What pills are there to boost immunity? Medicines to strengthen the immune system. Homeopathic medicines to improve immunity

There are a lot of drugs that are designed to improve immunity. They can be divided into several groups.

  1. Herbal immunostimulants. Such drugs are suitable for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. They have minimal side effects, are effective and harmless. These drugs include Immunal, extracts of Eleutherococcus, Schisandra and ginseng.
  2. Immunostimulants based on the effects of bacteria. The effect of such products is similar to vaccines: bacterial enzymes stimulate the synthesis of immune bodies and strengthen the immune defense. Such drugs include ribomunil, broncho-munal, lykopid, imudon, IRS.
  3. Immunostimulants based on nucleic acid. Such agents include, for example, sodium nucleinate, which inhibits the growth and development of streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.
  4. Interferon preparations. Effective in initial stage acute respiratory viral infections. Such drugs are not used for prophylactic purposes. Products containing interferon include injections leukocyte interferon, Viferon, Gripferon, Arbidol, Anaferon, Amiksin, etc.
  5. Thymus products are used only as prescribed by a doctor. Such drugs include taktivin, thymalin, etc.

Drugs that increase immunity in children

Immune protection in children has a number of features. For example, from the moment of birth until six months, a child’s immunity is based on immunoglobulins that are passed on to the baby from the mother. After six months, the immune reserve is depleted, and the child becomes more susceptible to all kinds of bacteria. A child will be able to independently synthesize immunoglobulins only from the age of six, and his immune system will be fully formed only by the time of puberty.

The use of drugs that enhance immunity in children may be justified in the following situations:

  • the baby gets sick more than six times a year;
  • a common sore throat or runny nose is characterized by a protracted course, often complicated by other pathologies (ear inflammation, sinusitis);
  • Colds usually last a long time and their treatment is ineffective.

Of course, the question of whether it is advisable to prescribe immunostimulants to a child should be decided by the doctor.

As a rule, from the age of three it is already possible to prescribe herbal preparations, such as immunal, echinacea, lemongrass. Children under 3 years of age are stimulated with interferons: laferobion, influenzaferon, gammaferon.

Nucleic acid preparations (ridostin, derinat) are prescribed only after the child reaches 3 years of age.

In addition, pay attention to your child’s nutrition, play with him more often, walk in the fresh air, and do simple morning exercises in the morning. This way you will significantly strengthen your baby's immune system.

Drugs that enhance immunity in adults

To improve weakened immunity in an adult, it is sometimes advisable to use several drugs in combination. Firstly, this method of treatment will be more successful, and secondly, you can use the minimum dose of each drug.

Every year, if the immune defense is weak, it is allowed to undergo 3 to 4 treatment and preventive courses. It is especially recommended to take medications during a mass incidence of influenza, or simply in the off-season, when the body receives a minimum amount of vitamins from food. The duration of taking the drugs should not be too short: usually the effect of them is observed only after 7-14 days from the start of treatment.

Relatively not so long ago, pharmacy chains introduced qualitatively new drugs aimed at increasing immune defense. These are drugs such as polyoxidonium and galavit. Studies have shown that these medications are effective even with critically weakened immunity. Perhaps the only drawback of these drugs is their still very high cost.

Of course, in case of severe immune pathologies, the drugs used must also be serious, and in some cases it is recommended to vaccinate to boost immunity. For example, such serious diseases as encephalitis, diphtheria, and even influenza can provoke the development of quite severe complications. Vaccination will allow the body to resist a specific disease.

Drugs that increase immunity for herpes

A significant drop in immunity can be observed during viral infectious diseases (especially in chronic form). For this reason, to treat viral infections, for example, herpes, specialists have developed special drugs - interferon inducers. Such drugs are designed to activate the synthesis of the body's own interferon. In addition, such drugs have less side effects than interferon medications.

There are several other advantages of inducer drugs:

  • low price for drugs;
  • lack of addiction;
  • duration of action even with a single use;
  • no interaction with other drugs.

In the fight against herpes, domestic specialists use various medications that are interferon inducers. Among them are Kagocel, Amiksin, Ridostin, Cycloferon, Poludanum. Sometimes treatment with such drugs is combined with the use of acyclovir, famciclovir, etc. The main condition for the effectiveness of treatment is timely administration of drugs.

Directions for use and doses

Echinacea tincture is usually used in a dosage of 5 to 15 drops 2-3 times a day.

Cycloferon requires the prescription of a schematic medication regimen. Treatment is scheduled for each day. The tablet is usually taken once daily before meals, without chewing, with plenty of water.

Immunal is taken on average 20 drops three times a day, with a small amount of water. The course of therapy is from 1 to 8 weeks.

Imudon is taken 8 tablets per day, every 3 hours. The duration of treatment is about ten days.

Broncho-munal is taken in the morning before meals, 1 capsule per day, for 2-4 weeks.

Polyoxidonium is used in the form of intramuscular or intravenous injections, or vaginal suppositories. The dosage is prescribed depending on the pathologies existing in the body.

Before starting treatment with drugs that enhance immunity, carefully read the instructions for the drug. Do not start taking the drug without consulting your doctor.

For persistent colds, viral infections, decreased performance and fatigue, pills to boost immunity in adults and children can help. Pharmacies offer a huge selection of effective means to restore the body's defenses.

Medical experts disagree about the need for such drugs for seasonal illnesses, but in case of reduced performance, they cannot be avoided.

Admission rules

Any medicine has certain restrictions on use and side effects. Therefore, before therapy, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the application features:

  1. Strictly follow the dose indicated in the instructions for the drug.
  2. Tablets to boost immunity are not recommended to be combined with alcoholic beverages.
  3. Whenever nettle rash, as well as allergies, nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium, you must stop taking the medication.
  4. If a person leads an incorrect lifestyle, then the use of immunostimulating drugs may not have the desired effect.

Immunity can be significantly increased only with integrated approach:

Tablets to boost immunity in children and adult patients will be useless if these points are violated.


Reasons that lead to weakened immunity:

  1. Poor nutrition, hunger strikes, protein and fat deficiency in the diet.
  2. Infectious and fungal infections.
  3. Pancreatitis (a group of diseases and syndromes in which inflammation of the pancreas occurs).
  4. Toxic hepatitis (inflammatory liver disease that develops as a result of the pathological effect of toxic substances on the body).
  5. Cholecystitis (various in etiology, course and clinical manifestations forms of inflammatory damage to the gallbladder).
  6. Pyelonephritis (nonspecific inflammatory process with predominant damage to the renal tubular system, predominantly of bacterial etiology).
  7. Glomerulonephritis (a disease that affects the renal glomeruli, tubules of interstitial tissue).
  8. Increased physical activity.

As a result of these conditions, there may be a decrease in the body's resistance to viral loads. A person becomes weaker, performance and endurance deteriorate, complications of chronic diseases arise, and susceptibility to viruses and infections increases. They can help in this situation effective tablets to boost immunity in adult patients and children.

Pharmacological actions

Immunity is a set of reactions of the body’s protective functions, the task of which is to maintain the stability of the internal environment.

The body's ability to resist viruses must be regularly stimulated. Good medicine to increase the body's defenses (in adult patients and children), they cope with the problem only with proper therapy, and not from time to time. What are the best pills to take to boost your immunity?


All medications to increase the body's defenses are divided into the following types:

  • vegetable;
  • bacterial;
  • vitamins;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • homeopathic;
  • immunostimulants;
  • interferon preparations;
  • drugs containing nucleic acids.

