Living mustache has medicinal properties. Preparation of medicines from golden mustache. Golden mustache - treatment of gout

Dear readers, today on the blog I want to talk to you about the “golden mustache” plant, interest in which is rapidly growing from year to year.

Now many people grow it at home, and recipes with this plant are passed on to each other, rewritten and carefully stored. The thing is that this plant has very powerful medicinal properties, including folk medicine used in the treatment of various diseases, including oncology.

The scientific name of this plant is callisia fragrant, it unique properties have been studied and confirmed by scientists different countries, however wide application Preparations based on golden mustache were found only in folk medicine.

Golden mustache. Medicinal properties

Unique compositions were found in the leaves, tendrils and stems of Callisia fragrant active ingredients According to scientists, it is the combination of these substances that gives such an amazing healing effect. Contents in various parts biphenols plant allows the use of golden mustache as a powerful antiseptic, and beta-sitosterol, which has hormone-like activity, has an anticancer effect.

Found in the leaves of the golden mustache and in the juice of its mustache high content chromium. This microelement is very important for the human body; it affects carbohydrate metabolism and regulates blood sugar levels. Lack of chromium can lead to the development of cardiovascular pathologies and disruption of work thyroid gland, and can also become an impetus for the development of diabetes mellitus

Copper and sulfur were also found in the juice of the golden mustache. Sulfur helps the body resist infections, radiation exposure, cleanses the blood, and slows down the aging process. Copper plays a huge role in supplying body cells with oxygen, normalizing hemoglobin levels, and participating in the body’s metabolic processes.

Thanks to the combination of important biologically active substances contained in the plant, preparations based on golden mustache have unique medicinal properties.

Application of the golden mustache

The range of applications of the golden mustache for various diseases extremely broad, it is used in the treatment of:

  • diseases of the stomach and intestines,
  • hematopoietic organs,
  • at various violations metabolism in the body,
  • at diabetes mellitus,
  • for obesity,
  • for the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine and many other diseases.

Tincture of golden mustache with vodka. Recipe. Application

The tincture is prepared, as a rule, from the joints of the mustache itself, which are cut into pieces and poured with vodka. It is best to infuse in a glass container, closing it with a lid and placing it away from light, remembering to shake the container once a day. Two weeks are enough for the tincture to be ready; it is filtered and stored in a cool, dark place. For oral administration, you need to take 15 joints per 0.5 liter of vodka. Take with water half an hour before meals two to three times a day. There are different recommendations for taking the tincture, I will give a few of them.

How to take golden mustache tincture?

On the first day, take 10 drops, the second day - 11 drops, the third day - 12 drops, and so on for a whole month, adding one drop every day. Then begin to reduce the number of drops, one drop less every day, reaching the initial ten drops. You will get a two-month course of treatment, and then depending on the circumstances, if a second course is required, it can be repeated in a month.
There are other recommendations, for example, take the tincture 30 drops at a time, adding them to half a glass of water, in this case it is enough to take the tincture twice a day for 10 days, then take a break for 10 days and repeat the course again

The tincture is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, for cardiovascular vascular diseases, for osteochondrosis, fractures and bruises, for thrombophlebitis, lung diseases and blood diseases.

Golden mustache. Recipes

Golden mustache for joints

Separately, I would like to say about the treatment of joints, since this is a very common problem. In this case, the tincture is taken not only internally, but also externally.

For external use, the tincture is prepared from 25 joints and 1.5 liters of vodka, infused for two weeks, then filtered. The tincture is used for pain in the joints of the legs. They rub her sore joints, and also make compresses and lotions.
Ointment based on golden mustache

To prepare the ointment, they use the juice of the golden mustache; to prepare it you need leaves and stems, they are cut as small as possible, the juice is squeezed out and mixed with some base in a ratio of one to three. Baby cream is most often used as a base, but internal unsalted pork fat can also be used.

Golden mustache ointment is used to treat eczema, trophic ulcers and other skin diseases

Golden mustache decoction

All parts of the plant can be used for the decoction, most often the leaves and stems are taken; preparing it is much easier than the tincture. For a decoction per liter of water you will need one large leaf of golden mustache, crush it, pour cold water, bring to a boil over low heat and boil over low heat for five minutes, leave for about 30 minutes, filter through a strainer or cheesecloth, let cool and put in the refrigerator. Take one tablespoon of this decoction three times a day, 20 to 30 minutes before meals.

Decoctions are used for diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver diseases, and severe colds.

Infusion of golden mustache

To infuse a glass of boiling water, take 1/4 of a crushed large leaf of golden mustache, leave until it cools, strain. Take this infusion 3 or 4 times a day before meals, one tablespoon for diabetes, pancreatitis, liver, stomach and intestinal diseases. Take the infusion for a week, break for a week, and if necessary, repeat the course.

An infusion of golden mustache with the addition of other plants is successfully used as a sedative. nervous system. To prepare it, you need to take a teaspoon of dry crushed roots of valerian officinalis, hop cones, peppermint herb, add 1/4 of the crushed golden mustache leaf, pour it all with two glasses of boiling water, leave, strain and take 1/4 cup 1 -2 times a day before meals.

Golden mustache. Contraindications

Golden mustache, like many potent medicinal plants, is poisonous, so it is very important to follow the dosage when taking drugs based on it.

Treatment with a golden mustache is strictly contraindicated for children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Golden mustache preparations are also contraindicated for kidney disease and prostate adenoma.

Nutrition during treatment with golden mustache

During treatment with a golden mustache, you should follow certain rules nutrition, so as not to reduce the results of treatment. To do this, it is necessary to completely eliminate alcohol, animal fats, carbonated drinks, fresh bread, buns, cakes, pastries, all canned foods, and dairy products.

