Schisandra chinensis: medicinal properties and contraindications. Healing properties and contraindications of Schisandra chinensis

To all year round to enjoy the fruits themselves grown and benefit from them; gardeners prepare part of the harvest after harvesting. The article will talk about Chinese lemongrass and ways to preserve it healthy berries for the winter period.

What is a plant and what are the benefits of its fruits?

Chinese lemongrass is a perennial woody vine that can reach a height of 15 m. In nature, the plant can be found in China, Japan, and Sakhalin.

In autumn, fruits, collected in small clusters, begin to ripen along the entire length of the vine. These are round red berries with a sour taste and a strong lemon smell. In the photo of vines in autumn, the fruits always stand out as bright spots against the background of green foliage. It is thanks to their beneficial properties that the plant has become widespread in amateur gardens.

The fruits contain approximately 20% organic acids, many mineral salts, microelements and vitamins. The use of such a set has a positive effect on nervous activity person, which tones the entire body.

Due to their very sour taste, the berries are rarely consumed fresh. More often they are dried, or a brew is prepared from them. Various types of lemongrass preparations retain most of the beneficial properties of the berries and can be used as a preventative and medicine. The berries are harvested after they are completely ripe. In terms of timing, this falls in September-October. Remove the brushes very carefully sharp knife. If the vine is severely damaged, it will not bear fruit next season.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you collect crops in galvanized buckets. When interacting with lemongrass juice, the metal begins to oxidize.

Dried and frozen fruits

Drying berries can be called the most in a useful way storage This preparation of lemongrass practically does not cause changes in the substances that make up the sour fruit. The process takes place in 2 stages. In this case, drying is combined fresh air and in the oven.

Advice. For this harvesting method to be successful, you do not need to tear the berries off the stalks. It is better to dry lemongrass with whole brushes.

The drying method looks like this:

  1. The berries removed from the vine are laid out on a baking sheet covered with a clean cloth or paper. At the same time, be sure to ensure that the bunches do not touch each other.
  2. Place the baking tray outside under a canopy or, even better, in a well-ventilated attic.
  3. After the lemongrass has dried a little, the berries can be separated from the stalks.
  4. Having spread the red fruits in a thin layer, the baking sheet is sent to the oven for 7 hours. The temperature during this time should be maintained within 45-55°C and no more.

This is done for several days. Schisandra, dried according to the rules, has a dark red color. In this case, the berries turn out to be evenly wrinkled and do not stick together. If you have the opportunity and desire to freeze the berries, then they should also be collected with brushes. The skin must be intact.

Advice. In order for the preparation of lemongrass using the freezing method to be successful, it must be kept in the refrigerator for several hours before immersing it in the freezer.

Prepared berries are laid out freely on plates, baking sheets and placed in the freezer. After a day, the lemongrass is removed, placed in special containers or bags and stored for long-term storage.

Jam, preserves and marmalade

Schisandra is not only very useful. Mixed with sugar, this is a rather tasty dessert, so some housewives are happy to make jam, preserves and marmalade from it. The first preparation of lemongrass has the following recipe:

  • berries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Red fruits are ground, thus separating the pulp from the skin and seeds. Add sugar to the finished puree and boil the mixture until thickened. The jam is poured into jars, sealed and stored.

Jam is prepared in almost the same way, but in this recipe whole berries are used and sugar is added in a ratio of 1:1.5. Schisandra for such a preparation should be dense, slightly unripe. The recipe is done step by step like this:

  1. Without tearing off the stalk, wash the lemongrass well.
  2. Separate the berries and mix them with sugar. Leave it overnight.
  3. To make the future jam a little thinner and the container with it can be put on the fire, add a little water or apple juice to the lemongrass.
  4. The container with the brew is placed on the fire and boiled for 5-7 minutes in 2 batches, after which it is poured into jars.

This preparation of lemongrass as jam differs not only great taste. It can be used as an excellent cold remedy.

Schisandra marmalade is a wonderful delicacy that will go perfectly with tea on long cold evenings. To prepare it you need to take:

  • lemongrass juice – 1 l;
  • sugar – 2-3 tbsp;
  • pectin – 3 tbsp.

It is prepared like this:

  1. Pectin is poured into slightly warmed juice and left to swell for 30 minutes.
  2. In another container, cook sugar syrup and 150 ml of juice.
  3. The pectin mixture is poured into the hot syrup and boiled until thickened.
  4. When hot, the mixture is poured into jars or, if consumed in as soon as possible, on low trays.
  5. Subsequently, the marmalade is simply cut into pieces with a knife.

