What happens if you eat a watermelon with seeds? How to fry watermelon seeds

Watermelon is a waste-free product. Delicious candied fruits are prepared from the crusts, and the seeds are a healthy treat. All parts of the striped berry contain a large number of unique components, but the seeds also represent nutritional value. 100 grams of seeds contain more than half the daily requirement of proteins and 85% of fats. The benefits of watermelon seeds have been studied for a long time. Read about: for the human body!

Composition of watermelon seeds

Any seed is intended by nature to create new life. The core carries a supply of vital important elements, which will serve as nutrition for the embryo at the first stage of development. Therefore, in the seed, as in a storeroom, they are collected active substances in high concentration. A food treasure is hidden under the hard watermelon husk.

Before you can benefit from watermelon seeds, they must be hulled. Therefore, eating watermelon pulp and swallowing the seeds at the same time will not bring benefits. Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds? It’s not worth it, you may get clogged and have abdominal pain.

The energy value of a product is determined by the content of basic substances, which are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It has been determined that in a standard portion of watermelon seeds they are presented in the following proportions.

  1. Protein component – ​​30.6 g. These are amino acids necessary for building muscle mass, which is 61% of the body’s daily requirement. Includes arginine, glutamic acid, lysine, tryptophan. Calorie content of proteins 117 Kcal.
  2. Fats amount to 51 grams, including 11 grams of saturated, poly- and monounsaturated, including Omega-6, which covers 84.6% of the daily requirement and is 426 kcal.
  3. There are few carbohydrates in the seeds, only 15.31 grams, which is 61 kcal and 6.1% of the body’s daily needs.

Figures show that watermelon seeds are a high-calorie product; 600 kcal is a third of the energy for a person who does not engage in sports or heavy physical labor. However, they are appreciated watermelon seeds for beneficial properties vitamins present, minerals and biologically active elements.

A number of B vitamins improve metabolism, affect metabolism, reproductive and brain activity body. There are few of them, fractions of milligrams, but the catalysts are effective in small quantities:

  • a nicotinic acid– 3.55 mg – 17.8% of the daily requirement;
  • folic acid – 0.058 mg – 14.5%;
  • pyrodixin – 0.089 – 4.5%;
  • pantothenic acid – 0.346 mg – 6.9%;
  • riboflavin - 0.145 mg - 8.1%;
  • thiamine – 0.19 mg – 12.7%.

Each of these vitamins affects a specific function of the body. Basically, they contribute to the transfer of the energy component of food into physiological processes. Vitamins improve the functioning of the nervous system. The action of niacin has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails.

But watermelon seeds are especially valued for their combination of microelements, which are not found in such quantities in any other product. Some of the metals provide a standard portion of the body's daily requirement. At the same time, minerals are also contained in the seed shell, so it is important to eat not only the core, but also the peel. This is the answer to the question, is it possible to eat watermelon seeds?

Zinc is especially useful for male body. He keeps me in good shape immune system. If your hair begins to fall, fatigue and diarrhea appear, you need to include zinc-containing foods in your diet. Iron in plant products not enough. You can get it from watermelon seeds and meat and fish foods. Iron is required for the production of red blood cells in the hematopoietic system.

It is known that fibrous components for our digestive system like a janitor's broom. In watermelon seeds, hemicellulose serves as a cleaner, which has a gentler effect on the mucous membrane than regular fiber.

The value of citrulline in watermelon seeds

The benefits and harms of watermelon seeds largely depend on the content of the amino acid citrulline in the product. This substance is contained in all components of watermelon, but it is also synthesized in the body itself. This substance is very necessary for the body. Therefore, dietary supplements are used to stimulate the cardiac activity of athletes and to increase potency in men. It has already been proven that the use of citrulline in foods or dietary supplements:

  • reduces hypertensive pressure;
  • suppresses sickle anemia;
  • normalizes blood sugar.

However, along with the benefits for healthy people, the use of seeds can become problematic for individual citizens. There are people whose bodies do not produce citrulline. The disease is called citrullinemia and is caused by a metabolic disorder. The metabolism of the incoming substance involves its conversion into arginine with a breakdown product containing ammonia. It is excreted in urine and is irritating. This is the basis for the harmfulness of citrulline.

In West Africa, watermelon seeds are a mandatory addition to soups. In China, roasted watermelon seeds are used in many seasonings.

Based on the complex effects on the human body, the beneficial properties of watermelon seeds have not been confirmed for people:

  • patients with citrullinemia;
  • pregnant women due to the presence of proteins and citrulline;
  • nursing mothers and children under three years of age;
  • persons with pancreatic diseases;
  • persons with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

If during examination this amino acid is detected in the patient’s blood, then watermelon seeds are contraindicated. For people suffering from diseases genitourinary area, the use of seeds for food should be limited.

How to properly fry seeds?

Fry the washed and dried seeds in a dry thick-walled frying pan for several minutes until darkened. Dilute a teaspoon of salt in 50 ml of water and simmer the seeds in this solution until it boils. You need to eat the seeds with the shell.

You can use the roasted seeds as anthelmintic for preventive purposes and during illness.

You can eat dried seeds as a healthy addition to the menu, or as a treat. However, women have found other uses for this product. The mixture, ground into flour and mixed with medical clay, produces effective cleansing procedures. The scrub turns out to be light, non-traumatic, but effective.