Herbal preparations

Adaptogenic medications, which increase immunity in adults, are also very popular among patients due to their low price and minimal set of negative reactions and restrictions. Herbal medicines adaptogenic action:

  • Eleutherococcus extract;
  • ginseng root;
  • tincture of Chinese lemongrass.

But the most popular drug for apathetic states is Echinacea. This plant is included in a large number of medicines that improve the functioning of immune system. The most famous is “Immunal”, which is based on echinacea juice, saturated with mineral components. The drug is produced in the form of drops (they are approved for use by children over twelve years old) and tablets.

Pharmacological products containing ginseng root extract not only have a positive effect on the immune system, but also give vigor, as well as vitality, improve performance. In addition, this substance has a beneficial effect on potency.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Most people who care about their health regularly use dietary supplements and vitamins. Among them there are those that are designed to strengthen the body's resistance to viruses and infections. List of tablets to boost immunity for adults:

  1. "Doppelhertz Active" with magnesium and B vitamins.
  2. "Alphabet During the Cold Season."
  3. "Supradin."
  4. "Gerimaks".

According to the instructions for use, it is best to take such vitamin-mineral complexes over a long course - from one to six months. If there is a shortage of useful components, a slow accumulation occurs, and the effect will not appear immediately, but only in the second or third month of constant use.

When taking vitamin-mineral complexes, it is necessary to completely eliminate alcohol, since ethyl alcohol interferes with the absorption of magnesium, iron, cyanocobalamin, and pyridoxine. Strong drinks wash calcium from tissues and disrupt hormonal balance, which also has a detrimental effect on the body’s protective functions.

Vitamin C plays a special role in eliminating an already existing viral infection. With its deficiency, the immune system weakens. For this reason, the structure of most flu medications includes ascorbic acid. Persons with reduced immunity should include foods rich in ascorbic acid in their diet.

You need to pay attention to B vitamins. Immunologists, as a rule, prescribe patients treatment with intramuscular injections of cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, as well as thiamine, nicotinic acid, and riboflavin. These medications improve the functioning of the central nervous system, have a mild calming effect, stabilize sleep, and eliminate anxiety and irritability. What pills are prescribed for an adult patient to boost immunity?

Bacterial medicines

Such medications to increase the protective functions of the body in adult patients may contain fragments of bacterial structures; their use activates the immune response to pathogens.

List of good pills to boost immunity:

  1. "Ribomunil".
  2. "Lycopid".
  3. "Imudon."

Medicines containing interferon

Drugs in this category are most effective in the initial stages of a cold. They effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Increases the body's resistance with constant use.

Good pills to boost immunity:

  1. "Viferon".
  2. "Anaferon".

Preparations with nucleic acids

These are stimulant drugs, the principle of action of which is based on the induction of interferon, and drugs that contain nucleic acids help boost immunity in adult patients and adolescents. Based on the method of penetration into the body, nucleic acids are divided into natural and synthetic.

The latter are produced in the form of lozenges, which, when dissolved, can quickly neutralize the unpleasant symptoms of the flu. These medications are prescribed to patients to boost immunity (for sore throat, rhinitis, otitis media).

List of main drug names:

  1. "Sodium nucleinate".
  2. "Poludan."


These are medications that increase the body's defenses, bringing low performance to standard marks. The most used are:

  1. "Levamozole".
  2. "Bemitil."
  3. "Dibazol".
  4. "Imunofan".
  5. "Pyrogenal".

They are used for congenital and acquired immunodeficiency. Medicines have certain limitations. When starting therapy, you must thoroughly read the instructions.

The use of such drugs is indicated for certain conditions and diseases:

  1. Secondary immunodeficiency (diseases of the immune system that occur in children and adults, not associated with genetic defects and characterized by the development of repeated, protracted infectious and inflammatory pathological processes that are difficult to treat etiotropically).
  2. Malignant neoplasms.
  3. A decrease in the body's defenses after a course of chemotherapy.
  4. Autoimmune diseases.
  5. Diabetes(a chronic metabolic disorder, which is based on a deficiency in the formation of its own insulin and an increase in blood glucose levels).
  6. Chronic infectious processes in organism.

Homeopathic remedies

The main principle of the pharmacological action of homeopathy is that like is treated with like. If increased dosages Choline causes fever, then the intake of low concentrations of this component into the body, on the contrary, neutralizes the symptoms of fever. Homeopathic tablets to boost immunity they act in the same way.

Mushrooms, herbs, animal organs, flowers, tree bark, snake and spider venom are used as raw materials for the production of such medicines. The main active ingredient is diluted to minimum concentration- often we are talking about hundredths of a milligram. Many doctors are biased towards homeopathy, and some, on the contrary, consider it a panacea.

A list of the most popular homeopathic remedies that can be purchased at pharmacies, claimed to enhance immunity:

  1. "Echinacea".
  2. "Mucosa Compositum".
  3. "Galium-Hel".
  4. "Engystol".
  5. "Delufen."

How to take Echinacea tablets to boost immunity?

According to the instructions for use, the drug must be taken after meals. Single concentration - 1 or 2 tablets, daily - 3-4 pieces. The duration of therapy is not less than seven days, but not more than eight weeks.

Immunomodulatory agents

These drugs that can improve both humoral and cellular immunity are called immunomodulatory. The most famous medicine in this group is Kagocel. He has a minimum of prohibitions and adverse reactions. Under the supervision of a doctor, it can be used to treat ARVI and influenza in pregnant women. "Kagocel" is often prescribed to children for prophylactic purposes to prevent viral illnesses, as well as during quarantine.

"Anaferon" shows increased activity for bronchopulmonary pathological processes, as well as herpes. The drug is used both for treatment and for preventive purposes against ARVI and influenza. As a rule, for young patients there is “Anaferon” for children. Adults need to use the classic drug with the highest content of the active ingredient.

List of the best medications to boost immunity

List of the best medicinal products, which have a minimum number of negative effects and an affordable price:

  1. "Immunal" exhibits increased activity when rheumatoid arthritis, as well as infectious lung diseases, leukemia, during recovery after surgery. It is produced in the form of tablets, drops, powder for making a solution. Approved for the treatment of children from one year of age, provided that the drug is used in the form of drops.
  2. Probiotics (Acipol, Linex, Bifiform) are tablets for boosting immunity through the intestines.
  3. "Kagocel" is an antiviral and immunomodulatory medicine. Shows increased efficiency with the herpes virus, ARVI. Doctors often recommend using Kagocel for prevention.
  4. "Amiksin" belongs to the class of immunomodulatory drugs and is an inducer of interferon synthesis. Negative reactions when consuming it include allergies, rashes and diarrhea.

What other drugs help improve immunity? As a rule, the following pharmacological agents are prescribed:

  1. "Cycloferon" exhibits antiviral, as well as immunomodulatory, antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects. The medication helps reduce the content of carcinogens in the blood. One of the restrictions for admission is the patient’s age under 4 years. The medicine is available in the form of tablets, injection ampoules, and liniment.
  2. "Timogen" is available in the form of a cream for external application, as well as a solution for injection and spray. Main active ingredient- glutamine tryptophan. It has a minimal number of contraindications and side effects; it can be used for preventive purposes to prevent viral diseases in children. Positive dynamics can be noticed after a month of constant use.
  3. "Glycine" - these tablets to boost immunity must be kept under the tongue until completely dissolved. The drug increases the amount of immunoglobulins in the blood. Improving immunity, as well as the body's ability to resist pathogens, leads to a decrease in the likelihood of contracting an infection.

How to choose the right drug?

