What are the benefits of sauerkraut? The benefits and harms of sauerkraut for the body

Cabbage entered the diet of our ancestors many centuries ago, and in the best possible way it turned out to be possible to save it during the winter pickling. Properly cooked cabbage can be stored up to 10 months and at the same time keep everything vitamins and healing properties.

There is a stunning paradox: fermented vegetables contain more vitamins and valuable substances than fresh, and is considered more useful. Perhaps this is why the dish was so popular all over the world.

In Rus', not a single feast was and is not complete without it. In Germany, the dish is recognized as national and is served with sausages and smoked meats on all holidays; in Alsace, cabbage is supplemented with seafood, pork and is called “choucroute”. Even in Korea, this product is known as kimchi. Sauerkraut has always been considered a source of strength and health, so it was a regular dish both in the peasant family and on the table of nobles.

Beneficial and healing properties for health

Modern medicine and dietetics have confirmed that sauerkraut is a storehouse useful substances and is vital for maintaining health.

Several centuries ago, sailors and travelers exploring the northern countries noticed that this product protected against scurvy. Moreover, it turned out that in halves and quarters of fermented vegetables more vitamins than in shredded leaves. In addition, the same beneficial substances are preserved in the brine as in the vegetable.

Sauerkraut- that rare case when official medicine uses many years of experience of traditional healers in the treatment of dozens of diseases without reservations or contraindications. The healing vegetable really has wide range effects on the body and has undeniable healing properties.

  • Stimulates work gastrointestinalintestinal tract. Normalizes the composition of gastric juice, improves food absorption, restores the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, cleanses the intestines of decomposition products and serves as an excellent preventive measure. peptic ulcer. A glass of brine has a pronounced laxative effect and allows you to quickly get rid of constipation. Brine also suppresses the development of E. coli and other pathogenic bacteria. How is it used? anthelmintic, and a way to get rid of lamblia in the liver. To prepare a medicinal drink, cabbage brine and tomato juice in equal proportions.
  • Improves assimilation proteins the body thanks to vitamin B 6. That is why sauerkraut is so often used as a side dish for meat dishes.
  • Stops development malignant tumors . Recent studies have shown that eating vegetables prevents the occurrence of cancer of the stomach, mammary glands, and lungs, and if the problem already exists, it stops the development of the tumor.
  • Sauerkraut juice removes blood from the blood bad cholesterol, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them more elastic, prevents the formation of blood clots, and also improves blood circulation and heart function.
  • The special vitamin and mineral composition of the product has a beneficial effect on nervous system, increases resistance to stress, eliminates irritability, fatigue, relieves nervous fatigue, improves sleep. This is one of the dishes that doctors recommend eating for people who suffer from depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Normalizes hormone exchange, in particular work thyroid gland. Improves metabolism, eliminates swelling and fat deposits. Thanks to the huge amount of fiber and low sugar content, sauerkraut is indispensable for diabetes.
  • Suppresses allergic reactions. As an effective antihistamine, it is recommended for people suffering from all types of allergies and asthmatics.
  • Cabbage and brine are endowed with bactericidal properties. They are suggested to be taken in the autumn-winter season as a preventative against influenza and other viral diseases.

This is far from full list healing properties of the vegetable. Sauerkraut strengthens the immune system, protects against vitamin deficiency and stimulates cell regeneration, active substances its composition breaks down fat and removes it from the body. All these qualities contribute to the healing and rejuvenation of the body as a whole.

For men sauerkraut and pickle made from it are a proven hangover cure. But not many representatives of the stronger sex know that the product allows you to maintain potency for many years and prevent genitourinary diseases.

Hundreds of years ago, cabbage and pickle were for women proven cosmetic product. Wetting with brine eliminates excess dryness and tightens sagging skin, and also helps restore chapped hands.

Masks made from sauerkraut pulp tighten pores and get rid of acne, acne, remove freckles, age spots, make the skin soft and velvety.

Composition and calorie content

Sauerkraut is a real storehouse of vitamins. For example, it contains ascorbic acid. 400 grams The product will be enough to provide vitamin C for the whole day. Cabbage contains a wide range of B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B9, vitamin K, vitamin U, A, PP, E and microelements, including iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, phosphorus , sodium, sulfur, fluorine, chromium, chlorine, potassium, copper, molybdenum, etc.

B vitamins, among other things, improve the condition of skin, hair and nails, for which they are called beauty vitamins. In this case, it would be fair to call sauerkraut beauty vegetable.

The product contains fiber and sugar in small quantities, which makes this dish valuable for diabetics. The tartronic acid present in it prevents sugar and other easily digestible carbohydrates from turning into fat, and this is important for people suffering from diabetes second type. There are more organic acids in sauerkraut than in fresh cabbage, since during the fermentation process the vegetable is enriched with lactic and acetic acids.

Caloric content of the product per 100 grams is only 20 kcal, so it has become the basis of many weight loss diets. There are a number of techniques that allow you to quickly lose weight and maintain it at the desired level. Many of them are based on the regular consumption of sauerkraut and dishes made from it.

Already thousands of people who have tried cabbage diets can confirm the truly magical ability of the vegetable to remove from the body excess liquid and get rid of fat deposits.

Use during pregnancy

Is this product useful? for pregnant, is it worth including it on the menu? This question comes up quite often, so we will try to answer it in detail.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body has to work for two, that’s why useful substances he needs much more to maintain health. Sauerkraut can provide mommy and her baby everything you need.

  • Vitamin B prevents depression in women and promotes the formation of healthy nervous system fetus
  • Cabbage and pickle reduce the symptoms of toxicosis by early stages, eliminate nausea, heartburn.
  • The product supports intestinal microflora, kills dangerous pathogenic bacteria, and has a mild laxative effect.
  • Treats anemia, prevents frequently occurring problems with hair, teeth and nails.
  • Sauerkraut prevents the appearance of tumors in mother and child, improves heart function.
  • Allows you to maintain weight and not gain extra pounds, especially in the last months of pregnancy.
  • Unlike fresh cabbage, sauerkraut not only does not cause flatulence and colic, but can eliminate them.

It should be noted that this traditional dish is prepared and stored in aluminum containers. contraindicated. You need to use enamel containers. In this case, other substances do not penetrate into the cabbage, but valuable properties are preserved in full.

During pregnancy, women try to avoid chemicals. Sauerkraut can replace light antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs. It can be taken both as a prophylactic and as a medicine.