Harvesting such valuable fruits as lemongrass is not particularly difficult. But in winter useful product will be able to tone up and help the body cope with a cold.

There are many herbs in nature that improve health and prolong youth. One of these unique plants is Schisandra chinensis, its medicinal properties and contraindications have been known to healers for a long time, recognized official medicine. How is lemongrass used, what diseases does it help with?

Schisandra chinensis seeds – medicinal properties

Schisandra chinensis (schizandra) – has a bright lemon smell, common in China, Korea, and Sakhalin. All parts of lemongrass – fruits, roots, shoots – have medicinal properties. The berries contain yellow seeds that are used in folk medicine for treatment various diseases.

Benefits of lemongrass seeds:

  • have anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties, effectively help with bronchitis and tuberculosis;
  • improve work digestive system, they are recommended for use for gastritis, ulcers;
  • contain iron in large quantities - help with anemia and increased fatigue;
  • improve the condition of liver and kidney diseases.

Important! With regular intake of seed powder, vision improves, inflammatory diseases eye. This remedy is recommended for all people who have to work at a computer for a long time.

Schisandra fruits - medicinal properties

Schisandra fruits contain unique substance– lignans that are able to resist cancerous tumors. Sweet and sour berries improve performance nervous system, strengthen protective functions body, increase tone, slow down the aging process. The berries contain ascorbic acid, vitamin A, E. The composition contains useful microelements, organic acids.

What are the benefits of schizandra fruits:

Schisandra berries are contraindicated for hypertension, exacerbation of infectious diseases, high intracranial pressure, epilepsy.

Important! Schisandra can be taken only for hypotonic type of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In cooking, fresh or dried lemongrass fruits are used to prepare compotes, fruit drinks, and jams. Some confectionery factories add these aromatic fruits to sweets and marmalade.

Important! Schisandra - useful indoor plant, perfectly cleans the air of dust and pathogenic microorganisms.

The root bark contains maximum amount essential oil, which helps with hypotension, lice, varicose veins veins, chronic fatigue. Root-based preparations are used to treat caries, inflammatory processes mucous membranes oral cavity, improving brain activity.

Beneficial properties of preparations from Schisandra roots:

  • natural antiseptic, immunomodulator;
  • effectively fights viruses, microbes, fungi;
  • accelerates the processes of regeneration and wound healing;
  • normalize sleep, eliminate nervous overexcitation.

Important! Schisandra leaves contain essential oils, they effectively help with dysentery in children, improve the condition of the gums, and prevent the development of vitamin C deficiency.

Schisandra tincture - medicinal properties

Tincture of lemongrass fruits is a natural energy drink. The maximum invigorating effect occurs half an hour after application and lasts up to 6 hours.

Important! Schisandra has a gentle effect on cells, unlike other energy drinks, and does not deplete the nervous system.

When taken regularly, the body accumulates useful substances, reduces the risk of malignant tumors, improves the functioning of the digestive, immune and genitourinary system, blood sugar levels are normalized. The tincture helps to quickly eliminate diarrhea; it is used to treat liver diseases and as a prophylactic against colds.

Indications for taking the tincture:

  • stress, depression, chronic insomnia;
  • loss of strength, apathy;
  • deterioration of skeletal muscle function;
  • gynecological pathologies – painful menstruation, decreased uterine tone;
  • respiratory diseases varying degrees severity - tuberculosis, asthma, Chronical bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • heart failure, poor vascular condition;
  • impotence, decreased libido.

Externally, the tincture is used to treat psoriasis, alopecia, the product has a rejuvenating effect. The medicine also helps with ulcers, eczema, for a long time non-healing wounds, fights hangover well.

Contraindications – pathologies of a neurological nature, chronic kidney and liver diseases, cardiac dysfunction, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

The tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home. It is necessary to put 100 g of fruits in an opaque glass container, pour in 500 ml of high-quality vodka, leave for 10 days, filter.

For external use, you need to take 100 g of berries, cut each into 4 parts, remove the seeds, dry, and grind into powder. Mix the raw materials with 100 ml of alcohol, put them in a dark room for 3 weeks, do not strain.

How to use the tincture? You need to take the medicine 1-3 times a day, 20-35 drops before meals or 2.5-3.5 hours after meals. To prevent insomnia, last appointment The medication should be taken 5 hours before going to bed. Duration of therapy is 4 weeks.