To choose a more suitable remedy for the prevention and treatment of viral and infectious diseases, you need to contact medical specialist. Once the diagnosis is made, medication will be prescribed. The dosage and duration of therapy depend on the individual characteristics of the person - height, gender, body weight, the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs, age, living conditions, physical activity.

If a person has a strong immune system, then his body copes well with various infections and well reflects external negative influences. To maintain the immune system, it is necessary to regularly take vitamins, trace elements, minerals and other important substances.

There are situations when protective system the body weakens, and the person begins to get sick often. To strengthen your immunity, you need to take special medications. Available for sale a large number of such means that help in a specific situation.

How does immunodeficiency manifest?

If a person has a weakened immune system, then it can manifest itself as follows:

  • frequent illnesses – more than six times a year;
  • the disease is difficult to treat;
  • frequent infectious diseases accompanied by complications;
  • long course of the disease;
  • Methods of increasing immunity, such as nutritional correction and hardening, are completely ineffective.

Drugs to enhance immunity in adults

If a person begins to notice that he has begun to lose resistance to diseases, then the question arises: how to increase immunity? Pharmacies offer a large number special drugs, so it's not so easy to do right choice. These funds are divided into several groups:

Drugs to improve immunity in children

When choosing drugs that increase immunity in children, you should take into account the characteristics of the child’s body. All babies useful material received together with mother's milk. When a baby turns six months old, his immune system becomes less protected and at this time the body is very susceptible to a variety of microbes. The ability to independently synthesize immunoglobulins occurs only after the age of six.

Parents should be concerned when a child begins to get sick frequently, and the disease cannot be treated. Only a pediatrician should prescribe drugs that enhance immunity. A child under three years old can be given Laferobion or Grippferon. Older children are prescribed products of plant origin or with nucleic acids, for example, Derinat, Immunal, echinacea, lemongrass. In addition to treatment with medications, it is necessary to walk with the child in the fresh air as often as possible and monitor his diet.

The best drugs to boost immunity

For many adults, the question of what means can improve immunity remains relevant. They must contain components beneficial to the body, such as zinc, lithium, selenium, vitamins, natural antiseptics. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Herbal medicines increase the body's defenses due to echinacea, which is included in their composition. They are especially effective during periods of flu and colds. The most popular echinacea-based drug is Immunal, which is produced in the form of tinctures and tablets. The tincture must be diluted with water and taken orally.

Thanks to this drug, vitality is restored, the blood is cleansed, and this remedy also has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Echinacea tablets used to treat female diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes. The drug helps the body especially well after treatment radiation exposure, chemotherapy and antibiotics.

Immunal also has contraindications. Echinacea-based immunity pills are prohibited for blood cancer, AIDS, severe autoimmune diseases and pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, such a drug can cause allergies, as it is a potent biological additive. Immunal is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Drugs with immunostimulating and adaptogenic effects

Eleutherococcus extract can increase immunity in adults. Women should take it twice a day, best before meals, 20 drops. After a month, immunity increases significantly.

Another popular drug is ginseng tincture. It should be taken 30 drops 2 – 3 times a day. Ginseng has absolutely no contraindications, and it is recommended to take it for a whole month and preferably in the fall, since in spring and summer the tonic effect of the plant decreases significantly. Tincture of Chinese lemongrass also improves immunity well. Before use, it should be diluted with plenty of water.

Bacterial agents to enhance immunity

There are immunostimulants that act thanks to the bacterial enzymes they contain, which enter the body and stimulate the active formation of protective cells. This helps strengthen a person’s resistance to infection. To these drugs include Ribomunil, increasing immunity to frequent illnesses ENT organs, such as rhinitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis and many others. It is produced in the form of tablets and granules, and you need to take the medicine three times a day with water.

Treatment secondary immunodeficiencies in adults it will be effective if you take Likopid. It helps with infectious-inflammatory, recurrent, sluggish and chronic processes. This drug is very effective and safe.

If the throat or oral cavity is affected by inflammatory infections, it is recommended to use Imudon, often used in otolaryngology and dentistry. It is produced in the form of tablets that must be dissolved. Well increases immunity to pharyngitis, bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, rhinitis, otitis drug Irs-19. This medicine is produced in the form of a nasal spray.

Products with nucleic acids include Darina, which effectively improves immunity. Darina has wound-healing, regenerating, reparative and immunomodulatory effects. It is produced in the form of a solution for injection or external use.

Interferon group drugs

Such remedies are considered very effective at the initial stage of the disease and perfectly increase and strengthen the immune system. They contain biologically active substances that inhibit and block the development of infections in the body. The most popular drug for increasing protective forces is considered to be Leukocyte Interferon, produced in ampoules with dry powder from which the solution is made. Similar action has Viferon, which is sold in the form of ointments and rectal suppositories.

In order to develop immunity to colds, it is necessary take Grippferon. This drug has immunomodulatory, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It comes in the form of drops that should be placed in the nose. Anaferon, which is produced in the form of sublingual tablets, is also capable of increasing immunity.

Biogenic stimulants

Such a medicine can be of animal or plant origin, which affects human organs. Such drugs are used as an additional measure to restore health. Their formation occurs in animal or plant tissues during adverse effects on cells, so they can protect the human body. The components of these products are biologically active, due to which many important systems are stimulated. Most popular biogenic stimulants are Peloidin, FiBS, aloe extract and others.

Thymus remedies

The thymus gland, which is also called the thymus, is responsible for human immunity. Thanks to her healthy condition Many systems are supported: endocrine, lymphatic, immunoregulatory. In addition, the thymus gland cleanses the lymph and blood passing through it. Thymus preparations are produced from the organs of domestic animals. These include Timactid, Vilozen, Timalin, Splenin, Timogen.


Vitamins participate in biochemical reactions that required to increase defenses. Most in demand multivitamin complexes for adults and children are:

Thus, thanks to a strong immune system, the body opposes various infections . The modern environmental situation leads to a deterioration in human health. To strengthen your defenses, you need to take special medications for your immune system, but you shouldn’t get carried away with them. It is best in this case to consult a doctor.

In order to keep your body in good shape, you need to monitor the level of your immunity and improve it in every possible way.

In what cases is it necessary to quickly strengthen the immune system?

  • folk remedies;
  • medications;
  • hardening;
  • the right way of life.

Sometimes a set of measures and means is required for the body to feel protected.

Immunity is very important for the development and maintenance of a healthy body.

It is necessary to constantly strengthen the immune system, in any season, especially at the first signs of poor health.

Lack of mood, rapid fatigue and other symptoms may indicate low and weakened immunity.

There are several reasons why immunity may decrease:

  • stress and overwork;
  • lack of sleep and insomnia;
  • surgery and chemotherapy;
  • a course of antibiotics and other medications;
  • unhealthy lifestyle: alcohol, smoking, overeating, excess fatty and low-quality food, sedentary lifestyle;
  • pregnancy.

If symptoms of a weakened immune system appear (drowsiness, irritation, frequent runny nose, stomach upset, etc.), as well as as a preventive measure after surgery and a course of medications, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen the immune system.

Most the best way To increase the immunity of an adult very quickly, use folk remedies. Natural products are the safest: vegetables, fruits, spices, nuts, etc.

The most effective products for the immune system, their beneficial properties

Among the most effective remedies that strengthen the immune system are the following products:

  • Walnut;
  • dairy products;
  • chokeberry;
  • grapes and raisins.


Many people know about the healing properties of honey. This is the first remedy for colds and flu.

Honey contains folic acid, vitamins A, B, C, E, K and flavonoids - plant substances that can influence the activity of enzymes in the human body.