Video about the benefits of watermelon seeds

Everyone knows the value and nutritional value of watermelon pulp for human body. But most melon lovers have never even thought about whether it is possible to use watermelon seeds and whether they have any health benefits or harms?

Few people have tried black grains; they are not attractive in appearance, but in their own way useful qualities deserve serious attention.

From this article you will learn:

Composition, beneficial properties of watermelon seeds

Are watermelon seeds healthy?

Any person who eats the pulp of a watermelon throws away its grains, without even thinking about whether watermelon seeds are beneficial. Experts in the field of nutrition consider such disdainful attitude towards this product to be undeserved. If you evaluate the constituent substances of the grains in the area of ​​application of the product, then the question of the benefits of watermelon seeds for the body disappears by itself.

To understand the benefits of watermelon seeds, you need to study their rich chemical composition:

  • High protein content (almost 60% of daily value human) and many amino acids are necessary for normal growth and maintenance of muscle mass, replenishment of energy by the body.
  • One of the beneficial amino acids - arginine - has a positive effect on the heart muscle, normalizes arterial pressure, reduces the risk of heart attack.
  • The benefits of watermelon seeds are due to a sufficient amount of pectin, which helps bind and remove heavy metal salts from the body.

    The complex of minerals and trace elements has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body and ensures normal functioning of the stomach and intestines.

  • Fatty acids are good source oils for the body.
  • Watermelon kernels contain magnesium, which regulates blood pressure and glucose levels.
  • Zinc keeps the immune system in good shape and ensures normal health skin, hair and nails.
  • Iron is necessary for the production of red blood cells, which are involved in the process of hematopoiesis.
  • The melon kernels contain semi-fiber (hemicellulose), which includes a large amount of water-insoluble polysaccharides. Thanks to them, grains have a cleansing effect on the body.

The benefits of watermelon seeds for the human body

  • Striped berry grains are considered excellent prophylactic many pathologies, including the pancreas, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of seeds prevents the development of obesity and diabetes.

IN folk medicine the product is valued as a diuretic that prevents the development urolithiasis. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which are used for the prevention and treatment of genitourinary tract infections.

To understand why watermelon seeds are useful for women, you need to note their cosmetic properties: regular consumption of grains helps maintain skin tone, strengthens hair and nails, improves metabolic processes. The product can reduce inflammation in female body, successfully fights uterine bleeding.

Use of watermelon seeds

Watermelon grains have a wide range of applications. Official and Alternative medicine uses watermelon seed kernels for medicinal and preventive purposes:

  • decoctions and healing teas are made from them for kidney dysfunction and Bladder;
  • ground seeds dried in the oven with milk are used against uterine bleeding;
  • tincture of raw seeds is considered an effective anthelmintic;

The crushed seeds of the striped berry are also used as an independent remedy, and in tandem with other natural medicines.

  • In cosmetology, various masks and scrubs are made from ground seeds. They supply the dermis with essential nutrients and microelements, make the skin smooth and velvety, and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Of particular value to humans is watermelon seed oil, which contains a lot of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, minerals, vitamins A, E, C, B. The product is added to taste in various dishes; sauces, casseroles, baked goods are made from it, and it is used for marinades. The oil has all the medicinal and cosmetic properties of the seeds themselves.

Why should you eat watermelon with seeds?


In the cuisine of the Middle East and Asia, melon grains are considered common food additive. In some regions of Africa they are added to soup as a seasoning. Widely used in China roasted sunflower seeds As a nutritious snack, they are sometimes dried with the addition of spices. The Japanese have long classified them as functional foods. Cooks in our country use them less actively. One of the new products in the culinary industry is muesli and porridge. quick preparation with flax and watermelon seeds.

Medicinal properties of watermelon seeds

1. Watermelon seeds for blood pressure.

Not many people know how to use watermelon seeds to treat certain diseases. High blood pressure can also be treated with watermelon seeds. This is a natural product that has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, protects the heart from any diseases.

To prepare the remedy:

  • Dry the watermelon rind and seeds;
  • Grind them into flour.

Course of administration: twice a day, 0.5 teaspoon.

In a month, your blood pressure will completely return to normal.

2. Watermelon seeds for worms.


  • To prepare the grain product, striped berries are dried in the oven;
  • Grind into flour;
  • Combine with milk in a ratio of 1:10;
  • Drink 2 glasses per day on an empty stomach.

Course duration: 2 weeks.

Another healing antidote is considered to be a decoction of watermelon seeds for worms, which will help get rid of this delicate problem forever.

Are watermelon seeds harmful?

Even taking into account all the advantages of the product, watermelon seeds can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

Whether watermelon seeds are beneficial or harmful in a particular case should be decided only by a doctor, based on the person’s disease and contraindications for his health.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with white seeds?

Some lovers of the striped delicacy associate the presence of white seeds in watermelon with the content of nitrates and chemicals in it. White watermelon seeds are explained by other reasons:

  • Such grains may be present in an unripe watermelon if it was removed from the melon plant too early.
  • Another reason for the appearance of white grains is the work of breeders. Some plant varieties (especially European and Turkish) contain soft white watermelon seeds; they do not affect the taste and quality of the fruit; the harm and benefits of such seeds are similar to ordinary black ones.

