitamins. The stereotype that heat treatment kills all the nutrients is unfair to beets. When boiled, it contains iron, iodine, phosphorus, sodium, etc. Beetroot occupies a leading position among vegetables in terms of the content of many valuable minerals.

For example, beets contain natural antioxidants that are necessary to maintain the vital activity of the body. They help to successfully cope with, deal with the negative impact environment, resist microbes and bacteria entering the body.

Since ancient times people have known valuable properties beets. During the menstrual cycle, this root crop helped and still helps women to improve their well-being. The male reproductive system also benefits from beets.

Boiled beets contain fiber and vitamin U. They are necessary for the work of the intestines, positively affecting the process of digestion. Fiber cleanses the entire body.

Boiled beets retain a lot of useful substances only when they are boiled in their skins. If the beets are digested, the water will be saturated with vitamins. Since beetroot has a laxative effect, consuming it can help overcome the problem of constipation.

Uncooked beets can irritate the walls of the stomach, so when cooked, they can bring even greater benefits to the body. People with stomach problems need to consume a strictly limited amount of this product.

Boiled beets contain very few calories - only 40-45 kcal per 100 grams of product. For those who closely follow the figure and therefore are on a diet, boiled beets can be consumed daily. Boiled beets have a lot of carbohydrates, not a large number of squirrel, fatty acids, as well as folic acid, which improves the metabolism of proteins in the body and promotes the formation of blood cells. She is rich in mineral elements: potassium, chlorine, magnesium and sodium. Each of them has a positive effect on both individual bodies and on the functioning of the body systems as a whole.

A variety of dishes are made from boiled beets, such as salads. The addition of prunes and nuts to beets is considered pleasant. You can fill such salads with sour cream, vegetable oil or citric acid. Such salads can be prepared daily, or for special occasions.

By consuming about 100 grams of beets every day, you thereby help to maintain your body in excellent condition!

What else is beetroot good for?

    Beetroot has a great effect on sexual activity. It has a beneficial effect on female body, especially during . It has a positive effect on the male reproductive system, increasing the activity of men.

    Beets for pregnant women. Since beets contain folic acid, it is vital important vitamin, this root vegetable becomes especially useful for pregnant women. Folic acid can prevent birth defects in the fetus. Beets are recommended to use even for those women who are just thinking about pregnancy.

    Beets for cores. Betaine, which is found in beets, will lower the level of homocysteine, and fiber will reduce the amount of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.

    Beets fight cancer. Due to the content of the pigment betacyanin, this vegetable is able to resist the development of cancer cells.

    Beets are good for breathing. Since it is rich in vitamin C, consuming it can prevent the appearance of. The beta-carotene found in beets can help fight lung cancer.

    Beets are good for the liver. The presence of betaine in beet provides better performance.

    Beetroot fights cataracts and supports fragile capillaries. Vitamin A, C and flavonoids found in beets strengthen capillary tissues and prevent the appearance of eye diseases.

    Beets are a source of energy. Rich in carbohydrates, it gives vitality body.

    Beets against macular degeneration. Beets can resist this disease thanks to natural beta-carotene.

    Beets for hormonal imbalance. Thanks to the boron compound, beetroot stimulates the production of hormones in the body.

    Beets for stroke. Since beets contain such an important element for the body as potassium, regular consumption of the root crop will reduce the risk of occurrence.

    The rest of the benefits. Since antiquity, beets have been used to relieve fever and treat constipation. In the Middle Ages, it was used for diseases digestive system. Fresh beetroot helps to restore surface tissues on the body.

In this case, it would be more correct to say that the use of beets is associated with certain restrictions due to human diseases.

    You can not beets with urolithiasis. Beets are not recommended for use in diseases such as oxaluria due to the presence of oxalic acid (Oxaluria - increased excretion with urine and precipitation of calcium oxalate crystals).

    Beets are not recommended for hyperacidity. Beets, even when boiled, increase the amount of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. It should not be thought that if the beetroot tastes sweet, it does not affect the acidity of the stomach. It is forbidden to use it in large portions for those people who suffer from gastritis with high acidity.

    Beetroot should not be consumed by people with chronic diarrhea, as it will only enhance the laxative effect.

What is the benefit of beetroot juice?