Harm and contraindications

As you understand, the benefits and medicinal properties sauerkraut is hard to overestimate. However, it is a fermentation product rich in acids, and this property is associated contraindications for use.

It is not recommended for people suffering gastritis With increased acidity, diseases pancreas, cholelithiasis illness, complaining of high blood pressure, renal failure.

Excessive consumption of cabbage, especially that which was fermented with salt, may not eliminate, but on the contrary, provoke swelling and cause bloating belly.

There is practically no allergy to cabbage, but if for some reason you don’t like this product, listen to your body and give it up at least for a while.

Delicious and healthy dish will give you beauty and health if you follow these simple rules.

When autumn comes, many homes begin to ferment cabbage.

Appetizing, crispy, with sourness... It is rare to meet a person who can pass by this traditional homemade dish indifferently.

And for women, sauerkraut has a special value. Read carefully!

It turns out that sauerkraut can be useful not only for a hangover, but also for weakness, colds, and illnesses digestive tract. It is also effectively used in cosmetology and dietetics.

The wonderful properties of sauerkraut

This seemingly simple product contains almost all the vitamins necessary for your health: provitamin A, vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, K, U. The latter, by the way, prevents the occurrence of stomach ulcers and duodenum.

Sauerkraut also contains a lot of iodine. It also contains lactic acid, which can combat coli and other dangerous bacteria.

It has also been proven that consuming this miracle product lowers blood cholesterol levels and even reduces the risk of developing tumors.

Do you want to get rid of extra pounds? It will help you cope with this task cabbage pickle, which has excellent weight-loss and cleansing properties. It contains a large number of tartronic acid, which prevents fat deposits from accumulating. So rate it positive effect you can do it pretty quickly.

Cabbage brine also helps expectant mothers effectively fight toxicosis.

Sauerkraut is also used in cosmetology, most often as face masks.

For example, for acne, apply it in a thick layer on a steamed face and keep it there for half an hour, covered with a napkin.

And if you are tired of freckles on your face, then try a cabbage brine mask. Soak a napkin in it and apply it to your face. When 10 minutes have passed, remove the napkin and wash with warm water.

Fresh and sauerkraut: which is healthier?

Although products that have undergone heat or other processing lose their valuable qualities, this does not apply to sauerkraut. Therefore, it is much more beneficial for the human body than fresh.

During the fermentation process fresh cabbage enriched with new valuable substances and vitamins, which are preserved for another 10 months after the preparation of this wonderful product.

By the way, When making sourdough, housewives do not necessarily need to finely chop the cabbage. The larger you cut it, the more useful vitamins and microelements it will retain.

Why is sauerkraut harmful?

For some diseases, sauerkraut can still be harmful due to its high content organic acids. Thus, it is contraindicated for diseases of the pancreas and thyroid gland, hypertension, stones in gallbladder and renal failure.

If you suffer from acute gastritis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, you should also use this product carefully.

In any case, if you really want to try sauerkraut, rinse it thoroughly before eating to remove any brine or initially ferment it with a minimum amount of salt.

So, The benefits of sauerkraut for women are obvious! With its help, we are treated and prevent diseases, lose weight and improve skin condition.

But the best part is that a little sauerkraut can add zest to almost any dish on our table.

​Similar articles​

Methods for preparing sauerkraut

​One of the myths associated with cabbage: eating cabbage promotes breast enlargement.​

Tartronic acid contained in cabbage prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

Vitamins and minerals contained in sauerkraut

​Although today it’s crumpled cabbage leaf do not recognize the ability to radically cure breast cancer, the presence of biochemical substances in cruciferous vegetables that favor this has been proven.

​because it makes girls' tits more plump and voluminous. And for everyone, it finally cleanses the stomach intestinal tract- because everything comes out more powerfully and voluminously and weakens a little.​

​looks like this.​

​When colds And high temperature
​And it is very effective as part of weight loss diets, given that the calorie content of cabbage is 25 kcal per 100 g of product.​

Properties of sauerkraut

​Per 100 g of product: calorie content 19 kcal, proteins 1.8 g, carbohydrates 4.5 g, fats< 0, 1 г, холестерин 0 г.​

  • Doctors recommend that people who have peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum exclude sauerkraut from their diet. Also for ailments such as renal failure, hypertension and pancreatic diseases, you should not abuse this vegetable.​
  • ​provides vitamin K, which a person needs for good blood clotting;​
  • ​Sauerkraut is a food product that is obtained from fresh vegetables by lactic acid fermentation. This is not only an excellent side dish, suitable for almost all products, but also a very healthy independent dish. Cabbage contains a huge amount of a wide variety of vitamins and amino acids, which are indispensable for human life.​
  • ​breast + fat -​
  • Cabbage brine is a good hangover reliever. You can use cabbage or cabbage juice as a remedy for intoxication. People say that if you eat cabbage before drinking, you will not get drunk, and if you eat cabbage after, you will disperse your hops. This effect is explained by the high fiber content in cabbage, which absorbs harmful products collapse.​
  • ​Healing recipes from cabbage​
  • Cabbage is very healthy
  • The cabbage heads are shredded, then the shredder is mashed and salted. All this is placed in barrels under pressure so that the cabbage releases its juice and the lactic acid bacteria work. -that stage - fermentation - usually lasts from 2 to 7 days. Then the cabbage is taken out into the cold and kept there (cold is the best friend of truly juicy, crunchy sauerkraut).​
  • Cabbage juice helps replenish fluid loss in the body. Drink it diluted with warm water (1:1) until complete healing.​

The benefits of sauerkraut juice

​Did you know that a cosmetic mask made from sauerkraut, especially its juice, will give freshness to the skin, help fight acne and fade pigment spots? Here are a couple of useful ones effective advice from a cosmetologist:​

​Other nutrients in sauerkraut:​

​In Germany, sauerkraut is a national dish. The French and British also love her very much. And in the cuisine of Alsace there is such a dish as choucroute, it is prepared from sauerkraut with the addition of seafood and pork.​

​enriches the body with iodine for proper operation thyroid gland;

Sour cabbage is healthier than fresh cabbage

Usually, before you start fermenting cabbage, it is chopped into fairly thin strips, then crushed a little along with salt and placed in prepared containers. Next, it is covered with a cloth and pressed down with a heavy weight. Thanks to this technology, this vegetable produces a large amount of juice. Fermentation takes place from two to seven days, the time will depend on the room temperature. After cooking, the cabbage is placed in the cold so as not to over-acidify.