It is recommended to limit the consumption of potatoes, salt and sugar in your diet to a minimum. Preference should be given to raw vegetables and fruits, eat more apples, beets and carrots, herbs, white cabbage, broccoli. Replace butter with olive oil, include fish in your diet, walnuts, almonds.

Golden mustache. Growing conditions

It is quite simple to grow a golden mustache; to propagate it, you take cuttings that are formed on layerings - mustaches, they are cut off and placed in water. After some time, roots will appear, which means that the cuttings can be planted in the ground. The plant does not tolerate direct sun rays, the leaves get burned, darken, and crumble.

Otherwise, the plant is unpretentious, requires regular watering, periodic fertilizing and timely pruning, otherwise it grows greatly and it is difficult to find a place for it in the apartment.

In the summer, pots with golden mustache can be taken to a suburban area and even planted in the ground. In the fall, cut the cuttings for further propagation, and use the plant to prepare medicine.

Keep in mind that the tendrils have healing properties only if they are taken from an adult plant; their joints should be purple. But leaves can also be taken from young plants.

We can talk about the golden mustache plant for a long time; I have given only the basic methods of its use, which have been tried by many people and give positive results.

Golden mustache, the use of which is described below, is also called Far Eastern mustache, homemade ginseng, dichorisandra, living hair, fragrant callisia. His homeland is Mexico. The plant was first described in 1840 and was then called “Spironema fragrant”. A little later he was nicknamed “Rectantera fragrant”.

The plant was brought to Russia in 1890 by the founder of the reserve in Batumi, Andrei Krasnov. For a long period, the golden mustache was exclusively indoor flower. But over time, people learned about the healing properties of the plant. This became interesting to biologists. Having studied the properties of the golden mustache, they confirmed the healing properties of the plant.

Since then, callisia has been widely used. Plant-based products are used for therapy various pathologies: varicose veins, trophic ulcers, thermal burns, joint ailments and spinal column. The drugs help accelerate tissue regeneration, improve blood flow, and stimulate metabolism.

The plant is also used in cosmetology. Funds from it are best helpers in the fight against acne, pimples, rashes. In addition, the golden mustache helps slow down the aging process and improve blood circulation. Often, preparations based on it are recommended for use in cases of baldness.

The plant is also valued by flower growers. The golden mustache is not whimsical and requires constant care. It is only important to keep it in the shade at 70% humidity.

Description of the golden mustache

Golden mustache is herbaceous plant, belonging to the genus Callisia and the family Commelinaceae. The plant is equipped with fleshy, erect, leaf-like corn shoots reaching a length of thirty and a width of five centimeters. The plant can be endowed with another type of shoots: horizontally located lateral shoots - tendrils, separated by purple-brown nodes ending in leaves. Small golden mustache flowers white color, collected in inflorescences, smell pleasant. The aroma of callisia is similar to the aroma of lily of the valley and hyacinths. The fruit of the plant is a seed capsule.

IN natural environment the plant grows in damp, dark places. Mexico, America, the Antilles are the habitat of the golden mustache. The plant takes root well, so if you wish, you can easily grow it at home. It is necessary to plant the plant in large pots with the addition of drainage - pebbles, sand. It needs to be watered once a week. Grows well in the shade and at a humidity of no more than 70%. This is an unpretentious plant proper care will delight you with beautiful flowers and aroma. In addition, you will always have an effective medicine at hand.

How to procure raw materials?

IN medicinal purposes It is recommended to use leaves, stems and horizontal shoots of the plant. At least nine purple-brownish nodules should form on the shoots of the golden mustache. They must be placed in the refrigerator for five days.

If necessary, the raw materials can be dried or frozen. The most successful period for harvesting raw materials is autumn, because it is by this time that the greatest concentration of useful substances accumulates in it. The preparations should be stored in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dark room.

Composition and properties of golden mustache

You already know about the use of the plant in folk medicine and cosmetology. Its popularity is due to the beneficial substances it contains. The plant contains a significant amount of:

  • vitamin A, B2, B3, B5;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • cobalt;
  • vanadium;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • flavonoids;
  • kaempferol;
  • quercetin;
  • carotenoids;
  • glycosides;
  • pectin compounds;
  • catechins;
  • steroids.

Preparations based on the plant have anti-cancer, restorative, immunostimulating, tonic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antiseptic, warming and analgesic effects.

Medicines from the plant contribute to:

  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • improvement of cellular metabolism;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • normalization of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • lowering the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • acceleration metabolic processes;
  • improving the work of the CCS;
  • removing toxins and toxic substances from the body;
  • eliminating painful sensations;
  • strengthening immune system;
  • therapy: hypertension, thrombophlebitis, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, stomatitis, furunculosis, dermatitis, psoriasis, trophic ulcers.

Golden mustache - use in folk medicine

➡ Mastopathy, bruises, ailments skin: application of ointment. There are two ways to prepare the drug.

Squeeze the juice from the leaves and stems of the plant. The resulting volume of juice and cake is combined with Vaseline, pork fat or cream in a ratio of 1:2. The mass is transferred to a darkened glass container and placed in the refrigerator.

Grind and grind the dried stems and leaves of the golden mustache to a powdery consistency. Combine the powder in equal proportions with melted pork fat. Simmer the composition for a quarter of an hour. Cool the product and place it in a convenient storage container, made of glass only, and place it in the refrigerator. Treat the affected areas of the skin with the prepared ointment.

➡ Cancer: therapy with healing tincture. This remedy is recommended to be used for cleansing the body, treating joint pathologies and organs of the upper respiratory tract, as well as some forms of cancer. Pour the “joints” of the plant into a glass bottle, about fifty pieces. Fill the raw materials with vodka. Leave the container in a cool place for two weeks. Don't forget to shake the contents from time to time. The acquisition of a lilac color by the tincture indicates its readiness. Take 20 drops of filtered tincture twice a day.