Positive influence beet juice on the human body is difficult to assess, because it has wide range actions:

    cleanses the body, removing toxins;

    relieves inflammation of the throat, heals;

    improves kidney function and;

    To increase the level of iron in the blood you need to take a mixture of beet and carrot juices.

    To improve the functioning of the digestive tract prepare a mixture of the following juices: beetroot, carrot and apple.

    To improve liver function and her cleansings mix beetroot, carrot, lime juices. Juice from beets, carrots and radishes will help improve liver performance.

    To suppress heartburn juice is made from, as well as beetroot, cucumber, banana, carrot and cabbage juices.

    To cleanse the gallbladder juices of beets, celery, cucumber, cherries, carrots are mixed.

The pigment betacyanin, which gives beets their dark red color, is a powerful antioxidant and helps fight tumors. A 2011 study by American scientists showed that betacyanin slowed down the growth of prostate and breast cancer cells by 12.5%.

When consuming juices daily, you should remember about possible contraindications which could adversely affect health.

Greatest Benefit can bring mixtures of vegetable juices. The dose is not standardized - it all depends on the ability of the body to perceive the juice. It is advisable to use at least a liter.

A mixture of carrot and beet juice contains maximum amount beta-carotene, potassium and phosphorus. Such a mixture will help to make vision sharper, improve blood formation, strengthen the body as a whole.

If a patient develops an oncological disease, he must listen to the needs of his body: choose desired mixture and determine the amount of juice that you can drink. Some may not perceive the standard ratio of 1: 1, then the amount of beet juice can be reduced to the amount perceived by the body. You need to drink juice in courses, after which a break is necessary. Juice from apples, carrots, beets and (sugar from potatoes is completely absorbed by the body) will give strength to a cancer patient. If in the digestive organs and urinary tract are formed, then bitter and sour juices are contraindicated for such patients.

You can also add juice squeezed from lemon and horseradish to apple and carrot juices. To do this, mix the juice of two lemons and the juice of 100 grams of horseradish. Take this mixture for 1 tsp. twice a day: on an empty stomach and 40 minutes before dinner. It is not recommended to drink juices for people with diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.

The use of beets

Due to the content of many medicinal substances in beets, it is used for anemia, liver diseases and high blood pressure. Beets have been used for scurvy since ancient times. Beet juice improves blood composition, promotes the formation of red balls in the blood. Beet juice has useful action in the treatment, and expansion of veins. Beets contain the substance betaine, which breaks down and promotes the absorption of food proteins. Older people are advised to use beets regularly. Root crops are applied to tumors and ulcers.

Candle from a cold. It is necessary to take fresh beet juice and mix with honey, honey should be exactly half the juice. Ready drops are instilled into each nostril - no more than 5 drops 4 times a day.

Beets for gallstone disease. Take beet roots and grate. Next, fill with water so that it covers the beets completely. We put on fire until the broth becomes a thick syrup. After straining the finished syrup, it is taken 100 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Beets with honey at high blood pressure. We take 100 grams of beet juice and add 100 grams of honey to it. Mix and take 5 times a day, 1 tablespoon between meals. It should be treated with this medicine for no more than 1 month.

Beets for cancer. You need to cook beets and eat it in the amount of 200 grams per day in two doses. Along with this, you need to drink beetroot juice (700 ml).

Beets for weight loss. There are a lot of options for beetroot diets. You can eat boiled beets, or you can bake them. boiled beets you need to grate, and baked - cut into pieces, season it with vegetable oil, mix. During the beetroot diet, you should drink more green tea, mineral water without gas, fresh juices from vegetables. You need to drink about 2 liters of fluid per day. Two days of such a diet - and you can lose 1 kg.

Beet juice with carrot juice is another great diet. After spending 10 days on such a diet, you can lose about 4 kilograms. The advantage of this diet is also the fact that if you have it, you can also get rid of it.

Beet with angina. Take a root crop and squeeze a glass of juice out of it. To this add 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Gargle with this medicine, taking a sip.

Beets are a hardy plant. It is easy to grow and easy to care for. Beets are grown by seed. The plant prefers light, sandy, fertile soil. Beets do not grow well on clay, very wet and sandy soils. Beets should be planted every year in different places, because if it is planted in the same place, then it will bear fruit poorly. The plant is thermophilic and photophilous, so it should not be grown in a shady place. Cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes and onions are the best predecessors for beets.