It is better to avoid unripe watermelon with colorless grains. And specially grown varieties can and should be consumed.

How many seeds are in a watermelon?

Even breeders cannot give an exact answer to this question. The number of seeds in each fruit depends on many factors: the variety of watermelon, its growing conditions and area, the maturity of the fruit, etc. Therefore, if you ask a melon grower why there are a lot of seeds in a watermelon, he will most likely associate this with the large size of the fruit and excellent ripeness .

How to dry watermelon seeds?

In their raw form, melon grains quickly become moldy. To preserve the beneficial properties of the product for a long time, watermelon seeds must be dried. For this, use an oven or a special dryer.

  • The seeds are pre-washed;
  • Place on a paper towel to drain excess liquid.
  • The grains are cooked in the oven for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 80 degrees.

For those who want to know how to dry watermelon seeds without an oven: The kernels are laid out on a clean sheet of paper and dried in the sun until fully cooked. This process is longer and requires certain weather and low humidity.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds? Is it harmful?

Watermelon seeds: benefits and harms

When we think about the health benefits of watermelon, we tend to forget about the benefits of its seeds. Their benefits are very different from the benefits of the sweet, juicy pulp of the fruit. Taking into account information about nutrients ah, watermelon seeds and their health benefits may make you consider not spitting them out.

Watermelon is eaten almost everywhere, but in most places its seeds are simply spat out. In Asian and Middle Eastern countries, watermelon seeds are collected, dried, and fried for food. Watermelon seeds are also used in making soups or other healthy foods.

Nutritional value of seeds

Watermelon seeds contain a variety of nutrients, including fatty acids, proteins, and minerals. 100 g of watermelon seeds contain approximately 600 calories, the same as 10 loaves of bread. About 400 calories come from the fat in watermelon seeds. The fat content in 100 g of seeds is about 80% of the daily fat intake.

About a third of the seeds are proteins, mostly very important proteins such as lysine.

Watermelon seeds are a good source of vitamin B (thiamine, niacin, folate). Watermelon seeds are rich in minerals such as magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, iron, potassium and copper. 100 g of watermelon seeds provide about 139%, 87%, 82%, 74%, 44%, 20% and 37% of the daily dietary value of these minerals, respectively. Watermelon seeds are also a good source dietary fiber, which are essential for healthy intestinal and digestive function.

Health Benefits of Seeds

Besides being a good snack, watermelon seed is traditionally used for healing various diseases, including bacterial infection, kidney problems, skin and hair problems. Watermelon seed oil is popular in Africa. Good source of amino acids and phytochemicals.

Watermelon seeds are rich in magnesium, and 100 grams of seeds provide about 139% of your daily magnesium intake. Magnesium is responsible for the normal functioning of the heart, increasing normal blood pressure, supporting energy metabolism and protein synthesis. It has a beneficial effect in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. Magnesium regulates carbohydrate metabolism, which controls blood sugar levels and diabetes.

The seeds are equivalent to a multivitamin B complex supplement. Some of the B vitamins present in watermelon seeds include niacin, folate, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid. About 100 grams of seeds provide 19% of the daily value of niacin, which is important for maintaining the digestive system, nervous system, and skin health.

Source of dietary fiber

Watermelon seeds are a good source of dietary fiber—both insoluble and soluble fiber. It is useful in smooth bowel movements and treating constipation. It is also useful for removing toxins and cholesterol from the body.

1Anti-inflammatory properties of watermelon seeds. Watermelon seeds are considered a sedative or a substance that relieves irritation of the mucous membrane in the mouth. The lipids in watermelon seeds help form a protective mucous membrane and thus reduce inflammation. Laboratory research with rats confirmed the strong anti-inflammatory activity of watermelon seed oil and comparability with standard diclofenac. The study suggests potential application when creating a natural anti-inflammatory drug.

Watermelon seeds are traditionally used to treat edema. As home remedy To treat swelling, a teaspoon of dry ground watermelon seed powder is consumed with honey.

2Antimicrobial properties of seeds. In Sudan, watermelon seeds are traditionally used to treat bacterial and fungal infections such as gastrointestinal infections, diarrhea, respiratory and skin diseases. Laboratory studies in 2011 with an organic solvent-based seed extract found it to be effective against wide range bacteria and fungi, including E.coli. This antimicrobial property can be attributed to the phytochemical terpenes and steroids present in the seeds.

3Diabetes treatment. Watermelon seeds are traditionally used in the treatment of diabetes. Tea from watermelon seeds is prepared in 30-45 minutes - 2-3 teaspoons of seeds per 2-3 cups of water. This decoction is believed to control blood sugar levels and diabetes. Recent studies have shown that watermelon seeds have high antioxidant properties, which have a protective effect on the pancreas and help treat diabetes.

Also watermelon seeds:

Today, watermelon seed oil is used in hair care products as a non-greasy moisturizer.


Watermelon seeds have a harmful effect due to the amino acid citrulline they contain.

When it breaks down in our body, ammonia is released. U healthy person it is painlessly excreted in the urine, but in case of pathologies of the kidneys and bladder, the amino acid can bring great harm. For people with citrullinemia, all watermelon is harmful.