In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used, teas, infusions, decoctions are prepared from them, and juice is prepared for the winter.

How to brew lemongrass? Fruits, roots, and shoots of the plant are suitable for brewing. It is necessary to grind 15 g of raw material, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a closed container for 5 minutes. This drink can be used for weight loss - it increases energy expenditure, enhances the effect of diets, normalizes cholesterol levels, and cleanses the human body of toxic waste.

Tea made from fruits is an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of seasonal respiratory diseases. It strengthens the immune system, has a mild diuretic and antipyretic effect. How to brew correctly healthy drink? Pour 270 ml of water into 12 g of crushed fruits, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for half an hour, strain. Drink the entire serving of tea at once, or take small sips throughout the day.

Important! Schisandra tea helps cope with toxicosis during pregnancy.

The decoction helps with nervous diseases, stomach problems, improves the functioning of the heart muscle. The medicine is used to stimulate labor activity, normalize blood pressure, reduce blood sugar concentrations.

  1. Pour 220 ml of boiling water over 10 dried fruits and leave in a water bath for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Strain, take 25-30 drops in the morning before breakfast and an hour before lunch.

Chinese lemongrass juice helps cope with vitamin deficiency, loss of strength, blues and depression. It is necessary to chop fresh berries, squeeze out the juice, and pour it into sterilized containers. Pasteurize the jars for a quarter of an hour, seal them tightly, and after cooling, you can put them in the refrigerator. The drink can be taken on its own, or added 5 ml to tea.

Schizandra is used in home and professional cosmetology; anti-aging products and preparations for strengthening hair are prepared on its basis.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the department. Botany RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazeva

Schisandra chinensis is the medicinal plant, from which many dosage forms can be prepared at home, often quite pleasant to the taste.

Fruit tincture prepared in 95% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Dry fruits are pre-crushed for better extraction. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take 20-25 drops before meals (or 4 hours after meals) 2-3 times a day.

Fruit tincture prepared in 60-70% alcohol in the same ratio (1:5). Leave it for 2-3 weeks. Take 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day.

Dried Seed Powder take 0.5 g before meals (or 4 hours after meals) 2-3 times a day. It is better not to prepare a lot of powder for future use, but to grind 1 teaspoon of raw material in a coffee grinder.

Schisandra pills- quite exotic for us dosage form, and in oriental medicine it is very widespread. To prepare them, mix 42.5 g of lemongrass powder, 27 g of sugar, 30.5 g of honey and make 100 identical pills from this mixture. Take 5-6 pieces daily. A little troublesome, but you have the opportunity to feel like a Chinese doctor.

Fruit infusion prepared from 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried fruits, which is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, left for 2 hours, filtered. Take 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach 4 times a day.

Fruit juice It's very easy to cook. Squeeze juice from freshly picked berries and sterilize it. Take 1 teaspoon with tea. But the juice preserved with alcohol is used to prepare the famous Ussuri balsam.

Leaf tea prepared by Far Eastern hunters. It is very unusual and tasty. Brew fresh or dried leaves like tea in a teapot at the rate of 1 teaspoon of crushed raw materials per 1 glass of boiling water. It is better not to do this in a thermos, as the refinement of the aroma disappears and the taste of the drink becomes coarser.

Stem tea You can cook it in winter too. Cut dried or fresh stems into small pieces and brew as tea, adding sugar or honey to taste.

Schisandra can also be a cosmetic product. Women of the East rubbed mucus from under the bark of Schisandra into the scalp to treat hair loss and baldness. And the water-alcohol infusion of lemongrass fruits tones, disinfects and refreshes oily skin. With lemongrass you can prepare cream and lotion for aging and problematic skin.

Schisandra can be included in ointments for the treatment of purulent flaccid granulating wounds and weeping eczema.

Lemonberry goodies

Schisandra has also found application in Food Industry. After all, the strong tonic effect lies mainly in the seeds and it is almost impossible to overdose on the juice.

In the Far East, the fruits and stems of lemongrass were widely used for food, and since the 30s, the fruits began to be used for bouquets of fruit wines. The juice from its fruits is used in the production of wines and soft drinks, in the preparation of jams and syrups. It has thirst-quenching properties and is added to soft drinks, fruit ice cream, and jelly.