Losing weight with sauerkraut

​cabbage brine contains a lot of vitamin C and microelements from cabbage.​

Cabbage is also used as a good diuretic.

Cabbage during pregnancy

Cabbage in cosmetology

​here are all the details​

​How not to overcook cabbage​

Hangover help

​For stomach and duodenal ulcers​

Contraindications to eating sauerkraut

​Whitening mask against freckles and age spots.​

​Vitamin P - 300 mg Carotene - 0.06% Vitamin B6 - 0.1-0.14 mg PP -0.34-0.74 mg B1 - 0.03 mg B2 - 0.04-0.07 mg) Potassium - 185 mg Calcium - 48 mg Iron - 0.6 mg Zinc -0.4 mg​

​One of the Russian traditional dishes is sour cabbage soup. This is a soup made from sauerkraut. Even Korea has its own national product, which is called "kimchi". This is also a type of sauerkraut, only when cooking, it is not white cabbage that is used, but Beijing cabbage.​

To prepare such a dish, it is not necessary to chop the vegetable into thin strips; you can simply divide it into 4 parts, or into two, or even leave it whole. According to the traditional recipe, it is allowed to add not only carrots, but also beets, cranberries, apples, peppers and horseradish - these are all very healthy. Sauerkraut is best produced in wooden barrels and vats, which are pre-fumigated with sulfur or treated with alkali.​

​Cucumber contains only water and salt, because cucumbers have few vitamins.​


Composition of sauerkraut

​Fiber, which is abundant in cabbage, helps remove toxins and excess cholesterol from the body.​

​sauerkraut is useful because it is a good snack and helps with a hangover ​No time in Ancient Rome cabbage was served to patricians after luxurious dinners as an exquisite delicacy. Ancient historians Cato and Pliny, doctors Dioscorides, Galen and Avicenna sang enthusiastic praises of this vegetable. This praise is given to cabbage for good reason. Eating cabbage strengthens the body, increases resistance to many diseases, and eliminates insomnia and headaches. Modern scientists explain this by the fact that it contains almost the entire set of vitamins, and in particular anti-ulcer vitamin U, phytoncides, enzymes, potassium salts, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, iodine.​​- main secret preparation, when overexposed it becomes sour. However, if you didn’t soak it enough, then put on the table some bitter or less crispy fiber. Also healthy, but is it tasty?​ ​. Cabbage brine has a popular reputation as a powerful anti-ulcer agent. It is believed that it helps with “silent” ulcers - that is, without exacerbations. There is evidence of complete cure for patients who took 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 3 weeks. "Silent" here keyword, because if you have an exacerbation or an advanced disease, cabbage pickle will only harm.​​Brown sauerkraut is recommended to lubricate freckles and age spots. If they are intense, you can apply daily gauze applications soaked in juice for 10-15 minutes. Do this course every day for 2-3 weeks, and the spots will lighten significantly. However, do not forget to lubricate your face with cream immediately after the procedure, since sauerkraut juice dries your face.​

​Sauerkraut retains its medicinal and nutritional properties well white cabbage, making it a valuable source of biologically active substances.​ ​If you believe folk superstition, then those who see sauerkraut in a dream should not hope for a good day, they will be in trouble. So it’s better to look at it not in a dream, but on the dinner table, and during a meal receive all the beneficial properties that this product can bring.​​In addition to information about the content of vitamins and minerals in the product, you need to know the benefits of sauerkraut juice. It, like the vegetable itself, contains a large amount of lactic acid, which is so necessary for proper carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, it is very often prescribed to patients who have diabetes. In this case, the juice should be mixed with lemon and consumed three times a day. ​It is very important to know how sauerkraut is useful, since it, first of all, contains vitamin C. It is enough to add only 200 grams of this product to your diet, and then you can get half the daily requirement of this vitamin. It is important that no vegetable can retain this useful component for as long as cabbage, which is the main protector against colds in winter.​

​For this reason, of course, CABBAGE brine is healthier.​

Cabbage is very useful for diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

​Eating cabbage strengthens the body, increases resistance to many diseases, and eliminates insomnia and headaches. Modern scientists explain this by the fact that it contains almost the entire set of vitamins, and in particular anti-ulcer vitamin U, phytoncides, enzymes, potassium salts, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, iodine.​

Cabbage fiber improves intestinal motor activity and has positive influence for the development of useful intestinal microflora. In addition, fiber helps remove toxins and cholesterol from the body, which prevents atherosclerosis.

There is an opinion that you can’t ferment cabbage without salt

​When hangover syndrome

Health benefits of sauerkraut

​Vitamin toning mask for tired and aging skin​

​Sauerkraut is a unique product of its kind, as it combines the properties of prebiotic and probiotic. Let us recall that prebiotics contribute to the formation of their own microflora in the intestines, and probiotics are a complex of “ready-made” microorganisms needed by the intestines. The “calling card” of sauerkraut is vitamin U (21 mg per 100 g of product), as well as tartron and folic acid acid (22 mcg is a very high concentration)

​Many people confuse the drink with cabbage brine. But the juice is contained inside the cabbage and is obtained by passing it through a juicer. It is much more concentrated than brine. The enormous value of the juice lies in its mineral and vitamin composition.​

​Vitamin U is very rarely remembered, but it is extremely necessary for the stomach and the entire digestive system as a whole. There is a lot of it in sauerkraut, so it perfectly helps with gastritis and ulcers, but you should not abuse it during periods of exacerbation of such diseases. At the initial signs of illness, sauerkraut, whose beneficial properties are varied, can become indispensable.