Watermelons are loved by both children and adults for their sweetness and freshness. At the same time, most people spit out the bones while eating, believing that they cause some harm to their body. In fact, they do this completely in vain, since the bones have many useful properties, and they have no less advantages than pulp.

Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to eat watermelon with seeds, and what benefit or harm can be derived from it?

Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds: general information

Most often, after eating a delicious watermelon slice, we throw the rinds along with the seeds into the trash. As it turned out, it was completely in vain, because with our own hands we are getting rid of the most useful and valuable product that could help our body in the fight against a large number of ailments.

Watermelon seeds are what we pay the least attention to after eating the berry itself, trying to get rid of them as soon as possible and trying not to bite into them. Often in such cases the question arises: is it even possible to bite or swallow them, do the seeds pose any threat to the human body? After all, sometimes this, even if by accident, still happens. Many people, from early childhood, remember how adults told them that they should never swallow seeds, because then they would “grow a watermelon in their stomach.”

In fact, this is far from true; nothing bad will happen to a person if he suddenly swallows a few watermelon seeds, and on the contrary, it will bring considerable benefits to his body! Don't believe me? Now we will convince you of this!

What do watermelon seeds taste like? It is partly similar to sunflower “brothers”, but peanuts would be a more suitable option.

Since ancient times, watermelon seeds have been traditionally used in the cuisines of the Middle East and Asia; they are very popular in some African countries, namely Sudan, Egypt and Nigeria. From them they learned to produce flour and butter. But their main purpose is still a snack, eating them without the shell. Drying and frying them is also a fairly common option. Ultimately, you can get a product that has a lot of nutrients, which can become a worthy alternative to the usual harmful chips or salty sticks.

Most people still believe that watermelon seeds should not be consumed, if only for the reason that they can cause inflammation of the appendix. This stereotype has been instilled in them since childhood, and until now all people try to spit out all the bones, despite the fact that this is not entirely convenient. In fact, this stereotype was refuted by medicine a long time ago, but most people still continue to believe in it.

Of course, in theory, seeds can cause appendicitis, but the likelihood this fact so low that it’s not even worth focusing on.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds: benefits

As we mentioned above, the bones of this delicious berries have many useful properties. Let us take a closer look at why they are so useful?

1. Slightly dried watermelon seeds consist of 1/3 protein, which allows them to contain a large number of amino acids, which, in turn, play a vital role in growth and development muscle tissue. In addition, they take part in the synthesis of energy needed by the body. The most beneficial among the amino acids present in the seeds is arginine. It is very important for good heart function, helps regulate blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart ischemia several times.

2. Also important role among the amino acids that are present in watermelon seeds are tryptophan, glutamic acid and lysine. 100 g of product contains about 30 g of protein, which equates to 60% of the required daily value for the human body.

3. Watermelon seeds contain a large amount of fat, namely 51 g in 100 g of product.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds?

Among them, a special role should be given to Omega-6, which can reduce high blood pressure.

4. At the same time, the seeds are distinguished by a high content of B vitamins, which play a large role in transforming the food a person eats into the energy he needs. 100 g of product contains 3.8 mg of niacin, which is 19 daily value. Niacin is of great value because it has a positive effect on gastrointestinal tract, has a significant impact on the health of the skin.

5. Also great value the benefits of these seeds are rich mineral composition. 100 g of product contains 556 mg of magnesium, which is 139% of the daily value. Magnesium plays an important role in regulating blood pressure, promoting carbohydrate absorption and reducing blood sugar levels.

6. This product also contains other useful microelements in varying quantities, such as potassium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, iron.

7. The presence of dietary fiber in the seeds is also of great importance, which has a positive effect on the digestive system.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds: harm

Besides many positive qualities Despite the advantages of consuming watermelon seeds, you can also find some minor disadvantages. Yes, eating seeds is undoubtedly beneficial. But not everyone.

For example, the product contains citrulline. This amino acid, when broken down in the human body, promotes the release of ammonia, which cannot be called a useful substance. For a healthy person, ammonia is unlikely to cause many problems and will most likely leave the body along with urine. But if a person has a kidney or bladder disorder, citrulline can cause harm to the body.

For this reason, people with kidney problems or citrullinemia should not consume watermelon seeds. The same applies to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under three years of age.

Watermelon seeds - benefits and harm

Nutritionists believe that disdain for watermelon seeds is the result of ignorance of their beneficial properties, while the benefits of watermelon seeds for the human body have been established for quite some time. In addition, when prepared in a certain way, they become an unusual, wonderful delicacy.

They are especially useful for those who constantly play sports or are associated with frequent physical activity. Their use will be an ideal opportunity to replenish energy.

What are the benefits of watermelon seeds?

They found a large amount useful substances:

  • the seeds of this berry contain almost 60% of the daily value of protein, which is involved in replenishing the body with energy and forming muscle tissue, which confirms the opinion that watermelon seeds are beneficial;
  • Watermelon seeds contain arginine, a substance related to amino acids that directly affects the functioning of the heart. It normalizes blood pressure and prevents ischemia;
  • found in them polyunsaturated acids, among which omega-6, which affects blood pressure in the direction of reducing them, and also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis by removing cholesterol plaques from the walls of blood vessels.