The pulp of lemongrass berries is used as a filling for sweets. The population of areas where lemongrass grows puts the vine bark in tea for scent, instead of lemon.

Since 1967, the industry of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories began to produce lemongrass juice for food purposes. Now it is actively used by many companies for the preparation of specific balms and tinctures. In particular, fruit juice preserved in alcohol and seed infusion are used to prepare Ussuri balsam.

For getting natural juice Ripe fruits must be carefully sorted, stalks and impurities removed. Next, place the berries in an enamel bowl and cover with a layer of granulated sugar. After 3-5 days, the fruits almost completely release their juice. The juice is poured into glass jars or containers with a tight-fitting lid. Natural juice in a well-closed container is stored for a long time without damage in the refrigerator and serves as a source of enriching the drink with vitamins and other beneficial substances. winter time. Even when diluted several times with water, lemongrass juice retains its bright red color, aroma and refreshing sour taste.

Berries can be saved in sugar. To do this, you need to mix the berries with granulated sugar, by weight with double amount sugar, place in 0.5-1 liter glass jars and close with lids. Berries can be stored for a year or more in this form. They can be used as a seasoning for tea.

Schisandra chinensis is a perennial climbing shrub. Like a vine, it wraps around various supports and surfaces, including the surface of walls and fences. This plant has many names. It is called “Chinese schizandra”, “ts-wei-tzu”, and also “Manchurian lemongrass”.

Schisandra has long been used for various purposes. For example, in the Far East it was used as a remedy that helps restore strength. Today the plant is especially popular.

Its rich vitamin and mineral composition allows the plant to be used in alternative medicine, cosmetology, cooking, etc. Let’s look further at how beneficial Schisandra fruits are for our body.

Chemical composition

Schisandra chinensis, also known as schizandra, is one of the most effective remedies in oriental medicine. This effectiveness is due to the unusual chemical composition facilities.

It includes many healthy vitamins and microelements, a number of organic acids and stimulants of natural origin. Components of Chinese Schisandra fruit:

  • Acetic, tartaric, citric and malic acids.
  • Triglyceride, also called fatty oil.
  • Naturally occurring stimulants, in particular schisandrin.
  • Essential oils.
  • Vitamins B, B1, B2, C, E, P.
  • Tannins.
  • Ash.
  • Starch.
  • Natural dyes.
  • Micro- and macroelements - magnesium, calcium, chlorine, potassium, manganese, iron and a number of others.

Chinese lemongrass contains several components that have not yet been fully studied. Schisandra is a real natural storehouse, containing a huge amount of necessary and useful substances. This applies not only to the fruits, but also to the bark and leaves of the plant.

Beneficial features

In terms of its usefulness, lemongrass is comparable to ginseng or other equally well-known traditional medicine. It is used in the preparation of many pharmacological drugs. A number of substances are synthesized from berries, leaves and bark, which are then used in pharmacology and cosmetology.

Chinese lemongrass is used in different cases:

  • to restore energy,
  • to strengthen the nervous system,
  • for depression and stress,
  • to maintain vision,
  • as a stimulant and doping,
  • for colds and flu,
  • for problems with the reproductive system.

The fruits of this plant help fight fatigue, banish drowsiness, and strengthen the nervous system. They are also used to enhance the effect of other stimulants, such as caffeine. Doctors prescribe lemongrass to treat depression and stress.

The berries of this vine help restore stamina. They remove lactic acid from the muscles, speed up metabolic processes in the body, which allows you to maintain performance longer.

Chinese Schisandra is useful for severe eye strain. It restores the elasticity of the lens and has a positive effect on the condition of the optic nerve.

The fruits of Chinese lemongrass are used by athletes as a type of weak but quite effective doping. Such use is not prohibited by the majority rules sports organizations.

The medicinal properties of Chinese lemongrass are largely due to the vitamins it contains. He is one of best sources vitamin C. Schisandra also contains thiamine and riboflavin, vitamins that are necessary for normal life human body.

Schisandra can be used to cleanse the body and normalize metabolic processes. This is useful when diabetes mellitus, overweight and heavy metal poisoning.

There is another option for using the fruits of this plant. In Eastern medicine, it is recommended for the treatment of male impotence and for recovery reproductive functions in men and women. Schisandra is also used in some aphrodisiac recipes.

Use in folk medicine

Chinese lemongrass is widely used in folk medicine. It is used in the form of tinctures, decoctions and teas. Its berries, which are candied in a special way, are also useful. Its seeds also contain many useful substances.