Cabbage cabbage contains almost the entire periodic table)))​​In inflammation respiratory tract and vocal cords, cabbage juice helps preserve your voice.​

​Because it is cheaper than meat.​​"Intestinal orderly"​​(salt, like lactic acid bacteria, ensures fermentation). However, this is not entirely true; you can do it without salt, which is important for hypertension and other reasons to be on a salt-free diet. To do this, instead of adding salt, cover the cabbage with a small layer of water, and the lactic acid bacteria will do their job. However, keep in mind that you need to cook without salt in small quantities - this type of cabbage does not last long, and in the heat it quickly becomes moldy.​

​Cabbage pickle in Mother Rus' is considered one of the most effective ways to quickly and reliably come to your senses.​ ​. Mix sauerkraut juice and fresh yeast in equal quantities. The consistency should be like sour cream. Place in a water bath in hot water (no need to put it on fire!). As soon as the mixture begins to ferment, add 20 oil drops of vitamin A, the same amount of vitamin E and camphor oil. This mask is applied to the skin of the face and neck for 20 minutes. Rinse off first with sour cabbage juice and then with warm water.​ ​1 Improving digestion​

In cosmetology

​Vitamin C - 45-60 mg per 100 g of product - presented in 2 forms: as

​Many people know the benefits of sauerkraut and how to use it. And the use of a drink from it as a remedy is much wider. The juice is prescribed by doctors to patients who have low acidity, as well as weakened intestinal motility and poor appetite.​ ​Sauerkraut contains vitamin B6, which makes meat easier to digest. The presence of fiber also has a wonderful effect on digestion and at the same time reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels. And beneficial lactic acid bacteria cope well with dysbiosis.​

​cabbage​​Fresh cabbage leaves are good for bruises, inflammation of joints and soft tissues.​

Useful properties of sauerkraut plus

​Scientists and doctors have long established many beneficial properties of sauerkraut and fresh cabbage. At the same time, the benefits do not depend much on the type of cabbage. The famous explorer and traveler James Cook said that only sauerkraut saved his sailors; it expelled diseases from the body. In those distant times, not a single ship set off on a long voyage without a supply of sauerkraut.​

This is the name of sauerkraut because it contains lactic and acetic acids, which suppress the development of putrefactive bacteria. Many useful substances pass from cabbage into brine, so it is used as dietary product, which has healing properties. It is drunk to improve appetite, for liver diseases, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids

It is important to choose the right cabbage for pickling.

Sauerkraut brine

​For toxicosis in pregnant women​

The beauty of the situation is that the medicinal and beneficial properties of sauerkraut are complemented by the properties of fruits and vegetables, which are well preserved and enhanced in it. Thus, carrots enrich sauerkraut with carotene, apples with vitamin P and carotene, and lingonberries and cranberries with a large amount of benzoic acid, which has antimicrobial properties.​

​. The organic acids that make up sauerkraut stimulate digestive processes with low acidity of gastric juice, increase the secretory and motor activity of the stomach and intestines, are useful for chronic constipation, and promote the development normal microflora with dysbacteriosis.​

​ascorbic acid​

Cabbage brine in folk medicine

Gargling with cabbage juice can cure pharyngitis, laryngitis, sore throat and other diseases. Nectar can be consumed for poor digestion, which was caused by overeating, as well as alcohol abuse. With this treatment, the functioning of the stomach improves and the production of gastric juice improves.

​If you consume literally one spoonful of cabbage, you can provide the body with a daily supply of vitamin K. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the liver and bone formation and helps the body quickly cope with scratches on the skin.​ ​I think it’s cabbage. Cucumber, if marinated, will only do harm.​

​Fresh cabbage juice is used to rinse the mouth for inflammation and bleeding gums.​​Main beneficial properties of cabbage:​

​The use of brine for hangover syndrome is widely known in Rus'. Folk wisdom says: “Eat cabbage before drinking - you won’t get drunk, eat it after - you’ll disperse the hops.” It should be sweet, juicy and snow-white (the whiter it is, the tastier the sauerkraut turns out).

​. Many women claim that pickle juice helped them cope with nausea.​​If during the preparation of sauerkraut you add Bay leaf, pepper, cumin and anise, you will strengthen it with many valuable phytoncides and essential oils, have a detrimental effect on microbes and stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes.​

​Dairy and acetic acid, which are abundant in sauerkraut, suppress putrefactive bacteria and sanitize the intestines. (free form of vitamin C) and

Contraindications for sauerkraut and brine

As a rule, products that undergo some kind of processing lose part or all of their beneficial properties. And here the question may arise: “Is sauerkraut healthy for humans?” Such a product is much more valuable for the body than fresh. Thanks to the fermentation process, cabbage is enriched with new useful vitamins and substances, and all these properties are maintained for 10 months. Housewives need to know the benefits of sauerkraut, and also that the larger it is chopped, the more valuable substances, vitamins and minerals it will retain.​

Cabbage also contains vitamin P, and after fermentation its amount increases 20 times. The finished product is rich in iron, zinc, iodine, potassium and many other useful substances.​

​With a hangover - so cucumber, but actually cabbage.​

How to treat diets based on sauerkraut?

A decoction of cabbage seeds is good at driving out worms. Eating cabbage has a beneficial effect on development beneficial microflora intestines.​

​Scientists have found that if you regularly consume cabbage, the likelihood of getting cancer is reduced.

Some more interesting information about sauerkraut

​They also drink brine to combat tapeworm: drink 500 ml every day for 20-30 days before meals.​

There are many recipes!

​Due to the high content of organic acids, sauerkraut is contraindicated for patients with high acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines (!), diseases of the liver and pancreas (non-acidic in small quantities is acceptable).​ ​ Pickling sauerkraut is especially useful, and not only the day after the holiday.​

In addition, sauerkraut strengthens teeth and gums. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and is a good prophylactic against scurvy and the best remedy for dyspepsia.​

​ascorbinogen​​How is sauerkraut useful for weight loss? Anyone who wants to have a beautiful figure needs to introduce sauerkraut into their diet, as it is a low-calorie vegetable that contains only 20 kcal per 100 grams of product. It should be noted that this is one of the available methods losing weight. Diets that include sauerkraut are usually the same.​

Whether sauerkraut is healthy can be understood from the material above. And we will consider its effect on the body further: cabbage.

Cabbage juice is also used as an expectorant and antitussive.​Consumption of cabbage is recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases​

From the Russians folk recipes​vegetables such as carrots, beets, red peppers, fruits (apple) and sour berries (cranberries).​

How to evaluate the quality of sauerkraut?

​Due to the presence of salt, this product should be used with caution by people suffering from hypertension and kidney disease. In these cases, it is recommended to first wash the cabbage from brine. cold water or cook without salt (see further).​

What is made from sauerkraut?

In case of sluggish digestion, low acidity of gastric juice, sauerkraut should be consumed, thoroughly chopped and chewed well, and even then it can cause bloating. In these cases, it is recommended to replace it with brine.​

​2 Strengthening the immune system.​

​(related form). In winter and early spring nutrition, sauerkraut has always been the main source of vitamin C in the Russian diet.​


What are the benefits of cabbage?


