White cinquefoil root: use in folk medicine. White bloodroot. Use for thyroid diseases

IN folk medicine use various herbs for the treatment of diseases endocrine system, which affects more than 20% of the adult population. One of the most effective plants– white cinquefoil root, its use for diseases thyroid gland shows good results, allows you to quickly improve your well-being.

How to cook cinquefoil root with vodka

The main indications for the use of white cinquefoil (five-fingered) are hyperplasia, hyperfunction, thyroid adenoma, goiter, autoimmune thyrotokiditis, hypothyroidism. The maximum amount of iodine, albinin and other useful substances is contained in the root of the plant; they contain more than 16 microelements. Treatment with cinquefoil is effective, but complete recovery will take time, especially if the disease is chronic or advanced.

Important! Five-palm normalizes the level of hormones in the thyroid gland when there are excessive or insufficient quantities. An equivalent alternative for the treatment of thyroid pathologies in folk and traditional medicine This plant does not.

A tincture is prepared from cinquefoil rhizomes - grind 50 g of raw material, pour in 500 ml of high-quality vodka, put in a dark place for 21 days, strain. You can refill the dry residue with 250 ml of vodka and leave for 14 days. But the dose of this drug should be increased to 40–50 drops.

How to use the tincture for thyroid nodules:

  1. Take the medicine three times a day before meals. Dosage – 20– 30 drops. Can be diluted in 100–150 ml of water.
  2. The duration of the course is 3 months.
  3. After three courses you need to take a break for 4 weeks.

At the initial stage of the disease, herbalists recommend taking the tincture for a month, after which you take a break for 1–1.5 weeks. Repeat the course 4-5 times.

For nodular goiter, an ointment based on cinquefoil roots should be used along with the tincture - mix 50 g of crushed raw materials with 50 ml of liquid honey. Store in the refrigerator and use 2-3 times a day.

With proper use of the tincture, 80% of patients notice a noticeable improvement in their condition after the first course - cysts disappear, the volume of the thyroid gland decreases. Cinquefoil can be taken with other medications. With regular use of drugs based on it, many people reduce or completely stop treatment with Mercazolil and L-thyroxine.

The roots should be harvested during the flowering period of the plant - March-July; some herbalists recommend digging up the roots in the fall. The five-fingered tree is at least four years old and more than 10 cm in height and has medicinal properties.

Infusion and decoction of roots for the treatment of the thyroid gland

An infusion of pentapala rhizomes has less medicinal properties. It is recommended to be used in cases where alcohol-based drugs are prohibited.

  1. Recipe water infusion– pour 12 g of crushed rhizomes into a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave overnight.
  2. On the first day, take 250 ml of the medicine - drink in small portions half an hour before meals.
  3. On the second day, double the dose, increase the daily volume to 1.5 liters, then gradually return to the initial dose.
  4. The course can be repeated 3-4 times.

For cooking medicinal decoction you need to pour 25 g of raw material into 1 liter of water, simmer the mixture over low heat for 10–15 minutes. Take 150 ml per day, divided into 3 equal portions.

Important! Crushed white cinquefoil root is a simple and effective grandmother’s recipe for treating even festering wounds and strengthening the immune system. The plant helps normalize the menstrual cycle, it is used in the treatment of various gynecological diseases, to eliminate the manifestations of menopause.

The effectiveness of five-palm in the treatment of thyroid pathologies has also been recognized by official medicine. More than 10 years ago, pharmacists isolated albinin from the roots of the plant and created the drug Endorm based on it. The medicine contains only dry extract of rhizomes, so it has a fairly high cost - the average price of the drug is 1700–2100 rubles.

In addition to cinquefoil, Endorm contains an extract from licorice roots, string, and crushed kelp, which enhance the therapeutic effect of pentapalm. The drug is produced in capsules, the package contains 60 or 90 tablets. Treatment of thyroid pathologies with Endorm helps restore the activity and morphological structure of the organ.

Indications for use:

  • deficiency of glycyrrhizic acid, iodine;
  • lack of thyroid hormones;
  • hyperfunction of the gland;
  • goiter of various etiologies;
  • hyperplasia of the thyroid gland;
  • thyroiditis of autoimmune origin.

Endorm generally has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine system, so it is often prescribed for menopause, mastopathy, endometriosis, and endometrial hyperplasia.

You should take the medicine 2-3 times a day, one capsule 10 minutes before meals, with a sufficient amount of water. Duration of treatment is 2–6 months. The regimen and dosage are selected by the attending physician depending on the type and severity of the pathology; sometimes the daily dosage is increased to 6 capsules. The disappearance of the main symptoms of the disease and normalization of hormonal levels are observed after 4–8 weeks of therapy.

Endorm is not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance, hypotension, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or during exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system. There were no side effects recorded. The medicine should not be taken simultaneously with hormonal drugs and thyreostatics.

To enhance therapeutic action While taking Endorm, you must adhere to a special diet. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of foods with high content Selena, ascorbic acid, zinc, B vitamins. It is necessary to exclude turnips, soybeans, and all types of cabbage - these vegetables have goitrogenic properties.

Endorm does not have an exact analogue. Similar therapeutic properties are present in Mercazolil, Endocrinol, Iodine-Active.