Honey contains everything necessary components to fight viruses and infections. It is often used with other products to enhance their effect on human immunity.


Walnuts contain essential oils and fats, as well as vitamins (C, B), iron, iodine, magnesium and other trace elements.

Nuts have a tonic effect and give vitality, improve the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, promote digestion. They can be consumed with honey, dried apricots, lemon or pure form.

Note! It is not recommended to crush walnuts with metal objects (knife or coffee grinder), as they lose their properties. The nuts are broken by hand or crushed with a wooden pestle.

Dairy products

Dairy products are rich in vitamins, microelements and beneficial bacteria.

Best for strengthening the immune system dairy products - kefir, natural yoghurts, fermented baked milk. The probiotics they contain promote proper digestion - they decompose harmful substances and preserve vitamins.

It is recommended to drink dairy products on an empty stomach in the morning or evening.


IN medical purposes They consume both leaves and fruits of chokeberry or chokeberry. Chokeberry includes many vitamins (C, P, E, K, B-group) and microelements (fluorine, copper, iron, manganese and others).

Its main beneficial property is its beneficial effect on circulatory system: increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, dilates capillaries, reduces cholesterol.

Juice or infusion chokeberry also increases the body's defenses and has a positive effect on the endocrine system.

Aronia tinctures (including vodka) are not recommended for people with low blood pressure!

Grapes and raisins

Grapes and raisins strengthen the immune and nervous systems. Raisins help treat runny nose, bronchitis, and cough. This product includes vitamins (C, A, B2, B1, B5, B6), microelements (iron, potassium, calcium and others) and fatty acid. It is recommended that adults consume 200 g of raisins per day.

Healing herbs to quickly boost immunity

There are a number of other natural products that can boost an adult's immunity very quickly. Folk remedies offer recipes based on medicinal herbs, containing a lot of vitamins, microelements and phytoncides.

Among these medicinal herbs The most effective ones can be identified:

  1. Echinacea purpurea is the premier immune system protector among herbs. Has a general anti-inflammatory effect, supports and strengthens the immune system. Typically, for prevention, a few drops per day are taken as a tincture.
  2. Sage has a tonic and strengthening effect. You can use dry leaves as a tea additive or essential oil for aromatherapy.
  3. Schisandra relieves stress and fatigue, improves blood circulation, and increases performance.
  4. Chamomile renders antimicrobial effect and protects against infectious colds. Taken as a hot infusion.
  5. Ginseng is a good remedy for preventing infectious diseases, especially during an epidemic. Increases immunity, tones and improves memory.

The herbal collection of raspberries helps strengthen the body, black currant, strawberries, lingonberries, blackberries.

To increase immunity in an adult very quickly, folk remedies should be chosen individually, depending on the characteristics of your body.

The leaves of these plants, like the berries, contain many vitamins, in particular vitamin C, have a tonic and restorative effect, prevent inflammatory processes. Dried leaves can be added to tea leaves, and can also be used to make tinctures and decoctions.

Important to remember! Herbs must be selected taking into account the characteristics of the body, chronic diseases and allergic reactions. For example, ginseng is contraindicated for hypertension, and lemongrass is contraindicated for insomnia and agitation.

Using sprouted grains to strengthen the immune system

Sprouted grains included in the daily diet increase the immunity of the adult body. This is an excellent folk remedy for stimulating the body's defenses, improving metabolism, reducing harmful substances in the intestines, saturating cells with oxygen.

Typically, grains of wheat, peas, beans, and buckwheat are sprouted. The grains germinate very quickly and easily at home. It is enough to prepare a plate and two gauze pre-moistened with water.

The selected and washed grains are placed on a plate lined with gauze, and the grains are also covered with gauze on top. Place the plate in a warm place. When small sprouts appear, the grains can be eaten.

There are several options for using sprouted grains in food:

  • as a separate dish;
  • in salads and with other vegetables;
  • with yoghurts and cottage cheese;
  • with dried fruits.

To make it more convenient to mix grains with other products, It is recommended to grind them in a blender or meat grinder.

Beneficial properties of aloe and rose hips for quickly strengthening the immune system

Aloe is a plant known in medicine and cosmetology. Its juice promotes wound healing, tones, fights bacteria and viruses, acts as an expectorant for coughs. The juice can be used in its pure form as nasal drops. Aloe tincture is also consumed with honey.

Rose hips contain many vitamins and elements., including vitamin C, potassium and iron.

Rosehip decoction has a good effect on the circulatory system, supports and strengthens the immune system, fights cold viruses, lowers blood cholesterol. Rose hips can be added to tea leaves or made into compotes and tinctures.

Sea buckthorn and its effect on the immune system

Sea buckthorn helps boost immunity very quickly. This berry is useful for vitamins C, E, group B and phytoncides. Sea buckthorn jam or decoction is a good folk remedy for preventing colds and flu.

Sea buckthorn helps improve immunity and strengthens the walls blood vessel and reduces the possibility of blood clots, has a rejuvenating effect, and normalizes metabolism.

Spices to boost immunity

Such familiar spices as bay leaf, cinnamon, ginger and garlic can also increase and strengthen the immunity of an adult. Spices are usually consumed along with the main food. They enhance the taste, add aroma and at the same time are useful folk remedies.

Ginger very quickly helps strengthen the body. About medicinal and amazing properties Our ancestors knew ginger. Ginger is enriched with vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and microelements - magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc and potassium.

Ginger has almost the same effect as garlic, but emits a more spicy and pleasant smell. Ginger root can be added to tea, hot juice, or made into tinctures. It warms, fights viruses, prevents inflammatory processes.

Known to all housewives, “lavrushka” (bay leaf) not only adds a spicy aroma to broths, but also helps fight viral infections, bacteria and fungi. Also oil bay leaf has a beneficial effect on the surface of the lungs and prevents dry cough (rub your back and chest).

Rich in selenium, vitamins A and C, essential oils. Removes toxins from the body, stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system and generally has a protective effect on the body.

Garlic and onions are the most popular folk remedies for fighting colds. and for their prevention. These products can quickly increase the immunity of an adult body.

In very large quantities, garlic and onions contain essential oils and phytoncides, which protect the nasopharynx from penetration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses into the body.

Cinnamon is a baking spice that helps improve your mood., reduces stress and increases performance. Cinnamon also promotes normal blood circulation and stimulates intestinal function. Pairs well with honey to fight viruses and boost immunity.

Healthy mixtures of fruits and dried fruits

As folk remedies To increase the immunity of an adult, it is recommended to use fruit and nut mixtures. Dried fruits have a very quick effect on the immune system, in which all the necessary elements and substances remain.

Mixtures can be prepared from:

It is recommended to consume any berry or vegetable mixtures 1 tbsp. spoon no more than 2 times a day. It is advisable to eat the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach or with tea.

Vegetable and fruit juices for immunity

Among the juices that strengthen and support the immune system are:

  • beet juice - increases hemoglobin and renews blood composition, improves blood circulation;
  • carrot juice - enriched with vitamin A, magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron, potassium, which helps increase tone and improve digestion;
  • tomato juice - contains large quantities of vitamin C, as well as citric acid, which helps metabolism and restoration of strength;
  • apple juice is a storehouse of iron, which increases blood formation and lowers cholesterol;
  • blackcurrant juice - contains vitamin C (the leader among berries and fruits) and helps fight influenza viruses;
  • citrus juice (orange, grapefruit, lemon, etc.) – supports and strengthens the immune system, has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates metabolism.

You can mix several juices or dilute them with water. However, it must be remembered that overuse juices can lead to hypervitaminosis, which will have a very bad effect on the functioning of the entire body.