Folk remedies based on lemongrass help with insomnia, chronic fatigue, low blood pressure and to maintain immunity during colds.

Chinese lemongrass tincture

One of the most simple recipes preparing the fruits of this plant - water tincture . You need to pour 1 tsp of boiling water into a glass. berries and leave them for at least 6 hours. Ready product filter and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. To improve the effectiveness of the infusion, add honey, 1 tsp. per glass of drink.

In the same way you can do infusion of lemongrass bark. Here you need to use young vine bark, fresh or dried. For 1 glass of boiling water take 1 tsp. crushed bark. This drink helps with a lack of vitamins in the body, in particular with a lack of vitamin C. An infusion of berries is used as tonic, to improve immunity, fight colds and chronic fatigue. The full course of treatment is 3 weeks, then you need to take a week break.

The stems, leaves, roots and bark of lemongrass can be used as a taste, stimulant and tonic. All of them contain biologically active substances. Besides, ascorbic acid in leaves five times more than in fruits.

You can also cook alcohol tincture Chinese lemongrass will be required. It will require a 70% solution of medical alcohol. In this recipe, it is not recommended to replace it with vodka due to the insufficient strength of the drink. Both fresh and dried fruits can be used in preparation. The tincture is prepared as follows:

  • Chinese lemongrass berries are thoroughly crushed before use.
  • For 1 full glass of lemongrass, take 5 glasses of diluted medical alcohol.
  • The components are thoroughly mixed.
  • The mixture is then poured into a dark glass bottle, after which the bottle is tightly sealed.
  • The tincture is aged for 14-15 days in a dark and cool place. It needs to be shaken daily.
  • After the expiration date, the mixture is filtered, the liquid is squeezed out of the pulp, after which the remaining tincture is aged for another 2-3 days.
  • This is then followed by repeated straining. The finished tincture should be completely transparent.

There is a certain instructions for use tinctures of Chinese lemongrass. It is taken 25-35 ml at a time, no more than three times a day, immediately after meals. The full course of treatment is 2 weeks, then a week break is taken. Used for dizziness, insomnia, headaches and increased fatigue.

Alcohol tincture can be prepared from lemongrass seeds. In that folk remedy The peeled seeds of the plant are used. The pulp can be used to make syrup or jam; it is not required in the recipe.

The seeds need to be crushed and poured with a 50% solution of medical alcohol or high-quality vodka. The product must be infused for 2 weeks. During the infusion process, it needs to be shaken periodically. The finished product is filtered through cheesecloth and stored in a tightly sealed container in a dark and cool place.

An alcohol tincture of Chinese lemongrass seeds is used for to strengthen the immune system, combat colds and low blood pressure. It also helps in the treatment of male impotence and is an effective remedy for increased fatigue, nervous exhaustion and stress.

For cooking lemongrass decoction need to take dried berries lemongrass and grind them in a coffee grinder. You need to grind both the pulp and the seeds. The finished powder is poured with boiling water and placed on low heat. Standard proportion– 1 tsp. without top on a glass of water. After boiling, the mixture should be cooked for another 2-3 minutes. The finished product is cooled and filtered through cheesecloth or a sieve. The decoction is used in the same cases as the infusion and is taken according to the same rules.

Chinese lemongrass tea and syrups

Schizandra juice is used not only as a remedy. It can be used to make wines, soft drinks, tea and sugar syrup.

In medicine juice used to treat depression, chronic fatigue, to combat stress and as a natural stimulant. It can be recommended, for example, to students during a session. The juice also helps with gastritis with low acidity. But long-term use is fraught with nervous and physical exhaustion of the body. To prepare Chinese lemongrass juice you need:

  • Take freshly picked berries and run them through a juicer.
  • You can grind them in a meat grinder and squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass, straining everything through cheesecloth.
  • The liquid is poured into sterilized jars, heated for 15-20 minutes over medium heat, then rolled up.
  • If desired, you can add sugar to the juice.
  • To take 1 tsp. dissolve in a glass of water or tea and drink before meals 3 times a day. The full course of treatment is 3 weeks.

For cooking tea The bark, young shoots, leaves and berries of schizandra are used. They can be used fresh or dried. All components are taken in equal proportions, crushed and mixed. To prepare tea, add 1 cup of boiling water to 1 tsp. collection The tea should steep for 5-10 minutes in a sealed container. It can be used as a mild tonic and to fight colds.