➡ Infusion for the treatment of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular pathologies. Brew one leaf of golden mustache with boiled water - 200 ml. Leave the composition to brew. Take 50 ml of the strained drink three times a day, after meals.

➡ Golden mustache in the treatment of influenza. At the first manifestations of the disease, you need to gargle with a solution: three drops of oil diluted in 100 ml of boiled, slightly cooled water.

➡ Plant oil in the fight against fever and muscle pain. Combine two drops of the product with a spoon of jojoba oil. Stir and lubricate the chest, forehead, and wings of the nose.

➡ Golden mustache in the treatment of rhinitis. Place freshly squeezed aloe juice in each nasal passage, literally two drops. After this, lubricate the wings of the nose with plant oil and massage for about five minutes.

➡ Making vitamin tea. Combine rose hips with rowan and golden mustache in equal proportions. Grind the ingredients and brew 500 ml of boiling water. Leave it to brew. Drink 50 ml of the strained drink before each sitting at the table.

➡ Tea to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. Mix valerian rhizomes with mint leaves, hop cones and golden mustache tincture - 5 ml and 500 ml of boiled water. Leave the mixture to sit for half an hour. Filter and drink 50 ml healing drink three times a day.


Golden mustache is unique means, helping to cure a lot of illnesses. However, at the same time, it also has a number of contraindications. It is strictly not recommended to use the plant for medicinal purposes in case of individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding, bronchial asthma.

Children under 12 years of age should not be treated with preparations from the plant. Try not to exceed the dosages indicated in the recipes, and especially not to abuse medications. The appearance of swelling, dizziness, pain in the epigastric region, stool disorders, damage vocal cords indicates poisoning.

Before using any product alternative medicine do not forget to consult your doctor. Remember, self-medication can harm you and cause a deterioration in your condition and well-being.

Moreover, when using plant-based drugs, you need to monitor your diet. From eating salted and pickled vegetables, animal fats, dairy products, potatoes, yeast bread, alcoholic drinks, confectionery, kvass and soda should be avoided. Eat more boiled fish, cheese, nuts, raw vegetables, sprouted grains.

Golden mustache is perennial, which has a lot folk names, for example: live hair, Chinese mustache, corn, homemade ginseng and venereal. This plant can often be found among indoor plants. The advantageous property of the golden mustache is the healing and rejuvenation of the human body, and this plant also helps in the treatment of many diseases. That is why many people grow this plant on their windowsills, as a first assistant in many ailments. This plant is native to Mexico. There are two types of golden mustache.

One species is a plant with a straight stem, reaching a length of up to 2 m, with large leaves of bright green color, which are arranged alternately. In adulthood, this plant develops a shoot. At the end of this process, panicle-shaped inflorescences are formed from white flowers. If at least 9 “pistils” have formed at the end of the panicle, then the plant is ready for use for medicinal purposes.

Another type of this plant has horizontal shoots with undeveloped leaves and small flowers. The tendrils of this plant consist of joints. The golden mustache blooms very beautifully, creating an unforgettable fragrant aroma. But to achieve flowering results, the plant needs proper care.

In folk medicine, thanks to biologists, chemists and pharmacologists, it was discovered and studied many years ago unique composition golden mustache

Composition and beneficial properties

All the unique properties of the golden mustache have wide range useful actions on the human body.

This plant contains biologically active substances, vitamins, glycosides, flavonoids, a nicotinic acid, catechins, pectins, carotenoids, steroids, tannins. Golden mustache also contains iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, nickel, sodium, vanadium, manganese and cobalt. Thanks to all the listed beneficial components, this plant is strong biogenic stimulant, which is able to stimulate and rejuvenate the body, and also helps to accelerate metabolic processes. Also, the beneficial properties of golden mustache have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, immunomodulatory, choleretic and expectorant effects on the human body. Thanks to the components that make up this plant, you can cure diseases against which you are powerless. traditional medicine. The use of a golden mustache helps normalize work digestive system, circulatory system, pancreas, and respiratory organs.

Since the beneficial properties of golden mustache can have an anti-inflammatory effect, it is used for diseases of the stomach, gallbladder and small intestine.

Use in folk medicine

It is not for nothing that the golden mustache received the name golden, because it is used for many diseases and successfully cures them. Of course, you cannot call it a cure for all diseases, but thanks to the components that make up this plant, it can provide therapeutic effect for completely different diseases.

For example, this plant is well used for diabetes, tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, pneumonia and periodontal disease. Also, the use of a golden mustache helps cure fibroids, fibroids and even cancer.

When treating golden mustache, use a tincture from this plant, juice from the leaves, or oil based on golden mustache.

Juice is made from the fresh leaves of the plant, which has a bactericidal and wound-healing effect. The juice can be used to treat skin diseases such as: purulent wounds, fungal diseases, boils, lichen and eczema. Before applying the juice to the skin, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3 to avoid allergic reactions or irritation. The use of a golden mustache will very well help people with poor eyesight and people who are often susceptible to stress and depression. To do this, you need to take medications based on golden mustache every day.

The best way to boost immunity is to use golden mustache as fresh juice. To do this, you need to take 30 drops of fresh juice diluted in one tablespoon of water 3 times a day, or add one fresh leaf to the salad each time.

Golden mustache treatment

The main use of the golden mustache is the use of alcohol tincture, ointment, oil and water infusion of this plant. They have maximum medicinal properties, which are aimed at treating many diseases, both mild and severe.

In order to prepare the medicine, it is necessary to prepare the tendrils and stems of this plant. To stay active longer biological substances and the effectiveness of the plant, the raw material should be placed in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, after wrapping it in cling film.

In folk medicine there is a large number of recipes based on decoctions, tinctures, oils used for the treatment of golden mustache.