​You don’t have to think about diets and do things easier. To do this, you need to replace all food components high in calories with a product such as sauerkraut. The beneficial properties of this ingredient will support the body during periods of vitamin deficiency. Thanks to the large amount of coarse fiber it contains, you can eat less food and feel full faster. In addition to the fact that it will be great to lose excess weight, you will be able to thoroughly cleanse all organs and systems of toxins. Your skin will improve and a healthy glow will appear on your face. It is also possible to quickly and efficiently reduce the appearance of cellulite, which occurs due to slow blood circulation and stagnant processes in the body.​

Alexey Furman

​Thanks to its qualities, protein, phosphorus and calcium are better absorbed, so it is advisable to combine it with meat dishes;​



Piper Fawn

​It is very useful to eat cabbage for hemorrhoids, gout and cholelithiasis.​
Cabbage is a source of beta-carotene, meaning it is good for your vision.
Cabbage leaves boiled in milk mixed with bran were applied to the affected areas of the skin for weeping eczema and scrofula.

​Improperly cooked cabbage has a “cooked” appearance, it is “dirty” in color, and you don’t want to try it. By the way, this is the main criterion in assessing the quality of sauerkraut: do you want to try it or not? Properly cooked cabbage is white (plus the color of the “additive”, carrots, for example), harsh and crunchy. It has a harmonious sweet and sour taste and a slightly harsh, but very tasty brine. And it is this kind of cabbage that is especially useful.

Cabbage is not recommended in large quantities and for diseases of the thyroid gland, since, like all cruciferous vegetables, it is a goitrogenic product.
​The medicinal and dietary value of the brine is due to the fact that when sauerkraut is fermented, some of the vitamins (C, B2, PP) and other valuable nutrients go into brine. At the same time, the brine lacks coarse fiber, which sometimes causes pain and bloating in the stomach and intestines.​

​The presence of a large number of pro- and prebiotics and vital essential vitamins, sauerkraut is useful for people who are weakened and often ill during seasonal epidemics of acute respiratory infections. It is clear that it is also useful for the prevention of colds and viruses.​

​Like most leafy vegetables, cabbage is rich in​

​During pregnancy, the body's reserves need to be replenished with a large amount of minerals and vitamins, and cabbage, by the way, contains a lot folic acid, which is necessary for the mother and her unborn child. Thanks to the presence of iron, anemia can be avoided, as well as constant feeling fatigue. People believe that consuming cabbage brine is an excellent remedy for toxicosis. But do not overdo it, because a large amount of vegetables can cause thirst, which will ultimately lead to swelling.​
​has an antibacterial effect;​

Cabbage is the most useful

​Enzymes contained in cabbage are destructive to tubercle bacilli and other pathogens.​

Sauerkraut and fresh cabbage normalizes intestinal function thanks to fiber and promotes the secretion of gastric juice

​It was believed that sauerkraut juice helps against epilepsy; raw juice drives away warts; sauerkraut brine prevents the spread of “Antonov’s fire” (gangrene), etc.​
​Sauerkraut seasoned with unrefined sunflower oil, - an appetizer (or salad) that many homes in Russia cannot do without - even today, when there is such a variety of ready-made pickles and spices, olives and capers (almost in rhyme!) around.
You shouldn't lose weight on sauerkraut. This is what nutritionists say, having analyzed mono-diets based on this product. Of course, it is a great temptation to declare cabbage a panacea for extra pounds, because it has a negative calorie content (that is, it requires more energy for its absorption than it supplies). But there are more disadvantages. Firstly, mono-diets are common to all: after them, a person will definitely get better, and many days of exhaustion of the flesh turns out to be useless. Secondly, special: a diet on sauerkraut can lead to health problems for those suffering from kidney diseases, diseases of the stomach, pancreas and some other problems.​

​Brine is a unique healing and restorative agent that acts on the human body identically to sauerkraut, but milder. It enhances the secretion of bile, stimulates the pancreas, and is recommended as a vitamin drink.​


​vitamin K, choline, inositol.​


There are many folk recipes for self-care. After the information received, you may wonder whether sauerkraut juice, and the vegetable itself, is good for the skin. For those who constantly have freckles, it is enough to use brine, in which you need to place a napkin and apply it to your face for 10 minutes. This procedure is repeated regularly.​

Elena Grigorieva

​perfectly strengthens the immune system;​


​Cabbage is good in the morning!!​

​B folk medicine Cabbage juice with dry wine is used as a remedy to protect against the bite of rabid animals.​
​White cabbage juice normalizes metabolism and has a beneficial effect on weight loss​
Back in the last century, the anti-ulcer properties of cabbage juice were proven. It turns out that already in the first 5-10 days of taking fresh cabbage juice, changes occur in those suffering from peptic ulcer disease. Feeling better, pain subsiding, ulcers scarring. As a rule, recovery occurs after 1-1.5 months.
​Traditionally, we make sour cabbage soup from sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is added as a filling to pies; it is included in vinaigrettes and solyankas (thick and liquid). Try, for example, the Ukrainian-Polish dish Kapustnyak, and compare it with traditional Russian cabbage soup.​
​It is safe and effective to include the wonderful fermented product in your low-calorie diet along with other carbohydrates, healthy proteins and good fats this will allow you to provide for yourself balanced diet and get unique benefit from the cabbage itself.​
​Brine, especially in spring, is one of the best sources of vitamin C.​
​Reducing the risk of developing certain types of cancer and coronary disease hearts.​
​Among organic acids, healthy sauerkraut contains the most
​If you have oily skin and acne, you need to chop the cabbage and keep it on the problem area for 30 minutes, once a week. The result will become noticeable within a month.​
​helps to increase the body's resistance to stress;​
Cabbage, and cucumber is useful the day after the party
​Cosmetic properties of cabbage: Masks made from white cabbage have a whitening effect. In addition, masks perfectly moisturize the skin.​
Cabbage contains calcium, iron and potassium, these microelements are necessary to maintain vitality and improving heart function
In Russia, cabbage was used to treat digestive disorders, liver and spleen diseases, festering wounds, burns, and eczema.
Today, Korean-style cabbage is popular - kimchi (prepared not from white cabbage, but from Chinese cabbage). You can buy it in any Korean salad department, or you can prepare it at home. But that will be a completely different culinary story.​
​Strictly speaking, sauerkraut cannot be called the national dish of any country, because it is on the table of so many peoples. In one variety or another you will find it in Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, France - the list goes on. It is popular for its mouth-watering benefits, especially in winter in cold countries.​
Cabbage brine is quite popular in folk medicine. Here are a few recipes that have stood the test of time:​
​To be fair, it should be noted that these data have not been confirmed by multilateral scientific research. But they have not been refuted either. According to them, flavonoids can lower cholesterol levels (which reduces the risk of coronary artery disease), and isothiocyanates can prevent cancer of the colon, breast, liver and lungs.​
​malic acid.​
​Probably everyone knows the benefits of sauerkraut brine after a good time with friends. Both cabbage itself and its brine help with a hangover. If you don’t forget about this dish during the feast, then the likelihood of waking up in a good mood is very high.​
​helps reduce the likelihood of peptic ulcers;​
​Cucumber as a hangover cure.​
​White cabbage has it all.​