Side effects and contraindications of white cinquefoil

Fivepalm is a non-toxic and safe plant, it can be used to treat pregnant women, children, people old age. But it also has some contraindications - individual intolerance, hypotension. For hypothyroidism, it should be taken in small doses.

Preparations based on pentadum can cause drowsiness, constipation, and vasoconstriction. Sometimes it gets worse urolithiasis. During treatment with cinquefoil, blood pressure and blood pressure should be constantly monitored. heart rate– many patients complain of attacks of tachycardia.

Important! As a preventative measure, medicines based on cinquefoil can be taken twice a year.

White cinquefoil is used to treat thyroid diseases; it is the most effective and safe method therapy, which is recognized by official medicine. Subject to the rules and dosages adverse reactions are rare, but you should first consult with your doctor.

White cinquefoil, reviews of which attract increased attention to it, is an effective medicinal plant used for many diseases. This plant is particularly famous for its ability to treat the thyroid gland.


White cinquefoil, photos of which are given below, is a perennial herbaceous plant. It belongs to the Rosaceae family. The generic name is Cinquefoil. The plant is known almost throughout Europe. White cinquefoil, the use of which has been described by many specialists for the thyroid gland, is becoming increasingly popular every year. And this is not at all accidental. Such medicinal plants have long enjoyed well-deserved fame for their unique properties. There are several types of cinquefoils in nature. All of them are used as medicinal raw materials. Most often used in medicine is the erect one (galangal). They are included in various drugs. White cinquefoil, a photo of which is presented in the article, is a small plant of compact shape, the height of which varies between 10-25 cm. It is covered with numerous silky hairs. The leaves of the cinquefoil, located at the root, are palmate. They are silky underneath. Leaves consist of 5 leaflets dark green. The plant has lanceolate stipules.

White cinquefoil has flowering stems with 1-2 leaves. They bear several flowers with white notched petals. They are longer than the sepals. White cinquefoil blooms in spring and early summer. At this time, plants have very decorative look. Each flower has 20 stamens. After flowering, small hairy fruits form on the plants. The root of this plant is a thickened rhizome, colored black-brown. Plants grown by humans and growing in wildlife, have a significant difference. Thus, white cinquefoil, growing in the forest, has a creeping rhizome, the length of which can reach 1 m in length. Particularly prized are specimens whose size exceeds 30 cm.

Features of the plant

This plant develops very slowly. From the moment of sowing the seeds until the receipt of an adult specimen, whose rhizome length reaches 20-30 cm, at least 10 years pass. This is precisely what explains the rarity of white cinquefoil. Its seeds have very low germination rate. Sown at the same time, they can germinate for a long time. Potentilla seedlings develop very slowly.

The rhizome of an adult plant has many dormant buds. With their help, you can quickly reproduce and grow white cinquefoil. To do this, the rhizome is divided into cuttings, the length of which is about 2 cm. From one adult plant you can get a lot of high-quality planting material. Such cuttings are planted in autumn or spring. After 5 years, plants grow from them that can be used for the next planting. In such specimens, both aboveground and underground parts reach optimal weight. Subsequently, the rate of development of white cinquefoil noticeably decreases.

Distribution area

White cinquefoil is considered a rare plant. It grows in many European countries. Its distribution area extends from Northern Germany to the Volga. It grows on a variety of soils. It can be found on both dry and wet soils. It grows normally even on the poor nutrients clay and sandy soils. White cinquefoil prefers light forests. Most often it is found in oak and pine plantings, on the edges, and in copses. It can also be found in meadows, grassy slopes and bushes.

Composition of white cinquefoil

Medicinal plants such as white cinquefoil, are valued for the huge amount of useful substances included in its composition. The inconspicuous-looking roots contain glycosides, amino acids, about 20 macro- and microelements, including iron, silver, zinc, copper, aluminum, nickel, lithium, cobalt, bismuth, lanthanum. The underground part of this plant, rich in saponins, quercetin, flavonoids, starch, is considered more healing. tannins, iridoids, phenolcarboxylic acids.

White cinquefoil is often used not only as a medicine. Preparations that contain it are considered the best preventive agents for various diseases. That is why growing such a plant in a garden or summer cottage allows you to constantly provide yourself with an effective natural remedy.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

You can collect and prepare white cinquefoil yourself. All parts of the plant are used in folk medicine. The whole plant is harvested, as well as rhizomes, leaves and flowers separately. All of them can be used in treatment. White cinquefoil is harvested in the following periods: flowers and leaves - throughout the season, and rhizomes are dug up late autumn or early spring. The medicinal raw material is dried by spreading it in a thin layer on a cloth. The front is thoroughly cleaned of any remaining soil and small roots are removed. Shaded outdoor areas are best suited for this purpose. The plant can also be dried in well-ventilated areas. White cinquefoil is not sold in pharmacies, so you can only buy it from knowledgeable people involved in traditional medicine. You can also successfully grow it yourself.