Daily juice consumption is half a glass no more than 3 times.

Drinks based on berries and medicinal herbs to boost immunity

Rowan infusion from dried fruits:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of berries;
  • 2 cups boiling water.

Pour boiling water over and leave the berries for 20 minutes. Drink half a glass before meals 3-4 times a day.

Compote of dried rose hips:

  • 8 tbsp. spoons of berries;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 4 cups boiling water.

Mix the ingredients, boil for 10 minutes and leave for 4 hours. Drink half a glass a day.

Berry-herbal infusion:

  • 5 tbsp. spoons of dry herbs (fireweed, mint, currants, etc.) per 1 liter of water;
  • 1/2 kg of berries (lingonberries, cranberries, cherries, etc.) per 2 liters of water.

Infuse the herbs for 2 hours, and cook the berries for 10 minutes. Mix the infusion and compote and bring to a boil. Drink half a glass a day with honey.

Honey infusion of viburnum and lingonberries:

  • 1/2 kg of berries;
  • 1 liter of boiling water;
  • honey to taste.

Mix the ground berries with honey, add boiling water and leave. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Among the many ways to boost an adult’s immunity very quickly, folk remedies are the best and most affordable option. Mixtures and drinks prepared from natural products can be not only healthy, but also tasty.

This video provides you with material on how to increase the immunity of an adult using folk remedies and very quickly.

From this video you will learn how you can increase your immunity and performance using traditional medicine.

The immune system guards our health and feeling great. In case of its weakening and frequent occurrence of colds and infectious diseases, it is necessary to take emergency measures and try to quickly and effectively improve weak immunity.

Basic rules

There are many different ways that can effectively increase immunity in women and men. These include:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes physical activity and sports;
  • creating proper and rational nutrition;
  • giving up bad habits that adversely affect the condition of the body.

There are also many traditional methods, which help to quickly boost immunity at home after illness and antibiotics. IN difficult situations The doctor may prescribe special medications that will stimulate the immune system.

You need to take care of your health regardless of your age.

It is very important to know what boosts immunity well for an elderly person, since this life period a person becomes more vulnerable to colds and infectious diseases and he needs a long time for recovery and rehabilitation.

Women during pregnancy and after childbirth also fall into the category of persons who need Special attention pay attention to your health and take appropriate measures to boost the immunity of a nursing mother.

Let's take a closer look at the ways and means of improving the functioning of the immune system.

How to boost immunity after chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy has not only a positive effect on a person, killing lesions cancerous tumors, but also a negative effect, destroying healthy cells.

The blood and bone marrow take the blow; the liver and kidneys are susceptible to damage. A weakened body becomes easy prey for various types of infectious diseases, which healthy man usually tolerates it with ease. This is why it is so important to boost immunity after chemotherapy.

The process of restoring the functioning of the immune system is carried out in several directions.:

  1. Normalizing leukocytes and lymphocytes, which are responsible for the production of antibodies and the destruction of foreign bacteria. The process of taking chemicals greatly reduces these indicators.
  2. Restoration of normal activity of the kidneys and liver, which act as barriers to toxic elements.
  3. Cleansing the intestines allows you to get rid of accumulated toxins and prevent the development of blood poisoning. To do this, use according to the instructions:
    • sorbex;
    • white coal;
    • enterosgel.

It should be understood that in addition to drug therapy In order to improve immunity after chemotherapy, you need to eat a balanced diet, take vitamins (as agreed with your doctor), and also lead a healthy lifestyle.

To boost immunity after chemotherapy, are taking immunomodulatory drugs:

  1. Cytokines- they make neutrophils more resistant to damaging factors. These include:
    • Roncoleukin;
    • Aldesleykin.
  2. White blood stimulants taken until neutrophils return to normal. The most popular of them include:
    • Leucomax;
    • Granocyte;
    • Neupogen;
    • Betaleikin.
  3. Hormones produced from the pineal gland of animals- their main task is to normalize the work of leukocytes, as well as to produce anti-infective factors. Such drugs include:
    • Melapur;
    • Melaton;
    • Melaxen.

How to boost immunity for HIV?

Boost immunity when HIV infection at home - this is a primary task for patients, because the immunodeficiency virus reduces the functioning of the body's protective functions, making it vulnerable even to a simple disease.

For a person suffering from this terrible disease, even an ordinary ARVI can have dire consequences and cause death.

You can increase your immunity against HIV infection at home not only by taking certain medications, but also by following simple rules:

  1. Try not to be exposed to negative emotions and avoid stressful situations.
  2. Bring your daily routine back to normal, leaving time for both active activities and proper rest.
  3. Give preference balanced diet and monitor bowel function.
  4. Keep your body toned by warming up and doing moderate exercise.
  5. Give up bad habits, especially alcohol and smoking.
  6. Take a multivitamin supplement.
  7. Use it folk ways to boost immunity.

Remember that you can take medications to improve the functioning of the immune system only in consultation with your doctor and under his supervision.

Boosting immunity during pregnancy

If you were unable to take care of your health in advance, then try not to overload your immune system while carrying a child. There are a number of rules that must be followed will help boost the immunity of a pregnant woman:

  • You should eat foods that contain prebiotics, such as bananas. Eat more asparagus, beans and figs.
  • It would be a good idea to eat vegetables rich in phytoncides (onions and garlic) - they help suppress the manifestations of infectious diseases.
  • Include plenty of fruits and berries in your diet that contain vitamin C. Examples include cranberries, lemons, yellow grapefruits and rose hips. But if you have had allergies to one of these products, then you should stop eating them during pregnancy.
  • If your doctor advises you to take vitamins, do not neglect this recommendation.
  • Before taking immunostimulating drugs, it is better to consult your doctor. Even herbal extracts such as echinacea or ginseng can have negative effects on the health of a pregnant woman.
  • Taking a decoction of chamomile can boost a pregnant woman's immunity. This plant is not an immunostimulant, so it does not have any Negative influence on fetal development. Thanks to its mild complex effect on the body, this herb acts as a reliable and safe means, used from a prophylactic point of view to prevent colds.
  • If someone in your circle is sick, try to minimize contact with them.
  • Spend less time in crowded places and avoid traveling on public transport.
  • Use gauze bandages during an epidemic. Please note that they need to be replaced after 3 hours.
  • To get rid of bacteria, you should rinse your mouth with baking soda, chamomile or calendula decoction twice a day every day.
  • Pay attention to the work gastrointestinal tract, as it has a great influence on the functioning of the entire immune system. Try to avoid constipation by eating more prunes, figs and dried apricots.

Try to boost your immunity before pregnancy in order to carry and give birth healthy child without risking infectious diseases.

Following the tips below, will help boost immunity after childbirth or during pregnancy:

  1. Try to rest well and get enough sleep, as it is more difficult for a tired body to cope with stressful situations and restore immunity.
  2. Pay special attention to hand hygiene. You need to wash your hands after returning from a walk, visiting the toilet or public places, after contact with a sick person, and before eating. This procedure must be carried out carefully, thoroughly soaping your hands, without missing a single area. If you can’t do this, then use wet wipes or an antiseptic.
  3. Walk more in the fresh air, as your lungs will be filled with oxygen, and thanks to small physical activity Metabolism will increase, and, as a result, immunity will strengthen.
  4. Carry out wet cleaning 1 - 2 times a week, because along with the dust you get rid of the harmful microorganisms that have settled in it.
  5. Ventilate the room often - fresh air minimizes the development of bacteria and the chances of getting sick.
  6. Use an ionizer or humidifier to help clear the air of bacteria.