In order to prepare golden mustache ointment, you need to chop the leaves and stems of this plant and squeeze the juice out of the resulting mixture. Mix 1 tablespoon of juice thoroughly with any baby cream in a 46 g tube. The resulting ointment should be transferred to a dark glass jar and stored in refrigerator.

Ointment and Fresh Juice used externally in the treatment of skin diseases. Ulcers, purulent wounds, frostbite, boils, bruises, contusions, as well as herpes, both external and internal, can be easily cured with ointment. To do this, the ointment should be applied to the affected areas 3 to 4 times during the day, as well as at night.

At home, when treating golden mustache, oil based on this plant is also used. To prepare the oil, the leaves and stems are thoroughly crushed and the mixture is poured with olive oil in a 1:2 ratio. Then the mixture must be simmered in a water bath for two hours. Leave the resulting oil in a cool place for 3 weeks. The oil is used in folk medicine to treat colorectal cancer. To do this, do 20 mg oil enemas at night.

To treat cervical cancer, tampons soaked in golden mustache oil are used.

To prepare the tincture you will need 15 “joints” of the crushed plant. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka into the resulting mass and leave in a cool place for 2 weeks.

Treatment with golden mustache in the form of a tincture is carried out with oncological diseases. To do this, you need to mix 30 ml of alcohol tincture with 40 ml of unrefined sunflower oil, mix it all thoroughly and drink in one gulp. Such procedures should be carried out on an empty stomach 2 times a day, without drinking or eating. Carry out a course of treatment for 10 days, then take a break for 5 days and again carry out 3 courses of treatment.

The infusion must be prepared from one leaf of this plant, at least 20 cm in size. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the leaf and leave to steep in a thermos overnight. The finished infusion is taken in the treatment of pancreatitis and inflammation of the stomach. The infusion is taken 0.5 cups 40 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

Contraindications and overdose

The use of this wonderful plant is widely used in folk medicine, but in scientific medicine Golden mustache is strictly contraindicated.

This plant is not considered poisonous, but it must be used strictly according to the prescribed dose. Because useful material, which are in it, have very high percent concentration, its overdose is very dangerous to human health.

The golden mustache is also contraindicated for children and people suffering from asthma.

In scientific medicine, the composition and side effects This plant has not been fully studied, so it is not recommended to independently change the course of treatment, as well as the dosage.

With a long course of treatment with drugs based on this plant, mild hoarseness may occur. This means that the vocal cords have become irritated.

Golden mustache is contraindicated for people suffering from frequent allergies; taking this plant can only increase the manifestation of allergies. In this case, you should stop treatment and consult a herbal therapist.

On the windowsills of many modern inhabitants In cities and villages, indoor plants are increasingly making a comeback.

Our ancestors knew about the healing properties of many of them, but for some reason at some point they became unfashionable.

They could not withstand the “competition” with the newfangled, highly decorative representatives of exotic flora (dracaenas, orchids and other popular potted flowers) and disappeared.

Golden mustache (also known as homemade ginseng, Venus hair, callisia), like aloe, has the official status of a medicinal plant with proven therapeutic abilities in the fight against a wide variety of ailments.

What can homemade ginseng, a favorite of all healers and people who prefer alternative medicine, do? Read more about medicinal properties and contraindications.

Golden mustache - composition

Golden mustache is a unique source of special biologically active elements: flavonoids and steroids with anticancer, antisclerotic, and antibacterial properties.

Phytosteroids are indispensable in the treatment of the thyroid gland, metabolic disorders, and prostate adenoma.

Flavonoids, in turn, have excellent healing, regenerating, anti-inflammatory properties.

Thus, one plant is capable of providing effective treatment and prevention of all the most common diseases currently affecting human body– oncology, cardiovascular disorders, endocrine disorders, traumatic conditions.

Golden mustache - medicinal properties

Perfectly normalizes metabolism, stops the aging of the body, increases immunity, strengthens circulatory system. IN different types Hair Venus is used to combat many problems.

1. List of the most common skin diseases, including frostbite, burns, eczema, acne, furunculosis, and other focal inflammations.

2. Kidney diseases– pyelonephritis and others.

3. Decreased visual acuity, glaucoma, and eye fatigue are restored and eliminated by the fresh juice of the plant. For 30 days, you need to instill golden mustache juice into your eyes, three drops in the morning and evening - positive result guaranteed.

4. Stagnation of bile, liver dysfunction. In such cases, fresh leaves of the plant will help. A couple of leaves eaten on an empty stomach daily will correct the situation.

5. Hypertension, vascular spasms. To normalize blood pressure, make an infusion: one or two large leaves of golden mustache, crushed and steamed in a thermos with 1 liter of boiling water for 24 hours.

6. Persistent runny nose, inflammation maxillary sinuses, sinusitis is treated with the same infusion as high blood pressure, only you don’t need to drink it, but drop two drops into your nose three times a day, and at the same time irrigate your throat.

7. Anemia. Drink fresh plant juice, a large (table) spoon, three times a day.

8. Parkinson's disease.

9. Digestive problems, constipation.

10. Problems with the pancreas.

11. Metabolic disorders.

12. Decline immune properties body, frequent colds. The flu recedes faster if you give the patient a gargle with a mixture of 3 drops of golden mustache oil and half a glass of water.

13. Muscle pain, joint pain, arthritis, arthrosis, salt deposition - osteochondrosis.

14. Varicose manifestations.

15. Dental diseases and oral cavity– stomatitis, periodontal disease.

16. Helminthic infestation.

17. Viral and infectious lesions throat.

18. Hemorrhoidal cones.

19. Mastopathy.

20. Bronchial asthma.

21. Bronchitis, pneumonia.

22. Oncology.

23. Radiculitis.

24. Insect bites. Itching and inflammation will go away after applying a paste of golden mustache leaves.

25. Heartburn will go away immediately if you chew one leaf of the tendril.

For medicinal purposes, the green mass of golden mustache leaves, oil and ointment prepared on its basis, water and alcohol infusions are used.