The soil for growing beets must be cleared of predecessors, dug up and fertilized (for example, manure). The existing clods of earth do not need to be broken, because due to their presence, all pest clutches will be destroyed by the moisture of winter precipitation contained inside the clods.

Before sowing, the seeds must be germinated, and for this they must be placed in damp gauze for 3-4 days, keeping them at room temperature. When single shoots appear, the seeds are dried and sown in the ground.

Seeds can be prepared by another method, which is called "vernalization". They take seeds and place them in a glass jar, pour 50% less water than seeds. After a day and a half, you need to pour the same amount of water and mix everything. Covering the seeds wet towel, they are left for 4 days, after which they need to be placed for a week in a cold place.

Beets are sown in April - late May, leaving a distance between rows of about 20 cm. Seeds should not be planted deep into the soil, it is enough to deepen only 3 cm.

Beet care. When weeds appear, they must be removed, the plant should be watered regularly, but the soil should not be waterlogged. The best way watering beets - sprinkling. When the first 2 leaves appear on the seedlings, thinning should be done. With the advent of 5 leaves, thinning again needs to be done. And the last time the plants are thinned out in mid-August.

Beets respond well to mineral fertilizers, which are applied to the soil during the period of intensive plant growth. To make the root crops sweetish, it is necessary to make table salt. During the growth period, organic fertilizers should not be added.

Salad "Table pickled beets" - video recipe

Contraindications to the use of beets

    It can be immediately noted that beets weaken the intestines, especially when it comes to beetroot juice - this is generally a natural laxative.

    Beetroot should not be used in excessive amounts, as it can cause spasm of blood vessels.

    At urolithiasis and especially with oxaluria, beetroot should be used with caution (and beetroot juice is generally contraindicated!). Since it can cause the movement of stones (however, like any other herbal remedy which dissolves stones). Or you need to start with micro doses (half a teaspoon)

    Do not forget that this root crop has a lot of sugar, so be careful when.

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

This vegetable should be given a reward only because it can be used to cook the famous hearty and healthy, adored by most of the population of our country, and especially by its strong half. But if only that was incredible benefits beets. Its composition is simply amazing. There are a lot of elements necessary for our body, such as iron, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium. It is important that their combination is especially favorably perceived by our body. Just a pantry of various valuable substances is the red beet.

How is it useful for us? This cute and bright root crop is almost ten percent sugar, the rest is occupied by dyes, fiber, fat and protein. There are many varieties of this root vegetable, but those whose leaves and fruits are painted in purple-red shades are considered the most useful. This suggests that this vegetable contains a lot of anthocyanin, a special coloring substance that contributes to excellent and also well-lowering levels. bad cholesterol. A large amount of vitamins in it and valuable for our body. Therefore, from the most ancient times, red beet was the first remedy against beriberi.

Unfortunately, not many people know how useful it is for the body, and therefore it is far from being present on every table every day. Meanwhile, it has the best effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens blood vessels and improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines. The benefits of beets will be preserved even after cooking, but on one condition: you need to cook it whole and always with the peel. It is very good at a time when a person especially needs additional strength to successful recovery after serious illnesses. Experts recommend using the most rich in the vitamins we need and perfectly absorbed by our body.

The benefits of beets are so great that you can talk about it for hours. It has been proven that people who often consume this wonderful vegetable are not afraid of scurvy and anemia. Its leaves contain a lot of carotene and ascorbic acid, so eating them is especially beneficial. and iron have the most beneficial effect on the composition of our blood, and organic acids and fiber are needed for successful bowel function.

Healers recommend starting your day with constipation with a small portion of red beets, as the best remedy to solve this problem. To significantly increase the tone of the whole body, prepare the following drink and take it every day before meals. Take radish, carrot and beetroot juice in equal proportions, mix and drink half a glass each, but do not forget that the benefits of beetroot, including its juice, will be maximum if you use it immediately after cooking.

The content of some substances in this miracle vegetable can be envied by almost all garden residents. The benefits of red beets are in a large amount of iodine, betaine and choline. They contribute to better absorption of proteins, improve liver function, resist the development of such serious diseases as atherosclerosis and deterioration of functions. thyroid gland, which develop precisely because of a lack of iodine in the body.

ethnoscience rich in recipes that include beets. In order to lower blood pressure, it is necessary to take a mixture of its juice and honey. The benefits of red beet lies in the excellent effect on nervous system. After its use, sleep becomes stronger, and in the morning you notice an increase in the overall tone of the body. Eat it as often as possible, drink natural juice and always be healthy!