Drugs that enhance immunity

Medicines to boost immunity in adults do not act on a specific pathogen - they are complex in nature, stimulating the body’s protective functions. Thanks to their influence the body begins to more actively produce cells to cope with the disease.

Depending on the composition, medications to boost immunity in adults can be of synthetic or herbal origin.

By components and methods of exposure release drugs:

  • bacterial origin;
  • with interferon;
  • with nucleic acids;
  • thymus preparations.

Let's take a closer look at each type of drug.

Herbal preparations

Funds based herbal ingredients are used to prevent colds, as well as to protect healthy family members if someone around them is already sick.

Such preparations do not contain potent substances, but are developed on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants. Moreover, they do not have side effects and are not addictive.

The most popular are:

  • immunal - contains echinacea;
  • aflubin;
  • engistol;
  • immunokind.

These funds have a complex effect on local and general immunity, and during illness they begin to actively work to eliminate the infection. You need to consume them several times a day to feel their beneficial effects on the body.

Drugs of bacterial origin

The ingredients of such medicines are of animal origin.

They allow you to stimulate the activity of internal organs and improve the functioning of the body at the cellular level, due to which the number of antibodies in the human body increases and resistance to viruses and bacteria increases.

To the most popular options include:

  • ribomunil used during respiratory diseases;
  • broncho-munal used for frequently recurring diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • lycopid- a remedy used to strengthen the immune system. Used during the treatment of immunodeficiency, which manifests itself constant illnesses, as well as recurring chronic illnesses;
  • imudon— the drug is used to combat infectious diseases of the throat and oral cavity;
  • IRS It is produced in the form of a nasal spray and is used during ailments of the upper respiratory tract.

The disadvantages of this type of medicine for boosting immunity in adults include the scheme of their use- the largest dose is initially drunk, which decreases over time.

Before purchasing medications to boost immunity in adults, you should consult your doctor.

Medicines to boost immunity in adults with interferon

Such remedies show the highest degree of effectiveness at the onset of the disease; they not used as a prophylactic agent.

These drugs have a stimulating effect on the production of interferon, thus helping to cope with viruses.

Most popular:

  • Viferon - rectal suppositories, characterized by different dosages;
  • leukocyte interferon produced in ampoules containing powder. When diluted with NaCl solution, you can give an injection;
  • influenzaferon used to cure influenza and ARVI. Release form: nasal spray;
  • arbidol- antiviral agent, produced in capsules and has different dosages;
  • anaferon and amiksin- tablets that have an antiviral effect.

Products with nucleic acids

Such drugs help overcome diseases caused by streptococcus and staphylococcus. The most common is sodium nucleinate. It is produced in the form of injections and for external application.

Thymus preparations

Produced using extracts from the thymus gland of animals. Render effective action on individual elements of immunity. Most often used to treat immunodeficiency states, for example, during tuberculosis.

Drinks that boost immunity

Such drinks should be consumed both from a preventive point of view, in order to strengthen the body as a whole, and during the treatment of colds.

Commonly used drinks that stimulate the immune system include:

  • with rosehip;
  • with lemon, ginger and honey;
  • with chamomile, linden and honey;
  • from apples;
  • with grapefruit, tangerine and ginger;
  • lemon and honey.

Please note that the ingredients include lemon and honey, which should be added only after the liquid has cooled - in boiling water they will lose some of their beneficial properties under the influence of high temperature.

Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of each drink and the secrets of their preparation.

Rose hip tea

Rosehip is characterized by a high proportion of vitamin C, exceeding the percentage ascorbic acid in black currants and lemons. The usefulness of this tea lies in the fact that it can improve performance by saturating the body with vitamin C, and also relieves headaches. By taking this drink on a regular basis, you will almost immediately feel an improvement in your well-being.

IN medicinal purposes Not only fruits are used, but also leaves, as well as young shoots, which are recommended to be brewed in a thermos. In order not to wait a long time for the rosehip to brew, pour boiling water over it in the evening, and the drink will be ready by morning. To reduce the infusion time, it is better to mash the berries.

You can drink this tea throughout the day without limiting yourself.. At your discretion, you can add a little honey or other fruits to fill this tea with useful elements and enrich its taste.

To prepare the drink you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons rose hips;
  • 1 glass of boiling water;
  • honey to taste.

The crushed rose hips are poured into a thermos, poured with boiling water and left until completely infused.

Please note: after drinking rosehip tea, you should rinse your mouth, since the high content of ascorbic acid in this drink negatively affects the condition of tooth enamel.

With lemon, ginger and honey

Similar drink has excellent warming properties. Besides, ginger tea helps strengthen the immune system and protects the body from colds, adds strength and energy for the whole day. It is better to drink it either in the morning or during the day, as it can perfectly tone and invigorate.

To prepare this drink you will need:

  • fresh ginger - 2 cm;
  • lemon - 2 pieces;
  • glass of water;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon.
  1. Wash the ginger and peel it. Next, you should grate it on a fine grater or beat it in a blender.
  2. You need to pour warm water over the prepared ginger and squeeze out a lemon or add its slices.
  3. Add honey and stir well.

It is better to drink a freshly prepared drink, since it will contain the greatest amount of useful substances.

With chamomile, linden and honey

Since it contains chamomile, this tea has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the presence of linden and chamomile, this drink helps to quickly get rid of colds.

You can use this healing potion throughout the day or before bed.. It is better to drink one third of a glass 15 minutes before meals or between meals.

You will need a glass of water, a teaspoon of chamomile flowers, linden blossom, and honey.

You need to fill the linden and chamomile flowers hot water. Let it brew for 15 minutes, after covering it with a lid or saucer. After this time, strain the drink and add honey.

From apples

Apples have always been the most inexpensive fruit, so you can use them to fill up your body. useful vitamins and microelements without spending a lot of money on their purchase.

A drink made from them is not only rich in nutrients, but is also an excellent remedy that improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also has antimicrobial properties. It helps strengthen the body's protective functions and helps resist viruses.

You will need 3 - 5 apples and 1 liter of water. Wash and core the apples, cut them into small pieces and cover with water. Bring the broth to a boil, simmer over low heat for 5 - 7 minutes, covering the pan with a lid. Next, you need to leave it to infuse for 3 - 4 hours. It is better to drink this drink several times a day.

From grapefruit, tangerines and ginger

Grapefruit is grown as a hybrid of orange and pamelo, and therefore absorbs the beneficial properties of both citrus fruits. It is rich in vitamins A, B2, C and helps not only strengthen the immune system, but also overcome seasonal depression.

A drink made from this fruit perfectly tones, adding strength and energy for the whole day. Adding tangerine softens it and also saturates it with useful substances.

Main ingredients:

  • pink grapefruit - 2 - 3 pieces;
  • tangerine - 2 - 3 pieces;
  • ginger root - 5 centimeters;
  • mint and basil - a few sprigs;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • honey to taste.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Wash the tangerine and grapefruit and remove the skin. Divide into slices, remove film and seeds.
  2. Blend citrus fruits in a blender.
  3. Wash, peel and grate the ginger on a medium grater.
  4. Chop the mint and basil leaves after washing them.
  5. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Cover with a lid and wait 2 - 3 hours until the drink infuses.
  6. Strain and can be taken either cold or warm.

From lemon and honey

Lemonade homemade will help increase tone, improve mood e. It allows you to fill the body with useful substances, as well as strengthen the immune system.