The listed remedies are taken orally, taken for external rubbing and compresses. It is the leaves and tendrils of the plant that have particular bioactivity, although herbalists use absolutely all parts of the golden tendril.

Ointment: Chop the greens of the flower and mix in a ratio of 2:3 with Vaseline or fatty baby cream, mink oil. The ointment is prescribed for the treatment of any skin diseases and external injuries - wounds, burns, bedsores, bruises, etc.

Oil: Chop the greens of the flower, fill to the top with high-quality vegetable oil (preferably olive) and simmer in an oven preheated to 40 degrees for 7-8 hours.

Alcohol tincture: Grind 40-50 internodes of the golden mustache stem and pour 1 liter of vodka good quality, leave in the cupboard for 14 days, shaking occasionally.

Golden mustache - contraindications

All drugs based on callisia should be used in accordance with the indicated dosages and schedules. The golden mustache has a colossal supply of active components that can both heal and cripple.

Golden mustache should not be used together with sedatives, sleeping pills, antibiotics, before and during chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Familiar from childhood, this is a cute plant with elongated bright green leaves that grows on the windowsills of many home flora lovers. It turns out that, in addition to its direct duties, it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air space of the apartment and releases pure oxygen.

The golden mustache has extraordinary healing properties that can save you from many dangerous diseases. In Russia, the study of the beneficial properties of this plant began in 1980, at the Medical Institute in the city of Irkutsk. For for long years Professor Semenov revealed the secrets of the structure of callisia (scientific name).

Today we will talk about the medicinal properties of the golden mustache, its use in folk medicine to get rid of various ailments. You will also learn the secrets of preparing and recipes for golden mustache tincture, and what diseases it can cure.

Chemical composition and biological properties

The scientific name of the Golden Whisker is Callesia fragrant. The plant is a perennial, evergreen, growing as a grass with two types of shoots. One type of shoots looks like long, sometimes up to two meters, fleshy, juicy, erect, dark green stems with a purple tint.

Elongated cone-shaped leaves up to 40 centimeters long grow on the shoots. Another type of shoots extends horizontally from the first type. These are the so-called antennae, thanks to which the golden mustache reproduces and received its unofficial name.

The flowers are small and emit a delicate aroma. It must be said that plants growing in pots rarely bloom, but this circumstance does not prevent them from actively reproducing.

Absolutely all parts of the plant contain very useful substances that have healing properties and are actively used for medicinal purposes.

Among home herbalists, there is a false opinion that when 12 “knees” appear on an additional tendril shoot, then the plant reaches its maximum medicinal substances. This, of course, is not the case; both young and adult golden mustaches equally possess beneficial properties.

The only condition is that in the fall, like many other plants, fragrant callesia cyclically accumulates in its leaves and shoots maximum amount useful substances. But this is related to life cycle nature and preparing the plant for winter.

As for the chemical composition of the golden mustache itself, scientists have discovered in it a storehouse of the most necessary and beneficial substances for human health:

  • saponins;
  • glucosides;
  • phytosterols;
  • pectins;
  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids - quercetin and kaempferol;
  • phytoncides;
  • macro and microelements - chromium, copper, sulfur, iron, nickel, potassium, calcium, manganese and others, B vitamins;
  • catechins.

One of the most important substances in callesia is beta-sitosterol, which can help fight cancer, as well as diseases of the blood and endocrine systems.

Golden mustache - a natural healer

The leaves and stems of this wonderful plant contain a unique composition, with amazing healing effect. The healing properties of the golden mustache amaze with its power and versatility in application; it is successfully used in folk medicine to cure many ailments.

Biphenols, which are found in all parts of the plant, cope with pathogenic organisms.

As already mentioned, the anti-cancer effect is achieved through the action of beta-sitosterol, which can act on body tissues like hormones.

Chromium is found in the leaves, affects metabolism, especially carbohydrate metabolism, and is involved in regulating blood sugar levels. And the absence required quantity chromium can lead to the development of pathology of the heart and blood vessels, and even provoke the development of diabetes.

Copper and sulfur are also essential microelements for the body. Copper on biochemical level provides normal level hemoglobin in the blood and harmonious metabolism. Sulfur, in turn, has a beneficial effect on skin and hair and can resist infectious diseases and radiation exposure.

Golden mustache remarkably increases the level of natural protection and has a general tonic effect on the body. It is noteworthy that due to its destructive effect on the diaphoretic microflora, products prepared on its basis do not spoil for a long time and can be stored for a long time for a long time at room temperature.

Phytohormones have a beneficial effect on the epidermis and promote the healing of minor wounds and scratches. They can also enter into close interaction with the cells of the body and activate the enzymatic system. This causes cells to divide faster and wounds to heal faster, and general state the skin becomes noticeably better. There is another effect of phytohormones; they stimulate protein synthesis.

As you know, proteins are the building materials for our body; proteins are actively involved in the regulation of many important processes in the body. This ensures the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effect of the golden mustache.

Select a row pathological conditions, in which the use of a golden mustache is justified:

  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • metabolic disorders, including diabetes and obesity;
  • diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system;
  • lesions of the skin of infectious origin;
  • diseases caused by immunosuppression.

Recipes for healing potions

The use of golden mustache in folk medicine and recipes for various healing medicines from it is a separate topic of our conversation, and now we will move from theory to practice. Now you will learn how to prepare infusions, ointments, tinctures and other drugs that will help cure many diseases.