Red beet roots contain a lot of useful substances: proteins, sugars, organic acids, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iodine, iron, vitamins, betaine, folic acid, fiber. Due to its beneficial properties and excellent taste, beets are used in everyday nutrition in many countries around the world. There are practically no contraindications for this vegetable, except for moderate consumption in order to avoid relaxation of the stomach.

  1. Red beets contain a unique set useful elements not found in any other vegetable.
  2. A large number of medicinal substances contained in the vegetable are not destroyed by high temperature treatment.

Medicinal properties of red beet

  • Initially, the beet root was used only as a medicinal product. Nowadays, this vegetable is also used in clinical nutrition for prevention oncological diseases, anemia.
  • A large amount of antioxidants has a beneficial effect on the body.
  • Beets are included in diets in the treatment of scurvy, hypertension.
  • contained in the root natural antiseptics allow it to be used to suppress some infectious diseases, preventing the development of intestinal pathogenic microflora, for cleansing the oral cavity, improving the condition of the skin microflora.
  • A fresh cut of the root crop or mashed tops is used to heal wounds. Also, for these purposes, it is effective to use fresh juice.
  • The use of boiled beets is recommended for spastic constipation due to the large amount of fiber and organic acids that stimulate the stomach and intestinal motility.
  • Beets are useful to include in the diet for chronic constipation. Fiber, organic acids and other elements contained in the vegetable that regulate metabolic processes, enhance intestinal motility.
  • Beetroot cleanses the intestines, destroying putrefactive bacteria, and not just because of mechanical impact fiber.
  • Red beets contain betaine, which regulates fat metabolism, prevents liver disease and high blood pressure. Beet betaine does not lose its beneficial properties, both in freshly squeezed juice and hot.
  • Useful properties of red beets help in the treatment of obesity, liver disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, anemia, thyroid gland.
  • Folic acid, which is part of the root crop, makes beets an indispensable product during the planning period of the child and during pregnancy. Also during this interesting period, she helps a woman cope with constipation.
  • With all the excellent qualities, beets are also a low-calorie product - it is always present in diets for weight loss.

Table varieties of beets are used in the daily diet of many peoples of the world. Not only the root crop is used for food, but also the tops, which also have many useful properties, and which are used to prepare salads and “botvinnik” - a very tasty first course.

At home, salads, snacks, borscht, drinks (including kvass) and even desserts are prepared from root crops.

Beetroot is eaten both raw and boiled, stewed, baked.

Beets while breastfeeding

For obvious reasons, many familiar products are excluded from the diet of a woman during breastfeeding.

As for beets, for all its benefits, this vegetable should be introduced into the menu gradually, carefully observing the reaction of the baby to it. If none allergic manifestations or indigestion is not observed - please, you can eat your favorite dishes without fear.

Moreover, raw beetroot salads for the first time should be excluded from the diet. But steamed beets, on the contrary, eat more, because it does not pose any danger to the health of the child, and all useful components with this method of processing are preserved almost unchanged.

It would be nice to diversify the assortment of beetroot dishes. For example, you can stew it with other vegetables like stew, make various salads with the addition of vegetable or olive oil, drink vegetable juices with beets in small quantities.

But salads with mayonnaise dressing or with the addition of hot and spicy spices are best avoided altogether - for a little man, and for the mother herself, such food is completely useless.

So, it would seem, such an everyday, familiar vegetable, but how many interesting things can be told about beets. And thank you so much to our beloved beetroot for all the benefits it always brings to us!

  • For the treatment of hypertension:

freshly squeezed beetroot juice (50g) mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink the mixture before meals.

  • To treat a runny nose at home:

beetroot juice (preferably sour, fermented) is instilled into the nose 2-3 drops 3 times a day. When using fresh juice, it is necessary to let it stand in the refrigerator for 2 hours, then dilute with warm water in a ratio of 1:2.

  • In the treatment of ulcers, cracks:

gruel from freshly grated beets, wrapped in a bandage or gauze, is applied to the affected areas. You can change applications as they dry.