You can make healthy food from Schisandra chinensis sugar syrup. The preparation uses pre-squeezed juice, sugar and water. The following sequence of actions must be followed:

  • First you need to pour 1 kg of sugar into 0.4-0.5 liters of boiling water and mix thoroughly.
  • The finished sugar syrup is mixed with lemongrass juice.
  • For 0.5 liters of schizandra juice, take 1 liter of sugar syrup.
  • The mixture is poured into sterilized glass jars and sealed.
  • It is added 1 tsp. in a glass of water, immediately before meals.

Schisandra fruits and seeds

An effective remedy is lemongrass seed powder. You need to peel the fresh fruits and put the pulp aside. You can make jam, syrup or compote from it. The seeds are dried in the oven at a temperature of 55-60 degrees. They should be dried for 2-3 hours. Then the prepared raw materials are ground in a coffee grinder to a powdery state.

Schisandra seed powder is used on an empty stomach, no more than ¼ tsp. at a time, washed down with tea or water. Can be taken 3 times a day. The full course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Used for increased fatigue, nervous exhaustion, gastritis with increased acidity, low blood pressure and weak immunity.

To prepare candied fruits Chinese lemongrass will need freshly picked berries. To do this you will need:

  • Sort and rinse the fresh fruits of Chinese lemongrass.
  • They are then dried in the oven or in the sun.
  • They need to be slightly dried, but not completely dried.
  • Then the fruits are mixed with sugar. For 1 kg of lemongrass berries, take 2 kg of sugar.
  • Ready mix placed in glass jars.
  • Candied fruits should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Before use, they must steep for 2-3 weeks.

Berries with sugar are added to tea as a vitamin supplement. One serving – 3-5 berries per cup of tea. Helps in the treatment of colds, can be used as a natural stimulant, to restore strength in case of nervous or physical exhaustion.

Use in cosmetology

Chinese lemongrass benefits not only as an effective remedy alternative medicine. It is just as effective in home cosmetology. Extracts, infusions and juices of this plant are also used in industrial production cosmetics.

Chinese lemongrass will do to moisturize facial skin. It uses fresh lemongrass berries. If fresh berries If you don’t have them on hand, you can replace them with juice rolled up in jars. You need to take 1 tsp. fruits and pass them through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. The resulting mass is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream. The mixture is applied to the face in an even layer. After 8-10 minutes, the mask can be washed off with warm water or milk.

You can also cook moisturizing mask. This recipe uses dried schisandra berries and Bee Honey. It is prepared as follows:

  • First 2 tbsp. l. The fruits need to be ground in a meat grinder or blender.
  • They must be ground together with the seeds.
  • The resulting mass is poured into a glass hot water.
  • Then bring to a boil over low heat.
  • After boiling, the mixture must be heated for another 15-20 minutes.
  • The finished product is filtered, cooled and mixed with 2 tsp. bee honey.

The mask helps make the skin elastic, cleanses it and eliminates wrinkles. It can be applied to the face, hands, neck and décolleté.

No less tonic effect another mask will provide. This recipe uses alcohol tincture lemongrass berries, cottage cheese and fat sour cream. You need to mix 3-4 drops of tincture, 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and 2 tbsp. l. sour cream. The resulting product is applied to the face. 10 minutes after application, the mask is carefully washed off. The recipe is used to combat wrinkles and rejuvenate facial skin.

Based on lemongrass you can prepare lotion for oily skin . For its preparation, both fresh and dried berries are taken. The recipe for this remedy is quite simple:

  • You need to skip 2 tbsp. l. schizandra berries through a blender or meat grinder.
  • The resulting mass is poured with 0.5 liters of vodka or a 50% solution of medical alcohol.
  • The tincture is kept for a week, in the dark and cool.
  • Strain the finished tincture through cheesecloth or a sieve, then add 1 tbsp to it. l. glycerin.
  • Before use, the product must be diluted with warm boiled water. For 1 tbsp. l. tinctures take 3 tbsp. l. water.

Lotion homemade used 2 times a day, morning and evening. It can be used to wipe the skin of your hands and face. Helps fight facial rashes, pimples and blackheads.

There is a recipe based on schizandra that is used for hair loss. Young shoots and leaves of vines are used in its preparation, along with fresh fruits. All components are taken in equal proportions, ground and mixed into a homogeneous mass.