Medicinal infusions

For infusion, use golden mustache leaves or horizontal violet shoots. It is recommended to store the finished product in a cool place and use it within the first three days. Alternatively, the infusion can be prepared not just with water, but with so-called silver water. To do this, lower it to normal clean water, some kind of silver object at 7 o'clock.

There are three ways to prepare the infusion:

  1. Method number one: brew one leaf of golden mustache with a liter of boiling water in a glass or ceramic container. The leaf should reach a size of at least 25 cm. After you pour boiling water over the leaf, set aside and leave in a warm place for a day. Strain the infusion.
  2. Method number two: Take a leaf or horizontal shoot at least 16 “knees” long, put them in a thermos, pour boiled water and leave for about seven hours. After this time, strain.
  3. Method number three: chop raw leaves or shoots and place in a bowl with cold water. Bring to a boil over low heat, cover the resulting liquid with a lid and leave for 6 hours. After cooking, strain. The finished infusion is stored in a glass container. The scope of application is mainly the treatment of gallbladder diseases and strengthening the immune system.

Golden mustache tincture with vodka - recipes

First, a few general rules:

  1. Either the whole plant or purple shoots with at least ten “knees” should be used.
  2. We do not use the root of the plant.
  3. For chopping, do not use a meat grinder, a ceramic knife is better; in extreme cases, chop the plant simply with your hands. Metal can change chemical composition medicinal plant.
  4. If the recipe is followed correctly, the tincture will acquire a dark purple hue. After the infusion time has expired, strain all tinctures and store in a dark place.

Recipe No. 1: Grind the plant, pour the raw material into a dark glass bottle, add 0.5 liters of regular vodka. This product should infuse for 15 days. Shake every day.

Recipe No. 2: Grind the leaves or tendrils, squeeze out the juice. Add juice and pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 9 days, shaking occasionally. Golden mustache tincture is used to prevent many pathologies, as well as for external use in the form of compresses or rubbing.

Recipe No. 3: Grind the purple shoots of the golden mustache, put in a glass container, pour in 150 milliliters of medical alcohol. Leave for fourteen days, preferably in a dark place, shake periodically. Use only in aqueous solution. For 50 ml of water, 10-15 drops of tincture. Drink preferably before meals.

How to prepare ointment and oil from golden mustache?

Vegetables are used to prepare healing oils. oil bases, they absorb useful substances well, and for the preparation of ointments they use denser fat-containing substances of animal origin or Vaseline. These products must be stored in a dark place due to the oxidizing ability of the base raw materials.

  • Recipe No. 1: Take horizontal shoots of at least 13 “knees”, chop, put in a heat-resistant container, such as a clay pot or microwave-safe dish. Pour any vegetable oil into a container. You can use regular refined sunflower seed oil or olive oil. You need to take half a liter of oil. Place the mixture in a preheated oven. Keep at a temperature of 40 degrees for approximately 8 hours. Cool and strain. Store in a glass container.
  • Recipe No. 2: Pre-grind the shoots and leaves of the golden mustache into a fine powder. Pour the resulting fine powder into a glass container and add oil plant origin. Place in a cool place for 20 days.
  • Recipe No. 3: Get juice from the leaves and stems of the golden mustache. To do this, it is advisable not to use metal tools, as this can destroy important components of the plant. Combine with vegetable oil that suits you in equal quantities. Place in a cold place, and after 14 days the healing oil is ready.
  • Recipe #4: Grind leaves and stems. Connect three parts of the base and two parts of the plant.
  • Recipe No. 5: Combine golden mustache juice with three parts base oil.

These products are used to treat skin diseases, joint diseases and therapeutic massage.

Golden mustache ointment

The recipe for making the ointment is very simple and accessible to anyone who has this growing in their home. medicinal plant.


  1. Grind fresh shoots and leaves using a meat grinder.
  2. Mix the resulting slurry with Vaseline or baby cream in a ratio of 2:3. You can also use pork, beef, badger fat or vegetable oil.
  3. Mix everything well and transfer it to a jar, store the resulting ointment in the refrigerator.

The ointment is used for joint pain, bruises, skin diseases, frostbite, trophic ulcers. The ointment should be applied to painful areas and affected areas 3 times a day.

Preparing a decoction of golden mustache

A decoction differs from an infusion in that the plant material is placed in cold water and brought to a boil over a fire. To prepare a decoction of golden mustache, both the leaves and stems of the plant are used.

  • Recipe: take one liter cold water and one large leaf of golden mustache 25 cm long is finely chopped. Combine water and chopped leaf and bring to a boil over low heat. Leave to simmer for six minutes, then leave for another half hour.

Strain and cool. Drink 3 tablespoons before meals.

Treatment of bronchitis and cough

Expectorant for chronic bronchitis and cough:

  1. Grind a leaf of golden mustache, brew it with boiling water - 500 milliliters and let it cool, filter.
  2. Add 300 grams of honey to the resulting infusion and mix everything well.
  3. Store the resulting medicine in a glass container in a cool place.

To treat cough and bronchitis, take 1 tbsp. spoon, twice a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Folk remedy for bronchitis:

  1. Wrap fresh golden mustache leaves in cloth and keep in the refrigerator for two weeks.
  2. After this, rinse, chop and fill with one glass of water at normal room temperature. Let it sit for several hours and strain.
  3. Add chopped walnuts to the infusion - 300 grams and one glass of honey, mix everything well.

Received remedy should be taken 1 tbsp. spoon, three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Sore throat remedy:

  1. Let's get the juice from the crushed leaves and tendrils of the plant, mix it with regular vegetable oil in a ratio of 2:3.
  2. Let it brew for two weeks in a dark place.

To gargle, take 6 drops of golden mustache oil per glass of warm water.

And we gargle when there is pain 3-4 times a day.