  • For teenage acne:

apply gruel from grated beets for 20 minutes on the face.

  • Treatment for scurvy:

eating pickled beets.

  • Vegetable multijuice for anemia:

wash and peel the roots of red beets, carrots, radishes and pass separately through a juicer. Multijuice is prepared from the obtained juices in equal proportions. Take 2 tables daily before meals. spoons for two months. To preserve all the beneficial properties for the body, the juice must be freshly prepared.

  • For liver diseases, beetroot decoction is prepared:

5-6 medium root vegetables washed, peeled, cut into pieces and boiled until the broth thickens. Take 40 g 3 times a day before meals.

  • The benefits of beets for harmony:

To maintain a good figure and as a general health remedy, it is good to use jelly based on oatmeal, beets and prunes.

Recipe: oatmeal, beets and prunes (2 tablespoons each) are poured with two liters of boiling water and simmered for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered. It is advisable to drink the resulting broth during the day.

For general strengthening body such jelly can be consumed at the rate of 2 liters for 2 days.

Kissel is suitable for fasting days.

  • Also, to maintain a figure in good condition you can cook healthy beet kvass:

peel 8-10 medium-sized root vegetables, cut into small pieces, put in a 3-liter jar. Fill up to the neck with warm boiled water add a tablespoon apple cider vinegar, cover the jar with gauze.

Kvass will be ready in 5 days. As you use it, you can top it up with water until it retains a bright beetroot color. Drink kvass daily for 1 glass, adding a teaspoon of honey to it first.

Features of raw beet therapy

Specialists engaged in the study of plants and herbs in medical purposes, note that the root crop in its raw form has all the elements necessary for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Therefore, it is recommended both for the treatment of external injuries and for oral administration.

For treatment external diseases skin, the pulp of this fruit is turned into gruel and a compress is made on the sore spot. Here are a few areas for outdoor use:

  1. The analgesic and restorative effect of beetroot is used to treat skin cracks and burns.
  2. The pulp of the fetus inhibits the growth of neoplasms, therefore it is used to treat warts and papillomas.
  3. The components of the root crop contain enzymes that relieve pain and inflammation. All this, along with a pleasant taste, is necessary to relieve pain in the teeth and gums.
  4. Pimples in adolescence can be treated by making masks from beet pulp.
  5. Women will benefit from the treatment of beet mastopathy. To do this, the pounded pulp of the fruit must be mixed with honey, put the resulting composition on a cabbage leaf and cover it with a sore spot.

The internal use of a raw vegetable will have a beneficial effect on the activity of the digestive and cardiovascular systems. However, the abuse of the root crop will lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Fruits in boiled, stewed, baked form are resistant to the loss of nutrients. They also acquire new properties, thanks to which beetroot becomes an accessible food for people with certain types of diseases.

For example, a decrease in acidity allows patients with pancreatitis to use it in limited quantities. After heat treatment, the amount of sugar in the root crop is reduced, which makes it available for those who suffer. diabetes.

The cooking time of the root crop directly depends on the dishes in which the heat treatment of the product will be carried out. For example, in a saucepan or pot, the cooking time is about 2 hours. The multicooker allows you to speed up this process.

In it, the root crop will be ready in 80-90 minutes. Most fast way cooking - in a microwave or pressure cooker (no more than 30 minutes).

Since beets are only useful in small amounts, they are usually mixed with other ingredients:

  1. This root vegetable goes well in a salad with an apple or carrot. A mixture of juices from these products is recommended for use on an empty stomach.
  2. Looks great on the table and tastes good beetroot salad with sour cream and garlic. If desired, you can replace sour cream with mayonnaise, but its benefits are many times less.
  3. In the treatment of intestinal diseases, a salad of beets, nuts and prunes is recommended.
  4. In salads, you can put not only fruits, but also beet leaves. Although a special variety of this plant is grown for this, a table species common in different regions of the country can also be used.

When cooked, the vegetable can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. And raw, which is kept in the basement at a temperature not higher than +4 ºC, it does not lose its beneficial properties for up to six months. Therefore, during spring beriberi, dishes from this root crop will become good source minerals and trace elements.

Application of beet juice

Those who plan to use red beet juice in therapy should be aware that it contains everything beneficial features root crops are most concentrated.