The resulting mixture is poured with boiling water in the proportion of 0.5 liters of water per 1 tbsp. l. facilities. The liquid is poured into a thermos and kept in it for 3 hours. Then the product must be carefully filtered. It should be stored in a closed container and used as a rinse after washing your hair. The infusion strengthens hair roots, prevents hair loss, makes hair softer, shiny and elastic.


Chinese Schisandra is quite useful in treating certain diseases and how prophylactic. But there are a number of restrictions on its reception and use.

There are certain contraindications to Schisandra chinensis that are worth remembering:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Allergy.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Problems with the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Injuries to the skull or spine.
  • Epilepsy, mental disorders.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Schisandra is allowed to be taken only for hypotension. Redundant and uncontrolled reception schizandra fruits will also be harmful for people with good health. It can cause physical exhaustion, insomnia and problems with the cardiovascular system.

Schisandra is strictly contraindicated for use by pregnant women, as it can cause miscarriage. Nursing mothers should only take lemongrass in limited quantities.

It is also worth considering personal intolerance to lemongrass. Lemon and acetic acid, vitamin C and a number of its other components can cause allergies. Therefore, allergy sufferers can take this remedy only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Collection and storage

Schisandra is one of the unpretentious and productive plants that are easy to grow. garden plot. This culture prefers shade, warmth and lack of wind. For normal growth, it needs support (this is a vine) and constant watering. Then, 4-5 years after planting, the lemongrass will give its first harvest.

Schisandra fruits are harvested when fully ripe when they turn a bright red color. The ripening period occurs in the autumn months, September and October. It is necessary to collect before frost. To prevent damage to the berries, they are removed in clusters, along with the stalks. It is not advisable to collect them in non-enamelled metal containers. Because of the juice, it begins to oxidize.

After harvesting, the fruits are carefully laid out in an even layer in a dark, dry and warm place. An attic or outdoor sheds are suitable in warm weather. The crop should dry out in 3-4 days. Then the berries are dried in the oven or oven, at a temperature of 55-60 degrees, no higher. Store them in a dry and dark place, in a closed container. Dried fruits retain their medicinal properties for up to 2 years.

Schisandra chinensis is a perennial woody deciduous and climbing plant, shaped like a liana, from the Schisandra family. From folk names The following plants can be distinguished: Chinese schizandra, Manchurian lemongrass or “berry with five tastes”. We will tell you in more detail what the medicinal properties of Schisandra chinensis are and whether there are any contraindications to its use.

Composition of schizandra

The flowers, stems and leaves of schizandra (or Schisandra chinensis) have a characteristic pungent odor reminiscent of lemon. This plant attracts insects with its aroma, so it pollinates quite quickly (usually in May). Then it quickly gains strength and forms scarlet berries. The fruits of lemongrass are soft, have the thinnest skin, juicy pulp and sour taste. Schisandra fruits are rich in organic acids, vitamins A, C, E and fatty acids such as linoleic, oleic and others. The berries are also full of iron, zinc, magnesium and selenium.

Dried fruits contain coloring and tannin, bioflavonoids, saponin, pectin substances, as well as essential oil. Fresh berries contain some sugar.

Beneficial properties of Chinese lemongrass

Chinese lemongrass is in the TOP 10 most useful plants world with medicinal properties.

Did you know?In China, doctors have been using not only the berries, but also the branches, leaves, bark, roots, and flowers of Schisandra for more than 2000 years to treat various diseases.

What are the benefits of Chinese lemongrass? Below is a list of beneficial properties of this plant.

  1. Schisandra helps against depression and stress, effectively affecting the mental as well as physical state of a person. Very positive action has an impact on male body, improves a man’s mood and gives him a boost of energy throughout the day. Schisandra is a natural stimulant of the central nervous system, so it is often used as a tonic. For example, in eastern countries Schizandra fruits are consumed in order to maintain high productivity throughout the work week.

  2. Has a refreshing, energizing and stimulating effect, especially noticeable after intense exercise. brain activity, which requires a lot of energy, concentration, and quick decisions. Schisandra seeds are used as medicine. They can relieve tiredness, drowsiness, and combat bad mood and well-being. Schizandra improves the activity of brain cells. Fruits can increase the amount of the enzyme glutathione, which is responsible for mental clarity and promotes rapid adaptation to external stimuli. This plant is also intended to improve human mental health.