White cinquefoil: application

In case of (pathological changes) it is required serious treatment. Many patients believe that such deviations can only be treated with the help of hormonal pills. Because of this, they refuse to use them, fearing various side effects components of such drugs. Advanced disease often causes progression pathological processes. In fact, there is a very effective and practical safe remedy, helping with diseases of this gland. This is white cinquefoil. The use of this plant for the thyroid gland (its treatment) has become popular in Lately- after the Chernobyl accident, which caused a huge number of diseases. Many experts have devoted years to its research. White cinquefoil is very effective for initial stages various thyroid diseases, but it also helps with more complex conditions. When combining infusions and tinctures prepared on its basis and the correct diet, you can get a wonderful result, no matter what age the patient is.

This universal plant is used for increased and decreased thyroid function. Preparations prepared on its basis have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, normalize its functioning, and help reduce nodules. They are capable of eliminating even diffuse changes. Why is white cinquefoil so effective? Treatment of the thyroid gland with drugs based on it is due to its unique properties.

Thyroid treatment

How to take white cinquefoil? For thyroid diseases, this plant began to be used by official medicine relatively recently, although traditional healers have been using it for several centuries. In 2001, Russian scientists announced a report on the use of white cinquefoil in medicinal purposes and its chemical composition. In 2005, an active substance called albinin was isolated from the extract of the rhizomes of this plant. It has gonadotropic and thyroid-tropic activity. Thanks to these studies, white cinquefoil began to be used in traditional medicine. Treatment of the thyroid gland is carried out using the drug “Endonorm”, which was created in 2008. One of its main components is albinin.

White cinquefoil itself is also used to treat the thyroid gland. Reviews of the effectiveness of infusions from its rhizomes make it increasingly popular among endocrinologist patients. There are several regimens for taking this drug. Below are the most popular ones.

How is white cinquefoil accepted? Thyroid treatment is carried out using tinctures and infusions prepared from the rhizomes of this plant. For cooking medicinal product take 50 g of dried and crushed root and place it in an opaque glass container. Pour 500 ml of medical alcohol into the cinquefoil. A tightly sealed container will keep for 20 days in a cool, dark place. The finished tincture is filtered. It is taken 3 times a day. For any thyroid disease, the dose is 30 drops. It is diluted in 100 ml of water and drunk 15 minutes before meals. The course of therapy is 30 days. After it, you must definitely visit an endocrinologist and undergo medical examination. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after a 10-day break. For the treatment of a thyroid tumor, therapy lasts 3-4 months, without any breaks.

How to take white cinquefoil if the patient is contraindicated to drink alcohol? In this case, you can use an infusion of the plant. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of crushed rhizomes is poured with 500 ml of water. Then the future infusion is brought to a boil, after which it is poured into a thermos and left until the morning. The finished medicine is filtered. Store it in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Take 150 ml infusion 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of therapy is 30-60 days. Its duration depends on the severity of the disease and general condition patient. Preparations from white cinquefoil can be taken by both adults and children.

Properties of white cinquefoil

This plant has everything that improves the condition of the walls blood vessels. Thanks to white cinquefoil, they become permeable and elastic. Preparations from this herb improve heart function, blood composition, increase intestinal tone, normalize cholesterol levels and arterial pressure. They have a beneficial effect on liver function and heal ulcers. What other properties does white cinquefoil have? Reviews about her are the most positive. Those who have used this remedy testify to its effectiveness in the treatment of atherosclerosis and goiter. There is also evidence that it helps remove radionuclides. Thanks to the rich chemical composition, which has many active substances, this plant helps the body cope with the severe consequences of heart attack and stroke. An effective remedy to improve potency lost due to radiation exposure - this is white cinquefoil. Reviews from many men are very encouraging: taking it helped even in quite severe cases.

Taking cinquefoil for other diseases

This plant is also used for gynecological diseases. White cinquefoil is used in folk medicine for irregular periods, ovarian cysts, and uterine fibroids. Due to the presence of a huge amount of minerals, this plant normalizes salt and mineral metabolism. Thanks to this, hormonal levels are also leveled, which leads to the normalization of various processes in the body. Preparations prepared from the stems and leaves of white cinquefoil stimulate the functioning of the central nervous system. Medicines from the rhizomes of the plant are leveled hormonal background, normalize thyroid function and increase diuresis. They are used to treat and prevent liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract(ulcers, diarrhea, dysentery), cardiovascular system. This plant is used for rheumatism, gout, and jaundice. It is also used for other diseases as an astringent, wound-healing, antiseptic, hemopathic and antitumor agent. It helps reduce high pressure, resorption of nodular formations. Thanks to it, soft tumors resolve.

White cinquefoil is used (reviews confirm this) not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. It is also used as a means to improve the structure of nails and hair.


Research on white cinquefoil conducted by scientists different countries, have proven the hypoallergenic and non-toxic nature of this medicinal plant. That is why children and even pregnant women can take it. But still, this completely harmless plant has contraindications. Preparations from it should not be taken by people suffering from hypotension. Since this plant can lower blood pressure, with such a disease it will only worsen the person’s condition. In this case, it is necessary, after consulting with a doctor, to choose another treatment. White cinquefoil sometimes provokes attacks of tachycardia, so people suffering from heart rhythm disorders should use this medicinal plant with caution.