But there are enough volatile compounds in beetroot juice that can give an unpleasant effect after ingestion. Therefore, after preparation, the juice is left open for several hours, so that everything that can harm the body can disappear. And to reduce stress, it is diluted carrot juice in a ratio of 1: 10.

If you plan to prepare a mixture of juice of two vegetables, you must first squeeze the beets and let the liquid brew for 2 hours. After that, you can squeeze the juice from the carrots and mix them in the right proportion.

Infused beetroot juice contains substances that allow you to quickly stop the onset colds. It is enough to start drinking it at the first signs of the disease in order to stop the development of the disease.

This drink will be useful for beriberi, fatigue, lack of hemoglobin, constipation. With hypertension, it is recommended to dilute a spoonful of honey in it.

For migraines, the juice of this plant is moistened with a swab and applied to the ear. A mixture of it with a spoonful of vinegar can gargle with a sore throat.

If taken Apple juice with beetroot in a ratio of 4:1, it will be a good therapy for throat diseases. Fresh beet juice is a good remedy in case of problems with menstrual cycle and with menopause.

The remedy also treats the common cold. Before use, the juice should be insisted so that it ferments slightly. Use the liquid as nasal drops 3 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nostril.

But did you know that you can use ordinary beetroot as a skin and hair care product? Masks, which include this root crop, have truly magical properties!

For example, such a mask will refresh normal skin. Take 2 tablespoons of raw beet pulp (finely grated), mix them with one egg yolk and a tablespoon of homemade sour cream. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and leave to “act” for about 20 minutes. Then rinse off the rest of the product with non-cold water.

Get rid of problems oily skin a beetroot mask will help too. You need to boil a small beetroot, cool and grate it on the smallest grater. Then add camphor alcohol (1 teaspoon) to the resulting slurry, stir and apply on the face. If you make such masks twice a week for a month, the condition of oily skin will noticeably improve.

Removes beet mask and freckles. It is necessary to carefully wipe the problem areas of the face soda solution(a teaspoon of soda per 200 ml boiled water), and then put on the face a gauze napkin soaked in raw beet juice (dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1). The course of procedures should be carried out for as long as 2 weeks daily, arranging sessions for 5-15 minutes.

And it will be very useful for hair to “taste” a beet mask against dandruff. All you need is to apply beet pulp on your hair (from roots to ends) and keep this mask warm for 40 minutes, under a plastic cap and a towel.

You will carry out such a simple procedure once a week for 3 months, and dandruff will disappear as if by magic.

Even warts can be reduced with beets according to a folk recipe. To do this, treat the affected areas of the skin with the same soda solution, and then apply a compress of grated beet pulp on them.

After half an hour, the medical bandage is removed. As experts advise, it is better to conduct such sessions before going to bed for at least 3 weeks. If you do everything right, there will be no trace of warts.

Beets for weight loss

If beets help cleanse the body, perhaps it will help in the eternal struggle with extra pounds? Well, of course, yes! You can just drink a little beetroot juice before each meal - it will prevent the accumulation of fats.

And you can experience for yourself a light beetroot mono-diet. It does not last very long, just a couple of days, but these days you can only eat beets - no more than two kilograms of baked or boiled root crops of your choice.

Any way to use: if you want - grate the beets, if you want - cut into slices, and if you want - eat like an apple, biting off the whole head with relish.

And most importantly - in these 2 days you need to drink as much liquid as possible. Green tea, still mineral water, vegetable juices without added sugar are perfect for this purpose.

And, of course, during the beet mono-diet you can not drink alcohol, and also use salt, otherwise all your efforts will come to naught. If you strictly adhere to the rules, then you will definitely lose a couple of kilograms!

Good to know

By the way, beets are a kind of "catalyst" for the normal functioning of the kidneys. If you see that after your favorite beet salad your urine has a normal or slightly pinkish tint - everything is in order, the kidneys are healthy. If the color of urine has a rich reddish or burgundy color - perhaps you should go to see a doctor.

To prepare borscht, you need to choose a table variety of beets. You can get to know her pink color"striped". And for cold dishes, buy better salad, sweet beets of bright burgundy color.

The so-called sugar beet with almost white flesh is not eaten, it is intended only for the production of sugar.

It is not necessary to salt the water in which the beets are boiled. It is impossible to clean the root crops before cooking and cut off the tail of the vegetable. To prevent boiled beets from turning pale, add ½ teaspoon of table vinegar or lemon juice to the water. At temperatures above 190 ° C, all useful substances in the vegetable are destroyed.