A complex of minerals and trace elements has been found in watermelon seeds, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. Among them, magnesium, which functions as a “regulator” of blood pressure and glucose levels.

Zinc, which is part of the seeds, helps strengthen the immune system, has positive influence on the condition of hair, nails and skin. Iron in watermelon seeds is actively involved in hematopoiesis, and B vitamins and a whole range of amino acids support nervous system in a balanced state.

Who shouldn't eat watermelon seeds?

At the same time, watermelon seeds can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

  1. It is worth noting that watermelon seeds are contraindicated for those who suffer from kidney disease.

    Is it healthy to eat watermelon seeds along with watermelon? Why?

    This is explained by the presence of citrulline in the bones - an absolutely useless amino acid, according to doctors, which, moreover, can also harm such people, as it disrupts the functioning of the bladder.

  2. Watermelon seeds will not bring any benefit, but can cause harm. serious harm and those who are obese, since watermelon seeds have a high calorie content: 100 g of seeds contain 557 kcal, which is more than a third of daily norm calorie consumption.
  3. They are also contraindicated for pregnant women, mothers who are breastfeeding, as well as children under three years of age. This is explained increased content they contain protein, as well as the presence of the already mentioned amino acid – citrulline.
  4. As for office workers and anyone whose work leads to physical inactivity, as well as retirees who like to spend a lot of time sitting on a bench, it would be better for them to limit their seed consumption. This is explained by the fact that watermelon seeds, which have undoubted benefits, can cause significant harm to these categories of people due to their high calorie content and significant protein content.

An excellent delicacy can be obtained if watermelon seeds are fried with the addition of salt. If you prefer sweets, then raw or roasted bones should be dipped in honey, allowed to drain, and then dried well. However, remember that watermelon seeds, the benefits of which have been confirmed by many years of research, can be harmful to your health if consumed in excess or if you ignore the restrictions associated with your health condition.

Beneficial properties of watermelon seeds for the body: are there any contraindications, chemical composition, what and how can be cured with them, how tasty they can be cooked.

Don’t rush to throw away watermelon seeds; they can be cooked very tasty and also used for other purposes. Watermelon seeds, properly prepared, will become a complete substitute for sunflower seeds or peanuts. Plus, this dessert is absolutely free. With roasted watermelon seeds you can have a good time in front of the TV or with a can of beer.

Some people like watermelon, some don’t, but they eat it a lot (especially in summer and autumn) and it is not an exotic fruit.

In its red juicy sugar flesh there are always a lot of dark brown hard large seeds. Simply chewing them with watermelon pulp is unpleasant and not tasty. Should I throw them away? Can they be eaten? Do they have healing properties? Let's figure it out.

Properties of watermelon seeds

All the substances that make watermelon healthy are present both in the pulp and in the seeds, and even in the rind of the watermelon.

For example, biological substances, which increase the alkalinity of urine and affect the cleansing of the genitourinary tract: salt toxins dissolve in the kidneys and are excreted in the urine. Also, in addition to the diuretic effect, watermelon seeds have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. They taste no worse than sunflower seeds; they can also be fried, dried and salted. So, we can safely talk about both the medicinal and culinary properties of watermelon seeds.

By the way, for the first time I ate dried watermelon seeds in Thailand, they are sold there like pumpkin seeds in any store! But here in Russia, for some reason, they are thrown away.

Composition and calorie content of watermelon seeds

25 g - 150 kcal, but with 100 g it turns out - all 600 kcal

It is more pleasant to eat dried watermelon seeds. At the same time, they do not lose their properties: vitamins and microelements are preserved. They even contain healthy fats- polyunsaturated (including omega-6), monounsaturated, and saturated.

The calorie content of watermelon seeds per 100 g is 560-600 kcal, so there:

Proteins - 28.3 g
Fat - 47.4 g
Carbohydrates - 15.29 g
Saturated fatty acids - 9.78 g
Water - up to 5 g
Ash - up to 4 g
There is no fiber at all, but a lot of vitamins and beneficial micro and macroelements.


Vitamin B1 thiamine - 0.2 mg
B2 riboflavin - 0.15 mg
B3 nicotinic acid - 0.35 mg
B6 pyridoxine - 0.09 mg
B9 folic - 58 mcg
RR - 3.5 mg


Phosphorus - 750 mg
Calcium - 55 mg
Potassium - 650 mg
Magnesium - 514 mg
Sodium - up to 100 mg


Iron - 7.3 mg
Manganese - 1.62 mg
Copper - 690 mcg
Zinc - 7.3 mg

IN raw sunflower seeds Watermelon contains hemicellulose, the more common name is semi-fiber, and it contains polysaccharides that are insoluble in water and enhance the cleansing properties of the seeds. Although we know that watermelon is not an oilseed crop, its seeds still contain 20-40 percent oil. Its properties are reminiscent of almond.

The benefits and harms of watermelon seeds

Traditional medicine appreciates this watermelon product because it perfectly removes uric acid from the body. This medicinal property prevents the occurrence of urolithiasis. The seeds are especially useful for men because they support the function of the prostate gland, and thanks to the selenium and zinc content, they prevent the development of adenoma and normalize sexual function.