Disease Prevention

Many people in recent years have suffered from a deficiency of such an important chemical element, like iodine. He plays important role in our body, and its deficiency contributes to the development of various pathologies. The use of white cinquefoil in such cases is a vital necessity. It should be used for prevention in order to normalize the functioning of the endocrine system and improve metabolism. It is also used to prevent the development of various pathological conditions thyroid glands Iodine deficiency can be quickly cured by using white cinquefoil as part of a complex consisting of various medicinal plants. These include: Icelandic moss, cocklebur, green Walnut. Many reviews about this medicinal plant are even enthusiastic. People who have used white cinquefoil for treatment for many years have been able to reach old age, despite various diseases that they previously had.

In recent years, the popularity of a unique medicinal plant - white cinquefoil - has been growing for the treatment of the endocrine system and in particular pathologies of the thyroid gland. Unfortunately, this species is quite rare, and increasing demand could damage its already small habitat. It is very important to properly prepare and preserve useful cinquefoil in order to then prepare the most effective medicinal preparations from it.

White cinquefoil is a rather rare plant; the species is even included in the Red Books of the regions of central Russia where Potentilla alba lives. In addition to this official name, cinquefoil has several other popular nicknames that are similar to each other:

  • five-finger;
  • pentacle;
  • cinquefoil;
  • five-fingered

Flowering bush of white cinquefoil; seeing him is a great success

Despite its exclusivity, cinquefoil is not capricious. Collectors of medicinal raw materials find entire plantations of this rare plant both in shady forests and on sunny edges. And those who grow pentadigitus on their own for medicinal purposes say that it is unpretentious to plants. The only thing that cinquefoil needs is space to freely accommodate the long creeping rhizome, the most valuable part of the plant.

The rapid growth in popularity of the five-finger and effective application its use in folk medicine stimulates herbalist enthusiasts to cultivate this previously wild species of garden plots. This approach will certainly help to preserve the rare species and increase the benefits that medicinal plant capable of bringing to people.

In many European countries this plant is on the verge of extinction.

In alternative medicine, the pentacle, generously decorated with white five-petaled flowers, has been used for a long time and widely. But its use, as is the case with many folk remedies, was initially intuitive and episodic. Therefore many healing properties Unfortunately, it has been little studied.

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • nervous system;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • dermatological problems.
Five finger - best friend thyroid glands

In addition, alba has powerful cleansing, anti-inflammatory, regenerating properties, and strengthens the immune system. But most close attention Healers are attracted to white cinquefoil because it can cope with ailments of the endocrine system.

By the way, the cinquefoil genus includes more than a dozen plant species, but of all of them, only white cinquefoil is suitable for treating thyroid pathologies. The uniqueness of Alba is that it is equally effective for both over- and under-functioning of the thyroid gland.

Why is it important

People with thyroid problems are very interested in the practice of traditional medicine and use it as an auxiliary therapy against the background of the main treatment regimens.

Treatment of thyroid problems is a big problem in itself.

What is in the pharmacy arsenal today? Three separate medical directions: iodine-containing, antithyroid drugs and hormones. Treatment with them is expensive, long, often ineffective and seasoned with such a huge bouquet of contraindications and “side effects” that you can’t help but wonder: is it worth it?

In difficult cases, official medicine usually offers a radical solution to the painful problem of the thyroid gland - surgery. But surgical intervention does not always guarantee healing. Moreover, according to statistics, every tenth of the operated patients becomes disabled.

Thyroid medicine can grow on your windowsill

Of course, alternative medicine is not a panacea, but if used correctly, it offers a chance. Why is the use of white cinquefoil one of these chances for healing? Let's figure it out together.

Composition and properties

Easily digestible phytocompounds of iodine and iodous acid - these components, contained in high concentrations in white cinquefoil, are especially important for the treatment of the thyroid gland.

Potentilla white contains a high concentration of iodine and other elements useful for the thyroid gland.

In addition, white cinquefoil contains an extensive complex of ingredients that are valuable for the health of the endocrine system. Among them:

  • selenium, manganese, zinc, aluminum, iron, silicon, other useful microelements;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • saponins;
  • iridoids;
  • flavonoid quercetin;
  • starchy and tannins.

This “ambulance team” has a powerful and targeted effect on the condition of the diseased thyroid gland:

  • restores normal structure and function;
  • improves metabolic processes in tissues, “dissolves” nodes;
  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • displays harmful substances and saturates with useful ones;
  • removes diffuse changes.

Useful white cinquefoil - video

Preparation and storage

The peak of white flowering of pyatipal occurs in May and June, at which time medicinal raw materials are collected. The greatest healing power endowed with a long and dense woody root of white cinquefoil.

The roots of the pentapal are hard and long - sometimes they reach a meter in length.

You need to dig up the rhizome carefully in order to try to preserve as many rare and very useful plants as possible. For medicinal purposes, cinquefoil that is at least three years old is suitable. The roots of younger plants have not yet accumulated the required concentration valuable substances, and they should not be prepared.

The collected rhizomes are immediately cleaned of unnecessary impurities from the soil, washed, cut into small pieces and dried - in a low-temperature mode in an electric dryer or naturally in a place protected from moisture and direct sunlight. Pentapal grass along with flowers is also prepared in a similar way - only, of course, there is no need to wash it before drying.