Treatment of eye diseases

Myopia - Prepare an infusion of golden mustache and take regularly three times a day 30-40 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon. The course of treatment is 10 days. After this time, stop for five days and resume taking it within 14 days.

Farsightedness - In this case, the infusion will also help. It is prepared according to one of the methods indicated above. Drink warm thirty minutes before meals, 2 teaspoons.

In both cases it may first appear discomfort in the mouth in the form of dryness and coating on the tongue. But this soon passes and the quality begins to improve.

Glaucoma - increase intraocular pressure. Drink 1 tbsp of healing infusion for three weeks. spoon based on the number of meals, but no more than four times. Take a break for thirty days and repeat the course again.

Skin diseases

  1. Fungal infection of feet and nails- To get rid of this unpleasant illness It is necessary to apply a compress of golden mustache decoction to the affected areas. Regular rubbing of the feet with the tincture heals well. First dilute the tincture with water in a ratio of one to two.
  2. Warts— Warts are usually called painless growths on the skin. There are many reasons for the appearance of warts. Lubricate the warts with pure golden mustache juice diluted with plain water. Cotton swab Spot lubricate the formations in the morning and evening.
  3. Boils- focal purulent lesions hair follicles, caused by staphylococci. A good remedy treatment of boils is an ointment based on golden mustache.
  4. Burns and frostbite- This applies to the degree of damage no higher than the second. Take a few leaves of golden mustache, wrap it in gauze or other soft cloth, apply to the affected area. The dressings must be changed every 6 hours.
  5. Herpes virus infection- papules and vesicles on the lips or other places are smeared with tincture of golden mustache. Or a mixture of callesia leaf juice and honey in equal proportions.

Treatment of diseases of the digestive system

Stomach ulcer- Use the infusion, for better healing of erosion of the gastric mucosa, take one quarter glass warm before meals. The course of treatment is two to three weeks.

Gallbladder treatment — Chronic inflammation gallbladder, this disease can cause painful nagging pain and discomfort in the right hypochondrium.

The positive properties of the golden mustache can help in treatment chronic pathology gallbladder, and eliminates pain syndrome. The patient may be afraid that the symptoms intensify at the beginning of treatment, but later relief comes and strength increases.

You should take a decoction of golden mustache 1/2 cup before meals. In the rectal cavity, the mucous membrane is very capable of absorbing medicinal substances, so treatment can be enhanced with enemas.

The second method of treating the gallbladder is taken according to the following scheme:

  • Day 1 - drink five drops of vodka tincture half an hour before meals in two doses, dilute the drops in a tablespoon of water.
  • Day 2 - drink six drops of the same tincture, diluted in 2 tablespoons of water and drunk in two doses.
  • 3rd 9th day - increase the number of drops to 12 pieces in a glass of warm water.
  • 10th -16th day - gradually reduce to five drops.

You should take a break for one week and repeat the completed course. Conduct four similar courses. The health of the gallbladder depends on regular emptying of the cavity and prevention of bile stagnation. In addition to congestion important factor Pathogenic microbes play a role in the occurrence of gallbladder inflammation.

Liver diseases - These include inflammatory processes of various etiologies usually viral and toxic. Use an infusion of golden mustache in combination with corn silk. Prepare an infusion (recipe given above), mix the rings with 1 tbsp. spoon corn silk. Drink the finished medicine one tablespoon twice a day, preferably before meals. After ten days of treatment, I rest for five days. Treatment lasts for two months.

Cholecystitis. In case of exacerbation of this disease, you should take a decoction of golden mustache (the preparation recipe is described above) half a glass, three times a day. 30 minutes before meals. This treatment can be supplemented with enemas using this decoction; enemas are given twice a day, using a rubber bulb or an Esmarch mug.

Hemorrhoids - Use an infusion of golden mustache internally. A dessert spoon of the drug before meals twice a day. The course of treatment is ten days. For local application add a few drops of calendula tincture to the infusion. Apply this mixture to the delicate skin around the anal canal.

Constipation - Long-term problems with defecation can subsequently lead to chronic intoxication and disruption of the entire digestive system as a whole. Drink one teaspoon of golden mustache infusion three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Treatment of atherosclerosis: mix one dessert spoon of alcohol tincture with a tablespoon vegetable oil. Shake the mixture well in a container with a closed lid.

The resulting balm should be taken for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis two hours after eating, and half an hour after taking it, you should eat again.

You need to take the medicine in this way three times a day.

Treatment is carried out for ten days, then take a break for ten days and again take a course of treatment for ten days.

Treatment of arrhythmia: Thanks to the healing properties of the golden mustache, this ailment can recede; for this, we take and grind 3 leaves of the plant. Add 300 grams of natural honey and squeezed juice from one lemon to the resulting juice. Mix everything well. Store the resulting composition in a glass container in a dark and cool place.

The mixture should be taken one tablespoon half an hour before meals, twice a day. The course of treatment is one week.

We treat joints with tincture

Osteochondrosis. To remove pain and treatment of joints, it would be good to use tincture of golden mustache, rubbing the joints affected by the disease with it daily. As an alternative, instead of alcohol tincture, you can use fresh juice from the plant for treatment, simply soak a gauze cloth in it and apply it to the sore spot as a compress for one hour.

Arthritis. To treat this disease, you need to rub the sore spots daily with tincture of golden mustache in vodka (the recipe is given above). After rubbing, cover the joints with a woolen cloth. You can also apply compresses by soaking gauze pads with tincture and applying them to the joints for one or two hours.

Also, for the treatment of arthritis, the tincture is taken orally, one tablespoon, three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 7 days. Then a break is taken for 10 days, after which the weekly treatment with a golden mustache is repeated.

Gout. To treat this disease, you need to take one dessert spoon of vodka tincture orally, every other day.

For beauty and skin and hair care at home, recipes using golden mustache are successfully used. Based on this wonderful plant, natural homemade cosmetics are prepared that carefully care for the skin, making it younger and healthier.