The protein content (approximately 35%) indicates sufficient amino acid content to support muscle mass and replenish the energy expended by the body. There are four beneficial amino acids in watermelon seeds: tryptophan, glutamic acid, lysine and arginine. The latter supports the heart muscle and normalizes blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart attack.

Less effective, but still the beneficial substances of watermelon seeds help improve vision, maintain healthy eyes, nails, skin, and hair. They improve metabolism, nervous system function and are very well known as an anthelmintic.

Watermelon, including all its components (pulp, seeds, rind), contains a controversial amino acid - citrulline. The fact is that when it enters the food tract, it is converted into L-arginine, which our body is able to synthesize on its own. The benefits of citrulline include the ability to lower blood pressure, dilate blood vessels, treat impotence, and affect blood glucose levels. But there is also a controversial side - harm to people with impaired citrulline synthesis.

Studies have shown that citrulline is broken down in the body, releasing a “bad” product – ammonia. It is excreted in the urine, but this very fact proves the harmfulness of watermelon pulp and seeds for patients with citrullinemia, which is associated with the urea cycle.

How to cook watermelon seeds

The most popular recipe is to fry them. Before cooking, the seeds are washed and dried on a towel, for example. Then, pour them into a heated dry frying pan and fry for about 6 minutes until they begin to darken. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in ¼ cup of water and pour this mixture into the frying pan. Continue frying until the liquid disappears. Turn off the heat, cool the watermelon seeds and serve.

Anthelmintic recipe: Before preparing the product, watermelon seeds are dried in the oven, then crushed and mixed in a ratio of 1:10 with low-fat milk. The resulting “cocktail” is drunk at least 2 glasses throughout the day. Drink on an empty stomach.

Traditional recipe for hypertension: Dry the seeds and rind of the watermelon, then grind them into powder. Take it half a teaspoon 2 times. in a day. If you take the powder continuously for one month, your blood pressure will normalize. The recipe also acts as a choleretic agent, but you need to consume the powder 2 or 3 teaspoons in the morning and before bed.

In general, watermelon seeds are used more actively in the cooking of other countries. The Chinese, for example, fry them with various seasonings; in Africa, they crush them and add them to soups and sauces.

Making watermelon seeds at home is very easy.

For this you will need the following ingredients:

watermelon seeds - 1 cup
salt - 1 teaspoon
0.5 glasses of water

How to make delicious salted watermelon seeds

Rinse the watermelon seeds well so that no watermelon pulp remains on them. Use only ripe black seeds; white ones are not suitable for eating; they will burn during roasting. It is also advisable to take large watermelon seeds.

Place the washed watermelon seeds on a dry towel (you can use a paper towel) and dry well, preferably in the sun.

Then the seeds need to be fried.

How to fry watermelon seeds

Heat a dry, oil-free frying pan over medium heat and fry the seeds, stirring with a spatula, until they crackle and open easily.

Add water and salt, mix well again and stir-fry until the water has completely boiled away so that the seeds become dry again.

Watermelon seeds are ready to eat. They go well with beer and just as a substitute for sunflower seeds.

Raw watermelon seeds, application

And raw watermelon seeds can be used as food for parrots and other tropical birds, they can also be given to rodents to diversify the animal's menu.

To prepare seeds for birds and animals, you do not need to fry them, all you have to do is rinse and dry as described above. Dry seeds can be stored for a whole year in a dry place and will delight your pets.

You can also make beautiful crafts from watermelon seeds.

Watermelon is valued as a delicious dessert, but few people think about the benefits and harms of watermelon seeds. But they can also be eaten. They contain many useful substances, and their concentration is higher than in the fruit itself, due to the difference in the volume of liquid. Therefore, you should not rush to throw them away.

Composition of watermelon seeds

An important property of watermelon seeds is that they contain a lot of protein, and therefore amino acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, building muscle tissue, obtaining long-term energy and much more. One cup of dried seeds can provide more than half a person’s protein needs. But it is still not recommended to consume them in such volumes due to their high calorie content.

Watermelon seeds contain a whole range of useful substances.

  • Saturated and unsaturated fats. The seeds contain quite a lot of them. They help normalize blood pressure and lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • B vitamins. Have a beneficial effect on the most different organs and systems of the human body. They take part in the process of converting food into energy and are needed for proper operation brain, with their deficiency, the condition of the skin and hair worsens.
  • Niacin. Due to the fairly high content of this vitamin, watermelon seeds improve the functioning of digestive tract, nourishes the nervous system, improves appearance.
  • Magnesium. Helps regulate blood pressure, participates in metabolism, normalizes blood sugar levels, and has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • . This microelement, important for the human body, enhances protective properties body. When there is not enough of it, immunity drops. Deficiency can manifest as diarrhea and even hair loss.
  • Iron. Needed for the formation of red blood cells. With its deficiency, anemia develops, which is accompanied by a feeling of weakness.

Watermelon seeds also contain other beneficial microelements and amino acids, including citrulline. This amino acid is necessary for the proper functioning of the body and helps normalize blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It has a positive effect on man's health, stimulates the cardiac activity of athletes. However, there is debate about the need for this element in supplements, because citrulline is produced in the human body.

Useful properties and contraindications

After studying the composition of the product, you can draw a conclusion about its benefits. Watermelon seeds have a healing effect on the cardiovascular system and improve blood pressure. Their use helps prevent heart attacks and strokes.