Alba is harvested during flowering, when it is most useful

Medicinal raw materials retain their beneficial features up to three years, provided that during this time it is protected from dampness and bright light. It is better to store the grass and roots of white cinquefoil in tightly closed glass or ceramic containers.

Chopped cinquefoil roots should be stored in a place protected from moisture and light.

Methods and forms of application

Potentilla alba preparations are used not only for the treatment of existing thyroid diseases, but also for their prevention. Supporting the normal functioning of the endocrine system has recently become especially important against the background of poor ecology, poor nutrition and constant stress.

Medicinal herbs - timely assistance to the endocrine system

Five finger - universal natural healer- this is an excellent option for cleansing and healing the thyroid gland, timely normalizing its work. Universality of the principle therapeutic effects folk remedy in that it evens out the disturbed hormonal levels of the thyroid gland in both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

For variety and increased effectiveness, other iodine-containing medicinal plants can be added to various preparations based on white cinquefoil, such as:

  • cocklebur;
  • series;
  • unripe walnuts;
  • Fucus vesiculosa;
  • gray alder;
  • three-leaf watch and others.

Correctly selected herbal tea will strengthen healing effect from white cinquefoil

Selection of medicinal herbs for thyroid diseases - table

For thyrotoxicosis in the initial phase (mainly contain iodides) gray alder, bladderwrack, sugar kelp, three-leaved watch, three-part series, medium chickweed.
For hypothyroidism (mainly contain diiodotyrosine) gorse, watercress, Icelandic cetraria, spreading parmelia, alpine cladonia.
For endemic goiter (contain iodine in any form) three-leaf watch, gray alder, three-part series, lesser duckweed, knotted burberry, common cocklebur, gorse, watercress, fucus
bubbly, sugar kelp, Icelandic cetraria, spreading parmelia, alpine cladonia.
For thyroid cancer (contains immunomodulatory
substances in association with iodine)
nodular burberry, common cocklebur, lesser duckweed.

In a particular case, a doctor or an experienced herbalist will help you correctly prepare a herbal mixture with white cinquefoil, choose the dosage of drugs and the scheme for their use. But also in pure form preparations based on pentadala, as the practice of their competent use shows, give very good results in various pathologies thyroid gland.

A spoonful of honey will make the healing infusion tastier and even more beneficial.

To improve the taste, decoctions and infusions can be sweetened a little with honey. In this form, children will especially like them - unless, of course, they are allergic to honey products.

Just don’t diagnose yourself, much less prescribe treatment for yourself. Remember: we are talking about very serious illnesses, and self-medication has never brought anyone any good.

Use Alba correctly, do not self-medicate!


A healing decoction based on white cinquefoil is a mild but very effective folk remedy. It is prepared from the roots of the plant, and is taken according to a certain scheme, changing the concentration daily active substance. This scheme is universal - it is used both for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland.


  • crushed rhizome of pentapalm - according to the diagram;
  • boiling water - 1 cup.

Every day you need to prepare a fresh decoction


  1. The broth is prepared in the evening - it must be fresh every day.
  2. White cinquefoil root is brewed with boiling water and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Without filtering, wrap the container with the broth overnight.
  4. In the morning, the finished preparation is filtered and the first portion is taken immediately.
  5. A glass of decoction is divided into three doses and drunk half an hour before meals.
  6. After a course of treatment, take a break for a month and conduct another course.

Scheme for taking white cinquefoil decoction - table


This drug is less effective than alcohol tincture, but it can be taken by those for whom alcohol is contraindicated. In particular, it is infusions of pentapalnik that are prescribed to children.


  • quinquepal root - 1 tablespoon;
  • boiling water - 0.5 liters.

Five-palm infusions are given to children from the age of five


  1. Wash and chop the white cinquefoil rhizome and place it in a thermos.
  2. In the evening, pour boiling water over the medicinal raw materials, seal and leave overnight.
  3. In the morning, strain the infusion.

The infusion is drunk warm three times a day before main meals, single dose- half a glass. The course of treatment is three weeks. Then they stop for seven days and repeat the course.


Unlike other pentapala-based preparations, tea is prepared from the flowers and herbs of the plant. This is a less powerful drug in terms of healing effects than a decoction or tincture, but the tea is rich in vitamins, is easier to digest and is ideal for preventive purposes.


  • five-finger (herb) - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 0.5 liters.

Healing tea is prepared from the herbs and flowers of the pentapalm


  1. Healing tea is prepared in a regular teapot, which can be pre-rinsed with boiling water so that it warms up in advance.
  2. Chopped white cinquefoil herb is poured with boiling water and infused for 7–10 minutes.
  3. It is better not to cover the kettle with a lid, this will allow healthy drink enriched with oxygen.
  4. Do not strain, you can add honey to taste.

This amount of drink must be drunk during the day, three to four times, at any time convenient for you. The prophylactic course usually lasts three to four weeks and is repeated twice a year.


Internal use of white cinquefoil can be combined with external use - alba ointment is especially effective for nodular and diffuse goiter.


  • chopped dry root of pentapalm - 1 teaspoon;
  • pork lard - 1 cup.