  1. Skin cleansing - use infusions and decoctions from horizontal shoots of the plant. Ideal for applying compresses.
  2. Alcohol infusion - helps exfoliate dead skin flakes and stimulate skin rejuvenation.
  3. Treatment acne- V at a young age and pustular rashes on the skin, the causative agent of which is staphylococcus. Golden mustache tincture is used to treat acne.
  4. Oil infused with fragrant callisia effectively eliminates dryness and dehydration of the skin of the hands. The same remedy has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin if used during a restorative massage.
  5. Hair health - after using shampoo, it is recommended to rinse with gold mustache infusion; this procedure gives the hair softness and a healthy shine.
  6. For the perfect pedicure - and the elimination of corns and plaques, lubricate the skin of your feet with freshly squeezed golden mustache juice.

Treatment of the musculoskeletal system with a golden mustache

Freedom of movement without pain is a happiness that people should value and cherish. When the musculoskeletal system becomes ill, it causes a lot of suffering and inconvenience, since a person cannot move normally. In combination with drug treatment to get rid of ailments of the musculoskeletal system, it would be good to use tinctures and ointments prepared from golden mustache; this will ease suffering and speed up the healing process.

Treatment of radiculitis

Radiculitis is a disease that is not directly related to damage to bones or joints, but people often associate it with back pain. Thus, radiculitis is a degenerative-inflammatory process of the roots spinal nerves. Main symptom Sciatica is a severe pain.

To treat radiculitis you need to rub alcohol tincture golden whisker into the skin of the affected area. The tincture not only has a distracting and warming effect, but also relieves pain.

Also, to treat radiculitis, ointment from callesia fragrant is used (the recipes were given above), which is applied first to the tissue, then to the skin at the site of pain projection. Then you need to cover with a warm or woolen cloth. The procedure time is 20 minutes. Excess ointment is removed with a napkin.

An ointment based on tincture of golden mustache, honey and sunflower oil successfully copes with the treatment of radiculitis. To prepare this ointment, take three glasses of honey and sunflower oil and 20 milliliters of callesia alcohol tincture. Mix all ingredients and let stand for five days before using.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis - Disorder of the structure of the intervertebral cartilage tissue, in which patients complain of pain, impaired movement and many complications that interfere with freedom of movement. The disease is chronic and progressive. To relieve pain, rub the sore spots with a tincture of conflict alcohol.

You can also use a paste made from the leaves for pain relief. The resulting mass is placed on cloth or gauze and applied to the most painful areas. The procedure takes one hour. Soak the gauze with the infusion and apply for 30 minutes.

For the entire duration of treatment, you need to completely stop smoking, because combination with nicotine can cause severe allergic reaction.

During treatment, you need to follow a vegetable diet, limiting the consumption of salt, sugar and potatoes. It is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits, herbs, fish, nuts, and vegetable oils.

In this case, it is necessary to exclude meat products, confectionery, alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks, canned and dairy products from the diet.

If you have diseases of the liver, pancreas, or gall bladder, alcohol tincture should not be taken orally. For treatment it is advisable to use water decoctions, infusions or oil tinctures.

Each person’s body is unique and individual, so during treatment unforeseen side effects may occur:

  • severe weakness;
  • headache;
  • dry cough;
  • dry mouth;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes and nasopharynx;
  • skin rash.

If you experience one or more of these symptoms, you should immediately stop the treatment you have started!

Contraindications and overdose

Nature has endowed the golden mustache with unique healing and beneficial properties that can help in healing from many ailments, however, this medicinal plant has a number of contraindications.

Therefore, before treating with fragrant callisia preparations, it is necessary and important to know the contraindications for use and consult your doctor. It is also very important to comply correct dosage in reception medicines, since this plant is poisonous!


Golden mustache is a fairly strong medicinal plant. And its thoughtless and uncontrolled use without consulting a doctor can result not in benefit, but in harm to the body.

It is important to know!

  1. For children under eighteen years of age, treatment with this plant is strictly prohibited.
  2. Diseases of the kidneys and prostate gland in men are also a direct contraindication.
  3. Pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  4. If you are prone to allergies, allergic dermatitis And hypersensitivity skin.
  5. In case of individual intolerance to golden mustache and preparations made from it.

Side properties and manifestations of overdose:

  • allergies - like any medicine and herbal raw materials, golden mustache can cause an immediate allergic hypersensitivity reaction;
  • deepening of voice - long-term use taking golden mustache tincture may cause some people to negative reaction vocal cords;
  • problems with childbirth - an abundance of phytohormones can disrupt the natural balance of hormones in the body and disrupt the process of formation of sex hormones.

Growing a golden mustache

Golden mustache is unpretentious and grows well on windowsills in the house. For propagation, cuttings or horizontal shoots of the plant are taken. They are cut off and left in water. After some time, roots appear. After the roots appear, you can plant fragrant callesia in the ground.

This type of flora is afraid of bright sunny sun. In direct sunlight, the leaves darken and crumble.

If you regularly water and fertilize this lovely medicinal plant, then after a very a short time you will receive on the windowsill of the present home doctor.

In summer, golden mustache can be planted in open ground, and in the fall, prune purple shoots for propagation and preparation of medicines.

We must remember that therapeutic effect have shoots with many purple “knees”, which means that the plant is an adult. The leaves, on the contrary, can be used to treat young, immature plants.


Do not rush to throw traditional medicines in the trash and tear up your outpatient card after reading this article. The potent substances that are found in the callesia fragrant plant are not a panacea for all diseases and often, golden mustache treatment must be used in combination with drug therapy.

Therefore, before starting treatment, consult your doctor. Get to know the nature around you and wisely use Mother Nature's resources.

Be healthy!