​Provitamin A, vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, K and anti-ulcer vitamin U, which prevents the appearance of stomach and duodenal ulcers
Crumpled cabbage leaf
​Vitamins, especially vitamin “C” predominates in it.​


Dear readers, do you like sauerkraut? I never tire of being amazed at the wisdom of our body. As soon as late autumn and the first cold weather arrive, I really want sauerkraut. And all winter it is on our table. Probably, for many of you it’s exactly the same.

Did you know that on October 8 in Russia there was a holiday called Sergei the Cabbage Man, on which housewives always fermented cabbage with songs and jokes? And such reserves allowed people to live through the winter in relative stability. And I still remember how my grandparents brought a barrel, took out a shredder, and a rather long process of homework began. How many years have passed, but I still remember the taste of that particular cabbage. How delicious it was...

Each housewife prepares this crispy snack with a specific pleasant smell in her own way, having her own signature recipe; sugar, cranberries, apples, and cumin are added to the cabbage. The necessary effect is obtained as a result of fermentation of lactic acid bacteria under the influence of salt, air and ambient temperature.

As a result, we get a tasty and extremely healthy snack for the body. During the process of ripening, the benefits of white cabbage increase significantly, and it is very important that sauerkraut retains all its beneficial properties long time subject to proper storage. Today, dear readers, we will talk about the benefits and harms of sauerkraut for our body.

Sauerkraut. Benefits and harm to the body

IN winter period When our body suffers from a lack of sun, light, heat, fresh vegetables and fruits, sauerkraut becomes indispensable in our diet. It contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Sauerkraut is rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and others are found in its composition minerals, such as phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, zinc, iodine, copper, chromium. molybdenum.

The benefits of sauerkraut are its high content of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is not synthesized and does not accumulate in the body; it must be supplied daily with food, since its role is extremely important, it maintains the normal condition of the walls of blood vessels, increases the neutralizing function of the liver, promotes the absorption of iron and normal hematopoiesis, increases the body’s resistance to the effects of viruses and bacteria.

Sauerkraut contains vitamin P, which belongs to the class of bioflavonoids, biologically related to vitamin C and promoting its absorption. Bioflavonoids strengthen capillaries, reduce the body's response to foreign substances, and improve oxygen saturation of tissues. 100 grams of sauerkraut contains a daily dose of vitamin C and vitamin P.

Sauerkraut and its juice contain B vitamins, vitamins A, E, H, K, a nicotinic acid, as well as methylmethionine, or vitamin U, which has unique property protect the gastric mucosa from harmful effects.

Sauerkraut is a good source complex carbohydrates– starch, pectin, fiber, as well as several types of organic acids. All these substances are necessary for normal digestion, for removing waste products, for regulating metabolism in the body, and for the prevention of cancer.

Let's take a closer look at how sauerkraut is beneficial for human health, what effect it has on the body, the beneficial properties of sauerkraut, and how to use it in medicinal purposes.

For our digestion

What are the benefits of sauerkraut for our digestion? It increases appetite, enhances the functions of the colon and small intestine, normalizes microflora, has a mild laxative effect. Sauerkraut brine is used to treat gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, to stimulate bile secretion, as well as for constipation and hemorrhoids. For medicinal purposes, take 1/2 cup of brine 2 times a day before meals. If necessary, the cabbage brine can be diluted boiled water.

The benefits of sauerkraut for the cardiovascular system

Fiber, which cabbage is rich in, absorbs cholesterol and prevents its penetration into the bloodstream, participates in the removal of bile acids from the body, preventing the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Sauerkraut should be included in the diet to prevent cardiovascular diseases. vascular system, as well as those who already have problems.

Is sauerkraut good for diabetes?

Diabetes - serious disease, destroying almost all organs and systems, and nutrition plays a very important role here important role. Sauerkraut contains practically no sucrose; it contains very little simple carbohydrates, it is allowed to be eaten for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as it does not increase blood sugar.

Sauerkraut is allowed for use in diabetes mellitus, provided that no sugar was used in its fermentation.

During the fermentation process, cabbage is enriched with lactic acid and enzymes that improve the functioning of the pancreas, the functions of which are reduced in diabetes. A high content of vitamin C is also very important in the diet of patients with diabetes, and B vitamins help relieve symptoms of neuropathy.

Patients with diabetes often suffer from excess weight And daily intake sauerkraut, which is low in calories and high content fiber will help you lose a couple of extra pounds and prevent you from gaining them again.

Sauerkraut for immunity

The benefits of sauerkraut for the human body are beyond doubt when we talk about strengthening the immune system. The high content of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in its composition allows it to resist colds and viruses in winter. But if you do catch a cold, cabbage brine, which has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, will help with a sore throat, cough, and high fever. You can gargle with brine diluted with boiled water and take it orally for any cold.

The benefits of sauerkraut for the nervous system

Sauerkraut contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, which affect the transmission of nerve impulses, the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system, increasing resistance to stressful situations. A lack of these vitamins causes irritability, insomnia, memory loss, headaches, fast fatiguability, neuropsychiatric disorders.

Sauerkraut juice. Benefits and harms

When preparing cabbage for fermentation, we grind it with our hands so that the cabbage juice turns into brine during the fermentation process. So brine is the juice of sauerkraut, if no water was added to the cabbage during fermentation. To get the maximum amount of juice from sauerkraut, you need to chop it and squeeze out the juice. Cabbage juice is useful because all of the above properties of sauerkraut are concentrated in it and there are much more of them there than in the cabbage itself.

Cabbage juice is useful for low acidity of gastric juice, nausea, constipation, and lack of appetite. It is also useful to drink it for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. You should always start taking juice with minimal doses, two tablespoons is enough, if well tolerated, you can increase the amount of juice to 1/4 cup per dose.