To prepare it you need:

  • lemons - 4 pieces;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • a bunch of mint;
  • honey to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the zest from 2 lemons.
  2. Extract the juice using a juicer or grind the lemons in a meat grinder. Don't forget to remove the seeds.
  3. Wash the mint and tear it with your hands to preserve the juice contained in this plant.
  4. Add lemon zest and mint to boiling water. Boil the mixture for a few minutes and turn off the heat.
  5. Add lemon juice and honey.

The drink to stimulate the immune system is ready!

Herbs that strengthen the immune system

Medicinal plants are widely used in folk and traditional medicine, as they allow you to restore protective properties body.

Herbs to improve immunity in adults are effective natural remedies that improve the performance of the immune system and have a beneficial effect on the performance of the body as a whole.

Let's take a closer look at plants that increase immunity in adults:

Name Properties Mode of application
Ginseng This plant has been known for a very long time folk medicine due to its properties that support the immune system. Ginseng contains a very large proportion of dopamine (a hormone that causes a feeling of happiness and pleasure in humans). The root of the plant improves protective properties human body, stimulating performance and causing great mood and mood. It is often included in a variety of medications aimed at immunostimulating and toning the body. The root of the plant is infused in alcohol and taken for medicinal purposes. The standard dosage includes 20 drops, which should be drunk once a day, after diluting with water. This tincture should be taken 3-4 times a week. Constant use of this product will help support the immune system during cold and chilly weather.
Eleutherococcus senticosus It is used in the form of a plant extract, which is obtained from the roots and leaves. This plant has a beneficial effect on the human condition, toning and stimulating the immune system, improving appetite. It also normalizes low arterial pressure and allows the body to adapt and overcome stressful situations. In addition, Eleutherococcus is used to improve vision, increase physical endurance and performance.
Despite the fact that such a plant does not act as a real immunostimulant, since it is not able to have an effect on immune cells, it has an excellent ability to stimulate the production of energy by all cells of the body, including those responsible for counteracting infectious diseases. Thanks to this, the cells become more active and better protect the body from a variety of viruses and bacteria.
Used as an alcohol tincture 2 - 3 times a day on an empty stomach, 20 - 40 drops on an ongoing basis for a month. You should not take it before bed, as its tonic effect can cause insomnia. End daily intake better 5 hours before bedtime.
A positive effect will be observed after the first two weeks of taking the tincture.
Manchurian aralia root A popular plant that normalizes immunity in adults. It has a tonic effect and provides positive action on the central nervous system. It is also recommended to take preparations based on aralia root after severe illnesses, as they allow you to quickly improve your well-being and restore poor health. Insist on alcohol and take 40 drops 3 times a day.
Rhodiola rosea Used as an adaptogenic drug. It improves mental and physical functions and has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Leaves and roots are used for treatment. An alcohol tincture is prepared, which is consumed every day, 10-20 drops on an empty stomach.
Echinacea Used as an immunostimulant. It increases the proportion of phagocytes in the blood (they absorb dangerous substances, such as bacteria, dead cells and foreign particles). This herb is used as a complex medicinal drug, as it can stop the spread of influenza viruses and herpes diseases, coli, streptococci and staphylococci.
Aloe Has long been known for its healing properties. Thanks to the presence of more than 20 active ingredients, such a plant has a positive effect on the human body:
  • has an antiulcer effect;
  • reduces the manifestation of allergic reactions and is anti-inflammatory in nature;
  • stimulates recovery processes at the cellular level, due to which cells divide and grow more quickly, providing a wound-healing effect;
  • improves the body's resistance to various viruses and bacteria, affecting the cells of the immune system.
Take as a tincture
Chamomile its inflorescences are distinguished by healing properties. Thanks to the presence of essential oils that are part of this plant, there is an active anti-inflammatory effect, accelerating the process of renewal of the skin and mucous membrane after damage. This herb also reduces allergic reactions and has an analgesic effect. Take both tincture and decoction
Black elderberry It has antiseptic and anti-cold properties. It belongs to the immunomodulators and is included in the structure of various medicinal preparations. Take both tincture and decoction

Popularity medicinal plants to increase immunity in adults due to their safety and the absence of side effects on the human body.

Vitamins and microelements

A complex of vitamins for adults, which includes:

  • Vitamin A— activates the body’s protective functions, protects the epidermis and mucous membranes from drying out and cracking. Thanks to this, the process of penetration of dangerous bacteria stops, and the activity of phagocyte cells also improves. Acting as an antioxidant, it protects the immune system from free radicals.
  • Vitamin C- stimulates the body's resistance negative factors environment, for example, infectious diseases, stressful situations, hypothermia. This vitamin improves the production of interferon and antibodies, which protect a person from the penetration of viruses. It helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, takes part in the production of immune cells, and also acts as a potent antioxidant.
  • Vitamin E stops the development of inflammatory processes at the cellular level and in tissues. Under its influence, cells and tissues age more slowly. It also has beneficial antioxidant effects on the body.
  • Vitamin B1 helps improve metabolism, and it also normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin B2. The use of this useful element stimulates the production and development of cell components, and also improves metabolism in the body.
  • Vitamin B6 promotes normal operation nervous system and improves the functioning of the immune system.
  • Vitamin B12 stimulates the production of red blood cells, protecting against the formation of anemia and neurological ailments.

We must not forget about microelements:

  • Zinc takes part in the formation of the thymus hormone, the main immune gland. It reduces the proportion of cortisone in the blood, which negatively affects the immune system. Improves the production of immune cells, namely phagocytes. In addition, it improves the effect of vitamins A and C on the human body.
  • Selenium helps strengthen the body's protective properties and also prevents the leaching of zinc from the blood.

Vitamins and microelements should not be consumed individually, but in combination. In this case, not only will the impact of each component be enhanced, but the process of their absorption in the body will also improve.

Candles for women

Suppositories to increase immunity for women are prescribed during complex treatment severe forms of colds and other diseases. These drugs contain interferon, which allows you to cope not only with viral diseases, but also with chlamydia and eliminate inflammatory processes. By improving the body's defenses, they reduce the risk of re-infection.

When the vaginal microflora in women is disrupted, the body’s immune functions weaken, as evidenced by the development of thrush.

The following suppositories are most often prescribed:

  • Vagilak - this drug has a beneficial effect on female body, stimulating the process of microflora restoration. The structure of such a medicine includes natural ingredients that are anti-inflammatory in nature.
  • Bifidumbacterin. This drug contains bifidobacteria. They allow you to restore the intestinal microflora and help cope with dysbiosis. Such suppositories should be used 1-2 times a day for 5-10 days.
  • Kipferon improves the functioning of the immune system, restoring microflora. The course of taking the drug is 10 days.
  • Viferon has an antiviral effect, improves the immune system and allows you to quickly cope with the disease. Can be used by pregnant women.

As you strive to improve your own well-being, be sure to include foods to boost immunity in men and women:

Product Effect on the human body
Almond It contains Omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins. They help cope with stressful situations and also have a strengthening effect on the immune system.
Kefir Among the components there is a beneficial fungus that supports the intestinal microflora and protects it from pathogenic microorganisms. Kefir also contains calcium and vitamin D, which stimulates the development of antibodies in the blood to fight viruses. It is better to use freshly prepared kefir of your own production, using milk and a special starter culture.
Sea fish Beneficial for the body as it contains Omega-3, amino acids and protein. The zinc contained in this product takes part in the structure of cells. It is better to give preference to fatty varieties when purchasing trout or salmon.
Oyster mushrooms They are not only tasty, but also a healing product that helps improve the immune system. They are able to remove heavy metal salts and radionuclides from the body, and also protect against infectious diseases. They contain polysaccharides that stimulate the thymus and are responsible for the functioning of the immune system.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine is rich in a variety of remedies that improve the functioning of the immune system.