The antibacterial properties of the seeds will also be beneficial. They provide disinfecting, wound-healing, antifungal effects.

Watermelon seeds have contraindications. They should not be consumed by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 3 years of age. You should not eat them if you are obese, because the product is quite high in calories. For the same reason, it is not recommended to abuse them. You should avoid them if you have an individual intolerance.

The amino acid citrulline poses a separate danger. In the process of assimilation of this element, ammonia is released. In a healthy person, it is excreted in the urine without any consequences. However, if you have kidney disease, urinary tract, pancreas, the removal of the substance is difficult. This amino acid should also not be consumed by people whose synthesis is impaired. This disease is called citrullinemia, it is associated with the turnover of urea in the body. It is worth noting that citrulline is found not only in the seeds, but also in the pulp of watermelon.

Methods of use

The benefits of watermelon seeds are great, you just need to figure out how to use them. In some countries they are often used in cooking, for example to make soups. Or crushed and added to various dishes as a seasoning. In their raw form, they are used in traditional medicine recipes. And in order to diversify your daily diet, it is recommended to dry or fry the seeds.

To get dried seeds, you need to wash them thoroughly and spread them on a paper towel until completely dry. Then place on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 80 degrees for 30 minutes. Seeds prepared in this way can replace nuts or sunflower seeds and.

It is worth paying attention to. It has the same beneficial qualities, in addition, it helps to establish acid-base balance and helps dissolve kidney stones.

Watermelon seeds will be no less tasty if you fry them in the following way.

  1. First, you need to prepare the seeds: select ripe ones, rinse and dry. To speed up the process, you can dry them under the sun.
  2. Dissolve a small spoon of salt in 50 ml of water.
  3. Place a frying pan without oil on the fire. When it is hot enough, sprinkle the seeds on it.
  4. Fry, stirring all the time, for about 5 minutes.
  5. Pour in brine. Remove from heat when the liquid has completely evaporated and the seeds themselves have dried.
  6. You can eat seeds prepared in this way immediately after they have cooled.

Traditional medicine also uses watermelon seeds. It is worth paying attention to such recipes.

100 g of raw materials must be crushed in a mortar. Add 1 l hot water, place in a steam bath for 45 minutes. After this, cool and strain through cheesecloth. You should drink a glass of the product three times a day, the course duration is 2 weeks. You can prepare another preparation. Oven-dried seeds should be crushed and poured with milk (in a ratio of 1 to 10). Every morning, on an empty stomach, you need to take a glass of the resulting product.

  • From high blood pressure.

You need to grind the dried seeds and rinds of watermelon into a fine powder. They must be mixed in equal quantities and consumed in the mornings and evenings for a month.

  • From uterine bleeding.

20 g of crushed seeds should be poured with a cup of boiling water. The product should be allowed to brew for about an hour, then you can drink it. Should be taken twice a day, half a glass.

Due to their composition, watermelon seeds have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Moreover, it is not necessary to use them internally; a mask made from this product will help refresh your complexion and deal with acne. The seeds need to be crushed and poured with enough water to make a paste. To make the mask more effective, you can replace water with kefir or. Apply the resulting mixture onto your face with gentle movements, and rinse off after half an hour. If you do this procedure regularly, you will soon see results.

Another way to use it in cosmetology is to create a scrub. Powdered seeds should be mixed with cosmetic clay. The scrub will help cleanse your face and reduce pores. It is best suited for problem skin.

Watermelon seeds are a product whose value few people think about. Meanwhile, this is a wonderful dietary supplement that will provide the body with a whole range of useful substances.

Few people know that watermelon seeds are healthy and should not be thrown away. They contain minerals necessary to maintain good health. You can eat watermelon seeds unless a person is allergic to this product. If you regularly eat grains, your body will never lack vitamins.

  1. Vitamins of group B and PP.
  2. Phosphorus.
  3. Sodium.
  4. Calcium.
  5. Magnesium.
  6. Potassium.
  7. Zinc.
  8. Manganese.

In melons and melons, mainly the pulp is used for food. Starting from the end of July, I just want to eat watermelon. But not only the pulp is used for food. Watermelon seeds are considered beneficial for the body.

Where are watermelon seeds used?

It is difficult to imagine that a product such as watermelon seeds can be useful. After all, most people prefer to simply throw them away along with the peel. But the seeds are used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

The medicinal properties of watermelon seeds are not known to many. But, nevertheless, they are often used in folk medicine.

  1. The seeds help relieve swelling. Pour 500 milliliters of boiled water over the grains and cover with a lid. Infuse the broth until the water cools to room temperature. Drink 100 milliliters of infusion for five days.
  2. A drink based on seeds will help with cough and fever. Grind the seeds into cold water in a ratio of 1:10. Take the medicine 1 teaspoon every two hours. If desired, sweet syrup or sugar is added to the drink. This tool will help to quickly cope with fever and get the patient back on his feet.

In addition, watermelon seeds help remove worms from the intestines, normalize high blood pressure, and help cope with uterine bleeding. Before using watermelon seeds as medicine you need to make sure that it does not affect the body negatively.

You should first consult a doctor before using grain-based products as a medicine.