Health Applications

For a sore throat, juice diluted with boiled water is used for gargling; it plays the role of an antiseptic, and also relieves pain and swelling. The juice is recommended for bleeding gums, as the high content of ascorbic acid and rutin strengthens blood vessels.


But we must not forget that in addition to useful substances, the concentration of organic acids and salt in sauerkraut juice is increased, so you should absolutely not drink it during an exacerbation of gastrointestinal tract. intestinal diseases, for pancreatitis, for hypertension and heart disease. In these cases, with the permission of your doctor, you can include a small amount of cabbage in salads, adding vegetable oil to them.

What are the benefits of sauerkraut for women?

The benefits of sauerkraut for women are due to its high cosmetological properties; it is used to prepare masks and lotions for acne, age spots, freckles, and oily porous skin. Don't forget, when preparing sauerkraut, to make simple masks with it for facial care.

Sauerkraut face masks

  • The simplest mask is to squeeze out the sauerkraut, chop it finely and apply it to the skin of the face, covering it with a napkin on top. After 10 – 15 minutes, rinse and apply nourishing cream. This mask whitens the skin, cleanses, tightens, smoothes out fine wrinkles.
  • You can use not the cabbage itself, but its brine, for which the cabbage is also chopped and squeezed well. Soak a napkin in the resulting brine and apply it to the face, having previously made holes for the eyes, nose and lips. After 10 minutes, you need to wash your face with cool water. It is useful to do such lotions 2 times a week for acne.
  • For oily and porous skin, prepare the following mask: chop two tablespoons of sauerkraut, add whipped egg white and a spoonful of potato starch. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes, then wash.
  • For dry skin, you can also make an excellent mask from sauerkraut. Chop two tablespoons of cabbage, add egg yolk and a teaspoon vegetable oil. Apply to facial skin for 15 minutes. After removing the mask, wash with warm water and apply nourishing cream.

Hair Mask

To strengthen hair, rub sauerkraut brine into the scalp once a week or prepare a mixture of cabbage juice and liquid honey, taken in equal quantities, which is applied to the hair roots 30 minutes before washing your hair.

For women, the low calorie content of sauerkraut and the presence of organic acids in it, which prevent the accumulation of fat deposits, are important.

During pregnancy

Is it possible to eat sauerkraut during pregnancy? Sauerkraut helps women during pregnancy fight attacks of nausea due to toxicosis. But it is important to look at the contraindications. We'll talk about this below.

What are the benefits of sauerkraut for men?

Is sauerkraut good for men? It is safe to say that it is useful; its regular use increases physical and mental activity, low calorie content, high fiber and ascorbic acid content serve as a good prevention of obesity and hemorrhoids.

Sauerkraut. Benefits for weight loss

Those wishing to lose weight would do well to include sauerkraut in their diet. She improves everything metabolic processes in the body, has a positive effect on digestion, enhances intestinal motility and serves as a prevention of constipation. These properties themselves help to cope with excess weight; sauerkraut takes a long time to digest, and we do not feel hungry for a long time. And the low calorie content allows you to eat it without any special restrictions.

If you include sauerkraut salad in your daily menu in addition to fresh vegetables, and do not abuse flour and sweet foods, your weight will gradually decrease without exhausting diets and strict restrictions.

If well tolerated, sauerkraut juice will also promote weight loss; you should drink 1/4 cup several times a day before meals or in between meals, as in pure form, and diluting it with water.

Sauerkraut. Harm. Contraindications

The benefits of sauerkraut are recognized by doctors and nutritionists; it is recommended to include it in the diet as often as possible during the winter, but in addition to the benefits, it must also be said about the dangers of sauerkraut.

  • Has high glycemic index, because in addition to cabbage, we add sugar, apples and other additives there.
  • Stimulates appetite. For some this may not be very useful.
  • The salt used to ferment cabbage can lead to fluid retention in the body. And this can lead to an increase blood pressure and weight gain.
  • Sauerkraut contains fermentation processes. And in combination with fiber, which cabbage itself is rich in, this can lead to severe gas formation.

I invite you to watch a video about the dangers of sauerkraut.

Cabbage can safely be called one of the most amazing vegetables. In any form - fresh, salted, stewed - it does not lose its beneficial properties and with equal zeal it fights diseases, excess weight, and skin problems.

No less effective in this regard is its juice, which has a pronounced restorative effect. Let's look at the benefits and harms of cabbage juice and look at several recipes based on it.

Chemical composition

The chemical content of cabbage nectar is everything necessary for the body vitamin and mineral complexes:

  • vitamins of group B, C, D, PP, K;
  • macroelements: nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, oxygen, hydrogen;
  • trace elements: iodine, iron, silicon, manganese, fluorine.

Attention! The calorie content of the drink is only 22 kcal/100 ml, so nutritionists strongly recommend using cabbage juice for weight loss.

The healing potential of freshly squeezed juice

Cabbage juice benefits the entire body:

  • It has a diuretic, hemostatic and healing effect.
  • Thanks to the impressive concentration of fiber, it removes toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract and eliminates malfunctions in its functioning.
  • Heals colitis and hemorrhoids, frees the body from excess cholesterol.
  • Removes unnecessary liquid.
  • Regenerates damaged mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
  • Cabbage juice is indispensable for gastritis with low acidity. If the acidity is high, it should be mixed with potato liquid.
  • Actively used for stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  • In combination with honey, it effectively eliminates cough.
  • With regular consumption of cabbage nectar, teeth and hair become stronger, and the complexion is refreshed.
  • Leaves and juice perfectly heal wounds, burns, and deep cuts.
  • Cabbage juice has proven itself to be excellent for oncology. Cases of complete recovery from cancer have been recorded in patients who take this magical drink daily.

Attention! If drinking juice causes increased gas formation, it means that the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is impaired. In this case, before starting treatment, you should cleanse the intestines with an enema or by drinking carrot juice for 2 weeks.

Health Recipes

Against cough

To get rid of a painful cough, mix cabbage juice with honey in a 1:1 ratio and take 0.5 cups three times a day after getting up from the table.

For ailments of the upper respiratory tract, for thinning and removing mucus, for severe cough use the following recipe:

  • mix black radish and cabbage juice (a glass each);
  • add lemon juice and honey (0.5 cups each) to the drink;
  • mix the ingredients thoroughly and drink 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day after eating.