Five finger ointment is easy to prepare at home


  1. Grind the rhizome into powder in a coffee grinder, melt the lard.
  2. Mix the ingredients and heat over low heat for seven to ten minutes.
  3. After a day of infusion, the ointment is ready for use; it should be stored in the refrigerator.
  4. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the area of ​​the diseased thyroid gland every evening against the background internal reception other preparations of white cinquefoil.


The alcohol extract of five-finger actively promotes the resorption of knots and specifically removes unpleasant symptoms diseases, reducing the size of the diseased thyroid gland.

You can buy a ready-made tincture of white cinquefoil, or you can prepare it yourself


  • detailed rhizome of pentapalm - 3 tablespoons with top;
  • high-quality vodka or medical alcohol - 0.5 liters.

The alcohol extract concentrates maximum benefit pentacle roots


  1. Pour the prepared medicinal raw materials with vodka and seal.
  2. Place in a dark place to infuse for three weeks.
  3. Periodically vigorously shake the container in which the tincture is prepared.
  4. Thoroughly filter the finished preparation and leave it to be stored in a dark place.

An alcoholic extract of pentipala is taken daily for a month, half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner, dissolving 30 drops of the tincture in a small amount of water or weak tea. Then they take a break for a week and continue treatment according to the same scheme until complete recovery. With nodular goiter, the period of daily continuous use of the drug increases to three months.


If you do not have the opportunity to collect five-finger yourself or buy medicinal raw materials, purchase capsules with ground root at the pharmacy. The manufacturer recommends using specific regimens for various thyroid diseases.

Ready-made capsules must be taken according to clear plans

Treatment regimens for the thyroid gland with Alba cassulas - table


Unlike many other medicinal plants, white cinquefoil is not poisonous, and therefore its use gives a minimal amount side effects. However, it is very important to adhere to the dosage of the folk remedy, since exceeding it can provoke heart rhythm disturbances. But even against this background, you should not abruptly abandon the use of five-finger medications - just reduce their dosage and continue treatment.

The five-finger has been studied little, but it also has few confirmed contraindications

It should be borne in mind that white cinquefoil can significantly lower blood pressure. Therefore, hypotensive patients need to take it with caution, constantly monitoring their condition. In rare cases, cases of individual intolerance to the components of white cinquefoil are possible.

The specifics of its influence on a woman’s body during pregnancy and lactation have not been well studied; at this time it is better to avoid pentipala medications. They are usually prescribed to children no earlier than five to six years of age in a dosage half that of an adult.

White cinquefoil is a reliable assistant both in official therapy and in treatment with “healer” methods. She can get rid of various ailments and pathologies of the endocrine system. It has long been known among the people for its amazing healing abilities in healing serious and even chronic ailments, improving the condition of seriously ill patients. Back in the 17th century, the beneficial effects of this plant on patients with thyroid disease were recorded. Today, in traditional medicine, white cinquefoil for thyroid problems is prescribed by doctors as part of the non-hormonal medicine “Endonorm”. In it, the effective substances of this plant are supplemented with extracts of licorice root, string and sugar kelp. This herbal mixture effectively helps in the fight against the most various diseases, providing comprehensive treatment.

The advantage of white cinquefoil is its easy tolerability, almost complete absence of contraindications and any side effects. The plant contains 16 elements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. It promotes:

  • better elasticity of blood vessels;
  • normalization of the chemical component of the blood;
  • restoration of the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • activation of cerebral circulation;
  • removal of radionuclides from the body;
  • optimization of intracranial pressure.

By balancing the endocrine system and having a healing effect for the thyroid gland, white cinquefoil relieves health problems in various areas. It is in demand in the treatment of liver, heart and vascular diseases, gastrointestinal ailments, and intestinal disorders. Its disinfectant and wound-healing properties allow it to be used to treat the skin and nasal mucosa. Cinquefoil works well in the fight against boils, abscesses, acne, and in the treatment of stomatitis and periodontal disease. Cinquefoil effectively heals ulcers of the esophagus and stomach, and evens out hormonal levels. She is able to prevent pathological deformities in the thyroid gland, prevent the progression of tumor processes, avoiding surgical intervention.

Since the 18th century, white cinquefoil has been actively used in alternative medicine. On its basis, decoctions, tinctures, as well as products for external use are prepared. Since the times of the USSR, the plant began to be used for making pharmaceutical drugs: powders, tablets and extracts. White cinquefoil is most often used to treat pathologies of the endocrine system.

White cinquefoil is a common medicinal plant.


White cinquefoil grows all over the world: from Great Britain to the southern regions of Russia. Despite its prevalence, the plant is protected in many regions. This is due to the mass production of various natural medicines based on cinquefoil.

In the Lipetsk, Moscow, Ryazan and Smolensk regions you can get a fine for collecting this grass.

The family to which the plant belongs is Rosaceae (Pink). Potentilla got its name because of the snow-white flowers that can be seen in the photo.

White cinquefoil flowers

grassy perennial reaches 20-25 cm in length, is distinguished by powerful and thick underground shoots. The grass has thin stems with a minimal number of leaves.