  3. Hormonal balance in the body is maintained by positive influence plants for the adrenal glands. In the presence of phytoestrogen, berries fight premenstrual syndromes in women, as well as unpleasant symptoms menopause.
  4. They have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle. Preparations containing Schisandra protect heart tissue and also restore damage after taking cardiotoxic drugs. medicines, for example, during chemotherapy. Schisandra contains: a large number of antioxidants that allow you to treat heart disease of any type.
  5. Liver function improves significantly if a person takes medications based on schisandra. Liver cells regenerate better, as schizandra protects them from various toxins.
  6. And finally, the last beneficial property of Schisandra chinensis is considered to be the effect of the fat-soluble component contained in the seeds of the plant. The functioning of the liver is also influenced by forty lignans, which promote the regeneration of hepatocytes. They also protect against the damaging effects of certain medications, as well as alcohol and solvents that are widely used in industrial activities.
  7. Did you know?Based on schizandra, the drug "Shizadrin C" has been developed, which protects against hepatitis and has already helped five hundred patients in the treatment.

    Schisandra extract also inhibits the spread of cancer cells. But on this moment Doctors are inclined to believe that schizandra should not be used in the treatment of cancer, since in-depth studies have not yet been carried out.

    Other beneficial properties of lemongrass include:

  • allows you to get rid of lingering cough, bronchial asthma and pneumonia;
  • with its help you can avoid complications of diabetes;
  • has a positive effect on blood composition;
  • prevents eyeball fatigue;
  • reduces sweating;
  • used for indigestion;
  • promotes healing of skin ulcers;
  • recommended for heavy menstruation;
  • increases immunity;
  • protects against flu;
  • allows you to maintain youth longer.

Branches and leaves

The branches and leaves of Chinese Schisandra are rich in essential oil, therefore, lemongrass tincture can bring both benefit and harm (in the wrong quantities) in the treatment of scurvy or childhood dysentery.

Berries of the plant

Schisandra berries are also useful due to the content of substances rich in oils, catechin, and anthocyanin. With their help, tuberculosis, bronchitis, anemia, stomach, intestines, and liver are treated. Chinese lemongrass tea helps treat various diseases such as flu, cough, etc.

How to prepare Chinese lemongrass

In order to prepare a plant, you must first cut the berries, being careful not to damage the brush on which they grow: without support, the plant will stop bearing fruit and die. The barrel is perfect for storing lemongrass. You can also use a basket.

Important!Galvanized buckets can cause berries to oxidize due to their juice.

Two ways to harvest lemongrass:

  1. Fruits that have already been harvested should be dried in the shade for 3 days. Then go through everything and separate the receptacle, branches and impurities. After this, the berries can be dried in an oven at a temperature of 60°C. Fruits that have been processed will not lose their medicinal properties for 2 years.
  2. You can squeeze lemongrass using a hydraulic press. After the fermentation process occurs, the fruits should be washed on a sieve under running water. The seed should be separated and dried in a ventilated dryer. Fruits that have already been dried at a temperature of 40°C are dried at another 70°C.

Medicinal uses of schizandra when the plant is used

As mentioned earlier, lemongrass is used as a tonic for fatigue, diseases of the nervous system, and decreased mental and physical abilities. Schisandra fruits have medicinal properties and can also be used to heal wounds, both external and internal. Helps increase energy and strength in a person.

They are used to make preserves, jams, and juices, since the berries themselves are inedible. In canning, lemongrass juice is added as a seasoning for syrups, compotes and jelly. When pickling cucumbers or tomatoes, it is also often added along with the leaves.

Did you know?Essential oil is especially valuable in the perfumery and soap industries.

Schisandra chinensis is also used as an ornamental plant.

Methods for preparing lemongrass

There are some recipes for Chinese lemongrass and methods for preparing it. Widely used are teas and tinctures.

In order to brew lemongrass tea, you need to dry its leaves or bark. Approximately 15 g needs to be poured hot water and let it brew (4 minutes). You can also add lemongrass leaves to plain tea.

Important!Brewing tea in a thermos is not beneficial; it will also deprive it of any aroma.

If you regularly drink tea with Chinese lemongrass, it will strengthen your immune system and increase your resistance to colds.

How to squeeze and preserve Chinese lemongrass juice

Schisandra juice can be made from collected and squeezed berries. After the juice is obtained, it should be poured into jars and pasteurized for 15 minutes. Then the container is hermetically sealed. The juice can improve body tone and mental abilities. It should be consumed with tea in the following proportion: one spoon per cup of tea.