For sore throat

Treatment with cabbage juice is also used for sore throats. Dilute the liquid with warm water in a 1:1 ratio and gargle with the resulting solution several times a day. Thanks to the pronounced antimicrobial properties cabbage nectar, improvement will occur the next morning.

For burns

The healing properties of the product made it possible to use it for burns: both mild and severe. To do this, mix cabbage juice with egg yolk in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected areas.

For gastritis

As mentioned above, cabbage juice is great for gastritis. For low acidity, take it 3 times a day, 0.5 cups before meals. And if it’s elevated, mix it with potato nectar (1:1) and drink according to the same system, but only before meals.

For constipation

Cabbage nectar performs a general cleansing of the intestines from waste, toxins and other carcinogenic substances. Thanks to this, you will not be bothered by constipation and other digestive system disorders.

For swelling

To eliminate puffiness, drink ¼ glass of the drink three times a day before sitting down at the table.

For peptic ulcer

The presence of vitamin U in cabbage promotes rapid regeneration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Attention! Cabbage juice for gastric and duodenal ulcers should be drunk only freshly squeezed, since a stagnant drink loses a significant portion of its healing qualities.

You need to consume 250 ml three times a day an hour before eating. Duration of treatment is 30 days with a break of 4-6 months.

For chronic hepatitis, cholangitis, ulcerative colitis

For these ailments, fresh cabbage nectar should be drunk 0.5 cup three times a day, half an hour before meals.

For pancreatitis

Traditional healers recommend sauerkraut juice for pancreatitis. It should be consumed 50 ml 4-5 times a day 20 minutes before eating. The treatment will relieve pain in the pancreas and normalize the amount of sugar in the blood.

Attention! For medical purposes, cabbage should be fermented in a way different from the traditional one. In this case, fresh carrots and spices are not added to the pickles.

For weight loss

The product has long been actively used to treat obesity and lose extra pounds. This happens by improving digestive processes, cleansing the body and removing fat reserves accumulated on the intestinal walls. On top of that, the drink in every possible way interferes with the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

Freshly squeezed cabbage juice for weight loss should be consumed three times a day, one glass, 20 minutes before eating.

Attention! For weight loss purposes, you can use the nectar of any cabbage: Chinese cabbage, white cabbage, red cabbage. The exception is a canned drink - the presence of salt will cause swelling.

How to make a drink

Cabbage juice is prepared using the following technology:

  • Separate the stalk and leaves from the head of cabbage.
  • Wash the leaves thoroughly, grind in a blender or using a meat grinder.
  • Squeeze out the liquid through several layers of gauze.
  • Ready-to-drink juice should be poured into a glass container and stored in the refrigerator, but no longer than 3 days.

To get 1 liter of healing liquid you will need about 2 kilograms of cabbage.

Attention! It is advisable to prepare the drink for 1-3 doses, since the full range of vitamins and valuable substances is contained only in freshly squeezed juice.

Nectar does not have to be diluted with water; it is often drunk in its pure form. To enhance the beneficial properties of cabbage juice, you can add honey, berries, and other drinks: lemon, pomegranate, carrot. In combination with the latter, the remedy is used to prevent periodontal disease, inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa.

Attention! When buying cabbage Special attention take the time to inspect the leaves. There should be no traces of nitrates on them. They are given away by small, black dots. This vegetable should not be taken, it can cause poisoning of the body.

How to consume

For medicinal purposes, cabbage nectar should be drunk in accordance with the following rules:

  • You are allowed to take no more than 3 glasses per day, although doctors say that one glass is enough to maintain health.
  • At the initial stages of healing, you should drink no more than 50 ml. This dose should gradually increase every day.
  • For patients suffering from bloating and frequent diarrhea, it is advisable to dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • The drink should be consumed 20-30 minutes before meals, dividing daily norm into 3 parts. Each serving ranges from 30-50 ml.
  • The juice has a rather unpleasant taste, so it is recommended to mix it with other freshly squeezed drinks.
  • Never add sugar or salt to the liquid.

What is the healing power of sauerkraut juice?

The nectar of sauerkraut is in no way inferior to freshly squeezed juice. And this is not the brine that is released during salting, but a full-fledged drink obtained through a juicer.

Beneficial properties of sauerkraut juice:

  • healing diabetes mellitus(in a duet with lemon juice), atherosclerosis (with beet nectar), liver diseases.
  • Elimination of constipation and hemorrhoids.
  • Improved appetite.
  • Improving the working functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Suppression of cancer cells.
  • Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the throat (in the form of gargles).
  • Healing neurological diseases.
  • Relieving symptoms of epilepsy.
  • Prevention of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • Improved blood circulation.
  • Fighting extra pounds.

Face masks

Sauerkraut juice is very useful for facial skin. This is comprehensive care, rejuvenation and cleansing of the skin. Let's look at the recipes for several masks:

  • For oily skin. Mix sauerkraut nectar with yeast (2 teaspoons each), bring the solution to a creamy state. Leave on for 10 minutes and then apply to face. After 15 minutes, rinse off.
  • Toning mask. Soak a gauze cloth in the liquid and cover your face. After 20 minutes, wash with herbal decoction.
  • Whitening mask. Prepare a mixture of sauerkraut juice (2 teaspoons), lemon juice(1 teaspoon) and curdled milk (2 tablespoons). The duration of the mask is 10 minutes.
  • Moisturizing mask. Mix: sauerkraut juice with finely chopped carrots (1 teaspoon each), add to the mixture linseed oil(1 teaspoon) and beaten yolk. Leave the solution on your face for 15 minutes.
  • For all skin types. TO almond oil add cabbage nectar (1 teaspoon each) and 1 yolk. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes. The skin will instantly become soft, tender and elastic.

Attention! To “banish” freckles and age spots, wipe your face with sauerkraut juice every day.

Harm. Contraindications

Seemingly harmless cabbage juice can be both beneficial and harmful. It provokes increased gas formation and discomfort in the intestines, so you should definitely not abuse it.

Freshly squeezed drink is prohibited:

  • after surgical operations;
  • nursing mothers, as the child may suffer from flatulence;
  • for gastritis with high acidity (in this case it should be diluted with potato liquid);
  • at acute diseases kidney and pancreatitis (sauerkraut juice is allowed here);
  • patients who have had myocardial infarction.

Attention! If your body is hostile to a vegetable drink, add yogurt or milk to it. And if the intestines respond to the intake of cabbage nectar with increased gas formation, drink it together with carrot juice.