Composition and beneficial properties of the plant

The flowers of the plant are not of particular value for endocrinology, although many recipes can also be found based on them. But the root of white cinquefoil contains unique substance- albinin. This component can also be found in Endorm (dietary supplement).

Albinin is a substance that has an antithyroid effect. It stabilizes production hormone TSH(thyroid-stimulating), thereby inhibiting the growth of the thyroid gland.

Albinin is also known for its gonadotropic effect. The substance affects the functioning of the reproductive system of men and women. It can normalize the menstrual cycle, increase libido and even help treat impotence.

The thyroid gland is the main organ that is beneficially affected by products made from white cinquefoil. The herb is used for thyroid problems: mainly for therapy various forms hyperplasia and goiter.

Plant composition

The plant also contains microelements necessary for the human body: zinc, manganese, silicon, aluminum.

Medicinal properties:

  1. Tannins in the composition provide anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, healing and antiviral effects. Due to this, the plant can be used to treat various skin lesions and rashes. The product is also suitable for the prevention of colds and flu.
  2. Microelements strengthen bones and help cleanse the body of toxins and waste. Zinc prevents the appearance of prostate adenoma in men, and also has a beneficial effect on women reproductive system. Manganese helps the brain absorb vitamins faster and promotes rapid tissue healing. Silicon has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy and prevents the development of diseases such as stroke and atherosclerosis. The benefits of aluminum for humans have not been proven.
  3. Iridoids have a positive effect on cardiovascular system, have analgesic, antioxidant, antitumor, laxative and antiseptic effects. These natural compounds also strengthen the immune system and protect against the development of various infectious diseases.
  4. Rutin is considered the most versatile vitamin, helping with literally everything - from heart disease to headaches. Vitamin P shows the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of allergies, rheumatism, measles, arterial hypertension. It is possible that rutin largely has a placebo effect (especially in small doses).

White cinquefoil helps with atherosclerosis

The remaining substances contained in white cinquefoil do not have any special properties. Except, of course, albinin, which is beneficial for the thyroid gland.

There are opinions that white cinquefoil is used in traditional medicine. Basically, such conclusions are based on the very fact of the presence of this plant on pharmacy counters. Actually this healing herb used exclusively in folk medicine. All drugs made on its basis are dietary supplements that do not claim to be real medicines.

It is for this reason that the use of white cinquefoil as a means of monotherapy is incorrect and unsafe.

White cinquefoil

It is not recommended to purchase a medicinal plant in the markets. Often, herbalists deceive buyers by passing off other varieties of cinquefoil as the medicinal white variety. Therefore, you need to buy medicine only in pharmacies.

The plant is sold in several forms:

  1. Pills. Dietary supplement from the company "Secrets of Longevity", the trade name of the product is "Thireo Vit". The easiest way to find and buy is on the Internet, on the manufacturer’s official website. These tablets are also available in pharmacies; their average cost is 300 rubles per 100 pieces.
  2. Endorm. The dietary supplement is available in capsule form. The capsules contain white cinquefoil root extract (200 mg) and licorice root extract (50 mg), as well as kelp powder (70 mg) and string grass (80 mg). The product can be bought in pharmacies for 1200-1600 rubles. Packages of 90 and 60 capsules are available for sale.
  3. Five-fingered. Available in the form of drops or liquid extract. Manufacturer: Organic Herbs company. These drops are more often found on sale in Ukraine than in Russia. The medicine can be ordered online. The cost of the drug varies from 150 to 400 rubles per 50 ml.
  4. Dried white cinquefoil root. The product is produced by several manufacturers: Horst, Lekraset, Belovodye. The instructions for use state that the root should be brewed and strained with gauze. The result is a medicinal drink. It can also be used as a decoction to make lotions. The average cost is 100-200 rubles for 25-50 grams (the exact price depends on the manufacturer).
  5. Herbal tea. This tool produced by Bella. The cost of herbal tea is about 90-120 rubles per 20 grams. In its properties, it is no different from the dried root of the plant.
Many buyers note that the use of dietary supplements significantly improves the condition of nails and hair.

Packaging of white cinquefoil roots

Collection, preparation and storage of cinquefoil

You need to collect plants that are 3-4 years old, since it is their roots that contain maximum amount albinin. Young grass is ineffective for treating diseases of the endocrine system.

The optimal time to collect whole cinquefoil is late spring and early summer. During this period the grass blooms. Only the underground part of the plant can be dug up in the fall (October - November) and spring.

White cinquefoil roots can be dripped in autumn and spring

After collecting, the cinquefoil should be thoroughly washed to remove dirt and germs. The raw materials should be dried in a ventilated room (for example, on a balcony) or outdoors.

It is best to store blanks in fabric bags or wooden boxes. As a last resort, they can be placed in glass jars. The dried plant can be stored for up to 2 years. The grass should be kept in a dry, slightly cool room. Under such conditions, the workpiece will retain its beneficial properties.

The best traditional medicine recipes

Decoctions, tinctures and ointments can be made from dried white cinquefoil root. You can also use the flowers, leaves and stems of this plant. The classic recipe for a healing remedy involves the use of vodka. Alcohol draws everything out useful material from the herb and preserves them in tincture.