In cosmetology

Watermelon grains are also used in cosmetology. Various masks are made based on them.

  1. Anti-acne masks are made from watermelon seeds. To prepare the mask, the seeds are dried and then soaked in water for three hours. After this, grind the seeds in a blender. Mix the resulting mass with parsley juice and mix thoroughly. Apply to cleansed facial skin and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water.
  2. Natural scrubs are made from watermelon seeds. Rinse the seeds in water and grind in a blender until smooth. Then mix the pulp with sour cream or honey. Use as a regular scrub.

Such masks reduce inflammation and help cleanse the skin of dead epidermal cells.

Is it possible to eat bones, and how does it affect the body?

Eating watermelon seeds is possible and even necessary. They contain micronutrients that are necessary for human life. In addition, they are often used in folk medicine.

Saturates with vitamins and minerals

First of all, the benefit of watermelon seeds is that they saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, and replenish micronutrient deficiencies. The seeds are eaten dried or fried.

Gets rid of worms

Decoctions and infusions based on watermelon seeds help remove worms from the body. 200 grams of seeds are crushed using a blender or masher. The grain particles should not be very small.

Then the gruel is poured with 1 liter of water and put on fire. You need to boil for 45 minutes in a water bath. After the resulting broth has cooled, it is filtered. Drink 200 milliliters of decoction every day for two weeks.

Another remedy for worms is prepared based on grains and milk. Dry the grains in the oven and grind. Then add milk in a ratio of 1:10. Drink this milk in the morning before meals for two weeks.

Reduces high blood pressure

Watermelon seeds have the ability to reduce blood pressure in hypertension. To prepare a blood pressure remedy, you need to take 300 grams of seeds and divide them into two equal parts. Dry one part of the grains in the oven, the second part in the open sun. Grind both parts in a blender and combine. Take half a teaspoon daily for one month.

Before using watermelon seeds to stabilize blood pressure in case of hypertension, you should first consult a doctor. If you don't do this, you can only make your health worse.

Stops uterine bleeding

The beneficial properties of the grains will help women cope with uterine bleeding. Preparing a remedy for bleeding is simple. To do this you need to take 100 grams of seeds. Then pour two glasses of boiling water over them. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse. Take 100 milliliters between meals twice a day.

Before using the infusion to stop uterine bleeding, you should consult a doctor. Uterine bleeding- This dangerous symptom, which, if assistance is not provided in a timely manner, can lead to serious consequences, even death.

How to cook watermelon seeds

Although watermelon seeds are rarely used in cooking, they can be eaten. Most people immediately throw out the seeds, not even realizing that this is a nutritious product that contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements.

Dried seeds

Dried watermelon seeds can replace salted peanuts and regular seeds. Drying the seeds is quite simple. To do this, the seeds are washed under running water so that they do not have a watermelon taste, and sprinkled in a thin layer on a paper towel. When the seeds dry a little, they are transferred to a baking sheet and put in the oven. The oven is preheated to 180 degrees. The seeds need to be dried for 30 minutes at a temperature of 80 degrees.


For those who have not tried fried watermelon seeds yet, it’s time to try this dish. Plus, preparing the seeds is easy.

Stages of frying watermelon seeds:

  1. Rinse the watermelon seeds under running water and dry on a towel or in the sun.
  2. While the seeds are drying, you need to prepare the brine.
  3. To prepare the brine, take 60 milliliters of water and 1 teaspoon of table salt.
  4. Heat a frying pan and place the seeds on it.
  5. After some time (about 5 minutes), pour out the brine.
  6. Fry the seeds until all the brine has evaporated.
  7. The dish will be ready after all the water has boiled away and the seeds become dry.
  8. Wait until the seeds cool down.

Roasted watermelon seeds are an alternative to the usual sunflower and pumpkin seeds.


To prepare oil based on watermelon seeds, you will not need many ingredients - just vegetable oil and seeds. And preparing it is easier than it seems at first glance.

Preparation of oil:

  1. Rinse the seeds in water and dry on a towel.
  2. Then pour into a glass jar and fill with vegetable oil.
  3. Infuse for three weeks in a dark, well-ventilated area.
  4. After 3 weeks, strain the oil.

You should drink 1 teaspoon of the oil in the morning before your first meal. It is not recommended to drink it with water.

Another way to obtain oil is to put the seeds under a press and squeeze the oil out of them. From 1 kilogram of seeds only 300 grams of oil is obtained. But, unlike the first option, it will be clean.

Contraindications for consuming seeds

Although watermelon seeds are considered relatively safe means, they can also cause harm. First of all, the grains contain citrulline. Upon penetration into the body, the substance breaks down and is converted into ammonia. Other contraindications when using watermelon seeds include the following:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. It is not recommended for pregnant women and women during lactation to eat the seeds.
  3. The seeds are contraindicated for people who suffer from kidney and bladder diseases.
  4. Children's age up to 3 years.
  5. Due to its high calorie content, it is not advisable to overuse the product for obese people.

Otherwise, eating grains is allowed. This is a nutritious product that replenishes the lack of minerals in the human body. The main thing is to choose the right watermelon. After all, if the pulp of the berry contains high content nitrates, then the content of this substance in the seeds will be increased. And this, in turn, can lead to serious poisoning.