Despite the numerous beneficial properties of the vegetable, herbal therapy should be treated carefully. Firstly, there are a number of diseases in which the use of this vegetable can worsen a person's condition. Second, as with many herbal therapies, Negative consequences can be expected when the product is consumed in large quantities.

This vegetable should be excluded from your diet in the presence of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Since the fruit increases the acidity in the body, you should not eat it raw for gastritis. The laxative effect of this product can only exacerbate the problem with chronic diarrhea.

Despite the large number folk recipes beets from kidney stones, doctors strongly do not recommend taking it for this purpose.

Due to the presence of oxalic acid, this plant does not prevent the formation of sand and kidney stones and other internal organs but, on the contrary, contributes to it. Therefore, beets do not save from stones in the body.

Since raw beets irritate the gastric mucosa, you should refrain from it with pancreatitis. Due to the sugar content, the use of the fetus should be treated with caution by patients with diabetes mellitus. It is important to approach beetroot juice and salads in moderation and for people suffering from osteoporosis.

Beets interfere with the absorption of calcium by the body. Therefore, it cannot be recommended to those suffering from a deficiency of this mineral, who have problems with skeletal system as well as pregnant women.

The last category of people who may not benefit from treatment with this fetus are those with an allergic reaction. Therefore, those who, after vinaigrette, beetroot juice or another similar dish, felt skin irritation or other manifestation of allergies, should refrain from beetroot therapy.

To summarize: beets since ancient times have been effective means treatment of a number of diseases. Juice, leaves, fruits of this plant in raw or boiled form are used for therapy. intestinal diseases such as chronic constipation.

Most of side effects occurs when misuse. Due to the high concentration of trace elements, it is eaten in combination with other foods such as carrots, apples, sour cream, and so on.

When taking a root crop in large quantities, one can expect intestinal upset, a strong drop in pressure, an increase in sugar levels in diabetics, poor absorption of calcium and other side effects.

Therefore, remembering the beneficial properties of the fruit, do not forget about caution and moderation. And then the therapy will bring a positive effect.

Raw beetroot in the diet is a new and unusual product. Cooking (cooking, frying, stewing or baking) is more familiar to humans. But moderate consumption of raw vegetables will significantly improve health. Root vegetables taste sweet due to high content sucrose. Maximum benefit for health can be obtained by including a raw vegetable in vitamin salads.

Chemical composition of fresh and cooked vegetables

If most vegetables lose most of the useful trace elements and vitamins during cooking, then beets in this case are a happy exception. The only thing that necessarily changes is the calorie content. A raw vegetable has 40 kcal per 100 g, and a boiled vegetable has 49 kcal.

Reference. The root crop in any form contains beta-carotene, di- and monosaccharides, alimentary fiber, organic acids, starch and water. These substances help to improve digestion, improve the general condition.

Raw beets- Diet vegetable. For 100 g of product there are:

  • 1.5 g proteins;
  • 8.8 g of carbohydrates;
  • 0.1 g fat.

What is the harmfulness?

Beets contain chlorine, the excess of which causes irritation in the mucous membrane. A symptom of this phenomenon is perspiration and pinching in the throat (especially when eating a raw vegetable for the first time). These signs usually pass quickly. If the burning process in the nasopharynx is prolonged and acute, this is a symptom of the onset allergic reaction on the raw product. Allergies can occur in the form of skin rashes, swelling of the nasopharynx, swollen lymph nodes, chills and fever.

It is forbidden to combine raw beets and garlic, as this increases the load on the heart. Nitrates can accumulate in the tops of the root crop if the vegetable grows in ecologically disadvantaged regions. Nitrates provoke poisoning of the body. It accumulates in the area near the tops. Therefore, before eating, be sure to cut off the top.

Read more about how much and in what form it is better to eat beets, as well as what are the benefits and harms of using it for human health, read.

Contraindications for use

Important! Raw beets can harm people suffering from acute illnesses gastrointestinal tract, and internal bleeding. Heartburn, colitis, gastritis with high acidity, irritable bowel syndrome, flatulence - with such ailments, dishes from raw beets are prohibited.

But for the purpose of combination therapy, microdoses of beetroot juice can be prescribed.