The use of such folk remedies on an ongoing basis will improve the body's resistance to various infectious diseases.

Here are some of the most popular recipes that help increase immunity in adults using folk remedies.

Tincture on walnut leaves . You will need:

  • half a liter of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped walnut leaves.

Pour boiling water over the leaves and leave overnight to steep. Drink a quarter glass of tincture every day.

Decoction based on spruce needles . You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of chopped pine needles;
  • 1 glass of water.

Pour boiling water over the pine needles, put on fire and boil for 20 minutes under a closed lid. Remove from the burner and leave for half an hour. Strain and take one glass every day, drinking it 2-3 times.

To prepare a mixture that enhances immunity , have to take:

  • 0.5 kilograms of cranberries;
  • 1 cup walnuts;
  • 2 - 3 pieces of green apples;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar.

Mash the cranberries and add walnuts. Cut the apples into small cubes (the skin should not be peeled), add them to the cranberries and nuts, cover with water and add sugar. The resulting mixture should be brought to a boil over low heat. After cooking, put it into jars. You need to take one teaspoon of this remedy in the morning and evening, washing it down with tea.

Onion recipe . Main ingredients:

  • 250 grams of onion;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.

Chop the onion, add sugar and pour water. Boil the resulting mixture over low heat for 1.5 hours. After this time, remove from the burner and let cool. Add honey to the cooled mixture, stir well and strain. Take this remedy 1 tablespoon 3-5 times a day.

Balm to stimulate the immune system :

  • 500 grams of aloe leaves;
  • 3/4 cup honey;
  • 1.5 cups Cahors.

Grind aloe leaves in a meat grinder or blender. Take honey and aloe in equal quantities, add Cahors. The resulting product should be consumed in a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Please note: before using aloe, it must be kept in the refrigerator for 5 days. It is better to use a plant that is more than 3 years old. Before cutting the leaves, do not water the flower for 2 weeks, this way it will retain the nutrients in full.

Alcohol balm to improve immunity includes the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of walnuts;
  • 100 grams of aloe juice;
  • 300 grams of honey;
  • 4 lemons;
  • a glass of vodka.

You need to chop the walnuts and squeeze the juice out of the lemons. Mix all the ingredients and let it brew for 24 hours. You need to use the balm 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Fruits and vegetables that boost immunity

Nutrition cannot be balanced if you do not include vegetables and fruits in your diet to improve immunity.

American scientists have concluded that green vegetables improve the functioning of the immune system and strengthen it. The most useful are those that were not processed, that is, not fried or boiled, or this effect was minimal.

Vegetables and fruits to stimulate the immune system are given in the table:

Vegetables fruits Features and effects on the body
Green asparagus The composition includes a large number of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxic substances, normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, and has a strengthening effect on the immune system. Has a beneficial effect on vision and kidney activity. This vegetable helps protect the body from the formation of cancer cells.
Broccoli Acts as a potent product that stimulates the immune system. This vegetable contains zinc, selenium, vitamins A, C and D, which help cope with colds. Plant fibers help remove harmful bacteria and toxins from the body.
Radish Includes: useful elements and vitamins that enhance the body’s protective properties, and it also normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. It is used in the creation of infusions and salad sauces. During colds, you should eat radish with honey.
Pumpkin and its seeds Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, removing toxins and toxic substances, it helps maintain health.
Bell pepper It contains vitamin C, which helps the body resist the development of colds.
bell pepper It contains vitamin C, which helps the body resist the development of colds.
Carrot It has an antioxidant effect and also helps strengthen the body. Stimulates the immune system and also has a rejuvenating effect on the body. It is recommended to eat this root vegetable together with vegetable oil or sour cream, since the beneficial substances included in its structure are better absorbed together with fats of vegetable or animal origin.
Apple It is considered one of the most affordable healthy fruits. It allows you to normalize the activity of the digestive system, cleanse the intestines, removing toxins and waste, and also has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body.
Lemon Rich in vitamin C. It is enough to eat a slice of lemon or squeeze its juice into tea to get the required amount of ascorbic acid.
Orange Not only improves the functioning of the immune system, but also helps improve mood, and also helps to cope with depression, thanks to the content of vitamins A, B, C and PP. Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

It is also useful to eat vegetables and fruits that are red and pink in color, such as grapefruits, watermelons or tomatoes. These products contain lycopene, which has a beneficial effect on digestion, normalizes blood circulation, and has a strengthening effect on the body.

If the size of your freezer allows you to freeze fruits and vegetables that are available for consumption only in the summer and autumn, try to do so. Thus, you can not only enjoy such products, but also receive nutrients all year round.

Boosting immunity at home

It will help to quickly boost immunity at home vitamin bath. For this you will need dried leaves, fruits and twigs:

  • raspberries;
  • rosehip;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • currants;
  • lingonberries;
  • rowan.

Take the plants in the same quantity, pour boiling water and let it brew for 5 - 10 minutes. The resulting infusion should be poured into a bathtub filled with water.
You can also make a fortified bath by adding a couple of drops to some water. essential oil eucalyptus or cedar.

Take similar baths for 10 - 15 minutes. The procedure will make it easier to breathe, which was difficult due to the development of a cold, and remove headache and body aches.

Fast Other useful procedures will help boost immunity at home:

  1. Bath has a great effect on training the circulatory system. To achieve better effect, it is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil, for example, eucalyptus or juniper, to the hot stones. The only rule for visiting this establishment is the absence of contraindications.
  2. Massage— under its influence, biological points are activated, it also has a strengthening and healing effect. You can massage yourself - for this you can massage your feet, hands or ears.
  3. Cold and hot shower It helps not only to cheer up, but also to train blood vessels, and also acts as the main component in hardening.

Natural stimulants to strengthen the immune system

Natural stimulants to strengthen the immune system include:

  • Garlic It has increased antibacterial characteristics, since it contains phytoncides. Thanks to their presence, it allows you to cope with various colds and infectious diseases. A very important advantage of garlic is the fact that existing bacteria are not able to develop their own immunity against this stimulant.
    Please note that garlic can not only be eaten to boost immunity. It is enough to peel a few cloves, cut them into small pieces and place them throughout the apartment. Evaporating phytoncides will actively resist and kill bacteria spreading in the air.
  • Honey It has been used to improve immunity for a long time. It has the ability to heal wounds, relieve stress and treat colds. There are various varieties and types of honey. The most useful is considered to be the one that contains berries and medicinal plants. In order to prevent colds in the autumn-winter period, it is enough to consume one spoon of honey daily. To restore a depleted body, it is recommended to eat this product with prunes, dried apricots and raisins, adding some walnuts or cashews. Herbal tea made from linden or St. John's wort with honey is considered very useful.
  • Propolis is a natural protector of the immune system, acting as a natural antibiotic. Used as an alcohol tincture. This product allows you to get rid of microbes and toxic substances; it takes part in the formation beneficial microflora, preventing the appearance and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria in the body
  • Also very popular ginger to boost immunity, since it contains a large number of natural antioxidants. In addition, it has high bactericidal characteristics. The components that make up the structure of ginger normalize the body's thermal balance, controlling the process of sweat production. Taking ginger can reduce cough and also stop inflammation in the throat. In addition to everything else, it improves metabolic processes in the body, neutralizing food toxins and normalizing blood circulation.

Now you know how to independently normalize the functioning of the immune system, you can improve your poor health and resist various diseases.