Vodka tincture

How to make a tincture? You will need: 50-70 g of plant root and half a liter of 40% vodka. You can also use pure alcohol, but you must first dilute it with water. The cinquefoil must be crushed to a powdery state, and then poured with vodka. The mixture should be shaken thoroughly and left to infuse in a cool, dry place for 14 days.

White cinquefoil tincture is a useful remedy for many diseases

There is no need to strain the resulting tincture. It is highly recommended to consult a doctor before using the product.

Decoction with white cinquefoil

This recipe is suitable for people with alcohol intolerance. The product turns out to be weaker, but the main healing qualities of the plant are preserved. To prepare the decoction you will need: a tablespoon of cinquefoil root and a glass of cool boiled water. The plant needs to be filled with water and then left for 2.5-3.5 hours.

Before preparing the decoction, the roots must be infused in water.

Next, place the mixture in a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. The resulting broth must be removed from the stove and placed in a thermos for 12 hours. Every 3-4 hours the broth needs to be shaken. Ready product can be stored in a thermos.

Quick recipe

You will need: 10-15 g of crushed plant root and 400 ml of water. Place the cinquefoil in a saucepan and add water, then bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 5-8 minutes. The decoction should be allowed to brew for an hour. Ready mixture must be strained.

After infusion, the broth must be strained

Decoction of herbs and roots

This remedy helps fight thyroid diseases and also strengthens the immune system. To prepare it you will need: 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs and roots, 300 ml of boiled hot water. The broth should be poured into a thermos and left for 10 hours. The finished mixture should be filtered and placed again in a thermos.

The cinquefoil decoction should be infused in a thermos

Healing ointment

How to prepare an antiseptic ointment with a regenerating effect based on white cinquefoil? You will need a base - Vaseline, propolis or pork belly (made from lard). Also, to make an ointment, you need to take 1 teaspoon of the root and 0.5 teaspoon of the herb of the plant.

Pork lard can be used as an ointment base.

First you need to chop the cinquefoil and melt the base for the ointment. The easiest way to do this is with a water bath. You need to gradually add the ground plant to the melted base. The mixture should be homogeneous. It needs to be heated for 7-9 minutes, then removed from the heat and transferred to any convenient container. The future ointment should be left in the refrigerator for a day. After this, it will be ready for use.

This remedy can also be used to treat goiter.

Instructions for use of white cinquefoil

How to take cinquefoil remedies? It depends on the form of the medicine and the type of disease. If we are talking about tinctures and decoctions, then treatment should be carried out gradually, that is, with a slow increase in dosage. This will make it easier for a person to monitor his body’s reactions, as well as the positive dynamics from therapy.

How to drink? Instructions:

Type of disease or group of pathologies Form of medicine Rules of application
Diseases of the thyroid gland (hyperplasia). A) Tincture

B) Decoction
B) Ointment

A) Starting with 5 drops per day, gradually increase the dosage (1 drop per day). Maximum dose– 20 drops per day (divided into 3 doses).

B) Drink a quarter glass per day, subsequently increase the dose to 1 glass per day. The maximum dose is 2 glasses.

C) Apply a thin layer to the affected area or goiter 2-3 times a day. It is advisable to combine it with a decoction.

Diseases of the reproductive or urinary system 1) Decoction

2) Tincture

1) Take 200 ml per day, gradually increasing the dose to 600 ml divided into 3 doses.

2) Take 50 ml per day, after a week increase the dose to 70 ml, then gradually reduce to 20 ml per day.

A fall immune system, prevention of viral diseases A) Decoction

B) Tincture

A) Drink half a glass of decoction per day for 3 days. If necessary, increase the dose to a whole glass, and extend the course of treatment for a week.

B) Take the tincture 15 drops 2 times a day, 2 days after the start of treatment increase the dose to 30 drops, after another 2 – to 40. Treatment takes 5 days.

Nervous tension, stress, depression Decoction Drink 300 ml of the product during the day (can be divided into 3 doses). It is recommended to drink with chamomile decoction.
Skin lesions, eczema and dermatitis Ointment Apply a thin layer 2 times a day.
Joint diseases Tincture + ointment Drink 20 drops for the first three days of use, then increase the dose to 25 drops. Stick to this dosage for two weeks.
Apply ointment to the affected areas every day. The product should be rubbed in with massage movements.

Cinquefoil itself is bitter, so decoctions and tinctures based on it also do not have a pleasant taste.

If you have thyroid hyperplasia, you cannot drink alcohol, so you should be careful when using the tincture. If the slightest discomfort appears, you should stop taking it.

Harm and contraindications of the plant

White cinquefoil is not poisonous plant, but it can still cause harm to the body. The healing herb must be taken correctly; it is advisable to select the dosage with your doctor or at least not exceed the norms indicated in the table.

General contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the plant;
  • liver diseases (in case of using tincture);
  • hypotension (with caution).

White cinquefoil should not be used to treat low blood pressure.

During pregnancy, cinquefoil-based products should also be used with great caution. On the one hand, they can be beneficial, on the other, the effect of the plant on the fruit has not been fully studied.

It is also worth considering that medicinal herbs can provoke sudden disruptions in heart rhythm. This most often happens due to exceeding the dosage.